German Shepherd: overview of the dog breed, appearance, color, character, training, size, maintenance, habits, nutrition

Review author: “ZooVita”

The German Shepherd is a dog breed that is very popular all over the world. She lives next to a person for many years and not only gives him her love, but also helps him in every possible way. This breed has a special friendliness and a sharp mind, so it is often adopted as a family friend and used as a service dog for work in the army, police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Origin of the dog breed German Shepherd

Researchers are convinced that the origins of German Shepherds should be sought in the mists of time. Their evidence suggests that they most likely descended from timber wolves that decided to live closer to the tribes of ancient people.

In the course of evolution, they became similar to herding dogs that protected farm plots from external enemies. By the beginning of the 18th century, there were already two types of such herding dogs, differing in their character and appearance, so the breeders decided to unite to create a new breed.

A great contribution to the breeding of German Shepherds was made by Max von Stephanitz and Arthur Meyer, as well as their followers, who continued the development of the breed even after the death of von Stephanitz, who was breeding German Shepherds from 1884 to 1896.

Their activities were based on maintaining the purity of blood, which had to be proven by documents, and they also sought to develop as much as possible in the breed qualities that would be useful in helping humans.

Features and description

When we hear German Shepherd breed the first thing that comes to mind is loyalty, endurance and courage. Such associations exactly correspond to objective reality. Representatives of the breed have gone through a long development stage. It is said that their descendants were timber wolves.

A person actively involved in the issue of breeding efficient and beautiful dogs in the 19th century was Max Emil. Before the modern representative of the breed was born, this breeder crossed many popular shepherd dogs with each other.

The result of such experiments was a dog with good working abilities, but an unpresentable appearance. The selection continued. Only at the end of the century did the world become acquainted with a loyal, strong and very cute dog.

Interesting fact! Almost immediately after being bred, the German Shepherd became the national symbol of Germany.

The representative of the breed is universal in nature. It can be used by a person as a security guard, bodyguard, rescuer, guide, cattle breeder and simply a faithful comrade. He copes well with each of these types of “work”.

He is distinguished by responsibility and love for people. If you are used to a person, you will never betray him or leave him in trouble. He might give his life defending him. He will not be afraid even of weapons. This dog is observant and careful. She will never attack a person without a reason, but if he seems dangerous to her, she attacks. She is very smart and capable of making independent decisions.

The main feature of the animal is the presence of a deep sense of justice. Despite its warlike appearance, it is very vulnerable and affectionate. Strives to honestly serve a person, but in return requires a lot of attention and care. Being ignored greatly upsets him.

This set of service and psychological qualities of the dog served as the reason for its exploitation at customs. She has an excellent sense of smell, good observation and responsibility. All this helps to quickly identify a criminal, perhaps even a drug dealer.

Nature has not deprived the dog of artistic talent. The German Shepherd regularly takes part in filming advertisements for dry food, collars, veterinary hospitals, etc. Moreover, she is also invited to appear in TV series and films. In cartoons, it symbolizes courage and bravery. Children love this dog because it is friendly with them. She always inspires confidence and is capable of affection. Very contactable.

Appearance of the dog German Shepherd

Dimensions of a German Shepherd: height at the withers is on average 60 cm, and weight can reach 40 kg. According to the standard, purebred German Shepherds have a sloped lower part of the body, since their front legs are much shorter than their hind legs. The dog's body looks strong. The dog's chest is clearly defined, it is long and wide, as is its back.

The neck is quite strong and muscular, almost as long as a shepherd's head. The dog's head is large, and the skull is round in shape, the forehead is convex, the muzzle is not too long, the eyes are round and dark in color.

The ears are straight, almost in the shape of a triangle, have no creases or bends, the distance between the ears is small. The teeth and jaws of the German Shepherd are well developed and have a scissor bite. The tail is quite long, slightly bent.

The color of German Shepherds is dark with reddish-brown, gray, and beige fur underneath. Most often, a photo of a German shepherd is found in a black-and-white color, but there are many more types of color: zonal, just black, pure white, reddish-gray, light gray.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

You cannot call a German Shepherd a weak and sickly dog, but there are factors that will certainly undermine its health. The main one is unhealthy diet. If your pet sleeps a lot, defecates frequently and refuses to eat, this is a warning sign. His digestion was probably disrupted.

A sick dog should be taken to an animal clinic and seen by a specialist. In most cases, digestive dysfunction in dogs is treated by taking sorbents. The veterinarian will prescribe the medicine and determine the dosage. You can give sorbents to your pet yourself at home.

Almost all German Shepherds have a genetic defect - weak, inelastic leg joints. When the dog is not injured, the pathology does not manifest itself in any way, but if it falls, for example, on ice, it will easily damage a limb. Painkillers will help the animal.

The German Shepherd is not only a fearless bodyguard, but also a loyal and affectionate friend. She will always come to the aid of people who love her and will never leave them of her own free will.

Character of dogs of the German Shepherd breed

The German Shepherd has a fairly balanced character, special intelligence, friendliness, loyalty and calmness. But this is also influenced by proper education, which is very important to give to your pet.

If a shepherd puppy is not given time and taught various rules, then when he grows up, he will become unmanageable.

Such dogs need constant communication and physical exercise, they quickly learn new commands and master games, enjoy going for walks and love to play in nature.

The German Shepherd is incredibly loyal; such dogs are always ready to protect their owners at the cost of their own lives. She also gets along well with children, as she herself is quite affectionate. He loves to show his love and trust to his owners by rolling over on his back and allowing his belly to be stroked.

Despite the fact that the German Shepherd is an almost ideal pet, one should not lose sight of the fact that it will not always be friendly to strangers, since it does not know whether a stranger can harm its owner. Therefore, the owner must immediately show that the stranger has no evil intentions, after which the dog will change its attitude towards him.

Sex differences

In addition to the difference in size between females and males, there are also noticeable differences in the behavior of dogs.

If you decide to get a male dog, you will not have to take care of the puppies, which of course must remain with the mother. Also, male dogs are not in heat, which makes grooming much easier.

But the “Germans” are prone to aggression and dominance; training is more difficult than for females. They become attached to people faster and are more friendly. But all responsibility for the puppies born will fall on your shoulders, as will the search for a suitable male for mating.

Dog training German Shepherd

In the first months of a puppy’s life, with the help of simple games and tasks, you need to teach simple rules of behavior and do not forget to give them a reward in the form of treats.

From the very beginning, the owner must demonstrate his authority, but this must be done carefully, without using brute force. If you can’t do this on your own and the puppy’s behavior deviates from the norm, you can contact a dog handler.

It is important to teach the puppy at least basic commands, and when he grows up, he should be taught to walk with a leash and muzzle and, of course, be rewarded for this with a tasty treat.

However, you need to be careful about stress, as even the best German Shepherds are susceptible to nervous breakdowns due to overtraining.


If you dream of becoming the owner of one of the most popular dogs in the world, we recommend going to a kennel for her. No, you don’t have to go to Germany; there are high-bred “Germans” in almost every country in the world, including Russia. The price of a German Shepherd from a kennel is from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. It depends on the age of the puppy, as well as on its compliance with the standard.

The cost from private breeders is lower (from 6 to 12 thousand rubles). If you do not need full compliance with the dog’s breed standard and its pedigree, we recommend saving money and using their services. However, before purchasing, be sure to inquire about the vaccinations that the puppy received.

Caring for a German Shepherd

The long-haired German Shepherd needs careful care, this includes not only food, but also regular training of the pet, and especially walks. Of course, it is better if the owners of the shepherd live in a private house, so active recreation and stress will be constant.

The dog is completely comfortable sleeping in the kennel, especially if it is insulated with hay in winter. The coat of the German Shepherd is very dense, so it will not allow it to freeze. Also, dense wool will often need to be combed, and the long coat on the hips in the hot season is better to be cut.

It is recommended to bathe when soiled, but not very often. It is enough to soap the dog, and then rinse everything off with clean water, the pet will do the drying itself: it will begin to shake off the remaining water and actively move.

Education and training

Let's start with the main thing: if you want to raise a “German” who is successful in work and social terms, then get ready for the fact that it will take a long time to train him, especially in the first year of his life. It is believed that a working dog is more successful if it is raised by 1 person. By the way, it is he who is perceived by her as the owner.

It is necessary to build a hierarchical and trusting relationship with her. She must understand that she is in a subordinate position. You cannot gain the authority of a service dog by force. You need to prove your superiority to her humanely. Teach her the rules of behavior in the house, be consistent, do not spoil her and do not allow her to misbehave with impunity.

When you bring your Shepherd puppy into your home, it is a good idea to let him explore the area. It is important that he sniffs every corner. This is how he adapts to new conditions of detention. Control this process. Don’t let your baby get scared of something; in this case, protect him. For example, you can pick up your puppy or lean down to pet him.

Teach commands early, within a week of home socialization. The representative of the breed is definitely not deprived of intelligence, so he learns new things quickly and effectively. When training classic teams, don't forget to treat him with something tasty as a reward. Don't let him get overtired. If the dog gets tired every time, he will develop a negative attitude towards training.

The next important point is leash walking training. Remember, a leash is a connection between you and your pet. He must learn to walk next to his owner and not be distracted. To do this, put a collar on your pet, attach a leash and practice walking together near your home. Avoid meeting other dogs.

Important rule! Never take your German Shepherd outside until he is at rest. You can sit with her near the front door for a few minutes, waiting for her level of arousal to subside.

It is also impossible to allow the development of so-called food aggression in a shepherd dog. This phenomenon involves the dog showing anger while eating food. Some service dogs try to protect their food from theft in this way.

But a representative of the breed should be trusted by members of the household. A simple way to prevent food aggression is to pet a young dog while it eats. This way she will get used to the fact that there are kind people nearby who do not pose a threat and will begin to calmly eat in their presence.

Nutrition for German Shepherd dogs

The German Shepherd eats both natural food and commercial food, the main thing is that the diet is balanced. From birth, you need to make sure that the puppy receives amino acids and proteins in its food, otherwise its health will not be strong, and the puppy itself will grow up weak.

The diet of a German Shepherd must include such foods as: lean meat; buckwheat, wheat and rice porridge; vegetables; milk; dairy products; berries.

You should also carefully monitor the amount of food you eat, as an excess of it will have a bad effect on your dog’s health. It is strictly contraindicated to feed raw fish, exotic fruits and leftovers from the common table, because this can lead to gastrointestinal upset.


Dogs of this breed expend a huge amount of energy due to their activity and size. Therefore, their daily diet should contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, complex carbohydrates and vitamins.

The main part of the diet should be meat products, for example, with vegetables. You should not overuse cereals - they are poorly digestible. Also be careful with dry foods that may cause allergies in your dog.

Remember a few simple rules:

  • The main part of the diet is meat;
  • Don't overfeed your dog;
  • Don't feed your dog table scraps;
  • Do not give your dog anything too sweet, salty or fried, as well as foods with a lot of small bones and fresh bread.

Health of German Shepherd dogs

The lifespan of a German Shepherd is from 10 to 15 years, and it is far from a weak dog, but it can also be susceptible to various diseases. Most often, due to poor nutrition, diseases of the digestive system occur; they may also develop allergies, dermatitis, and dysplasia.

It is especially important to regularly take your dog to the veterinary clinic for routine examinations, get the necessary vaccinations on time, and carefully monitor your pet’s health.

Reproduction and lifespan

A reliable guard, a loyal friend and just a beautiful pet - all this describes the German Shepherd perfectly. She lives from 12 to 14 years, but only with good care. Breeders planning to breed these types of dogs should be well aware of their standard. It is also advisable to breed individuals of the same color. Only in this case can one raise offspring that are correct in every sense.

A male dog can be the same age as a female dog, the main thing is that each of them is over 1.5 years old. It is not advisable to have dogs over 7 years old. Each of the potential parents must be psychologically stable and of high breed.

They are mated in the male's territory. This happens when the bitch is in heat. If she becomes pregnant, then by 8-10 days after reproduction her tummy will be noticeably rounded. You can expect puppies in 70 days (plus or minus 3 days).

Photos of dogs of the German Shepherd breed

Choosing a puppy

All features of the BUT described above apply only to purebred representatives of the breed. The pedigree of the animal must be confirmed by relevant documents. If a future owner wants to get himself a purebred BUT, he should contact trusted nurseries. This will guarantee the absence of hereditary diseases and the presence of a stable psyche, which is very important for any large pet, and especially for a German shepherd.

The puppy can be picked up after 8 weeks. The baby at this age actively moves and responds to his name. You can start training him right away.

Indicators of a puppy's physical health are playfulness, appetite, shiny fur and an elastic belly. The puppy should not be afraid of people, provided that they behave calmly.

Here's what else you should pay attention to:

  • The puppy BUT must be strong, with dense bones and a straight back. The tail should be straight, a slight bend is allowed, but not curled. Paws are round;
  • the muzzle is not too elongated;
  • the color of even the smallest puppy must correspond to the breed and be similar to the parent;
  • bite - scissor bite in a puppy of any age;
  • When running, the puppy should throw its front paws forward and push off with its hind paws.

Obvious disadvantages:

  • curvature of paws;
  • wavy wool or its light color;
  • light eyes and claws;
  • malocclusion.

To get a more complete impression of the puppy's character, it is best to get to know its parents and observe their behavior. The key to a dog’s health and a guarantee of the kennel owner’s integrity are good living conditions: sufficient space for active movements, the presence of toys, healthy food, cleanliness.

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