The fennec animal is a long-eared fox. Fennec fox photo and description

07 April39307family of canids fennec predator

The fennec fox is the smallest and most unusual representative of the Canidae family. The fennec animal has a very unique appearance. This eared fox looks funny and very cute. The fennec fox is a nimble and active animal. Below you will find a description of the fennec fox and a photo, and also learn a lot of interesting things about this unusual animal.

Origin of the species and description

Photo: Lisa Fenech

The fennec fox, as a species, belongs to the order of predators, the canine family, and the genus of foxes. The name of the animal comes from fanak, which literally means “fox” in Arabic. First of all, fennecs stand out for their small size and disproportionately large ears. Experts, taking into account such a specific appearance of the animal, often identify a separate genus for it, called Fennecus.

With the development of science, it became known that the fennec has a smaller number of chromosomes than many foxes, which justifies its separation into a separate genus. In addition, they lack musk glands, unlike foxes. They differ in their lifestyle and social structure.

The species name in Latin, Vulpes (and sometimes Fennecus) zerda, literally means “dry fox.” The name arose due to the fact that the fennec tree lives in arid desert areas. The fennec's genetic relative is the bat-eared fox, which shares a common ancestor with it. The fennec fox diverged from common foxes about 4.5 million years ago. Moreover, many common morphological features with foxes and representatives of other “fox-like” species are explained by parallel evolution.

Icelandic Sheepdog

As the name suggests, these dogs are native to Iceland. They began their journey when Iceland was first settled by Vikings over a thousand years ago . Icelandic Shepherds helped herd sheep, guard livestock, and search for stray animals.

These beautiful herding dogs are the ancestor of the Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) and Welsh Corgi.

Icelandic Sheepdogs come in long-haired and short-haired varieties; both varieties have a narrow fox-like face, erect triangular ears, and red fur with a brown back and white underparts. They are slightly larger than the average fox : weight up to 14 kg, shoulder height up to 46 cm.

This is a very active dog that needs intense daily exercise and walks. Icelandic Shepherds are quite friendly with other pets and strangers, but they need to be socialized at an early age . This breed suffers from separation anxiety and should not be left alone for long periods of time. Icelandic Shepherds love to play and learn new tricks.

Appearance and features

Photo: Desert fennec fox

The fennec fox is distinguished by its small body size. These foxes weigh only 1.5 kg, like small domestic cats. The height of the animal is very small, about 20 centimeters at the withers. The body length varies from 30 to 40 centimeters, plus the length of the tail is almost the same. The animal's paws are quite short and very reminiscent of a cat's. Interestingly, the toe pads on the paws are covered with fur. This allows fennecs to wander along the hot surface of desert soil or sand during the day.

Video: Lisa Fenech

The animal's muzzle generally resembles a fox's, but it is shorter, with a sharp narrowing closer to the nose. The ears of fennec foxes are very interesting: they are huge compared to the overall size of the fox, wide, but at the same time thin. Disproportionately large ears are necessary to protect the animal from overheating. These sizes of ears are necessary for organizing the body’s thermoregulation, since desert foxes do not have sweat glands. In addition, due to the large area of ​​the ear, the hearing of these foxes is very well developed, and it allows them to hear any sounds of their potential prey in the sands.

The animal's teeth are small and very sharp. Therefore, the fenech is able to thoroughly chew the chitinous cover of insects. On the back the fur color is red, on the face and paws it is lighter, to white. Cubs are much lighter than adults; they darken with age. Fur covers the entire body. It is thick and quite long both on the body and on the paws. The hair on the tail is even longer, so it visually greatly increases its volume. In general, the fur gives the impression that fennies are much larger than they are. Outwardly, it seems that the fennec is heavier than its one and a half kilograms.

Walking with caution

Many people want to take their pets for a walk. They may be scared in another environment, so the animal should only be taken outside with a harness. Get used to walking in a harness gradually, first in a closed yard where there are no strangers. Gradually increase the time until you understand that the animal is not stressed and is accustomed not only to the place where it lives, but also for walks. To prevent escaping from home, you need to make sure your pet is in a safe place when leaving. Insect screens on the windows are not an obstacle for the fox.

Where does the fennec fox live?

Photo: Fennec Fox

For the fennec, its natural habitat is the zone of deserts, semi-deserts and steppes. It is accustomed to vast spaces with rare precipitation of no more than 300 mm per year, covered mainly with sand or stones, and areas with sparse vegetation. Sand dunes can be considered an ideal landscape.

Due to its habitat, the fennec fox is also called the desert fox. The lack of water does not scare him at all. These animals, of course, do not like to walk on hot surfaces, so they are active at dusk. They try to dig their shelters near sparse desert vegetation.

For example, the roots of a bush are quite suitable for digging a hole among its roots. The burrows of fennec foxes are special: they have several passages and branches. Approximately in the middle between them, fennecs line their bed with straw, dust, fur or feathers. If an uninvited guest enters one of the passages, the animal can leave the shelter through another exit.

The desert fox's habitat is small compared to the ranges of other foxes, which are distributed on almost all continents. Fenech lives in North Africa at least 14° N latitude. in its inaccessible areas and on the Arabian Peninsula.

You can meet the animal in several countries:

  • Tunisia;
  • Egypt;
  • Algeria;
  • Libya;
  • Morocco;
  • Mauritania;
  • Republic of Chad;
  • Niger;
  • Sudan;
  • Israel.

The largest populations of desert foxes are found in the Sahara Desert.

Interesting fact: the fennec is a sedentary animal; it does not change its habitat even with the change of seasons.

Interesting Facts

  • During his expedition, Uwe George fell in love with the charming fennec cat so much that he decided to take him with him to Hamburg. The fox, whom the reporter took in, lived in a separate room filled with stones and sand brought from the Sahara. Numerous jerboas lived under the surface layer of sand; from time to time they emerged from their shelters and began to jump - gracefully, like tiny kangaroos. The entrance to their burrows was small holes through which special tubes passed - heating channels. Although the fenech during the hunt used all his cunning to grab the jerboa: he hid, sat motionless for hours in ambush near the mink, pretending to be asleep or completely indifferent, he rarely managed to catch the jerboa. According to Uwe George, these scenes played out by the fennec were very similar to the ups and downs of the famous cartoon “Tom and Jerry”.
  • The most famous domesticated fennec fox is the fox in Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's novel The Little Prince. Antoine de Saint-Exupery was inspired to create this character after meeting a fennec cat in the Sahara in 1935.
  • The fennec is especially revered in Algeria, where it is the national animal. The Algerian national football team is nicknamed "Les Fennecs" (Fennecs or Desert Foxes). In addition, the fennec is depicted on the Algerian ¼ dinar coin.
  • Fenech is a symbol of Tunisia's ecology. Figures of this animal in a blue and white suit are ubiquitous in almost every city in this country.
  • Fennec is the logo and codename of Firefox for mobile.


What does the fennec fox eat?

Photo: Little fennec fox

Fennec foxes are indiscriminate eaters. This is due to their habitat. In deserts you don't have to choose, so they eat everything they can find. So, any dug up roots can serve as both a source of nutrients and a source of a small amount of moisture. All the fruits and berries found are also eaten by fennecs, but there are few of them in deserts, so they are not the main food of foxes. Another peculiarity of the animal is that it can be without water for a very long time, and it receives the necessary liquid from the berries and plants it eats.

It’s not for nothing that nature endowed fennec foxes with such huge ears. Together with excellent hearing, they detect any rustling noises made by even the smallest vertebrate animals and insects in the sand or underground, so they quickly tear them apart and then chew them.

They eat with pleasure:

  • small rodents (vole mouse);
  • lizards;
  • chicks.

The animal also loves to eat eggs. Very often, the fennec eats the remains of other people's prey and animals that have died a natural death. Carrion can become even the most abundant meal, especially if the remains of a large animal have been discovered.

Interesting fact: the fennec fox stores excess food in reserve, but unlike the same squirrels, the fennec fox perfectly remembers its hiding places and their locations.


The decorative fennec, like the wild one, is considered an omnivore. It is better not to give food from the table, so that in the future he does not get used to it and does not beg every time his owners eat.

Buying feed is simple. You can purchase special food for cats, their cost is quite affordable. Occasionally, live mice or insects can be given. The long-eared fennec fox will be happy with a ready-made diet consisting of porridge and meat.

The following products can be included in the dwarf chanterelle menu:

  • small birds;
  • eggs;
  • fruits of plants;
  • roots and tubers;
  • raw meat;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • fish.

It is important to consider that the main source of moisture for tiny chanterelles is plant food. Therefore, these products should always be available to the fennec animal.

No matter how many different animals there are, each is individual. Over time, the owner will understand which foods are the fox’s favorite foods. Based on this, it will be possible to create a tasty and nutritious diet for your long-eared pet.

Features of character and lifestyle

Photo: Sand fennec fox

Fennecs are very playful and inquisitive. But at the same time, they are very careful and secretive. During the day, they are usually energetic and very active about 15% of the time, calm and relaxed about 20%, and sound asleep the rest of the time.

It is believed that the fennec's favorite activities are digging holes and jumping. For example, during a hunt, he is able to jump up almost 70 centimeters. In addition, the length of his jump can reach one and a half meters, which is quite a lot for his small size.

Hunting, like all other main activities of the animal, occurs mainly at night, when the ambient temperature drops to acceptable values. Among the characteristics of desert foxes, it can be noted that their thick fur protects against the cold, but the fennec begins to freeze even at +20 degrees Celsius, which manifests itself in the fact that it begins to shiver from the cold. The fennec tries to hunt alone.

To protect itself from the sun, the fennec can dig a new shelter every night. It digs holes so easily that it can dig a tunnel up to six meters long without any visible effort overnight. The fennec can bury itself in the sand not only for protection from the sun, but also if it senses any danger. Moreover, it is capable of burrowing so quickly that it would seem that the animal was just here, and now it cannot be found, as if it was not here right away. They peek out of their burrows slowly, first move their ears, listen, sniff the air, and only then little by little they poke out from under the sand.

They have very well developed night vision. Overall visual acuity is increased due to the presence of a special reflective retina, which helps to illuminate the observed objects. At night, the gaze is very similar to that of a cat, with the exception that in cats we are accustomed to seeing a green reflection of light from the eyes, while in fennec foxes the eyes glow red.

How to create comfortable conditions at home?

Before getting a fox, you should understand that the fennec is first and foremost a predator. It is possible to grow and tame it at home, but this will require some effort and patience. In addition, it is necessary to create favorable living conditions for the animal, provide it with a proper, balanced diet and proper care.

Cage and your own corner

Since the biological activity hours of humans and fennec cats do not coincide, it is better to give the animal a separate room or create a corner outside your bedroom so that you can sleep at night. A very important point in keeping these little ears is the air temperature in the room where they live. The room should be very warm or even hot, otherwise the little fox will start to get sick, and this can result in a big problem, since the animals get sick seriously and for a long time, and it’s not so easy to find a veterinarian who knows how and with what to treat them.

Since the animal loves to dig, it is advisable to organize a play area with sand for it; if this is not done, he will make tunnels in things and furniture, so ensuring the pet’s leisure time is clearly in the interests of the owners. The safety of the fennec cat plays a big role; his excessive curiosity and activity can play a cruel joke on him. Therefore, always close windows and doors and hide all fragile items. Make sure that the wires are not accessible to your pet fox, as the fennec will definitely be interested in them.

To avoid unpleasant situations, it is better to arrange an enclosure or cage for the animal, and let it out for walks around the apartment only under the supervision of the owners. Of course, this will require additional costs, but your home will be in order and you will be able to calmly go about your business without worrying about what your pet has done.

Feeding the little animal

In order for the fox cub to feel good, it needs to be provided with a balanced diet. He is not picky about food; You can use dog food, which contains everything your eared animal needs. If you give preference to natural nutrition, then your diet should include fruits and vegetables, eggs, chicken meat and cereals. A real delicacy for them are lizards, insects and small rodents, as well as dates and figs.

It is best to observe the animal for some time, offering it to taste different foods, and identify its taste preferences, since they can be individual.

Pet care

One of the important aspects of care is training the fox cub to use the tray. The fact is that animals can mark the territory and after that an unpleasant odor can concentrate in the room. So, from childhood, you need to teach the animal to go to the toilet in a certain place. Breeders have mixed opinions about the difficulty of such training: some say that fox cubs very quickly master going to the litter tray, others say that there are certain problems with this, but in the end everyone overcomes them. In no case do you forget that the eared cat has the finest hearing; therefore, it is better to avoid loud sounds and conversations in its presence. The animal's fluffy coat requires special attention - the fur needs to be combed regularly with a special brush, which brings great pleasure to the fennec cat. Every year the animal must be vaccinated against rabies.

Social structure and reproduction

Photo: Pygmy fennec fox

Fennec foxes are social animals. They usually live in small groups of a maximum of 10 individuals. Groups are formed along family lines and usually consist of one full-fledged married couple, their offspring who have not reached puberty, and, sometimes, several older children who have not formed their own clans. Each group occupies its own specific territory, the boundaries of which are marked by fennecs with urine and excrement. Dominant males in a group urinate more and more often than other individuals. Desert foxes are active defenders of their litter and their territory.

Fennecs are very sociable. Like other social animals, they use several types of communication - visual, tactile, and, of course, smell. Games are of particular importance in maintaining hierarchy and social structure in a group. The nature of the games can change within one day, as well as over the seasons. Animals have very developed vocalization. Both adults and puppies, in order to communicate with each other, can make chirping sounds, sounds similar to whimpering, they can bark, whine, growl and squeal. The fennec's howl is short, but loud.

Fennecs are monogamous animals. During the breeding season, which usually lasts for 4-6 weeks, males become more aggressive, and at the same time begin to more actively mark their areas with urine. Reproduction occurs once a year, usually in January-February. If the offspring died for some reason, then the adults can re-give birth to more puppies, which often happens if there is an abundant food supply.

Male fennecs are excellent fathers. They help the female protect her cubs, but the female does not allow them to contact the pups until they begin to play on their own near the entrance to their den. This usually happens around five to six weeks of age. The male brings food to the burrow. Due to the fact that the female behaves aggressively and protects her puppies from him, the male does not enter the den, but leaves food nearby.

The rutting period for fennecs occurs over two months. But in females, estrus does not last long - only two days. The female communicates to the males that she is ready to mate by positioning her tail. She takes him to a horizontal position in one direction.

Shiba Inu

In color and size, the Shiba Inu is most similar to foxes. This ancient breed of hunting dog is currently the most popular companion dog in Japan. Shiba Inus have been around since about 300 BC, although they were in danger of extinction immediately after World War II.

This is one of the most versatile breeds on our list, because the Shiba Inu will be happy in any home, be it a small apartment in a bustling city or a country house with a large backyard.

Cheerfulness, courage, self-confidence and good nature made Shiba Inu ideal pets. Shiba Inus love to run and play with their people, and they really suffer when separated for long periods of time. On the other hand, they are stubborn and sometimes aloof, so they are not the best dog for beginners. When properly trained, Shiba Inus get along well with children and other pets and are not hostile towards guests or strangers.

Natural enemies of the fennec fox

Photo: Long-eared fennec fox

Fennecs are quite dexterous and nimble animals that are active at night. In the wild they have practically no enemies. Potential enemies may include jackals, hyenas and sand foxes, whose habitats overlap with those of the fennec fennec. But their threats are only indirect. Excellent hearing allows fennecs to detect a stranger in advance and hide from him in their lair.

The fennec's main enemy is the eagle owl, which, despite the fennec's agility and speed, is capable of hunting the desert fox. The eagle owl flies silently, so it can grab an unsuspecting cub near the hole, even though its parents may be nearby at that moment.

Also, the desert lynx - the caracal - is considered to be the enemy of the fennec, but there is only indirect evidence of this, since no one has seen eyewitnesses of its hunt for the fennec. In fact, the only real enemies of the desert fox are the person hunting it and small parasites, such as helminths.

Canaan dog

Canaan dogs reach 61 cm in height and weigh up to 25 kg. Their lean build, bushy tail, almond-shaped eyes and alert, pointed ears give them a distinct fox-like appearance.

Although no one knows how old the Canaanite breed is, the earliest images of it adorn tombs that date back almost 4,000 years.

Initially, Canaanite dogs helped the Israelites herd and guard livestock. When the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and dispersed the Israelites in 70 AD, stray dogs fled to the Negev Desert, where they lived until the 20th century. After the founding of the State of Israel, security was required for settlements, and service dogs were required for the army. Dog trainer Dr. Rudolfina Menzel proposed training semi-wild Canaan dogs. She argued that their ability to survive in the unforgiving desert conditions proved that they were suitable for difficult jobs.

To everyone's surprise, Canaan dogs turned out to be very intelligent and easily trained animals, despite their wild roots. They worked as service dogs, messengers and mine detectors, and after World War II they became guide dogs for the blind. Canaan dogs are confident and alert, and continue to make excellent guard dogs and service dogs.

Domesticated "silver fox"

Scientists even conducted special experiments on the domestication of wild foxes. Black-brown individuals turned out to be the most susceptible to this process. However, even a tamed (domestic) fox remains an animal, having traits and instincts characteristic of animals raised in the wild. Don't forget about this

Therefore, if you plan to keep a fox at home, you must take precautions. These creatures pose a much greater danger to humans than cats or dogs.

In addition, a fox can become a source of danger for smaller pets and, of course, children.

Akita Inu

According to ancient Japanese tradition, it is customary to give tiny Akita Inu figurines to newborns, since this breed symbolizes health, happiness and long life . The breed gained universal fame after the release of the film about Hachiko.

In the past, Akita Inu specialized in baiting wild boars, deer and bears. In those days they were called “matagi-ken”, which translated from Japanese means “large game hunting dog”.

As a pet, the Akita Inu can be unpredictable and difficult to train. These dogs are wary of strangers and are often intolerant of other animals. But they remain extremely loyal to family and live up to their reputation as guard dogs. Akita Inus thrive in human society and will do whatever it takes to keep those they love safe.

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