Poodle - varieties and care, description and color, character and training, feeding and fashion + 82 photos

The miniature poodle was only recognized in 1097 and was previously called "toy", although these are 2 distinct varieties. Today, the mini poodle is one of the most common decorative breeds in the world, largely due to its compact size and good tolerance to almost any climate.

The miniature poodle was only recognized in 1097 and was previously called "toy", although these are 2 different varieties

Gallery: miniature poodle (25 photos)


An important advantage of all representatives of the breed is devotion, goodwill and strong love for their owners . Dogs demand attention and reciprocate. The miniature poodle will be an excellent friend, a loyal and reliable companion. Other positive aspects of the breed include:

  • absence of a specific “dog” smell ;
  • developed mind (dogs are easy to train);
  • allowed for allergy .

Reference! The toy poodle is a good athlete . The handsome miniature loves to jump and run, and he deftly overcomes the obstacle course. This is an active and cheerful animal.

Most Miniature Poodles retain the hunting habits of their older cousins, the Royal Poodles. These dogs are also wary of strangers. When meeting strangers, most representatives of the breed will bark in defense of the owner.

Character and habits of the miniature poodle

These four-legged pets are characterized by curiosity, a sharp mind (it’s not for nothing that they rank second in intelligence after the border collie), receptivity and a cheerful, gentle disposition. They are obedient, want to be the center of attention and cannot stand being alone. They learn easily, become strongly attached to people, and can be very dependent on the emotions of the owner.

Children and other pets, such as cats, usually find poodles to be kind and sociable (even if the cat itself is not happy about it), but some dogs can be very jealous or overly excitable. The poodle's sensitivity means that if he is offended, the four-legged friend's behavior will become destructive until the owner apologizes.

The poodle can exhibit guarding qualities to protect its owner, but is more often limited to loud barking without attacking. In general, young poodles like the sound of their own voice, which is why they can become annoying with frequent barking. Although this will pass with age, you should not let it become a habit for your dog.

Among strangers, a mini-poodle behaves distrustfully and warily, just as a cat acts nervous among strangers. However, you should not think that he can easily get lost: these dogs are hardy and, thanks to their excellent sense of smell and memory, they can easily find the shortest path to home, even if they are far from it.

Description of the breed

The miniature poodle differs from standard individuals of this breed solely in size. The Japanese Miniature Poodle is even smaller in size.

Size and weight

It is difficult to say definitively how much a mini poodle weighs. The weight of the animal varies between 4-6 kg. The average weight of an adult dog is 3-5 kg. The characteristics of the breed necessarily include not only height, but also proportionality of build. At the withers, a miniature poodle should reach 28-35 cm. If the pet is lower, then it is a toy; if it is taller, it is a medium poodle.


Poodles are dogs that don't shed. Their fur is like soft hair. Five colors are recognized as standard:

  • white or black color, plain;
  • brown, silver (gray) and apricot, as well as shades as close as possible to them without spots, transitions and marks of other colors.

Mini poodle puppies, which have silver and apricot shades, acquire full color only by 1 year. It’s easier with black, white and brown dogs - they don’t change color, but the saturation may change.

Breed standard

The breed standard is characterized by the following indicators:

  1. The head is of the correct shape, it is not elongated or blunt. The occipital tubercle on the skull is moderately expressed.
  2. The muzzle is not massive, but it cannot be called weak either. The jaws are well developed. Medium lips with neat corners. In terms of pigmentation, they are close to wool, or black. The teeth are straight, scissor bite.
  3. The nose has widened nostrils. Its color is close to the shade of the coat. The eyes are small, the inner corners are slightly drooping. According to the standard, the iris should be black or close to this color. But this is not entirely natural, so a dark brown or amber shade is allowed.
  4. The ears are soft, long, lying on the sides of the head.
  5. The body is strong, moderately elongated, rectangular in shape. The neck is oval in shape, with a well-developed scruff. In males, the withers may stand out slightly.
  6. The back is shortened, tapering towards the croup. The loin is slightly raised and strong. The stomach is tucked up, which helps highlight the graceful figure.
  7. Legs are straight and even. The front ones are located under the body, the rear ones are slightly spaced to the sides. Elbows pressed to the chest.

The tail is set high. Both natural and docked are recognized. Worn high, not curled.

Care and maintenance of a mini poodle

The Miniature Poodle requires careful grooming. It is important to accustom him to hygienic and preventive procedures from early childhood so that the dog does not show aggression and irritation during them. The dog needs to be bathed 1-2 times a week using special shampoos and mild conditioners, since it is vital for them to keep their coat always clean. The coat should be combed several times a week, especially since the poodle enthusiastically accepts this procedure. It is advisable to have brushes and combs of different types and frequencies of teeth in your arsenal.

Grooming should be done at least once every 2 months to prevent the hair from getting tangled and pulling on the dog’s skin, causing it pain. It is more convenient to use a machine rather than scissors. Fashionable hairstyles, such as the “lion”, “modern”, “lamb” haircut, are not necessary; you can limit yourself to uniformly shortening the hair along the natural contours of the body. The Miniature Poodle's coat is thin, so during the winter months the dog needs to be dressed warmly, otherwise it will freeze.

The condition of the claws, ears, eyes and teeth also needs to be monitored: trim the claws on time, clean the ears with a cotton oil swab to avoid inflammation, remove stains under the eyes with a special lotion, and remove tartar regularly. In addition, the dog should be regularly vaccinated and treated against parasites (helminths, ticks and fleas).

The Miniature Poodle is an energetic dog that requires regular exercise (at least half an hour a day). She loves overcoming obstacles, catching a flying saucer, fetching, tricks and swimming. Often, health problems in poodles are associated with poor nutrition and inactivity.

The poodle should be fed at the same time and in a balanced manner. It is necessary to exclude fatty foods, sweets and baked goods, potatoes and legumes from the diet. You can feed your dog either ready-made food of at least premium class, or homemade food (meat, cereals - rice and buckwheat, boneless sea fish, vegetables, dairy products, eggs, fruits). You cannot mix types of food, as the balance of nutrients will be disrupted. It is recommended to give vitamins periodically.

Color variations

There are the following types of colors for a poodle:

  • White is the most common color. Cream or apricot inserts on the coat are allowed, which will disappear with age;
  • Black is the classic coat color for a poodle. It should be solid without any markings;
  • Chocolate . The animal has a rich brown color;
  • Silver . This color develops in a poodle over several years. Puppies are born black and become light gray later;
  • Red . The color of the dogs' fur is mahogany;
  • Apricot . The animal has the color of any variation of apricot. They may lighten with age, often becoming creamy as they mature.

In 2007, two more colors were recognized - harlequin (a combination of white and black) and black and tan..

Pet training

Training a dwarf poodle is easy and enjoyable, which is why these animals often perform in the circus or on stage. Many owners manage to teach their pet commands and tricks (fetch things, open and close doors, take off a person’s shoes, give a voice, make turns) even without rewarding with treats, with the help of simple praise. But punishments and a sharp commanding voice cannot get results from a poodle; a stern look will be enough for him. If during training the animal becomes bored, it will show artistry: it will pretend to be sick or stupid.

How to choose?

First, decide: what size poodle do you need?

Based on how big your apartment is and how many people live in it, whether there are children.

Already in the nursery, observe how the poodle puppies behave. Choose an active baby who doesn't get scared, hide, or be overly aggressive.

Examine it:

  1. The eyes must be clean;
  2. There should be no unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  3. There should be no leakage from the ears;
  4. There should be no rash on the stomach;
  5. A healthy puppy has hair without bald spots, clean;
  6. The limbs must be intact, the tail without kinks.

The optimal time for acquisition is 2-4 months.

Interesting fact

Many people think that a miniature poodle is no more beneficial than a cat, but a case in 2008 in Orenburg proves the opposite! A gray poodle named Dick, with his diligence, helped catch thieves who, unnoticed by anyone, broke into the door of the dog's owner and robbed the apartment. Dick sat on the staircase and tried to draw attention to the actions of the intruders by barking non-stop. The owner heard barking from the street and hurried home. By locking the door, he was able to detain the criminals caught by this tiny dog ​​until the police arrived.


As for the very first poodles, they were large. Even today it is difficult to say for sure who their ancestors are. Breeders are confident that the dwarf poodle appeared by crossing hunting, herding dogs and divers. Dogs that closely resemble poodles in appearance are found in paintings from the 13th century. Pets lived in the families of monarchs of European states. Ordinary people were prohibited from breeding these animals.

The Mini Dwarf Poodle, as a separate breed, was bred in the 40s of the 19th century. A scientist from Switzerland, Shaitlin, was closely involved in breeding. He considered the representatives of this breed to be perfect, endowed with courage, nobility and intelligence.

The breed standard was approved in France in 1880.

Pet health

Despite the fact that the breed is considered a long-liver, it has weaknesses.

Dogs are susceptible to a number of diseases that are specific to poodles.:

  • diabetes
  • epilepsy
  • obesity
  • volvulus
  • retinal degeneration
  • deafness
  • heart diseases
  • allergies
  • joint dysplasia
  • urolithiasis disease

A preventive examination by a veterinarian should be performed at least once a year . Ensure that necessary vaccinations are completed on time. It is also necessary to treat your pet against external and internal parasites.

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Puppy cost

The price of a poodle puppy depends on its size variety, origin, color, quality and exhibition prospects in the future. The most expensive currently are toy poodles, the price of which can be 50-65 thousand. Puppies of rare or more valuable colors that look most advantageous in the show ring, for example, apricot or white, will also cost more.

A pet-class poodle puppy can be purchased for 15-20 thousand, and kids with show potential, on the contrary, will cost more than ordinary representatives of this breed.

On average, the cost of a poodle puppy of any size variety is 25-35 thousand rubles.

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