Griffin dog. Description, features, types, care and maintenance of the griffin breed

History of the origin of the breed

It is not known for certain what breeds of dogs became the progenitors of the griffons, which are part of the group of small Belgian dogs. It is known that the first representatives of the breed had a long muzzle and had a hard coat, which is why they bore the long name - the Small Belgian Wirehaired Terrier.

The opinions of breeders and historians of the breed are divided: some believe that the ancestors of the Belgian griffins were the Affen Pinschers, also known as the Monkey Smooth-haired Pinschers; others are schnauzers, Yorkshire terriers and pugs.

Looking at modern representatives of the breed, the second version seems more plausible, since there is a clear resemblance to pugs: a round face with round shiny eyes, a snub-nosed flattened nose.

The reliable facts are as follows: since the 15th century in Belgium, these dogs have been loved by representatives of high society; they were often kept in the stables of rich houses as rat and mouse catchers.

The first exhibition in which representatives of the breed took part took place in 1880. The breed made an impression, however, there was no rush to recognize it. The standard was officially published only 20 years later - in 1904. It has changed many times, including in the recent past. The last changes were made in 2003.



  • This breed is quite active. Physical activity is important to them: games, jogging, training. Of course, 10-20 minutes a couple of times a day is enough for a “walk”, but then all the main physical activity of the pet will take place in the apartment.
  • With insufficient walks, Belgian Griffons begin to feel sad ; breeders claim that the lack of fresh air negatively affects the life expectancy of these dogs.
  • The best option would be joint tourist trips , morning and evening jogging. Sometimes even the most banal shopping trip can become a real adventure for a griffon.
  • For walking, you should choose a harness and tape measure. Leashes and collars are not recommended: due to its small size, such a dog can be strangled. You can only release it when the pet knows the basic commands and is accustomed to walking next to its owner. Otherwise, he may run away.

It is important to let your pet communicate with the outside world: sniff the ground, other dogs, people. However, you should watch what your pet chews and licks.

Description of the breed

Despite the fact that the Belgian Griffon is part of the triad of small Belgian dogs, it has its own standard, the main parameters of which are:

  • The dog is small in size - height from 15 to 23 cm, weight from 5 to 7 kg. If your pet is overweight, this is a reason to think about prescribing dietary food and reducing portions;
  • There is no noticeable difference in size between males and females;
  • Square build, with a broad chest and well-developed muscles;
  • Paws of medium length, physically developed;
  • High tail;
  • The head is round, with the lower jaw protruding slightly forward;
  • Neat ears hanging down the sides. The standard allows for docking or leaving it in its natural state. After docking, the ears should stand;
  • The eyes are large and round in shape;
  • The wool is long and stiff, with a structure reminiscent of soft wire;
  • Acceptable colors: black and its variable combinations with red tan;
  • A distinctive feature is the elongated hair on the muzzle;
  • Griffons are the longest-lived among decorative dog breeds; on average, they live 13-16 years.


Distinctive features

Small Belgian dogs are similar in their body structure: almost square in shape (length equal to the height at the withers), strong skeleton, flat, funny muzzle. Height – 26-32 cm, weight 3-6 kg, parameters are not divided by pet’s gender and subspecies.

A special characteristic feature can be considered a bald head and a long thick beard. This makes the griffon look like an old man, giving sternness and wisdom to their appearance.

Breeding of the breed is meticulous. All dogs that do not meet the standards are excluded from the breeding lists so as not to spread the defects to the next offspring. Griffons with increased aggressiveness, modesty, or body deformations that do not correspond to their size may be considered “defective” and transferred to the pet class (pets).

Main features of the breed:

  • The head is much larger than the body and has a characteristic spherical shape. The stop is strongly pronounced and the forehead is rounded. The muzzle is flat (no more than 1.5 cm in length), slightly longer for Brabançon. The jaw is wide, the teeth are small, the bite is of the “overshot” type (the lower jaw overlaps the upper jaw). The mouth is tightly closed (neither fangs nor tongue are shown). The lips are black, not jagged.
  • The nose is only black, upturned, flat (the line of the forehead, chin and nose are almost in the same plane), located at eye level.
  • The eyes are wide-set, round, large. The color of the iris is dark brown. Open white of the eye is unacceptable.
  • The ears are small, set high and wide. Can be cropped; undocked ears are also acceptable (in which case the ears hang in triangles).
  • The body is predominantly square in shape with a strong skeleton. The withers are raised, the loin is wide and muscular. The croup is slightly sloping. The chest is quite deep, the ribs are flattened. The stomach is tucked.
  • The tail is usually shortened (2/3 of the length). Set either high or at the level of the lumbar line. Aims upward. A curly tail is not acceptable, only straight, short hair.
  • The limbs are parallel , strong, widely set, the hind limbs are slightly longer than the front. The hock and knee joints are well developed. The paw pads are round, black, tightly compressed.
  • The coat of the Belgian and Brussels Griffons is uneven, hard, wavy, long with a good undercoat. Silkyness and excessive curliness are not allowed. A thick beard grows on the muzzle (from the nose, spreading to the ears). The Brabant has a short coat (1-2 cm), flat and shiny.
  • Belgian color: black, tan, black-brown. Brussels : red, sandy. Brabant : black, red, and red.

How to distinguish a Belgian Griffon from a Brussels Griffon

In the canine world, there is no clear opinion regarding the classification of these dogs as different breeds or variants of one.

Despite the fact that they have almost the same names and are part of the same group, there are differences in appearance regarding color and coat type:

  1. The Brussels Griffon's coat color can only range from red to brown, while the Belgian's coat color is black. This is the main difference;
  2. The coat is similar in many ways. However, Belgians have a less dense undercoat and a slightly coarser outer coat.

It is difficult to confuse representatives of these two branches of small dogs in Belgium, the main thing to remember is that one of them always remains brown-haired, the other brunette. The third dog of the group: Petit Brabançon is a short-haired, black or red dog.



Experienced breeders know that dogs become sexually mature at 12-14 months of life , but animals cannot be bred that early, because they are not yet able to conceive and bear offspring.

  1. Usually, bitches are brought on their 3rd heat (15-17 days from the start) . It is important to choose a male that is slightly smaller in size than the female, so that the puppies are not too large for her body.
  2. For the first time, you can contact a specialist . He will tell you what to do and help the dogs during the act.
  3. The pets are walked together, most often on an empty stomach, and then taken to the dog’s territory. Usually animals behave actively: sniffing, flirting. If there is no such reaction, then it is possible that the dogs do not perceive each other.
  4. During the process, the male is helped to find a comfortable position and the girl is held. After the “lock” has occurred, the pets are not released for another 30-40 minutes . Repeated mating is carried out after 2 days.

Character and behavioral characteristics

It is not for nothing that the breed was once so loved by royalty. Griffon is a true aristocrat of the dog world. It has:

  • Equilibrium. Almost always, these kids remain calm and confident. They love children very much, but the owner should be careful and not leave the Belgian alone with small children;
  • Bravery and willingness to defend the owner is another characteristic feature. Griffon will not look at his small size and the size of his opponent if danger threatens his beloved family;
  • Discipline, allowing you to quickly understand and accept all the basic family rules;
  • Amazing cleanliness. There are often cases when griffons learn to bring a napkin to their owner in order to wipe his face. These animals will not wipe the remains of food from their muzzles on the owner’s things, since they themselves hate dirt;
  • Shyness. They are not shy, but they avoid strangers because they do not really understand how to behave. Therefore, your pet will not cause any trouble with aggressive or intrusive behavior towards guests.

In general, the character of such a pet allows him to be a devoted companion, a caring guard and a nanny. Suitable as companions for older people.


Education and training

It is better to start raising a pet from the moment it arrives in the family. This rule applies to any animal.

A positive aspect of raising a Belgian Griffon is its natural intelligence. You won't need much effort to get him to behave decently.

But it should be remembered that the dog’s character is strongly focused on the owner. She finds it difficult to remain alone even for a short time. Therefore, when planning a long trip, you should seriously think about how and where the dog will spend this time. The best solution would be to take it with you. Otherwise, the dog may be seriously offended by the owner and his behavior will deteriorate.

In addition, you should not constantly keep your animal in a cage at home. They really need physical contact. Otherwise, it is possible to develop depression and commit hooligan acts in order to attract attention.

Griffons quickly master any commands. The main thing in training is regularity, gentleness and encouragement.



Kennels where Belgian Griffon dogs are bred:

  • H'it Ulduz, Mytishchi, Moscow region
  • Neo Classics, Mytishchi, Moscow region https://chihuahua.rf.
  • Cerberus, Mytishchi, Moscow region (link to website

Belgian Griffons are small, friendly pets that are ideal for keeping in city apartments. The dogs are cheerful and energetic, they have a pleasant, funny face with smart human eyes. Animals will not let their owners get bored; they will cheer up and brighten up the loneliness of elderly people.

Diseases and care

It is possible to keep a griffon only in an apartment or house. Maintenance is minimal and uncomplicated, although it often requires additional material costs. Rules:

  • They do not tolerate high and low temperatures well. You will need special clothing to protect from the cold and limit your time outside in the heat;
  • Long walks in the fresh air are necessary;
  • I take a walk before feeding;
  • Nails are trimmed once or twice a month;
  • Hygiene of fur on the face after eating;
  • Regular inspection and treatment of folds on the face to avoid inflammation and diaper rash;
  • Examination of ears and teeth is carried out as usual, contacting a veterinarian in case of problems;
  • You should not bathe your dog often; colds and dry skin are possible.

The only thing that requires special attention is the animal’s fur, which needs regular combing and trimming.

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Posted by Ozzy (@ozzy_petit_brabanson) Dec 17, 2022 at 10:22 PST

A haircut

The hard and thick coat of the griffon needs not only combing, but also trimming. This procedure is carried out two to four times a year. If you do not pluck out the old wool, the entire coat will become covered with tangles, and the floor will be strewn with hair.

A pinched dog looks neat, the contours of an athletic body are visible.

In addition, you need to trim the facial hair regularly. Such procedures require concentration, time and skill. Therefore, it is better to entrust trimming and cutting to professionals. If the owner decides to carry out the procedure on his own, it is worth contacting a salon, where a specialist will show you which zones to distribute trimming into, what is the best way to carry it out and at what time.

After the procedure, some dogs may experience skin problems: minor bruises, pimples, sores. Usually, they go away on their own, but it is better to wash them with a special antiseptic shampoo diluted with water. If problems persist, you need to visit a veterinarian.



The dogs are distinguished by good health and the absence of genetic pathologies.

Typical diseases can be identified:

  • Eye diseases: cataracts, ingrown eyelashes, eyeball loss;
  • Breathing problems related to the shape of the head and narrow nasal passages. This is also where problems with loud snoring come from;
  • Tartar and periodontal disease;
  • Hydrocephalus;
  • Difficult childbirth in bitches.

However, all of these diseases are quite rare.



  • Due to the uncertainty surrounding the griffon's ancestry, it is very difficult to determine their genetic weaknesses. In general, this dog is not particularly sickly, with strong immunity and health. In any case, this breed is considered a long-liver (13-15 years, the oldest is 20 years).
  • There are a number of diseases that are often found in Belgian Griffons. However, with proper care and, if necessary, treatment, the pet is not in danger.


Vaccination is required for all domestic dogs. It provides immunity from dangerous infectious and viral diseases. Usually the cost of vaccination does not exceed 1000 rubles, but this depends on the drug.

Before the procedure itself, it is necessary to cleanse the pet’s body of worms and other parasites using special tablets (purchased at a pet store). You also need to maintain home care, because puppies are most susceptible to dangerous bacteria. After vaccination, it is important to provide the griffon with an incubation period (14-15 days).

There are two types of basic vaccinations for dogs:

  • Complex vaccination (enteritis, leptospirosis, para-influenza, plague) is done at 1.5, 2.5, 6, 12 months consistently and is updated every year.
  • Rabies vaccination is required for export abroad ; the puppy is vaccinated at 7 months and annually thereafter.

All procedures are carried out in veterinary clinics by specialists. It is also necessary to obtain a veterinary passport - the main document of the pet. All medications that your dog has taken or is taking, in particular, anthelmintics and flea medications, will be entered there.


Representatives of this breed are characterized by several classifications of diseases:

  1. Eye diseases: extra eyelashes, conjunctivitis, loss of eyeballs (weak eye muscles), cataracts, problems with the eyes;
  2. Dislocations of the kneecaps (most often due to unscrupulous breeders and poor conditions for keeping the puppy);
  3. Viral and infectious diseases (if all vaccinations are available, the risks are reduced to 10-15%);
  4. Parasites (both intestinal and cutaneous);
  5. Difficult pregnancy and childbirth (due to the small size, it is sometimes difficult for a female to bear and give birth to healthy puppies, veterinarians help with this).

Since these dogs are not particularly prone to various health problems, it is important for the owner to monitor the pet (feeding, coat) and the likelihood of losing the animal will decrease.


If you choose to feed with ready-made dry formulas, be sure to use premium food. You cannot overfeed your dog; gastrointestinal problems and vomiting may occur.

On natural feeding, the basis of nutrition should be the following products:

  • chicken and turkey;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • beef;
  • sour milk;
  • fruits.

Sweets, smoked foods, and sausages are absolutely excluded. Such products are deadly. Legumes, milk and small bones, and ice cream are prohibited.

In the summer, it is necessary to reduce the serving size and increase the amount of water.

Bowls with food should be placed so that they are at chest level. Otherwise, problems with the spine and stomach are possible.



Despite their tiny size, pugs love to eat well. They are playful, active, and expend a lot of energy. Therefore, dogs' diet should be varied and balanced. Some breeders prefer ready-made dry food. In this case, vitamins and mineralized supplements should be added.

Home pupils are fed:

  • Cottage cheese, fermented milk products;
  • Oatmeal or buckwheat porridge;
  • Meat products, preferably chicken by-products - gizzards, hearts, livers.
  • With a bone you can give a wing or a neck;
  • Sometimes give a quail egg;
  • A few vegetables, the pug is a real predator - initially did not eat vegetables;
  • Add vitamins and minerals.

You should consult your veterinarian about vitamin supplements when determining the portions for a single dose of the drug. If the nutrition is correct. The pet will be cheerful, active, and have shiny fur. After eating, wash the puppy's beard, combing it to give it shape.

Price and where to buy a puppy

Belgian Griffon puppies are not cheap, you need to understand this and not respond to advertisements with low prices. Only in a professional nursery can you buy a healthy representative of the breed, which will grow up and delight the owner with its thoroughbred exterior.

In addition, professional breeders are assistants to owners who are ready to give advice on the care and treatment throughout the pet’s life.

The cost of a puppy depends on the prospects of their exhibition career. If pet-class puppies cost from 12 to 20 thousand rubles, then the cost of show class starts from 40 thousand and above.


Owner reviews

More than 5 years have passed since the death of my dog ​​(lapdog), and I still couldn’t decide to get a new pet. I looked at pugs a couple of times, but never made the decision to buy a puppy. On my birthday, my husband gave me a gift - a little miracle called a Belgian Griffon. Now this dog has firmly taken its place as the main favorite in our family, thanks to its cute appearance and extraordinary intelligence. I think that from now on my heart will forever belong only to this breed.

Alena, Moscow.

I approached the choice of a dog with all responsibility. I needed a companion and friend who would accompany me always and everywhere. Friends advised me to pay attention to Belgian Griffons, claiming that these dogs are excellent company for a lonely man. After studying the offers of several nurseries, I finally made up my mind. A few weeks later this cheerful creature appeared in my house, who to this day is always and everywhere next to me. I don't regret my choice at all, these dogs are truly unique.

Sergey, Murmansk.

I have been working with Belgian Griffons for a very long time, as I am a professional breeder of this breed. After many years of experience, I can say the following: these dogs are absolutely not suitable for those who like to spend all their free time at home. Griffons require daily physical effort and, if this rule is not followed, the dog will get sick and live a very short life. Therefore, I always take a close look at potential owners and try to learn as much as possible about their lifestyle.

Vladimir, St. Petersburg.

We purchased our Belgian Griffon from a well-known nursery. The price for the puppy was certainly not low, but it was worth it. Our Darcy and I regularly participate in exhibitions and in our 2 years we already have 3 medals. We will continue to win awards.

Milan, Kirov.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Belgian Griffons are part of the small dog group of Belgium;
  2. Favorites of aristocrats and excellent rat catchers;
  3. They have a stable psyche, a companion and a mini guard;
  4. The characteristic color that distinguishes it from other small dogs of Belgium is black;
  5. Have good health and long life expectancy;
  6. Wool needs constant care - combing, trimming and cutting;
  7. You should pay maximum attention to the preparation of your diet; you should feed only premium food;
  8. The basis of natural nutrition is meat and cereals;
  9. Natural food should not contain harmful products, this is deadly for the Belgian Griffon;
  10. Buy a puppy only from a professional nursery.

brief information

A few important facts about the breed:

  • Name: Petit Brabançon.
  • Homeland - Belgium.
  • Average body weight is 3-6 kg.
  • Height at the withers is 16-26 cm.
  • The fur is dense and hard.

The life expectancy of Brabançons is 12-15 years (with proper care).

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