Droopy pouches and spaniel ears: stars with the ugliest breasts

In the 90s, the famous series about Californian rescuers was released, where the tanned beauty Anderson ran along the beach in a red swimsuit. At that moment, Pamela was dubbed the sex symbol of the United States, and girls all over the world wanted the same breasts. And away we go!

Today, every second star undergoes breast augmentation surgery, but among celebrities there are also those who do not care about public opinion and do not hesitate to show the public their imperfect breasts.

Lindsey Lohan

Alcohol and drugs ruined not only the actress’s career, but also her health and figure. At 34, Lindsay looks 50: deep wrinkles all over her face, sagging skin, and, of course, sagging breasts.

Regarding the latter, Lindsay repeatedly turned to plastic surgeons in the hope of correcting the situation, but no one helped her. Doctors say: first of all, Lohan needs to give up bad habits, then reconsider her diet, and then we can talk about operations. But, apparently, the former actress does not plan to change her lifestyle.

Types of female breasts

Researchers around the world have devoted a considerable amount of time to studying the many varieties of female breasts. Based on the appearance of this part of the body, it becomes possible to even characterize the lady’s temperament and personality traits. A special classification divides the mammary glands into several categories depending on their shape - according to this criterion, descriptions of female nature are compiled.

Anastasia Volochkova

The extravagant ballerina loves to post provocative pictures online. Anastasia is clearly delighted with her figure, unlike Internet users. Followers have written to Volochkova more than once that the beauty of breasts is not in size, but she stubbornly refuses to understand this.

The bust of the infamous blonde has been compared to everything: punching bags, flatbreads, and spaniel ears. However, Nastya doesn’t care – she proves this with every new publication on Instagram. Everyone would like to have such self-confidence!

Volochkova is not the only one who doesn’t worry about her appearance: Star collective farm: celebrities who will forever remain hillbillies.

Lady Gaga

The American singer loves to surprise the public with scandalous, half-naked outfits. And this despite the fact that Lady Gaga’s bust is far from ideal: her small breasts are located at different levels, and they are also slightly flattened.

And although Gaga could easily correct her peculiarity, she does not. Which, in fact, gives a lesson to all women, as if saying: “You don’t need to be ashamed of what nature has blessed you with, beauty!”

Although Gaga also has unsuccessful exits: They will scare you to the point of hiccups: 5 failed celebrity makeups for which stylists should be fired.

Spaniel breed - species according to FCI classification

In the modern classification of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, spaniels occupy a separate section in group No. 8 “Retrievers, spaniels and water dogs.” In total, there are 9 branches of the breed represented here. We propose to study these official varieties of spaniels first.

English cocker spaniel

Although the ancestor of the word spaniel is the Spanish language, Great Britain is considered the true homeland of the dog. Experts are inclined to believe that the ancestors of modern cockers and springer spaniels are Norfolk hunting dogs.

The English Cocker Spaniel is a breed of medium-sized dog. Pets grow up to 41 cm and weigh about 14 kg. The physique of individuals is stocky, the body is elongated, the muzzle is wedge-shaped, with large drooping ears. The coat is thick and wavy. The color can be different, but more often than others, shades of black, white and red colors predominate.

English cockers are distinguished by developed working qualities: a sensitive sense of smell, keen eyesight. By temperament, dogs are very active, they love to hunt birds and small animals, so they hardly get along with domestic cats and rodents. They are wary of strangers, but they simply adore their family, and are ready to spend hours tinkering even with capricious children.

English Springer Spaniel

A large representative of the spaniel breed. The dogs are 51 cm tall and weigh over 22 kg. The constitution of individuals is stately, the head is large, the chest is deep. The muscles are well developed. The dogs are physically strong, but move easily, gracefully and quickly. By character they are distinguished by energy, intelligence, discipline, and friendliness. They get along well with children and do not like being alone.

Springer is considered the progenitor of many types of spaniels. This is one of the oldest English breeds. At one time, noble aristocrats used these dogs exclusively for hunting game birds, but today the decorative springer spaniel has gained considerable popularity. These dogs are specially bred to participate in exhibitions: they are distinguished by less developed instincts and working qualities.

Related article:

Nickname for a spaniel boy or girl - examples of names, tips, hunting nicknames . Not only does the puppy need to be selected according to many parameters, but it also needs to be named correctly. Read in a separate article about naming options for a spaniel puppy.

Welsh Springer

Pointing dogs bred in Wales. They easily find game hidden in the snow or leaves, take a stance, and on command raise the bird for a shot. They are highly active and have a desire to hunt. They are easy to train, and with proper upbringing their behavior is impeccable.

Externally, this type of spaniel is very similar to springers. At the withers, the height of Welsh dogs is 46-48 cm, and they gain about 14-20 kg in weight. The body is strong, the chest protrudes forward, the head is large, the muzzle is medium in size. These dogs are stately and physically powerful, but not aggressive. They love to obey the owner and play with children.

The dominant color is white, with brown or fiery red spots. There are two types of dogs: long-haired and short-haired Welsh Springers. The latter is more protected from exposure to water and cold temperatures.

American Cocker Spaniel

American Cockers are graceful, inquisitive and, according to popular belief, the most beautiful spaniels. According to their natural purpose and the dictates of a dog’s heart, these dogs are more likely to be sweet domestic companions than observant hunters. They love to frolic, play with children and adults, and receive affection and praise.

The American Cocker Spaniel is small in size: individuals are 35-39 cm tall and weigh from 12 kg. But the appearance of these dogs is expressive. Large, wide eyes, a charming snub-nosed muzzle and a glamorous silky coat make a very pleasant impression.


A very large spaniel with an original appearance: white color (small lemon or red spots are acceptable), sleepy face, ear feathers reminiscent of grapevine leaves.

The clumber's build is stocky, the body is rough, the legs and neck are short. The height of the animals is 50 cm, weight is from 30 kg or more. This is the heaviest breed of spaniel dog, but they behave like noble aristocrats. Clumbers are leisurely and careful in their movements. Slow gait, excellent sense of smell and keen eyesight allow these dogs to find nests of partridges or pheasants and sneak up on them unnoticed.


Relatively small spaniels bred in Holland specifically for duck hunting (tolling). The breed is naturally gifted with excellent hunting instincts, so the owners do not even have a great need for training. But with Kooikerhondje you need to take a long and active walk.

Dogs grow up to 35-40 cm, gaining weight 9-11 kg. The body is small and square in shape. The coat is water-repellent, the guard hair is straight or wavy. Typical color: white and red. The temperament of Dutch Spaniels is good-natured, calm and friendly. These dogs become very attached to their owner, but do not really like children: the Kooikerhondje have difficulty withstanding shouting, mockery and noisy games.

German Wachtelhund

Bred in Germany, it is considered a universal hunter. He has a great craving for physical activity (he is as active as a cartoon Tasmanian devil), so he is not intended to be kept in an apartment.

The height at the withers of dogs of this breed is 50 cm, weight is from 18 to 25 kg. The German spaniel looks stately, smart, noble. The coat is thick, the hair is wavy, sometimes curly. The characteristic coat color is chocolate, reddish or speckled with tan. The temperament of Wachtelhunds is friendly and flexible.

Sussex Spaniel

Less popular representatives of the spaniel breed. Sussexes are direct descendants of Clumbers and have a similar appearance to them. But the dimensions vary: these dogs grow to only 41 cm and weigh 23 kg.

The main purpose of Sussex Spaniels is to vocalize when chasing a bird. As soon as the dogs feel the proximity of game hidden in the forest thicket, they notify the owner about this with a ringing bark. In addition, due to its excellent sense of smell, this spaniel dog can be used as a bloodhound.

Field Spaniel

Little is known about the rarest representative of the spaniel genus. It is believed that Field is an experiment in the selection of dogs with coats of exclusively dark shades. Now among the main colors of individuals are black, black and tan and various shades of brown.

In terms of dimensions, this is a fairly large spaniel: the height of individuals is 46 cm, weight is 25 kg. The body is lean, muscular, the head is large, the muzzle is wedge-shaped. The paws are webbed for swimming. Dogs are distinguished by very high intelligence, peaceful disposition and a predisposition to an active lifestyle. You need to walk a lot and productively with such a dog.

This is what the “Spaniels” section looks like according to the IFF classification. But not all possible types of spaniels are listed here. Therefore, we move on and get acquainted with other representatives of the genus.

Evelina Bledans

Now the domestic star of the 90s has no problem showing off her breasts in photographs. And all because in 2022, Evelina decided to have an operation to enlarge it. Before this, the actress’s bust was of a “non-Hollywood” shape, which is clearly visible in old photographs.

Bledans admitted that she had a lot of complexes because of her atypical bust and envied her colleagues with beautiful breasts. And then I found out that everyone had it done, and without remorse she lay on the surgeon’s table. Well, it happens!

Evelina was lucky, unlike these celebrities: Failed mammoplasty of stars: before and after photos.

Various breast shapes

Consider more very interesting information regarding the shape of female breasts

, which will definitely interest all girls. Nowadays, scientists have made huge strides in understanding the female breast. Thus, the Italian sexologist Lorenzoni Pierrot compiled a test for girls, which we offer everyone to take.

To find out a little interesting about yourself, choose a picture that resembles your bust.

  • Breast shape "Klyukovka".

These are women with a sensitive nature. They trust their inner voice sometimes more than their reason. Such girls, as a rule, are domestic and prefer a calm, slow pace of life. They are also very attached to their family.

  • Potato breast shape.

This woman is a cat. Fans are always attracted to her thanks to her inexhaustible trail of pheromones. She likes to choose everything herself. She feels good only when she is loved, watered and stroked.

  • Bottle breast shape.

Such a girl is calculating. She has a logical mind. This woman will not succumb to sentimentality, but for the sake of a sense of duty she is ready to move mountains.

  • Pear breast shape.

A little hysterical and independent. She is simply turned on by scandals and intrigues. Marriage with such a lady promises fantastic sex and artistic destruction of dishes.

  • Breast shape "Hooks".

For such a girl, a relationship with the opposite sex can be compared to fishing. Because whoever she hooks will never leave. Owners of such breasts always like to achieve what they want, they are prudent and smart.

  • Breast shape "Watermelons".

Such a woman is very smart and purposeful. She is powerful, she knows how to wait her time. The feeling of risk not only does not frighten such a girl, but on the contrary, she likes it. Winning men from rivals is one of my favorite activities.

  • Saucer breast shape.

As the saying goes, “..stops a galloping horse...”, well, these are just such women. Such ladies do not forget insults and never forgive. If you want to be close to such a girl, you should be attentive and not let her get bored. Idleness greatly tires such natures.

  • Breast shape "Teapots".

Such a woman can safely date several partners at the same time and at the same time be faithful to them. In their lives, such girls rely on a man and hold on tightly to each such man.

  • Breast shape "Eggplant".

This lady is very nice. As a rule, they are sociable, energetic, cheerful and cheerful. Only a man, next to such a woman, does not look like the master of the family.

  • Breast shape "Peaches".

This girl is very sensitive and loves to take the initiative in bed. She can often be capricious, but she always succumbs to the brute force of a man.

  • Apple breast shape.

It is difficult to please such a girl and bring her to orgasm. But she is an excellent housewife and loves to please her chosen one.

  • Pancake breast shape

She absolutely loves experiments in sex and loves to dominate. Such a girl can be jealous and very aggressive, but she cannot tolerate such qualities on the part of her partner.

  • Orange breast shape

Such ladies have a very bright temperament that flares up over the course of years. These girls feel men, understand them and help them open up in order to reach the very pinnacle of pleasure.

  • Bee Stings Breast Shape.

Usually such women are balanced and calm. But at the same time they are very scary when angry. As a rule, such ladies do not cheat on their spouses. They like to receive guests at home and run the household.

  • Breast shape "Handbags".

Such girls are very demanding both of others and of themselves. Not every person can adapt to this. But the man who is lucky enough to join this will find himself at the very pinnacle of happiness and bliss.

  • Fox nose breast shape.

The girls, who can be affectionately called “foxes,” are efficient and very smart. Such ladies will adapt to any man without any difficulty, and therefore marriage with them is easy and successful. They are famous inventors in bed and are distinguished by their fidelity.

  • Grapefruit breast shape.

A girl with a subtle nature. Such people love perfection, and in everything that interests them. It is not uncommon for them to lose profitable options due to immersion in introspection. Unfortunately, they rarely take the initiative in relationships with a man.

  • Spaniel ears chest shape

Don't sigh like that! Women with such breasts are simply a godsend! They are the real fire in sexual relationships. They welcome manifestations of initiative from the male side, as they adore adventures.

  • Goat breast shape.

The most temperamental and liberated ladies are the owners of this breast shape. Such women make great courtesans and actresses.

  • Breast shape "Sex bomb"

Despite such a loud name, these girls are very romantic. They firmly believe in pure and bright love. They surrender to this feeling deeply and completely. At the same time, they suffer greatly when love leaves them.

Tori Spelling

But this American actress was not as lucky as Bledans. Tori also had breast augmentation surgery, but instead of getting rid of her complexes, she gained a bunch of new ones. Apparently, the actress received low-quality implants, which after several pregnancies began to go back and forth.

Spelling's breasts look unnatural: the silicone beads are very clearly visible. And that's not so bad. In different photographs, the chest is sometimes higher, sometimes lower, and dips and dents are clearly visible in the area of ​​the sternum. The spectacle, frankly speaking, is not for the faint of heart. Tori's example proves that sometimes it is better to accept yourself than to go under the knife and only make things worse.

Not only Spelling suffered at the hands of doctors: They only made it worse! Stars who ruined their faces with plastic surgery.

Proper care of spaniel ears

Long ears are problematic, as they quickly get dirty, and in May-September they become a favorite place for bloodsuckers that abound in the grass.

Excessive moisture on the back side causes inflammation, microcracks and scratches appear.

Dried dirt on the ends pulls the hairs together, thereby injuring the epidermis.

While hunting, the pet runs the risk of hitting the “burdocks” on the sharp protrusions of plants or snags, which causes pain to the poor thing. Severe injury requires urgent medical intervention.

At the same time, keeping the problem area in order is not difficult. Timely and consistent implementation of just a few points is enough to maintain proper condition.

When feeding, it is advisable to raise the ears and secure them above the head with an elastic band made of an elastic material resembling a fabric mesh. This way, the fidget will not be distracted and the “cloths” will not get into the bowl, while remaining immaculately clean.

When feeding, the spaniel's ears must be secured with an elastic band.

Regular inspection

This procedure must be carried out daily upon returning home.

If the mischief maker is incredibly dirty, inspect it superficially to detect wounds and ticks (during the warm season). If there are insects, remove them yourself, or take your pet to a clinic, where specialists will do this. Burrs, blades of grass and other debris are removed by hand.

Some owners, when walking long-eared individuals, put hats and elastic bands on them, saving their ears from contact with asphalt, soil, gravel, etc.

Washing rules

Having visually checked the condition of the problem part upon returning from a walk or hunting, it is recommended to wash the tips of the ears (done at the same time as the paws). Especially if there are clods of dirt, sand, mud, and combing them out will only cause pain.

Small components entangled in the fur are carefully removed, without tearing out the hairs or pulling on the skin.

Then the stained surface is washed with water at room temperature. After which, with light touches, the ears are wrung out and blotted with a towel.

It is not recommended to use a hair dryer to avoid excessive drying.

A complete wash of your furry friend is carried out once a month using shampoos and conditioners for long-haired dogs, which allow you to maintain their original smoothness and shine.

Do not pour water into the ear canal. Causes discomfort and promotes the growth of pathogenic microbes.

When washing, do not allow water to pour into the ear canal.

Before swimming in natural bodies of water, it is advisable to treat the inner surface of the ears, including the ear canal, with vegetable oil, which has a water-repellent effect.

At the end of the water procedure, make sure that the ears are dry, for which they are also raised above the head so that the moisture evaporates. Dipping with cotton balls speeds up drying.

Cleaning and combing

Brushing is just as important as feeding and walking.

Combs and brushes are used. Puppies are accustomed to handling from birth. Initially, babies are placed on their laps. The actions are accompanied by stroking and gentle words so that the baby is not afraid and gradually gets used to it.

For adults, a trimming table is convenient, which greatly simplifies the work of the “stylist”.

If tangles are detected, try to disassemble the matted hairs and remove dead ones, and if there is no positive result, use a tangle cutter.

Before the puppy reaches 5 months, you cannot use combs, since hard teeth damage the delicate skin of babies.

Since wax, dead epithelium, and dirt accumulate in the ear openings, weekly cleaning is required.

To successfully implement the planned event, drip slightly warmed vegetable oil (softens the contents of the ear canal). After a couple of minutes, massage for even distribution.

Wipe the inner surface with a swab dipped in an oil solution with the addition of a small amount of boric alcohol or 3% hydrogen peroxide (chlorhexidine is suitable).

Then clean the holes using a cotton pad or a piece of bandage wrapped around your finger.

Cotton swabs are not advisable. The eardrum is damaged, and the exudate is pushed even deeper. It is difficult to pull it out on your own, which can lead to deafness and inflammation.

The skin of the auditory canal of a healthy ear is smooth, without redness, wounds or suppuration.

There are developed powders, liquids and ear sprays that also eliminate odor.

If dark discharge is visible in the ear and a squelching sound is heard upon palpation, the hearing organ is inflamed (most likely a tick infection). The dog needs to be taken to the clinic for diagnosis and prescription of medications.

A haircut

The hair around the ear canal can be trimmed from puppyhood.
From puppyhood, the hair around the ear canal is trimmed with scissors with rounded ends. To prevent hairs from getting into the passage, it is closed with a piece of cotton wool.

Excess vegetation on the inner surface is plucked out with the thumb and forefingers or non-sharp tweezers.

Approximately two-thirds down from the base of the outer ear (located at eye level) is cut with a dog clipper fitted with a No. 10 attachment. The remainder is trimmed with scissors.

The procedure requires extreme care, since any microscopic cut causes pain and irritates delicate skin.

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