Alaskan Malamute: details about the character, breed, its size, weight and maintenance of the Malamute (80 photos)

Review author: “ZooVita”

The Alaskan Malamute has a plush appearance that hides a strong character. Over hundreds of years of survival in the difficult conditions of a cold country, dogs have acquired independence and developed the intelligence and memory given by nature, so inexperienced owners should think about purchasing another breed.

Interesting facts about the Alaskan Malamute breed

Due to its thick and abundant coat, the Malamute cannot survive in hot climates.

They need to be constantly busy with work or at least physical exercise, otherwise the dog will try to find entertainment on its own, but the environment of the apartment or house will suffer.

In the northern regions, these representatives of the canine world are still used as draft force.

These are wonderful natural diggers, so dogs left unattended can damage trees, dig up bushes, dig up gardens, make holes and break free.

The large Alaskan Malamute practically cannot bark, so it will be an excellent companion for people living in city apartments.

The Malamute is often confused with the Husky. They are united by attractive fluffiness, a wolf-like muzzle, coat color, increased friendliness and some obstinacy.

The Malamute has become a symbol of Alaska.

Wool shades

  • Black and white . The main color is black. There are blurred white spots on the face, neck, chest, belly, limbs and tail.
  • Gray-white . The main background is greyish, from light to almost black, with white markings with not very clear outlines.
  • Reddish-white . On a tan or sable base, there are white markings located on the head, neck, chest, belly, paws and tail.
  • White . With this coat color, pure white is considered the most preferred shade.

Any of the two-tone colors should be similar to the raincoat.

Uneven or interrupted coat color along the body should be considered a serious fault.

History of the origin of the Alaskan Malamute breed

The Malamute is one of the oldest breeds on our planet and the oldest in North America. It is believed that the ancestors of these dogs were domesticated wolves, domesticated more than 14 thousand years ago. And since then they have not changed genetically. That's what archaeologists say, at least.

The first mentions of large, strong, but good-natured dogs are recorded in the legends of the Eskimo tribes that have inhabited Alaska for a long time. But according to the same legends, the tribes themselves came to their new habitat from Siberia. So it is likely that huskies and malamutes still have common ancestors.

In those distant times, strong pets were used as sled dogs, seal hunting assistants, guards, and additional warmers that protected other family members who did not have fluffy fur from the cold.

The strength and endurance of animals developed naturally: lack of nutrition, hard work, and cold climate killed weak dogs, giving the fittest individuals a chance to survive.

The beginning of the “gold rush” somewhat spoiled the blood of the Malamutes, but made it possible to develop this line further, increasing the endurance of the dogs.

Today there are two types of Malamutes: "Kotzebue" and "M'Lot". Representatives of the first line have only one color, but have become the owners of a less aggressive character and greater mobility. M'Lots can have coats ranging from white to the traditional wolf color.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • He is distinguished by his quick wit and high intelligence.
  • Strong and resilient.
  • Looks impressive.
  • It is clean and has almost no specific smell.
  • Friendly to people.
  • Loyal and affectionate.
  • Treats children well.


  • Quite aggressive towards small dogs, and in a pack he tries to take the position of leader.
  • He does not have a developed protective instinct and is too good-natured, therefore, he is not suitable for the role of a watchman.
  • Severe shedding.
  • Needs a lot of physical activity and regular training.

If desired, a white Malamute can be trained to carry loads and participate in sports competitions in this discipline..

Description of the Alaskan Malamute breed

The characteristics of the Alaskan Malamute are a bit like the description of the Siberian Husky. But dogs from the North American state are superior to their brothers from Siberia in size (a Malamute at the withers can reach 60 centimeters), weight (they gain up to 35 kilograms), and larger bones.

The photo of the Alaskan Malamute shows that the muscular body is abundantly covered with thick hair, which allows it to withstand the bitterest frosts.

The wool itself consists of a protective coat, which is distinguished by hard hairs and does not allow snow to stick, and a soft undercoat that reliably retains heat.

By the way, in childhood, Alaskan Malamutes are plush hulks, looking at which it is difficult to imagine that in a couple of years these fluffy balls of sheer charm will grow into large and energetic dogs.

Life expectancy and what diseases are they susceptible to?

On average, white Malamutes live 13-16 years.

At the same time, they may be susceptible to the following ailments:

  • Progressive retinal atrophy.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Volvulus of the stomach or intestines.
  • Cataract.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Congenital pathologies of the heart and kidneys.
  • Skin diseases such as dermatitis and eczema.


Alaskan Malamutes, like other northern dog breeds, have a predisposition to developing diabetes, the first signs of which can develop as early as 5-7 years of the pet’s life.

Character of dogs of the Alaskan Malamute breed

And the Malamute’s energy level is just off the charts. Dogs must come up with something to do, otherwise they will find it on their own.

In a private house, they will definitely dig up all the beds and lawns and undermine the fence. To avoid this, you can try to limit the dog’s movement to a certain area where you dig the fence deeper.

When approaching the apartment, the dog, out of boredom, will taste carelessly forgotten shoes, furniture and door handles, door frames, rugs and wallpaper, and will tear down everything that has stood in place for years.

The only way to avoid such a deplorable state at home is through endless walks and games. Malamutes are often called the best way to lose weight without dieting. They are ready to run around on the street for hours, so the owner will have to seriously think about buying sportswear.

But even after long walks, the dog is not averse to playing at home. The animal will settle down a little only after reaching the age of three.

Dogs treat people with endless love, although even their owners will be periodically tested for their strength of character. The Malamute has a very difficult disposition and a habit of dominance. By the way, this property very often helps out in difficult situations when you need to quickly make a decision.

A dog can be obstinate, especially with owners who have a gentle character; it is almost impossible to force them to do something they don’t like.

It is impossible to describe the Alaskan Malamute without talking about the playful nature of large dogs. They adore children and all kinds of entertainment, they love to be the center of attention, fool around and have fun. However, it is not recommended to leave small children with your pet: a large animal may inadvertently drop the baby.

Dogs a priori consider strangers a friend, so they will not make good watchdogs. And Malamutes don’t know how to bark; at best, they will howl or sing.

Malamute and Husky - what is the difference, the main differences

Alaskan Malamutes and Huskies are close relatives, so they are very similar, and many experts argue that these breeds have common roots - both breeds were descended from wolves.

The main differences between representatives of these breeds include:

  • eye color - in Huskies they can be either brown or blue, but for Malamutes blue eye color is a defect;
  • Huskies can run short and long distances very well, but Malamutes are slower;
  • Husky's body weight and height are significantly less;
  • Malamutes' fur is coarser and tougher, there cannot be any inclusions in color;
  • Husky has a more elongated muzzle shape;
  • The Malamute's tail is a fluttering fan, while the Husky's has a fox-like tail;
  • Malamutes' ears are more widely spaced than those of their relatives.

Keeping Alaskan Malamute dogs

It is much easier to keep a Malamute in a private home, where he will have room to roam free. A thick fur coat perfectly protects dogs from the cold, so they are often left in spacious enclosures, but not separated from people for too long.

The coat will require regular brushing at least once a week, and the dog should be bathed at approximately the same time. Moreover, this procedure is useful not so much for the pet as for their owners: a dirty animal will smell very unpleasant.

Food for a large dog can be natural food or high-quality ready-made food. Malamutes are not too picky about food and will calmly eat porridge or boiled vegetables with pieces of meat, cottage cheese, and eggs.

How to choose a puppy?

To avoid buying a mixed breed or a puppy with any diseases, you should purchase your future pet in a specialized nursery from professional breeders who value their reputation and the quality of the breed.

When choosing a Malamute puppy, you need to make sure that it has:

  • shiny coat without bald patches and dandruff;
  • skin without rashes and irritations;
  • pink mucous membranes;
  • scissor bite;
  • clean ears without unpleasant odor or discharge;
  • there is no increased lacrimation.

A small Malamute should be developed in accordance with its age, be active, playful, curious and friendly. He should not show signs of exhaustion or, on the contrary, excess weight.


Most pathologies characteristic of this breed are hereditary, so it is important to find out about the health of the puppy’s parents.

Photo of Alaskan Malamute

Price range

Before the ban on breeding Chinese Malamutes was introduced, the dogs had the highest price . The price for a puppy reached 200 thousand rubles.

Malamutes of the Chinese line are very beautiful and intelligent dogs. They get along easily with humans, children and other animals.

Suitable for outdoor use . However, an inexperienced breeder should hold off on purchasing a puppy of this breed.


Large and playful dogs need a lot of calories. The foods they eat daily should contain large amounts of carbohydrates. They also need all the useful microelements, vitamins, as well as protein and fats.

An Alaskan Malamute puppy can eat raw meat, grains and dairy products. In this case, you should alternate dishes for him. For example, in the first half of the day give cottage cheese, chicken and milk, and in the second - cheese and porridge.

A more suitable food product for young and mature huskies is dry or wet food. We recommend choosing an alternative method of feeding such pets and combining it. More details: mix 300 grams of dry food with whey or fresh milk (you can also add freshly brewed buckwheat or rice to the mixture).

If the mixture is hot, cool it. Dogs love this dish. But for them it is not just tasty, but also very healthy. Such food will charge them with energy for a long time, strengthen their immune system and provide them with all the necessary vitamins. Also, during the cold season (winter), do not forget to treat your dog with vegetables and fruits so that he receives microelements all year round. For example, you can give him:

  • Carrot.
  • Apples.
  • Bananas.
  • Citruses.
  • Potatoes (boiled).

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