What does a Golden Labrador Retriever look like: photos of dogs, description of the variety, care features and choice of puppy

Golden Labrador - people type this query in Google and Yandex searches 3000 times a month. They also want to know the difference between a Labrador and a golden Labrador. However, the truth is that according to the International Classification there is no such breed. Probably, non-professionals confuse two breeds with each other: Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever. Therefore, we decided to compare these breeds. Tell you the similarities and differences between a Labrador and a Golden Retriever.

Are Labrador and Retriever the same thing?

The Golden Labrador Retriever and the Golden Retriever (or Golden Retriever) are two different breeds.

The fact is that a retriever (from the English “retrieve”) is a type of dog that is designed to bring prey that has fallen to the ground or into the water to its owner during a hunt.

The Labrador Retriever is a subspecies of retrievers. For the first time, the Labrador breed was named the St. John's Water Dog, in honor of the capital of the island of Newfoundland and Labrador. This breed was used as fishermen's helpers.

Golden Fawn Labrador Retriever:

Golden retriever:

The difference between the conditions of detention: who to choose?

The choice of a pet must be approached very responsibly, since it will become a full-fledged member of the family, and the owner will definitely have to take into account all the characteristics of the breed. To ensure that living with a dog in the same area does not cause a lot of trouble, but, on the contrary, brings joy, when choosing a four-legged friend, it is worth studying in more detail the nature and requirements for the maintenance and care of a particular breed. It is these features that are much more significant than the appearance of the dog.

Golden retrievers will feel more comfortable in an apartment . They do not require their owners to run for many hours with active games on the street, so in the absence of such entertainment they will not turn the entire apartment upside down.

Given its activity and playfulness, it is better to keep a Labrador in a private home . But often families living in apartments also have representatives of this breed. The main condition is constant participation in the dog’s life and long active walks. If a Labrador spends most of its energy outside, it will not disturb the order in the apartment.

It is not allowed to keep Labradors and Golden Retrievers in the yard of a house on a chain or in an aviary. These breeds require constant human contact.

Often families with small children decide to get a dog so that the child has a furry friend in the house and they can always play with him. Labradors are those dogs that are ready to start playing with anyone at any moment; they have more than enough mischief . But, you need to take into account that dogs are quite large in size, and while actively playing with a child, they can accidentally push him.

Goldens are more balanced by nature . They get along well with small children and older people .

Four-legged friend: 34 dog breeds for children

History of the breed

North America is considered to be the homeland of Labradors, where dogs helped people in fishing, nursed children and acted as guides for the blind. In 1830 they were brought to Britain by sailors. British families appreciated the intelligence and understanding of dogs with whom they could go hunting and fishing, trust their children with them and not worry about other pets, with whom Labradors got along well.


In 1903, the official Kennel Club of England gave the official name to the breed - “Labrador”. In 1941, the Labrador Club of Scotland was opened by a descendant of Walter Scott - the current Duke of Buccleuch. The inhabitants of this prestigious nursery have not lost their recognition to this day as the ancestors of the main lines of the breed.

As time passed, the Labrador's talent for hunting gave way to successful demonstrations at exhibitions.

In this regard, this breed has subtypes:

  • show;
  • workers;
  • dual purpose dogs.


Great Britain is considered the birthplace of dogs. But their purpose was different. The Golden Retriever was bred to hunt birds. Labrador was brought from the island of Newfoundland. He became an assistant for fishermen (he pulled fish out of snares). His ancestors are considered to be “divers” - large dogs from Canada.

The name of this breed is translated from Portuguese as “hard worker.”

Scottish Lord Tweedmouth received Golden Retrievers (crossing setters and Russian pointers). He spent a lot of time getting the dogs' coats evenly golden. He needed them to be clearly visible among forest vegetation and swamps when hunting.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Retrievers and Labradors are often contrasted, calling this pair “aristocrat-craftsman.”

Character traits

If you describe the Labrador’s character in two words, it would be like this: a peace-loving intellectual. Indeed, this description contains the main character traits of this breed. In addition, they are very cheerful, cheerful, always ready to play and very trusting, even naive.

About the game! Labradors love to run, jump, and swim. By the way, Labrador is the only dog ​​breed in the world that has webbed feet, which allows them to swim well. If a dog finds a puddle on its way, it will not pass by, but will definitely splash in it. Don't even try to scold your pet for turning over a bowl of water.

Labrador puppies need training from the first months of life, since in their simplicity they can be stolen by anyone who lured them into play.
They lack the makings of a leader, which proves their “cooperation” with cop dogs. Labradors are smart and have excellent reactions.
The spontaneity and good nature of these dogs can charm even those who do not love dogs.


Before deciding who to choose, you need to read reviews about the temperament of Labrador and Golden. Goldens are known for their calm, even-tempered nature. They have an innate sense of tact and will not impose themselves. These dogs are capable of making independent decisions. Before executing the owner’s command, the golden will evaluate its adequacy. If a British person decides that a person wants too much, he may ignore the request. Therefore, retrievers are trained from childhood.

The Labrador is an eternal puppy. He is ready to play all day long and is adored by the whole world. The Canadian gets along well with cats and other animals. But if there are birds in the house, you should not get a Labrador: he will not be able to suppress the instincts of a hunter and will grab the bird. Canadians do not know how to show their emotions. They love to put their paws on their shoulders and knock them down. Labradors need proper training. If the owner indulges the dog, it becomes destructive.

Both breeds are friendly towards strangers. They may leave with the person who offered the treat.

Labradors and goldens are excellent babysitters. The difference is that a Canadian can knock down a child while playing, but retrievers are always careful. Goldens prefer to socialize with teenagers and are ideal for older people. Labradors remain puppies for 3 years. An adult dog does not reduce the degree of activity. Canadians become more reserved only in old age.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Labrador Retriever has many advantages, but you should not ignore or take into account when planning to get a puppy of this breed its disadvantages:

  • If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then it is better not to get a Labrador, because this dog needs physical activity like air and water.
  • It is also generally accepted that representatives of this breed have very good health, however, no one has ruled out genetic diseases and problems.
  • Another important feature of Labradors is periodic molting, which occurs 1-2 times a year. You will have to seriously arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner, brushes and devote a lot of free time to cleaning, since golden hairs will cover all surfaces and objects in the house.
  • If you are busy with work and spend the whole day working, you should avoid choosing this breed, since such a dog is sociable and vulnerable.


The result of boredom and melancholy can be compulsive licking, which leads to serious illness.

Based on the above disadvantages, you should approach with all responsibility and seriousness the problems that may arise when the pet falls into your hands. You need to objectively assess your budget and free time resources that you will have to spend on your furry pet.

Having listed all the possible disadvantages, it’s nice to move on to the advantages of this breed:

  • The Labrador puppy quickly becomes attached to the owner and touches him with his cheerful, friendly disposition and devotion throughout his life.
  • An important advantage of Labradors is their friendly attitude towards children. You can trust your dog with your child and not worry about sudden aggression on the part of the pet, as can happen with dogs of other breeds.
  • Labradors are unpretentious in care and nutrition. Since they have an excellent appetite, you can feed them natural and dry food.
  • The most important advantage of this breed is its quick ability to learn commands, but taking into account the fact that you are engaged in training from the first months of the puppy’s life.

What's in common?

Although Goldens and Labradors differ markedly in many ways, both of these breeds are included in the group of retrievers. They are not the only representatives; there are 4 more types of dogs. All retrievers are considered hunting breeds. Their main task is to be an assistant during the hunt. Both breeds boast the following traits:

  • strong body structure;
  • endurance;
  • keen eye and sensitive sense of smell;
  • excellent swimming ability;
  • soft grip that does not damage prey when hunting
  • ;good mental abilities;
  • ability to get along with people.

Both breeds have fairly good health. Their average lifespan is 11-13 years, but with proper care they can live longer.

Dimensions, weight and other features

Below is a table of average height and weight for male and female Labradors:

AgeWeight, kgHeight at withers, cmMuzzle length, cm
1 month3.4-3.823-23.53.5-4
2 months7-830-32.54.5-5.5
3 months12-1439.5-426-7
4 months17-1944-467-8
5 months21-2248-517.5-8.5
6 months24-2650-557.5-9
7 months26-2852-567.5-9
8 months28-3054-577.5-9
9 months29-3254-587.5-9.5
10 months30-3654-587.5-10

Golden Retriever: character

Today, few dogs can compete with golden retrievers in terms of prevalence both in our country and abroad. They are now used extremely rarely as a hunter; their main purpose today is as a companion dog.

The character of representatives of this breed matches their color - golden. It is not without reason that Goldens have gained incredible popularity, love and recognition among dog lovers around the world. The owners dote on their pets, and they reciprocate.

The main traits inherent in retrievers are friendliness and high intelligence. These dogs occupy fourth place in the ranking of the smartest breeds. This is probably why they are most often used as guides for visually impaired and blind people and for canistherapy. This technique is used to treat autism, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and other serious diseases. Numerous studies have shown that canistherapy significantly alleviates the condition of patients and leads to positive dynamics in their condition.

In Western countries, it is a widespread practice for dogs to be brought into nursing homes, hospitals and hospices for seriously and terminally ill adults and children. In practice, it has been proven that communication with animals relaxes, brings positive emotions, relieves stress and brings a lot of positive emotions, which has the most beneficial effect on the general condition even in cases where a complete cure is impossible.

Getting into such a “profession” is not at all easy. All candidates undergo a rigorous selection process. Dogs are required to have absolute obedience, a sharp mind and a complete lack of irritability or aggression. Nervousness or excessive emotionality is unacceptable here. The animal must be happy to make contact with any person and strictly follow the commands of the curator. Retrievers are perfect for this role, as they are fully endowed with all the qualities necessary for this job. They are also often used by police to search for illegal substances and help rescue people from rubble.

Retrievers are highly trainable, picking up commands literally on the fly. However, just like any other dog, they require a firm hand. From the very moment the puppy appears in the house, you must gently but confidently show him who is boss, so that in the future you do not end up with a cheerful dunce who chews furniture and picks up everything on the street. Of course, he will not pose a danger to others, but he can cause you a lot of trouble instead of positive emotions.

You can begin to learn the basics of training as early as two months of age. The main commands that absolutely any dog ​​must obey are: “Come to me!”, “Ugh!”, “Near!”. Their strict implementation will save you from many problems in the future. If you have little or no experience, it is better to contact a professional dog handler who will teach you how to handle your pet. You can continue further classes on your own. In general, this breed is quite suitable for novice dog breeders due to its docile nature.

If you have a growing child in your family, perhaps you won’t find a better nanny for him. Golden will be extremely careful in games, trying his best not to push or drop the baby, not to mention using his teeth.

Representatives of this breed are entirely human-oriented. The owner is the center of their universe. The dog will come as fast as he can to your call, you just have to call him. He will be happy to play ball with you, will follow the bike, not lagging behind literally a step, and will happily join you for a long country walk. Retrievers have an amazing ability to read the mood of their owner and will not bother or demand attention, but at the same time they will always cheer up in difficult times, simply by resting their heads on their laps.

But what you definitely shouldn’t expect from a Golden is the manifestation of a protective instinct. These dogs simply don’t have it. Any manifestations of aggression are alien to them, so if you are looking for a formidable protector, then you better take a closer look at other breeds to avoid disappointment.

If you dream of hanging out with other dog lovers, chatting about this and that after a hard day at work, then you definitely need a Golden Retriever. These calm and balanced dogs easily find a common language with their relatives, as well as with other four-legged animals. They never offend others and try in every possible way to avoid conflicts. Not because of cowardice, but because of innate friendliness.


Labrador life expectancy and diseases

The average life expectancy of Labradors is 10-14 years, given good care and a balanced diet, exercise and training, and regular visits to the veterinarian.


Labrador breeders should be aware that their pet's health problems can be caused by heredity, which affects life expectancy. Therefore, it is necessary to buy puppies strictly from a breeder who has information about the pedigree and inherited diseases.

Just like people, dogs suffer from a terrible disease - cancer. Even among young individuals, cancer deaths are rising.

Labradors are susceptible to serious health problems, including:

  • hip dysplasia (impaired musculoskeletal function of the limb);
  • hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones);
  • licking granuloma (ulcerative formation on the leg caused by idiopathic licking);
  • panosteitis (inflammatory processes in the internal canal of long bones. This disease usually affects puppies aged 6 to 18 months);
  • progressive retinal atrophy (eye damage leading to blindness);
  • predisposition to obesity, which is the cause of joint disease and diabetes;
  • heart diseases.


In addition to the fact that both breeds are hunting, they also have a number of identical features:

  • endurance;
  • average body size;
  • waterproof undercoat.

Both breeds are good swimmers with webbed feet. They have a soft grip, which allows them to bring prey to the hunter without damaging it. They are distinguished by obedience and developed intelligence, love bathing, are non-aggressive, and have an excellent sense of smell.

Both Labradors and retrievers can easily become friends with both the owner’s pets and his children. They are true companions - loyal and loving.

Both breeds are in good health. With proper care, they live up to 14 years. But they are characterized by diseases such as retinal atrophy, hip dysplasia, and ear problems.

Basic rules of care

Every dog ​​breeder should know that proper care for a pet involves carrying out the correct preventive and hygienic procedures. It is necessary to accustom your pet to these procedures from an early age so that he gets used to them and reacts to them adequately.

Since another family member has appeared in your family, you will have to stock up on a certain kit for caring for the appearance of your pet:

  • cotton swabs (for cleaning ears);
  • toothbrush; wire bristle brush;
  • massage brush-mitten;
  • slicker brush;
  • nail clippers;
  • a basin with a rubberized bottom (for bathing);
  • shampoo;
  • separate towel

Dog owners are always interested in the question of bathing frequency. A Labrador does not need to be bathed very often, since the dog’s skin has protective coverings that are washed off with frequent bathing.

Labradors love water, so they usually don't cause problems when bathing. It is necessary to remember the temperature of the water (no more than 40 degrees), as well as washing your hair carefully to avoid water getting into your ears.

There is no need for daily brushing of a Labrador. During the shedding period, which happens 1-2 times a year, the dog needs to be brushed regularly to remove dead undercoat and keep the house clean.


After walks in the forest or near bodies of water in the warm season, you should comb your dog with a special comb with metal teeth, which removes thorns and ticks.

Labradors have fairly long nails that need to be trimmed carefully to avoid damaging the pink “flesh.” The procedure is performed with special tweezers, and not with office scissors, which will crumble the claw. If your pet often walks on asphalt, then its claws are ground down to the required level and do not need regular trimming.

You can clean your dog's teeth with a toothbrush or special teeth cleaning products, which can be purchased in specialized stores. A healthy Labrador's ears contain a small amount of wax, which should be cleaned out once a week with a dry cotton swab. If the ear is very dirty, you can moisten a swab with vegetable oil and gently clean the dog’s ear.

Education and training

Labradors and Golden Retrievers begin to be trained at an early age. Puppies are weaned from biting, stealing food from the table, and pulling on the leash and collar. They are also taught to have order and use the toilet outside. Labradors and goldens are very smart and easy to train. They strive to earn the approval of their owner, so they quickly remember commands. The only disadvantage of both breeds is absent-minded attention. They may become distracted by games and lose interest in training.

Labradors and Goldens are sensitive to criticism. Training should be based on praise and encouragement.

Both breeds require professional training. A puppy that has been worked on by a trainer will grow into a well-managed dog. Goldens and Labradors tend to sit on their necks, so it is best to raise them under the supervision of a professional.

Photos of puppies

In appearance, a Golden Labrador puppy is almost the same as an adult, only smaller in weight and height. Already at an early age, a Labrador can see fairly developed muscles, a compact body and a wide cranial part of the head. The head of a four-month-old puppy looks larger relative to its body.

The Labrador breed has certain distinctive features:

  • strong long body;
  • wide chest;
  • powerful neck;
  • fairly short loin;
  • drooping ears located slightly towards the back of the head;
  • almond-shaped eyes;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • massive round paws with webbed toes;
  • tail thick at the base and tapering towards the tip;
  • short thick coat of light beige golden color.

Golden Labrador: can the breed have this color?

The first Labradors were only black. Since 1899, fawn color has been recognized, and since 1930, chocolate color. According to the requirements of the FCI standard, only these colors are allowed - fawn, brown (various shades) and black. If a golden labrador appears in the litter, then such a puppy will be rejected and not allowed for breeding.

Golden Retrievers, on the other hand, can only be golden in color. The color may be lighter or darker, but not red or red-brown.

Golden Retriever: Photo.

Price range

There are many sites on the Internet where you can find advertisements for the sale of puppies. The cost depends on the country, the age of the dog, its pedigree, titles, etc.

For example, let's look at the price range for a Labrador puppy in Moscow.

So, a pet-class puppy costs from 25,000 rubles. The cost of a show-class puppy, in turn, is equal to 62,000 rubles. And, as they say, you can buy a puppy for 15,000 rubles.

The agony of choice

to the question “ which dog is better : a Labrador or a golden retriever .” You need to clearly understand why you are purchasing a pet, and analyze your own strengths, capabilities, and resources. When choosing, you should take into account your lifestyle, family composition, availability of free time, energy and finances.

Each of these dogs amazes with their intelligence, peacefulness and optimism, but the temperament and disposition of the dogs are different: Labradors are emotional and slightly clumsy merry fellows, and Goldens are sensible and reserved English aristocrats.

Before you choose a Labrador or Golden Retriever, figure out what you want from life. If your style is “peaceful equanimity,” then Golden is closer to you, but if it’s the other way around, then Labrador is the ideal choice. If there are small children and representatives of the older generation in the family, you should take a closer look at the good-natured golden dogs, but if you have a young and active family, go to the nursery for a Labrador puppy.

How to choose a puppy?

To buy a healthy Labrador puppy, you need to pay attention to its appearance and character.

If the puppy is well-fed, with clean fur, ears, eyes, nose and tummy without rashes, then this is a sign of his health. Try to make contact with the puppy, observe his behavior and mood.

Talk to the seller, ask any questions you have about the puppy’s parents, their titles, where they were exhibited. When purchasing a puppy, pay attention to the presence of the necessary documents (passport, veterinary card with vaccinations).

As for the question of who is better to choose - a boy or a girl, it depends only on personal preferences. But it is worth knowing that in the future girls will be in heat , and boys will be looking for bitches in heat.


The difference between the breeds is noted in the exterior of the animals, coat color and character. Before choosing one of the dogs, you should carefully study each individual individually.

By appearance

The differences are present primarily in the height and weight of the dogs. Male Labradors weigh 27-40 kg with a height of 56-63 cm, golden retrievers - 26-42, 56-61 cm. For girls, the figures are not much lower.

This is interesting: All about golden retrievers

The Labrador is more massive, the bones are more powerful, it looks heavy, the head is wider. Retrievers are sleeker and lighter.

The first difference that is immediately noticeable is the type of coat. The former have a special coating on it that is easily perceptible to the touch. The hair is elastic, thick and dense. Their length is 5 cm. The fur is straight, shiny and strong.

In goldens it can be wavy, even curly. The hair is longer. It is lighter on the neck, hips and tail than other areas.

Wavy fur in Labradors is considered a defect.

Attention should also be paid to the tail. Thick, tapering towards the end, with a short and dense coat characteristic of the Labrador. When the dog is happy, he rises, but does not bend over on his back. In the latter, the tail never stands up, but clearly continues the line of the back.

By coat color

The standards allow the following colors for Labradors:

  • black;
  • pale yellow;
  • brown (from liver to chocolate).

At first, only black color was acceptable, by 1900 fawn was recognized, and 30 years later chocolate was added to the standard. Such diversity is allowed only among this breed.

Golden Retrievers should be exceptionally golden, ranging from pale to bright cream.

The exception is deep red and brown with splashes of red (mahogany).

The nature

If dogs are often confused by external parameters, the differences between a Labrador and a retriever in internal qualities are difficult to miss. This is especially noticeable when both dogs are nearby.

Goldens are real aristocrats. They are distinguished by a calm disposition, balanced and unobtrusive behavior. If the owner is upset about something, the dog will not pester him. Before any action, the retriever weighs everything. He loves to play, but not for too long, and knows how to calculate his strength when meeting children.

Labrador looks defiant against the background of this breed. He is never sad and is ready to play long and actively. The dog is simple-minded and somewhat naive. The pet loves everyone - from the owner to his animals. A dog with endless energy is ready to lick the owner from head to toe, run into his arms, and knock him out of his place.

The Labrador becomes calmer in old age.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

Both breeds love children, but Golden Retrievers are better left with babies. A Labrador may accidentally push a baby. But with proper upbringing, both will become good nannies. However, Golden gets along better with children over 10 years old and with older people.

An English joke will help you accurately understand the differences in characters: two dogs are sitting on the bank of a river: a Labrador and a golden retriever. A man throws a stick. Whoever gets into the water before the stick is the Labrador. The prudence and balance of the golden will not allow him to dive thoughtlessly.

Origin story

The true origin of golden retrievers has long remained a mystery. According to one legend, they performed in a traveling circus, where Lord Tweedmouth I saw them in 1856. After talking with the trainer, he found out that the artistic dogs with a golden color come from Russian Caucasian breeds. The lord bought them for a decent sum and transported them to an estate in Scotland. Tweedmouth quickly saw the hunting talents of the new pets and purposefully began selection. The breed is called the Golden Retriever.

This version was accepted by the Kennel Club of the United Kingdom and received official confirmation in 1913. However, already in 1927 it was called into question. Thanks to the efforts of researchers Elma Stokens and R. P. Eliot, the mystery of the origin of Golden Retrievers was finally revealed. The results of the "investigation" became available to the public in 1959.

It turned out that the first puppy with a golden color was bought by Lord Tweedmouth I from Lord Chichester, a Scottish breeder, in 1864. The baby received the nickname Noyce. Four years later he was crossed with a tweed water spaniel. The litter consisted of four golden puppies, which were later bred with Irish Setters. During further selection, the Golden Retriever was crossed with the Black Retriever, Setter, Spaniel, Bloodhound and Labrador.

The breeders managed to breed an intelligent gun dog that can retrieve game from both land and water. The task of the retriever is to accompany the owner during the hunt and wait for the conventional sign.

The first golden puppy was brought to Russia in 1989.

Do pets have different personalities?

If it is not so easy to distinguish a Labrador from a retriever by external signs, then by character this can be done easily. Dogs have a number of differences:

  1. Activity level. Retrievers are traditionally calmer, they need less games and training, which is why such dogs take root well in apartments. Labradors, on the other hand, need constant high physical activity, active walks, and long games in the fresh air.
  2. Sensitivity to changes in the owner's mood. Retrievers are considered more sensitive dogs. They better understand the mood of their master. Thanks to this quality, they are often taken for people with problems with physical and mental development.
  3. Reactions to the command. Labradors carry out orders received immediately and with great enthusiasm. Goldens need time to consider their owner's instructions. They may execute a command in a non-standard way if they decide it would be better that way. This behavior is not a sign of disobedience - it indicates the pet's high cognitive abilities.
  4. Relationships with others. Both types of dogs are very friendly. However, goldens are more likely to take root in large families - they are more careful with people, and are easier to train as “nannies” for autistic children, blind people, and older people due to their calmer temperament.

Both breeds always remain friendly. They rarely show aggression towards other animals or people. Therefore, such dogs are not suitable as guards or watchdogs.

Care and maintenance

Caring for a Golden Retriever is not difficult. The main point is attention, there really should be a lot of it. This dog is loving; constant loneliness will negatively affect the pet’s psyche.

A not very pleasant feature of Goldens is their fur. They constantly shed and emit odors that are difficult to get rid of.

They can be kept both in a private house and in an apartment. In both cases, walking is required. Before buying a puppy, you need to determine a place for it where the bed will be installed. You also need to purchase bowls with adjustable heights, brushes of varying hardness, toys, shampoos and other hygiene products.


Golden retrievers are allergic. Therefore, developing the right diet is the key to a long healthy life for your pet. The frequency of feeding varies depending on the age of the dog.

Puppies are fed 4-5 times a day, adults - 2 times. The serving size is determined based on the activity and weight of the animal.

Dry feeding, like natural feeding, must be selected carefully. There are special “breed” foods for Golden Retrievers. They contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the dog’s bones and coat, but are quite expensive. When choosing dry products, you should only pay attention to premium and super-premium class, holistic (grain-free) and hypoallergenic baits.

With natural feeding, 50% of the menu should be proteins - lean meat (lamb, poultry, beef), boneless sea fish, dairy products and eggs. Another quarter is porridge with water or broth (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat), the remaining space is for vegetables (cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, cucumbers, beets) and fruits (apple, plum, apricot).

Not allowed:

  1. Bones;
  2. Pork;
  3. Butter;
  4. Sweet, flour;
  5. Potatoes, corn, tomatoes;
  6. Citrus and exotic fruits;
  7. Fatty, fried and salty foods.

Clean water should always be freely available; it is recommended to take drinking bottles with you even for a walk. The vitamin complex should be given to your pet from puppyhood; the right one will be selected by a veterinarian.


The average lifespan of Goldens is 10-12 years, but pets often live up to 14-15 years. These dogs are quite strong and hardy, but are susceptible to many genetic diseases.

With proper care, timely vaccinations and periodic examinations at the clinic, the risks of losing your retriever are reduced . It is also recommended to buy a puppy from an official breeder, who can guarantee the health of the parents and the pet itself.


A Golden Retriever puppy is vaccinated at 8 weeks of age . Basically, this is done in the nursery; they also draw up all the necessary documents: pedigree and veterinary passport. If the mating was organized by private individuals, this should be done independently.

Vaccination schedule for Golden Retrievers:

  1. Vaccination against hepatitis, distemper, enteritis, parainfluenza, salmonella and leptospirosis is done at 8 and 12 weeks, then at 6 and 12 months of life, then updated annually;
  2. Rabies vaccination is carried out at the 7th month and is also updated every year (this vaccination is required to take the pet out of the country).

Vaccination rules:

  • 2 weeks before vaccination, the dog should be disinfected from parasites. Before grafting, you need to make sure that the individual is completely healthy;
  • Before the second vaccination, the puppy cannot be walked;
  • Vaccinations are done by experienced specialists in veterinary clinics. After the procedure, the doctor enters a list of medications and the date of vaccination in the dog’s passport;
  • If acute negative symptoms occur, you should contact a veterinarian;
  • After vaccination, you are required to quarantine for 14 days .


Many diseases are associated with the digestive and musculoskeletal system of the Golden Retriever. To avoid them, you need to follow a balanced diet and give your dog the right physical activity.

Some diseases are passed from parents to puppies, so it is important to ask the breeder about all the shortcomings of the breed line.

The main diseases characteristic of Golden Retrievers:

  • Obesity;
  • Food allergies;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Volvulus of the intestines and stomach;
  • Hip dysplasia (an incurable disease characterized by severe pain and claudication; symptoms can be relieved with medication or surgery);
  • Skin cancer;
  • Diabetes;
  • Inflammation of the ears and mucous membranes.


Golden retrievers are very active dogs; for proper development they need regular walking for 2 hours twice a day. The puppies are walked more often, but for less time ( 3-4 times for 30-40 minutes) . You can let your pet outside after the second vaccination.

Retrievers are calm and docile, and behave well around other dogs. But due to strong hunting instincts, they can chase prey and snatch the leash.

These dogs love the world around them, they need socialization. Joint training and playing with other pets will be a great way to instill good manners in your Golden.

Golden Retrievers make good running and cycling companions. They are quite hardy and will follow their owner for a long time. Swimming in ponds will also be useful.


  • Dogs' fur does not need to be trimmed, but pets are usually trimmed for exhibitions . Goldens molt all year round, but in the spring and autumn it is even more noticeable. Therefore, you need to brush your retrievers daily. They are bathed no more than 2 times a year, but after each walk they thoroughly wash their paws and wipe their body with a damp towel. For regular staining, it is recommended to use dry shampoo.
  • The eyes and ears are examined daily for the presence of oxides and purulence. Rinse with water 2-3 times a week . Nails are trimmed once a month , and teeth are cleaned at the same frequency (you can use special chewing cords for dogs to make the procedure easier).
  • In summer and autumn, pets are treated with flea and tick medications . It is necessary to examine the body for the presence of parasites and promptly remove them with special tweezers (or in the clinic).


Mating of golden retrievers can be organized both by private individuals and by resorting to the services of official nurseries. The main thing is to first conduct an examination for the presence of pathologies in individuals for mating, and also find out whether they meet the standards.

Dogs begin to be bred at 20 months, although it is believed that puberty comes at 8-10 months. This is due to the fact that for Golden bitches, the optimal period for conception begins with the third heat. Early mating will lead to the birth of weak, unhealthy puppies.

There are several signs that can be used to determine whether the female is ready:

  1. Playful behavior;
  2. Swollen loop;
  3. Light discharge.

It is advisable, for the end, that is, the first time, to invite a specialist who will help the owners and their pets understand the procedure.

To begin with, the female is brought to the cable, at this stage the dogs get to know each other and sniff each other; to speed up the process, you can walk them together. On average, sexual intercourse lasts from 5 to 10 minutes. Be sure to hold the girl under her stomach, not allowing her to sit down. At this time, the male is directed to the loop. If the process is delayed, it is recommended to move the animals to a comfortable position so as not to injure their genitals.

The next time mating is carried out two days later.

Origin of rocks

Both types of dogs belong to the group of retrievers. However, they are two different types that were bred under different conditions. They had a huge influence on the formation of the characteristics of dogs, including their character:

  • The Labrador Retriever was bred in Newfoundland and from there brought to England. Its ancestors are considered to be Indian dogs, and there is also an opinion that this breed is related to Newfoundlands (which is partially documented). Fishermen kept similar dogs. They used their pets for various purposes: they pulled backgammon, nets, and brought caught fish. This lifestyle made the representatives of this breed active, hardy and quite obedient.
  • Golden Retrievers were developed in England. They were intended for hunting - they brought shot game to their owner without damaging its carcass. Since representatives of this breed had to run through forests and swamps at any time of the year, they developed a dense coat that made it easy to withstand adverse weather conditions. Such dogs lived in a calmer environment, and therefore never showed the increased activity inherent in their brothers. When breeding Goldens, special attention was paid to the color of the pet's coat, since it was also a kind of decoration. Due to their aristocratic origins, Goldens turned out to be more refined in appearance, soft in character, and adapted to living in small apartments.

Initially, the presented breeds were bred to perform various tasks. This shaped the character of such pets, their need for physical labor, as well as their ability to get along with people.

Difference in character

As we have already found out, these dog breeds have very significant differences in their appearance. Do they also have differences in character? Dog handlers answer with all certainty - yes!

The retriever, like a true aristocrat , has boundless devotion to his master and a restrained character. You are unlikely to see him carefree chasing butterflies on the lawn.

He will certainly carry out the owner’s commands, but first he will evaluate the task and independently try to find the easiest path to execution. As a true Englishman, he easily learns various sports disciplines.

Labrador, being the first guy in the village , will not waste time on empty sports - his destiny is work. Carrying heavy loads, carrying loot, being a faithful comrade and guide for a blind man - he copes with these tasks with a bang.

The characteristic cheerfulness of a young puppy persists until old age - in his free time the dog likes to play pranks, and this is where - watch out for the butterfly! Communication with children is another one of the Labrador's favorite pastimes - these dogs really love all children .

Description of the breed

The Golden Retriever is a strong, well-built dog with a sunny coat. She is known for her sharp mind and endurance.

Breed standard:

  1. Height up to 61 cm, weight up to 41 kg.
  2. The head is of good proportions and correct shape. The forehead is wide, but not massive. The muzzle is long and neat. The nose is medium in size, the nostrils are large and open. The desired color is black. The lips are dense, pressed closely to the teeth, and have small jowls. The jaws are strong and well developed. The bite is claw-shaped.
  3. The eyes are set wide. Shape – oval or almond-shaped. The iris is colored in shades of brown and nut.
  4. The ears are small, hanging, medium-set (at eye level), covered with short hair.
  5. The neck is muscular, moderately long, without dewlap. Softly blends into the shoulders.
  6. The body is elongated, slightly elongated, correctly balanced. The back is strong and straight, of moderate width. The stomach is slender and toned.
  7. The tail is long, straight, with abundant feathering. Never bent.
  8. Limbs are straight, powerful, muscular. The paws are round and medium in size. The fingers are pressed tightly together.

Goldens have a recognizable appearance and are one of the most popular breeds in the world.


Goldens are famous for their thick coat. It can be wavy or straight. The pile has water-repellent properties. The undercoat is abundant and dense. The fur forms fringes on the ears and limbs. The hair on the body, ears and chest is especially long. Color – all shades of cream and golden. White is acceptable as a “patina” in the chest area. Red tones are undesirable.


There are very few negative reviews about the personality of Golden Retrievers. This dog breed has earned the love of millions thanks to its friendly, calm disposition. It's hard to imagine a pet more oriented towards communicating with people. Goldens love to participate in family activities and do not like to sit idle. Their tendency to be helpful makes them excellent service dogs: retrievers work as guide dogs, rescuers, and participate in psychological assistance programs.

Goldens are true empaths. They subtly sense the mood of their owners and will do everything to prevent them from being sad. Retrievers are often used in zootherapy. They help sick children, pensioners and participate in various rehabilitation programs. Just being near a retriever charges a person with positive emotions and puts him in a positive mood. Children love these dogs very much and thrive when interacting with them. Retrievers are the best babysitters for babies. They will never offend a child and will tolerate even careless treatment.

The task of parents is to explain to their children the rules of behavior with animals and to prevent cruelty. If a dog does not show retaliatory aggression, this does not mean that this will always be the case.

Goldens are not prone to zoo aggression and find a common language with any animal. They will not provoke a fight and use every opportunity to avoid conflict. In the event of an attack, they will not flee, but will give the offender a worthy rebuff. In addition, the breed is known for its unobtrusiveness. They know when the owner wants to be alone and respect his wishes. Retrievers need to feel needed, so if a person is not ready to pay a lot of attention to the pet, he should reconsider his choice of breed.

A gentle, gentle character can turn into cowardice. Therefore, when choosing a dog, you need to take a closer look at the behavior of the puppy and the parents. Goldens also have a hard time concentrating. They are easily distracted during exercise and are overly trusting: dogs can follow a stranger who offers a treat.

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