Decorative cockapoo: a designer dog breed with developed intelligence

Usage:pet, companion dog
Dimensions:height at withers 35-38 cm, weight 9-15 kg
Lifespan:13-16 years old

The cocker poodle (cockapoo) has earned the title of the most smiling breed. It’s impossible not to fall in love with a charming, charming, mischievous dog. Now the animals are very popular in their homeland - in the USA, as well as in Australia, but in Russia they are rare guests. People who became the owners of a gentle and devoted pet appreciated its positive qualities.

Breed standard

There is no official standard yet, as the Cockapoo breed is not recognized by the FCI and other canine societies. A Poodle-Cocker Spaniel cross has traits from both "parents". Adult dimensions:

  • height at the withers – up to 38 cm;
  • weight – from 9 to 15 kg.

There are dwarf, toy and mini cockapoos, which weigh from 2 to 9 kg.

Description of the breed:

  • head – shaped like a cocker spaniel: rounded, with a pronounced stop;
  • eyes are round and brown. The look is perky and interested;
  • lobe – dark;
  • ears – hanging, set low, well covered;
  • The body is strong and square. The neck is moderately long, the chest is wide, the back line is straight;
  • limbs – muscular, longer than those of cocker spaniels;
  • the tail is sickle-shaped.

Cockapoos have a hypoallergenic, straight or wavy coat. The guard hair is soft. There are a variety of colors:

  • black;
  • white;
  • chocolate;
  • pale yellow;
  • apricot;
  • cream;
  • silver.

A mixture of two or more colors is acceptable. Most animals have markings on their chest, paws, face, and ears.

Breeders who work with cockapoos pay more attention to their temperament and health than their appearance.

Color options

Each dog of this breed is unique. It’s not only about the color, but also about the structure of the coat: some representatives have straight hair, others have wavy hair. It is the coat that indicates that a cocker spaniel is present in the cockapoo family. It is distributed evenly throughout the body. The color palette is extensive:

  • white
  • cream in different shades
  • pale yellow
  • apricot
  • ginger
  • chocolate in different shades
  • silver
  • dark brown
  • black

The color is not always uniform; it can vary in the area of ​​the muzzle, ears, sternum, limbs and anus. In addition, there are two-color and three-color individuals (for example, black and white).


The Cocker Poodle, along with the Crested Powder Powder, the Japanese Chin and the Belgian Schipperke, has a peaceful nature. He is always in a great mood and is ready to share it with every family member. But sometimes the dog can be intrusive - he really wants to participate in everything that happens around him. That's why he follows his owner with his tail.

For a Cockerpoo to be happy, it needs to be surrounded with attention. The dog will become sad if the owner does not spend time with him.

Dimensions and weight

DwarfMaximum 3 kg
ToyNo more than 5 kg
MiniUp to 8 kg
MaxiMore than 8 kg

The most widespread and popular dogs are those with a height at the withers of 35-38 cm and a weight of 9-15 kg.

The period of active growth of a dog lasts up to 8-10 months, after which it continues to develop for up to 1.5 years - its bones become stronger, muscle mass increases, and its chest becomes wider.

Relationships with other animals, children

The undoubted advantages of the breed are intelligence and obedience. The cockapoo immediately grasps what a person wants from him. The animal inherited a sharp mind from the poodle, so there are no problems with training the puppy. The dog likes to please his owner. If you generously praise your pet, he will happily do everything in his power.

Cockapoo socialization is easy. The puppy is immediately accustomed to the company of people, relatives, new sounds, smells. But the dog has an extremely sensitive nature. If she does something wrong, it’s enough to say it with the appropriate intonation. Under no circumstances should you shout, much less beat the animal. However, pampering cannot be encouraged - the owner should act gently but decisively.

The cocker spaniel gave the cockapoo an easy-going character - he gets along well with other pets. You can get a puppy even if there is already a cat, bird or other animal in the house. The dog will not be jealous of its owner towards its four-legged comrades.

The cockapoo breed is extremely active and energetic. Playing with a pet can be entrusted to children - everyone will enjoy the time spent together. But you can't treat a cocker poodle like a toy - he will get offended and leave. Reviews from the owners confirm that this is a full-fledged person who requires an appropriate attitude.

Cockapoos love tactile contact and prefer to rest next to their owner.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Cockapoo is a cute little ball of fur with a soft, easy-going personality. Cocker poodles make ideal family pets and have virtually no faults. But, like any dogs, they require training and careful care.

Hypoallergenic wool, no odor or sheddingRequires special care (grooming, frequent brushing)
Cheerful, friendly characterLoud barking
Sociability and devotion to peopleTouchiness
Small size allows you to keep a dog in an apartmentPoor health, many genetic diseases
Sharp mind and good sense of humor
High life expectancy
Positive attitude towards children and pets

The Cocker Poodle is a true family man with a perky disposition and a loving big heart. He feels the mood of his owners, rejoices at any occasion, and infects those around him with positivity.

With such a pet, life becomes brighter, more interesting and active. But without proper attention and care, the dog will become sad and waste away, so when buying a cocker, you need to allocate time so that there is enough time for walks, bathing and games.

How to choose a puppy

Just like an adult cockapoo, the puppy looks like a cute plush toy. By nature, this is a child who requires attention, praise and communication. If a person is not ready to devote time to a pet, it is better to get a more independent breed.

Healthy cockapoo puppies are active, socialized for their age, not cowardly or aggressive. In babies:

  • clean eyes, ears, skin;
  • silky, shiny coat;
  • lively, interested look.

A purchase and sale agreement is concluded with the breeder. The document confirms the right to own the dog and also contains conditions for the return of the pet in certain cases.

The puppy must have a veterinary passport with deworming and vaccination records.

Brief history of origin

In the 50–80s of the 20th century, active work was carried out to create new decorative dogs for exhibitions and at home. At this time, breeders had the idea of ​​​​creating a strong dog without chronic diseases, with an innately developed intelligence and a friendly disposition.

American breeders crossed a faithful friend of hunters, an already proven cocker spaniel, and one of the smartest dogs in the world - a poodle. The resulting puppies were not large, with curly, single-layer coat without the characteristic dog odor. Their main feature is a funny protruding mustache and a kind, naive look.

In 1999, the first breed club appeared. Cocker poodles have become popular not only in the USA, but also in Australia, Britain, France and other European countries. Now babies are born not from two different breeds, but from older cockapoos, which allows them to improve their external qualities. However, the world kennel club has not yet recognized the cocker poodle.

Features of maintenance and care

Cockapoos are easy to keep. They feel great even in a small apartment. To prevent your dog from getting bored, he needs to buy different toys. However, some cocker poodles bark over trifles, which causes inconvenience to neighbors and household members.


Cockapoos practically do not shed. Dogs are brushed every 3-4 days. Professional grooming is recommended once a year. Animals are periodically trimmed, making sure to shorten the hair around the eyes and between the paw pads.

Other mandatory procedures are also carried out:

  • wipe eyes and ears;
  • cut nails if they do not wear off naturally;
  • brush teeth with veterinary paste.

If you carefully monitor your pet's condition, the risk of disease will be minimized.


Cockapoo fur does not have a specific odor. It is best to bathe your dog once a month. With more frequent washing, the fur becomes dull and loses its natural protective lubricant.


Your Cockapoo needs to be walked a lot to keep it in great physical shape and not gain excess weight. The optimal duration is 1.5 hours a day. It is equally important to set aside time for joint games and entertainment.

When walking, your Cocker Poodle should be closely monitored. Dogs love to roll in the mud and pick up various “goodies” from the ground.


Cockapoos are given super-premium food or homemade food. The diet includes:

  • meat (only low-fat varieties);
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products.

To ensure that the pet receives all the necessary elements, vitamin and mineral complexes are selected in consultation with the veterinarian.

Cocker spaniels and poodles are prone to overeating. The cockapoo became the same. To prevent him from gaining excess weight, the owner should strictly control the amount of food he absorbs. The diet of a Cocker Spaniel is suitable for feeding a Cockapoo.

Adult pets are fed twice a day at the same time and treated only with special dog treats. Fatty, salty, spicy, and sweet foods are prohibited.

Interesting Facts

Some interesting facts about the breed:

  1. Like regular poodles, cockapoos are bred in 4 sizes: standard, small, mini and toy. Thanks to this, you can choose a pet for any living space.
  2. The Cocker Poodle does not emit unpleasant odors, and its hair practically does not fall out.
  3. The “puppy look,” which persists throughout the pet’s life, is a merciless weapon that no person can resist. Even in old age, the dog will look at its owner through the eyes of a small puppy.
  4. The breed is especially popular in the UK. Search statistics show that around 146 English people search for cockapoo kennels per month.
  5. The dog of this breed received a nomination from PenguinBooks magazine as the most cheerful and cheerful pet.


In Cockapoo dogs, the ears and eyes are most vulnerable. Regular hygiene procedures help reduce the risk of problems to a minimum. Also, these animals are more likely than other breeds to suffer from the following diseases:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • epilepsy;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • luxating kneecaps (a common problem in small dogs);
  • allergy.

To protect your cockapoo from diseases, you should regularly visit the veterinarian and carry out routine vaccinations.

The chance of raising a healthy pet increases if its parents are checked for the presence of hereditary pathologies.

Health and life expectancy

It is known that crossing any type of domestic animal should make them more resilient and strengthen the immune system. However, some diseases still remain common among cockapoos of all ages. Most of them are typical for cocker spaniels and poodles.

Common diseases are:

  • dysplasia – joint damage;
  • allergic reactions;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the kneecaps;
  • skin lesions;
  • ear diseases;
  • hypothyroidism

Also, representatives of the breed have a weak stomach, disorders, constipation, and digestive problems are common. Life expectancy is about 15 years. For a dog to reach this age, vaccinations, deworming, and other therapeutic and preventive measures are necessary.


In Russia, choosing a partner for mating is quite difficult - the cockapoo breed is extremely rare. If a suitable dog has been found, the pets are first introduced to each other so that they get used to each other. Later, the bitch is brought to the male and is bred by hand.

A cocker poodle's pregnancy lasts about 9 weeks. During this period, the animal is provided with a balanced diet and protected from stress and excessive physical activity. A litter usually contains 5-7 puppies.

Puppies - where to buy and how much does a cockapoo cost?

The cockapoo is a common breed on the American mainland. In Russia and Europe, this breed is still a rare guest. There are official breeders in large cities, but to buy a puppy you will have to stand in line for the next litter. It is not possible to choose children.

The possibility of a trip to neighboring European countries, where cockapoo breeding is more widespread, cannot be ruled out. However, in this case it is worth considering the additional costs that the trip will entail. The average cost of puppies will be from $1,000 . If the baby’s parents participated in competitions and took honorable places, then the price for the puppy can rise by another 200-300 dollars.

Cockapoo Photos

Moscow dragon

Some time ago, a Muscovite dog handler found a small dog on the street. The dog looked very original: the hair on the body was very short, and on the chin and between the ears it was long, which gave the animal a resemblance to a baby dragon.

The girl wanted to try to breed a new breed of dog of this type. A mate was found for the pet, and soon cute sable puppies were born.


This is a herding dog that has lived in Hungary for a long time. Dogs of this breed have thick, curly hair, which allows them to spend the night outdoors even in cold weather.

Moody is courageous and energetic, and her efficiency and loyalty have made her the best friend of the Hungarian shepherds who have large herds. Therefore, you should not laugh at the name.


The name of the breed means “butterfly” in French. Papillons or Papillons were bred at the court of King Henry III. According to legend, one of the dogs warned its owner about an impending assassination attempt with a loud bark.

The ancestors of these dogs are spaniels, and the name is associated with the shape of the ears, which in Papillons really resemble the wings of butterflies: they are long, beautiful and covered with soft wavy hair.


Chihuahua is a state in Mexico where, according to many scientists, a breed of dogs with a very original appearance was born several thousand years ago. These animals can have both short and long hair, but at the same time they are all distinguished by their tiny size combined with a cute muzzle and large, intelligent eyes.

The Chihuahua is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. The Indians, the indigenous peoples of Mexico, once used it in religious rituals and greatly valued it.


Pumi is the result of crossing the Puli breed with German and French shepherds and terriers. In the twentieth century, the breed was separated from the Pumi, and the Pumi received official “independence.”

Dog weight: 8-15 kg. Beautiful curly coat harmonizes with coffee-colored eyes. Pumi come in a variety of colors, giving potential owners a wide choice.

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