Grooming and shedding features of the Pomeranian Spitz

Spitz dogs love bathing, but do not do the procedure too often, especially in cold weather. The main thing to remember is that the Spitz must be completely dried after bathing.

How to wash a Spitz at home

Prices for bathing a Spitz in Moscow and other cities are quite high, so you can perform the procedure at home. This is quite easy to do if you follow certain rules:

In the bathroom

  1. Before washing your puppy or adult dog, be sure to roll cotton wool into swabs and gently insert them into the ears to prevent water from getting in.
  2. Place your pet in an empty bathroom and slowly wet all the fur with a warm stream of water.
  3. Dilute a special shampoo for long-haired dogs in a ladle and apply the solution evenly over the entire coat, being careful not to get into the baby’s eyes.
  4. Without tangling the fur, lather the shampoo and rinse thoroughly with a stream of water. Since Spitz dogs love to swim, they take bath procedures with great pleasure and do not resist.
  5. When the foam is completely rinsed off, lightly wring out the fur and wait for the wet Pomeranian to shake itself off.
  6. Take a terry towel and blot off any remaining water.
  7. Brush the coat, dry it completely, and brush it again with a long-tooth comb to keep your dog looking attractive.

Find out how to trim your Spitz yourself.

You can also watch educational photos and videos on bathing a dog at home.

Features of swimming in the sea

Regularly bathing your Spitz in the sea benefits muscles and overall tone, but is harmful to the skin. Salt corrodes and dries the top layer of the epidermis.

After a boat trip, be sure to wash your pet with running water, rinsing out the thick fur.

At sea
Immediately after rinsing, pat the animal dry with a towel and dry the fur with a hairdryer, otherwise an unpleasant odor will appear that occurs when bathing more than twice a day.

Is it possible to bathe a dog in a sauna?

Spitz owners who like to go to the sauna or bathhouse weekly may have a natural question: “Can I take my pet with me?” The veterinarians’ answer is clear: “It is strictly prohibited to take your Spitz into the steam room!”

Types and prices of dog haircuts.

This prohibition arises because sweating in dogs occurs only through glands that are located in the mouth. That is why after a run their tongue is on their shoulder. Just imagine what will happen to your pet if you expose it to high temperatures. The steam room is a real torture chamber for a dog, so you can’t take your baby to the bathhouse.

Basics of training

First of all, you need to accustom the puppy to his name, calling it during rewards. Pomeranians remember their name very easily.

  • The next task is litter box training. Puppies quickly become accustomed to proper hygiene, but a little patience is required at first.

First, they place several trays where the baby relieves himself; for the smell, you need to leave diapers soaked in the puppy’s urine in them, which are periodically replaced.

After a few days, the trays are washed and gradually moved to a corner designated specifically for the toilet. After another 7-8 days, the excess trays are removed.

The structure of the coat

In the first three months, the coat of Pomeranian Spitz puppies has not yet formed; it is still just fluff. Adult fur begins to grow after three months, gradually turning the puppy into a fluffy dog ​​with a chic “fur coat.” Adult fur grows up to twelve months.

The Pomeranian's coat consists of two parts:

  • undercoat;
  • guard hair.

If the undercoat is formed of long, soft and spiral-shaped hairs, then the outer coat should be straight and harsh. And some individuals have no guard hair at all. But, if it is present, the hair always stands perpendicular to the dog’s body, due to the thickness of the undercoat. The Pomeranian also has a fluffy “collar” and elegant “pants” on its hind legs. Thick fur is also found on the tail.

When to contact a veterinarian

There are a number of signs that indicate a deviation from the norm. If you notice the following symptoms, you should take your pet to a veterinarian:

  • the puppy did not change his fluff to an adult one, although he was already one year old;
  • little healthy hair is observed. The regrown fur coat is not voluminous, brittle, dry. Its color is dull and unsaturated;
  • hair falls out without itching;
  • the process of changing the skin is accompanied by frequent and severe itching, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • large bald patches appeared on the pet's body, and the skin in these places acquired a dark tint.


In general, girls are slightly heavier than boys. The normal weight of a knot is 1.8–2.5 kg.

Many puppy buyers think that female puppies are sweeter, more obedient, attentive, and easier to train than male puppies. This is actually a myth.

The Spitz bitch can be independent, aloof, stubborn and very territorial. Pomeranian women love to dominate family members.

She may become moody and withdrawn during heat. This is partly due to the fact that hormone levels rise and fall sharply.

How to deal with shedding

Some dog owners believe that when they shed, the whole house will be covered in fluff. This will not happen if you brush your pet daily. This way all the hair will fall on the bristles and will not fly around the room. The dog is placed on the grooming table, processed, and the remains are removed. It is advisable to vacuum the room after the procedure, then there will be absolutely nothing left.


The normal weight of a boy is 1.8-2 kg.

Male Pomeranians are usually more assertive, less capricious, attentive and more demanding of attention from their family. They become very attached to their owners.

The boy, in most cases, is easily motivated by praise and food, which makes his learning easier.

All dogs are capable of marking territory. However, males do this more often than females. Boy dogs have a high sense of smell. Therefore, it is not surprising that a male can detect a female during estrus at a distance of up to 5 kilometers. This can encourage the pet to run, as hormones “tell” the dog to follow the female at any cost.

Spitz shedding

German Spitz shed similarly to other breeds. Old wool is renewed annually. The dense undercoat prevents hair from falling out in clumps, so dogs require daily brushing during the period of active coat renewal. It is recommended to carry out the combing procedure before bathing and after complete drying. Without brushing your pet regularly, tangles form, which are not easy to deal with.

Adult Spitz sheds almost imperceptibly. In puppies and adolescents, shedding occurs rapidly, and females change their coat much more often than males.

Color during Spitz shedding

Pomeranians often have a strange color before renewing their coat. A new, adult fur coat will be plain, bright and luxurious. A black puppy may turn brown or dirty gray before shedding. After shedding, the fur will return to its original color.

How to wash a puppy

A special lubricant is washed off from dog fur only when using detergents. Therefore, choosing a shampoo is a responsible task.

What you will need

List of required accessories:

  • Treats to calm the dog;
  • Cosmetical tools;
  • Ladle;
  • Clean towels;
  • Combs.

Choosing a Shampoo

Special cosmetics for dogs are very different from human products. The production of dog shampoos is aimed at use specifically for fur and wool, and not for hair.

A quality product is expensive, but it lasts for a long time. Doctor Vic, 8in1, Hartz are the most popular lines. Consider the pet's age, coat type and length.

Drug therapy

Prescribed in the initial stages or as an additional treatment. Consists of:

  1. Bathing with antifungal shampoo. Fungi do not always cause black skin disease, but often affect exposed areas. The Miniature Spitz needs to be washed once every 3 days, the course duration is 1 month. Then change the shampoo to tar. Be sure to use a moisturizing conditioner.
  2. Vaccinations against ringworm. Pomeranians are vaccinated with Polivak-TM serum.
  3. Getting rid of parasites. Deworming and flea and tick treatment are carried out.
  4. Strengthening the immune system. Vitamins and probiotics are prescribed. The drug “PDE” is also recommended - denatured emulsified placenta. A natural product that contains all the necessary vitamins, elements, and amino acids. Used in the form of tablets, injections or powder for rubbing into the skin.

Food allergies

Food allergy is a pathological reaction of the body to any product from the menu. Typically allergens are economy-class food containing traces of animal protein. The basis of their composition is herbal ingredients that are poorly absorbed by the dog’s body. There is an opinion that the likelihood of developing an allergy to canned food is less than to dry food.

But this does not mean that the price directly affects the risk of allergic reactions. Expensive food contains products that can also cause individual intolerance.

How to detect signs of allergies in a dog:

  • Itching - the pet literally tears the ears and skin with its claws;
  • Development of edema in the muzzle or limbs;
  • rash or redness;
  • discharge from the nose or eyes;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • Anxiety.

It is not enough to identify the signs - it is important to make an accurate diagnosis. Only a veterinarian can handle this by prescribing the necessary examinations. As a rule, an elimination diet is prescribed, the essence of which is to limit the pet in certain foods. Each of the menu components is removed in turn so that you can understand what causes the allergy.

The doctor prescribes a treatment regimen that includes the use of antihistamines, immunomodulatory drugs, and usually hormones. But the most important thing is to follow a hypoallergenic diet.

How to care for your fur

During this process, review your baby's diet. Include vitamins in it, increase the amount of protein in foods.

You can introduce lean meat or poultry, offal, fish, vegetables and cereals into your diet. These products have a beneficial effect on the growth and quality of the coat.


After consulting with your veterinarians, add some brewer's yeast and fish oil to your diet. They will provide the body with vitamin D and fatty amino acids. The main microelements for improving the quality and growth of wool are calcium, copper, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. All these elements can be purchased at a veterinary clinic by choosing the appropriate complex.


Toys are necessary regardless of the age of the pet. They are used to distract the dog from damaging furniture or shoes. This is especially true during the period of teeth change, when the baby tries to gnaw on everything. Toys must be appropriate for the size of the dog. Do not use small objects that your pet could swallow.

Plastic toys, squeakers and items containing small parts are not considered the best option. In pet stores you can buy special “gnawers”, balls or bovine bones that your pet will like.

Command training

Given the aggressive and impulsive nature of Pomeranians, discipline is mandatory for them along with active walks. You need to control the animal’s behavior by training it to basic commands:

  • "Give!" The pet is easy to learn while playing with the ball. Before you take the toy from him, you need to say the command and praise the puppy.
  • "To me!". When walking with a leash, call the dog if it is not busy. The puppy turns towards the voice, slightly pulls the reins and calmly says the command again. Praise after completion.
  • “Ugh!”, “No way!” – puppies older than 6 months can be trained to use commands, as they frighten babies. Show the meaning with a sharp, intimidating intonation while pronouncing the command, accompanying it with a jerk of the leash. The movement should not injure the dog.
  • "Near!" – learned during a walk, you need to lead the Spitz on a short leash on your left side. When he tries to move to the side, pull him a little towards you, say a nickname and a command. Maintain a calm tone and do not jerk the leash sharply.
  • "Place!" needs to be taught in the first months of life. Say the command with praise and pet the puppy when he goes to his bed after eating. If the Spitz decides to settle somewhere else, say the command and take him to his place. It should be arranged so that the baby feels comfortable and protected, this promotes quick memorization.

All commands, except for the prohibiting one, must be spoken in a gentle tone, otherwise the dog will perceive them as punishment. If done, praise and treat with a treat.

A Pomeranian Spitz is suitable for active owners - the puppies are very active, willingly spend time with their owner, become attached to him and become true friends.

Swimming in the sea

Swimming in the sea improves the health of dogs.
Many dog ​​breeders take their pets on trips to the sea. Playing in water does not harm dogs. They help strengthen muscles and increase overall tone. At the same time, the negative effect of salt on the skin of the animal is noted. She causes irritation.

After bathing is completed, you need to wash your Spitz with clean water and dry the coat with a towel. After a walk, the animal is thoroughly combed.

Regular bathing of a Spitz from an early age will help accustom the animal to water procedures and maintain its attractive appearance.

Shedding or pathology?

Spitz shedding is not always caused by natural physiological processes. Disturbances in the hormonal system often cause thinning of a pet's coat.

Baldness can be caused by a deficiency or excess of a certain hormone. Thus, active production of cortisol leads to intense hair loss. The pathological process is also caused by a lack of thyroid hormones.

The age of 10-12 months is considered critical for oranges. During this period, the Spitz puppy may develop alopecia, which is confused with junior shedding. The pathology is characterized by the appearance of bald areas on the body and limbs of the animal. Pathological hair loss is also observed in animals aged 2 to 5 years.

Adult Spitz dogs do not shed as actively as children and juniors. If your Spitz suddenly begins to shed its coat in winter, it should be taken to the veterinarian. Perhaps the animal is beginning to develop alopecia, or has become infected with a parasitic disease. Thinning hair in dogs is characteristic of cheyletiellosis and trichotectosis. The pet not only sheds profusely with these diseases, but also itches a lot.

Another reason why a Spitz sheds is a lack of vitamins in the body caused by the dog’s improper diet.

Conditions of detention

The versatility of this breed allows dogs to feel comfortable both in a small apartment and in a huge country house.

A Spitz puppy, like a small child, will try to test everything. Therefore, you definitely need to prepare for the arrival of your furry friend:

  1. Remove cords, medications, chemicals and small objects.
  2. Secure all unstable objects.
  3. The trash can is often of particular interest to the dog. Make sure it is out of reach of the animal.
  4. Rid the room of areas that are dangerous for your pet, move the refrigerator and cabinets as close to the walls as possible.
  5. Pay special attention to the balcony; if you store seasonal or unnecessary items there, then keep the door closed.
  6. Features of the content include the prohibition of walking on stairs. Until six months, the dog should not put stress on ligaments and fragile bones. The floor should not be slippery.
  7. Make sure that the puppy does not jump from a height exceeding his height. Often injuries occur as a result of simply jumping off the couch.
  8. The place for the Spitz must be determined and prepared in advance. It is better to place the pet next to you, for example in the bedroom. A small bed with a mattress is suitable for him to sleep.
  9. If your Pomeranian will be left alone at home, then for his safety in your absence, purchase a special enclosure. Place your favorite toys and treats there.

Does a Spitz shed?

The Pomeranian is a highly shedding breed, mainly due to its very thick undercoat. It is not for those who are allergic to dogs. The first molt occurs at 3.5 - 4 months and then 2 times a year: in autumn and after winter. Bitches also change their coat before estrus and after giving birth. When your dog begins to shed, switch to daily grooming; the procedure is no different from regular combing, only it is performed even more carefully and longer in order to have time to remove all the dying hairs. If you don’t brush your shedding dog for at least one or two days, you risk getting a tightly matted “felt boot” of unshed hair that only needs to be cut.

Shedding stages:

  • guard hair falls out (the fur sharply loses volume),
  • the undercoat changes (almost imperceptibly).

Spitz bathing frequency

Regularity is important for each procedure. Dogs do not tolerate water well, so novice dog breeders are interested in the question of how often to wash a Spitz. Hygienic procedures must be carried out once every 1.5 - 2 months. Experts recommend bathing the animal before molting and exhibition. Washing is necessary if the wool is heavily soiled.

Attention! You shouldn't wash your pet too often. Washing can lead to pH imbalance, skin peeling, development of dermatitis, and baldness.


After bathing, Spitz dogs need to be dried. A puppy or adult dog is dried using a special hair dryer. During drying, the air flow should not be hot, otherwise the dog may get burned. First you need to dry your limbs well, and after that we move on to the sides and back. When drying your mane, you should use a comb. With its help, wool dries very well. After drying, cotton swabs should be removed from the animal's ears. Now you can comb your pet, giving its fur the desired volume.

Preparatory procedures

Before washing your Spitz, you need to comb it thoroughly, remove all dead hair and tangled tangles. What you need to take a bath:

  • crest;
  • specialized shampoo, conditioner;
  • hair dryer;
  • foaming sponge;
  • 2 towels;
  • container for diluting shampoo;
  • rubber mat;
  • slicer

Before washing your Spitz, you must dilute the shampoo with water according to the instructions for use. The mixture should be shaken well immediately before washing until a thick foam forms.

Second molt

Do Spitz dogs shed after their first shed? Naturally, yes. This period begins at about one year of age, maybe a little later. At this time, the baby may be very itchy, because the intensity of undercoat loss increases. Don’t worry and don’t rush to call a veterinarian, because this is a natural physiological process for the Pomeranian.

Adult dog

How much does this happen?

If your pet is losing fur so much that you can actually see bare patches of skin, this is not normal. There are health problems. Allergies and even problems with the thyroid gland are possible. In this case, contact a veterinary clinic.

A haircut

Due to the fact that this breed is distinguished by its fluffiness, the animals are often shorn, giving their bodies different shapes. The Pomeranian Spitz most often undergoes this procedure. However, molting serves as an additional reason to trim a representative of another species. The haircut can be very diverse: teddy bear style, along the edge, etc. Thanks to the haircut, even a shedding pet can look beautiful.

Now you know what to do when your Spitz sheds. During this period, the main thing is to carry out all grooming procedures in order to keep the “coat” in perfect condition. Remember that you need to take good care of your pet.

Similar article: How to quickly train a Spitz to use the toilet or diaper

How to train a Spitz to comb its fur

You should start accustoming your Pomeranian to combing from the age of one month; this is usually done by the breeder. If the dog has not been trained, then after the dog has adapted to the new home, it is worth starting training on your own. This procedure is important in the life of the animal, since the thick coat must be combed at least twice a week. Therefore, while combing, you should not shout or scold the animal. The procedure should bring positive emotions so that the four-legged friend runs to the owner, so to speak, with a comb in his teeth.

What to do if the puppy growls, runs away and cannot be combed. Then the pet needs to be trained in stages. Place him on your lap and lightly scratch his fur with a massage brush. The procedure should be performed for a few minutes three times a day, carefully so as not to hurt the puppy. After finishing combing, you need to praise the puppy and give a treat so that the puppy gets used to it and is not afraid of the comb.

Gradually increase the time of the procedure, as well as the area of ​​combing. You should start from the back, then you can move to the sides. Treats should also be given during the procedure itself, so that the puppy associates it with getting food for itself. After a week, the pet will get used to it, and it will be possible to brush more complex areas of the body, paws, chest and face. When the puppy learns and stops showing aggression and running away, you don’t need to scratch him every day, two or three times a week is enough.

Before bathing, the Pomeranian Spitz must be thoroughly combed, otherwise the fur will become matted and many tangles will form. The resulting tangles will be impossible to comb without causing pain to the pet and will have to be cut off. To make the orange's rich, shiny coat even more eye-catching, it is recommended to use special shampoos and conditioners designed for thick coats.

For the beauty and shine of the fur, also during the molting period, Pomeranians are given vitamin and mineral complex preparations. But before giving them to your pet, you must consult a veterinarian.

Pomeranians, of course, require proper care not only for their coat. How to care for a Spitz at home? It is worth studying the information on this issue in detail.

Necessary bathing products

Shampoo is chosen from one series.
Before bathing your Spitz, you need to prepare everything that may be required during the procedure.

The minimum bathing kit includes:

  • rubberized mat;
  • shampoo for Spitz or long-haired dogs;
  • deep plastic bowl;
  • soft sponge;
  • microfiber towel;
  • wide-toothed comb, fine-toothed comb and brush;
  • hairdryer

When choosing shampoo, preference is given to hypoallergenic specialized products. Whitening shampoos are suitable for white Japanese and German Spitz dogs. It is also recommended to purchase conditioner and dry shampoo from the same series.

Important! Human hair shampoos are not suitable for washing animals. They can injure the animal's skin and provoke allergic reactions.


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You cannot go outside until you are fully vaccinated. Before the first vaccination, the puppy is given tablets or a suspension against helminths. It is advisable to do this twice with an interval of 10 days.

After the same period of time, the first vaccine is given, containing killed strains of plague, enteritis, hepatitis and parainfluenza viruses. After three weeks, revaccination is carried out with a drug that additionally contains strains of the rabies virus. This vaccination is mandatory by law.

The animal is then vaccinated every year.

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