Comparison of Alabai and dogs of other breeds: physical capabilities of pets and which of them is stronger

Let’s immediately determine that the pit bull is a fighting dog, and the Alabai is a guard dog. The Alabai has very thick skin, which protects it from mechanical damage, but the dogs are very slow and clumsy by nature. Pit bulls are energetic and active, although small in size. In a normal situation, a pit bull will easily prevail over an Alabai, but if the second one is well baited and angry, most likely he will defeat the nimble pit bull due to his physical strength and mass. With proper fighting training, each dog can become a winner in a fight, regardless of the different weight categories.

Origin of rocks

The pit bull has its origins in 19th century Old England. Its ancestors are considered to be Old English terriers and bulldogs. The creators of the breed tried to make their brainchild as strong and ferocious as possible, because it was used to bait bulls and bears. In the 30s of the same century, this type of activity became illegal.

But fans of the bloody sport were not too upset, as the baiting was replaced by the infamous dog fighting. It was there that pit bulls flourished, literally crowding out all other breeds.

Over time, dog fighting also became an illegal business, but this did not greatly affect the popularity of pit bulls. They were brought to the United States, where they have long been considered one of the most popular breeds.

Alabai (or Central Asian Shepherd Dog) is an older breed and belongs to the Molosser group. It is known for certain that the first representatives of this breed were widespread 4 thousand years ago. They lived over large territories stretching from the shores of the Caspian Sea to China and Afghanistan.

Local residents used them for grazing livestock and transporting heavy loads. In the 1930s, Soviet dog handlers became interested in them, seeking to create an ideal working dog. It was from then on that Alabaevs began to be purposefully bred.

Description of the pit bull breed

Pit bull terriers are annually included in the top 10 most popular breeds in America; these formidable animals have become a kind of symbol of American dog breeding.

Such love for these four-legged animals is due to the fact that at the time of their appearance in the New World they were used for almost any purpose. And for hunting, and for protecting housing, and even as shepherds. In the 20th century, they also began to be used for service in the police and army. This versatility is caused by a unique predisposition to training. These animals quickly remember commands and happily carry them out. If a dog sees a leader in your face, it will never disobey or betray.

As for the legends about their bloodthirstiness, these are nothing more than fiction. Over the last century, much work has been done to improve the psychological state of these animals.

If we talk about the physical characteristics of pit bull terriers, then these are quite large dogs, growing up to 45 - 55 cm. They weigh about 15 - 28 kg. The gender characteristic is not very pronounced, males are only slightly larger than females. The body structure is powerful and compact, the animal itself is extremely hardy and strong.

Description of the Alabai breed

The Central Asian Shepherd is one of the greatest prides of domestic dog breeding. Since ancient times, these giants helped our ancestors in the inaccessible northern regions. After some time, they were adapted for an extremely dangerous task - hunting wolves. It’s not for nothing that people called them wolfhounds.

In the USSR, they were often used for official purposes by the military, but this was abandoned over time.

The fact is that selection was never able to cope with one feature of these big guys - their dominant and wayward character. If an alabai sees a target in front of him, then it will be extremely difficult to stop him.

And, naturally, such behavior is unacceptable in the service. However, if you are a strong personality and have established a connection with your pet from the very beginning, then there should be no problems with him. The main thing is to understand that this is not a simple sociable dog, but a serious companion who demands respect.

The official international standard was approved in 1989. And according to him, these are very large dogs, growing up to 65 - 70 cm. Their weight is at least 40 kg for females, while boys grow even heavier.

Who is stronger?

This is a very common question asked among dog lovers. It is quite difficult to find an unambiguous answer to this, because any such comparison is purely theoretical.

If we are talking about a direct collision, then everything is not so simple. The Alabai, it would seem, has the same advantage in size and strength, but the pit bull was originally a fighting dog. They were trained specifically for battles with opponents superior in strength and size. For example, in fights, pit bull terriers always aim at the neck of their adversary, since this is the most vulnerable place of the four-legged animals.

If you live in a private home and are considering buying a guard dog, then both of these breeds will be ideal candidates for you.

Their undoubted advantage is their low cost. An ordinary Alabai puppy without a pedigree can be purchased for 15 thousand rubles.

The cost of pit bull puppies ranges from 10 to 20 thousand. However, the main thing is not to forget that due to their size, these tailed human friends will need more food, mainly meat. So subsequently their maintenance can cost you a pretty penny.


Differences in appearance

There are several points by which you can determine which breed is in front of you. You should rely on the differences in the following parts of the body:

The Caucasian Shepherd has a long, hard and thick undercoat, while the Alabai has the opposite. In the spring, each breed sheds. The first ones need to be combed every day or at least every other day so that the fur does not get tangled. Alabaev does not need to be combed so often, and in order to avoid skin diseases, during molting it should be done more often.

Comparison of Alabai and dogs of other breeds: physical capabilities of pets and which of them is stronger

Alabai is one of the strongest and most resilient dog breeds in the world.
These dogs are distinguished by their courage, bravery and viciousness towards the enemy, which makes them very dangerous in battle.

It is not surprising that many Alabai owners are interested in the question: can their pet, if necessary, defeat another large dog or even a wolf?

It would be difficult to give a definite answer to this question.

After all, in addition to height and weight, strength, courage and viciousness in such confrontations, other factors are of considerable importance.

Is dog fighting barbaric, is it necessary to check the wolfhound, or is it a business?

Animal advocates unanimously argue that dog fighting is barbaric. Like, why find out who is stronger if it can lead to the death of the dog? These people are partly right, because dog fights very rarely result in casualties. And especially if such massive and dangerous wolfhounds are involved in the battles. We must not forget that some dogs were bred specifically for this purpose, right?

But if you look at it from the other side, dog owners themselves can decide for what purpose to raise their pet. Of course, fighting is an integral part of the life of any born fighter. After all, if a pet does not show its strength with other animals, then it can do this even involuntarily just on the street. But then the outcome will be sadder.

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Today, dog fighting is prohibited in many countries. Today the practice of holding such events is not as widespread as in the last century. Then such a business could bring fortunes to the organizers. Nowadays, of course, such competitions also bring income to the organizers, professional videos are filmed, and there are even fans of this type of “sport.”

Physical capabilities

Alabais are considered one of the oldest breeds, which for 4000 years was bred almost under conditions of natural selection and a rather harsh climate..

Even in ancient times, they were used not only to protect homes, accompany owners and, sometimes, hunt, but also to protect livestock from wild predators.

The height of these dogs, even today, exceeds 70 cm at the withers, and there are also very tall Alabais, whose dimensions can be even 1 meter at the withers, and their weight can reach 80-90 kg. By the way, today the champion in height and weight among Alabais is a dog named Bulldozer.

They have a thick, but at the same time elastic, resistant to mechanical damage skin, which can serve as good protection from the fangs of other dogs or even from wild predators.

Despite the fact that currently Alabai are more often used for guard duty than for herding and protecting livestock, these dogs still retain the qualities of real wolfhounds, such as anger towards the animal, courage and cold prudence during a duel with a predator .

At the same time, even though Alabai may outwardly look overly massive, clumsy and calm to the point of indifference, these dogs are actually distinguished by their mobility and dexterity.

They know how to evade the enemy’s teeth in battle, and then, after waiting for the right moment, pounce on him with lightning speed . And the strength and massive physique easily allows the Alabai to knock down another animal from a running start, simply by pushing it with its chest or side.

What the Caucasian Shepherd is capable of

These dogs are more hot-tempered and impulsive. They are distinguished by an excellent reaction, a swift attack if necessary, and a high pain threshold.

In a family, the Caucasian wolfhound usually unconditionally recognizes only the owner, but also gets along well with the rest of the family members with whom he grew up. He practically does not recognize strangers, but does not attack unnecessarily.

The height of such dogs is 66–75 cm, weight is 40–75 kg. According to these indicators, Caucasians are inferior to Alabai. And they live a little less, on average up to 11 years.

Who is stronger - Alabai or a wolf?

It is not for nothing that wolves are considered one of the most dangerous predators. They rarely wander alone, but more often stay in a flock.

Gray predators know how to find weak points in their potential victims, and their bites are characterized by the fact that wolves do not squeeze the victim with their jaws, as dogs do, but, as it were, cut it with their teeth.

Even a single bite from a wolf can be fatal. If the victim is lucky and escapes with even a relatively minor injury, then the wolves will pursue her until she becomes weak from blood loss and falls.

What will happen if an Alabai fights a wolf one on one? Here, a lot depends on where and in what conditions both animals grew up.

Alabay of the exhibition lines will most likely turn out to be a useless fighter . But even a wolf raised in captivity will not be able to adequately resist a dog, whose size and weight will be at least comparable to its own dimensions.

For example, an Arabian wolf, weighing about 10 kg, will certainly be defeated by an Alabai even if the dog was not raised and trained for work.

But it will be difficult to resist a tundra or polar wolf even for the alabai, which was raised from childhood to protect livestock from predators.

Indeed, in addition to their enormous size, representatives of these species of wolves have an incredibly powerful grip: the strength of their jaws can reach up to 450 kg/sq. cm. And even not every Alabai can cope with a gray wolf common to the middle zone.

In addition, as already mentioned, wolves stay in a pack, and no one, even the strongest and most trained dog, can defeat several wild predators at once.

That is why in Central Asia, where the Alabai were originally bred, even taking into account the enormous physical strength and growth of these dogs, they were kept with flocks of livestock in packs consisting of, at most, 3-5 animals.


The pit bull is considered a first-class fighter and has no equal in this among other dogs of the same size . He has strong jaws and a death grip, in addition, the pit bull has no self-preservation instinct and a very low pain threshold.

It would seem that these qualities should help him in battle against larger dogs, including the Alabai. But is this really so?

As with wolves, much depends on the background of both dogs involved in the fight . An exhibition alabai, which has not been trained to resist other predators in fights, will, at best, reduce the score in such a fight to a draw.

It’s another matter if a pit bull and an Alabai of working lines, specially trained to fight wolves, come together. A dog who knows how to deal with gray predators can easily defeat a dog that weighs half as much as him.

Yes, the pit bull is more agile and nimble, but at the same time it, using the same tactics when attacking - pounce on the enemy and grab onto him with a death grip, in most cases will be defeated by the alabai.

Even if a pit bull is able to hang on the Alabai’s neck on the first try, he will only be able to grab hold of the folds of skin and the longer he clings to them, the less chance the Alabai will give him of winning.

After all, while the pit bull is just hanging out, clinging to his skin, the alabai will be able to seriously injure him.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Alabais and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs were bred in similar conditions and were initially used for the same work - herding and guarding sheep .

And it is not surprising that these dogs are distinguished by almost equally large sizes and similar body structure.

However, these breeds also have significant differences.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs can be slower and heavier, while Alabais are more agile and possibly lighter in build.

The advantage of the Caucasian Shepherd is its long hair, which can also serve as additional protection from the teeth and claws of the enemy.

However, it is also necessary to take into account that the Alabai is more inclined to act independently during a fight, while the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, to one degree or another, relies on the support or approval of the owner.

What will happen if these two dogs fight? The result of such a battle depends on many accidents and, most likely, it will hardly be possible to predict its result in advance.

In general, we can say that the Caucasian Shepherd and Alabai are almost equal in strength, endurance and fighting qualities.


However, Rottweilers were not bred specifically to fight wild predators and they have no malice towards other animals . Rottweiler aggression is primarily directed at people, not dogs.

However, he can be taught to fight with his own kind. But you need to take into account that while most Alabais are large and very powerful dogs, then Rottweilers can be of different sizes.

A large Rottweiler, albeit theoretically, will be able to fight on equal terms with an Alabai, but its smaller relative simply physically cannot resist the power of a real wolfhound.

German Shepherd

Thanks to their ability to make decisions at lightning speed, German Shepherds have another important advantage over Alabai: they do not need time for long “reasoning”.

However, in a battle with a “German”, an alabai can easily knock an opponent down by simply pushing him with a running start.

If a German Shepherd and an Alabai of non-working lines meet in a duel, they may have almost equal chances of winning.

But at the same time, the “German,” even if trained, will certainly lose to the Alabai, bred for battles with predators.

After all, German Shepherds were originally bred not for fights with other dogs or wolves, but as a universal breed, the main purpose of which was to protect homes and livestock, and not so much from predators as from robbers and robbers.

Tibetan mastiff

But Tibetan mastiffs are not wolfhounds . Their purpose is to warn the shepherd about the appearance of predators, but not to enter into confrontation with them. But Tibetan mastiffs do an excellent job with other work, such as herding livestock or guarding homes.

Tibetan mastiffs are not characterized by viciousness and aggressiveness towards both people and other dogs.

The Mastiff, if given a choice, will try to avoid an open confrontation with the Alabai . At the same time, you don’t need to think that he does this out of cowardice: simply, these dogs do not like to enter into conflicts with their relatives.

They will avoid a fight until the last moment, unless they are cut off from the possibility of a tactical retreat.

If this happens, the outcome of the fight between the Alabai and the Tibetan Mastiff will be difficult to predict, since representatives of these two breeds are similar in size and physical strength.


Most Dobermans, if they are properly raised and socialized, do not show increased aggressiveness towards other dogs, but they can stand up for themselves in the event of an attack.

The main advantages of these dogs are intelligence, intelligence, speed and agility . The Doberman is agile enough to dodge the attack of a more massive enemy, such as, for example, the Alabai.

At the same time, the Doberman can circle around its opponent for a long time, choosing the right moment, and then, unexpectedly biting him, move away again.

However, unlike equally agile and agile pit bulls, Dobermans do not tend to fight to the last drop of blood . These dogs are excellent at assessing their strength and have an inherent instinct of self-preservation.

Like other large dogs, but not originally intended for fighting predators, the Doberman will not stand a chance against the working line Alabai.

If a Doberman and a show Alabay come together in a duel, in this case the outcome of the confrontation will be unpredictable.

The wolf is a born hunter

Wolves are masterful hunters, perfecting the art of attack from generation to generation. They hunt in a pack. Seasoned animals teach puppies skills. The specifics of a predator's hunt include:

  • recognizing the victim's weaknesses;
  • critical assessment of the situation with identification of risks;
  • choosing the right tactics.

Animals are distinguished by high intelligence and dexterity. Success in hunting is brought to them by the swiftness of the attack, the force of the blow and the power of the teeth.

Unlike dogs, wolves do not tear their prey, but cut the victim's body with sharp fangs. The inflicted wound bleeds heavily, bringing the prey closer to death. Sometimes one bite is all it takes.

Which dog will beat the Alabai?

Alabai is one of the strongest and most resilient dog breeds in the world.
These dogs are distinguished by their courage, bravery and viciousness towards the enemy, which makes them very dangerous in battle.

It is not surprising that many Alabai owners are interested in the question: can their pet, if necessary, defeat another large dog or even a wolf?

It would be difficult to give a definite answer to this question.

After all, in addition to height and weight, strength, courage and viciousness in such confrontations, other factors are of considerable importance.

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There are dogs that are especially popular in Russia today. The German Shepherd has long been considered a favorite dog in many families. She is distinguished by her special intelligence, is easy to train and has great endurance.

Pit bulls are also popular now. This breed was created for dog fighting, but in many homes today pit bulls live as guards. If such dogs are not specifically trained to be ferocious, they are very friendly and also smart and hardy.

Physical capabilities

Alabais are considered one of the oldest breeds, which for 4000 years was bred almost under conditions of natural selection and a rather harsh climate..

Even in ancient times, they were used not only to protect homes, accompany owners and, sometimes, hunt, but also to protect livestock from wild predators.

The height of these dogs, even today, exceeds 70 cm at the withers, and there are also very tall Alabais, whose dimensions can be even 1 meter at the withers, and their weight can reach 80-90 kg. By the way, today the champion in height and weight among Alabais is a dog named Bulldozer.

They have a thick, but at the same time elastic, resistant to mechanical damage skin, which can serve as good protection from the fangs of other dogs or even from wild predators.

Despite the fact that currently Alabai are more often used for guard duty than for herding and protecting livestock, these dogs still retain the qualities of real wolfhounds, such as anger towards the animal, courage and cold prudence during a duel with a predator .

At the same time, even though Alabai may outwardly look overly massive, clumsy and calm to the point of indifference, these dogs are actually distinguished by their mobility and dexterity.

They know how to evade the enemy’s teeth in battle, and then, after waiting for the right moment, pounce on him with lightning speed . And the strength and massive physique easily allows the Alabai to knock down another animal from a running start, simply by pushing it with its chest or side.

Who is bigger?

The height of a Caucasian Shepherd at the withers is approximately 60 cm, while that of an Alabai is from 70 to 80 cm. In some cases, a Caucasian can reach 75 cm. The weight category can be from 45 to 75 kg, and for an Asian from 45 to 80 kg. But still, both breeds are very large, and they have well-developed muscles. Usually Central Asians are much larger, but it all depends on feeding and physical activity. Their life expectancy is also different. Caucasians live 10-11 years, Alabai 12-15.

Who is stronger - Alabai or a wolf?

It is not for nothing that wolves are considered one of the most dangerous predators. They rarely wander alone, but more often stay in a flock.

Gray predators know how to find weak points in their potential victims, and their bites are characterized by the fact that wolves do not squeeze the victim with their jaws, as dogs do, but, as it were, cut it with their teeth.

Even a single bite from a wolf can be fatal. If the victim is lucky and escapes with even a relatively minor injury, then the wolves will pursue her until she becomes weak from blood loss and falls.

What will happen if an Alabai fights a wolf one on one? Here, a lot depends on where and in what conditions both animals grew up.

Alabay of the exhibition lines will most likely turn out to be a useless fighter . But even a wolf raised in captivity will not be able to adequately resist a dog, whose size and weight will be at least comparable to its own dimensions.

What species the wolf belongs to is also of great importance for the outcome of the fight: after all, these animals, depending on the variety, can vary greatly in size, strength and viciousness.

For example, an Arabian wolf, weighing about 10 kg, will certainly be defeated by an Alabai even if the dog was not raised and trained for work.

But it will be difficult to resist a tundra or polar wolf even for the alabai, which was raised from childhood to protect livestock from predators.

Indeed, in addition to their enormous size, representatives of these species of wolves have an incredibly powerful grip: the strength of their jaws can reach up to 450 kg/sq. cm. And even not every Alabai can cope with a gray wolf common to the middle zone.

In addition, as already mentioned, wolves stay in a pack, and no one, even the strongest and most trained dog, can defeat several wild predators at once.

That is why in Central Asia, where the Alabai were originally bred, even taking into account the enormous physical strength and growth of these dogs, they were kept with flocks of livestock in packs consisting of, at most, 3-5 animals.


The pit bull is considered a first-class fighter and has no equal in this among other dogs of the same size . He has strong jaws and a death grip, in addition, the pit bull has no self-preservation instinct and a very low pain threshold.

It would seem that these qualities should help him in battle against larger dogs, including the Alabai. But is this really so?

As with wolves, much depends on the background of both dogs involved in the fight . An exhibition alabai, which has not been trained to resist other predators in fights, will, at best, reduce the score in such a fight to a draw.

It’s another matter if a pit bull and an Alabai of working lines, specially trained to fight wolves, come together. A dog who knows how to deal with gray predators can easily defeat a dog that weighs half as much as him.

Yes, the pit bull is more agile and nimble, but at the same time it, using the same tactics when attacking - pounce on the enemy and grab onto him with a death grip, in most cases will be defeated by the alabai.

Even if a pit bull is able to hang on the Alabai’s neck on the first try, he will only be able to grab hold of the folds of skin and the longer he clings to them, the less chance the Alabai will give him of winning.

After all, while the pit bull is just hanging out, clinging to his skin, the alabai will be able to seriously injure him.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Alabais and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs were bred in similar conditions and were initially used for the same work - herding and guarding sheep .

And it is not surprising that these dogs are distinguished by almost equally large sizes and similar body structure.

However, these breeds also have significant differences.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs can be slower and heavier, while Alabais are more agile and possibly lighter in build.

The advantage of the Caucasian Shepherd is its long hair, which can also serve as additional protection from the teeth and claws of the enemy.

The Caucasian Shepherd and Alabai are equally bold, fearless and decisive during an attack.

However, it is also necessary to take into account that the Alabai is more inclined to act independently during a fight, while the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, to one degree or another, relies on the support or approval of the owner.

What will happen if these two dogs fight? The result of such a battle depends on many accidents and, most likely, it will hardly be possible to predict its result in advance.

In general, we can say that the Caucasian Shepherd and Alabai are almost equal in strength, endurance and fighting qualities.


The Rottweiler is considered a very strong dog; it is not for nothing that one of its original purposes was to transport goods. In addition, it has strong and strong jaws.

However, Rottweilers were not bred specifically to fight wild predators and they have no malice towards other animals . Rottweiler aggression is primarily directed at people, not dogs.

However, he can be taught to fight with his own kind. But you need to take into account that while most Alabais are large and very powerful dogs, then Rottweilers can be of different sizes.

A large Rottweiler, albeit theoretically, will be able to fight on equal terms with an Alabai, but its smaller relative simply physically cannot resist the power of a real wolfhound.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is also a fairly large dog, but compared to the massive and tall Alabai, it clearly loses in size. However, the “Germans” are more mobile and capable of a faster attack.

Thanks to their ability to make decisions at lightning speed, German Shepherds have another important advantage over Alabai: they do not need time for long “reasoning”.

However, in a battle with a “German”, an alabai can easily knock an opponent down by simply pushing him with a running start.

If a German Shepherd and an Alabai of non-working lines meet in a duel, they may have almost equal chances of winning.

But at the same time, the “German,” even if trained, will certainly lose to the Alabai, bred for battles with predators.

After all, German Shepherds were originally bred not for fights with other dogs or wolves, but as a universal breed, the main purpose of which was to protect homes and livestock, and not so much from predators as from robbers and robbers.

Tibetan mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is considered a distant relative and possibly one of the ancestors of the Alabai . These dogs are distinguished by their large stature and strength. At home, in Tibet and in neighboring countries where cattle breeding is developed, they are used to protect sheep from predators.

But Tibetan mastiffs are not wolfhounds . Their purpose is to warn the shepherd about the appearance of predators, but not to enter into confrontation with them. But Tibetan mastiffs do an excellent job with other work, such as herding livestock or guarding homes.

Tibetan mastiffs are not characterized by viciousness and aggressiveness towards both people and other dogs.

The Mastiff, if given a choice, will try to avoid an open confrontation with the Alabai . At the same time, you don’t need to think that he does this out of cowardice: simply, these dogs do not like to enter into conflicts with their relatives.

They will avoid a fight until the last moment, unless they are cut off from the possibility of a tactical retreat.

If this happens, the outcome of the fight between the Alabai and the Tibetan Mastiff will be difficult to predict, since representatives of these two breeds are similar in size and physical strength.


Most Dobermans, if they are properly raised and socialized, do not show increased aggressiveness towards other dogs, but they can stand up for themselves in the event of an attack.

The main advantages of these dogs are intelligence, intelligence, speed and agility . The Doberman is agile enough to dodge the attack of a more massive enemy, such as, for example, the Alabai.

At the same time, the Doberman can circle around its opponent for a long time, choosing the right moment, and then, unexpectedly biting him, move away again.

However, unlike equally agile and agile pit bulls, Dobermans do not tend to fight to the last drop of blood . These dogs are excellent at assessing their strength and have an inherent instinct of self-preservation.

Like other large dogs, but not originally intended for fighting predators, the Doberman will not stand a chance against the working line Alabai.

If a Doberman and a show Alabay come together in a duel, in this case the outcome of the confrontation will be unpredictable.

Comparison of breeds by other criteria

Since these breeds are also herding breeds, they stand out among the rest with their intelligence and intelligence. Because security work requires an adequate assessment of what is happening. These dogs are very brave and can act independently. Caucasians love freedom , and that is why it will be difficult for them to obey the owner, but the Alabai will look forward to attention and approval. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is cunning and flexible ; it also gets along well with children and can become a “nanny” for them.

For whom is outdoor living suitable?

For any large breed, including the Caucasian Shepherd, it will be more comfortable in a private house with a large plot than in a small apartment. Since this dog loves freedom, it needs constant physical activity. This breed is perfect for the role of a guard. But the dogs’ loyalty and devotion to their owners will need to be earned.

Central Asian Shepherds are one of the best guards; they will serve the family faithfully. Relationships should be built on respect. But since shepherd dogs love freedom, they cannot sit on a chain; they evaluate it as humiliation, because they cannot move freely, and this negatively affects their morale.

The best option would be a spacious enclosure with a house. Thanks to their fur, dogs can easily tolerate any temperature conditions.

And even when the animal lives in an enclosure, it also needs to be walked, because it needs walks in order for its muscles to develop.

Useful video

From the video you will learn everything about the Alabai dog breed:

Continuing the series “Who wins”? Now let's look at who is stronger: the legendary pit bull fighter or the harsh Asian Alabay?

Let's start by comparing the brief history and external characteristics of these two breeds.

Pit bulls are dogs that were bred exclusively to fight their own kind. Later, it was from pit bulls that the decorative branch of the breed evolved, which began to be called the “American Staffordshire Terrier.” Pit bulls have not been registered by any major canine organization in the world and, in fact, do not have any clear standard.

The Pitbull is a muscular dog, very agile, with strong bones and a jaw strength of about 16-18 bar. Height varies greatly, 30-65 cm at the withers, as does weight - 15-50 kg. The Pit Bull's coat is very short and has no undercoat. Therefore, his skin is deprived of natural protection from the teeth of his opponent.

Modern “working” pit bulls are in the range of 15-25 kg, we will take the upper weight bar - 25 kg for our potential pit bull. By the way, pit bulls sometimes have their ears cropped. This is what a modern “working” pit bull looks like:

Now about the Alabaevs. Alabai - or Central Asian Shepherd Dog - is a guard dog breed. Contrary to popular belief, Alabai do not herd anyone, they are specifically engaged in protecting herds from wolves and, as a rule, work in a small pack for reliability. Taking into account this specificity of work, the breed, although large, is by no means slow. Alabais that could not cope with wolves were culled for centuries. Because no shepherd will feed a useless dog. Therefore, the selection path of the Alabai has been very tough. Alabais have their ears and tails docked immediately after birth.

The height at the withers of Alabai males (and in a potential fight we will meet males) starts from 70 cm. Weight - from 50 kg. Already at this stage it is clear that the upper limit for the height and weight of a pit bull is the lower limit for the Alabai. This, of course, gives an undeniable advantage in battle. But that is not all! The alabai has one more unconditional advantage - its wool. It has a thick coat with a thick undercoat. Its skin is also significantly thicker than that of a pit bull. The same applies to the backbone - it is much wider than the backbone of the pits. But the alabai’s main trump card is its jaw. If the average pressure of the jaw of a pita is 16-18 atmospheres, then the bite of an alabai, on average, is approximately 2 times stronger - 35-40 atmospheres.

For a potential fight, we will “take” an average working male - an Alabai weighing 70 kg.

Now let's look at the fighting style of an Alabai and a pit bull.

A pit bull (if we're talking about a real pit bull) is a dog that never stops until its enemy is dead or until the pit bull itself dies. The pit bull will not care about pain, fractures and other injuries, he will simply continue to fight. Pit bulls are very resilient and can fight for hours.

Alabai, as a rule, do not fight like that. If 2 Alabai are pitted against each other, then they fight for 15-20 minutes, then someone pins someone to the ground or someone simply runs away and then the fight ends. But this is “as a rule”. There are exceptions.

However, as statistics show, in such battles it is almost always the Alabai who win. Because all that needs to be taught to an alabai (if we are talking about a real working alabai) is to take the pita by the throat. Once this happens, the fight will either be stopped or the pit will die. The remaining few pit fights are won solely by their pressure and luck.

But if you come across a heavier pit—35 kilograms—then this greatly shifts the chance of winning in favor of the pit. But there are very few such “working” pits at the moment...

Therefore, answering the question from the title, we can say with confidence that, on average, a modern “working” Alabai is stronger than a modern “working” pit bull.

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Alabai is a dog that protects herds from wolves, so many are always interested in the question: which of them has a better chance of winning? Opinions are expressed that are polar opposite. For example, one half of the people are absolutely sure that an Alabai can easily defeat a wolf in a single fight. The other half believes that even the largest representative of the Alabai breed cannot defeat the gray wolf.

Is it possible to buy a friend with money?

Any happy owner of a four-legged dog will answer this question in the affirmative. Let's remember the cartoon about Carlson from our childhood, where the little hero dreamed of getting a dog for his birthday. What goes around comes around

Raising a dog requires a lot of effort. The dog gets used to the owner, for her he is the king and god. When you take a puppy into your home, start training it from the very first day. The process is not easy, but in return you will receive a devoted comrade and a reliable defender. From his ancestors, wolves, the dog borrowed loyalty. The domestication of dogs by humans, as scientists suggest, took place several thousand years ago. Initially, these four-legged animals were used purely for hunting.

It is generally accepted that certain characteristics are inherent in a particular breed. However, without training from the first days of life, you will not get a well-trained dog. If raised incorrectly, this animal, like a person, can grow into an aggressive, disobedient individual. It is impossible to retrain an adult dog, so it is recommended to take a puppy, and for official purposes, purchase a well-trained, trained individual. A strong and intelligent dog in the future will become not just a member of the family, but also a support. In the company of a Rottweiler friend, it’s not scary to go at dusk for milk through dark alleys.

There is also a “fashion” for dog breeds. If we turn our attention to twenty years ago, we remember that then on the streets one could often meet collies (especially after the release of the famous film), boxers, dachshunds, spaniels, Pekingese, and chow-chows. Spotted Dalmatians, like those from a cartoon, were popular. When purchasing an animal, be clearly guided by the goal: who do you need? Friend, protector, or maybe decoration? Among glamorous ladies, so-called decorative breeds like Chihuahuas or Yorkies are in demand. You can often see owners with “elite” huskies and alabai dogs.

Everyone has their own way of fighting

Wolf vs Alabai - who will win the fight

In a duel, everyone acts differently

Since the principle of the alabai is to crush the opponent, then in order to obtain a winning position, he needs to make sure that the wolf is under him. And then the dog can already grab the enemy’s throat. But even at such a moment, the alabai will not be able to inflict deep wounds on the wolf, this is how its oral cavity is structured. But the goal of this dog is not to bite its opponent to pieces - the Alabai is excellent at strangling. And this method of fighting just gives him the opportunity to do this for as long as possible, so that the enemy can no longer resist. A distinctive feature of the alabai is the ability not to loosen its grip, even if it has already received many wounds.

Wolf vs Alabai - who will win the fight

The wolf acts completely differently. It tries to inflict the most damage by sinking its teeth into the enemy. This is a more resilient animal than a dog, and besides, it knows where the victim’s weak points are. Most often, wolves move and hunt in packs, although there are also loners who turn out to be much larger than their “pack” relatives - after all, they get food only for themselves and do not need to share with anyone.

The main factor of victory

Wolf vs Alabai - who will win the fight

You can try to “calculate” the winner

In dogs, an extremely important circumstance that will influence its behavior in the future is the environment in which it was raised. Dogs raised on the street and those raised at home will behave completely differently. A domesticated Alabai who has no idea about fighting will become an easy prey for a gray wolf. But the wolf is unlikely to be able to cope with a dog who has always had only one goal in his life - to protect or guard something at any cost.

Wolf vs Alabai - who will win the fight

But, again, even if an Alabai experienced in battle is alone, and there is a pack of wolves against him, it is not a fact that he will survive. The bite force, on average, between a dog of this breed and a wolf is also very different - if in an Alabai it is only 150 kg/cm², then a wolf bites with a force of 450 kg/cm². In addition, the wolf has more powerful jaws and a sense of smell 10 times stronger than a dog's.

Raising a reliable protector

To achieve success in wrestling, the dog must undergo special training starting from the age of two months. If it is not possible to conduct it with specialists, the Internet will help, with videos presented on the rules of training.

When raising an Alabai, it should be taken into account that this is a thinking breed. The dog will not carry out a command whose expediency is unclear to him. It is necessary to look at the pet’s reaction when setting feasible tasks.

Training requires enormous patience, perseverance and mental flexibility. Trying to force your way leads to failure and loss of trust.

Correctly selected behavioral tactics during training will help raise a serious and intelligent pet, capable of protecting against any danger, including a wolf.

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