Care and maintenance of a Chihuahua: basic rules and how to prepare for the arrival of a puppy in the house

Briefly about the Chihuahua

Dogs of this breed are very small and are considered the smallest among all representatives of the canine order..

Due to their accelerated metabolism, poorly developed undercoat and a small layer of subcutaneous fat, which provides poor protection from the cold, they quickly freeze and catch colds easily.

These dogs also have other breed characteristics that need to be taken into account when keeping them .

For example, the fact that they have fragile bones, and many individuals also have an open fontanel on the head.

Historical reference

The country of origin is Mexico, the breed is named after the largest state (Chihuahua). It is believed that the dogs were tamed by local residents even before the discovery of America by sailors. Animals were considered sacred. At the beginning of the 16th century, when the Spanish conquest of Mexico began, the breed was on the verge of extinction. She received her second birth 300 years later. Local residents began catching wild animals in the jungle to sell them to the Americans.

The dogs received their name in 1884. The official description of the Chihuahua breed appeared only in 1923. The modern standard was approved in 1998 by the Federation Canine Internationale (FCI). Today the breed is most popular in Mexico, the USA, and England.

Chihuahuas came to Russia in 1959, when during a trip to Cuba, Khrushchev was given two long-haired individuals. For breeding, representatives of the breed were imported from Algeria (in the 60s), Mexico, and England (in the 70s). Chihuahuas were most popular among Muscovites. In 1996, the National Breed Club opened. In 2005, a special breed club “Chihuahua World” was created, which united the best nurseries in the country.

How to care for a puppy

Chihuahua puppies are usually sold from three months of age and by this time they are already vaccinated. Some irresponsible breeders put babies up for sale from almost a month of age, when they are not yet ready for independent life.

You should not buy puppies that are too young: the baby should already be at least three months old: at this age he is already strong enough to live independently, and the vaccinations and quarantine he have completed reliably protect him from infections.

Caring for him is not much different from caring for an adult representative of the breed: puppies also need to be brushed, their ears and eyes cleaned, and their nails trimmed as needed.

But, before you bring the puppy home, you need to take care of safety: remove all wires from the floor, as well as other things that could harm the baby, for example, houseplant care products or household chemicals.

Unstable objects must either be strengthened so that they do not wobble or fall, or removed altogether, and the cracks under and behind the furniture, into which a tiny pet can crawl, must be carefully sealed.

After a dog appears in the house, you also need to be careful: do not scatter or leave chemicals, threads, needles, or medications unattended..


You need to be prepared for the fact that the puppy may whine and ask to go to bed for the first few nights, as he is afraid to be alone in a new place.

In order for the little Chihuahua to calm down faster, you need to take the puppy to his place and put his things next to him: a rag or a toy that smells like his native nest, mother and littermates, which must first be taken from the breeder’s house.

For the first two weeks, you can feed the baby only with food recommended by the breeder..

If he fed the babies natural food, then the puppy should be given only those foods that were given to him in the nursery.

You can bathe your Chihuahua or trim its nails for the first time no earlier than a week after it arrives in the house, as these procedures will further increase the stress associated with moving.

You need to be careful when moving around the house or apartment, and before sitting on a chair or sofa, make sure that there is no puppy there.

Hygiene procedures

Hygienic care for Chihuahuas is carried out comprehensively - bathing, combing, taking care of their health. Smooth-haired representatives of the breed are more unpretentious than long-haired ones.

Puppies can only be bathed from four months of age. Dirt from paws after walks is washed off with plain warm water. Bath with shampoo no more than once every 3-4 months. Less frequent water procedures lead to the formation of a layer of dust and sebaceous secretions on the skin, an unkempt appearance of the coat and the creation of an excellent environment for the proliferation of pathogens.

Basic rules for caring for an adult dog

Caring for an adult Chihuahua is simple: representatives of this breed do not require labor-intensive care for their fur.

They need to periodically clean their eyes, ears, teeth and trim their nails .

Coat care remains the same as in puppyhood: combing with a comb or brush and infrequent washing, which, if possible, is best avoided.

Due to the tendency of dogs of this breed to hypoglycemia, it is necessary to monitor not only the caloric content and nutritional value of the diet, but also the feeding regimen.

And, given that Chihuahuas easily become hypothermic, you need to provide your pet with a warm bed and dress it in a blouse or blanket if the temperature in the house or apartment drops to +15 degrees.

How to choose the right clothes for a Chihuahua, read here.

It is necessary to remember that an adult pet also needs to be vaccinated and treated against parasites on time..

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Chihuahuas should only be kept in a house or apartment, as they are not intended for outdoor living. Caring for these dogs is not difficult: you need to monitor the condition of their eyes, ears and teeth and trim their nails in a timely manner, preventing them from overgrowing. Coat care consists of periodic combing and very infrequent washing. The Chihuahua needs to be fed fully and in strict accordance with the feeding schedule. You also need to consider that, like most small dogs, Chihuahuas need clothing that protects them from rain, snow and cold.”

Pros of the breed

Cute Chihuahuas are simply irresistible. Among the advantages of their breed:

  • Miniature. The owner can carry the dog in his bag, and the daily food requirement is much less compared to other breeds.
  • Pliable character. Such pets do not need to be walked in bad weather, but instead are trained to use a litter box at home.
  • Good health. Despite their external fragility, these dogs have a good immune system. On average they live at least 16-19 years.
  • Easy to care for. A Chihuahua will not cause much trouble - even a school-age child can be entrusted with caring for it.

What you need to prepare before buying a pet

Before purchasing a Chihuahua puppy, future owners need to purchase the following things::

  • A bed or mattress of such a size that an older pet can sleep there.
  • Toys: rubber, latex, sinew, braided, soft. Toys must be of high quality and intended for dogs.
  • Two bowls of suitable size - ceramic or metal. One of them will be needed for food, the second for water.
  • Tray or diaper.
  • A comb with rounded, wide teeth for a long-haired dog or a medium-hard brush for a smooth-haired Chihuahua.
  • Towel and shampoo for dogs.
  • A toothbrush and dog toothpaste.
  • Vitamin and mineral nutrition for puppies.
  • Carrier for small dogs.
  • Food recommended by the breeder. Or those natural products that are fed to the baby in the nursery.

It is also advisable to stock up on a cage or enclosure, which will come in handy when the puppy is left alone: ​​in this case, he will not be able to injure himself and will not chew off anything valuable..


This is not to say that these charming and playful creatures have a good-natured disposition. Their character is complex and full of contrasts. On the one hand, these are cute and gentle pets, and on the other hand, they are fierce guards who can harm strangers.

Yes, such a dog is small and friendly in appearance. But don't underestimate him! As soon as he feels threatened, he will attack. He is decisive, brave and courageous. It would seem that the character of the Chihuahua has a lot of advantages. Yes, but it is not without its shortcomings. An extreme degree of suspicion and distrust of strangers, excessive fears, and frequent manifestations of aggression towards others are some of them.

A dog's ability to copy its owner's emotions is amazing. It is believed that if you raise her in a positive and friendly atmosphere, she will grow up to be good-natured and friendly. But this is not entirely true.

In fact, natural distrust of strangers is one of the basic character traits of an animal, passed down from generation to generation. It can bite a stranger even while walking, for example, if he comes too close to its owner or makes a loud sound.

The Chihuahua is very jealous of its owner. He cannot imagine his life without this person. She greatly needs his warm attitude, manifestations of love and care. Ignoring this person can drive the animal into real depression. Support, regular touching by family members and affectionate treatment are important to him. May fall asleep in their arms.

The Chihuahua can live in an apartment and is easily litter trained.

Does not always get along with other domestic animals. Prefers to be the only pet and the favorite in the family. Selfish and vain. He often behaves arrogantly with other dogs. Even a Labrador or Rottweiler will not be afraid. He is not at all afraid of aggression from larger animals, often does not calculate his strength, and is too self-confident.

Prefers silence to turmoil. Despite the fact that he is quite conflictual, in the absence of irritants he avoids quarrels. He likes to relax during the day, but is not averse to having fun if there is a reason. When a beloved owner comes home, the dog is delighted.

First days at home - what to do

First you need to accustom the puppy to its place, name and to maintaining cleanliness.

At the same time, the dog is taught the prohibitive commands “No” and “Fu”, as well as the approach on the command “Come to me”.

Read more about Chihuahua training here.


In the first days after purchasing a pet, you need to carefully monitor its health and if any signs of illness appear, you should immediately go to the veterinary clinic.

A vaccinated puppy can be taken outside on the first day after arrival, but it is better not to let it go just yet, as it needs to look around in the new place.

Next time, you can take your dog down to the ground for a while and walk him while keeping him on a leash.

In the first days after the dog appears, there should be a calm, friendly environment in the house . At this time, you need to protect the dog from additional stress, hypothermia or, conversely, overheating, as well as from possible infections.


At the 2nd month of life, the puppy requires primary vaccination against deadly diseases: canine distemper, parainfluenza, parvovirus enteritis, viral hepatitis.

After a month, revaccination against the listed diseases is carried out.

Next (third) vaccination after complete replacement of milk teeth with molars: 6-7 months of life. On top of everything else, a vaccination against rabies, a fatal disease that can be transmitted to humans, is added. Walking your dog outside before rabies vaccination is not recommended!

Before vaccination, the animal must be dewormed and treated for fleas 10 days before. The best flea treatment is Frontline spray. Anthelmintic - "Prokoks" from the German company Bayer.

Subsequently, vaccinations are given once a year. I have already talked about vaccinations for Chihuahua puppies. Please review the information.

Where is the private space in the house?

The Chihuahua's place should be in the room, not in the hallway, bathroom or kitchen. At the same time, you need to take into account that you cannot place the puppy’s bed near heating devices, as well as in the aisle or in a draft.

It is best to equip not one place in the house for a pet, but several located in different rooms: this way the Chihuahua can always be close to its owners and take part in family affairs.

You can also purchase a dog house for a puppy of this breed, which protects against drafts better than a regular open bed.

How to feed?

It is recommended to feed your Chihuahua either premium and super-premium industrial food for small dogs, or natural high-quality products.
In this case, the pet’s diet should include lean meat, dairy products, seasonal vegetables and fruits, some cereals and herbs . Sometimes, once a week, the meat is replaced with sea fish.

When feeding naturally, it is recommended to periodically give your pet vitamin and mineral supplements, which make the diet more balanced and help replenish the lack of minerals and vitamins in the body.

Feeding a puppy from birth to 1 year

From birth to three weeks, Chihuahua puppies are breastfed. If for some reason they are deprived of this opportunity, they are fed every two hours with special milk formulas, which can be bought at the pharmacy. In the fourth week, the first complementary foods are given - a mixture of goat's milk and eggs, then liquid oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge, and cottage cheese. In the second month, turkey or rabbit meat is introduced into the diet.

At the age of two months, Chihuahuas are completely transferred to independent feeding and are given food 5-6 times. At four months, milk is replaced with protein foods, offal is introduced into the menu, and the total daily portion is increased.

From six to nine months, the number of meals is reduced to three times. The diet should consist of 50% meat, 25% vegetables and 25% cereals.

From nine months to a year, the Chihuahua's diet is switched to a two-time diet, with caloric content adjusted according to individual characteristics (60 kcal per kg of weight).

How often should you go for walks?

The Chihuahua is an active and energetic dog that loves to walk . In order for the dog to have time to run around and play enough in the fresh air, it is enough to walk with it for about an hour twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

When training your pet to use the outdoor toilet, you need to take the dog out for walks more often: as soon as it has eaten or slept.

Walking outside

The Chihuahua is a very energetic breed of dog and therefore requires moderate active physical activity. Short walks are a good form of exercise and a time for exercise and training.

The animal will happily run, jump and play in the fresh air, especially if the owner takes part in the games. You can play ball with Chihuahuas, go through obstacle courses, but most of all they like to catch frisbees (flying discs).

Daily walks help keep the animal's muscles in good shape and have a beneficial effect on health. It is enough to spend 40-60 minutes outside every day to meet the need for physical activity.

Visiting dog parks is useful for socializing the animal. Communication with other dogs and strangers is an integral part of accustoming an animal to the world around it. At first, the dog may show aggression towards other animals and people, but over time the aggressive mood will change to a friendly one.

You should not stay outside for a long time in the sun or frost, and it is better to refrain from walking in rainy weather. In autumn, spring and winter, when the air temperature does not exceed +15°C, going outside without specialized warm dog clothing is unacceptable. Due to increased heat transfer, a Chihuahua can easily catch a cold. In frosts above -20°C, it is better to stay at home.

We should not forget about such a basic safety device as a harness. Due to the Chihuahua's genetic predisposition to tracheal collapse, where the tracheal rings lose their elasticity, traditional collars are contraindicated. The harness does not create pressure on the neck, and therefore does not provoke the development of respiratory tract diseases. And don’t believe the myth that wearing a harness contributes to poor posture and deformation of the elbow joints!

If you feel that your pet is tired, then it is better to pick him up, lift him by the chest with one hand, holding the tailbone with the other, and go home. It is important to remember that without vaccination against deadly diseases it is unsafe to be on the street. Walking with an animal in your arms reduces the risk of infection to a minimum, so it is better to walk with the puppy in this format until all the necessary vaccinations have been completed.

What clothes are needed?

The required minimum is two overalls (demi-season and winter) and several sweaters, blankets or vests that can be worn indoors when it gets cool in the apartment or house.

Winter boots are also needed to protect your pet’s paws not only from the cold, but also from contact with skin-corroding reagents on the paw pads..

For the summer, you can buy several light suits and a hat, panama hat or baseball cap, as well as sandals or sneakers.

Walking rules

The puppy is gradually accustomed to walks: first, they are carried out in their arms and allowed to get used to the street noise and the sight of people walking past and passing cars. After the pet is no longer afraid of such stimuli, you can lower it to the ground and let it run around a little, without letting it off the leash.

You can walk with a Chihuahua for a long time only in sunny and warm weather . In summer, it is best to walk the dog in the morning and evening, when it is not so hot, and in winter, if possible, during the day, during daylight hours.

At the same time, you need to remember that when the temperature drops to +15 degrees, the Chihuahua needs to be dressed before a walk.

And in frosty temperatures of -20 degrees, you shouldn’t go outside with your dog at all..

A Chihuahua feels more comfortable if you take it for walks on a harness rather than wearing a collar.

How to train to a tray?

Tray or diaper training begins immediately after the pet arrives in the house. In order for the puppy to quickly understand what this item is for, you need to place the tray close to his bed and take the baby there after every nap and feeding.

When the Chihuahua itself begins to do its business on the tray after waking up, you can gradually move the dog toilet to the place where it will be permanently located, moving it 20-30 cm daily.


During litter box training, you should not punish your pet if the puppy did not have time to reach it.

And the place where the “crime” was committed needs to be thoroughly washed and treated with an odor-eliminating agent.


In order for a pet to learn to follow commands and become obedient, it is necessary to find an approach to it. Strictness, motivation and praise are essential components of successful training for even the smallest dog.

The basic rules and methods of training a “decorative” Chihuahua dog are clearly demonstrated in the video.

How to trim claws correctly and when?

Chihuahua's claws are difficult to wear down during walks and therefore need to be trimmed. The most convenient way to do this is with a guillotine-type nail clipper.

If the claw is light-colored and its living part is clearly visible, then you just need to insert the claw into the nail cutter and cut it off at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, with the cut location located approximately 2 mm below the pulp.

If a Chihuahua's claws are dark, then they need to be cut off in several stages, removing approximately 2 mm at a time and carefully inspecting each cut..

If there is noticeable darkening on it in the form of a dot in the center, then it means that there is no need to cut the claw further: you can touch the living part.

For adult Chihuahuas, their claws are shortened approximately once a month, and for puppies - once every 2 weeks.

How to properly clean your ears

A Chihuahua's ears should be inspected every day and cleaned when dirty or once a month. To do this, you will need a special means for cleaning dogs' ears, as well as cotton swabs and disks.

First, dipping the stick in liquid, you need to remove wax and dirt from the ear canal, without going deep, but cleaning only the visible part.

Then, using ear cleaner and a cotton pad, I remove dust and dirt from the inside of the ear.

Appearance of the breed

The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world. According to the standard, the length of its body does not exceed 23 cm, its weight is no more than 2.5 kg, and the height of a Chihuahua is 15-23 cm. You can easily recognize the dog by several signs - the apple-shaped head, huge eyes and disproportionately large Chihuahua ears.

The color of a pet can be absolutely varied. The most common color is white. The rarest one is blue. There are also black, gray, chocolate, brown, red and sable colors.

The man tried to improve the breed, so he tried to cross short-haired Chihuahuas with pinschers and toy terriers, and long-haired ones with Spitz dogs and Papinons. Therefore, different types of Chihuahuas appeared.

How to bathe correctly and how often it should be done

You can bathe your Chihuahua three times a year, not more often, since frequent washing with soap harms the coat.

When bathing, you should use a special shampoo for short-haired dogs, and if the detergent is concentrated, then you need to dilute it with water..

Warm, but not hot water (35-40 degrees) is poured into the bath or basin.

After which, having placed the dog there, you need to thoroughly wet its fur, and then lather it with shampoo, carefully ensuring that the soap does not get into the pet’s nose, eyes and ears.

Then the shampoo should be rinsed off and the dog’s fur should be dried with a soft and warm towel. Until the Chihuahua is completely dry, it is best to hold it on your lap, not allowing it to run or, especially, lie on the floor.

If you need to dry the wool as quickly as possible, you can use a hairdryer..

What is the difference between training and education?

Training is the strict training of a dog with a certain set of commands used in everyday life.

Education is an activity that is carried out with the aim of instilling rules of behavior in a pet. In the first case, training can last up to six months, in the second – the entire life cycle. A well-mannered dog automatically follows commands, understands the rules of good behavior, and knows about punishments. The main instrument of influence is the owner’s voice, intonation. The animal becomes obedient for a tasty reward.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

If you abuse shouting, punishment, or rudeness, the dog develops a constant feeling of fear instead of gratitude and respect. Anxiety can develop if you raise your little Chihuahua with physical abuse.

When trained from puppyhood, the dog develops trust in its owner. The little dog perceives family members as older, experienced leaders. A young, mature animal can overestimate the situation and begin to dominate.

How to brush your teeth

You can clean your pet's teeth using a small dog toothbrush and a special toothpaste purchased at a pet store. This should be done as they grow, without pressure or excessive friction, so as not to injure your pet’s gums or cause him pain.

Typically, dogs' teeth are brushed 1-2 times a week or, if necessary, somewhat more often..

What toys are needed?

Before buying a pet, you need to make sure that it has something to do with itself..

For Chihuahuas, small balls are suitable, as well as rubber or latex toys of other shapes intended for animals.

And vein toys are good because they not only keep your pet occupied for a long time, but also remove plaque and promote proper tooth replacement.

Many dogs love to play with rope braids, which can also be purchased at a pet store.

You should not let your dog play with old shoes or other worn-out shoes or clothing, as the pet will not be able to distinguish old from new and next time it will chew on something it needs..

An aviary in an apartment - is it necessary and how to choose?

An enclosure for a Chihuahua is not a necessary household item and many owners get along just fine without it. But only if the pet sleeps or plays peacefully in their absence.

If a dog, left alone, begins to act up, then it is best to isolate it in an enclosure until the owners return . The same applies to small puppies who do not yet understand what can and cannot be done.

Enclosures for indoor dogs come in various shapes: rectangular, square, round and corner. All of them differ only in appearance, therefore, the owner himself can decide what shape of enclosure to choose.

Typically, enclosures are made of metal mesh and are considered quite convenient, as they are durable, not heavy and easy to clean.

The minimum dimensions of an enclosure for a Chihuahua should be approximately 60x60 cm.


Lovers of miniature indoor dogs can purchase them in almost any modern city. There are prestigious nurseries in capitals, including Moscow, Kyiv and Minsk. It is recommended to buy the animal there. The reason is the opportunity to make money from it in the future.

Dogs that fully comply with the breed standard are allowed to participate in all kinds of show exhibitions and competitions. If they take prizes, then the owner has the right to significantly increase the price of their offspring.

The average price of a Chihuahua in 2022 in the Russian Federation is 20 thousand rubles. Puppies born from titled parents in prestigious nurseries are sold for 30 thousand rubles. Private traders who do not provide guarantees that an animal meets the standard of its breed cannot inflate the price for it. They offer to purchase Chihuahua babies for 5-15 thousand rubles.

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