African non-barking dog: how much does it cost, how to raise, what to feed, how long they live

Rating of the 10 best dry food for Basenji

PlaceNameRatingPrice, rub.
1Acana Adult Dog Heritag 17 kg9.9 / 106 724
2Go Fit + Free salmon, duck, turkey, chicken 2.72 kg9.8 / 101 548
3Orijen Adult Dog Freeze-dried food 0.45 kg9.8 / 101 781
4Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Dermatosis 12 kg9.8 / 106 149
5Barking Heads with lamb and rice Dreams of lamb 12kg9.6 / 104 638
6Arden Grange Sensetiv Ocean White Fish and Potatoes 12kg9.6 / 105 341
7Applaws with chicken 7.5 kg9.5 / 103 683
8Proseries Holistic Feed with lamb and rice 12.9 kg9.4 / 105 500
9Royal canin medium adult 15 kg9.2 / 105 019
10Grandorf Duck with sweet potato all breeds 12 kg9.2 / 105 046

Dry dog ​​food is a complete nutritious diet for a pet, developed taking into account the physiology and characteristics of the animal. It contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and amino acids in a balanced state. When choosing, pay attention to the composition. The product must contain fats of animal and plant origin and natural ingredients. This is what dogs should receive to be healthy and cheerful.

How to choose a pet

It is advisable to buy an African non-barking dog puppy no earlier than he is 1.5-2 months old. By this time, the little Basenji will not only have all the accompanying documents, but also the external characteristics of the breed will appear. From them you can judge how promising a dog he will grow up to be.

When choosing a puppy, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  • living conditions for mothers and babies;
  • puppy behavior;
  • condition of the eyes, ears and fur of animals.

Experts advise choosing an active and friendly puppy with clear skin and a well-fed body.

On a note. A Basenji puppy costs on average 20-50 thousand rubles. The price depends on the presence of champions in the pedigree, the reputation of the nursery and the presence of serious defects in the exterior.


These animals are active and curious.
They have good immunity and good health. It is better to choose premium, super premium food for small breed dogs. The diet should consist of ingredients that are more similar to food in natural habitats. Take the Attention Test! Find 10 differences! (click right here!)

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Dry food consisting of lean meats (poultry, rabbit, offal) is suitable. To maintain activity, the composition must include enough carbohydrates. They will be provided with cereals (oats, rice), vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber). To avoid the development of obesity, it is better to monitor the amount of calories consumed and not increase the proportion of carbohydrates and fats.

Otherwise, excess weight will lead to heart problems. Developed dog limbs require constant consumption of calcium and other components to maintain the skeletal system and joints.

Therefore, you can buy food with low-fat sea fish. Balanced feed includes essential vitamins and minerals. There is no need to add additional supplements to the diet.


In the character of the Basenji, some see the habits of terriers, such as the smooth-haired and wire-haired fox terriers, while others notice in them the habits characteristic of cats.

Be that as it may, these dogs are initially hunters, with all the characteristics inherent in this type of dog.

• Curiosity

Any rustle in the bushes will definitely attract their attention. The dog feels obligated to find out what is going on around him and his owner

• Energy. These Congo Terriers do not know fatigue; two hours of active games and agility are not a burden for them. • Mobility. Hunting instincts push Basenjis to search for someone to run after. It is better to walk dogs alone or together with other Basenjiks, otherwise they, like Russian and Estonian hounds, will begin to chase all the animals that catch their eye. At the same time, commands such as “Nearby!” or “Come to me!” will be the same brake for them as a stop sign for a hare.

You need to walk the Basenji for a long time, giving the dog plenty of time to run around and throw out the accumulated energy.

  • Equilibrium. If you walk your dog enough time, at home it will behave absolutely calmly, without looking for additional adventures.
  • Dislike of water. African dogs really do not like to swim, and will avoid getting wet by all means and methods.
  • Cleanliness. Dogs take very good care of themselves, just like cats. They can even wash themselves by rubbing their eyes with their paws.
  • Easy to learn. Basenjis grasp new knowledge literally on the fly. Dogs are easy to train, quickly remember and assimilate commands, and also adapt to new living conditions.
  • Independence. And this is a fly in the ointment - most hunting dogs can be too keen on tracking or pursuing “prey”, so they sometimes refuse to respond to the orders of their owners. Or they may simply have their own opinion on this matter.
  • Sense of humor. Basenjis are not offended when people make fun of them in a kind way. They themselves will happily take part in any mischief initiated by their owners.
  • Devotion. Dogs love all family members, but their whole being is attached to only one person. Basenjis are practically indifferent to strangers and do not show trust.
  • Emotionality. These dogs express their emotions with different sounds. This may include grunting, snorting and loud purring.

Basenji knows what true friendship is

Acana Adult Dog Heritag 17 kg

Holistic class food without grains, allergic substances. Contains different types of meat, fish - 55%. It contains eggs, medicinal herbs, vegetables, fruits, fermentation products, vitamin and mineral supplements. Does not contain GMOs.


  • Suitable for any dogs;
  • It has useful composition and properties;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • Rich in fiber;
  • Has good taste;
  • Has a low glycemic index;
  • Economical.
  • When eating, there are no problems with the skin, vision, joints, or gastrointestinal tract.


  • Sold in large packages;
  • Not all stores have it.
  • Contains legumes, which increases gas formation.

Go Fit + Free salmon, duck, turkey, chicken 2.72 kg

Holistic food without gluten. It contains more than 70% meat: turkey, chicken, duck, salmon fillet. Does not cause allergies. It is universal and designed for dogs of all breeds and ages.


  • Does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • Enriched with nutrients, microelements, vitamins, oils, lactobacilli;
  • Available in different packages;
  • The package indicates the daily intake;
  • Optimal ratio of price and quality;
  • Does not contain by-products;


  • Poorly stored;
  • When opened, it becomes weathered and loses its beneficial substances and properties. For long-term storage, pour into a closed container;
  • Metabolism and the release of digestive products are enhanced.
  • Increases fecal mass.

Orijen Adult Dog Freeze-dried food 0.45 kg

Belongs to the super premium class. Freeze-dried food, it can be given to dogs of all ages and breeds. Contains 80% meat and fish. The remaining percentages: eggs, legumes, liver, fruits, vegetables, herbs, microelements, lactobacilli. Does not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors, GMOs. Produced fresh, without freezing ingredients.


  • Balanced and natural composition;
  • Does not contain grains;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Contains fiber;
  • Improves appetite, digestion;
  • It is used economically.
  • They are produced using a technology where, due to exposure to low temperatures, only moisture is removed from the ingredients of the composition. All nutrients and beneficial substances are preserved.
  • When consumed as food, the appearance and health of pets improves.


  • Increases feces and their output;
  • Increases gas production in dogs;
  • Not available in all stores;
  • Sometimes rancid and burnt pellets with a bad odor are encountered.

Character and behavioral characteristics

It is believed that the friendly nature of these dogs developed historically due to their use by ancient African tribes. Animals had to be friendly, otherwise they could be eaten.

A unique feature of dogs of this species is the absence of barking. This makes them quieter and more comfortable pets, but the animals can express emotions by hissing, snorting, howling, and even yodeling.

Basenjis also have feline-like qualities:

  • able to climb trees;
  • wash themselves like cats;
  • have a negative attitude towards water.

These animals can cry and laugh. They get along easily with other domestic dogs, especially if they were introduced to them in childhood. They treat their owners with affection, but do not show trust in strangers. This breed should only be owned by experienced dog breeders or very patient people, as the animals are stubborn, curious and active. They can run wherever they want, ignoring human commands.

Animals are curious and active

Dogs are calm about short absences from their owner, but if you leave the animal for a long time, pranks will begin. These animals are hunters and are not good watchdogs. But if danger arises, they warn their owners. Despite their love for active games, these dogs will not tolerate disrespectful treatment, ear pulling, etc. Therefore, it is better not to leave them with babies for a long time unattended.

Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Dermatosis 12 kg

Premium class dietary food. Used when the dog shows intolerance to something. This is often manifested by hair loss, areas of dermatitis, and digestive disorders. It contains fish extract, flour, beet pulp, potatoes, vitamins, and minerals.


  • Medicinal food;
  • Does not contain allergens;
  • Contains natural fiber;
  • Suitable for pets who are intolerant to beef or chicken;
  • Improves the health and appearance of dogs;
  • Does not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors;
  • Convenient packaging for storage and use;
  • Medicinal food that should be given to dogs with hypersensitivity to allergens.


  • Strong fishy smell;
  • Do not use if the dog has hypersensitivity to fish and potatoes;
  • Animals experience an increase in thirst;
  • Overcharge.
  • If your dog has recovered, then you need to switch it to another food and monitor its health.

Distinctive features

According to standards, the breed has the following external characteristics:

  • Head : small, elongated, with a shallow median furrow. When the dog is alert, folds appear on the forehead. The skull is flattened, wide at the back of the head, tapering towards the muzzle.
  • Muzzle : narrow, long, approximately three-quarters of the skull.
  • Eyes : small, almond-shaped, obliquely set. The eyelids are dark, the iris is dark brown or almost black.
  • Jaw : elongated, strong, scissor bite, the upper jaw completely covers the lower jaw.
  • Neck : long, set high, with a pronounced scruff.
  • Body : short, straight, deep chest, oval ribs.
  • Paws : thin, straight, with harmonious joints. The pads are compact, the fingers fit tightly.
  • Coat : short, without undercoat, close to the dog's body.
  • Color : white and red, black and red, brindle, tricolor.

Regardless of color, dogs have a white chest, collar, and the tip of the nose and nose are black.

Barking Heads with lamb and rice Dreams of lamb 12kg

The food belongs to the premium class. Contains organic lamb meat, which was raised on natural products, vegetables, and medicinal herbs. Veterinarians recommend food for small and medium breeds. Ingredients: freeze-dried lamb meat - 20%, fresh meat - 30%, oats, rice, trout, potatoes, animal fats, a mixture of medicinal herbs, algae, vitamins, minerals.


  • Made from natural ingredients;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Improves the condition of the skin, coat and joints;
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • It has a good taste and smell.
  • Suitable for pets with sensitivity to allergens.


  • Overcharge.

Arden Grange Sensetiv Ocean White Fish and Potatoes 12kg

The food belongs to the super premium category. Contains the necessary natural ingredients for dogs: pieces of meat, fish oil. When consumed, dogs' endurance increases.


  • Has a rich vitamin and mineral complex;
  • Does not contain GMOs, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Does not contain cereals;
  • Added antioxidants;
  • The label shows the feeding schedule;
  • Economically used;
  • Has a good smell and taste;
  • Improves pet's health.
  • With long-term use there is no addiction to the composition;
  • Suitable for dogs with a sedentary lifestyle and those in old age.


  • Some of its types contain corn, and this ingredient should not be in the super premium class.

Applaws with chicken 7.5 kg

Premium food that contains chicken, eggs, peas, potatoes, animals, vegetable fats, vegetables, and herbs in a balanced combination. Has a low glycemic index.


  • Does not contain grains;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Balanced composition;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • The product is suitable for a balanced diet so that there are no problems with the health, activity and appearance of the dog;
  • Veterinarians recommend this brand as a dietary one;
  • It has a good appearance, smell and taste.


  • Not available in all stores.

Proseries Holistic with lamb and rice 12.9 kg

Holistic class food. It has a composition suitable for feeding dogs of all ages and breeds. It does not contain ingredients that help cause allergies: soy, corn, wheat, chicken. Instead of meat, they included fish, animals, and vegetable fats, which are well absorbed by the pet’s body.


  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Balanced composition of natural ingredients;
  • Strengthens the immune system, supports the animal’s musculoskeletal system;
  • Improves blood circulation and appearance of the pet;
  • Serves as a source of protein for dogs suffering from an allergic reaction to meat products;
  • It passed all tests in America and Canada and, according to their results, it was recognized as a complete, balanced product to ensure the health of dogs at any age;
  • The composition of the product is selected to pay maximum attention to the health of the dog.


  • Difficult to find in pet stores;
  • Strong fishy odor;
  • Contains grains.

History of the origin of the species

The Basenji, also known as the forest dog of the Congo, is the oldest species, having formed and existed unchanged for about 5,000 years. The species formed without human intervention in central Africa. The first domesticated Basenjis were used for hunting in forest or savannah conditions. Mummies of dogs were found by archaeologists in the tombs of ancient Egyptians.

The first attempts to introduce a dog to Europe were made in 1865 , and the breed was brought not as a companion, but for display in zoos. Due to viral diseases, the animals did not survive. The second attempt was made at the beginning of the 20th century by a dog lovers club.

Today, Basenjis are found throughout the world, used primarily as companions and less commonly for hunting.

Royal Canin medium adult 15 kg

Super premium food, created for a dog’s balanced nutrition and all its taste needs. Its composition: cereal flour, dehydrated pork, rice, fats of vegetable and animal origin, yeast. A vitamin and mineral complex has been added to the product.


  • Widely distributed throughout the Russian Federation;
  • Has good taste;
  • Well digested by the body;
  • When consumed, the immune system is strengthened and the appearance of the skin and coat improves;
  • The product has medicinal properties.


  • Contains grains;
  • Lots of crafts. The original is made in France.

Grandorf Duck with sweet potato all breeds 12 kg

The product belongs to the super premium class. It has the following ingredients in its balanced composition: duck, turkey, sweet potato, dried herbs, fruits and vegetables. Made using technology that preserves all the properties of the ingredients.


  • Made from natural ingredients;
  • Has good taste, smell, color;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Contains a digestive bioregulator;
  • Does not contain preservatives, GMOs, artificial colors;
  • Well absorbed by the body;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Has a good effect on the pet's health;
  • The food has a balanced composition and is suitable for daily nutrition of dogs of all breeds;
  • Can completely replace the dog’s need for meat food;
  • Ideal for pets with severe allergic sensitivities.


  • Difficult to find in veterinary stores;
  • Has a laxative effect on the pet.

Above are ten of the best dry foods for medium dogs. Choosing the right food for dogs is important; it takes into account the health characteristics of the pet and its preferences. Each of them is good, but out of all of them I will single out only two that are at the top positions of the rating and deserve increased attention: Acana Adult Dog Heritag and Go Fit + Free salmon, duck, turkey, chicken.

They both belong to the holistic class, are suitable for everyday nutrition, and have few disadvantages. The composition does not contain grains or products that contribute to the occurrence of an allergic reaction, which is often found among medium-sized dogs.

They contain a rich vitamin and mineral complex. By consuming these products, your pet will receive the necessary substances and will enjoy good health and longevity. These 2 high-quality products fully meet your pet's need for a healthy and balanced diet. Those who give these brands of food to animals are happy and do not want to look for new food.

Housing for a dog

The smooth-haired animal in our latitudes sometimes has a hard time (especially in winter). Therefore, no open cages or enclosures for overnight stays - only indoors.

Ideally, the Basenji will live in a private house with a large yard. For an active, inquisitive dog, this will be the best option. But it is better to keep the gate closed - if the dog gets carried away with the game, it can jump out into the street or get hit by a car.

Did you know? Africans attribute to these dogs the ability to drive away evil spirits from the house.

Get ready for the fact that you will have to keep your pet in your field of vision all the time - possessing irrepressible energy and lightning-fast reactions, he moves in the blink of an eye. Due to inexperience, some people think that the Basenji lies in the shade or sits modestly under a tree. This is a mistake, and it is much more likely that at this time he is rushing around the beds or, even worse, fighting with the cat.

By the way, about pets. Their absence or isolation will only be a plus: they can provoke the dog to attack (hunting genes have an effect).

Many people keep active animals in their apartments. Not bad either, especially since there is no smell.

But there are some subtleties here too. The first thing is not to forget about daily walks and not to leave the puppy alone for a long time. Its safety is no less important. The rather fragile legs of a young dog are easily injured, especially when it collides with sharp or heavy objects along the way.

For the same reason, you will have to put vases, heavy books or irons higher, which may fall or become easy prey for a nimble baby.

Important! It is not worth keeping two same-sex Basenjis in the same yard (let alone apartment) at once - they will immediately begin to figure out which of them is more important. Both the dogs themselves and the environment in the home may suffer.

Particular attention is paid to windows. Jumping onto a chair and then onto a windowsill is not such a problem (as is chewing through the mesh in the opening)

Keep an eye on this, otherwise there is a risk that the dog will simply fall from a high floor.

Each dog breed has certain qualities. For example, St. Bernard and Newfoundland are rescue dogs, Jagd Terrier, Shorthaired Pointer, Shiba Inu, Akita Inu, Jack Russell Terrier are hunters, Samoyed, Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute are sled dogs, Cane Corso, German Shepherd are watchdogs.

Need for vitamins

Medium-sized dogs cover many breeds, from basset hounds to huskies. By their nature, they can be characterized by low mobility or be active. Pets of these species need vitamins in addition to their diet.

The daily need for supplements is determined by gender and age characteristics. It depends on the weight, breed, physical development, air temperature during maintenance. Organic substances are needed for normal growth and development, viable offspring, and good health. When starting to introduce elements into the diet, take into account the weight of the pet.

It is important to worry about the intake of vitamins into the body of animals when eating natural food or when consuming economy-class feed. To improve your pet's health, you will need prolonged courses of supplements once a month. Medium breed dogs kept on dry food should take a vitamin course at least once every six months. For aging animals, it is enough to take the course once a year, provided they are fed with food and natural food.

Pet health items:

  1. Retinoids, including: vitamin A, vitamin A2, retinol and retinoic acid. Needed to reproduce healthy offspring. Without these vitamins, animals do not develop normal bone tissue, cartilage, and epithelium. Retinal is involved in the functioning of the visual organs. The element is needed to produce light-sensitive pigments for vision in the dark. When it is deficient, dogs develop “night blindness.”
  2. Thiamine (B1). A necessary element for the normal functioning of the nervous system. With a sufficient level of the substance, the pet will be balanced and calm. Supplements with it are needed for pets that are severely exhausted or stressed. A lack of the element thiamine causes disorders of the animal's digestive tract. Its deficiency leads to weight loss and lack of appetite. The element helps puppies grow, providing them with energy and vigor.
  3. Riboflabin (B2). The condition of the coat and skin depends on the normal concentration of the substance in the body. The vitamin strengthens the animal’s immunity and defense mechanisms, helps neutralize inflammatory processes. Vitamin B2 deficiency in a dog's body can cause muscle weakness, mucosal lesions, and conjunctivitis.
  4. Niacin (B3). The vitamin fights animal “bad” cholesterol, increases hemoglobin, and normalizes the metabolism of proteins and fats. After feeding the pet, nicotinic acid stimulates gastric juice and enzymes. Saturates the body with energy, helps to absorb protein from vegetables introduced into the diet. It is impossible to give vitamin B3 to an animal often. Its excess will cause disruption of the endocrine system and hair loss.

Owner reviews


My Basenji is almost half a year old. Very well-mannered, calm, chews, like all puppies, everything he finds. The wires have been removed, only what you don’t mind is accessible. When my child was growing up, it was much worse. The child also opened boxes, and the dog is great. No problem. Compared to conventional breeds, it is not for everyone. This is a companion dog - it needs a person. She can't do it alone. Well, mine definitely can’t. I go with him everywhere. This only makes me happy. He sleeps next to him, eats next to him, and is constantly in his arms. Like a little child. For active people who know how to love and have a lot of patience, wisdom and understanding. He won't be an obedient dog. Decorating the sofa too. For that, thanks to him) He will be a friend always and everywhere. Then they took it))) So that the house would not be destroyed - to walk, play, occupy. This is a dog whose brain needs to be busy. Very smart. They are not obedient, that is why they are smart. He will always have his own view on things. Often I listen to him) And sometimes I don’t. And then you need to be a calm leader of the pack, and not run after him with a stick shouting “no” - it’s pointless. He will take revenge and be right. This is probably a dog for cat people. Those who know how to find an approach, calmly explain, and if necessary, be wiser, and not insist on their own.


Often ready to kill, but not ready to part. I adopted a dog at the age of 2, to be honest, at first I held my head by the head that I took. Now he's a charming dog. Not simple, with its own character, individuality that must be respected..... In order to be the “master” of a Basenji, you need to love him very much and have a lot of time. As for food, mine eats everything, and what it can’t eat it will break off and gobble up and there will be nothing for it... As for the statement that this is not a dog for everyone, but what kind of dog is for everyone??? Having an animal in the house is not for everyone.


I’ll hang myself, I have a Pomeranian and a Toy, and my son also bought this bedji

Sergey Vladimirovich

Good day, owners and anyone who is looking at this breed. I assure you, any breed of dog without love and patience will be problematic. It’s like kids. unless of course the Dalai Lama)) Having adopted a representative of this breed, the breeder must forget about the immediate readiness of the dog to carry out his command. How about playing? How about lisping? This animal craves variety. Don’t forget, you let a real semi-wild animal into the house (a ferret is not a dog after all)) but they are also kept in apartments and I don’t require him to bring sticks. This sweet face, with its thinker's folds, contented grumbling and skillful waving of a donut (which they themselves forget that they have), when you appear in the evening, more than compensates for all the shortcomings of this cheerful and terribly funny breed. AND SOMEONE IS DREAMING FROM THE SPHINXES)))


Proper feeding of puppies

With the correct diet, the puppy will be strong, his immunity will resist any diseases. In order for the anatomical and functional systems to form correctly, the pet needs high-quality products and a complex of vitamins.

A selection of nutrients and microelements is contained in dry food. At the same time, up to six months, puppies of medium breeds can be given balanced food for small breeds. After six months - dry food for large dogs.

For puppies from 3 months old, super premium food is suitable. Grain-free food contains fresh and boiled meat, fruits and vegetables. This diet does not contain hormonal drugs or by-products.

For puppies suffering from allergies or gastrointestinal disorders, select holistic-grade food. Complete dry food will ensure the safety of digestion and the balance of the puppy’s intestinal microflora. Satisfies the high energy needs of medium breed babies during a short period of their growth.

For two-week-old puppies, you can add porridge to their diet. From one and a half months, feed dry croquettes with a high calorie content. For the first few days, soak the granules in milk or warm water. Start switching to this food with 12-16 grains per day. Monitor the condition of the puppy, and in case of a negative reaction, stop feeding granules. If your puppy's skin regularly scratches and peels after eating kibble, give your baby water to drink frequently.

Unlike adult pets, medium breed puppies should be fed more often:

  • From 2 to 4 months - 6 times;
  • From 3 to six months - 4 times;
  • From five to 10 months - 3 times.

Curious facts

There is a belief that the ancient Basenji breed was used in hunting as round-up dogs; they hunted small livestock, game, and small antelopes. Animals could frighten them and drive them under hunting spears. To avoid being defeated by larger predators, the dogs began to remain silent. In modern Zaire, Congo terriers are hunted differently. The breed is no longer hunted, African silent ones have turned into assistants to solitary hunters. Dogs are valued more than wives, because in a poor country, the availability of food in the house depends on the Basenji.

The pharaohs of Ancient Egypt honored dogs of the ancient African breed; they were considered a talisman. They gave pets to each other and literally adored them. Evidence of this is provided by images inside the pharaoh's tombs. They were buried with all the regalia along with their beloved dogs.

African silent ones wash themselves in the same way as cats, using their paws. This habit touches the owners. The breed is extremely clean, does not tolerate dirt, and therefore washes itself.

Diseases and health problems from food

Owners of bull terriers, bulldogs, basset hounds and retrievers often face the problem of excess weight in their animals. Obesity develops due to little physical activity and a lack of fresh, unprocessed plant foods in the diet. Due to an increase in body weight due to adipose tissue, pathologies develop:

  • Increased glucose levels and metabolic disorders;
  • Congestive heart failure;
  • Violation of the rhythm and depth of breathing, lack of air;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Hemarthrosis;
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Synovitis;
  • Osteoarthritis.

If you suspect one of the diseases, exclude food with high calorie content from the diet, do not feed fatty meat and baked goods. Replace high-calorie foods with natural feed mixtures with a reduced amount of fat. Switching to lightweight granules will burn extra calories while retaining all the beneficial substances in the body.

Often counterfeit food does not contain meat products and necessary elements, but cereals and stabilizers. Due to the poor quality of this food, the animal may develop:

  • Allergic reaction;
  • Inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the gastric mucosa;
  • Esophagitis of the esophagus;
  • Inflammatory process in the pancreas;
  • Manifestation of urolithiasis;
  • Frequent bowel movements with the release of liquid stool.

If signs of pathologies appear, the animal must be urgently transferred to holistic food and plenty of fluids with the addition of rehydron.

Feeding pregnant dogs

After a successful mating, the bitch’s body changes, adapting to future babies. Natural reflexes and instincts work in the interests of the dog's health. Unpleasant exceptions often occur. If there is a lack of necessary elements in the body, the bitch aborts.

In the last days of pregnancy, babies take away all the beneficial substances from their mother. This leads to bad consequences in the bitch’s body after giving birth. The main danger is calcium deficiency. A lack of the substance in a pregnant bitch can cause a severe form of gestosis. Due to an imbalance of potassium-calcium balance, the animal’s blood pressure increases greatly, leading to a risk of pregnancy. Along with calcium, a pregnant pet needs magnesium, which is involved in the functioning of the central nervous system.

The bitch's diet when carrying puppies must be of good quality. Proper feeding during the entire period of pregnancy greatly influences its progress and the development of the fetus. Add chicken yolks mashed with cottage cheese to your pet’s diet 2 times a week. When carrying puppies, you need proteins that will help the babies develop properly.

Until five weeks of pregnancy, the animal does not need additional nutrients. If the dog is given more food during this period, it will gain weight, but the risk of complications during childbirth will increase. She should be switched to an enhanced diet on day 35. There is no need to be alarmed if your pet doesn’t eat more. When carrying one or two fruits, she does not need to increase the dose of food. She needs to be given vitamins.

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