Short-haired dog breeds: TOP 35 smooth-haired dogs with photos

Residents of Russia and abroad often have dogs with short hair. They are easy to care for, and many of them are suitable for both apartments and private homes. Among them there are both calm and playful animals. They get along well with other pets.

You need to select a breed depending on the composition of the family, the type of housing and the presence of other animals in the house. In our short article we will look at the main short-haired dog breeds, find out their features and advantages. When compiling the list, we relied on the opinion of the canine community.

Pros of short-haired dog breeds

Dogs with short hair have many advantages - here are the main ones:

  • Nice view. Short-haired breeds look elegant, you can go on a visit with them. They often take part in exhibitions.
  • They have good strength and endurance. Such dogs often take part in competitions, taking prizes, which makes their owners happy.
  • Minimum problems with wool. Such dogs do not form tangles and do not need to be combed, so it will be easier to care for them.
  • Beautiful shine. In order for the dog to maintain its natural shine, it does not need to be bathed often - the shine of the coat is formed naturally.


Rottweilers are dogs with a fighting appearance, their appearance arouses admiration and some fear. The breed was bred in Germany and was intended for driving animals to the slaughterhouse.

This is why Rottweilers were called “butcher dogs.” Throughout the history of their existence, these strong creatures have faithfully served man. Today they are actively used in the army, police, and search and rescue operations.

Distinctive character traits of Rottweilers are highly developed intelligence, courage, seriousness, and the ability to make independent decisions in a critical situation. A balanced temperament combined with outstanding physical characteristics make the breed extremely attractive to dog breeders.

In order to raise a dog, which is characterized by a certain amount of stubbornness, into a watchman and a reliable security guard, you will need to make an effort in training. A well-trained Rottweiler will become a full member of the family.

Features of short-haired dog breeds

Short-haired dogs tolerate cold less well. If you keep them outside (in the house, for example), then bring them indoors in the winter. For winter walks, buy a small jacket and shoes. Short-haired breeds require less grooming—they don't need frequent bathing or brushing out tangles to keep them looking nice. These breeds leave less hair behind when they shed, so you will need to clean the floor less often.

Attention! Dogs with short hair can also cause allergies in case of individual intolerance.

American Hairless Terrier

The American Hairless Terrier is a small to medium sized dog.

Its height can vary from 24 to 40 cm, and its weight from 4 to 11 kg, rarely more. Physically, he is also quite muscular.

The life expectancy of a dog is high: if it is in excellent condition, it is close to 15 years. There do not seem to be any specific diseases that this breed is prone to.

This is an excellent companion dog, sociable, easy to train and loves to play with children.

Due to the fact that the dog does not have hair, it is necessary to protect it from the sun in summer.

Breeds of large short-haired dogs

Large dogs are energetic and playful and are kept indoors and outdoors. Large dogs eat a lot, so be prepared to spend a lot on food. Additional features of large dogs with short hair:

  • Most large dogs belong to the guard or hunting category. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will have to walk outside a lot with such animals. To play sports, buy toys and sports equipment.
  • Not all short-haired dogs are playful and active. There are many calm, even-tempered breeds - for example, Weimaraners or Dalmatians. Therefore, you can choose an animal according to your preferences.
  • If you already keep other animals at home or on the street, then choose a large dog responsibly. If the animals do not become friends, the large dog will dominate. Therefore, negotiate with the seller so that he gives you a “trial period” - if the animals become friends, you can take the dog forever.

Below we will look at the main breeds of large short-haired dogs that are often bought by Russian residents.


Boxers are a breed of service dogs that have a cocky, playful personality. They have a red or brownish color, and the average height of an adult dog is 35-40 centimeters. Boxers are loyal friends, but they love the outdoors, so you will have to walk them a lot. Boxers eat a lot, and need to be bathed 1-2 times a month. The cost of a puppy is 30-35 thousand rubles.


Bullmastiffs are tall (up to 50 centimeters) and have prominent muscles, so they look quite menacing. However, if they are raised correctly, they are absolutely safe for humans - they love large, cheerful companies and do not bite. The Bullmastiff's coloration is usually light brown and red, and the belly is grayish-white. They do not require special care rules, although it is recommended to raise them strictly. Price - 15 thousand rubles.


The Weimaraner is an excellent choice for beginners. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by a calm disposition and high trainability, and they do not require special care rules. A characteristic feature is the silver color of the coat, which gives the Weimaraner an aristocratic appearance. The breed is suitable for living in an apartment or outdoors in a private house. Height - 50 centimeters. The main disadvantage of the Weimaraner is that it is recommended to walk a lot with it to avoid obesity. Cost - 25 thousand rubles.


Dalmatians are another easy-going breed for beginners. Average height is 50 centimeters. A characteristic feature of Dalmatians is their white coat with many black spots. The Dalmatian does not require any grooming and can be kept both indoors and outdoors. They are distinguished by their sharp mind and high learning ability, they love walks and games in the fresh air. Dogs love attention, and if they have a long-term owner, they can start chewing furniture and shoes. Cost - 8 thousand rubles.

Attention! Recently, Dalmatians have been bred uncontrollably. You can find many non-purebred Dalmatians on sale, so ask the seller for documents.


Dobermans are graceful dogs that are distinguished by their cheerful disposition, energy and high trainability. Doberman Pinschers are black in color with small brown spots. Features in appearance - short tail and erect ears. The average height of an adult dog is 40-45 centimeters. Dobermans eat only tasty food, and the owner needs to monitor the condition of their joints and kidneys. They need strict care (otherwise they can grow aggressive). Cost - 40 thousand rubles.



The shorthaired pointer is a hunting breed with a characteristic white and black color. They are distinguished by good health, calm disposition, good learning ability, and unpretentiousness in food. They are friends with other animals and are tolerant of cats, parrots, pet rats and hamsters. They do not require special care rules. Average height is 35-40 centimeters. Price - 40 thousand rubles.

Dogo Canario

Canary dogs are large guard dogs that are suitable for living outside in a private house. They are distinguished by great strength and endurance, as well as high height (up to 65 centimeters) and weight (up to 50 kg). They are easy to train and, if properly raised, are safe for humans. Can be used as home guards and service dogs. Price - 60 thousand rubles.

Cane Corso

Another breed of guard dogs that are distinguished by great endurance and strength. Feature - Cane Corsos are very friendly and do not show aggression, so they can be kept at home. The average height of a dog is 60-65 centimeters. Most representatives of the breed are black, gray or red in color. Disadvantage - they are rarely found on sale in Russia, although they are inexpensive. Price - 40 thousand rubles.

German dog

The Great Dane is an extremely obedient, intelligent animal that is suitable for living in the yard of a private house. Features: very tall height (up to 90 centimeters) and weight (up to 70 kg). The dog has a phlegmatic character and does not show aggression. Great Danes are friends with children, other dogs, and cats. Old individuals need veterinary control because they often get sick. Cost - 50 thousand rubles.

Neapolitan Mastiff

The peculiarity of mastiff dogs is their large leather folds and stubborn character. Dogs of this breed are very loyal and social animals who cannot imagine life without their owner. Average height is 65 centimeters. The dog needs to be washed once a week, as dust and dirt can accumulate in the folds. Price - 35 thousand rubles.


Rottweilers are often bred as service dogs, so it is not recommended for beginners to buy these dogs. Dogs do not show aggression, but the Rottweiler needs training and proper upbringing, and adult dogs need constant training. They love to travel, but if you rarely walk them, they can howl loudly and often. Average height is 60 centimeters. Price - 20 thousand rubles.

Tosa Inu

Japanese dogs with a red color, which were used as fighting animals. Tosa Inu need proper upbringing and constant training (without it they can become too aggressive). They are distinguished by average height (50-60 centimeters), but heavy weight (up to 70 kg). Cost - 80 thousand rubles.


Dobermans have earned a reputation as aggressive, pugnacious and socially dangerous dogs, but many years of selection have corrected their character, significantly softening these qualities, but retaining their unique guard skills. Today, Dobermans are fully socialized, never attack a person without reason, and have a balanced temperament.

That is why they are actively used in the police service, as well as as bodyguards and guides for the blind.

Modern Dobermans cope well with both specific security activities and everyday household roles. Distinctive qualities of the breed: endurance, adequate reaction to external stimuli, observation, strength, high learning ability, loyal attitude towards children.

However, due to their natural stubbornness and desire for dominance, dogs need to be taught obedience and aggression stopped from an early age.

Small smooth-haired dog breeds

Small breeds are suitable for indoor keeping. They love their owners very much, eat little, and do not need special care. Some breeds often get sick in old age, so be prepared for additional expenses. Small breeds also have other characteristics:

  • Small animals usually have a calm and balanced character. They are focused on communicating with the owner, so you cannot abandon the animal for a long time. It will begin not only to get bored, but also to get angry, which can lead to damage to furniture, equipment, and clothes.
  • Among small breeds there are also active, feisty dogs. Let's give a few examples - fox terriers, Jack Russell terriers and others. They are jealous, and it is recommended to walk them on a leash (small children are very afraid of them).
  • Small breeds are good friends with other animals (especially cats), since their size does not allow them to behave aggressively. Some people get several dogs and cats of different breeds at once. Experience shows that such animals usually make good friends with each other.

Below we will look at the main breeds of small smooth-haired dogs.


A characteristic feature is that Basenjis do not know how to bark or bark (to show emotions, they make sounds resembling a squeak). Basenjis are distinguished by their sharp mind and quick wit; they love walks and playing in the fresh air. As children, dogs need to be taught obedience (otherwise they will bully other animals). Unpretentious in food and maintenance. Height - 40 centimeters. Price - 50 thousand rubles.

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terriers are playful, active dogs that require a lot of walks. They are easy to train and loyal to their owner. They love to bark and carry toys so that the owner takes them away. The dog can be kept outside and used as a guard. Height - 25-30 centimeters. Price - 15 thousand rubles.


Pugs are the opposite of Jack Russell Terriers in character. They are phlegmatic and do not like long walks - instead they like to rest and relax (for example, lie down with their owner or chew on a toy). Characteristic features: angular body, flattened nose, short tail. It is recommended to keep at home. A major drawback is that they snore quite loudly in their sleep due to the structural features of the skull. Unpretentious in food. Height - 20-25 centimeters. Price - 15 thousand rubles.

Parson Russell Terrier

Another active dog breed for experienced breeders. Parson Russell Terriers are stubborn and extremely playful, and can be kept indoors or outdoors. They live long and have no health problems. They are picky eaters, so be prepared for large expenses on the purchase of food or natural food products. Height - 20-25 cm. Price - 20 thousand rubles.

Prague rat

Ratfish are active hunting dogs that have a characteristic black and brown color. Used for hunting rats. Dogs of this breed are easy to train and love to guard territory, so they can be used as guard dogs. Krasyrik is an excellent option for keeping in an apartment. They are friends with children and other pets. Unpretentious in food. Height - 25 cm. Price - 10 thousand rubles.

Attention! The Prague Raters are not recognized by the IFC and are therefore not suitable for international exhibitions.


Dachshunds have a good sense of smell, a cheerful character and are small in size, which is why they were originally used as hunting dogs. The characteristic features of dachshunds are their elongated long body, short legs and large ears. Dachshunds have an easy-going character - they love to both run merrily along the street and relax in their place at home. Height - 30 cm. Price - 15 thousand rubles.


The Whippet is a hunting hound that can run at great speed (formerly used to hunt rabbits). They are distinguished by their high intelligence, sharp mind, calm character, and rarely bark. Suitable for beginners. Height - 45 cm. Price - 20 thousand rubles.

Fox terrier

Fox Terriers are loved for their appearance (white-black-brown color, compact size, erect tail, beard). But it is recommended for people with experience to start them. The reason is that fox terriers have developed hunting instincts, so they have a rather aggressive and violent character. Height - 35 cm. Cost - 25 thousand rubles.

miniature pinscher

Miniature Pinschers are compact companion dogs that are suitable for families with children. They have a calm character, but at the same time they love games and small pranks. The miniature pinscher's body is distinguished by well-developed muscles, so the dog loves long walks. For winter walks, buy a jacket, otherwise the animal will freeze. Height - 20 cm. Price - 10 thousand rubles.


Another compact breed for families with children. The dog is very social - it loves the attention of its owner, constantly accompanies him around the house, and in his absence she gets bored and sad. To prevent your dog from becoming fat, daily exercise is recommended. In old age, a dog often gets sick. Height - 20 cm. Price - 10 thousand rubles.

Attention! Among Chihuahuas there are individuals with long hair. Therefore, when choosing an animal, look at the wool.

French Bulldog

A friendly, calm breed that is recommended to be kept in an apartment. A characteristic feature is that dogs have a phlegmatic character, so they get along well with children and other animals. The animal is distinguished by an angular body shape and a powerful skull, but they do not show aggression. Height - 25 cm. Price - 15 thousand rubles.

Prague rat

The Prague Rater is a dog that originated in ancient Bohemia. He is physically small in stature and appears to have been used in the past as a hunting dog for mice and rats.

Its height ranges from 20 to 23 cm, and its weight does not exceed 2.6 kg. Despite his height, he is recognized as an active and unusually hardy dog.

By nature, he is reserved and distrustful with strangers, but pleasant, gentle, playful and curious with his owners.

The coat is short, shiny and thick, without bald patches. The part of the body with the least amount of hair is the head.

Medium-sized smooth-haired dogs

Medium-sized dogs are a universal option, since they can be kept both in an apartment and at home. Among them are independent hunters, bullies, and phlegmatic dogs. Other features:

  • Medium-sized dogs are practical and comfortable, as they can be raised to be both calm and playful animals. Anyone can adopt such a dog - families with children, single people, and so on. Such animals can be used as service animals (for example, they can guard the territory).
  • Medium-sized dogs are usually a little aggressive, so they make good friends with other animals (dogs, cats, parrots). Such dogs are smart and trainable. Even if the animal barks at other animals, you can wean them from this bad habit.

Below we will look at the main breeds.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Dogs of this breed are called athletes because they are muscular and highly agile. The nature of the animals is changeable - in safety they are calm and friendly, but if threatened they can behave aggressively. The animal needs training from childhood so that it grows up calm. Height - 60 cm. Price - 25 thousand rubles.

English bulldog

English bulldogs are calm animals with good immunity and good health. They love their owner's attention, so keep them indoors. To avoid obesity, walk or exercise your bulldog often. Bulldogs are friendly with children and other pets. They tolerate apartment life and loneliness well. Bathe Bulldogs at least once a week due to body folds. Height - 35 cm. Price - 45,000 rubles.

Basset Hound

Basset Hounds are a hunting breed with long ears and sad eyes. They love outdoor games and are easy to train. When properly raised, Basset Hounds are safe for humans. Animals are jealous and can show aggression towards other dogs, so it is recommended to keep them outside. Height - 35 cm. Cost - 30,000 rubles.


The Beagle is a hound breed with a tri-color coat and a muscular body. Beagles are playful and love walks and competitions. Dogs do not get along well with other animals, so keep them in the yard. Disadvantage: love of frequent barking. Suitable for experienced breeders. Height - 35 cm. Cost - 25,000 rubles.


Dogs of this breed have a good sense of smell, so they love frequent walks. Many people find that Bloodhounds have an intimidating appearance. But their character is very calm and balanced, so you should not be afraid of them. They are reluctant to train (they are naturally endowed with stubbornness). It is recommended to bathe more often due to small folds on the body. Height - 40 cm. Price - 15,000 rubles.

Bull Terrier

Bull Terriers are considered aggressive, stubborn animals that cannot be trained. This is not true - they are trained well, they develop a kind, calm character and affection for their owner. Bull Terriers do not tolerate loneliness well, although they get along well with other animals. To prevent the animal from getting bored, it is recommended to walk with it more often. Height - 40 cm. Cost - 45,000 rubles.

Hungarian Vizsla

A popular hunting breed with a characteristic reddish-brown color. The dog gets along with children and other animals, is calm when communicating, and loves walks in the fresh air. A good choice if you live in a private house (can be kept outside). It is recommended to exercise your dog more often. Height - 50 cm. Cost - 50,000 rubles.

Attention! Hungarian Vizslas often take first place in international sporting competitions.


The Pit Bull is a guard dog that is suitable for experienced owners. Previously, pit bulls were used for fighting, so they can be aggressive. In order for an animal to grow up calm and obedient, care, training and constant physical activity are required. Gluttonous, but not whimsical in food. Pit bulls should not be owned by families with children (there is a high risk of conflicts). Height - 40 cm. Cost - 25,000 rubles.

Thai ridgeback dog outdoors on green park

Thai Ridgeback

The Thai Ridgeback is an ancient, balanced breed that combines high intelligence, trainability and strength. Attached to the owner. If he is absent for a long time, they begin to whine and damage furniture (although with proper upbringing, these traits can be corrected). They come in different colors - dark brown, silver, black, gray, white. Can be kept in an apartment. Height - 50 cm. Cost - 40,000 rubles.

Pharaoh Hound

An elegant aristocratic breed with a characteristic unusual appearance. It is independent, but easily makes contact with people and can be trained. There is a wide range in height - from 40 to 65 cm for adults. Suitable for both experienced and novice breeders. Animals are sensitive to chemicals, so they are less likely to be treated when they get sick (although they rarely get sick). Price - 55,000 rubles.

Shar Pei

A comfortable companion dog for single people or small families. It has an easy-going character, so a Shar Pei can be raised as a calm, reserved dog or as a cheerful, playful dog. The Shar Pei has many folds on its body, so bathe your dog at least 2-3 times a month. When bathing, use shampoo or soap designed for sensitive skin to reduce the risk of irritation. Height - 40 cm. Cost - 15,000 rubles.

Estonian hound

The Estonian Hound is a hunting breed, and the dogs are easy to train and actively make contact with people. They are unpretentious in food and tolerate loneliness well. They can be kept both at home and on the street (they are good guards). They can guard the house, quickly learn commands, and have a keen sense of smell. The character of the animal is calm, kind, and sympathetic. Height - 35 cm. Cost - 10,000 rubles.


This group includes the descendants of ancient fighting dogs with common external characteristics:

  • powerful physique;
  • massive head;
  • wide muzzle;
  • strong jaws.

Molossians accompanied warriors on campaigns. In peacetime, they fought with bulls, bears, and lions for the amusement of the public.

English bulldog

National breed of the English.
During selection, bulldogs lost their fighting qualities and were retrained from aggressive baiting dogs into balanced domestic dogs.

The height of English bulldogs is 50 – 55 cm. Colors are fawn, brindle, red-brown, plain or in combination with white.

English bulldogs gave rise to new popular breeds: the American and French bulldogs.

Bulldog skateboarder Otto is registered in the Guinness Book of Records. In 2015, a dog rode a four-wheeled skateboard through a “tunnel” of 30 people’s legs in 10 seconds. Otto moved at high speed and did not hit anyone.

American Bulldog

Ambuli are medium-large sized dogs. Height at the withers is from 52 to 68 cm. Within the breed, there are 2 types of dogs, named after the first breeders:

  • Johnson or classic - massive, heavy dogs with a short muzzle. Good guards and companions.

  • Scott or standard - with lightweight bones, elongated limbs, elongated muzzle. Helpers for hunters and farmers.

Over the last decade, the popularity of hybrid ambulas obtained by crossing the classic and standard types has been growing. Due to the diversity of dogs, the FCI refuses to register the breed.

German boxer

The first boxers appeared in 1850 in Munich.
The breed was developed from the English Bulldog and the lost Bullenbeiser. The height of German boxers is 53 – 63 cm. Colors are red, brindle solid or with light inclusions or pure white.

Boxers learn quickly and easily master the course of protective guard duty. They work as police officers, security guards, and bodyguards. Domestic Boxers become attached to family members, love children and are considered the most playful among guard dogs.

Boston Terrier

Smart, smooth-haired dogs from the group of small mollosoids. The breed was developed in the USA based on the Bull and Terrier, an Old English White Bulldog.

Boston Terriers have become the symbol of Massachusetts.

The international standard divides Boston Terriers into 3 classes:

  • light – up to 6.8 kg;
  • medium - from 6.8 to 9 kg;
  • heavy - from 9 to 11.3 kg.

Colors – brindle, black, dark brown with mandatory white inclusions.

Smooth-haired dogs for apartments

Calm, balanced breeds that get along well with children and other pets are suitable for apartments. They should be playful, but in moderation (otherwise they will start chewing furniture, shoes, and equipment). Preference should be given to animals of medium or small size. We list several breeds that are adapted for living in an apartment:

  • Small breeds include Chihuahua, Dachshund, French Bulldog, Miniature Pinscher, and Pug.
  • Medium-sized breeds include English bulldog, Estonian hound, sharpei
  • Large breeds include shorthaired pointer, Dalmatian, Neapolitan mastiff, and Great Dane.

German dog

Representatives of the breed are considered the tallest in the world. The exterior of Great Danes is distinguished by elegance and grace, which cannot but arouse admiration. They behave confidently, calmly and insensitive to external stimuli. However, such calmness is deceptive: in case of danger, the dog will react with lightning speed.

Owners of Great Danes value in their pets, first of all, high intelligence, boundless devotion, and a gentle disposition. The patience of dogs is enviable. They play with pleasure with kids, who often use them as horses, and put up with childish pranks without complaint. That is why Great Danes are recommended for families with small children.

However, dogs also have such qualities as stubbornness and the desire to dominate, so training a pet should begin at an early age.


Let's summarize our article. Short-haired dogs have many advantages - minimal hair on the floor and furniture, no special care required, pleasant appearance. There are many breeds with short hair - they differ in color, size, and character. Several popular breeds of short-haired dogs are Dalmatian, Boxer, Great Dane, Shar Pei, Pit Bull, Beagle, Dachshund and others. When choosing an animal, remember that not all animals can live in an apartment (some breeds are only suitable for living in the yard of a private house).


In the 19th century, hardy, energetic pinschers lived in stables. They served as guards and rat catchers, accompanied passenger and mail stagecoaches, tirelessly running tens of kilometers a day. Now they have turned into ideal residents of city apartments, friendly and sociable.

German pinscher

Smart, obedient dogs 45–50 cm tall, weighing up to 20 kg. The smooth, shiny coat is colored solid red-brown or black with bright tan. German Pinschers became the founders of other popular breeds in their group: miniature miniature pinschers and large Dobermans.

Austrian Pinscher

A versatile farm companion dog with the skills of a shepherd, guard, and rat catcher. Height at the withers is 42 – 50 cm. Colors are red-brown, black and tan. Purebred Austrian Pinschers are rarely found outside their homeland.

French Bulldog

The French bulldog is a cute miniature copy of its larger counterparts (weight up to 14 kilograms). Dogs are distinguished by their intelligence, calm and kind disposition, which makes them attractive to single people and families with children. True, they are not always ready to endure mischief without complaint, but they will never harm children.

Despite a certain amount of selfishness and natural activity, French bulldogs are sensitive to the mood of the owner and do not impose their company. Excellent defenders, vigilantly guarding the owner's property, they intuitively sense when the owner is in danger.

They love to travel, but they don’t get along well with other pets; they especially dislike cats.

French Bulldogs love to eat and are very picky eaters. They will be happy to accompany their owner on a walk, but staying in the heat for a long time is harmful to the dog.

Russian toy terrier

The Russian Toy Terrier is a small dog that comes in two varieties: short-haired and long-haired.

Its height ranges from 20 to 28 cm, and its weight rarely exceeds 3 kg.

His average life expectancy is 11 years.

This is a sociable, affectionate dog, very rarely aggressive. Ideal for family apartment life, as a great friend to children. Russian terriers are intellectuals and great cunning people, quickly learning the weaknesses of their owner and being able to masterfully press for pity.

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is a breed that originates from the United States of America.

His life expectancy is not bad at all: he lives calmly even up to 15 years.

As an adult, it has a height of 38 to 43 cm and a weight of up to 11 kg. Differences in weight and height depend on the gender of the dog.

He is a quite sociable and friendly dog. He rarely has aggressive character traits.

4. Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is a medium-sized dog of English origin. The height of an adult animal is from 25 to 38 cm and weight from 6.4 to 8.2 kg. The size and muscles of the dog allow him to be agile and fast.

The dog's life expectancy is high: up to 13-16 years. Its coat is short and comes in a variety of color combinations: white, black and white, white and hazel.


Adored by children for its funny face and somewhat awkward movements, the Pug, originally from China, is one of the small, short-haired dog breeds. Its dimensions: weight not exceeding 8 kg, and height reaching a maximum of 30 cm. These, of course, are the dimensions related to an adult pug.

The pug is a sociable, wary, but very patient dog. His considerable patience makes him an excellent playmate for little ones.

One topic deserves special attention - his health. If you decide to keep a pug at home, you need to know that he is genetically predisposed to respiratory diseases, requiring frequent visits to the veterinarian.


In addition to significant advantages, dogs of smooth-haired breeds have several disadvantages that should be taken into account:

  • hard hairs of wool digging into fabric and upholstered furniture;
  • the need for warm clothes for walking in autumn and winter;
  • complex execution of a special hairstyle for an exhibition.

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