Doberman - history of the breed, type, standards, color, character and care (99 photos + video)

The graceful appearance and graceful movements of the Doberman will not leave any lover of purebred dogs indifferent.

This is not only a spectacular dog that attracts the close attention of others, but also a reliable friend of its owner, ready to intervene at any moment.

The Dobermann is admired for its intelligence, excellent tracking and property protection.

Appearance and characteristics of the breed

Representatives of the breed look like proud Akhal-Teke horses. Some lovers compare Dobermans to graceful deer, the animals are so graceful.

According to FCI standard No. 143, a typical representative of the breed looks like this:

  • The physique is strong and muscular.
  • Elegant body lines.
  • Proud and slender posture.

Such a dog was considered anatomically normal. Today the breed standard has changed somewhat. Light and lean brothers are gradually being replaced by dogs that are more reminiscent of Molossians. The difference in appearance is especially noticeable in docked and undocked animals.

As for the characteristics of Dobermans, perhaps they are one of the most owner-oriented dogs. The pet will look into the eyes and ask without words: are we going to play? What should I do for us to play?

With the right motivation, representatives of the breed work simply brilliantly: on the drive, with sparkling eyes and smiles from ear to ear.


The Doberman loves to be praised and is ready to go out of his way to get his owner's approval. As one of the books about Dobermans rightly says: “The positive aspects of the history of the Doberman look so attractive that it has a negative effect - people refuse to believe that a dog can have such a big and loving heart.” There are real legends around the world about the sincere devotion of Dobermans - both funny and sad. One of these tragic stories occurred during the terrible period of the siege of Leningrad.

In the half-strangled city, hundreds of people died every day from hunger and bombing. But, despite the lack of food, which drove some townspeople to crime, everyone’s favorite, a Doberman named Dar, still lived in one family.

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However, sooner or later something happened that was bound to happen. The head of the family was admitted to the hospital with a standard diagnosis: extreme exhaustion due to chronic malnutrition. His wife went to the hospital every day, but the doctors could only tell her one thing: there was no improvement and was not expected, the end was already near, and hunger was to blame for everything. Having learned that a dog still lives in these people’s apartment, the attending physician said that, perhaps, only she could save her owner.

History of the origin of the breed

In 19th-century Germany, there lived a tax collector and part-time policeman named Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. Due to his activities, the man needed a brave, angry dog ​​who could protect him in case of danger. Local dogs were completely unsuitable for the assigned role, but Dobermann bought the most vicious and powerful ones from the knackers, trying to breed a new breed.

It is known that the ancestors of Dobermans were “butcher dogs” or Rottweilers. According to one version, Rottweilers and German pinschers themselves took part in the development of the new breed. Another version says: Dobermans appeared thanks to Great Danes, “butcher’s dogs,” Beaucerons and other breeds. Allegedly, stud books were not kept in those years, so the history of the origin of Dobermans is shrouded in mystery.

The first exhibition in which the new breed participated took place in 1897, and a couple of years later the first Breed Lovers Club was created.

The first Dobermans appeared in the Russian Empire in 1902. The then professional dog handler V.I. became an active promoter of the breed. Lebedev. The man had connections with those close to the royal court, which contributed to the rapid spread of Dobermans in the search and guard branches of the police service.

In 1972, DOSAAF classified Dobermans as decorative breeds. True, already in the summer of 1973 the breed was again “returned” to the ranks of service workers.

Breed standard RKF and FCI

Breed standard No. 143 dated February 14, 1994 states:

  1. BASIC PROPORTIONS: The Doberman's format is almost square, especially in males. The length of the body (from the sternum to the ischial tuberosity) should not exceed the height at the withers by more than 5% in males and by more than 10% in females.
  2. HEAD: When viewed from above, the head resembles a blunt wedge. The transition from forehead to muzzle is pronounced.
  3. EARS: Vertical, set high, docked in accordance with the length of the head. Uncropped ears should be of medium size, with the front edges lying close to the cheekbones.
  4. EYES: Medium size, oval, dark in color. In brown dogs, a lighter shade is allowed.
  5. MUZZLE: Should be in correct relationship with the cranial part of the head, strongly developed, the opening of the mouth should be deep, reaching the molars. The muzzle should be of sufficient width in the area of ​​the upper and lower incisors.
  6. NOSE: Wide, with round nostrils. Black dogs have black, brown dogs have brown.
  7. JAWS AND TEETH: Jaws wide and strong, scissor bite. The dog must have 42 teeth, correctly set, of standard size.
  8. NECK: Quite long in proportion to the body and head, dry and muscular. Neck with a rising and beautifully curved line, straight and noble carriage.
  9. WITHERS: Should protrude in height and length (especially in males) and thus determine the direction of the back line ascending from the croup.
  10. BACK: Short, strong, broad and muscular.
  11. LOIN: Wide and muscular. The bitch can be a little longer in the lumbar region, as she needs space for her mammary glands.
  12. Croup: Wide and muscular, should slope slightly from the rump to the base of the tail and therefore appear fairly rounded, being neither straight nor sloping.
  13. CHEST: The length and width of the chest should be in correct proportion to the length of the body, and its depth, together with the slightly sprung ribs, should be approximately half the height at the withers. The chest is quite wide with a particularly emphasized and pronounced anterior part.
  14. LOWLINE AND ABDOMEN: The abdominal wall is noticeably tucked from the end of the sternum to the pelvis.
  15. TAIL: Set high and docked short, retaining two distinct caudal vertebrae. In countries where tail docking is prohibited by law, the tail may be kept natural.
  16. HAIR: the hair is short, hard, thick, fits tightly and smoothly to the skin, evenly distributed over the entire surface. The presence of undercoat is not allowed.
  17. COLOR: Black or dark brown with rusty red, reddish red, clearly defined and clean tan markings. Tan marks are located on the muzzle in the form of spots on the cheekbones and above the upper eyelids, on the throat, on the chest in the form of two spots, on the pasterns, metatarsals and paws, on the inner surfaces of the thighs, around the anus and on the ischial tuberosities.
  18. HEIGHT AND WEIGHT: for males: 68 - 72 cm, for females: 63 - 68 cm, weight for males: approximately 40 - 45 kg, for females: approximately 32 - 35 kg.


Adult height: males 69-71 cm, females 62-67 cm. Weight: males 41-45 kg, females 31-35 kg. The characteristic color of the Doberman is completely pure black, dark brown. Coat length: short, smooth. Life expectancy: 11-16 years. Advantages: dedicated guard. Difficulties of the breed: time consuming. Average price of a black Doberman: $600-800. Classification: large dogs, mountain, cattle, companion, guard, bodyguard.

Diseases and health problems

There is a bitter opinion among modern Dobermans: if a dog has lived to be 8 years old, it is considered a long-liver. And if a pet manages to reach 10 years of age, they look at it as if it were a curiosity from another planet.

The lifespan of modern Dobermans is, on average, 5-7 years. The main diseases that claim the lives of pets:

  • DCM. Almost 60% of the breed is susceptible to this heart disease. We won’t go into veterinary terms, but let’s just say: there are two types of disease development. In the first case, after diagnosis, the dog spends the rest of its life on the couch, taking a certain medicine. In the second case, the animal dies instantly: during training and play, just at home. When planning to purchase a Doberman, the future owner will have to accept DCM as a given and come to terms with its possible appearance in his own pet. Otherwise, it is worth considering a different breed.
  • Oncology. Almost all pedigrees of modern dogs contain either DCM or cancer. Comments are unnecessary here.
  • Von Willebrand disease is a bleeding disorder characterized by sudden bleeding. The disease is hereditary.
  • Wobbler's syndrome is a disease of the cervical spine. The disease can be either congenital or acquired.
  • Narcolepsy is a neurological disease characterized by sudden “falling asleep.” At the time of the attack, the animal becomes numb, and there is a short-term loss of control over the limbs. Narcolepsy is a genetic disorder.
  • Gastric volvulus is a disease common to most large breeds. Volvulus is believed to be a hereditary disease.
  • Hip dysplasia is not as common in Doberman Pinschers.
  • Tendency to allergies.

Before purchasing a puppy, it is advisable to look into Doberbaza. Here you can find information about the ancestors of the desired puppy, more or less track the diseases of the parents, grandparents, etc.

Character and habits

It is impossible to paint Dobermans with one brush, because there are as many characters as there are dogs.

Let us highlight the main features characteristic of the breed:

  • people-oriented;
  • curiosity;
  • ease of climbing;
  • excellent learning ability;
  • cunning;
  • mobility.

This dog, with the right approach to training, can become an excellent companion. Due to its high focus on the owner, if the owner is focused on the dog, the tandem can work wonders.

Care and maintenance

A huge request to people who want to buy a Doberman: NEVER buy this breed just because it has a good exterior. The Doberman is not a sofa cushion, not a beautiful addition to furniture. This is a very serious breed that requires endless investment of effort, time and money.

This is not to say that a healthy dog ​​needs special care. Comprehensive vaccinations, trimming nails every 21-30 days, rinsing in the shower after walks, timely walks and quality feeding. As for the content, this issue should be approached in more detail.

At the initial stage, the puppy will need:

  1. two bowls (for food and water);
  2. quality food;
  3. box or cage (you can immediately take for growth, for example, a “six”);
  4. box for transportation in a car, if available;
  5. a warm suit if the pet is purchased in the cold season;
  6. collar and leash;
  7. toys (pullers, dog-likers, balls on a rope produced by Gappay).

If the owners plan to engage in training and pass the VN and IGP standards, the following will be added to the initial purchases:

  1. leashes for tracking and protection;
  2. harness for protection;
  3. training balls;
  4. parfors for behavior correction (strictly under the guidance of a professional dog handler!);
  5. visiting the training area at least 2 times a week;
  6. trips to the fields to practice the trail (from April-May to October);
  7. purchasing your own pads and sleeves for practicing the protective section (at the request of the owners).

It's already scary, isn't it? And most importantly, this requires time and the desire of the owner. Oh yes, the most important thing was not written: an annual heart examination is mandatory for this breed.

How do Dobermans treat strangers?

Dobermans are very wary of strangers, feeling they are a threat. She will warn a stranger with a loud bark. If he does not leave, the dog will try to reach him to bite or hit him. But he will attack only as a last resort.

Dobermans prefer quiet environments, so loud noises, screaming or crying can frighten him. They also do not like people under stress.

The protective instinct of this dog begins to work when the familiar atmosphere is disturbed by an extraneous sound or person. This quality of the Doberman makes him examine the entire territory until the irritant is found.

When this object is found, the Doberman will try to drive it away from its territory. Often begins to show aggression without first calculating his strength. Therefore, early training is mandatory for representatives of this breed.

Education and training

Doberman is a breed that must pass at least the OKD or pass the VN. Not just to pass for the sake of a diploma, but to obey the owner outside the training area. First, obedience is the key to a long and happy life. Perfect obedience and following commands without hesitation may one day save your pet.

Education begins from the moment the tiny paws cross the threshold of a new home. The owner must be consistent in his actions; physical violence against the puppy is unacceptable, but sometimes you have to restrain the pet. For example, the baby got too excited while playing and bit him painfully. In this case, the owner can exclaim the word “hurt” and immediately stop the game.

Correct behavior is rewarded with play and treats, and incorrect behavior is corrected. As for training, it is advisable to start it at the age of 2.5-3 puppy months. Up to 4-4.5 months, Dobermashkas learn about the world around them and absorb into themselves like a sponge. At this time, it is especially important to establish contact with the puppy, which is done through play, praise and encouragement.

Training should also be based on the principles of play: if you perform an action, you will receive a treat or a toy. In general, it is better to take the first steps in training on a treat; you will have time to transfer to a toy.

You just need to choose a good dog handler; it is better for beginners not to experiment with self-training. There are high chances of not seeing the inaccuracies of your actions and the unwanted behavior of the puppy. Correcting “jambs” is not the easiest task.

Feeding and diet.

Oh, feeding Dobermans is a different story. The problem is that these dogs are very allergic, and recommending anything on their menu is such a pleasure.

Choosing a diet for a specific dog can only be done by trial and error. For some, the cheapest dry food is suitable, while others can only eat holistic food. And still others eat natural food and don’t know grief. In general, everything is very individual.

Puppies up to 3 months are fed 5 times a day, from 3 to 6 months - 4 times. Starting from the age of six months, the pet can be transferred to three meals a day. And a 9-month-old Doberman is quite capable of eating twice a day.

If your dog is on a natural diet, it is advisable to exclude chicken and beef from its menu. These products are allergens and, accordingly, can provoke an allergic reaction in a Doberman.

Photos of what shades of black there are

Black color is quite natural for Dobermans, but it has its own shades:

  1. Anthracite. It's shiny black;
  2. Deep black, but with a red tint in the sun.

Low tide occurs in dogs that carry the gene that gives their coat a red color . If such a gene is absent, then the Doberman is born completely black without any tints.

Price, where and how to buy, cost of a puppy

Step-by-step instructions for those wishing to purchase a puppy:

  1. Actively studying information about the breed in Doberbase and social network groups. For example, here and here
  2. Determining the purposes for which the dog is needed, including visiting exhibitions or sports training. In the first case, it is better to choose a show-level dog; in the second, you should pay attention to litters whose mother, for example, is a show dog, and whose father actively works on the training ground and shows excellent results. It's not easy, but who said that choosing a puppy is a nonsense and quick thing?
  3. Choosing a trusted kennel that has proven itself among breed lovers. By the way, information about nurseries is in the indicated groups.
  4. Track litters in the selected nurseries or nurseries.
  5. Determining the litter from which you want to adopt a puppy.
  6. Call the breeder or owner of the bitch. Tell us about yourself, your goals for purchasing a puppy, be sure to ask about the parents, ask for a video of their work.
  7. Ideally, visiting the training area and watching the actual work of one of the parents.
  8. Choosing a dog handler. Hint: there is a Dobermann dog handler in Moscow, you just have to look for it. Call a specialist, agree on future classes.
  9. Visit to the breeder three weeks after the puppies are born.
  10. Getting to know your pet. The puppy may refuse to be a completely different baby than the one chosen from the photo. It happens that at first you liked one puppy, and when you met, your eye fell on his littermate. But this is fraught, because puppies from promising parents are usually booked in advance.
  11. Joyful anticipation and anxiety over the next few days.
  12. Hurray, finally! The puppy moved to a new home. Happy new life, dear owners!

And now about the cost. Today, the price of Doberman puppies varies between 70,000 rubles and 150,000 rubles. The cost depends on the reputation of the kennel, the titles of the parents and, for working dogs, the corresponding qualities.

Does a puppy's color change as it ages?

A Doberman puppy is already born with a set color.
It can only change if it is a very rare shade of wool, for example, isabella or blue.

This color appears a little later, but sometimes at the birth of a puppy you can already discern what it will become in the future.

Owner reviews

Dobermanns talk about their favorite pets like this:

“My favorite pie! This is my-my dog."

“If you still decide to adopt a Doberman, then, with proper training, you will get a very smart, kind dog, attached to its owner.”

“She, of course, is an infection... But she is so beloved!!!”

“Before getting a Dober, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Dobermanns probably require more time for training and attention than anyone else, but this is only due to the fact that they are very people-oriented and are ready to do anything to get attention.”

“Once you get to know this breed, you don’t need another!”


The creator of this breed had the goal of obtaining a dog that would become an ideal bodyguard and security guard for its owner, which could withstand any opponent. It was in this dog that these qualities came together, and after its mass distribution, many got such a dog precisely for the purpose of protection.

It is believed that the ancestors of this breed were mountain and cattle dogs, so their ancestor is also excellent at this task. In the modern world, when the need for constant personal protection has significantly decreased, a black Doberman is kept as a pet, which has high intelligence and is capable of love for a person.

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