The dog from the “Chappie” advertisement: what happened to the legendary dog

What was the fate of the tailed actor?

The dog named Chuck, who starred in the commercial, was one of Rosgortsik’s pets.
Together with other dog actors, he lived for many years under the supervision of veterinarians and experienced trainers. Chuck's image appeared on the packaging of all Chappie brand food.

The popularity of the four-legged star gradually faded away: he stopped appearing in advertising, photographers and journalists forgot about him. When Chuck turned 12 years old, management fired the dog trainer. As a result of this, the animals literally found themselves on the street: they lived in a small trailer next to the walls of their once native circus in the center of Kuzbass. The trainer's former assistant was sneaking up on the unfortunate dogs.

An Irish setter suffered a stroke due to stress: the dog's hind legs gave out, after which he was placed in a shelter in the city of Kemerovo.

Chuck's fate could have been extremely sad if his sad story had not touched the hearts of one of the local residents. She and her husband decided to give the former “Chappie” advertising star shelter and the opportunity to meet old age with dignity. Chuck's story has a happy ending: he lived out his days in warmth, care, surrounded by a real loving family.

Chuck suffered a stroke and was severely malnourished when he was adopted by his family.

There is also an example in my life when an animal was able to find a family in old age. One of my friends went to a cat shelter, where she accidentally noticed a sad cat with a gray face and a skinned ear. Having learned that the animal had been living in a cage for several years, the girl made a decision without hesitation. A 13-year-old cat named Maxwell went home with her that day.

Even the once most popular and beloved animals are at risk of being forgotten and abandoned overnight. The fate of the Irish setter Chuck, unfortunately, is far from the only example of this. Don’t forget that for us a dog is just part of life, but for our pets we are their whole life.

A robot named Chappie. Blomkamp and the slums...again

How to care for a dog in spring: useful tips

Today we will talk about the film “A Robot Named Chappie”. And before I start my review, I have to say that I really love Neill Blomkamp. His “District No. 9” is perhaps one of my favorite films, which at one time made a huge impression on me. Then there was the very mediocre “Elysium,” but many then blamed it not on Blomkamp, ​​but on the film’s producers, who did not give the director complete freedom of action. In any case, one mistake can be forgiven, and, in the end, the picture was not so bad.

And now, in 2022, a new film by the South African master is coming out. This time, no major studios are putting pressure on Neil, which means that only he can be blamed for the quality of the final product. Why scold? Well, I'll talk about this a little lower.

Secondly, it's a cliché. There are plenty of them here. Literally the entire plot is filled with various genre cliches, and most (if not all) of the characters are outright walking stereotypes. Of course, I have never been to South Africa, but for some reason I very much doubt that such stereotyped “gangsters” can live in the main city of this far from poor country. On the other hand, it is worth noting that, despite the presence of a huge amount of nonsense and plot holes, the film is not boring to watch, and sometimes there are even relatively strong scenes.

Thirdly, acting. Hugh Jackman, Dev Patel and Sigourney Weaver played their roles well, although their characters were far from the most emotionally complex. But the members of the Die Antwoord group were not pleased at all. Although, if we assume that this entire film was originally intended as their advertising campaign, then everything is fine. Now I know who they are, yes. And even if I didn’t know, I wouldn’t have lost much. I almost forgot, there is also Neill Blomkamp’s eternal favorite, Sharlto Copley, who this time gave his movements and voice, in fact, to Chappie himself. One gets the feeling that, apart from Blomkamp’s films, Sharlto has no more offers. Perhaps from Russian indie rock musicians. meh

Well, now I would like to say a few words about the merits of the picture. About dignity. In the singular.

Urban action. This is exactly the thing that Blomkamp does best, apparently. Explosions, slow-mo and a small portion of gore - all these components continue to work for the benefit of the film, even if they are not as catchy as in “The District” or the same “Elysium”.

Ultimately, I would like to say that for me personally, Neill Blomkamp has so far remained a “horse of one race”, but still I will hope that the new part of the Aliens franchise, which will be directed by the South African director, will turn out to be good. Well, or again the action will take place in Johannesburg, and the xenomorphs will put on gold chains and start shooting at Ripley with SWAG pistols like gangsters from Grove Street.

If you are a fan of Blomkamp’s work, you like “District No. 9” and the compositions of the guys from Die Antwoord caress your ears every day, then you can safely go to the film, although it is passable, it can deliver a certain dose of fun.


Dog breed from Caesar food advertisement

Website “Give a Paw” → Articles about dogs and more

Various dogs were featured in the Caesar food advertisement, but the West Highland White Terrier breed attracted the greatest interest. The small, white and fluffy creature captivated many, which is why the Internet began asking questions about what breed of dog was featured in the Caesar food commercial.

A representative of the same breed, the West Highland White Terrier, is depicted on the packaging of some lines of this dog food. However, only one cut is depicted there, and in order to appreciate the beauty of the breed, the Dai Paw website has collected photos of other West Highland White Terriers, see below.

Photos of dogs of the West Highland White Terrier breed

Price of West Highland White Terrier puppies

If Cesar food is one of the cheapest, then the West Highland White Terrier breed is certainly not. The average cost of a puppy is from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles, if purchased from a professional nursery. When buying secondhand, you can find it much cheaper, but then there is no guarantee that a puppy similar to this breed will grow into a 100% purebred West Highland White Terrier.

Video about the West Highland White Terrier breed

Want to know more about the dog breed featured in the Cesar food commercial? Then be sure to watch Animal Planet's Introduction to Dogs video about West Highland White Terriers.

Interesting facts about West Highland White Terriers

    Initially, West Highland White Terriers were used as hunting dogs, but now, in fact, they are “decorative” dogs. The birthplace of this breed is Scotland. The height of Weist Highland dogs is only 23-30 centimeters, so the breed is perfect for keeping in a small apartment. Pets of this breed have been in the wives of Schumacher, Abramovich, as well as Paris Hilton, Denifer Aniston, Scarlett Johansson, Leslie Hornby.

"Dai Lapu" website

On the pages of our website you will find information about dog breeds, treatment for diseases, care recommendations, reviews of ready-made food and feedback on them, as well as much other equally useful and interesting things!


The hunting disposition makes this breed very energetic. Therefore, such dogs should be owned by active people. Setters require long walks, runs and outings. Ideally, setters are owned by people living in the countryside. Large dogs will be much more comfortable in a large yard than in a cramped city apartment. If a city dweller decides to buy a hunting dog, he must be prepared to devote a lot of time to the dog and walk with it a lot.

This breed is very intelligent and capable of learning. With proper training, setters will diligently learn commands. They understand when they are being scolded and feel shame in such situations.

Feed composition

Cereals are used as a source of carbohydrates in the feed, but it is not disclosed which specific crops are used, as well as their percentage. In 2nd place are protein elements - meat, offal, fats of natural origin. Carrots and alfalfa, which contain a high percentage of fiber, are added to Chappie. The food is completely balanced, containing all the necessary vitamins, amino acids and minerals important for maintaining the health of dogs. Calorie content is at least 350 kcal, which is enough to provide the animal with the necessary energy.

Owner reviews

Chappi everyday dry food has received mixed reviews from owners of dogs of various breeds. Of course, it is very important to strictly adhere to the serving sizes recommended by experts, as well as by the dog food manufacturer:

  • 10 kg of weight – 175 g/day;
  • 25 kg of weight – 350 g/day;
  • 40 kg of weight – 500 g/day;
  • 60 kg of weight – 680 g/day.

Such a diet is especially often criticized due to the inaccuracy of the composition with the lack of specification and indication of the percentage of all ingredients used in the production of feed. Many owners of four-legged pets are alarmed by the veiled origin of some components and the obvious scarcity of the vitamin and mineral complex.

Disadvantages also include a narrow range of foods that do not take into account the needs of puppies, sick, adult and older pets. However, some experienced owners of four-legged pets see absolutely no point in overpaying significantly and purchasing exclusively “premium class” food or expensive holistic products.

The undeniable advantages of Chappi food, according to dog breeders, are represented by affordability, wide distribution in all corners of our country, the absence of harmful chemical additives (indicated on the label), and the ability to purchase large and small packages.

Main feed lines

"Chappy" as a trademark has four main lines. Thanks to this, every housewife will be able to choose suitable food for her dog. The type of food is chosen in accordance with the characteristics of the animal.

On the official website you can find many photos of Chappy food for dogs: meat plates, beef rations, food for puppies, etc.

The vitamin-rich herbs in Chappie's Meat Plate line promote good dog health. Nettle improves digestion, and the presence of chamomile promotes proper kidney function.

Vitamins will also strengthen the dog’s joints. Brewer's yeast, minerals and meat will strengthen the dog's immunity and improve its coat. The food is suitable for all adult dogs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Amateur dog breeders usually leave positive reviews about this food, noting its inexpensive cost and varied composition. However, experts are skeptical about this brand of food. They note that Chappi is not suitable for animals that expend a lot of energy.


Chappi food can be easily found at any retail outlet. The product is readily purchased by novice dog breeders and experienced breeders .

Among the advantages are the following:

  1. Affordable price;
  2. Variety of ingredients;
  3. Rich taste palette;
  4. No potential allergens.

The food also contains a lot of fiber and helps stimulate digestion.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of Chappy food:

  • low price, widespread distribution;
  • availability of feed in the form of granules and pates;
  • different volumes of packaging;
  • balance.

This diet also has disadvantages:

  • the main component is cereals, but the packaging does not indicate which crops are used;
  • low content of vitamins, macro- and microelements;
  • the content of meat components and the percentage of natural protein are not indicated;
  • presence of preservatives and chemicals.

When choosing food, you should take into account the dog’s characteristics, health status and financial capabilities. To choose the optimal composition and feeding rate for your pet, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

General recommendations

If the owner switches the dog to Chappy's ready-made diet, many problems disappear - there is no need to spend a long time preparing food. The food has a balanced composition with the necessary nutrients and nutrients. Despite the small amount of meat, the product has been studied and its safety has been confirmed by experts. To prevent your dog from developing serious health problems, you need to follow some tips:

  1. Divide the amount of food indicated in the instructions into 2-3 doses per day.
  2. When switching to a dry diet, carry out this process gradually, adding more food daily.
  3. Weigh yourself every day, checking your pet’s weight gain or plumb line.
  4. Get examined at a veterinary clinic in a timely manner so that if health problems arise, you can switch to a different food.
  5. Closely monitor the dog's condition during home games and walks.
  6. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging.

Chappy dog ​​food has both pros and cons, which is confirmed by various reviews on the Internet. It has no analogues in its price segment, so if you lack funds, it is better to choose this product for a balanced diet.


We analyze the composition using the example of the Meat Abundance diet:

Chappy food composition

On the websites of other pet stores, the same food is described differently:

Feed composition

From the scant information provided by sellers, it is clear that the feed mixture is made up of food waste. The manufacturer reserves the right to manipulate the composition of the feed. A positive thing is the presence of alfalfa and carrots, which have a positive effect on the dog’s health.

In terms of nutrient content, this feed cannot be called complete. However, using Chappie is preferable to making a boiled feed mixture from chicken heads and cereal dirt.

Reviews from veterinarians

According to experienced veterinarians, the use of Chappi in feeding requires compliance with certain rules for preparing a pet’s diet:

  • alternating dry food with natural, high-quality and complete food products;
  • providing the animal with a sufficient amount of clean water, which is caused by a noticeable swelling of dry granules in the stomach with the appearance of a feeling of extreme thirst;
  • supplementing your pet’s diet with natural by-products and meat, the amount of which in “economy class” food is usually minimal;
  • supplementing dry food with vitamin and mineral complexes, which will provide the animal’s body with all the necessary nutrients.

Veterinarians recommend that when the very first signs of indigestion, as well as allergic reactions or any other problems related to the health of a pet, appear, completely exclude Chappie food from the four-legged pet’s diet, after which it is imperative to switch the dog to natural food, which quickly restores health and vigor and activity.

Chappi food line

The range of the Chappy dog ​​series includes dry and wet food. They differ not only in their release form, but also in their composition. Recommended for everyday feeding of pets of different breeds.

Dry food

The most common version of Chappie. Available in packages weighing from 600 g to 15 kg. Contains essential proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as a vitamin complex.

Homemade beef

Dry food in the form of medium kibble for adult dogs of all breeds. Contains grains, meat and by-products, carrots, alfalfa and vegetable oils. The amount of protein is 18 g, which is enough to maintain muscle mass for an energetic dog. Medium size granules.

Meat abundance with vegetables and herbs (hearty meat lunch)

Balanced food suitable as a daily diet for puppies and adult dogs. Ingredients: cereals and meat components, natural fibers in the form of carrots, alfalfa. It contains vitamins and minerals to support the musculoskeletal system. The dense structure of Chappie granules helps prevent the formation of tartar.

Brief description and country of origin

All types of relatively cheap dry and canned dog food for Chappie are produced by the American company Mars. Today, the enterprises of this company operate in almost all countries, including Russia.

Chappie is often sold loose without packaging.

For your information! It is noteworthy that the efforts of the initiators of the advertising campaign promoting the superiority of Chappi over homemade food are aimed exclusively at citizens of the CIS. Dog breeders from foreign countries, including the USA, know nothing about this food or the manufacturing company.

The manufacturing company mentions the unique properties of the product: a beneficial effect on the general condition of the dog, as well as the positive changes that will occur to the animal’s fur and skin. If you believe the advertising slogans, by regularly consuming Chappie, the dog receives a daily dose of microelements. It improves the functioning of the animal's digestive organs and immune system.

Chappi Dog Food Review

Dry dog ​​food Chappi (“Chappy”) is produced in Russia by a local division of the American corporation Mars. The official website is , but there is no useful information about the food there (no ingredients, no recommended feeding rates), only advertising promotional materials. This food belongs to the economy class. In addition to Chappie, it owns the following brands of dog and cat food: KiteKat, Pedigree, Whiskas, Royal Canin, Cesar, Nutro, Perfect Fit.

Chappi food composition

Let's look at the composition of the food "Chappie" using the example of the option "With home-style beef, with vegetables and herbs" for adult dogs of all breeds. You can see it in the image below:

Photo of the composition indicated on the food packaging.

The first ingredient, cereals, is a source of carbohydrates. It is not indicated which specific grains are used, nor their total percentage in the composition. In second place is the source of protein - meat and offal, but again neither the total percentage nor the offal used is indicated.

Animal fats and vegetable oils are sources of fats and fatty acids. Carrots and alfalfa are primarily sources of fiber. Minerals and vitamins - food supplement of minerals and vitamins.

This is where the composition ends; in general, it is typical for economy class - all ingredients are written in general terms, nothing is specified.

The analysis shows only 18% protein, which is quite low. However, it is not clear how much of this 18% is of plant origin and how much is animal protein.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of Chappy dog ​​food include:

  • low cost and widespread;
  • In addition to dry food, there is wet food (spiders).

Disadvantages of Chappi food:

  • the basis of the food is cereals, it is not even specified which ones;
  • very low content of vitamins and minerals;
  • the percentage of the main ingredients is not indicated, it is impossible to understand how many meat ingredients are in the food and what percentage of animal protein;
  • The antioxidants used are not indicated, there is not even a general formulation in the composition (but they definitely exist, otherwise the food would quickly deteriorate even in a closed package).


In order to correctly calculate the amount of food per day and for a single dose, the owner must know the weight of his dog. Also, to correctly calculate the portion, you should take into account her lifestyle and age.

The body weight of the animal is the main indicator. When calculating the serving size, it is better to be guided by the average data indicated on the packaging. It is recommended to feed the following amount of food per day:

  • up to 10 kg – 175 g;
  • 10-25 kg – 350 g;
  • 25-40 kg – 500 g;
  • from 60 kg – 680 g.

The dosage prescribed on the package is divided by the number of meals. A pet kept outside should receive 30-40% more food.

The amount of ready-made Chappi food per day is determined individually. After introducing a new diet, it is recommended to weigh the pet once a week, then the owner will be able to determine whether to increase the feeding rate or not.

For puppies, the amount of prepared food should be calculated differently. After babies completely switch to solid food at 2-2.5 months, they grow quickly. In this case, it is better to consult a veterinarian so that he can correctly calculate the serving volume.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Chappie is an economy class dog food from the American corporation Mars. Available in the form of dry granules and wet pates.
  2. The composition contains cereals of unknown origin, meat by-products and fiber in the form of carrots and alfalfa.
  3. The food is balanced in fats, carbohydrates and proteins, but the vitamin content is not enough to keep the dog healthy.

Have you used Chappy food to feed your pet? Share your experience of using this brand in the comments.


Review: I have a Chinese Crested Hairless dog at home. Initially, we started feeding her expensive Pro Plan food, but it turned out to have too many vitamins, which our dog absolutely does not need for many reasons, and unfortunately she was covered in scabs and acne. After which we tried other expensive food, which unfortunately had the same effect. Then they advised me to take Chappie, and my allergies were gone. pimples don’t break out with acne and everything is great, and most importantly it’s easy to use and the dog is always happy... Read more

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