Patterdale dog. Description, features, care and price of Patterdale

Patterdale Terrier (English: Patterdale Terrier) is a breed of hunting dog not recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, bred in the 17th century in Great Britain.

Patterdales are distinguished by their muscular build, tenacious jaws, loud voice and tireless disposition.

With such a set of qualities, the Patterdale Terrier is in demand as a watchman or security guard, although the breed was not originally bred for this purpose.

History of the Patterdale Terrier breed

The name of the breed comes from the village of Patterdale of the same name, located in the northern part of Britain.

The first “breeders” were peasants and farmers who needed a fast and dexterous hunting assistant.

For these needs, a small dog was required, which would not be expensive to maintain.

Photo 1. The historical age of the Patterdale Terrier breed is more than four centuries

The ancestors of the Patterdale Terrier are local dog breeds, including Bull Terriers.

The first descriptions of the breed have a history of more than four hundred years. Since then, Patterdale Terriers have remained virtually unchanged in appearance.

The Patterdale Terrier is a breed of dog bred specifically for hunting foxes, rabbits, raccoons, badgers and other small animals.

These dogs are very hardy and hardworking, capable of tirelessly chasing prey almost to the point of complete exhaustion in any weather, day or night.

The main distinguishing feature of Patterdales is their outstanding working qualities. During the selection process, the emphasis was placed on them. and not on polishing external money.

Because of this, the breed turned out to be not as presentable as, say, Rottweilers or Shar-Peis, which in no way detracts from all the other advantages of Patterdale Terriers.

The appearance of the first kennel clubs dedicated to these dogs dates back to the early 1930s. Since then, Patterdale Terriers periodically “shine” at exhibitions and competitions.

The breed does not yet have official recognition from the FCI, nor does it have a generally accepted breed standard. Outside of the UK, Patterdale Terriers are uncommon.

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The Patterdale Terrier is characterized by a special body structure - strong and muscular. This body type is especially good in action, which means vigorous activities, be it hunting, walking, traveling or sports. Accordingly, it is very difficult to keep such a pet in a small apartment. He will need long and tiring walks.

Only when the muscles work and all the energy is used will the dog be happy and kind. Breeders have noticed that the more you walk a dog, the calmer and healthier it is. It is better not to get such a dog if you do not have your own land.

Patterdale Terrier: description of the breed

Patterdale Terriers are medium-sized dogs. Weight ranges from 5.5-6 kg with slight variations in one direction or another, with a height of no more than 35 cm.

Photo 2. Representative of the Wirehaired Patterdale

The coat is short and dense to the touch. There is no undercoat.

The most common colors are black and tan, pure black, red and dark brown.

A number of morphological characteristics clearly show the genetic relationship of Patterdale Terriers with Bull Terriers: a wide chest, a strong and straight back, straight limbs, a strong and proportional head set on a muscular neck.

This body constitution is due to the tasks that were initially set for the breed during the selection process: to be able to pursue prey, overcome bushes, thick grass, dig into holes and boldly enter into confrontation with animals not much smaller in size than the pursuer.

Miniature Fox Terrier

This breed was bred in Australia in the 19th century in order to hunt rabbits and destroy rats, and is a hunting breed. English fox terriers and small dogs, the breed of which has not been established, were used for crossing.

The lifespan of a pet is about 14 years.

The pet reaches a height of 40 cm and weighs about 8 kg.

The color of the miniature fox terrier is characterized by white with black and brown splashes, the coat is smooth, even in length, it is quite soft and pleasant to the touch.

The Fox Terrier can be kept in an apartment, but it is necessary to provide him with constant sufficient physical activity.

Miniature Fox Terriers are very friendly, sociable dogs, they are very attached to their owner, but they are demanding of attention. If the animal feels a lack of attention, destructive behavior and excessive barking may occur.

The Miniature Fox Terrier can be kept in a home where there are small children, as the dog is quite kind and playful.

A pet can be jealous of other pets and sometimes show aggression, so leaving it alone with other animals is not recommended.

Personality of the Patterdale Terrier

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their kind and cheerful disposition, and a genetic predisposition to communicate with humans.

Photo 3. Patterdale terrier puppy

The dog is unpretentious to external conditions and undemanding in terms of care and maintenance.

Patterdale Terriers are well adapted to urban environments and excel as domestic companions.

If they are treated with respect, they respond in kind: selfless love and sincere friendliness.

These dogs are not prone to depression; they love an active lifestyle, active games and walks in the fresh air, and even better - in the forest, city parks or country fields.

Pros and cons of the breed

Patterdale Terriers have the following strengths/weaknesses:

Agility, speed, maneuverabilityExcessive activity
Devotion, recognition of the authority of the ownerIt's hard to live in apartments
Inconsistency in foodDoesn't get along with other pets
Endurance, are working class dogsCannot tolerate rodents, considers them as a target
Does not require special careThey often bark loudly at the slightest danger.
Are in good health

Maintenance and care of the Patterdale Terrier

Naturally short-haired, Patterdale Terriers do not require special coat care. Stroking your pet's fur with a rubber brush 1-2 times a week is quite enough.

Photo 4. Patterdale Terriers often take part in exhibitions

The Patterdale Terrier needs bathing only when the coat is externally soiled. In the summer, however, he will be happy to take water baths in the fresh air when swimming in open water.

Patterdales are completely unpretentious in their diet, preferably eating meat. Traditional products can (and should) be “diluted” with industrial feeds - the more expensive, the better for health.

Among natural products, they are recommended to eat boiled meat, rice or buckwheat porridge, sea fish (with a minimum of bones), and fermented milk products (sour cream, milk).

It is useful to periodically add small amounts of vitamin E to food along with vegetable oil, as well as special vitamin complexes.

Feeding rules

The Patterdale Terrier is also unpretentious in its diet - it prefers meat food, but remember that in addition to meat, you must give your pet cereals, boiled and raw vegetables, and fermented milk products. It is also worth periodically adding small amounts of vitamin E and special vitamin complexes to the feed.

You can feed your dog dry food - but buy premium and super-premium food, they contain all the necessary substances, microelements and vitamins for your pet to grow healthy and active.

There should always be a bowl of clean, cold water readily available.

Health and diseases of the Patterdale Terrier

By nature, Patterdale Terriers are endowed with excellent health and no predisposition to diseases.

In rare cases, they are susceptible to ailments such as enterocolitis, hepatopathy, degenerative myelopathy, and bursitis.

Photo 5. Patterdale Terriers are incorrigible hunters

If you eat improperly, stomach upsets may occur.

Patterdales live on average 12-13 years.

Before you get a Patterdale Terrier puppy, you should make sure that it is in perfect health.

When examining a puppy, you should pay attention to the cleanliness of the skin, the absence of dandruff on the coat, foreign discharge from the eyes and ears, fatness, behavior (“fire in the eyes”, cheerfulness, sociability, curiosity, activity, goodwill).

It is better to entrust such an examination to a veterinarian by calling him at home, or by contacting the nearest animal clinic.

If necessary, your pet will have to undergo preventive vaccinations.


The health of Patterdale Terriers is excellent; these dogs are almost not susceptible to diseases. Only occasionally in the veterinary office are diagnoses such as hepatopathy, enterocolitis, bursitis, degenerative myelopathy heard while Patterdale Terriers are there.

The average lifespan of these dogs is 12-13 years.

A few words about the PetStory mobile application

On the PetStory website you will find all the necessary information on how to choose the right pet, what to feed it, and how to care for it. You will find out where veterinary clinics are located in your area, what services they provide, you can find out prices and make an appointment.

You can also download the mobile application to your phone and no longer be tied to your computer - through the mobile application you can find all the necessary information, as well as consult with our veterinarians.

Download the specialized application for pet owners Petstory on the IOS and Android platforms using the link –

Raising a Patterdale Terrier

During the process of being raised, Patterdale Terriers become attached to their owners; they love it very much when they are spoken to in a calm and even voice and treated with respect.

These dogs get along well with all household members, including children. Strangers are perceived with caution and suspicion. The socialization process is usually easy and natural.

Photo 6. Attentive look of the Patterdale Terrier

Relationships with other animals can be uneven: the hunting instinct of the Patterdale Terrier takes its toll. If the puppy has been raised with other animals since childhood, there will be no problems with further communication between them.

Patterdale Terriers need daily walks in the fresh air with active games.

It is worth limiting the access of these dogs to vegetable gardens and crops, since at the first opportunity they will instinctively strive to dig holes and holes.

Patterdales are trained easily and naturally, learning new commands on the fly.

Character and disposition

This dog is simply created for hunters. The fearless Patterdale Terrier goes after badgers, raccoons and foxes with great pleasure. The character of this breed is bold, courageous, and furious. It easily penetrates holes, kills the victim in its lair and carries it out to the owner.

The active and agile Patterdale Terrier will appeal to the same people and is absolutely not suitable for a person who is weak-willed, impatient and lazy. Also, it should not be owned by pensioners, as it is very difficult to keep the dog on a leash. At the sight of any animal that is more or less similar to prey, the Pattererdale Terrier will rush into pursuit, and then into battle.

If such a dog is raised with other animals from puppyhood, then you can count on their continued friendship. If you bring a kitten or other small creature into a house with an adult Patterdale, the dog will perceive it as prey.

Gardeners should not get such a dog, as it simply loves to dig huge holes. It is unlikely that a good harvest will grow after her invasion of the land.

Not recommended for families with preschool children. The Patterdale Terrier gets along only with adults and teenagers, and can bite a child.

This is a fairly independent dog; sometimes it may seem that it is absolutely indifferent to the members of the household. It's not like that at all. The Patterdale Terrier will be jealous of its owner, protect him from danger, and love him immensely.

An active dog should not be left alone during puppyhood. He needs attention, a lack of it will lead to chewed furniture and shoes. Daily physical activity and walking for at least two hours are necessary for the proper development of the dog.

Patterdale Terrier: prices, kennels and where to buy

Prices for Patterdale Terrier puppies can reach 15-20 thousand rubles, depending on the state of the pedigree and other title documents.

Photo 7. Patterdale Terriers are excellent companions

Such dogs can be purchased second-hand for 5-8 thousand rubles.

Most of the puppies of this breed come to us from abroad, mainly from England, where the main nurseries are located.

The breed is rare, so you should be wary of fakes and selling non-purebred puppies.

You can buy a Patterdale Terrier puppy by following advertisements on reputable websites of the relevant topic.

Patterdale Terrier (video):

What to feed?

If dry food is chosen to feed your dog, then it should only be luxury and premium. They are already filled with essential vitamins and minerals.

If the food is natural, then it should be balanced. The Patterdale Terrier is a real predator; we must not forget about meat in its diet.

Required products for this breed:

  • Boiled carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin and zucchini + boiled meat. The ratio should be: 40% vegetables and 60% meat;
  • boiled buckwheat or rice (40%) + 60% boiled meat;
  • kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese;
  • sea ​​fish (boiled).

All fried foods, river fish, pork, sweets and baked goods are contraindicated.

English toy terrier

This is a very rare breed, which, as the name implies, was obtained in England in the 19th century. The International Canine Association and the English Kennel Club recognize this dog as a separate breed, but the American Kennel Club failed to obtain recognition of the English Toy Terrier - it classifies the dog as a variety of Manchester Terrier. The breed is now considered endangered.

The English Toy Terrier is a small dog - the height at the withers reaches no more than 30 cm, the weight of the animal is from 2.5 to 3.5 kg.

The lifespan of a pet is about 13 years.

Terrier coat color has clear standards and is characterized by black and tan. The color should not mix or flow into one another; according to the standard, it has a clear boundary in the transition of colors.

The Toy Terrier is characterized by energy, endurance, excellent hearing, responsibility, and a wary attitude towards strangers. It cannot be said that the “Englishman” is very obedient and devoted, but over time, if you educate him and make efforts to train him, his character changes for the better.

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