Mini Doberman Pinscher - miniature pinscher, active jealous and vigilant guard

The Miniature Pinscher is a small, cheerful dog that can become a devoted companion, accompanying its owner everywhere. Despite its small size, it is a strongly built, active dog, fearlessly rushing to defense and possessing protective qualities. The Miniature Pinscher is a very popular breed because it does not require serious care and is easy to train. But before you get such a pet, you need to study its description, character traits, reviews from owners, and the pros and cons of keeping it.

  • History of the origin of the miniature pinscher breed
  • Description of the appearance of the miniature pinscher breed
  • Head
  • Torso
  • Limbs
  • Coat and color
  • Ear and tail docking
  • Disadvantages and disqualifying vices
  • Character of miniature pinschers
      Miniature Pinschers Training
  • Caring for miniature pinscher dogs
  • Nutrition
  • Health
  • How to buy a miniature pinscher puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • History of the breed

    In the 15th century, miniature pinschers were first mentioned in written sources. Standard-sized pinschers, Italian Greyhounds and dachshunds took part in their birth.

    Translated from German, miniature pinscher means “gnome pinscher.”

    Miniature pinschers were bred to hunt rodents, mainly rats, which greatly spoiled the nerves and condition of German traders. Unexpectedly, these small dogs showed extraordinary guarding talent. They were the first to notice the danger and notified about it with a loud bark and howl.
    Miniature pinschers were gladly taken into convoys to warn of predators or robbers nearby. Along the way, miniature pinschers fought with rodents.

    The official recognition of the miniature pinscher breed and the development of a standard began only in the second half of the 19th century. 1880 is the date when the breed standard was adopted. In 1885, the Pinscher Club was founded, which divided numerous representatives of pinschers into different breeds, differing in appearance.

    In Europe and the New World, the Miniature Pinscher dog breed began to gain popularity at the beginning of the 20th century. Breeders from different countries added something of their own to the appearance of the miniature pinscher. Miniature pinschers appeared in Russia after the end of World War II, immediately winning the hearts of many dog ​​lovers.

    The need for guarding convoys and mass catching of rodents has disappeared, so miniature pinschers show their merits at exhibitions, and their modern purpose is as a companion dog.


    The pocket pinscher, although miniature in size, is not suitable for the role of a decorative dog that will accompany at events, sitting calmly in the owner’s arms.

    Mini Doberman

    The scope is quite wide. They have developed guard qualities, courage and intelligence, which allows them to perform official duties. In addition, although they are not a hunting breed, they are highly trainable. Thanks to this, they can be taken on small game hunts.

    In a private home, they can take on hunting responsibilities independently. Miniature pinschers will not only catch mice, but also rats even larger than themselves . The dog can also serve as an alarm system due to its protective qualities, notifying its owners with loud barks about strangers entering the owner’s territory.

    Miniature Pinscher: description and characteristics

    Miniature Pinschers are very active dogs. Their height does not exceed 30 centimeters, their hair is short, and their front legs are shorter than their hind legs. The tail is usually docked, but in some countries this procedure is prohibited, so even show miniature pinschers remain tailed.

    Miniature Pinscher breed standard

    The international miniature pinscher standard was adopted not so long ago. However, it is mandatory to comply with, regardless of the dog’s place of birth.

    • Height at withers : from 25 to 30 centimeters.
    • Weight : up to 5.5 kilograms.
    • Head : proportional to the body, wedge-shaped, with a pronounced smooth transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The skull is oblong and strong.
    • Nose : with developed nostrils, the lobe is always black.
    • Eyes : almond-shaped, black or dark brown.
    • Jaws : Quite strong, with a scissor bite, dry mouth, black lips.
    • Ears : can be erect or hanging on cartilage, set high.
    • Neck : elongated, dry, without dewlap, gracefully arched.
    • Body : back sloping towards the rear, short, strong, strong loin, wide chest, oval, protruding forward.
    • Tail : Set high, saber or crescent shaped preferred.
    • Limbs : forelimbs – straight, with developed forearms and strong pasterns; the hind legs are slightly set back, with muscular, wide hips and long shins. The paws are round, with closed toes and short, strong, black claws. The hind limbs are longer than the forelimbs.

    Types of Pinschers

    The following breeds are close relatives of the Miniature Pinscher:

    • Affenpinscher - a black, shaggy pinscher - the only type of pinscher that can have a curly coat;
    • German miniature pinscher – taller and larger than a dwarf pinscher, its height can reach 47 centimeters and weight – 17 kilograms;
    • the Austrian smooth-haired pinscher is a representative of herding dogs;
    • Doberman - the breed was obtained as a result of selective work with the German miniature pinscher.

    Miniature pinschers themselves differ in appearance and character, depending on the country where the nursery is located:

    • miniature pinschers from the USA and England are distinguished by their grace and relief;
    • German representatives are stocky and dense;
    • Israeli Mini Pinschers look like smaller Doberman Pinschers;
    • Breeders in Scandinavian countries have developed national slowness, calmness and self-confidence in their pets.

    Often scammers offer in advertisements various exotic lines of miniature pinschers, such as the Japanese one. But such representatives of the breed do not exist.

    Regardless of country of origin, all Miniature Pinschers must conform to a standard and be of approved colors.

    Colors of miniature pinschers

    The exterior of a mini pinscher, according to the standard, can be the following colors:

    • fawn or fawn - the spectrum can be from red to dark brown (beige, brown and tan, red, brown miniature pinscher);
    • black and tan - a rich black background with red, clearly defined tan marks. There is no such thing as a pure black miniature pinscher.

    White miniature pinscher and curly coated mini pinschers are considered a defect.

    In the USA and Canada, local federations allow additional colors:

    • chocolate;
    • blue;
    • isabella


    Coat: Short and dense, smooth, close-lying and shiny, without bald spots. Color: Solid: reddish brown to dark reddish brown. Black and Tan: Lacquer black with red or brown markings. The markings should be as dark, rich and well-defined as possible. The markings are distributed as follows: above the eyes, on the throat, on the pasterns, on the paws, on the inside of the hind legs and under the base of the tail. Two identical, clearly separated triangles on the chest.

    Character of the miniature pinscher

    The miniature pinscher has an inexhaustible source of energy. A striking feature of the breed is that it is insatiably curious, always in the thick of things . Seeking adventure is a normal activity for this dog. Not finding entertainment on its own, the miniature pinscher will turn to its owner for help. He will be very persistent.

    The mini pinscher constantly needs new experiences: walks, games, communication. If the impressions are combined with physical activity, it’s generally great.

    The miniature pinscher is always ready to play with the owner and his family. A small dog will happily accept walks, jogs, and hikes. She is ready for any activity.

    Mini pinschers have a hard time dealing with loneliness. Left unattended for a long time, they are capable of causing serious damage to the environment, making piles in the most inappropriate places, and chewing on shoes.

    If you have to leave your miniature pinscher alone, it will be useful to take care of a large cage or mini-aviary in advance. These devices will help avoid damage.

    The mini pinscher sincerely hates animals. With all my dog's soul. Without hesitation, he will clash in a fight with someone else’s dog, even if it is two or three times larger. He will give no mercy to the surrounding cats. It's not even worth talking about mice.

    Other pets in the house are only possible if the aggressive baby grew up with them. As an adult, he will not accept anyone. But “puppy” friendship is indestructible. The miniature pinscher will fiercely defend “his” cat from strangers and protect the hamster from the encroachments of someone else’s cat.

    Attitude towards children

    The miniature pinscher is an egoist. He needs all the attention that the family has. Children are direct competitors, and they are often noisy and clumsy. Mini Dobermans do not like children because they make loud noises and become jealous if the child receives a lot of attention.

    Jealousy in a Miniature Pinscher is an unpleasant thing. In the literal sense of the word. Piles and puddles on the floor, spoiled things will not improve the owner’s mood, but they will definitely return attention to the deprived pet.

    Pros and cons of miniature pinschers

    It would seem, what kind of trouble can a small dog cause? But the negative qualities of a miniature pinscher can outweigh the positive ones. It all depends on the owner’s lifestyle, his family and preferences.


    • miniature pinschers are perfect for living in an apartment;
    • devotion to the owner and constant readiness to defend;
    • the absence of undercoat and short hair will please people who value order in the house;
    • excellent health of the miniature pinscher and the absence of genetic diseases;
    • no specific smell;
    • the miniature pinscher will become an excellent companion on all walks and trips;
    • the mini pinscher is unpretentious in food and undemanding in care;
    • guarding the territory is in the blood of mini-Dobermans;
    • miniature pinschers are highly trainable, obedient and efficient;
    • a small pet can make do with a tray as a toilet if the weather is not conducive to walking.


    • increased activity of the mini pinscher will require significant effort from the owner;
    • the miniature pinscher's constant attempts to get into fights with other dogs can turn a walk into a testing period;
    • the loud barking of a compact pinscher will complicate relations with neighbors;
    • the mini-pinscher’s hostility towards strangers will make it difficult to receive guests: the pet did not invite them, so it can bite or damage clothes and shoes;
    • an unfortunate miniature pinscher left alone can cause real destruction in a room;
    • If a baby pinscher likes something, taking it away is not an easy task: the mini Doberman will actively resist, bite, and protest;
    • the dog needs long walks: if there is no time for them, it is better to think about another breed;
    • The jealousy of a miniature pinscher will cause a lot of inconvenience to a family with children.;
    • dwarf pinschers love to dig, so keeping an eye on them while walking is a must, otherwise you may lose your beds;
    • if the owner is not at home, the miniature pinscher may try to appoint himself as the leader of the family, which means he will not follow commands or respond to prohibitions.

    Security and guard qualities

    Little Dobermans are always on guard. Everyone in his family is protected by small but strong jaws. This little dog will rage and attack anyone he feels threatened by. At the same time, the miniature pinscher does not lose his head: his attack is thought out and justified.

    The miniature pinscher without hesitation divides people into two categories: his own and others. Ours are a family where the mini-pinscher loves everyone, strangers are everyone else, from whom you need to protect the entrusted territory.

    When strangers approach the front door, the miniature pinscher will react with loud barking and fantastic high jumps. The miniature pinscher knows how to protect and warn.

    The Mini Doberman takes “its” territory very seriously, so it will not tolerate even the slightest sign that someone intends to violate its boundaries.

    List of suitable nicknames

    Choosing a name for a new family member is a very responsible task. Their attitude towards the animal will depend on how much the rest of the household likes it. In addition, the pet itself should like the nickname.

    The Internet is replete with different sites. But it’s easy to get confused with a lot of information.

    Every year, the lists of TOP nicknames for pets are updated and supplemented with new fashion trends.

    Expert opinion

    Anna Abramenko

    An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

    Ask a Question

    The puppy's name must consist of two syllables. Otherwise, it will be too long for the animal to perceive.

    How to name a puppy girl:

    • Alexa, Julia, Dara, Elka;
    • Ilma, Lucky, Linda, Christy;
    • Rita, Sophie, Tori, Chelsea.

    Nicknames for a boy puppy:

    • Archie, Bob, Gift, Zheka;
    • Emerald, Lari, Nord, Fluff;
    • Richie, Smurf, Phoenix, Ian.

    A new friend should choose a nickname slowly. In the family.

    Education and training

    The Miniature Pinscher dog breed is excellent at remembering and following commands.
    But there is a fine line that the trainer will have to walk: the dog must not be allowed to take liberties and must not be treated roughly. In order for the miniature pinscher to learn the commands seriously and for a long time, you will have to repeat their execution many times before moving on to the next ones. This is why raising and training this breed takes longer than other dogs.

    But overcoming obstacles is something that the mini pinscher does with great pleasure. This small dog is able to jump over an obstacle five times its height. Miniature Pinschers are one of the best breeds for agility and obstacle jumping competitions.

    When training on your own, you need to tune in to each lesson. The dog must feel confident, calm in its owner and his firm intention to achieve what he wants.

    General form

    The Miniature Pinscher is a smaller version of the German Pinscher without any signs of dwarfism. His elegant, square build is clearly visible thanks to his short, smooth coat.

    Important proportions

    The ratio of the oblique length of the body to the height makes the appearance as square as possible.

    The length of the head (from the tip of the nose to the occipital protuberance) is equal to half the length of the topline (from the withers to the base of the tail).

    Behavior and temperament

    Lively, energetic, self-confident and balanced. These qualities make him a pleasant family dog ​​and companion.

    Care and maintenance

    Mini pinschers are not suitable for living outdoors. Their place is in a house or apartment. These dogs do not require much space, and they come up with their own entertainment. At the same time, we must not forget about the activity this breed requires.


    Periodic molting of miniature pinschers will not cause any trouble to the owner. A short coat with no undercoat is not something to worry about. Once a week, the miniature pinscher should be brushed with a soft brush for dogs with smooth hair, and washing should be replaced by wiping with a damp cloth.

    Water treatments are only necessary if the little Doberman gets very dirty during a walk.


    Walking a mini pinscher on the property is a pleasure if the fence does not allow him to escape into the street. The dog will arrange games and entertainment for himself. When kept in an apartment, there should be at least three walks per day. At the same time, it is necessary to give your pet time for an independent walk, without a leash, so that he splashes out his energy.

    The active little pinscher is not afraid of frost: he warms up by moving. But precipitation is contraindicated for a dog - its smooth fur gets wet, and this can lead to a cold or more serious illnesses. If you encounter bad weather outside, it is better to pick up the miniature pinscher, cover it and take it home.

    A good way out of the situation is waterproof overalls that protect the mini Doberman from the vicissitudes of the weather.


    The breed standard does not stipulate mandatory ear cropping for miniature pinschers. But the ears must stand up. Staging is done differently for dogs with cropped and undocked ears.

    1. Uncropped ears are prone to kinking or being set too high. Tape or glue comes to the rescue, with which the ears are fixed in the required position.
    2. To install cropped ears, they use a frame - cotton swabs, tape and a degreasing solution.


    Miniature pinschers have virtually no problems when mating: these dogs are healthy and active. Finding a pair is also not a problem – there are quite a lot of representatives of this breed. But certain conditions must also be met.

    • It is not advisable to breed a female dog during her first heat. Experts recommend mating no earlier than the third heat. Early mating has a negative impact on the health of the mother and the quality of the offspring.
    • Males are allowed to breed no earlier than they are two years old.

    Before mating, both the adult male and the female must be treated for parasites, given an anthelmintic, and examined by a veterinarian.

    The owners may need help during the process. This is especially true if the male is much larger than the female. In this case, the bitch is held by the neck and the body is raised, and the male is held by the lower back and the process is controlled.

    At the beginning of pregnancy, the miniature pinscher bitch loses her appetite and feels weak. But after a few weeks, your appetite will return to normal and even more. In the second half of pregnancy, you need to eliminate unnecessary activity, focusing on long, quiet walks.

    Features of feeding and diet

    During puppyhood, it is better to feed the miniature pinscher with natural products: raw lean meat, cottage cheese, boiled vegetables, cereals.

    An older dog can be switched to dry food. To choose the best option, you should consult your veterinarian. Experts recommend choosing food that is no lower than premium.

    The miniature pinscher's feeding time should be constant. It is recommended to feed your dog twice a day. And an active miniature pinscher should have constant access to fresh water.

    Usually, miniature pinschers eat little, but with the onset of cold weather, their appetite increases sharply. Indulging your pet's desires can lead to the dog gaining excess weight, which will negatively affect its health. It is better to leave meals and portion sizes the same, but add more protein to the menu.

    Proper dog nutrition

    The health of your dog depends on how responsibly you treat nutrition issues. Miniature dogs are especially sensitive in this regard. First you need to decide what type of food you will use: dry or natural.

    If you have opted for natural food, take into account that most of the diet is devoted to meat products. First of all, beef or horse meat. Meat in a dog’s diet makes up about 40-45% of the total food. The rest is plant foods and cereals. When feeding puppies, you can introduce fermented milk products into the diet, the main thing is to ensure that the animal does not have an upset stomach.

    With dry food, the feeding process is greatly facilitated. You no longer need to calculate your daily food intake, as in the case of natural nutrition. It is enough to follow the recommendations specified by the food manufacturer. And rest assured that your pet will get everything it needs, provided that it is premium food. Reviews from miniature pinscher breeders will help a novice dog breeder decide on the right food.

    If you choose dry food, it is important to remember that you do not need to feed your dog anything else. Unless you occasionally pamper your pet with a treat.

    You also need to adhere to your diet. It is advisable to feed your Pinscher at the same time every day, adhering to the recommended portions. Often, excess food leads to pinscher obesity. Therefore, it is advisable to leave only water freely available.

    Miniature Pinscher Health and Diseases

    The breed's health is excellent. But short hair without undercoat makes the Mini Pinscher vulnerable to colds . This is especially true during the cold season. Infections also do not bypass miniature Dobermans.


    Like other dogs, miniature pinschers need timely vaccinations. It is carried out in a veterinary clinic at the age of 2 months, when the baby has already been weaned from the mother. Further procedures are prescribed by the veterinarian, based on the puppy’s health condition.

    Possible diseases

    Some hereditary problems are also present in this breed. Miniature pinschers are most prone to the following diseases:

    • diabetes;
    • dysplasia of the pelvis, elbow, similar diseases of bones and joints;
    • eye diseases;
    • epilepsy;
    • hypothyroidism

    How long do miniature pinschers live?

    The average lifespan of a miniature pinscher is 13 years. But this is far from the limit. It is not uncommon for mini pinschers to live for 15 years. Much depends on the owner. Proper care, living conditions, activity, nutrition, attitude - all these factors affect the life expectancy of a pet.


    Before vaccination , it is necessary to get rid of worms. Special tablets are used for this purpose. As a rule, they are given by weight.

    You can also use the drug, which comes in the form of sugar. Most dogs accept it with great pleasure. Such drugs can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies or pet stores.

    The puppy must be healthy before vaccination. As a rule, the first vaccination is done by the breeder or it is carried out in the nursery.

    There should be a corresponding note about this in the veterinary passport. After 3 weeks, a second vaccination is given. After 10 days you can go for a walk with the puppy.

    As a rule, many people stop there. But you can have another vaccination 6-7 months after changing teeth. This is necessary, since during this period the dog’s immunity decreases.

    For two days after vaccination, the pet may be lethargic. But it will pass quickly. The next vaccination is carried out at 1.5 years, and then every year.

    You should only buy a puppy if you have a veterinary passport.

    How to choose a miniature pinscher puppy

    The Russian line of miniature pinschers boasts numerous titled representatives. The quantity and quality of specialized nurseries makes the process of choosing a purebred puppy easier.

    When choosing a companion, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

    1. Look at mother. If the bitch is healthy and looks good, then everything is fine with the babies.
    2. Healthy puppies have an enviable appetite and activity. From them you need to choose an active, but not aggressive baby.
    3. External signs of a healthy puppy are clean eyes and ears, good teeth, and no unpleasant odor.
    4. The miniature pinscher baby's coat is uniform, without bald spots or bald spots, and without dandruff.
    5. Scratches and small wounds on the puppy are the result of playing with brothers and sisters. This is fine.

    Price issue

    The small Doberman breed is not a canine rarity and is not considered exotic on the Russian market. There are many well-known nurseries in the country, prices for miniature pinscher puppies are stable everywhere: a baby of good blood can be purchased for thirty thousand rubles.

    Puppies from titled parents with proven heredity are more expensive. The price of a dog with a guaranteed exhibition career and breeding prospects can exceed fifty thousand rubles.

    Reviews from owners

    Andrey . My Andy is just a miniature Doberman, but he pretends to be a huge dog. A formidable guard with excellent self-esteem. Will always protect.

    Nastya. He chose his own owner. He listens to him, but rather takes care of others. He can bark at strangers - he doesn’t trust them.

    Irishka . My little pet knows commands very well (more than 20). Stubborn, but funny and smart. Without an owner, he stands on his ears, but mostly behaves decently.

    We invite you to watch a video in which a dog breeder talks about the Miniature Pinscher breed. We wish you pleasant viewing!

    Photo review

    Pocket-sized hunters and watchmen: photos of miniature pinscher puppies and dogs are filled with the elegance, intelligence and charm of this small but proud breed.

    ( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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