Detailed description of the Royal Poodle breed. What does it look like and what are its features?

  • Poodle

Poodles are considered one of the smartest breeds in the world. They are highly trainable. Bored poodles can become destructive if left untrained. But active owners who can meet the needs of Poodles will find a lively, intelligent, trainable and the best companion for the whole family.

  1. Country of origin : France
  2. Height at the withers : large 45 – 60 cm, small 35 – 45 cm, dwarf 28 – 35 cm, toy 24 – 28 cm
  3. Weight : large 20 – 30 kg, small 8 – 14 kg, dwarf 6 – 8 kg, toy ~2.5 kg
  4. Lifespan : 12-15 years
  5. Use : companion dog, hunting
  6. Other names : royal poodle (large poodle)

Buying a poodle puppy is a responsible and important action that you need to think carefully about before doing. This is especially true for those people who are going to become truly responsible dog breeders. The question of choice should be approached carefully and without haste, comparing your own habits, daily routine and the nature of the chosen breed. When the future owner has decided on the breed, a new dilemma arises: how to find a bona fide breeder? Here you need to be extremely careful not to become a prematurely disappointed dog owner.

Buying a poodle puppy is a very exciting event, because you can say that a new family member will appear. To ensure that the event does not overshadow anything, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a breeder. There are no bad dog breeds; you can simply run into an unscrupulous breeder for whom money comes first. The future owner is at great risk of buying an animal that has a lot of health problems. It is for this reason that you need, first of all, to get to know the breeder well, read reviews about him and the like.

History of appearance

Poodle-shaped dogs have been known to man since ancient times: this fact is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds dating back to the 12th-13th centuries.
Dogs with an elongated muzzle and a curly head were depicted on coins in Rome and Greece, written on the walls of the Cathedral in Reims and on the columns of the Montreal Monastery. Reference! The first official description of the poodle was made by Konrad Gesner in 1555, and 7 years later, Gunrat Forer described all three varieties of the breed: dwarf, large and multi-colored.
The history of the origin of the royal poodle in its modern form remains not entirely clear to this day. The most common version says that he appeared as a result of crossing a German “sheep” poodle and a Spanish “water dog”.

Initially, these individuals were used for duck hunting. The slender body and thick hair allowed the dog to swim quickly and, in general, feel comfortable in the water.

It is believed that the name poodle comes from the German verb “paddeln” - “to splash” or from “pfundelhund” - “waterfowl dog”. The poodle, despite its “glamorous” and pampered appearance, loves to swim in the water, and if its owner allows it, it will happily dive into a pool or pond to frolic.

Dog Show Grooming

Several main types of haircuts are allowed to participate in the exhibition.

a lion

Poodles with this hairstyle look luxurious. To give the appearance of a lion, you need to cut the back of the body short and trim the front a little. Hair is left on the paws and tail to create pompoms.

Some possible variations:

  • English lion: the limbs have short pants, and a belt of short-cropped wool 1 cm wide is created at the waist.
  • Scandinavian Lion: Suitable for animals with less than ideal proportions. The hair at the front is cut in a semicircle. A cap is created on the top of the head, and pompoms on the paws. If the procedure is performed successfully, you can hide some of the pet’s shortcomings.

Puppy or "Pappy"

Show dogs can wear this hairstyle for up to a year. The fur on the face is shaved short, and on the body it is only slightly shortened. The head is cut to give it the shape of a helmet.


This hairstyle looks like a “lion”. The second half of the body is trimmed very short: from the last rib to the ankles of the hind legs, the cover is shaved under the clipper. There should also be short hair on the muzzle. There are bracelets on the limbs and a pompom on the tail. Two pom-poms are also present on the rump.


The goal is to create a smooth transition from long to short fur. The limbs, muzzle, throat and base of the tail are cut very short. The fur in other areas is shortened to a length of at least 1 cm. A pompom remains on the tail, and a cap is formed on the head. The feet are definitely visible. The “pants” on the legs must have the shape prescribed by the standard.

"English" or "English saddle"

This hairstyle also makes the poodle look like a lion. The front cover is slightly equal, the length of the hair on the back half of the body should be no shorter than 2 cm. A large pom-pom is created on the tail, and two on the hind legs. The hair on the head is collected in a topknot.


Buying a dog is a responsible step. You must familiarize yourself with all the breed characteristics and weigh the pros and cons. First, let's look at the advantages of the breed:

  • Intelligence : Poodles rank second among the ten smartest dog breeds in the world.
  • Obedience : the authority of the owner for the poodle is unshakable.
  • Do not shed : Poodle hair does not settle on clothes, furniture and carpets.
  • Health : strong immunity and endurance make poodles long-lived.

General characteristics of the Royal Poodle breed

Royal poodles are classified as toy dogs based on their appearance only. Their ancestors were hunters, working dogs. Now they are among the smartest breeds. This dog is obedient, reacts almost instantly to his owner’s commands and obeys in 95% of cases.

Poodles like to work and learn. They can learn different tricks and perform in the circus. Nowadays, these beautiful dogs are most often used as companions. But they used to serve as rescuers, and they are especially good at pulling drowning people out of the water. Large poodles helped people in war and hunting. They have a keen sense of smell, they used to look for truffles, now they are sometimes used to search for mines, explosives, drugs, and are used in protective guard duty.

breed nameroyal poodle
country of originFrance
group of breeds according to the ICF classificationornamental and companion dogs
life expectancy10-18 years
heightmale 44-62 cm, female 42-55 cm
weightmale 19-25 kg, female 18-23 kg
aggressivenessnon-aggressive, friendly
intelligencevery smart, easy to train
working qualitiescompanion, circus dog, hunter
careDifficult coat care, haircut required


The Royal Poodle is a popular pet and companion all over the world. Despite its large size, it gets along well in a city apartment. The breed has many advantages:

  • takes second place in the ranking of the smartest dogs;
  • easy to train, they are obedient;
  • very loyal and loyal, not prone to dominance;
  • treat children well, become attached to them, tolerate all pranks;
  • gets along with any pets;
  • easily adapt to the owner’s lifestyle;
  • no shedding, no dog smell, suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • attractive appearance, proud posture;
  • by nature they are cheerful, sociable, cheerful, good-natured;
  • These pets have good health, and with good care they live a long time.


Despite its decorative appearance, the royal poodle is not a sofa dog. They have several disadvantages that may be a problem for some owners:

  • they love to bark, the neighbors may not like it;
  • these dogs must be cut; an uncut poodle looks very unkempt;
  • they are very emotional by nature;
  • mobile, need long walks;
  • can't stand loneliness
  • cunning, able to manipulate the owner;
  • can be stubborn.

An interesting video about the breed, the advantages and disadvantages of royal poodles:

Video: Royal Poodle

Video: Royal Poodle - All about the dog breed

Strengths and weaknesses of character

The Royal Poodle combines two incompatible character traits: he is very affectionate, but at the same time willful. A dog dotes on its owner and the rest of the family; it can become an excellent friend for a child, patiently putting up with being pulled by the ears and tail.

The poodle subtly senses the true attitude of a person towards himself: if he sees aggression, neglect and disrespect, he will not obey, demonstrating all his aristocratic pride and stubbornness.

The poodle is universal in its temperament: it can easily adapt to the rhythm of life of a tireless athlete, and will happily take a nap on the sofa next to a couch potato or go hunting.

Reference! Royal poodles show excellent results in agility (canine sports competitions).

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by a high IQ: they enthusiastically engage in the learning process and absorb new knowledge like a sponge. They like to overcome themselves and receive praise and treats from their owner for this.

One of the character flaws is the habit of barking for no reason, but with proper training, a dog can be weaned from doing this.

Characteristics of the Royal Poodle breed

The large poodle is called royal not only because of its size and luxurious fluffy coat. These dogs have a special character. They are full of dignity and behave like aristocrats. Very smart, inquisitive and active, people-oriented. They become attached to the owner, ready to serve him and carry out any commands. They need constant attention and communication with people, new experiences, and outdoor games.

This dog is observant and sensitive. He understands the owner’s mood and adapts to his lifestyle and habits. But if the owner pampers him, the dog will grow up to be a manipulator. And an adult poodle that is acting up can cause a lot of problems. He will do things his own way and stop listening. An ill-mannered dog will become capricious, willful and stubborn.

The Royal Poodle is a children's best friend. He will never bite a child and allows all sorts of pranks. He enjoys playing the role of a “living toy.” But if the baby causes pain to the pet, he will avoid communication. Therefore, adult attention is required. This fairly large dog can become a protector for a child.

The poodle is suspicious of strangers, but without aggression. Now representatives of this breed are used for protection. They are very friendly and can only warn their owner about danger by barking.

Poodles are popular due to the following character traits:

  • cheerful;
  • friendly;
  • playful;
  • energetic;
  • sociable;
  • observant;
  • smart;
  • curious.

Training and education of dogs of the Royal Poodle breed

Thanks to its high intelligence, observation and devotion to people, the Royal Poodle is easy to train. Even an inexperienced owner can cope with this. This dog loves to learn, remembers commands quickly, and can perform various tricks. He works energetically and willingly, can perform in the circus and act in films.

Previously, poodles were used for hunting, but now these skills are almost lost. But in the USA and Canada they are still used to hunt waterfowl or hare. They can be successfully used as gun dogs. They are strong, hardy, not afraid of water, and have a sensitive sense of smell. Because of these qualities, in the USSR large poodles were classified as service breeds.

It is necessary to raise this pet from an early age. He needs socialization, training in commands and rules of behavior. He must know that he cannot jump on the bed, beg for food from the table, or bark for no reason. The puppy should be taught:

  • to a new place;
  • to the nickname;
  • to wearing a leash and collar;
  • to loud street sounds;
  • to strangers.

From 2 months you can start learning commands. Poodles remember them easily, the main thing is to use the right tactics. From 4-6 months you can go through OKD with your pet and start teaching him agility, frisbee, freestyle and various tricks. Encouragement and affection are required in training. In case of disobedience, it is enough to speak in a stern voice - an adult poodle understands intonation well.

Rigid training is not suitable for these dogs, nor are monotonous, boring activities. The main thing is to gain the trust of the pet, then he will try to please the owner and carry out all his orders. This is achieved with patience, affection, love and constant attention. Only with a trusting relationship will the dog obey unquestioningly.

The video shows how smart dogs of this breed are:

Video: How a circus pensioner lives. Royal Poodle

Video: Freestyle Debut 1st place Big Poodle

Video: Royal Poodles

Standard weight and height at withers

The Royal Poodle is a stately and harmoniously built dog. The breed standard includes the following parameters:

  • Height : up to 62 cm at the withers.
  • Weight : up to 25 kg.
  • Head : the forehead smoothly merges into the muzzle. The bridge of the nose is flat and slightly shorter than the skull. The lips, which fit tightly to the jaw, are outlined by a pigmented outer line.
  • Teeth : scissor bite, teeth meet evenly - without gaps. The enamel is white, dense, opaque.
  • Nose : black or pigmented according to color. Wide with movable nostrils.
  • Eyes : straight set, dark brown.
  • Ears : soft, elastic, close to the head. They are active when the dog listens and becomes alert.
  • Body : the overall silhouette fits into a rectangle, the muscles are well developed, the back is proportional and level, with a slightly convex loin and a rounded croup. The skin is smooth, without folds.
  • Feet : level and perpendicular, shoulder blades slightly sloping, shoulders and wrists vertical. The paws are small, shaped like a truncated oval. The fingers are connected by membranes and fit tightly to each other.
  • Tail : Naturally carried high and long. In some cases it is stopped.
  • Wool : Wool consists of neatly trimmed curls or curls rolled into cords. The color is invariably monochromatic: gray, black, white, apricot, or brown. Brick color or spots are a disqualifying feature.

Size chart by month

The Royal Poodle is the largest representative of its breed. You can estimate how long an adult will be when the puppy reaches one month of age.

Reference! To calculate the weight of an adult, the following rule is used: the weight of a one-month-old puppy is 10% of its body weight upon reaching one year.

The following table clearly demonstrates the growth dynamics of the Royal Poodle:

Dog ageWeight
1 month2.5 kg
2 months6.5 kg
3 months10 kg
4 months13 kg
5 months16 kg
6 months18 kg
7 months20 kg
8 months22 kg
9 months23 kg
10 months24 kg
11 months24,5
12 months25

It is worth noting that females weigh on average 3 kg less than males.

Step-by-step instructions at home

Let's look at the procedure for cutting a poodle at home for beginners. For the first time, the procedure of grooming your pet yourself will seem tedious and too long. However, the owner knows better what he wants his pet to look like. And constant practice will help you master grooming yourself.


First you need to prepare all the items necessary to create a hairstyle. You will need the following equipment:

  • machine with No. 10 blades, which are universal;
  • metal comb;
  • brush;
  • shampoo;
  • hair dryer;
  • nail clippers;
  • cotton buds;
  • towel.

Preparing your pet

The procedure requires careful preparation of the dog. It is necessary to bathe her using a special shampoo suitable for her coat type and conditioner. Next, you should dry the animal with a hairdryer, let it dry a little on its own, and then comb it thoroughly.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

It is not recommended to cut a dog with wet fur, as it is dangerous for him: slipping can easily injure him.

For a haircut, you need to choose a comfortable workplace. A table will do.

Head and neck haircut

The process begins with the muzzle. You should turn one ear back and, holding your hand firmly, move the machine from its base directly to the nose. Then move from the same place to the corner of the eye. Trim the hair around the eyelids, on the cheeks and near the nose. Do this procedure on both sides. If desired, you can leave the dog with bangs and a beard.

After you have shaved the face, you need to move on to trimming the neck, moving from bottom to top, lifting the dog’s head.

When creating forms, you should focus on the desired hairstyle.

Treating Poodle Paws

When trimming limbs, you must hold them firmly and confidently in your hands. It's good if someone helps you the first time. Having secured the paw, trim it on all sides. You can leave some of the fur on the limbs at your discretion. Trim the hair on the poodle's toes with a clipper. Then trim the problem areas with scissors.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

To remove hair on the inside of the paw, you need to bend the limb and work this area.

Tidying up the tail

On this part of the poodle's body, the hair is cut from the base to the tip, where a little hair is left to create a pompom.

For hygienic reasons, careful attention should be paid to the groin area, between the poodle's hind legs. The hair under the tail also needs to be cut.

Abdominal treatment

Place the dog on its hind legs while holding it by its front legs. Trim the fur from the navel and down the inside of the thigh to the point where the hair thickens on the paws.

Lifting each forelimb, remove all remains on the abdomen. Do the same on the other side.

Bathing and drying, cleaning ears after the procedure

After all the manipulations, the dog must be bathed again. Having wetted the poodle, you should start washing from the head, gradually lathering the entire body. You can also trim your dog's nails with clippers in the bathroom. After rinsing off the shampoo, you need to dry the poodle's coat with a hairdryer, comb it against the hair growth and smooth out any imperfections: loose ends and knots. Then add pompoms to the paws and tail.

Common diseases

Royal Poodles are prone to the following diseases:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: bloating, volvulus, gases;
  • epilepsy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • intervertebral disc disease;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • degenerative myelopathy;
  • insulinoma;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • progressive retinal degeneration;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • baldness;
  • ear infection;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • allergy.

Important! Visit your veterinarian at least once every six months for a preventive examination. This will help you protect your pet from unwanted diseases.

Description and color of the poodle

The Poodle is a dog of medium height, square format and harmonious build. They have high, strong limbs, a proudly set neck and a beautifully set head. Small varieties are more elegant.

The muzzle is straight, slightly pointed, the forehead is flat, the ears are hanging, of medium length, the eyes are oval, small, slightly slanting. The teeth are strong and white.

The dog's movements are light and elastic. This is a strong, active animal, sometimes overly excitable.

Until the mid-20th century, there were only three colors of poodles: black, white and brown. In 1950, silver-gray dogs appeared (they are born black, but then change color), apricot-colored dogs, and two-color dogs (the so-called “harlequins”).

Contents in the apartment

In popular culture, poodles are presented as proud and pampered pets who lie on their high feather bed all day, only occasionally coming down for a meal. In fact, this is an active and curious dog, which has a very hard time sitting still.

Therefore, if you decide to get a poodle, make sure in advance that he has enough space and toys so that he can entertain himself in your absence.

Also, purchase a rug or bed in advance and accustom the dog to your “place” - otherwise, your pet will rest wherever he pleases: on the sofa, armchair, or even on the closet if the tomboy can jump there.

Another point that is worth considering if you plan to keep a dog in an apartment building is the “bark” of poodles. Teach your pet not to react to extraneous sounds from neighbors' apartments, not to howl or bark alone.

How to properly comb a poodle

To prevent combing from causing pain to your pet, it is important to choose the right combs. For the procedure you will need:

  • A brush with soft bristles. It is better that the cord is springy or on a curved base. Dogs should not be brushed with brushes that have bleach (white droplets at the tip of the bristles). They tear hair, which is painful for your pet.
  • Metal comb with round and non-sharp teeth.

To see if the brush will scratch your skin, run the bristles over your hand. If it gets scratched, it's better to choose another one. The length of the comb teeth and the size of the brush itself are selected individually depending on the size of the dog.

It is best to brush your dog on the table. It is better to start from the neck, gradually going down to the stomach. Movements should be smooth, against the growth of hair from the roots.

To unravel the tangle, you can apply oil or a special spray to it. The final step is to comb your hair with a comb to check for any tangles.

You can brush your pet once a week. If you find a tangle, it is better to immediately remove it with your hands or a comb.

How to walk with him?

Active games outside are a favorite pastime for the Royal Poodle. However, given the climatic conditions of our country, it is worth taking care of clothing in advance.

And the point is not even that the poodle will freeze - he will get dirty. Imagine a fluffy and snow-white puppy like a cloud, who runs with delight to plop down in a dirty puddle with gasoline stains. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart.

And even worse are the consequences. You, as the owner, will have to spend more than one hour to get the mess in order.

This can be avoided by using special demi-season clothing - waterproof raincoats, raincoats and boots.

Reference! Sew reflective tape to your pet's jacket - this will protect him if he accidentally ends up on the roadway.

For a full-fledged life and comfort for a poodle, two walks of 30-60 minutes are enough: during this time the dog will have time to relieve itself, socialize and play enough with its playmates.

Non-show poodle grooming

You can choose the types of haircuts listed above for your pet or choose another interesting option.


The haircut is very practical, it can be worn for a long time without adjustment. The muzzle is machined. There is a cap on the top of the head, and a pompom on the tail. The cover on the body has the same length.

Lamb/ewe lamb

Similar to the previous version, only slightly longer.


Will look good on royal poodles. The body is divided into 4 segments and then processed with scissors. The main feature: a cut belt in the middle of the body or at the “waist”.


The body is shaved like a lamb. The muzzle has a round shape, the hair on it can be longer than on the head, but it must have a smooth transition. As a result, the pet gets a cartoonish, toy-like appearance.

Of the minuses: the fur on the face needs to be regularly combed and cleaned after eating.


The pet has a short haircut. The length is maintained at two thirds of the tail and ears. The head also has a cap that hangs slightly over the back of the head. This is a great hairstyle for everyday wear.


With a Clown haircut, the body has short hair. Bracelets are formed on the paws, and a pompom is formed on the tip of the tail. A small cap is created on the head, while the hair on the ears remains long. This poodle haircut is good for summer.


Suitable for older animals. The back part is cut off completely, including the tail, while the front part remains like a “lion”. The covering on the head is practically not touched; the bracelets remain on the paws.


The pet has short fur on its body. Large bracelets are formed on the limbs. The head and tail are processed as standard. This hairstyle is very simple and can be done at home.


Processing is carried out mainly with scissors. With it, the dog is very similar to the Bichon Frize breed. The fur on the body is cut like a puppy. The head is processed so that it has a rounded outline.

teddy bear

This is almost a copy of the puppy hairstyle, only without processing the paws. It makes the poodle look like a teddy bear.

Hygienic grooming

Implies two types of processing. The first is maintaining the current hairstyle and decent appearance of the dog.

The second type is tidying up a neglected animal. In this case, the entire coat is cut off. Often wounds and abrasions are found underneath, so the master must carry out all manipulations very carefully.

Adult dog diet

Like other breeds, the Royal Poodle can eat a natural or dry diet.

The first option is suitable for experienced breeders, since when drawing up a natural menu, it is necessary to take into account not only the list of permitted and prohibited foods, but also calculate the KBZHU so that the dog has enough all the nutrients.

Premium and holistic dry food is the ideal balance of simplicity and benefit. You should not mix natural products with dry food.

Reference! Find out what the breeder fed the puppies and stick to the same menu for the next two weeks. A sudden change in diet is stressful for the puppy, and, as a result, digestive problems.

How to feed?

The basic rules for feeding royal poodles are as follows:

  • The food plate should be located at chest level. Buy a bowl on a stand with an adjustable height and add a few centimeters as your puppy grows.
  • Feed your dog on a schedule : pour food at the same time. If your dog leaves food in the bowl, remove it until the next feeding.
  • Do not give your dog treats from the table : firstly, this is fraught with poisoning, allergies or indigestion. Secondly, this will lead to the dog constantly begging and looking for treats outside the bowl, and given the dog’s intelligence, it will not be difficult for him to find where you hide cookies or candy.
  • Feed the animals separately : if you have two or more dogs at home, place their bowls at a distance, or better yet, in different rooms.
  • Provide access to clean water : Make sure your dog always has fresh drinking water in his bowl.

Large Royal Poodle puppies

It is better to buy a puppy from a good nursery. This will guarantee that the dog will be purebred and healthy. The price of such a puppy in Moscow ranges from 20 to 60 thousand rubles. Show class specimens are even more expensive. You can buy it on the market or through advertisements for 10-15 thousand. But this is often the case for the sale of mestizos, animals with hereditary diseases or breed defects.

When choosing a dog, you need to visit the nursery, study the conditions of keeping the animals and documents. The puppy should be cheerful, active, not cowardly or aggressive. The following signs indicate health:

  • the coat is fluffy, soft, without dandruff;
  • skin without rash or irritation;
  • ears and eyes are clean;
  • There is no unpleasant odor coming from the baby.

Photos of Royal Poodle puppies:

An interesting video will complement the information about dogs of the large poodle breed:

Video: Royal Poodle

Video: Royal Poodle - Interesting facts about the breed

Video: Poodles are one of the smartest dogs. About the breed

The Royal Poodle is an ideal pet for families with children or for single people. These dogs get along well with people of any age. They will be obedient, devoted, and fill life with joy. The main thing is to give them enough attention and love.

Owner reviews

Vlada writes:

“I have had a royal poodle for 5 years now and I can say that this dog has only 2 basic states: active and non-stop play and deep, uninterrupted sleep. In between, the poodle loves to eat a hearty meal. He often begs for treats and uses all sorts of tricks to get treats.”

Alexander writes: “The Royal Poodle knows how to adapt to the character and mood of its owner. If I’m not in the mood, the dog will entertain himself by taking a toy from the box, but if I call him outside, he will happily grab the leash and run to the front door. A very intelligent and docile animal that can become your best friend for many years.”

Victoria writes:

“Curly-haired, mischievous and cheerful, the poodle is the best dog for a family with children. He senses the situation subtly and will never attack, even if a child grabs his tail or pulls his ears. And he is also loyal to the cat, although he clearly does not like the dog. Enjoys participating in outdoor games with a ball.”

Why do they do it?

The “modern” haircut is one of the hairstyles that are acceptable at exhibitions, so owners of pedigree poodles often prefer this particular haircut, since it emphasizes all the advantages of the pet’s physique.

If the dog does not attend exhibitions, then this haircut option is also quite relevant, since the animal looks aesthetically pleasing and is not disturbed by chaotically growing hair.


In the photo below you can see what a royal poodle looks like.

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