Italian Greyhound – Italian Greyhound (Italian Greyhound)

Italian Greyhounds are elegant small dogs with an elongated, narrowed head and a rounded loin. Although the animals appear emaciated, they are capable of rapid speed and are rightly considered the embodiment of grace.

Gentle and affectionate dogs easily adapt to the rhythm of life of their owners, but do not tolerate neglectful treatment. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to find out not only what Italian greyhounds are, but also what features are hidden behind the external fragility of the smallest greyhounds.

History of the origin of the breed

The Italian Greyhound is one of the oldest breeds, bred from small greyhounds in Ancient Egypt. They kept the dog in the courtyards of the pharaohs. Massive mentions date back to the period of Ancient Rome, where dogs were widespread as pets. According to images found during excavations at Pompeii, they were bathed, placed on silk pillows and scented with perfume. They gained the greatest popularity during the Renaissance. Italian Greyhounds were bred for noble families and royalty.

The appearance of the classic Italian greyhound was formed in the 20-30s of the 20th century. To stabilize the phenotype, crosses were carried out with a whippet to maintain the greyhound type, and a miniature pinscher to maintain size. This scheme made it possible to preserve the breed - it needed to get rid of impurities and inbreeding.


Historical reference

The Dwarf Italian Greyhound has very serious working ancestors; the second name of the breed is the Italian Greyhound. Most likely, the history of the breed stretches back to Ancient Egypt. At least during excavations of burials in the Valley of the Kings, skeletons of small greyhound dogs were discovered. According to archaeologists, the age of the remains reaches 5,000 years, and this gives reason to assume that the ancestors of Italian Greyhounds belong to one of the most ancient groups of canines.

It is known that Cleopatra herself was a fan of greyhounds. Four-legged creatures accompanied the ruler on her travels. Later imprints of the rock in history were found on the territory of ancient Greece and the Roman Empire (V-VI centuries BC). The Italian Greyhound dog has always had a special, exalted status. Surrounded by special attention, the graceful four-legged animals became surrounded by legends. Today, it is already difficult to understand what from historical data is true and what is a myth. For example, it is believed that the first Levretki that came to Rome were a gift to Caesar from his passion, Cleopatra.

A more touching story tells of the dedication of a miniature greyhound. The Persians, who were in conflict with the Egyptians, resorted to great meanness, stealing the heir of the pharaoh in infancy. The thieves followed through the desert, hiding from pursuit, and did not notice that they were being followed on their heels by a sand-colored Italian Greyhound. Having moved a great distance from Egypt, the warriors left the baby to perish in the sand and went home. The Italian greyhound protected the baby from the heat of the day, the cold of the night, wind and sand until they were discovered by the search teams of the pharaoh. It sounds like a fairy tale, but if you observe the relationship between Italian Greyhound and the child, you cannot avoid doubting that perhaps there is not such a small amount of truth in this story.

The Italian Italian Greyhound has also gained popularity in Germany. It is known that Frederick the Great respected the breed for its loyalty and intelligence. According to one legend, the ruler had to hide from enemy patrols during an attempted coup. Realizing that his beloved dog was in danger of reprisals, the king took the miniature greyhound with him. After all the ups and downs, Friedrich praised his pet for her sharp mind. While on the run, the king’s four-legged companion never raised a voice so as not to betray her owner. In gratitude for her faithful service until the end of her days, the devoted Levretka was buried with honors in the same area as members of the royal dynasty.

Naturally, the nobility of England also could not lose sight of the Italian greyhounds. One of the most ardent admirers of the breed was Henry VIII Tudor. The ruler considered his charges so significant that he presented Italian Greyhound puppies as a gift to the Queen of France, Mary Stuart. Ruler of a united England, Scotland and Ireland, Charles I also kept a large population of Italian Greyhounds. One of the paintings, painted in the 17th century, depicts the monarch's mother, Anne of Denmark, in the company of five miniature greyhounds.

Oddly enough, Italian Italian Greyhounds were also popular in Rus'. Naturally, the breed was not widespread, but in high circles, Italian Greyhounds were known and appreciated. Proof of this can be considered a stuffed Italian Greyhound, which is one of the exhibits of the St. Petersburg Museum. It is believed that this particular dog was the favorite of Peter the Great, a member of the Romanov family, the first All-Russian Emperor and the last ruler of all Rus'.

Italian Greyhounds as we know them today have gone through a major crisis. Due to active inbreeding, by the end of the 19th century, the breed's population had practically degenerated. In addition, the surviving dogs could not be used for breeding, since they were the “products” of repeated incests. In order to preserve the original appearance and dilute the blood, breeders are forced to take extreme measures - active interbreed matings. Italian greyhounds were bred with the English miniature greyhound Whippet, which made it possible to preserve the physiological type. To keep the breed within small growth limits, Miniature Pinschers were also introduced into breeding work.

Description of the breed

Italian Greyhounds have an elegant and refined appearance - a true mini greyhound. Its height at the withers does not exceed 38 cm. Low weight is considered the breed standard and should not exceed 4 kg. Males are larger, but sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed.

The fat Italian greyhound is an exception. The ribs protrude well on the body and there is a good volume of muscles. Thin paws and an elongated neck contribute to fast running. At a gallop they can accelerate to 40 km/h. The structure of the head is identical to large greyhounds. It is narrow and elongated, seeming disproportionately small relative to the body. This feature enhances the aerodynamic characteristics important for running. The muzzle is narrow, dark and large eyes are set symmetrically. The nose should be black, but a brown tint is acceptable. The coat is smooth and uniform.


According to the breed standard, three colors are allowed:

  • gray or blue;
  • black;
  • red, or isabella.

A healthy dog ​​has a coat of uniform texture. The color of an Italian greyhound is not a key factor in evaluation in the ring; it is more important for breeding. Weak pigment can lead to alopecia, the appearance of yellowness in color. When choosing an Italian greyhound, you should pay attention to the presence of white spots. They are allowed on the chest and paws. The Italian Greyhound's puppy coat is replaced at the age of 2-4 months.


Modern breed standards for Italian Greyhounds were published in 2010. Key characteristics for exhibiting a dog in the ring:

  • Frame. Weighs between 2.5-4.6 kg. The length of the body is less than or equal to its height. Average height - 38 cm. The back is straight, rounding of the lower back with a transition to the croup is acceptable. The chest is narrow but powerful. There is pronounced cancer in the abdominal area.
  • Limbs. Long and thin, the muscles are dry. The paws are oval in shape, the toes are tightly knit. The claws are black or brown.
  • Head. Streamlined and elongated shape. There are pronounced arches of the eyebrows, slightly thickened cheekbones. The nostrils should be well opened. The muzzle is elongated and pointed. The lips fit tightly together, dark. Jaws with a scissor bite. The ears are set high, but raised at the base. Can stand upright if the dog is alert.
  • Wool. Homogeneous and uniform. There should be no undercoat. Three colors of Italian Greyhound are allowed.
  • Tail. Thin and long, the end has a pronounced rounding. Provides balance while moving.

The basic posture of an Italian greyhound for phenotype assessment should be slightly relaxed. At shows, muscle development is assessed, so the dog should stand in the traditional position, when an arch appears on the stomach, with the hind legs extended back.

Here is a video from a greyhound dog show.


The average life expectancy of Italian Greyhounds ranges from 12–15 years. As a rule, with proper care, the breed is not prone to “collecting” ailments. Breed diseases are closely related to the structure of the dog and the greyhound family as a whole:

  • Cataract and glaucoma are pathologies of the eye lens, leading to degenerative changes in the eyeball. The disease leads to partial or complete blindness and can affect one or both eyes.
  • Dystrophy and atrophy of the retina are ailments of a congenital or acquired (age-related) nature. Depending on the degree of damage, they lead to partial or complete loss of vision, sometimes only at night.
  • Skin problems, in particular alopecia , are usually observed only in dogs with weakened coloring. The pathology is expressed by zonal baldness of varying degrees. Alopenia cannot be treated; the only thing that can help the dog is to control the general condition and prevent dermatitis (itching, peeling, cracking).
  • Cryptorchidism is a common defect in Italian Greyhounds, expressed by incomplete descent of the testes (one or both) into the scrotum in male dogs. The condition can be corrected with surgery. Even without surgery, there is no threat to the dog’s life and health. Males with pathology are excluded from breeding without any exceptions.
  • Epilepsy is quite rare and is expressed by uncontrollable seizures. The disease is incurable, since the root causes of the pathology are almost impossible to establish. Therapeutic treatment is possible if epilepsy manifests itself after injury, but no veterinarian can give guarantees for complete relief of the pathology.

Character and behavioral characteristics

The Italian greyhound has an easy-going, loyal character. Capable of training and learning complex commands. In adulthood, playfulness and intelligence remain. She negatively tolerates aggression toward herself, as a result of which she becomes fearful and loses trust in people. The Italian Greyhound only shows aggression when frightened. Does not interact well with large dogs, but gets along well with small breeds.

The Italian Greyhound is good with children, but can be frightened by sudden sounds and movements. To maintain the constitution and dry muscles, the animal requires a lot of physical activity. The dwarf hound loves to run and is able to jump over fences up to 1.5 m high.

Here is a puppy playing with a cat!

General form

Italian Greyhounds are dogs with a very thin, slender structure and a square silhouette. They are small in size and their appearance is a miniature of the large greyhound breeds. They are "the quintessence of sophistication, elegance, grace and style."

The height at the withers of adult Italian Greyhounds is 32-38 cm in bitches and dogs, maximum body weight is 5 kg for both sexes (range 3.6-5 kg).

Education and training

The Italian Greyhound, even as an adult, lends itself well to training and training. He quickly gets accustomed to using the toilet outside and reacts to contact in the presence of external stimuli. Demonstrates intelligence and ability when learning complex commands and various tricks. When choosing an activity, preference should be given to endurance disciplines - agility or discus. The Italian Greyhound is an excellent companion for any purpose, but is not suitable for working as a guide dog, hunter, or service dog.

Look how brave the Italian Greyhound is!

What to feed

Despite their small size and graceful build, Italian Greyhounds have an excellent appetite. They often eat more than they need, so you need to monitor the size of portions, and most importantly, the quality of your pet’s food. What is better to feed a dog, natural food or food? First of all, nutrition should be complete and well-balanced. If you prefer dry food, choose a high-quality product from a trusted manufacturer, preferably premium and super premium. This food contains an ideal combination of all the necessary nutrients and nutritional value; there are manufacturer recommendations on serving size and number of feedings. The food is developed taking into account the breed characteristics, activity level and needs of dogs at a certain age.

Natural food should contain fresh lean meat (veal, turkey), offal, sea fish, eggs, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and grains. It is better to coordinate such a diet with a veterinarian or breeder, who will help you choose the right combination and percentage of products.


Despite their compact size, dogs of this breed live up to 15 years without health problems. The breed has strong immunity; difficulties arise from an unbalanced diet, early infection and non-compliance with the rules of care and maintenance. Typical diseases of Italian greyhounds:

  • glaucoma;
  • dystrophy of the retina or cornea of ​​the eye;
  • baldness (alopecia);
  • epilepsy.

Italian greyhounds are often diagnosed with periodontal disease, and tartar forms early. This is due to large canines and a scissor bite. If the condition of the oral cavity is not controlled, teeth may begin to lose between the ages of 1 and 3 years. Some representatives of the breed have problems with the ears.

If your puppy's ears drop after vaccination, a mineral supplement with a high calcium content should be included in the daily diet.


A special feature of the breed is that with well-selected products and a balanced diet, Italian greyhound puppies reach their peak development by six months and correspond in most respects to adults.

Despite the fact that, as with other breeds, any of the three types of feeding is acceptable with the Italian greyhound - natural, factory, mixed - factory feeding is still considered optimal. We are talking about premium dry food.

According to dog handlers, the food is good because it is balanced, because purchased products already take into account the proportions of microelements and vitamins necessary for this breed.

However, the dog will be happy with natural meat. Moreover, the Italian greyhound has a very good appetite. By the way, greyhounds are generally considered omnivores and the most typical representatives of the order of predators.

This means that the basis of the diet must be appropriate - meat and offal. It is important that natural proteins require gradual introduction. Food is introduced over 7-10 days, after which the portion is increased.

After just a month, you can completely switch Italian greyhounds to this type of diet, monitoring the quality of the meat and occasionally subjecting it to heat treatment. In addition, the rest of the diet can consist of complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals and fiber - vegetables and fruits.


Puberty of the Italian greyhound begins at 8-10 months. It is advisable to carry out mating only in the second year of life, when the first 2-3 heats have passed. Mating is preferably on the territory of the bitch, where she will feel more comfortable. For mating, it is recommended to choose individuals that have similar color and dimensions.

Pregnancy lasts about 60 days; to monitor your health, it is worth keeping a detailed diary immediately after mating. Young bitches have small litters and sometimes require a caesarean section. Italian Greyhounds have a pronounced maternal instinct and do not show aggression towards puppies. Pregnant Italian hounds remain active and mobile until late pregnancy.

But the bitch feeds her puppies.

Puberty and mating

The Italian Greyhound reaches sexual maturity at 8-10 months. But it is recommended to steam a dog no earlier than 1.5 years. Only vaccinated and absolutely healthy representatives of the breed that meet the standard are allowed to mate.

Mating is carried out on the 11-15th day from the start of estrus. Before this, the dogs are given a good walk and not fed. For mating to be successful, it is organized on neutral territory or where the male lives. It is advisable to repeat the mating the next day. If fertilization has taken place, then on the 60-64th day the Italian greyhound will give birth to 2-4 puppies.


The breed is intended for home keeping only. Short hair without undercoat does not allow the dog to withstand frost; in winter, it is recommended to wear insulated overalls for walking. Care instructions:

  • To maintain cleanliness, the dog must be cleaned and washed; a furminator cannot be used;
  • Italian Greyhounds are active dogs; walking should be constant and long. It is recommended to provide opportunities for running;
  • You should brush your teeth monthly to prevent tartar buildup. For prevention, give bones and hard treats;
  • The dog should have its own place in the house. For Italian Greyhounds, it is recommended to purchase a soft bed with low sides.

Training can begin at 4-5 months, when vaccinations are completed. You immediately need to wean your Italian greyhound from chewing furniture, things and relieving itself in the house.


Selection of accessories

What is required for content:

  • It is recommended to purchase bowls made of metal - they are easy to clean and have an extended service life. It would be desirable to be able to adjust the height to suit your height;
  • The collar for an Italian Greyhound should be wide, as the breed has a long and thin neck. The harness can only be used by adults;
  • Having clothes is a mandatory requirement for walking. You need to have at least two overalls or capes for walking in the warm and cold seasons.

You should get an engraved address card with the owner’s contact information. This allows you to find an escaped animal. For walking, you can use both a leash and a tape measure.

Torso and tail

The body of this breed is thin and muscular (runner's muscles), and its length is equal to or only slightly less than the height at the withers. The dorsal line is straight, and in the dorsal region it is slightly curved and harmoniously merges into the line of the sacrum.

The lower line of the body does not rise very sharply towards the stomach. The low and rather long tail is all thin (even at the root) and gradually tapers to a sharp end. Greyhounds have a low and straight tail, and from the middle it curls slightly upward right to the hock joint.


Italian greyhounds can be kept on natural food or dry food. The second option is preferable, since the composition contains all the necessary elements for health, a balanced proportion of BJU.

Any premium or holistic brand will do; the amount of protein and calorie content depends on the pet’s regular physical activity. The daily amount of feed depends on age, weight and brand of food. Italian Greyhound puppies should be given additional mineral supplements to maintain health.

Italian greyhound price

The cost of an Italian Greyhound puppy varies widely. It depends on the origin of the dog and its future prospects:

  • The cheapest puppy is one without documents or with obvious defects. Its price is 5-10 thousand rubles.
  • A puppy with a good pedigree costs on average 30-40 thousand rubles.
  • For a descendant of international champions with the prospect of an exhibition career, you will have to pay 50-80 thousand rubles.

The Italian Greyhound is a graceful miniature greyhound with a rich history and a timid, sensitive nature. She will be an excellent companion for non-conflict people who can surround her with care and attention.

Tips for choosing puppies

It is recommended to purchase a dog from a trusted breeder or kennel. What to look for:

  • living conditions, quality of food and condition of the bitch;
  • activity of puppies in the litter;
  • clean skin, ears and eyes;
  • RKF certificates confirming the pedigree and the absence of genetic defects of the parents.

Italian Greyhounds are ready for weaning no earlier than 2-3 months - until this age they receive all the necessary substances from their mother's milk.


How to choose a puppy

It is worth noting that buying a puppy is a very expensive and troublesome task that requires a thorough and serious approach to the matter. To make the right choice you will have to visit more than one nursery.

  1. First, you should visit an exhibition where you can get acquainted with the best examples of the breed, breeders and pedigrees.
  2. When choosing a puppy, it is important to make sure that he is completely healthy, and that his coat and ears are clean.
  3. You should also find out whether the dog has already been vaccinated or not.
  4. You need to take a closer look at the puppy's gait. It should resemble the movements of a trot. If this is so, then the puppy is healthy and does not lag behind in physical development.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that Italian Greyhounds are dogs with a sensitive and kind nature that need constant love and affection. This dog is not worth buying if it cannot be provided with the necessary care and a quiet family life. With proper care and attention, the Italian Greyhound will become a loyal and devoted friend.

3 / 5 ( 2 voices)

Owner reviews

Anna G. “An Italian greyhound has been living in our family for 5 years. This is a very smart, active and inquisitive dog. We get vaccinated and brush our teeth every year. Gets along well with the child, never shows activity. He loves to eat, he needs to limit food portions - he can eat everything he sees.”

Kirill U. “We got an Italian greyhound last year. In the first 3 months, Joy ruined all the shoes in the house and the legs of the chairs. It took us a long time to wean ourselves off this habit. Today it is a real member of the family! He tolerates the car well, loves to run outside and chase the ball. I recommend this breed for a small apartment.”

Conditions of detention

The Italian Greyhound is an ideal pet for living in an apartment: living outside is impossible for a decorative dog. Representatives of the breed have somewhat cat-like habits: Italian Greyhounds love high places and also enjoy spending evenings in the arms of their owner.

Italian Greyhounds are extremely sensitive to cold and extremely hot weather, so it is better to reduce walks at this time. By the way, these dogs can be easily accustomed to a diaper, but this does not cancel walks, because Italian greyhounds are quite energetic animals that need active games.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the breed:

  • decorative, beautiful appearance;
  • miniature sizes;
  • absence of serious congenital diseases;
  • learning ability, intelligence;
  • simple care and maintenance;
  • ability to get along with children.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • predisposition to periodontal disease;
  • intolerance to low temperatures;
  • When exposed to strong stimuli, the dog becomes fearful.


Leather, wool and color

The skin of this breed adheres well and is relatively thin. These greyhounds have very short and silky fine hair all over their body. Their color can be uniformly gray, blue (blue fawn), black, chocolate or isabelle (fawn, that is, light yellow-beige).

White markings and spots are allowed only on the chest, forechest and lower legs (on the other hand, uniform white color is excluded).

Similar breeds

All dogs related to greyhounds have similar external characteristics. There are several dogs similar to the Italian greyhound:

Greyhound (English greyhound)

It is believed that it was from this breed that the small Italian greyhound was bred. These are large dogs whose weight can reach 40 kg. The coat is smooth, possible colors are white, red, blue, brown, sand and black. One of the fastest breeds in the world.



This dog is distinguished by its larger size, wide range of colors and overall appearance. Has pronounced watchdog qualities and temperament. Occupies an intermediate position between the Italian Greyhound and the Greyhound. Used for hunting.


Italian Greyhounds, unlike other breeds in the class, are not used for working tasks today. They have lost their guard and hunting skills. In addition, they were originally bred as an ornamental pet.

Interesting Facts

Over the centuries-old history of the existence of Italian Greyhounds, a lot of interesting things have happened to them:

  1. There are several versions of the origin of the name of the breed. According to one of them, it comes from the French word lievre, which means “hare”. According to another, more romantic version, the name of the breed has German roots and is translated as “toy of the wind.” The same name was given to the holiday held in Peterhof and dedicated to Catherine II's Italian greyhound named Zemira. After the death of her beloved dog, the empress ordered the construction of a tomb for her, similar to an Egyptian pyramid.
  2. In different eras, the owners of Italian greyhounds were such celebrities as Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Francis I, Louis XV and Queen Victoria. And Alphonse de Lamartine dedicated poems to Italian greyhounds and called them “birds on all fours.”
  3. Italian Greyhound has several alternative names. In various sources, dogs of this breed are referred to as the Italian Greyhound and the Italian Greyhound.






Briefly about the main thing

  1. Italian Greyhound is an elegant breed from the hound class. Ideal for keeping in an apartment due to its small size. Gets along with children.
  2. The pet is easy to care for; the fur does not need to be combed from the undercoat.
  3. Good learning ability, ability to master complex commands.
  4. The dog's activity and energy make it possible to use it as a running companion.

Tell us in the comments about your experience of keeping an Italian greyhound. What difficulties have you encountered in the process of raising a pet?

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Key points in training

Thanks to their good intelligence, quick reaction and attention to detail, they are easy to train. The only problem that may arise during the training process is the dog’s high excitability and vulnerable nature. Therefore, during training, you should not allow yourself to be rude to your pet.

You can start training immediately after purchasing a puppy . Street training is best done after 3-4 months of life. For training to be successful, it is necessary to break the dog’s stubborn temperament. To do this, it is enough to become a leader for the Italian greyhound.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Training is best done after an active walk, when the pet has released excess energy. To reward a dog for good academic performance, you can give it sweets, and as a punishment, raise your voice or ignore the dog.

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