Features of keeping a Pomeranian Spitz in an apartment: grooming, hygiene procedures, walking and training

The Pomeranian is an obedient, kind and cheerful dog. She is distinguished by her curiosity and perky disposition.

In addition, the Spitz has a very beautiful coat and a proportional build.

The Spitz's homeland is Germany. It was here that, as a result of selection, the breed acquired miniature sizes and became exclusively decorative.

The height of the Pomeranian Spitz is 22-30 cm, weight – 2-3 kg, life expectancy – 12-16 years.

Basic rules of care

Rules for caring for a Pomeranian:

  • Give your pet as much attention as possible, do not let him be sad and bored.
  • Teach your dog to regular brushing, 1-2 times a week will be enough. During shedding, the dog is brushed daily, paying special attention to the undercoat.
  • The dog should regularly brush its teeth with dog toothpastes designed to prevent periodontal disease, as Pomeranians are prone to this disease.
  • You should clean your orange's ears at least once a week using a cotton pad and a special lotion.
  • Trim your dog's nails regularly using a special nail clipper. The sooner you teach your baby to this procedure, the better.
  • You should bathe your pet no more than once a month, and it is advisable to use shampoo and conditioner for dogs.
  • Approximately once every six months, the orange is given a hygienic haircut. In this case, the ears, paws, area around the anus and genitals are treated. On the remaining parts of the body, six are simply trimmed to make the dog look neat.
  • Once every six months, the dog should be shown to the veterinarian for preventive purposes.
  • Treatment for fleas, ticks and other parasites is a prerequisite for proper care. The pet also needs to be given anthelmintic drugs regularly (once every 3 months).
  • Vitamin complexes and supplements with microelements must be present in the Spitz’s diet.
  • The dog should be walked daily for 40-60 minutes, at least 2 times a day, since the Spitz needs physical activity and active games.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The most important aspects of caring for a Pomeranian are: coat care, attention and regular check-ups with a veterinarian. The Spitz has a unique coat that needs to be brushed regularly, following certain rules. You should also give the dog as much attention as possible so that he does not become depressed or get sick. The third aspect is regular examination by a doctor in order to prevent various diseases.”

How to wash a Spitz at home

Care and maintenance of small Spitz dogs at home, which are not very labor-intensive, still require close attention. Although Pomeranians do not need frequent washing. Usually, owners resort to this only before exhibitions or if the dog is very dirty. As a rule, to maintain a clean appearance, it is enough to comb the coat in the direction of hair growth and against it, and wipe the paws after a walk. You cannot wash your Spitz during the molting period, as all the fur will become tangled and it will be difficult to comb. This procedure will be very unpleasant for the dog.

Don't forget to thoroughly brush and walk your four-legged friend before washing. No need to feed. Buy a special shampoo for dogs, there are many of them available today. You can choose the most suitable shampoo to care for your pet's coat. If the shampoo is intended for colored dogs, consider this when purchasing the shampoo. Bathing a white-haired dog in shampoo that is intended for dogs with dark hair can negatively affect the pet's appearance. In addition to dog shampoos, there are also conditioners. In almost any pet store you can purchase a special rinse or balm for Pomeranians.

Gently place cotton in your pet's ears before bathing to prevent water from entering the ear canal. The soap should not get into the dog's eyes, as it causes irritation. If this happens, immediately rinse with a sufficiently large volume of running water, not very hot.

The most convenient way to wash Pomeranians is in the bathroom, using a shower with a bendable hose. After thoroughly wetting the fur, apply shampoo diluted with water to the dog’s body using a sponge or pouring directly from the bottle. Run your fingers through the fur to loosen the shampoo. Then rinse thoroughly with water to remove all the shampoo.

Then squeeze out the fur, only carefully so as not to damage it. Let the dog shake itself several times, then dry it with a towel and you can proceed to drying. A powerful hair dryer is most effective for this; there are special ones for dogs. Closely monitor the air flow temperature. If it is too high, keep the hairdryer away from the animal, trying not to burn it or cause painful sensations. A hairdryer with a cold air drying setting is ideal.

The paws, back and sides are dried first. When it comes to the places that are most abundantly covered with hair, for example, the tail or mane, then you will need a comb. Use it to separate the strands and dry them one by one. When you're done, let the dog shake itself a couple more times.

Keeping a Spitz in an apartment during heat requires more care and special treatment. During the period of heat, a female dog needs to be monitored more closely and the rules of hygiene must be observed, although the female dog licks herself. You can and should wash your pet during this period. Only after a bath should the pet not lie on the floor. All the windows were sure to be closed. It is also necessary to change the litter regularly to avoid infections. You can use special panties for dogs.

First days at home - what should you do?

As soon as Pomeranian puppy arrives in your home, do the following:

  • Let your baby get comfortable, get used to it and get to know all the family members.
  • Give your dog a name as quickly as possible and train him to use it.
  • Show the puppy his place and let him know that he needs to sleep there.
  • Develop rules that the puppy must follow, define for him the boundaries of what is permitted and systematically teach him to comply with them.
  • Get your dog used to the litter tray or diaper as early as possible.

Returning from a walk

When you come home, carefully examine your Spitz for wounds, ticks and other pests.
If your puppy gets dirty, rinse his coat with cool water and dry. Be sure to wash all the toys that you took with you for a walk. Remember that a walk affects the psycho-emotional state of the Spitz, so try to give him enough attention both at home and on the street. tags4 months safety training walks socialization

Where should a dog's private place be?

Immediately after the puppy arrives in the house, you should arrange his personal space. After all, a puppy is not just a fluffy bundle of positivity, it is a member of the family. And he has his own needs, desires and characteristics. Therefore, special requirements are placed on the dog’s place.

Firstly, it should be cozy; you cannot place the bed on the aisle or in a draft.

Secondly, the place should be warm, but at the same time it should not be near a radiator or other heat source.

Thirdly, it is very important that the dog has an overview. Do not place the dog area in a far corner or enclosed space.

Rules for walking after vaccination

When to feed your dog: before or after a walk

The first walk with the puppy on the street should leave him with vivid impressions, because it is important that the pet is not afraid to be outside the apartment. For a successful walk, you need to choose the right place. When going out 2 weeks after the vaccine is administered, you should organize a walk in your arms. You cannot let the puppy down to the ground.

A number of rules must also be followed:

  • The day should be sunny and calm.
  • You should choose a quiet place where there is no waste or other animals.
  • The withdrawal time should be no more than 20 minutes.

Before going outside, you need to make sure your pet is feeling well. He should not have lethargy, drowsiness or fever.

Walk in your own area

If the owner has his own plot, fenced from prying eyes, then it will be an ideal option for organizing a walk. The Beagle dog breed will especially like this alternative.

Since puppies are quite curious, before going for a walk you should remove from the area all objects that they can eat. The same should be done with potentially dangerous items. Attention must be paid to the strength of the fence, because while on the site, the baby may want to frolic behind the fence.

Walking outside

Since the street is a public place, a number of rules must be followed:

  • Put a collar and leash on the puppy.
  • If the weather is cool, then wear warm overalls.
  • Watch carefully so that the baby does not pick up any objects from the ground.

Active dogs need to be closely monitored when walking.

How to feed your pet correctly?

When choosing a diet for a Spitz, factors such as age, gender, size, weight, health status and level of physical activity should be taken into account.

The pet's menu must include:

  • Lean meat.
  • Offal (beef, heart, liver, tripe).
  • Boiled eggs (no more than 2 pieces per week).
  • Low-fat sea fish.
  • Cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt.
  • Greens – parsley, dill, spinach.
  • Porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal). In a Spitz's diet, porridge should make up no more than 10%.
  • Fruits (bananas, apples, melons, apricots).
  • Vegetables: carrots, beets, pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini.

As for dry food, it is better to use super premium products designed specifically for Spitz.

Portions should be no more than 3-3.5% of the pet’s weight. So, a dog weighing 3 kg should receive approximately 45 g of food at one time.

An adult dog is fed 2 times a day, morning and evening.


In no case should you feed your pet, as the Spitz has a tendency to obesity, and this is fraught with many diseases.

Here are a couple more tips

Never use a collar or leash to punish your dog; they should be associated only with pleasant emotions from walks in the fresh air and fun games together.

If you are walking on a special training ground, be sure to unfasten the leash in order to avoid unnecessary injuries, because the Spitz’s leash can get caught on a structural element and get injured.

a muzzle just in case , it’s not a fact that you will need it. It can be used when traveling on public transport or as an aid to teaching your Spitz to pick up scraps from the ground.

How often should you go for walks? How long should you walk?

The Pomeranian is walked daily, with the duration of the walk being from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the weather and other factors.

As a rule, people walk longer in the summer and less in the winter. Walking with your Spitz should be done at least 2 times a day. The time interval between walks should be no more than 12 hours.

When can a puppy walk outside without vaccination?

The availability of vaccination directly determines how many months you can walk with your puppy. If the baby has already been separated from his mother, but has not yet been vaccinated, then he is strictly forbidden to communicate with other animals and pick up objects from the ground. These conditions are easily met in the local area of ​​a country house. Before walking, the yard must be thoroughly cleared of debris and hazardous objects.

If you live in the city, take your pet for a walk in your arms. Make sure the weather is warm and dry before heading out. Otherwise, the baby may catch a cold and get sick.

Do you need clothes? Harness or collar?

Even though Spitz dogs have a very thick coat, they still need clothing. Like any decorative breed of dog, the Spitz needs to be dressed in the autumn-winter period. For what? To protect the dog from colds, and also so that the dog gets dirty less.

If you choose between a harness and a leash, most Spitz owners prefer the latter. Because the contact of wool with the harness often leads to the formation of bald patches. But, if the dog is too playful and the walks are long, then a harness may come in handy.

As for the collar, it should be leather, not wide and of high quality. The optimal collar diameter is 3-8 cm.

Walking gear

In the meantime, you have time to understand the issue of choosing a collar .

Properly selected walking equipment will ensure comfort and safety for your Pomeranian outdoors. Walking equipment includes a collar , leash and muzzle if necessary. When choosing, be guided primarily by the safety and reliability of the design.

So, the collar . It must be selected in such a way that the puppy cannot quickly and easily free himself from it by removing it over his head, that is, it must correspond to the size of the dog.

The optimal collar for a Spitz is a smooth, narrow leather cord with a round cross-section that can be fastened with a buckle : it is safe, does not injure the animal and does not wear out the fur. For a dwarf orange, the diameter of the collar should be approximately three to four millimeters.

Many dog ​​breeders also use simple flat leather or nylon collars that look like a belt. For an excellent Spitz coat, metal chains are a big enemy, so their use is only allowed for training and for a very short time.

When returning home from a walk, the collar should always be removed.

As for the leash , its main qualities are strength and lightness; the carabiner should also be comfortable and light. The leash can be made of leather, braid, or nylon. When buying a leash, it is important to choose the right length: it depends on how you plan to walk your dog. If you let your Pomeranian run freely, there is no point in buying a long leash, but if this is not possible, and you will always have to walk your Pomeranian on a leash, then make sure it is of sufficient length (up to 5 meters). Perhaps in this case you will be more comfortable with a roulette leash .

If you have chosen roulette, then the Germans (Flexi classic, Flexi comfort) and Italians have good quality. Roulettes can be in the form of a cable or a tape , the latter is safer for you, but this is a matter of taste. The length of the tape measures can vary from three to eight meters and depends on the weight of the dog. Typically, tape measures indicate the weight - the maximum weight for which the tape measure is designed. The normal length for Spitz dogs is 3 to 5 meters.

It remains to talk about the harness .

A harness is a wide strap that wraps around the dog’s chest and part of the back and replaces a collar. It is not recommended to lead Spitz dogs on a harness: it strongly crushes and wipes the fur and contributes to the formation of tangles.

Round harness

How to toilet train a puppy?

To toilet train your puppy, do the following:

  1. Decide on a place and place the tray or diaper there. To do this correctly, watch your pet. In what places does he defecate most often?
  2. If necessary, place several pallets.
  3. At the initial stage, you will have to observe the puppy’s behavior. What does he do when he wants to go to the toilet? Someone is hiding in a dark place, someone is whining, someone is spinning in one place. Each puppy behaves differently in a given situation. As soon as you notice the characteristic signs, immediately take the puppy to the litter box.
  4. For any successful attempt, praise your pet and give him a treat.

How much does a Spitz dog cost?

redheads - from 55,000 to 80,000 rubles; cream - from 65,000 to 100,000 rubles; snow-white puppies - from 65,000 to 150,000 rubles.

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How to trim claws and when?

To trim your pet's nails you will need:

  • Special nail cutter.
  • File.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and cotton pads (in case there is bleeding).

For the procedure, the dog should be placed on the table and the light should be turned on. Then, you should carefully insert the tip of the claw into the nail clipper and quickly trim it. When all the nails are trimmed, they should be filed with a nail file to prevent cracking.

The dog's nails are trimmed as they grow (about once every 1-2 weeks).


When trimming nails, you need to act quickly, confidently and calmly so that the dog is not afraid or nervous.

Why do puppies need quarantine for the first 2 weeks after vaccination at 3 months?

Is it possible to wash a dog after vaccination: after how long is it allowed?

To protect the life of your pet, after a course of vaccinations, you must comply with quarantine. Animal immunity develops faster against a number of diseases, but protection against leptospirosis and rabies appears only 2 weeks after the course has been completed.

After vaccination, the dog's activity decreases for several days

After vaccination, the dog's behavior must be closely monitored. In the first three days, the dog is characterized by a decrease in activity. Babies may whine in fear. Side effects are also noted:

  • refusal to eat;
  • itching;
  • lethargy;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • increase in temperature.

A veterinarian's consultation is required if your dog behaves in the following ways:

  • The dog itches, chokes, the mucous membrane turns blue. All these are symptoms of anaphylactic shock.
  • The temperature reaches 39 degrees, accompanied by weakness, cramps, vomiting and frustration.

Is quarantine mandatory?

Although it seems that vaccination is a fairly simple procedure, after it the dog’s body becomes weakened. During this period, your pet can contract a number of diseases that can be fatal. This is why quarantine is not only possible, but required.

In this case, it means complete isolation from society. If for an adult dog such restriction from the outside world is not necessary, then for a puppy it is vital.

Rules of conduct for 2 weeks after administration of the vaccine:

  • Limit the puppy's interaction with other animals.
  • Limit contact with objects that may contain viruses (outdoor shoes, etc.).
  • Give up the idea of ​​walking your pet.
  • Avoid water procedures.
  • Do not introduce changes to your usual diet.
  • Reduce physical activity.

Important! During immunization, it is worth asking your veterinarian when the puppy can be taken outside. He will be able to determine the time period if the owner is afraid to make a decision himself, and will tell him when walking will be allowed.

How to properly clean your ears?

The basis of Spitz ear hygiene is the timely removal of dust and dirt.

Before you start cleaning, you should remove hairs from the inside of the ear. Then gently wipe the inside of the ear with a cotton pad soaked in a special lotion.

However, you should not go too deep so as not to injure your pet.

The procedure is performed no more than once a week.


Proper care of orange hair includes 3 components:

  • Combing.
  • Bathing.
  • A haircut.

Brush your Spitz thoroughly and regularly, at least once a week. During shedding, the pet is combed every day using a special slicker brush.

As for haircuts, in principle the dog does not need it. Usually the coat is simply trimmed and parts of the body that need special hygiene are treated.


  • Ears.
  • Paws (space between toes).
  • Anal hole.
  • Genital organs.

The Spitz is washed no more than once a month, using special shampoos and conditioners.

If your dog doesn't like to wash himself, dry shampoo can be a great alternative.

At what age can you walk a puppy?

Many new owners who have no experience with a dog do not know when to walk their puppy. Based on the benefits of walking, some of them naively believe that the first time outside is allowed soon after birth. But in fact, getting to know the outside world too early is very dangerous.

Before vaccinations, the baby is maximally vulnerable to pathogenic microorganisms. It is protected only by rare antibodies inherited from the mother through colostrum. As they grow older, their number constantly decreases, so at 2-2.5 months all pets receive their first vaccination against the most common and dangerous infections.

Quarantine lasts 2-8 weeks, which means that the first exit will take place at 3-4 months of age.

How to bathe and how often should it be done?

You should wash your Pomeranian Spitz no more than once a month, or when it is heavily soiled.

Before bathing, the dog must be thoroughly combed and calmed.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to cover the ear canals with cotton wool to prevent water from getting in there.

There should be a little bath water so that the dog feels comfortable, the water temperature is 38-40 degrees.

At the beginning of bathing, you should carefully and slowly wet your pet’s fur so that it is completely wet. After that, the shampoo is diluted in a small container and the dog is thoroughly soaped.

The shampoo is rubbed into the dog's skin with massaging movements for 1-2 minutes, after which the dog should be rinsed thoroughly.

In case of severe contamination, soaping and rinsing is repeated.

After bathing, the pet is wrapped in a soft towel and gently dried.

The final stage is drying with a hairdryer.


Unfortunately, the streets are not always treated with sand or granite chips, which are harmless to animals. Chemical reagents are often used. These substances are very dangerous for the skin of a dog’s paw pads: they corrode it and leave bleeding wounds. Moreover, when trying to lick its paw, the animal eats the reagent. This can lead to severe poisoning.

It is advisable to walk your puppy in winter on clean snow. Pay attention to the exit from the entrance: if the paths are treated with a reagent, take the puppy in your arms and walk this path. If the puppy is large and you cannot lift it, you will need to purchase safety shoes. Your pet is unlikely to like it, but it will help out in dangerous areas.

Rating of the best shampoos

The table shows the rating of the best professional shampoos for Pomeranians:

Place in the rankingNamePeculiarities
18 in 1 with added tea tree oilIt has a pronounced softening effect and a beneficial effect on the coat.
2Bio-Groom Protein and LanolinThe best shampoo-conditioner, 2 in 1 for dogs.
3Poet Hend Dry Clen Blueberry no-rinse shampoo.No-wash shampoo spray for dogs.
4Iv Sen Bernard "Whitening Diamond"Shampoo-soap for dogs.
5Beaphar for white dogsShampoo for white and light coats.
6Anju Beaute “Noble black color”Shampoo for dark and black dogs.

How to brush your teeth?

To brush your Pomeranian's teeth, you should use only special toothpastes intended for dogs, the same goes for toothbrushes. The best option is a brush with natural bristles that you can put on your finger.

As for pastes, it is better to use those that help strengthen the gums and prevent periodontal disease.

Before brushing your teeth, you need to calm your dog down and put him in a positive mood.

Then a small amount of paste is applied between the bristles of the brush, the pet’s upper lip is carefully lifted and they begin to brush the teeth, moving the brush along the axis of the teeth. The same is done with the lower jaw.

At the final stage, the pet should be praised and rewarded with a treat.

Buy a Spitz puppy

You have a Spitz puppy.

• Move all live wires out of reach of the puppy.
A small puppy will most likely try out many interior items. Are all your wires hidden? • It is possible that your puppy will try to find a “comfortable place”, such as behind a closet, behind the refrigerator or behind the sofa. Eliminate all dangerous gaps. For example, it is better to move the sofa closer to the wall or, on the contrary, move it away from it so that the puppy cannot get stuck in the gap that forms between the sofa and the wall. A dog, like any predator, has a highly developed instinct to search and explore territory. Often, puppies find the most incredible corners of a modern apartment in order to settle down in them.

• Make your balcony safe. Out of curiosity, a puppy can crawl through the fence on the balcony and fall down. Is your balcony safe enough?

• If you have a slippery floor at home, it is better to cover it with a mat or blanket - a slippery surface will have a bad effect on the development of the puppy’s hind limbs.

• Hide all chemicals in the house from the puppy. Attracted by various smells that are interesting only to him, the puppy may eat something dangerous to his health. For example, a bag of alabaster, which may have been left after renovation, smells like chalk (calcium). A puppy who has a constant need for calcium may open a cardboard bag and eat alabaster. A possible development of this situation is intestinal blockage.

• Modern dishwashing liquid smells like fruit. It is possible that she may also be attractive to the puppy. There are known cases when a puppy ate pieces of sheep skin that were lying on the floor in the apartment - the result was intestinal blockage


Spitz training - what should you be able to do?

The basis of training a Spitz is the development of good manners.

The dog must know basic commands and follow them on demand.

This includes:

  • Command "Come to me" . The pet must learn to come to the owner immediately upon pronouncing the command.
  • Command "Place" . On first request, the dog must go to its place and stay there for some time.
  • “Fu” command is one of the mandatory ones and the Spitz must strictly follow it.


If the dog is a show dog, then it must be able to stand in a special stance and trot next to its owner. Without these skills, the dog has virtually no chance of winning a prize.

The importance of walking for animals

Before you figure out at what age to walk your puppy, you need to note the importance of walks. Thanks to them we can:

  1. Accustom your pet to communicate with other people and animals. Timely socialization suppresses aggression and cowardice.
  2. Maintain or improve your physical fitness. Regular going outside keeps not only pets, but also their owners in good shape.
  3. Stabilize mental state. The lack of new emotions affects obedience and exacerbates feelings of loneliness. A dog with a walk can tolerate separation much easier and is much less likely to suffer from destructive behavior.
  4. Stimulate the body's functioning. Fresh air saturates the brain with oxygen, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system and all internal organs.

Please note that walking should be supplemented with training and games. This facilitates the educational process and strengthens attachment.

How to teach basic commands?

When training a Spitz, commands should be spoken in a calm and confident voice. They should under no circumstances be associated with punishment or danger.

How to teach your Spitz basic commands:

  • "To me" . If you are on the street, then you need to say a command and lightly remember the leash; when the pet approaches, praise it and give it a treat. If you are at home, you should call the dog by name and lightly pat yourself on the thigh. Repeat the exercises 5-6 times.
  • "Ugh" . This command is prohibitive and must be pronounced strictly and firmly. If the dog does something inappropriate, then you need to say the command loudly and sternly and pull the leash hard. However, moderation must be observed here. You should not pull the leash too hard so as not to injure your pet, and you should also not overuse the command. At the same time, you need to understand that the “Fu” command should cause fear in the dog.
  • "Near" . The command is taught while walking. To do this, take the dog on a short leash, say a command and lightly pull it. After which they begin to move with the dog. If she tries to change the route, you should pull the leash again and say the command.
  • "Place" . The easiest way to accustom a Spitz to a command is when he is tired or has eaten. If your baby spontaneously goes to sleep in his place, praise him and reward him with a treat. If the pet is going to lie down in another place, say the command and take the puppy to its bed. The easiest way to teach a dog the “Place” command is at 1-2 months. It will be more difficult to train an older puppy.

Choosing a place and weather for walking

If the walks are the first, the place should be quiet, uncrowded and without outside dogs, then the Spitz will feel safe. The ideal option is walks in special dog parks. As for the weather, it should be good, but not very hot. The sun should be avoided; on this day, do not go outside or find a shady area and walk there. As the Spitz grows, it will be possible to walk it in any weather (except for rain, hail, blizzards, etc.), only if it is cold or rainy outside, do not forget to dress the dog in a jacket or overalls.

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