Combs for caring for Spitz hair during and after shedding

Rules of care

The incredibly cute and funny appearance of Pomeranians should not mislead a person. Caring for a puppy requires serious and responsible care. Every owner who wishes their pet a long and happy life must pay attention to many nuances, taking into account the characteristics of the breed.

This is interesting: Features of training Pomeranians at home

Necessary procedures

It is important to understand that Spitz fur is their pride and calling card. It needs to be combed and cut regularly. At the same time, do not forget about cleaning your ears, eyes, teeth, and trimming your nails. Bathing a pet is an integral part that affects its appearance. You also need to follow the vaccination schedule and regularly consult your veterinarian.

This is interesting: How to trim a Spitz yourself at home


It is common for small dogs with long hair to have bulging eyes that often run. The reason lies in dust or fur getting into them during active games. Any discharge that appears is removed with a cotton swab or napkin moistened with boiled water at room temperature. You can clean your eyes with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. If the discharge has become purulent, the Pomeranian should be shown to a veterinarian.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Eye care should be done daily. To avoid colds and chapping, you should not walk your pet immediately after the procedure.


Spitz teeth are quite vulnerable. For this reason, regular care for them is mandatory. To clean them, you need a special paste for dogs and a brush. The use of gauze is allowed. The owner's hands should be washed well. Apply a small amount of paste to a brush moistened with water, move the Spitz’s lips and brush the teeth. Strong pressure is not required. The procedure time is increased gradually. It is enough to do it two to three times a week.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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To maintain healthy teeth in your dog, it is recommended to remove accumulated plaque from its teeth weekly and give it special toys and bones.


Proper care of a Spitz's luxurious coat is the key to its luxurious appearance. Brushing is carried out at least twice a week. It is not recommended to do this daily, otherwise you can completely deprive your pet of its undercoat. The exception is shedding, which occurs intensively during coat change in puppies and in bitches who have given birth. During this period, brushing is carried out daily. To do this, use a slicker to prevent the formation of tangles.

You can make the process easier using a special spray. Then a regular comb is used, which makes the Spitz's coat voluminous.


The frequency of trimming your pet's nails depends on the time of year. In summer they are partially worn down on the asphalt. During this period, they are trimmed approximately once every two weeks. In winter, grinding does not occur, so treatment is carried out more often. It is best to carry out the procedure on a well-lit table.

Interesting article: Trimming a dog’s nails at home: how often to trim and at what age

It requires:

  • dog nail clipper;
  • peroxide, potassium permanganate;
  • cotton buds.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Owners of dark-colored Spitz dogs should be especially careful. In such dogs the pulp is darker, so it is sometimes much more difficult to determine its border.

To make the claws appear, you need to gently press on the pad of the paw. The keratinized part is trimmed without touching the pulp - the area with blood vessels and nerves. To see it better, the pet should be turned on its back. If the pulp is damaged, blood will appear. In this case, the wound should be treated with peroxide and then potassium permanganate. The damaged claw should not be wetted for 2 days. Over time, the procedure will not be so difficult, since the pulp tends to shift.

After trimming the claws, they are lightly treated with a file. To help your pet get used to the procedure faster, you can reward him with his favorite treat.


Caring for the ears of a Spitz will not cause any trouble for the owner. But it must be carried out regularly. The breed is not prone to ear diseases. For the procedure, use regular cotton pads soaked in a special lotion for dogs. You can also clean your ears with a cotton swab. It is enough to carry out the procedure once or twice a week. In addition, after bathing you need to pluck the hair inside the ear; this is absolutely painless for your pet.

Healthy Spitz ears are pink and clean. If the owner notices that discharge has appeared, it has changed color, or the dog is shaking its head, a veterinarian’s consultation is necessary, as these symptoms indicate the development of the disease.

A haircut

Caring for your Pomeranian includes hair trimming. Its thickness allows you to radically transform the appearance of your pet. You can make a little fox, a bear cub or even a lion cub from it. However, you need to understand that the standard does not provide for drastic haircuts. It is enough just to regularly trim the protruding hairs to maintain the neat appearance of the dog and give it the desired shape. If the owner does not plan to build a show career for the Spitz, then there are no obstacles to any changes.

This is interesting: The main distinctive features of the Pomeranian and German Spitz

Haircut procedure:

  1. Remove excess hair from ears. They should become round and neat.
  2. Decorate the collar and frill. Here you need to be careful not to cut off too much, as these are integral parts of the dog’s appearance. They should take a spherical shape.
  3. Trim the fur all over the body.
  4. Get your paws in order. Give them a round, “cat” shape. It is also necessary to remove overgrown hair between the pads.
  5. Trim the tail with scissors. Trim the fur around its base and above it. This will make it easier for the Spitz to lay its tail over its back.

During grooming, the dog must be constantly combed in order to see the protruding hairs. For the procedure you will need the following tools:

  • three types of scissors: with blunt tips, small sharp, thinning;
  • combs: wide-toothed and massage.

It is better to entrust the first haircut to an experienced groomer. In the future, the owner will be able to conduct it independently in the home conditions familiar to the pet.


Bathing is an important element of dog care. But water treatments for a Spitz are necessary no more than once a month. After walks, your pet just needs to wipe his paws. During shedding, bathing is not recommended - the fur may begin to curl, fall out even more, and the animal will take on an unkempt appearance.

When washing, you must use a specialized shampoo for dogs with long hair. It is diluted with water to facilitate application. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • the puppy is placed in the bath, the fur is wetted;
  • diluted shampoo is applied and washed on it;
  • the fur is washed with massage movements;
  • thoroughly rinse the dog’s hair with water without strong jet pressure;
  • the procedure is repeated again.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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When washing your dog, you can put pieces of cotton wool in its ears. This will make the procedure much easier and will prevent water from getting into the inner ear.

After washing, the fur is gently wrung out and the dog is wrapped in a towel. During the procedure, water should never get into your pet’s ears.

The Spitz should not be left to dry on its own due to its thick undercoat. To dry his hair, it is recommended to use a warm air dryer. It is better to bathe in the evening, since it is not recommended to walk your pet on the same day to avoid illness.

Spitz haircut

The only acceptable option for cutting a Spitz is the so-called show grooming. That is, lightly trim the guard hair to give the coat a circle shape without affecting the undercoat. Many owners think that the Pomeranian is hot in the summer and needs to be cut. This is absolutely not true.

  • If you remove the guard hair, the undercoat will mat into cotton wool and will not allow air to pass through.
  • The dog's coat creates an air layer and protects the skin from overheating and direct sunlight
  • To improve ventilation, comb the undercoat well.
  • Cooling down of a dog occurs through rapid breathing
  • After swimming in the sea, be sure to wash your dog

Along with a haircut, a Spitz gets a mountain of problems:

  • Lack of cooling in hot weather can lead to heatstroke and sunstroke
  • Felted and unventilated wool
  • Decreased immunity and, as a consequence, skin diseases
  • Alopecia
  • The fur will not grow back evenly, and in some places it may even become completely bald. So you can say goodbye to the beauty of the dog forever


A balanced diet and a clear feeding regimen are a guarantee of good health for your Pomeranian. Dogs of this breed have an excellent appetite and fast metabolism, which is fraught with overeating and weight gain.

Read also: How the Pomeranian Spitz breed appeared

Your pet's food must contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins. The owner can choose natural food or prefer ready-made premium or super-premium food. Of course, they are not cheap. But when using them, you can be sure that the pet receives all the necessary substances and its health is not harmed.

This is interesting: rating of super-premium food in 2022

If the owner chooses natural food, you need to take care of the presence of Spitz in the diet:

  • lean beef;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • porridge without butter and sugar;
  • fermented milk products;
  • vegetables and fruits.

An adult Spitz should be fed 2-3 times a day in small portions. The diet of puppies is different: up to four months - 5 times, from 4 to 6 - 4 times, from six months - 3 times. From eight months, the Spitz is transferred to the diet of an adult dog. Regardless of the type of feeding chosen and the age of the pet, it should always have access to clean water. You need to cook every day to keep the food fresh.

If your Pomeranian refuses to eat or has symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction, this may be a sign of illness. To avoid serious problems, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

How to choose a puppy

When choosing a puppy, you are choosing a breeder. A good breeder gives birth to puppies whose appearance was planned in advance. Manufacturers were carefully selected. The mother ate properly and was protected from stress throughout her pregnancy, and the puppies grow up in clean diapers in almost sterile conditions. They eat premium food and know grooming so that the future owner does not have to suffer while accustoming the baby to a shower and a hair dryer.

This is the kind of breeder you need to look for and from his stock choose the most suitable fluffy for yourself.

What is prohibited

The list of foods prohibited for Spitz is similar to those for other breeds. The first thing to remember is that it is strictly forbidden to feed your pet food from the table. Many owners cannot resist the dog’s charm and every now and then throw him a piece of their food. Fatty, fried, spicy, floury, salty and sweet foods are taboo for the Spitz. Also prohibited:

  • legumes;
  • potato;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • pork and lamb;
  • semi-finished products.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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One of a dog's favorite things to do is chew on a bone. But under no circumstances should you give bird bones. Most of them are tubular. Their fragments can seriously damage a pet’s gastrointestinal tract.

Food allergies

For dogs with allergies, many manufacturers have produced hypoallergenic food.

A Spitz can be allergic to any product. This often happens when switching from natural to ready-made food or vice versa. But a product familiar to a dog’s diet can also become an allergen. The first symptoms are scratching of the pet, lacrimation, and stool disturbances. If they appear, the Spitz should be given an antihistamine and taken to a specialist. The veterinarian will be able to reliably determine the cause of the allergy and prescribe the correct treatment.

Tray training

The Spitz usually relieves itself during walks, but it also needs to be trained to use the toilet at home. An ordinary plastic tray, the bottom of which is covered with disposable diapers, is quite suitable for this.

This is interesting: How to teach a Pomeranian to go to the toilet in a diaper

Training must begin from the very first day the puppy appears in the house. As soon as the Spitz wants to relieve itself, it will begin to sniff corners. At this moment, he is carefully transferred to the tray and care is taken that he does not escape. This must be done until the owner is firmly convinced that the puppy has remembered the lesson. The main thing is to show persistence and patience.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It would be a good idea to purchase antigasin in case the Spitz did go to the toilet in the wrong place. Under no circumstances should you scold him for this, much less beat him. Otherwise, the puppy will experience stress and next time relieve itself in a place secret from the owner.

Education and training

The Spitz is a very funny, cheerful and playful dog that you can’t help but fall in love with. The smart dog senses universal love and cleverly manipulates people. Indulging in his pampering and feeding him from the table can lead to big problems with obedience in the future.

It is important to know that Spitz:

  • Despite their small size they like to dominate;
  • They can be excellent watchdogs;
  • They are extremely sociable and always ready to learn something new.

The faster your pet recognizes your authority, the faster and more productive the training results will be. From the first day you meet, the dog must respect subordination. It is clear that it is difficult to resist the charm of such a handsome man, and the owner wants to pamper him and forgive minor offenses. However, if the Spitz feels its power over people, then it will not voluntarily give up its primacy to anyone. Only a professional dog handler can correct the manners of an adult dog who considers himself a leader. To prevent this state of affairs, it is necessary to regularly engage in education, starting from puppyhood.

An important stage in the growth process of any puppy is its socialization. So that the dog is not afraid of the world around him, he must be taken outside the apartment as often as possible. Go with him for a walk, shopping, or visit friends. Take with you a carrier bag where you can put your baby if he gets tired. During walks, a fully vaccinated puppy can be introduced to other dogs, allowing him to play with friendly ones.

The second important task of the owner will be to indicate to the pet the boundaries of what is permitted and to teach the “no” command. Moreover, it is very important to be consistent in your prohibitions, otherwise, sensing weakness, the dog will begin to manipulate you.

Tray training is the next stage of education.

The process is not fast, so you need to be patient. Following consistent steps will help you achieve success faster.

  • If there are carpets on the floor, then you need to get rid of them for a while. In the rooms where the puppy is allowed, put several diapers for the toilet.
  • Don’t scold your child if he misses and goes the wrong way. But if he has done his business in the diaper, you need to reward him with a treat or stroking. However, praise should be immediately after the action so that the puppy understands why he was rewarded.
  • When the puppy has established the concept that a diaper is a toilet, you can gradually remove the excess ones.


Spitz are very active dogs; walks are essential for them. They should not be canceled under any weather conditions, with the exception of thunderstorms or storms. The pet is taken outside only after all vaccinations.

Getting used to walking is gradual. You need to start with 10-15 minutes, choosing a quiet place. Subsequently, the time is increased depending on the behavior and mood of the dog. An adult Spitz needs to walk at least twice a day for an hour and a half at the same time. The pet is gradually accustomed to a leash and collar. To begin with, they are worn at home. They begin to fasten the leash when the Spitz gets used to wearing a collar.

Walking allows the dog to keep himself in good shape, throw out accumulated energy, and learn to communicate with animals and people.

Dressing up a handsome Spitz is a pleasure for the owner. However, don't get too carried away. Heat exchange in the breed is intense; warm clothing can cause overheating. Things like thick overalls or a jacket should only be used in severe frosts. The rest of the time they are not needed.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It will be useful to purchase a light raincoat. The Spitz's coat gets dirty quickly, but it should not be bathed often. Therefore, such clothes in your pet’s wardrobe will not allow him to get dirty while walking in inclement weather.

Summer overalls are good because when using them, the owner does not have to comb out debris and thorns from the pet’s fur every time. Such items should be light, preferably made of thin knitwear. For the summer, it is worth purchasing a hat, this will protect your Pomeranian from heat stroke.

Dog shoes protect his paws from the cold in winter. In addition, at this time, roads are often sprinkled with reagents that can cause irritation, inflammation, and allergies. Cute boots will not only visually decorate your Spitz, but will also protect its paws from various problems and injuries.

When choosing clothes and shoes for a pet, they are guided by two rules. Firstly, they must be suitable in size for the dog so that its movements are not constrained. Secondly, there is no need to go too far. Constantly wearing clothes can cause stress in a Spitz and decrease activity due to discomfort.

Feeding Pomeranians

Food is a building material, a source of energy and just pleasure. Properly selected nutrition ensures the harmonious development of the skeleton, muscles and brain of the Pomeranian Spitz, complements the care and proper maintenance. Therefore, responsible owners take the choice of food and menu preparation very seriously.

Rules for feeding a Spitz puppy

A two-month-old Pomeranian should eat 5-6 times a day. When changing your place of residence, it is very important not to radically change your diet, but to do it gradually. At this age, they are often fed natural food.

Feeding standards for Pomeranian Spitz puppies are given in the table.

AgeNumber of feedingsNorm of products, g/day
2 months5–6Meat - up to 60
Cereals - up to 30

Fermented milk - up to 30

Vegetables - up to 30

3 months4–5Meat, eggs, fish - up to 80
Cereals - up to 40

Fermented milk - up to 40

Vegetables - up to 40

4 months3–4Meat, eggs, fish - up to 100
Cereals - up to 50

Vegetables - up to 50

Fermented milk - up to 50

5 months3Meat, eggs, fish - up to 110
Cereals - up to 50

Vegetables up to 50

Fermented milk - up to 60

8 months2–3Meat/offal, fish up to 120
Cereals - up to 55

Vegetables - up to 50

Fermented milk - up to 60

12 months2Meat, offal, eggs, fish – up to 120
Cereals - up to 60

Vegetables, fruits - up to 60

Fermented milk - up to 60

Adults2Like at 12 months.

Puppies receive cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal) in the form of porridges with milk or broth. It is recommended to freeze boneless meat (beef, turkey, rabbit, chicken, liver) well and serve it raw (at room temperature) in small pieces. Minced meat is also not subjected to heat treatment, but is mixed well with porridge or vegetables. Eggs are added to the still hot porridge or boiled and chopped.

The food norm is divided by the number of meals by age. Some of the meat and fruit are used during walks as a reward in the learning process.

Vitamins and mineral supplements for Pomeranians

Pomeranians that eat natural food need periodic enrichment of their diet.

In winter, it is recommended to give vitamin D (can be replaced with fish oil).

The veterinarian may also recommend other nutritional supplements if the puppy's health requires it.

Prescribing vitamins to your Pomeranian on your own is unacceptable. The harm may outweigh the benefits.

A balanced diet contains all the necessary substances, and a healthy animal receiving age-appropriate care does not need mineral supplements.

Feeding an adult Pomeranian

By the end of the first year of life, the puppy finally switches to the adult feeding regime, two meals a day. From this time on, the Spitz gains strength and builds muscle mass, but does not grow. Therefore, product standards are not increased.

From the first days, the dog is taught to take a night break in feeding. Access to water must be available 24 hours a day.

By this time, if the owners planned this, the Spitz is already switched to dry food.

Natural food alternative for oranges

Not every Pomeranian owner is comfortable creating their pet’s diet on their own. Today this has ceased to be a problem of keeping and is not an obstacle to getting an animal - there is a wide selection of dry and ready-made (wet) nutritional mixtures on sale. This type of food contains a full range of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, successfully replacing homemade food.

Since these foods have a long shelf life, most dog breeders purchase them for future use in large quantities at wholesale sites. This approach is justified and significantly saves the budget, but only if the dog is already accustomed to this type of food and tolerates it well.

Only premium and elite-class food is suitable for Pomeranians. This reduces the likelihood of allergies, to which Pomeranians are genetically predisposed due to purebred breeding. You should also be very careful about the feeding standards and rules recommended in the instructions on the packaging, and do not exceed them.

They are introduced to a new type of food very gradually, starting with a quarter of a serving. The complete transition is carried out within a week. And make supplies no earlier than after a month of successful feeding.

Food allergies in Pomeranians

Pomeranians are prone to allergic reactions, including to food. It can manifest itself in different ways; the owner’s care will help to notice the first manifestations of the disease. They are as follows:

  • indigestion - most often loose stools (single or repeated), bloating, less often - constipation, belching, vomiting;
  • catarrhal phenomena - drooling, dry or wet cough;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes - redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, nasal discharge;
  • itching - the dog scratches its nose, eyes, ears;
  • epidermal reactions - rash, dry or weeping areas on the skin;
  • changes in behavior associated with physical suffering - restlessness, whining, sleep disturbance, lethargy.

Even one of these phenomena is a serious reason to reconsider the diet of the Pomeranian Spitz.

Prohibited Products

To avoid problems in the life of the Pomeranian Spitz, conscious owners do not offer their pets:

  • sweets;
  • spicy and salty foods, smoked foods;
  • semolina, pearl barley, corn grits;
  • yeast baked goods;
  • poultry bones;
  • fatty foods;
  • raw river fish;
  • alcohol.

Consumption of these products even in minimal quantities can lead to serious, even irreparable consequences.


Pomeranians are big fans of entertainment and fun. Each dog has an individual character, so they like different toys. They come in several types. Some are intended for the street, for example, flying saucers, rings, so that the dog can run around to his heart's content.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is worth noting that you should not let your Spitz chew sticks, as the wood chips can clog the stomach and damage it.

Other toys are used at home. They are divided into edible and inedible. The first type can not only entertain the Spitz, but also prevent the appearance of plaque and tartar on the teeth. Such toys are made from offal (ears, paws, legs), they are absolutely safe, and attract the dog with their taste and smell. The choice of inedible toys is much wider. They have different shapes and sizes. Most of all, Pomeranians love balls that can be bitten and chewed.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The owner should not buy a lot of toys. Dogs are not much different from children, so their abundance can lead to the fact that they all get bored quickly.

The need for vitamin therapy

Pay attention to your pet's nutrition. There is a need for the use of vitamin-mineral complexes. Veterinary pharmacies offer a wide range of medications that help improve coat.

When using natural feeding, it is recommended to increase the amount of protein foods. Protein improves and strengthens hair and gives shine to the coat. You can add more lean meat, boiled beef liver or chicken hearts.

There is an urgent need for vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as zinc, manganese and sulfur. The packaging of each drug contains instructions according to which it must be used.

Vitamin complexes are divided into several types. Some are aimed at preventing hair loss and skin diseases, while others treat diseases.

Retinol is responsible for active hair regeneration. Sea fish and liver contain large amounts of this vitamin. The source of carotene for carnivores is meat products.

Biotin and vitamin H promote rapid growth.

This combination regulates the metabolism of fats and proteins, and also synthesizes collagen fibers. It is important to add vitamin D when preparing food, which promotes better absorption of calcium.


Vaccination is a mandatory procedure. Dogs are susceptible to dangerous infections, some of which are fatal. A newborn puppy is protected by maternal antibodies. At two months the first distemper vaccination is given. Revaccination is carried out after 2 weeks. At 6 months, Pomeranians change their teeth, at which time they are again vaccinated against distemper, as well as against hepatitis, enteritis, and adenovirus. The Spitz is revaccinated every year. In the future, vaccinations are repeated annually.

Before the first vaccinations, the pet should not be taken outside, as it is absolutely defenseless against infections. In the future, after vaccination, a two-week quarantine must be observed.

Vaccination is carried out if the dog is absolutely healthy, otherwise it is better to postpone it. 5 days before vaccination it is necessary to carry out deworming. The dog must have a veterinary passport, in which the doctor marks the administered vaccines.

Prevention of parasites

All parasites that infect domestic animals are divided into two types:

  1. Internal - worms.
  2. External – fleas, ticks.

The best way to protect against these scourges is prevention. Combing the Spitz is carried out over a white cloth, so you can notice flea damage in time. This is also evidenced by the pet's constant scratching and hair loss. If an infection occurs, you need to buy special products in the form of drops, an aerosol or a collar from a veterinary pharmacy.

Ticks are dangerous parasites that carry serious diseases. During the season of their spread, the dog must be carefully examined after a walk, and drops must be used.

Prevention of worms is also necessary for the Spitz, because they greatly weaken the body. They fight their appearance with deworming three times a year. It is carried out not only on the Pomeranian, but simultaneously on all pets and people.

Features of care during estrus

Estrus is a difficult time for a dog. Every owner should know how to care for a Spitz during this period. Despite the fact that this is not a disease, but a natural state of the pet, it requires special attention.

Basic rules of care during estrus:

  1. You cannot let your dog go for a walk; it is kept on a short leash.
  2. A Spitz can catch a cold easily. To avoid this, you need to ensure there are no drafts, shorten walks in cold weather, do not let the dog lie in the cold, and avoid swimming if possible.
  3. During estrus, it is worth taking a break from participating in exhibitions.
  4. It is recommended to purchase special underwear that protects your Pomeranian from infections.

If the owner notices deviations, it is necessary to show the pet to the veterinarian. You should be wary of:

  • irregular cycles;
  • the interval between them is less than five or more than nine months;
  • estrus lasts less than twelve or more than thirty days;
  • bloody discharge during urination.

Conditions of detention

The versatility of this breed allows dogs to feel comfortable both in a small apartment and in a huge country house.

A Spitz puppy, like a small child, will try to test everything. Therefore, you definitely need to prepare for the arrival of your furry friend:

  1. Remove cords, medications, chemicals and small objects.
  2. Secure all unstable objects.
  3. The trash can is often of particular interest to the dog. Make sure it is out of reach of the animal.
  4. Rid the room of areas that are dangerous for your pet, move the refrigerator and cabinets as close to the walls as possible.
  5. Pay special attention to the balcony; if you store seasonal or unnecessary items there, then keep the door closed.
  6. Features of the content include the prohibition of walking on stairs. Until six months, the dog should not put stress on ligaments and fragile bones. The floor should not be slippery.
  7. Make sure that the puppy does not jump from a height exceeding his height. Often injuries occur as a result of simply jumping off the couch.
  8. The place for the Spitz must be determined and prepared in advance. It is better to place the pet next to you, for example in the bedroom. A small bed with a mattress is suitable for him to sleep.
  9. If your Pomeranian will be left alone at home, then for his safety in your absence, purchase a special enclosure. Place your favorite toys and treats there.

Important Tips

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The floor in the house should not be slippery. It is better to lay any rug or blanket on it. Walking and running of a Spitz on such a surface can disrupt the correct formation of the hind legs. This is especially true for puppies.

The Pomeranian Spitz is a smart dog, but at the same time cunning and wayward. Therefore, the pet is trained and raised so that it does not grow into an aggressive, disobedient individual. Pomeranians learn quickly and remember commands. The main thing for the owner is to be patient, not to give the dog any concessions, and not to allow yourself to yell at the pet.

For greater obedience, the dog is taught simple commands: “sit”, “come to me”, “place”, “lie down”, “no”, etc. This greatly facilitates contact with the Spitz during a walk, protecting him from many dangers.

For correct execution of commands, the owner should praise and encourage the pet; for disobedience, show dissatisfaction. The main thing is that upbringing and training should be easy for the dog and not burdensome for the person.

Pomeranians are simply created to be admired. Proper care of a dwarf Spitz and a sufficient amount of attention is the key to his love and devotion to his owner for many years.

Let's sum it up

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In general, we can say with confidence that the Pomeranian, with proper upbringing and care, has more advantages than disadvantages. This is a brave and devoted decorative dog that will become a faithful friend for both adults and children. With him you will never be bored, and all the time spent together will be filled with positive emotions! Watch a video about representatives of this breed, they will not leave you indifferent.

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