Jack Russell Terrier: description of the breed and its advantages

Excessive activity of the Jack Russell Terrier can be both a minus and a plus for the owner. It all depends on the lifestyle of the owner of a dog of this breed. Fans of long hikes and cycling will not find a better travel companion. But if you leave a Jack Russell Terrier alone at home for a long time, you may be very surprised at what the pet can do with the apartment during the owner’s absence. What other advantages and disadvantages do dogs of this breed have, you will learn from this article.


Thanks to fox hunting in England, they resorted to creating breeds capable of climbing holes. They began to pay attention to the appearance by the middle of the 19th century. Dogs began to be shown at exhibitions. Popular fox terriers have transformed from vicious, hardy dogs into elegant, small pets.

The history of the breed in question is connected with a priest who became interested in hunting and working dogs. The man devoted his entire life to breeding burrow animals. Jack took his own pet as a model. Gradually the Russell Terrier appeared.

During the breeding process, the clergyman achieved the following changes in the breed:

  • maneuverable, small body;
  • jaw with good grip;
  • closed ears so that the hole does not get clogged;
  • ringing voice.

The specimens were especially popular among Devonshire hunters. The legs remained long. Arthur Heineman continued the work of the priest. Hunting on horses disappeared, a short dog was created. They refused to recognize him at exhibitions.

By the mid-twentieth century, jacks without pedigree arrived in Australia. Residents used them as pets. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale has included both species in its standard: the long-legged Parson and the stocky Jack Russell.

By the end of the twentieth century, the breed appeared in Russia. The dogs were brought from the USA. Thanks to the film "The Mask" they became popular.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Previously, short-legged hunters were not recognized because of fox terriers. Today, owners of long-legged burrow dogs complain that their pets are called Milo, confused with the hero of an American comedy.


Since 2004, the Jack Russell standard has been in effect.

Main characteristics in the breed description:

  1. Head - the skull gradually tapers towards the jaws. The muscles of the cheeks are developed. Lips, nose black.
  2. Teeth – powerful, scissor bite.
  3. The eyes are almond shaped.
  4. Ears are mobile and drooping.
  5. The body is rectangular, the loin is short and muscular. The chest is deep, the volume of the ribs is 40-43 cm.
  6. The tail is positioned vertically when the animal moves, and hangs down when at rest.
  7. The limbs are sloping in the front, muscular in the rear. The paws are dense and rounded. The individual moves freely and energetically.
  8. Wool – protects well from bad weather, smooth.

The size of the animal is strictly regulated: height 25-30 cm, weight of an adult dog 5-6 kg. Deviation from the norm is a disadvantage. Although miniature dogs look funny, they suffer from genetic diseases. The standard is written specifically to breed healthy dogs.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Knowing the dog's height, you can determine how much it weighs. For every 5 centimeters there is 1 kilogram, that is, 30 cm = 6 kg.


The mini terrier is distributed throughout the world. In England it continues to be used for hunting foxes and badgers. The latter is left alive, taking care of the population of the species.

Many birds and animals are caught with a male dog:

  • hares;
  • muskrats;
  • roe deer;
  • ducks;
  • deer.

On farms, these dogs are used as a rescue from rats. They have proven themselves to be excellent orderlies in big cities back in the last century.

Their attractiveness and energy make them good companions. But it is suitable for people who know the basics of training and lead an active life.


Inexperienced lovers of small dogs have difficulty distinguishing between short-legged pets.

People don’t know that there are several types of burrow breeds:

  1. Smooth-haired – is the most popular among professionals. The cover is soft, pleasant to the touch, and fits tightly to the body. Molting lasts up to 30 days.
  1. Wire-haired – covered with thick hair. The hairs bristle, adding volume. The animal has eyebrows and a beard. There is not much lint loss. They require professional trimming in a salon. You need to get used to the plucking procedure from 3-4 months.
  1. Jack Russell Terrier Brocken - the coat is hard, but not shaggy, it does not bristle.
  1. Raf is a rare type, but no less hairy. The cover is rough, the guard villi are curved in many places. The dog is curly. Without regular trimming, it resembles a dwarf species.
  1. Small - since the standard does not specify sizes smaller than 3 kg, it is not worth purchasing them. The dog was premature and has genetic diseases. He will live less than his expected lifespan.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The breed only requires short legs. If the dog has long limbs, it is a Parson.

Description of the character of the Jack Russell Terrier breed

Russell is a friendly, active and cheerful dog. He cannot sit still, he is constantly in a good mood. The owners call the pet a “perpetual motion machine.” He is inventive, finds a way to attract a person's attention. Russell is capable of becoming a devoted friend and companion. But representatives of this breed have a complex character. They have the following characteristics:

  • good-natured;
  • devotees;
  • sociable;
  • inquisitive;
  • smart;
  • cunning;
  • stubborn;
  • independent;
  • fearless;
  • playful.

The Jack Russell Terrier knows how to behave, he quickly learns the rules of behavior. But he often deliberately violates them in order to attract the owner’s attention. He is very sociable, does not tolerate boredom and loneliness, and loves to be the center of attention. Attached to all family members, does not single out anyone.

Dogs of this breed love children and will accompany them everywhere and participate in games. But if a small child hurts the dog, he may snap back. Therefore, you should not leave your pet alone with children. Russells perceive children as their friends; they have fun playing together.

This is an excellent watchman, treats guests with caution, and quickly responds to any threat. Although he does not show aggression towards strangers on the street. The Rasel has no natural anger towards humans; with proper upbringing, he is a good-natured, affectionate dog.

But they don't get along well with animals. They only treat representatives of their own breed normally. They try to dominate with other dogs and often get into fights. They hunt rodents and birds; they also do not like cats.

Education and training

Dogs of this breed are easy to train. They are smart, quickly learn commands, and understand what not to do. But thanks to their high intelligence, they are capable of independent decision-making and stubbornness. The owner needs to show ingenuity and patience to interest the pet. Inexperienced owners are better off turning to a dog trainer for help in training.

Due to the hyperactivity of these dogs, they will also require a lot of time for physical training. If Russell is bored and lacks walks and games, he will develop bad habits. This will cause a lot of problems. Only serious education and regular training will help avoid this. During training, it is necessary to show persistence and firmness, but not raise your voice at the dog. Moreover, you should not hit your pet. The best way to train Russells is through play. They respond well to affection and praise.

Timely socialization of the pet is also important. From puppyhood you need to show who is boss in the house. Russells strive for dominance; if a person has not become a leader, they will be uncontrollable. Therefore, from an early age you cannot forgive your pet’s pranks and be lenient towards his tricks. It will be very difficult to re-educate an adult Russell. As punishment, you can grab the dog by the scruff of the neck and shake it.

The video will help you understand how to properly raise these dogs:

Video: How to train a Jack Russell Terrier


The animal is active and curious. He needs regular physical activity and games. Then the shaggy friend will show affection and protect the owner. Lack of movement will lead to boredom. The pet will start playing pranks.

The dog knows how to be cunning, dodge, understands commands, but sometimes evades and does not carry them out. If the owner says “sit”, the dog will obey, but after 5-10 seconds he will get up and leave. These are the habits of most terriers, especially burrowing ones.

Attitude towards children and pets

Jack Russells are friendly towards children, get along well with them, and enjoy playing and entertaining them.

At the same time, if the child is under 3-4 years old, training the dog must be approached as responsibly as possible so that it does not snap or try to bite the child if he pulls the dog by the tail during play, for example.

You also need to accustom your pet to the child’s daily routine, otherwise he will strive to entertain him almost 24 hours a day.

Jack Russells are jealous, they cannot stand it if the owner pays attention to other dogs.

They treat their relatives negatively, with aggression, and only get along with representatives of their own breed.

Hunting instincts do not allow Jack Russells to coexist with cats or rodents - dogs see them only as prey.

Representatives of this breed live relatively calmly with other pets only if they grew up together, but even in this case it is necessary to monitor their relationships.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Jack Russells are the intellectuals of dogs. They are energetic, intelligent, and easy to train if the owner is patient and persistent. As the dog grows older, it will try to take the place of leader in the family and it is important to immediately stop these attempts, otherwise it will stop obeying. With the right approach to education and socialization, representatives of this breed become excellent, loyal, affectionate and cheerful pets.

Character and appearance

The dog is endowed with an incredibly strong body that is always in motion. Jack Russell and children get along great. We are talking about ten-year-olds and older, since young children cannot cope with an energetic companion.

The dog has bad habits associated with the hunting instinct, which manifest themselves as aggression towards rabbits, rats, and cats.

The short-footed terrier strives to follow its owner all the time. He loves to be in the center of events and look for adventures.

In terms of color, the Kurt Russell Terrier does not stand out for its variety. There are only two colors: black and white, light and tan. The latter has various tones, including red.


It is recommended to take the puppy outside after all vaccinations and pest control have been completed. The time of the first walks should be 10-15 minutes, then it gradually increases to at least 2 hours a day. In winter weather, to avoid hypothermia, you should get warm clothes for your dog. In hot weather, it is better to walk your pet in a shaded area.

It is advisable to find a fenced area to let your dog off the leash. He needs to be given time to hunt small animals. The Jack Russell loves to sniff around and dig holes in the hope of getting to his “prey.”

Important! Regular street walks have a positive effect on the overall health of your four-legged friend, so you need to go outside every day, regardless of weather conditions.

Terriers need long and frequent walks with active games.

The Jack Russell is an active breed and is suitable for people with the same active lifestyle. The owner will never get bored with such a cheerful pet. It is important for owners to satisfy their pet’s needs for movement and timely care. Regular hygiene procedures and a balanced diet contribute to the dog's healthy development and attractive appearance.


Owners can create mixed Jack Russells, get offspring from their favorite dog, allow the bitch to give birth, for other reasons. Puppies can be easily sold inexpensively to friends.

But it is important to understand that breeding is a science. A couple is selected based on genetic and other characteristics. It’s better to entrust everything to specialists.

Individuals with a pedigree and victories at exhibitions are considered suitable for replenishing offspring. Without such a minimum, mating cannot be carried out. Before the process, it is worth checking individuals for physical and mental abnormalities.

More often, mating is allowed to be done freely; the couple copes without human intervention. Pregnancy lasts 63 days. The female gives birth alone, but veterinarian insurance will not be superfluous. Caring for the mother and puppies falls on the shoulders of the owner.

How much does a puppy cost and how to choose one?

If you turn to reputable breeders, you will have to pay 35,000 - 45,000 rubles. If there are parents with a large number of titles, the price increases to 80,000 rubles. Puppies that do not have a pedigree can cost 10,000 – 15,000 rubles.

Important! It is worth refusing the offer if they ask for less than 10,000 for a dog; there is a high probability of purchasing a pet with a bunch of diseases or some deviations from the breed standard.

When choosing a grown animal, you will have to shell out about 25,000 rubles, but at the same time you will have to pay a round sum for the services of a professional dog handler.

Today, Jack Russells are not very popular in Russia, which means the choice of kennel where to get a dog is quite limited.

If there is no preference for a specific breeder, then it is recommended to visit an exhibition where representatives of this breed will take part. Here you can talk to the owners of such dogs and get the coordinates of the kennel you like. The upbringing of the puppy and its further social adaptation in the new place of residence depend on the correct choice.

Education and training

Personality traits make the process of working with a Jack Russell difficult, especially for a beginner.

You need to learn the basic commands:

  • "to me";
  • "ugh";
  • "sit";
  • "place".

The phrase “fetch” is necessary for daily walks. The dog will happily run after a toy and even an ordinary stick, bring it and shower it on the owner.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is advisable to accustom the puppy to the litter box and the street. It is important that he does not pick up food from the ground or take food from the hands of others. Education is supposed to be strict, but without violence.

Whether or not to allow a dog on the sofa is a question that causes a lot of controversy. If you allow her everything, then it will be difficult to prove your superiority to the dog. You need to decide this point before purchasing a puppy. Family members should behave equally in terms of education.

Read the article: Basic rules for raising and training Jack Russell Terriers

Care and maintenance

Living in an apartment is acceptable for a medium or small breed, such as the dog. But for your pet to feel well and maintain muscle tone, daily physical activity with a total duration of 2 hours is needed. They add toys at home so that the pet is not overcome by depression and rage.

List of common procedures:

  • ears and eyes are wiped if necessary;
  • claws are trimmed;
  • teeth are cleaned periodically at the veterinarian;
  • hygiene procedures are carried out in the bath several times a year;
  • flea and tick repellents are used in summer/spring.

Separately about combing. Long-haired individuals are treated with a furminator every 3 days and trimmed once every 3 months. It is not recommended to use a regular clipper; it disrupts the structure of the hairs.

Care and maintenance are not particularly difficult, but the owner must be active and love walks.

The dog definitely needs to have its own place in the apartment and pay a lot of attention.


But these same hunting habits will also be the beginning of his positive qualities, which delight the owners of this beautiful breed.

  1. Excessive activity is a plus for those who enjoy cycling or hiking, long hikes or parkour. A small, bouncy and resilient dog can accompany its owner everywhere; if necessary, it feels good in a bicycle basket or backpack.
  2. Representatives of the breed will be an excellent watchman, they bark loudly at the slightest noise outside the door, and are always happy to stand up for the owner in front of a much larger dog.
  3. A calm attitude towards strangers allows him to safely let him go for a walk with children, with whom he will be happy to keep company.
  4. The extraordinary friendliness and adoration of all family members gives the dog’s cheerful disposition the peculiarity of a dog that is grateful for everything. If the owner dreams of the devotion and great love that his pets should show, then this breed is for him. A dog who lives for its owner, who enthusiastically perceives his every action - this is the real Jack.
  5. A ball dog that is constantly in motion, instantly transforms when it sees a cat or a huge dog, and does not close its eyes while one of its owners is awake. They get along well in an apartment or at the dacha, in a country house; a huge plot will not save the owner from daily, tiring walks.


Caring for a Jack Russell is easy. He's not picky. Has a good appetite and quickly burns off accumulated energy. When eating natural food, it is appropriate to supplement the diet with vitamins and minerals. Dry meals are all inclusive.

Table by month:

Age/monthNumber of feedings per knockSchedule
up to 267:00, 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00, 22:00
2-357:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, 22:00
3-447:00, 12:00, 17:00, 22:00
4-63-47:00, 12:00, 17:00, 22:00
6-1037:00, 13:00, 21:00
after 1027:00, 21:00

An adult pet is given food twice a day. A puppy taken from a breeder is first fed with its usual foods, gradually adding in its own version of food. Dry food is used of high quality, designed for a certain age.

Natural food consists of 30-70% lean meat, soups, 25% cereals, 20% vegetables. It is good to give fermented milk products, boneless sea fish, and fruits. The latter should not be too sweet.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is strictly forbidden to add mushrooms, onions, garlic, spices, sweets, and tubular bones to the diet. Natural food is not the owner’s dinner table, but raw or lightly cooked meat with cereals and vegetables.

Caring for Jack Russell Terriers

This breed is unpretentious and gets along well both in a private house and a small apartment. You cannot keep a Russell on a chain, in a small enclosure or cage. The only problem with its maintenance is the need for long walks. Your dog needs to be active for at least 2 hours a day. But in the cold season, she needs warm clothes, since short hair will not protect against frost. A leash is also necessary, jacks often run away, so you can only let them go in the dog park.

Jack Russell Terriers have strong, sharp teeth and love to chew on everything. Therefore, many toys are required. You can’t buy plastic ones, as they quickly get chewed. We need rubber toys and chewing bones. Dog handlers also recommend giving Russell soft toys. This will help show your hunting instincts.


The peculiarity of Russell wool is that it is self-cleaning. Therefore, the dog does not need frequent bathing. 3-4 times a year is enough, and for females even after the end of estrus. But you need to wash your paws and belly after a walk, or at least wipe them with special napkins. Smooth-haired varieties require brushing every week with a stiff brush or a special mitten. During molting - daily. Long-haired dogs require regular trimming - plucking of hairs.

The eyes also need to be examined once a week and wiped with boiled water or chamomile decoction. The ears are wiped with lotion; cotton swabs should not be used. Every month it is recommended to brush your teeth with toothpaste purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. To prevent tartar, give your dog chewing bones regularly.


Jack Russell Terriers are dogs with good health. But they may have congenital or acquired diseases:

  • osteochondropathy of the femur;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • dislocations or arthritis of the knee joints;
  • deafness;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes;
  • heart failure;
  • eye diseases.

Puppies often suffer from neuroses. They are hyperactive and react poorly to shouting and rude treatment. If not properly cared for, your pet may develop obesity or allergies. Therefore, it is important to feed your dog correctly, choosing high-quality food. Timely treatment for worms, fleas, and ticks will also be required. Regular examinations by a veterinarian will help to identify health problems in a timely manner. And vaccination will protect against infectious diseases.


When feeding Rassels, many owners give preference to natural food. You need to understand how much food your dog needs to prevent overeating. You need to feed twice a day. You cannot give canned food, spicy and fried foods, fatty meats, baked goods, sweets, and smoked foods. The diet should include meat, offal, boneless sea fish, fermented milk products, cereals, and vegetables. You should give an egg yolk 1-2 times a week.

Additionally, you need to include vitamin supplements in your diet as recommended by your veterinarian. Representatives of the breed have an active metabolism, so natural food cannot satisfy all the body's needs. For the same reason, 75% of the diet should consist of protein.

If you feed dry food, you need to choose super-premium varieties. They contain sufficient amounts of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The following food is suitable:

  • Orijen;
  • Acana;
  • Artemis Maximal Dogs;
  • Innova EVO;
  • Bosch.

The video will show you how to properly care for your Russell:

5 features of caring for a Jack Russell Terrier

Health and treatment

The dogs are agile, active, and clean. They don't have a "dog" smell. It is important that the animal has the correct gait. If your pet's paws are slanted, X-shaped, or sideways, his lungs will develop abnormally and problems with the hip joints will arise. Monitoring is carried out for up to 18 months.

The dentist should regularly examine your teeth and clean them from tartar.

Common diseases include hip dysplasia and Legg-Perthes disease. Congenital deafness and a vision problem called “collie eyes” occur.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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But preventive measures will protect your dog from most diseases if vaccinations are done in accordance with the calendar.


Caring for your Jack includes more than just bathing and fun games. In order for the baby to grow up healthy and not be attacked by viruses and deadly infections, he must be vaccinated. There is a vaccination schedule that is determined by the owner or veterinarian.

The first injection is given in the nursery. If the Russell was bought secondhand from an unofficial breeder, then you will have to vaccinate the pet yourself from the very beginning. For all breeds there are 2 mandatory vaccinations, without which the dog cannot be taken abroad or bred to produce offspring:

  • vaccine against canine distemper, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, enteritis and hepatitis (done at 2.5/3 months, repeated at 12 months, then annually);
  • rabies vaccine (the first vaccination is given at six months, then annually).

Important. Russells that have just been weaned from their mother's breast are especially vulnerable to the virus. They stop receiving immune cells from their mother, and their own immunity is not yet strong enough. An unvaccinated baby has little chance of survival.

Two weeks before each vaccination, deworming is carried out. On the day of vaccination, the Russell must be completely healthy. To make sure of this, his temperature is measured. The norm is 37–39°C.

It is better to do vaccinations in a veterinary clinic, where the doctor will select a high-quality vaccine, issue a veterinary passport and affix stamps. The room must be sterile, the syringe must be new, and the medicine must not be unpacked.

On the first day, the Russell may be tired, lethargic, and not playful. Loss of appetite for 24–48 hours and the appearance of a small bump are allowed. If the duration of symptoms exceeds two days, you need to contact a veterinary clinic.


Energizers live for 15 years.

Such dogs are considered hardy and in good health. The animal should live only in an apartment or house. In outdoor conditions, a dog can quickly get sick, since his body cannot withstand air temperatures below -5°C.

Since their fur needs to be plucked regularly, dogs need to wear a jacket during the colder months. Otherwise, failure to comply with temperature standards will lead to pneumonia or a reduction in life expectancy.

Advantages and disadvantages

The miniature size misleads many people. They buy a pet as a companion, but then they realize that the pet does not obey. The breed is not suitable for lazy, slow people.

The reason lies in the pros and cons hidden in the character traits of the animal.

Russell's sonorous voice and hunting habits make him an excellent watchman.Individuals are overly mobile, active all the time, and out of boredom they destroy the surrounding interior
Dogs can remember many commandsAnimals can only live in the house
This breed requires minimal groomingTerriers are cunning, resourceful, looking for weak points

Where can I buy

Experienced dog handlers do not recommend buying a puppy or an adult pet at the market or in a pet store. There are several reasons for this, and the most important problem for the buyer will be the dog’s illness. The dog may suffer from either a genetic abnormality, a hereditary disease, or a viral disease that he contracted while being caged in a crowded place.

A good breeder will never sell their puppies to a pet store. Babies should be raised with their mother until they are 2 months old. A puppy undergoes a course of vaccinations for up to 4 months, so it remains in quarantine and is at risk of getting sick if it comes into contact with other animals.

Kids must learn to live among people and children in order to be able to communicate with them and learn neatness skills. A small representative of the breed, sitting in a cage or enclosure for the first few months or weeks, loses an important chance to learn many things and acquires bad habits.

List of suitable nicknames

To choose a nickname for your pet, you should pay attention to what the puppy looks like. It is important to take into account ease of pronunciation and personal preferences.

Nickname options:

  1. Rada is a girl who brings positivity.
  2. Lily is a white flower.
  3. Buffy is the slayer of enemies.
  4. Baby or Button is a beautiful baby.
  5. Kiku is a chrysanthemum.
  6. Jack is the name of the breed.
  7. Milo (Mila) - not original, but sounds like in the movies.
  8. Twister is a fun game.
  9. Espresso is a dynamic energizer.
  10. T-rex is a formidable option.
  11. Tiktak is an active baby.
  12. Etsuko is a child of joy.

Selection rules

Before purchasing a pet, you need to familiarize yourself with the breed standards. They must match the cable or bitch. Irregularities and discharge are not allowed on the tail.

The dog is purchased with a veterinary passport.

Often inexpensive girls bring titled offspring, since much depends on the selection of a pair for mating.

It is important in what conditions the children were kept. Did they have a place to run, toys, beds, contact with the mother dog.

How to buy a Jack Russell Terrier puppy

This breed is young, but very popular. There are many unscrupulous breeders selling mixed breeds. To buy a real purebred Jack Russell Terrier puppy, you need to choose a good kennel. The price of such dogs is more expensive, but there is a guarantee that the pet will grow up without defects and genetic diseases. It is recommended to study reviews and photographs. Before purchasing, ask the breeder for documents confirming the purebred and good health of the parents.

The price of a purebred Russell in Moscow starts from 35 thousand rubles, the cost of a show-class puppy is more than 50 thousand. If exhibitions and prizes are not of interest, you can buy a pet-class dog. They are also purebred, but have some disadvantages that do not affect their health and character. The price of such a puppy will be 15-25 thousand rubles. It is not worth buying cheaper Russells; the dog may not be purebred.

When choosing a puppy, first pay attention to the conditions of keeping the animals in the nursery. It is important how the bitch behaves, what condition she is in, how many dogs live together. Puppies must be dewormed and given the necessary vaccinations. Then you need to watch the kids. The puppy must have:

  • black nose;
  • dark eyes without discharge;
  • smooth coat without bald spots and dandruff;
  • white color with brown spots;
  • straight limbs, back;
  • the stomach is not bloated;
  • active behavior.

It is better to take a playful, curious baby who does not show aggression or cowardice. When choosing the gender of a dog, you need to understand that males are smart, energetic and courageous. They tend to mark territory and run away. Bitches are calmer and more affectionate, but they go into heat twice a year.

You need to study the features of Russell puppies from the photo:

Jack Russell Terrier puppies

DRT puppy

Jack Russell Terrier puppy

Video shows funny Jack Russell Terriers:

Video: These funny and funny Jack Russell Terriers

This breed is ideal for active people and families with children. The dog can become a devoted friend and family member. If you pay attention to it and raise it correctly, the breed’s shortcomings will not appear. And communicating with a smart, cheerful pet will bring many happy moments.

Interesting facts from the life of the Jack Russell

Short-legged pets are incredibly jumping. They easily end up on the table, on the other side of the fence. They repeat their attempts to take the obstacle many times. If they do not achieve success, then they make a dig.

These hunters by nature have always saved the cities of Great Britain from the invasion of rats. The most famous one, nicknamed Vampire, managed to exterminate hundreds of rodents.

And the public's favorite dog, Anastasia, burst 100 balloons in 44 seconds, conquering representatives of the Guinness Book of Records.

These dogs are also often featured in films.


Anna: “A furry friend runs around with his tail everywhere. Having fallen asleep, he still watches over his owner. As soon as you get up, the Jack Russell jumps up, rushing after him.”

Artem: “The dog is small, but he has a lot of love and affection. He often lies on his back and asks to have his belly scratched. If guests come to the house, the threshold can be wet with joy.”

Svetlana: “Incredibly cunning creatures. They often play dirty tricks, but they look so cute that it’s a pity to punish them. Very smart people, if you choose the right educational measures, will stop acting weird, but only for a while. You can’t relax.”

What the owners say: reviews about the breed

Most breeders are very happy with their choice. People note the energy of their pets, their mental abilities and their tendency to train. As a small drawback, they say that the dog needs constant attention and long walks, otherwise the Jack Russell begins to show stupid activity already in the house.

Photo and video review

You can evaluate the Jack Russell variety at exhibitions. The best individuals that meet the standard are presented there. They take place in large cities, so not everyone can visit them. You can figure out the subspecies from the photo.

What to feed

There are two options here. Some owners use natural food, others prefer a ready-made option. For Jack Russell, it is recommended to choose food that is premium or holistic. One of the leading companies (RoyalCanin) has developed an entire line of food specifically for this breed.

Note to the owner. Puppies need food that has high energy value, which will allow him to remain mobile and active. It is worth considering here that terriers tend to be obese, and therefore the food must be balanced in animal fats and carbohydrates. This balance is ideally maintained in holistic medicine.

If we talk about natural feeding, the approximate diet may look like this:

  • meat products at least 60%. It is best to give beef, turkey, liver, kidneys;
  • oatmeal and rice porridge not less than 20%;
  • dairy products (curd, curdled milk, milk). You should be very careful with the latter product; your dog may be lactose intolerant;
  • marine fish, raw or boiled (here you will need to choose bones);
  • a variety of fruits (apples, bananas, pears).

It is important to know. Natural food should not contain seasonings, oil, sugar, dressings, or sauces. It is also recommended to avoid very sweet fruits.

In the table below you can find out in more detail how many times a day you should feed your Jack Russell.

Feeding frequency

Age category (days)How many times to feed per day
60 – 905
90 – 1804
180 — 2403
240 — 3002
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