Dimensions and weight of a Malamute: what parameters should an adult dog have and how does a puppy develop up to one year old?

The Alaskan Malamute has a strong and stately build.

Bred to carry cargo, these dogs are renowned for their strength and endurance.

It is not surprising that at exhibitions, first of all, the overall harmony of their appearance is assessed, and only then - individual articles.

That is why the correct ratio of weight and height is especially important for show Malalmutes: after all, a thin and narrow-bodied dog, as well as an overly fat one, has nothing to do in the ring.

And to work in a harness, such a dog must also be harmoniously built and in good condition.

Dimensions (height at withers, etc.) and what it looks like in the photo

For a boy of this breed, the height can be from 60 to 63 cm, and for a girl - from 57 to 59 cm. According to American standards, the ideal height for a male is 63.5 cm, and for a female - 58.5 cm.

According to the breed standard, the body length of a Malamute should be rectangular, tending to square, so for a male it is on average 63-64 cm, and for females - 58-59 cm.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The height of a Malamute must be in the correct proportion to its weight. After all, only in this case will the dog not only look harmoniously built, but also be able to fully demonstrate its working qualities. A Malamute in good condition is fast, tireless, hardy and strong enough to carry heavy loads. However, the owners of these dogs need to take into account that, like most sled breeds, Malamutes are voracious, and therefore, no matter how hungry the pet’s eyes may look, you cannot feed it in between feedings.”

Alaskan Malamute: description

The Alaskan Malamute is considered to be the largest sled dog breed. The weight of an adult male can reach 40 kilograms with a height at the withers of up to 63 cm maximum. Females are a little lighter, about a couple of kilograms. These dogs have well-developed powerful paws. The ears are triangular in shape with rounded ends, well set and wide.

The eyes seem to be slanted and have a brown color. It is believed that blue eye color in dogs of this breed is a breed defect. The coat is quite hard, and there is a fairly thick undercoat, which helps the dog feel very comfortable in such harsh conditions.

Breed standards

Just by its appearance, one can easily determine how perfect this breed is to withstand the harsh conditions of northern latitudes. The head of this breed is large, but at the same time proportional to the size of the entire body.

The standards do not allow the muzzle to be excessively pointed. The nose is always black, but if the dog has a red coat color, then the same red color of the nose is allowed. The tail is curled and always sticks up. The teeth are powerful and sharp, with a scissor bite. The same powerful, strong and well-formed lower jaw. The limbs are strong and muscular, like those of a bear.


The Alaskan Malamute always has a menacing appearance, but in reality it is a rather affectionate dog with a peaceful nature. Despite the fact that their ancestors served as guards, today these qualities have faded into the background. Moreover, even the appearance will make any villain think 100 times before deciding on illegal actions. This dog reacts calmly to strangers, without showing excessive aggression.

Important point! And yet, this breed is able to reveal all its beneficial properties only with an experienced dog breeder. Despite its peaceful nature, the dog has a rather complex character. If a dog is not raised correctly, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with its complex character. This dog can only obey a strong person, whom the dog perceives as its leader.

This dog needs space, fresh air and long-term physical activity in the form of walks. In this regard, it should be noted that this dog is not suitable for keeping in an apartment. The most suitable place is a country house with a spacious enclosure for a dog.

The nature of the dog's coat allows it to be kept outdoors all year round, since the Malamute easily tolerates the most severe frosts. Based on the above, we can say that this dog does not tolerate heat well and in the summer, if appropriate measures are not taken, the dog is susceptible to heat stroke.


Typically, the average lifespan of an Alaskan Malamute is about 14 years, although this is not the limit. Life expectancy is influenced by many factors, including conditions of detention, proper nutrition, the presence of genetic defects, etc. If there is even the slightest suspicion of the appearance of ailments, you should immediately contact a specialist. Proper care and a balanced diet will help your pet live to a ripe old age.

Alaskan Malamute - All about the dog breed | Alaskan Malamute dog

Puppy weight and sizes from 1 to 12 months

The table shows how a Malamute puppy's size changes as it grows.

Malamute puppy ageWeightHeight
1 month4.5-5 kg28-30 cm
2 months12 kg32-35 cm
3 months18 kg38-46 cm
4 months19-22 kg41-52 cm
5 months23-25 ​​kg45-56 cm
6 months25-26 kg48-58 cm
7-8 months26-34 kg50-59 cm
9-11 months28-35 kg52-60 cm
12 months28-36 kg54-63 kg


We present to your attention photos of puppies:

In the photo there is a girl and a boy Malamute:

In the photo the puppies are resting after active games:

In the photo, puppies are learning the “sit” command:

And this is a photo of very tiny puppies:

How to measure height correctly?

To correctly measure growth, it is necessary to place a puppy or an adult Malamute in a show stand or somehow attract his attention so that the pet can stand for several minutes without moving.

It is most convenient to use an assistant for this purpose, who will distract the animal during measurements by showing it a treat or an interesting toy.

It is also very important that the dog stands on a flat and hard surface during this procedure, for example, on the floor or asphalt.

The Malamute's height should be measured using a measuring tape or a long ruler equipped with a freely moving stop..

To find out the height of the pet at the withers, the edge of the centimeter with the smallest division values ​​is applied to the withers, and the opposite side of the tape is evenly stretched to the floor, after which a mark is made on it in the required place.

If height is measured with a ruler, then its edge is placed on the floor, after which the limiter rises up to the level of the withers.

Considering that the Malamute’s coat is quite long and thick, in order to avoid errors when measuring, it is recommended to spread it out before applying a centimeter tape or a device for measuring height to the withers .

Key points in training

The Alaskan Malamute is a very stubborn dog breed, so it can be quite difficult to train . However, this species is distinguished by its keen mind and excellent memory, so they understand commands very well.

Tips for training and raising a Malamute:

  1. As soon as you bring home a Malamute puppy, you must immediately show who is the owner;
  2. You need to train with your dog every day;
  3. Commands should not be shouted. They must be pronounced clearly and concisely;
  4. Encouragement should be alternated with treats and words;
  5. It is better to train in the form of a game at home or on a walk;
  6. To make yourself more impressive, you need to focus on the letter “r” during the command.
  7. Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

To what age do they grow?

Like other large breeds of dogs, Malamutes grow in height until about 1.5 years, later they gain muscle mass and weight for several more months.

Moreover, the most intensive growth occurs in the first six months of a puppy’s life.


The onset of heat in a female dog can significantly reduce the rate of growth and weight gain.

In general, it is believed that a malamute grows in width up to two years and after this age, the dog is considered to be fully grown.

History of the origin of the breed

The ancestors of the Alaskan Malamute inhabited the shores of Alaska, and they were bred by the local Malemute tribes, who lived in such harsh conditions in the far north. These dogs were distinguished by strength, courage and endurance, which is very important for Alaska. After some time, when colonists rushed to Alaska in search of gold, the breed began to degenerate as the settlers brought their dogs with them. As a result, uncontrolled crossings of different dog breeds began, which could lead to the complete loss of the breed. And yet there were people who managed to take control of the situation. By the beginning of the last century, the breed had been restored, and 10 years later, the Alaskan Malamute received universal recognition due to its unique service capabilities.

Interesting to know! Dogs of this breed were used in various areas of human activity. They were used as sled dogs, as dogs that transported cargo, as property guards, and in dog fights, since such bloody sports were quite widespread in those days. Some time passed and Malamutes finally established themselves as sled dogs. At the same time, they lost some skills.

What affects a puppy's height and weight?

The height and weight of a Malamute puppy largely depends on heredity.

As a rule, babies of large parents are also taller and heavier than their peers who come from shorter lines . In addition, genetics also influences the rate of height and weight gain.

It happens that a puppy that looked very large at an early age almost stops growing when it reaches 5-6 months.

It also happens the other way around: a baby who grew poorly until six months and is far behind his peers in size suddenly catches up with them very quickly, and sometimes even outgrows them.

The quality of raising the litter also greatly influences the growth and development of the puppies . If the breeder started feeding them correctly, wormed them and vaccinated them on time, then the babies will look large and well-groomed.

In the same case, if the breeder did not pay attention to the quality of raising the litter, the puppies will grow worse and may be more prone to disease than their peers who were carefully cared for.

Once the puppy is in a new home, all responsibility for it passes to the new owner . And the further development of the growing Malamute depends on how carefully he pays attention to feeding and caring for the dog.

If the owner does not have experience raising large breed dogs, then the wisest thing to do would be to listen to the advice of the breeder and feed the puppy what he recommends.

But this is only if the breeder is responsible and his recommendations can be trusted.

And, although it is, of course, best to buy a Malamute from a nursery or through a club, situations in life are different and the person who sold the baby does not always turn out to be a respectable breeder.


If the puppy was purchased not from a nursery, but from a breeder or on the market, and it is impossible to contact the seller for some reason, you should consult a veterinarian about the nutrition and maintenance of the pet.

In addition to feeding, physical activity also affects a puppy's growth . Malamutes are sledding breeds and therefore require intense physical exercise.

The puppy simply will not be able to grow and develop normally if he walks exclusively on a leash and then only for 10-15 minutes a day. Malamutes need intense physical activity and regular training, otherwise the dog will grow up weak, sickly and prone to obesity.

And therefore, of course, there is no need to talk about correct and harmonious development in this case.

In addition, the correct height and weight gain for puppies depends on their state of health . Children who have been wormed or have recently had an illness grow worse than their peers and look thinner.

They often grow below standard height and have a narrow body.

That is why it is so important to monitor the puppy’s health, get all vaccinations on time and carry out the necessary veterinary measures, such as preventive treatment for external and internal parasites.

Features of character and behavior

  1. Malamutes do not tolerate loneliness and isolation at all. Therefore, it is better not to keep them on a chain or in an enclosure, otherwise the dog may get bored and harbor a grudge against its owner.
  2. By nature, Malamutes are quite stubborn and have high intelligence. Therefore, without proper upbringing, a dog may cease to respect its owner and become attached to other people.
  3. They can also get tired of monotonous actions . You should not force your Malamute to fetch the stick too many times; he may feel that he is being treated with disrespect.
  4. Malamutes are very difficult to train and are very stubborn . But thanks to their high intelligence and good memory, they remember all commands very well.

If an animal is poorly raised, psychologically traumatized (especially to a puppy), or simply treated cruelly, then this harmless and friendly animal can become evil forever.


Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  • Friendliness and sociability;
  • Mind;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Silence (barks only when absolutely necessary).


The Alaskan Malamute has many disadvantages:

  1. Very stubborn. This breed is quite difficult to raise because they do not like to be obeyed;
  2. They do not like repeated repetition of monotonous actions;
  3. A bad guard, despite his impressive external qualities. This is explained by excessive kindness towards absolutely all people;
  4. The need for constant and heavy load;
  5. She loses a lot of fur during the shedding season.

What to do if your weight is below normal

It often happens that the puppy’s weight lags behind the body weight indicated in the table. What should a dog owner do in this case?

First of all, you need to take into account that the table shows average values ​​that should be considered recommended and not mandatory . And insignificant, no more than 10% of the readings indicated in the table, should be considered a variant of normal weight.

In addition, all puppies grow differently: some faster, some slower. And it may be that the lack of weight is precisely due to the fact that the pet is gaining growth too rapidly, and because of this, it looks a little thinner than its peers.

In this case, you just need to wait: probably, after a few weeks, the rate of growth in height will slow down and the young dog will very quickly gain the desired body weight.

It’s another matter if underweight is associated with a previous illness, improper cultivation in the breeder’s home, or severe intestinal infestation.

In this case, you need to consult a veterinarian about how to improve your pet’s health and what needs to be done to gain weight as quickly as possible.

It is not recommended to hesitate in such a situation, since too little weight in a puppy can weaken the immune system and contribute to the development of chronic diseases.

As mentioned above, physical activity is very useful for malamutes, thanks to which the dog develops more harmoniously.

However, small puppies should not be forced to run or jump too much, not to mention that they should not wear heavy harnesses or carry loads.

Until about a year old, the puppy should run and play as much as he sees fit.

If underweight is associated with improper feeding, then a slight increase in caloric content of food or switching the dog to a more nutritious ready-made food will help solve this problem.

However, you should not immediately start overfeeding your dog with high-calorie foods without first understanding the reasons for underweight and whether the Malamute really weighs less than it should.

Such actions will not lead to anything except possible obesity and other health problems for the pet.


This breed is characterized by rapid growth, so the animals must be provided with a sufficient amount of protein. Some prepared food manufacturers offer special products for growing large breed pets. The dog’s diet must be constantly adjusted taking into account the age and health status - this is the only way to ensure proper development of the puppy.

Typically, dogs under the age of 2.5–3 months eat 5–6 times a day, and from six months the animal can be switched to two meals a day. It is important to do this gradually, first reducing the number of meals to 4, then to 3. In this case, you should monitor the malamute’s well-being and contact a veterinarian in case of any deviations from the norm.

Complementary feeding per month

At one month of age, most puppies feed exclusively on their mother's milk. However, if the animal does not eat enough, you can give it complementary foods. Some pet food manufacturers offer special products for newborns - breast milk substitutes. In addition, you can offer your pets regular baby food that does not contain lactose and sugar, and natural goat milk.

What to feed at 2 months

When the puppy is 2 months old, you can introduce dry food intended for animals of this age into its diet. There are a huge number of such products with different tastes on the market.

To ensure a smooth transition to a new type of diet, you can soak dry croquettes in a small amount of water. In addition, you can offer your puppy raw beef and a boiled egg.

REFERENCE. The dog must receive sufficient water. It is good if she is provided with constant access to a source of drink. Starting from 2 months, it is not recommended to give milk to dogs.

Further diet

The diet of growing Malamutes should be rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals in strictly balanced amounts. This is especially important at 6 months of age, since it is during this period that the most active development of the musculoskeletal system occurs.

This problem can be solved using ready-made dry or wet food, or you can combine both types. The recommended amount of the product is usually indicated on the packaging. It largely depends on the weight of the dog and the quality of the food itself. But in any case, you should not deviate from the advice of the manufacturer and veterinarian.

If possible, it is recommended to choose holistic or super-premium food. Such products contain a lot of meat - a source of animal proteins, as well as useful vitamins and microelements.

Even if the dog eats homemade food, there are a number of rules that must be followed. These include:

  • a ban on everything spicy, fatty, smoked, salted;
  • a ban on raw meat and fish - this food can lead to the development of parasites in the body;
  • a ban on sweets, including chocolate - these products can cause diabetes, tooth loss, and heart problems.

You should not give your dog too many bones; they are poorly absorbed by the body and can lead to digestive problems. Any food should be at room temperature - this is good for the gastrointestinal tract. It is allowed to periodically pamper the puppies with raisins, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese.

Disqualifying features

Malamutes have only three disqualifying characteristics. These are blue eyes, aggressive behavior and fearfulness. Let's look at each one separately.

Blue eyes

This sign is characteristic of Husky dogs. In Malamutes, this eye shade is considered unacceptable. Also, heterochromia is allowed for huskies, which is not accepted for malamutes. For the described dog breed, the standard is the same: brown eyes (the darker they are, the better).

Aggressive behavior

Some compare Malamutes to dogs and believe that aggressiveness is normal for a dog’s behavior. But this is not true at all. Malamutes must be completely people-oriented. In their nature, the desire to please the owner, to show love and affection to him is considered the norm.

This trait was developed in dogs in their homeland. In the north, people need sled dogs just as much as dogs need people.

However, there are dogs that show aggressiveness even towards their owner . And if this happened not because of a training error, but because of hereditary tendencies, then further breeding of such dogs is considered inappropriate.

Excessive timidity

This is another criterion by which Malamutes are not allowed to participate in the exhibition. The dog must have an instinct of self-preservation, but this does not mean that it should give in to everything new and unfamiliar.

In addition, fearfulness most often indicates deviations in the dog’s psyche . This behavior can lead to a passive attack. It happens involuntarily when the dog wants to protect itself.

Malamutes are truly magnificent animals, true friends of man. These dogs are strong, hardy, noble, loyal to their owner, become attached to him and serve him until the end of their lives. Many of the advantages of the dog breed are due to the climatic conditions in which they were bred for many years. Now all these characteristics are fixed in the standard.


A Malamute puppy is a very sociable and active baby, so it needs to be raised from childhood. Once you have him, you can train him to toilet and call him. In addition, you can immediately begin training, taking into account the age of the puppy. You should start with the simplest commands. If you don’t start teaching your dog commands from a young age, he won’t feel his master in you and will try to gain power over you.

Why does it howl and how to wean it off?

The Alaskan Malamute is a rather emotional animal that needs communication. Therefore, there are several reasons why a puppy may howl:

  1. is very sad and bored;
  2. rejoices at the long-awaited meeting with the owner;
  3. very scared, experiencing a lot of stress.

It is better not to stress the puppy, as this may affect the results of training. To prevent your pet from getting bored, leave him plenty of toys and entertainment during your absence.

Why does he dig the ground?

The constant desire to dig a deeper hole somewhere is associated with genes : your pet’s ancestors had to get food in this way. It is unlikely that anything can be done with what has been formed for many years, so it is better to accept it and let the Malamute dig holes for pleasure. Remember to ensure that this does not cause harm to your area.

How to properly train to stand?

Before teaching a puppy to stand, it is better not to feed it for 4-5 hours so that it responds well to the treat. At the beginning of training, let the puppy play and run around so that the Malamute is in a good mood and the command causes a positive reaction.

  1. Take a piece of treat, stand in front of the puppy, and start swaying from side to side, passing the treat in front of the dog's nose. Then she will also need to balance.
  2. When the hind legs are in a stable position, begin to move left and right, this will help the puppy stand firmly on his front legs.
  3. Having given him a treat at this moment, confidently say the command: “Stand!”
  4. Give the next piece, making a large circle with your hand so that the dog freezes and repeat the command. Gradually, the Malamute will learn to perform it well.


Of course, it is best to purchase a Malamute from factory nurseries or from private breeders. So, you will be able to receive documents about the origin of the dog and the absence of exterior defects. The price of an ordinary Malamute varies from 10 to 40 thousand. Prices for puppies with official documents and from elite nurseries start from 40 to 100 thousand.


In the photo there is a girl Malamute puppy:

The opportunity to start breeding Alaskan Malamute puppies can be a deciding factor when purchasing a female dog. In addition, girls are more affectionate, accommodating and patient. But during heat, her behavior can completely change; the dog can ignore all your commands.


In the photo there is a boy Malamute puppy:

When choosing the sex of an animal when purchasing, you should also remember about the nature of male dogs: in search of a female dog, he may become less controllable, aggressive and cocky. May get into fights with other males. At the same time, boys are more powerful and strong.

What color dogs are more expensive?

Gray-white Alaskan Malamutes are considered the standard, this is reflected in their price, although other colors are also valued.

Puppies of light color, without dark spots, are discarded and cannot participate in competitions and exhibitions. This is reflected in the lower price.

If you want to find yourself a loyal friend and assistant, then the Alaskan Malamute will be an excellent option. True, you will have to give him a lot of time and attention to ensure careful care and long active walks. By showing persistence in training your puppy, you will raise a good pet for yourself, and he will understand you perfectly.

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