Description of the Kuvasz dog breed: character, care, purpose

History of the origin of the breed

The first mention dates back to the last millennium - the remains of dogs were found, the structure and appearance of which were similar to modern representatives of the breed. Hungarian dog handlers claim that Kuvasz dogs originated from dogs that lived in the country.

However, there are other opinions as to how the first representatives of the breed came to Hungary: the ancestors of the Kuvasz accompanied the hordes of the Mongols. We can conclude that the Hungarian Kuvasz descended from the Tibetan Great Dane dogs.

The heyday of the breed is associated with the name of Matthias the First (15th century), a monarch who massively used these dogs for protection and hunting. There were always several hairy giants next to him, which was considered a guarantee of the king’s personal safety. One of the monarch’s favorite pastimes was hunting bears and wolves, where he was accompanied by all the same favorites.

Legend has it that the lucky owner of kuvasz was the ruler of Wallachia, Vlad the Impaler, better known in our time as Count Dracula. The puppy was given to him as gratitude for his military and political services.

In the post-war years, there were only about thirty breeding individuals in the world. Moscow saw representatives of the breed only in 2007 at an exhibition. In our country, the breed has not received proper distribution, although the dogs are very popular in Europe and the USA.


Description of the breed

The official description of the breed by experts was received in 1905. According to him, the Kuvasz is a very large dog, but harmoniously built and powerful. Distinctive features among other herding dogs are the specific shape of the skull and the structure of the coat.


  • scull. It has a wedge shape with a pronounced stop and a furrow along the forehead. Quite large, the back of the head is pronounced;
  • the nose is wide, tapering towards the tip;
  • The eyes are medium-sized, almond-shaped. Color: shades of brown. The edges of the eyelids have black pigment and fit tightly to the eyeball;
  • strong jaws with developed chewing muscles;
  • scissor bite, no gap;
  • lips are dry and tightly sealed;
  • the ears are triangular in shape, set low, and fit tightly to the cheeks;
  • the neck is short, cone-shaped, smoothly blending into the withers;
  • the body is rectangular with powerful muscles;
  • limbs are thick and straight;
  • the tail is set low, the tip is slightly raised;
  • the coat is of medium length and heterogeneous: slightly shorter on the head, about 13 cm on the body, 15 cm on the tail and neck;
  • the coat is hard and should not be excessively curly or straight - a special term “wide-wavy” was coined. Color: from white to light cream. This coloring is necessary to distinguish the kuvasz in the pasture and to be able to distinguish it from a predator.


How to choose a puppy

It is recommended to take puppies after 2 months of age from a certified nursery. When choosing a puppy, it is recommended to use the help of a specialist who is well versed in the breed. Follow the Hungarian Kuvasz breed standard. The puppy should be active and inquisitive, with clear eyes and a small (not bloated) tummy. When they see new people, little kuvasz do not become timid and do not hide.

Breed standards:

  • The head is large, the skull in the upper part is wide, the brow ridges are well developed. The muzzle is smoothly tapered towards the nose, proportional to the body.
  • Lips – dark, dry, tightly fitting to the jawbone.
  • Scissor bite.
  • The eyes are medium-sized, almond-shaped, obliquely set, and dark. The gaze is intent, attentive, wary.

  • Triangular ears are low set. If the dog is alert, the ears rise.
  • The body has strong bones. Square format.
  • The muscular neck has no dewlap.
  • The withers are high and long.
  • The back is straight. The loin is medium, the croup is wide, short.
  • The chest is wide, with rounded ribs.
  • The tail is low set and pubescent.
  • Legs are straight and parallel.
  • The paws are round in shape, the claws and paw pads are dark.

Character and behavioral characteristics

The main feature of the Kuvasz is a heightened sense of “their territory.” The dog is ready to monitor changes every minute and immediately respond to them. But this does not mean that the breed is particularly aggressive. Dogs have a very developed intelligence and are able to soberly assess the degree of danger that has arisen.

Breeders talk about the balanced character of the animal. Aggressive behavior is possible only in the presence of improper upbringing or illness.

Increasingly, these dogs are used as companions, and they cope well with this role: they love children and are very careful in communicating with them, showing respect for all members of the owner’s family.

Constant contact with a person is necessary; neglect will lead to the development of depression and spoil the pet’s character in an attempt to attract attention.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Hungarian Kuvasz is distinguished by its fearlessness, ready to defend its family and territory with full dedication. In communication, this is a calm, balanced, proud animal. Kuvasz likes it when his owner talks to him. The dog is independent, unobtrusive, very vigilant and distrustful of strangers, towards whom it can show aggression.

The Hungarian Kuvasz perceives his family rather as property entrusted to him for protection, although in his relations with them he is calm and friendly . Submits and obeys only the owner. Kuvasz will not live in a small room or on a leash. A freedom-loving dog will run away or get sick. The behavior of the breed always includes aggression towards strangers, which is explained by its official role.

What do you think about keeping this breed in an apartment?

Education and training

The breed is easy to train; thanks to its developed intelligence, it is able to learn and reinforce a large number of commands. But raising a Kuvasz will take much longer than other breeds. But the result obtained will be permanent.

The process of training and education will require incredible patience - the dog has the stubbornness of a donkey and will not tolerate emotional breakdowns of the teacher.

Kuvasz mature slowly, so the process will take up to three years, and sometimes for a longer period. At one year of age, special attention will be required - this is a turning point psychologically for Kuvasz - increase communication with external stimuli: dogs, cats, people. The dog should spend as much time as possible on the street and communicate with others - this will help overcome its natural wariness towards everything new, transferring it to the category of sociability.

Considering the size of an adult pet, the first thing you should accustom a small Kuvasz to is a collar and leash.


From mating to birth in Kuvasz, like other breeds, it takes from 56 to 72 days. During pregnancy, protect the bitch from excessive physical activity, mechanical injuries, collisions with other animals, hypothermia or overheating.

During the period of bearing puppies, the bitch's immunity decreases - monitor her diet and health. The bitch is switched to a type of food intended for puppies, supplemented with a specialized calcium complex. This type of nutrition should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

The bitch will need a private, quiet place. Increase the frequency of going outside - the number of urges to urinate is much greater during this period, but the time spent on the street needs to be reduced.

The first signs of pregnancy can be noticed only in the third week - toxicosis and whims in food. By the eighth week, the dog becomes very affectionate or shows unmotivated aggression, prepares a “nest”, and begins to secrete colostrum. A sign of impending birth is a sharp drop in temperature.


Kuvasz are unpretentious; nature has given them the opportunity to calmly tolerate large temperature changes and other weather surprises. Standard breed care:

  • The wool is combed out three times a week with an iron brush, otherwise tangles will quickly form. During the molting period - twice a year - they scratch daily. Kuvasz shedding is very intense;
  • trimming and cutting are not necessary;
  • bathe 4-5 times a year, using a special shampoo for dogs with long hair or whitening, or as needed. In summer, dogs enjoy splashing in natural ponds;
  • The claws are trimmed as necessary, especially paying attention to their length on the toes. When kept outdoors, chipping occurs naturally;
  • ears and eyes are periodically examined, performing hygiene with a cotton pad soaked in a special lotion;
  • The teeth are brushed once a week, teaching the puppy such hygiene from an early age.


Treatment for parasites

Antiparasitic treatment is an integral part of caring for any dog. Kuvasz often live on the street, so they pay special attention to processing, without missing deadlines.

  • deworming. The presence of helminths in the body leads to weakened immunity and increases the risk of human helminth infection. The first treatment is carried out at 3 weeks, then 10 days before the first vaccination (at 1.5 - 2 months). Adults are treated for helminths 4 times a year (once every 3 months). It is better to plan to take the drug 10 days before the scheduled vaccination, so that immunity weakened by helminths does not negate the effectiveness of the vaccine;
  • in the autumn-summer period, treatment is carried out against ectoparasites (fleas and ticks). Breeders and veterinarians advise carrying out such prevention all year round, and not during the period of greatest parasite activity. Treatment is carried out with the regularity indicated on the packaging of the selected type of protection (every 30 days).


Kuvasz are unpretentious in nutrition and are content with small portion sizes. Large dogs with well-developed muscles need a diet rich in protein and fiber. The diet should contain:

  • meat and offal, cartilage (beef, lamb, turkey);
  • cereals (no more than 30%) – buckwheat, rice;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • fermented milk products – cottage cheese, kefir;
  • sea ​​fish (1 or 2 times a week);
  • boiled eggs.

The breed is also suitable for dry food - premium class and higher, intended for large dogs.

“On the table” animals should not have harmful products that will lead to obesity and problems with internal organs: sweets and smoked foods, food from the owner’s table, salty foods, pork, grapes and raisins.

Diet of Hungarian Kuvasz

There are breeds of dogs that are somewhat reluctant to eat - they can be capricious and choose what to eat and what to refuse. So, the Hungarian Kuvasz definitely does not belong to such breeds. He is absolutely unpretentious in food, eats everything that is given to him and is content with a portion that is quite small for his size. Despite this, you need to carefully monitor what your pet eats so that it does not have health problems in the future. The basis of the kuvasz diet is protein - meat with a large amount of cartilage, which contains important substances for healthy joints. It is not recommended to give pork to your pet; it is difficult to digest. But beef and poultry are the best choices. The diet should also include carbohydrates in the form of cereals, greens, fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products, boiled boneless fish and beef bones to prevent tartar. If you don’t want to go through the hassle of choosing a natural diet for your dog, you can replace the food with balanced dog food. But remember, it must be of high quality so that the large dog’s body does not need anything. There must be clean, unrestricted water in the access area.

In Russia and the CIS countries, finding a purebred Kuvasz can be quite difficult, since the breed is not widespread and the puppy will have to be brought from other countries. The cost of a good Hungarian Kuvasz puppy reaches 100 thousand rubles or more. With a competent approach, proper upbringing and adequate maintenance, a dog can become not just a faithful comrade-in-arms, a vigilant watchman and companion, but also a true devoted friend.

Tips for choosing puppies

  • consider buying a puppy in Hungary - its cost with delivery will be lower than in our country, and the choice will be greater;
  • pay attention to the proportions of the body - Kuvasz puppies have a large head and thin legs;
  • the coat, already at this age, is moderately hard, but wavy, with a large down;
  • study the pedigree of the baby's parents.


Nicknames and names

When purchasing a Kuvasz puppy from a kennel, please note that the documents include his name with the factory prefix. This is the official name of the dog assigned to the Kuvasz according to the breeding activities of the kennel and the international canine community. The owner can freely assign a pet name to the dog. But it will not appear in any document. The name for the Hungarian kuvasz is selected depending on personal preferences. You just have to remember that the sound of the dog will sound every day and several times a day. Therefore, the name should appeal not only to family members, but also, first of all, to the dog.

Owner reviews

Olga N.

The dog was given as a small puppy, explaining that the breed was very rare and the puppy was expensive. To be honest, I didn’t believe it - an ordinary white bear, very similar to an alabai. Then I started reading about the breed. They immediately started raising the guy. We went to a professional dog handler, otherwise it’s simply scary to live next to such a heavyweight if he is not controlled. He lives and pleases us with his cheerful character and excellent security.

Alexey E.

I bought the dog directly from Hungary. It’s difficult to find a club in Russia, and you’ll have to wait a long time for a dog. I contacted the club and they helped me contact kennels in Hungary and purchase a dog. I bought it for security, we have a small farm. He copes well, but he has had some trouble with his upbringing. Now I'm planning to buy a female to start breeding.

Similar breeds


An ancient breed of dog that has still retained its appearance and purpose - guarding, herding livestock and companion. Alabai will never obey someone who has not earned his authority. It differs from the Kuvasz in the color and structure of its coat.

Maremma (Abruzzese Sheepdog)

It is considered the ancestor of all herding dogs on Earth. He has a developed intellect and a courageous character, and is a wonderful companion. Almost identical to Kuvasz, the difference is in the quality of the wool.

Komondor (Hungarian Shepherd)

A snow-white dog with amazing fur in the form of long braids (dreadlocks). They have exceptional memory, courage and a sharp mind.

Health and characteristic diseases

The Hungarian Kuvasz is a dog breed that has remained without significant human intervention. Thanks to this, many diseases characteristic of modified breeds are not familiar to these dogs. Kuvasz are the owners of excellent health without a tendency to inflammatory processes.

As dogs age, they may develop:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • eye pathologies (cataracts and glaucoma);
  • degenerative changes in cartilage tissue.

Hormonal disorders are very rare. Daily examination by the owner of the ears, eyes, teeth and paws of his four-legged friend will help identify diseases in the early stages and avoid possible problems in the future. The average life expectancy of the Hungarian Kuvasz is from 10 to 16 years.


Photo: Public Domain Pictures





Briefly about the main thing

  1. Such a pet is not suitable for an inexperienced dog breeder;
  2. They shed profusely, you will have to brush them daily;
  3. Susceptible to joint diseases;
  4. An obedience course and active socialization are required;
  5. A long walk and constant movement are required, not for living on a chain.

Kuvasz is a rare dog for Russia. Tell us in the comments about your experience of keeping these snow giants.

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  • The Hungarian Kuvasz needs a confident, experienced owner, someone he will respect.
  • They shed heavily, especially in spring and autumn. The more often you comb it, the cleaner your home will be.
  • Like other large dogs, he can suffer from joint problems. Try not to tire the puppies too much, limit their activity, since their musculoskeletal system is just developing and excessive loads will deform it.
  • They do not like strangers and are suspicious of them. An obedience course is required.
  • Being an independent and willful dog, the Kuvasz is nevertheless very attached to the family.
  • If he is put on a chain, the dog may become aggressive or depressed. They were born to be free and run. The best place to keep it is a large yard in a private house.
  • Kuvasz dogs are smart and, like other herding dogs, independent. Training takes a lot of time, effort and patience.
  • They love children, but due to their size it is not recommended to keep them in families with small children. In addition, socialization is needed so that the dog normally perceives noisy children's games.
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