Character of the Pomeranian Spitz - description, behavior and habits, features of caring for the breed

Description of the breed

Pomeranians are considered by some to be a separate breed, while others are considered a variety of German Spitz. Their appearance and habits are varied, but there is something common in the description:

  • the average height of males is 18-22 cm, weight 1.7-2.3 kg;
  • bitches 15-20 cm high and weighing from 1.5 to 3.2 kg;
  • color has about 12 varieties;
  • are amenable to training and education;
  • can become a friend for the whole family;
  • Mini Pomeranians are playful, active and distrustful of strangers.


Pomeranians differ from other species in size and color. The dog looks strong, compact and harmonious. The body is square, the back is straight, the loin is short. The neck of the Pomeranian Spitz stands high, the withers smoothly flow into the top line. The chest is voluminous. The head is wedge-shaped, the transition to a narrowed muzzle is pronounced. Nose is black. The ears are pointed and located close to each other. The eyes are dark and almond-shaped. The bite is straight, scissor-type. The tail is high, fluffy, thrown over the back. The paws are small, the toes are collected, the claws are black.


It is the orange's fur that is its calling card. The undercoat is thick and soft, the hair is long and silky. The hairs stand vertically, creating a voluminous cloud. Short villi are located only on the ears and the outer part of the limbs. The back of the thighs is decorated with fluffy pants, and the neck is decorated with a voluminous collar.

Before the first shedding, the coat may appear erect, ruffled, or flowing easily. Afterwards, the defects disappear and the coat takes on its normal appearance.

Popular colors

The most common Pomeranian colors include orange, white, red, black and brown. In addition to popular colors, other shades of wool are also acceptable:

  • orange – bright orange without dark markings;
  • red – deep red with a light chest;
  • merle – brown background with dark and white splashes;
  • chocolate – from milk to dark;
  • blue – gray with a blue tint;
  • cream – light beige.

How to choose a puppy

Before you decide on a puppy, you need to decide why it is being purchased: as a pet, a competition participant, or for breeding. Depending on this, the breeder will select an option with the desired appearance.

There are many differences between males and females: both in temperament and appearance. Boys are always more impressive, but they are more difficult to train, they can mark their territory and cause trouble. The girls are easygoing, calm, but do not have bright external features.

Despite the fact that you can pick up a puppy from its mother as early as 1.3-2 months, some dog breeders prefer to buy adult pets. Firstly, the animals begin to form, their external data is visible. Secondly, they are already vaccinated, accustomed to walks and a litter tray, and have begun to undergo a socialization course. But such grown-up puppies may not accept a new owner.

Before buying, it is important to talk with the breeder, find out all the aspects in the rules of keeping, how the puppy was fed and walked in the kennel . Children must have documents and passports, and perhaps receive their first vaccination. The nursery will warn you about vaccination and offer the correct schedule.

The club may refuse to sell if it considers the potential owner incapable of caring for, raising and maintaining a dog. Typically, the conditions are posted on the nurseries' web pages.

Furballs always look clean and active if they are healthy. They are quite inquisitive, so they will definitely pay attention to the buyer. It is worth choosing the one who will show the greatest interest and will be drawn to the future owner.

How much does a Pomeranian cost?

The cost of the Pomeranz will depend on its intended class. Puppies are not given a classification immediately after birth, but the breeder can make assumptions about the dog's future career. It depends on the external data of the baby, the status of his parents, and congenital characteristics.

There are 3 classes:

  • Pet class (puppies with insufficiently good appearance, having slight deviations from the standard, which does not prevent them from being good pets);
  • Breeding class (animals suitable for further breeding fully comply with the standard);
  • Show class (show dogs whose parents were winners or prize-winners of competitions).

Without a pedigree and documents, a puppy can be bought for 19,000-20,000 rubles . Pet class - up to 32,000 thousand , breed class - up to 60,000 rubles , show class - up to 170,000 rubles .

Nurseries in Russia

  • Nursery of Pomeranian Spitz in Moscow “Starpom” -;
  • Nursery in Moscow and Gelendzhik “From the Lagoon of Dreams” –;
  • Bear-type Spitz nursery in Moscow “Spitz and Co” -;
  • Multi-breed nursery in Yekaterinburg “Ot Panda Sharm” -;
  • Kennel “Flying Spitz”, Moscow –

Since the breed is widespread throughout the world, dogs can be purchased almost anywhere on the planet . Some nurseries have become famous thanks to their star pets, others remain in the shadows, but do not have a bad reputation.

  • Nursery in the USA “Jan-Shar” –;
  • Nursery in the Czech Republic “Lvi domov” –;
  • Nursery in France “Club Francais du Spitz” –

Features of the character and temperament of the orange

Behind the pretty appearance of the Pomeranian lies a brave dog, ready for any surprises. The Spitz is courageous, willful and is not at all a toy dog, spending most of its life on the sofa or in the arms of its owners. He has an abundance of energy, so it is necessary to splash it out during walks, and not in the house.


According to the description of dog handlers, Pomeranian Spitz females are kinder than males. They are soft and flexible, love to be the center of attention, and cannot stand competitors. During training and education, girls Pomeranians are more diligent and learn commands faster. They cannot stand loneliness and become very attached to their owner and all family members.


Male Pomeranians look much brighter and more impressive than females. Their character is more stubborn, their temperament is stormy. Brave miniature boys are not only able to defend themselves, but also rush at larger and more serious opponents. If the owner shows the slightest weakness, the dog can begin to dominate and subjugate him to his will.

Varieties: description and photo

All representatives of the breed have a similar character, but their appearance is quite varied, as are their habits.

Description of the Pomeranian Spitz breed

Pomeranians are bred artificially and, unlike the German, are purely decorative pets.

Dog in the forest

The Pomeranian Spitz has a very flexible character. If you want to have a “toy” pet that needs to be groomed and cherished, carried in your arms and constantly hugged, then this subspecies will be an excellent option.

The main feature of the Pomeranian breed is its love for the attention of others. They simply love to be in the center of the action and entertain their owners in the most unimaginable ways. Representatives of this type differ:

  • self-confidence;
  • energy;
  • cockiness;
  • friendliness.

They have a habit of not only demanding attention from their owner, but also being jealous of their owner towards others. One can only envy the energy of children, but their behavior requires adjustment of habits and appropriate education, as well as training.



Unlike the Pomeranian, you can give the Japanese Spitz the characteristic of being an intellectual. This subspecies was selected specifically as a companion. Yes, he is as energetic and perky as other types, but the main feature is a restrained temperament.

The main feature of the snow-white pet is that it is not prone to loud barking. In Japan it is referred to as the "silent Asian Spitz".

These dogs are extremely clean and groom themselves like cats. There is practically no need to care for the wool, which is a definite plus, because it practically does not get dirty due to the structure of the guard hair. Even in rainy weather there is no characteristic dog smell.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their hard work, cheerfulness and passion. They learn quickly, which is why they take part in sports such as agility.



Dog handlers from different countries have certain differences in the classification of Spitz breeds. When we talk about Germans, we mean a naturally bred European species.

These dogs were excellent shepherds and guards, which affected the character of their modern counterparts. They are unpretentious in maintenance, care and feeding. They have excellent health, because they have practically no breed diseases.

The character is balanced, distrust of people is not very pronounced. Psychologically, they seem more mature than Pomeranians, who remain puppies until old age.


Behavior and habits of the Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranians are highly inventive. Without training, they show tricks and repeat them if the owner has a favorable attitude towards such pranks. Dogs enjoy swimming, “diving” into snowdrifts in winter, and into fallen leaves in the fall. They stand up well to traveling by car and sit comfortably in a carrier or backpack. A prerequisite is that the owner is nearby.

It is not in the nature of Pomeranians to lie on the sofa; they need movement. That is why, even standing still, they move their paws funny. Despite their miniature size, they are noisy - they love to bark at every dog, despite different weight categories. Dominance is built into the Pomeranian's psyche, so from a very young age he is given the opportunity to understand who is in charge in tandem with a person.

Brief history of appearance

The Spitz is a miniature dog breed with a calm character.
The Spitz is a German breed. They first appeared in the northern province of Germany - Pomerania. It is because of this that the dog got its name - Pomeranian Spitz. It is worth noting that his ancestors were not always very small. Only in the second half of the 19th century did English dog breeders begin to reduce the size of Spitz dogs. They managed to create a unique breed that has survived to this day.

Looking at the success of the British, breeders from other European countries also began to modify dogs.
By the beginning of the 20th century, this breed began to be found everywhere not only in European countries, but also in America. Additional Information! It was after their appearance in America that the popularity of dogs began to increase significantly.

Caring for a puppy and an adult dog

Caring for Pomeranians is not much different from caring for other breeds. They need:

  1. Regular hygiene procedures - care for hair, ears, eyes, teeth, claws.
  2. Proper feeding – balanced nutrition according to age.
  3. Walks – at least twice a day for 1-1.5 hours.
  4. Taking care of your health - timely vaccination, treatment for helminths, fleas and ticks, regular preventive examinations at the veterinary clinic.

Diseases and life expectancy

With proper care, the life expectancy of a Spitz is 14 years. There are several diseases characteristic of the breed:

  • dental diseases – malocclusion, tartar;
  • diseases of bones and joints - subluxation of the knee joint, weak paw ligaments, fractures and bruises;
  • pathologies of the digestive system - obesity, dysbacteriosis;
  • eye diseases - tearing;
  • cough;
  • nanism – the dog stops growing (growth hormone is not produced).

All problems can be avoided if you regularly take your pet to the veterinarian.

Raising and training a Pomeranian

To properly raise and train a puppy, it needs to be socialized as early as possible - taken to crowded places, taken with you on public transport. The dog is clearly explained what can be done and what absolutely cannot be done. The owner insists on his own, without deviating from the demands made.

Training begins as early as possible - commands are given in a calm but decisive voice, avoiding shouting. The Pomeranian Spitz must be trained to use a tray, follow basic commands, and walk on a leash.

How does it change with age?


Puppies are usually taken from breeders at around 3 months of age. This is no accident. At this age, Spitz puppies are in the so-called “imprinting phase” (4 – 7 weeks). They actively learn about the world around them and acquire skills that will likely remain with them for the rest of their lives. Having met the future owner during this period, the dog fits him into his picture of the world.

  • Week 8-12 – Socialization phase. A very important stage of growing up. Relationships are formed between the dog and the owner, other family members and pets, if any.

  • Weeks 13-16 – Phase of defining social roles. This is where the Spitz can try to “bend” the owner and other household members. He has begun a “transitional age”; he is fighting for leadership and independence. During this period, it is especially important to be very consistent in the requirements for the dog, to ensure compliance with established rules and obedience.
  • 5-6 month. The phase of establishing hierarchical order. The trends of the past period are even stronger. A teenage Spitz requires a lot of attention and firmness from its owner.
  • 7-9 months – puberty. The bitches are in their first heat, and the males begin to mark their territory. This is not yet adulthood, it’s too early for the first mating. Experts recommend breeding dogs of this breed from the age of 12 months for males and from 15 months for females.

Adult dogs

Mature Spitzes become more balanced and perceive temporary loneliness more calmly. With proper upbringing, they stop showing bad habits and reveal themselves in all their charm.


The first signs of aging appear by age 7. However, this is more about health. Aging has virtually no effect on the character of Spitz dogs.

Spitz can be lively, active and active until a very old age, and they live longer than large dogs. Some even up to 20 years old.

Attitude towards people

Most owners of Pomeranians speak of them as good-natured, intelligent, perky animals, with whom life is full of joy and good humor. But not all representatives of the dwarf breed are treated equally equally.

To the owner and family members

Pomeranians are capable of limitlessly loving their owner - protecting and warning of danger, greeting them with strong positive emotions, and tirelessly accompanying them everywhere. They perfectly feel the mood of a loved one on an intuitive level and adapt to it. The dog happily goes for a morning walk if the owner is a “morning person” and does not bother him if he likes to sleep longer.

Difficulties often arise in families with children; careless handling during play can easily cause injury to the puppy. He will endure the insult, but he will retain in his memory a good, trusting relationship with the child. For this reason, experts recommend getting Pomeranians if there are children over 12 years old in the family.

To strangers

Treating strangers with distrust is in the blood of Pomeranians. With their ringing bark they announce their approach. If the dog is trained and socialized, the reaction is adequate, the owner can calm it down with a command. It should be remembered that representatives of the decorative breed are desperate and brave; in self-defense they can bite if strangers make them angry and pester them.

To other animals

In the house, the Pomeranian Spitz easily gets along with other animals. An adult dog may become jealous of the new pet and grumble about it. To maintain peace, it is necessary to distribute your attention evenly to all wards.

On the street he often gets into fights with larger dogs, so he needs to be kept under supervision.



All Spitz owners note their passion for loud barking.

This habit must be fought from the very first day the dog appears in the house, otherwise it can become a real problem.


These dogs have pronounced leadership qualities. They are fearless, and do not take their small size into account too much. They are capable of attacking a dog much larger than themselves and getting hurt.


Yes, on the one hand, intelligence and well-developed empathy help Spitz dogs quickly learn commands and be good to others, but on the other hand, these same qualities make them subtle manipulators. If you give up some slack in raising this dog, he will take the position of master of the house.


Spitz dogs are extremely wary of strangers. This can cause problems with guests coming into the house. If you do not initially teach your dog to behave calmly around strangers, the pet may attack people and even bite.

All the shortcomings of the breed are easily corrected by proper and timely education. This list simply draws attention to areas that require special attention when training.

Who is the Pomeranian suitable for?

A Pomeranian cannot live without the attention of its owner, so busy people should not get one. The dog becomes an excellent companion for those who love active recreation. You can go on a hike or trip with it. Thanks to its luxurious coat, the dog easily adapts to any climatic conditions. The owner must have enough time to educate him so that the charming puppy does not grow into a naughty and wayward brat.

Character Advantages

Loyalty is one of the advantages of dogs.
Pomeranian dogs have a rather calm character. Among the advantages of character are:

  • Cheerfulness and activity. Many people who have such dogs note that they are very active and cheerful. Because of this, they do not tolerate loneliness well.
  • Learning ability. Speaking about the characteristics and merits of the character of a Spitz dog, one cannot fail to mention its trainability and intelligence. Such dogs are very obedient and smart, they absorb information well. They quickly learn basic commands and tricks.
  • Sociability. This is one of the main advantages. Spitz are very socialized dogs and do not like to be alone for a long time. Therefore, they are ideal for keeping with other pets.
  • Loyalty. Spitz are considered very loyal dogs that never betray their owner.


Thanks to its upright coat, the Spitz appears very fluffy, and its interesting color makes it incredibly attractive and unusual. By the way, the true color of the fur appears only after six months of the dog’s life. The main colors are as follows:

  • White;
  • Orange;
  • Cream;
  • Sable;
  • Black;
  • Brown;
  • Blue.

Often the shades are mixed - unusual, unique colors are obtained, so each Spitz has an individual color with spots or streaks.

Mating, pregnancy and childbirth

Pomeranian females bleed twice a year. You can tie it the same number of times, but it’s better if it doesn’t happen every year. Never breed a bitch that is weak, sick or obese.

Pregnancy lasts, as in dogs of other breeds, about 2 months (63 ± 4 days). Whelping that begins before day 57 usually ends with the birth of dead or non-viable puppies. Protect the pregnant bitch from jumping, hitting, fighting with dogs, and hypothermia. During gestation, the bitch's immunity decreases; make sure that she doesn’t get sick, doesn’t get poisoned, and eats well.

The course of pregnancy in a Pomeranian Spitz.

Duration, weekSigns
1-3no external signs or changes in behavior
3-4toxicosis, irritability, whims in eating
5-6the belly grows, the nipples become pink, discharge from the loop is possible
7-8mood swings: from overly friendly to unreasonably aggressive, the bitch is preparing a “nest”, she produces milk (colostrum)
9temperature changes, a few days before giving birth the temperature drops sharply

The small (dwarf) size of the bitch can lead to a difficult birth; you should have the phone numbers of veterinary specialists ready who can perform a caesarean section. The first puppy of the litter is born painfully (the dog whines or moans), the subsequent ones are not. After giving birth, allow the bitch to eat one afterbirth; if there are many puppies, then two, no more. Save the rest in water and give them to mommy later. Placental tissue will increase the animal's immunity.

Free the muzzles of newborn puppies from the amniotic sac, hold them upside down so that fluid comes out of the respiratory tract, and clear mucus from the nose and mouth with a clean napkin. Do not let the bitch chew the umbilical cord for a long time so that it does not injure the puppy. A healthy newborn puppy squeaks and spins.

Pomeranian litters are small in number: the norm is 1-3 puppies, a great rarity is 4. Large one-dimensional puppies are obtained only from a pair of approximately the same weight, for example, a male 2.2 kg and a female 2.5 kg. If the father is much smaller than the mother, there will be many puppies, but small ones of different sizes.

Pros and cons of the breed

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed:

Luxurious appearanceBarks loudly
Great with childrenHigh price
Adapts to your mood (won't get boring)Brittle Bones

Some owners consider the puppy's courage and bravery to be a disadvantage, since he fights with large breeds, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Where to buy and price

It is advisable to buy a puppy from a nursery. This way you can get a completely healthy, purebred baby with all the necessary documents. In addition, in the nursery you can get professional advice on the care and education of your dog. The most popular nurseries are Pushar in Moscow, Fire Fox in Kaluga, Winvels in St. Petersburg. The price depends on the class: pet from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles, breed – from 70,000, show from 100,000 rubles.

Thanks to its playful and friendly disposition, the German Spitz will become a real pet and friend. Although it requires attention, if the owner is in a depressed mood, the pet will not bother.

Keeping a German Spitz at home

These pets have a fairly friendly character, and the dog detects any changes in the mood of both the owner and the rest of the family.

A Spitz, without speaking, can stay close to its owner for a long time if he is resting. This breed is especially popular among children, since the dog is more like a soft toy that you want to pick up and play with. To avoid any problems, children must be taught how to properly handle such a pet: do not pull the tail, do not grab the limbs, etc.

German Spitz are quite easy to train, which indicates their high level of intelligence. They easily master not only basic commands, but also various tricks. The training process should not be accompanied by screaming or punishment, as this can disrupt the psyche of the pet.

These are sociable and inquisitive animals that are able to find a common language with any pets, although it is known how wary cats are towards dogs and vice versa.

Important Rules

In the process of training and education, experienced owners adhere to strict conditions:

  1. They do not beat the dog, do not humiliate or scold it. Spitz feel emotions and feelings. From a bad attitude they develop aggression and apathy.
  2. For following commands, they are rewarded immediately, otherwise the puppy may not understand why he is being rewarded.
  3. For successful implementation, follow the sequence. Do not learn more than two or three commands in 7 days.
  4. Work with your pet every day. The first training sessions last 10-15 minutes. Increase the time gradually.

Why is training necessary?

Dogs are different from people. By nature they have no manners. Therefore, what seems inappropriate for people is in the order of things for them.

Benefits of training:

  • during training sessions, the owner trains the pet to behave correctly among people and similar brethren;
  • training develops a set of basic manners that help the dog exist in a social environment;
  • in the process of training, a strong bond is created between the pet and the owner;
  • learning commands helps develop the dog’s intelligence and abilities;
  • there is no need to lock your Pomeranian in a separate room when guests come to the house. He enjoys participating in events and games;
  • training bonds the puppy to the home.

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