How to choose a collar and leash for a German Shepherd

Like any other dog breed, the German Shepherd requires a muzzle, collar and leash. We talked separately about the muzzle in another article, but here we will focus on the collar. This is necessary especially in cases where the animal lives in the city and the owner takes it for a walk in a public place. These are safety rules, and every dog ​​owner should know about this.

Therefore, in this article we will analyze in detail the types of collars and their purpose, and also consider what leashes are on sale, and how best to choose a collar and leash for your pet.

Which harness is best for a shepherd?

For shepherd dogs it is better if the ring is cast or welded. ... You can also buy a harness with plastic fasteners for a puppy, but they will not hold a large shepherd dog. The most durable and convenient type are fasteners with a length adjuster, which are used on parachutes.

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Types of collars

Germans are characterized by increased activity, physical strength and often aggressiveness towards other animals. Therefore, choosing suitable ammunition is a responsible task. An inexperienced owner, faced with a huge assortment on the shelves of a pet store, gets lost and may choose an accessory that is absolutely useless for a given breed.

Collars for German Shepherd

Shepherd Collars for Daily Use

In order not to make a mistake, you need to clearly know what task this or that collar is intended for. Regardless of the type of collar, an address tag with the owner’s contact information should be attached to it.


In appearance they resemble a wide belt. Suitable for both puppies' first walks and for walking and training adult dogs.

Everyday collars

For detection

LED collars (light-emitting diode) allow you to visually track a dog’s movements in the dark at a distance of about 500 meters.

LED collars

And GPS collars that display data about the dog’s movement on an electronic device (tablet, smartphone).

JPS collars


They protect your pet from flea and tick bites for several months. Based on the principle of action, they are divided into ultrasonic - repelling insects with signals indistinguishable to the human ear. And chemical ones - impregnated with repellents or insecticides.

Antiparasitic collar


To display shepherd dogs, unpainted metal chains with wide oblong links are used. They should not be too heavy or long so as not to hinder the animal’s movements in the ring.

Show collar

Too massive and bright chains visually shorten the neck and distract attention from the dog’s anatomy.

For training and behavior correction

If a dog has problems with obedience, then walking with a regular collar will become a real torment for the owner. To correct behavioral problems, you can use so-called training collars. Some of them are used only in classes with a dog handler.

Noose and martingale

When the shepherd begins to pull and tear from the leash, the noose squeezes the throat, cutting off the access of oxygen. When the tension is released, it opens to its normal position.


For Germans, a jerk chain with large oblong links is suitable. Please note that metal garrotes can damage the animal's larynx. If your dog begins to wheeze when breathing, you need to switch to using a regular collar.


Spiked collar (parfors)

A strict collar for a German Shepherd is an indispensable tool in correcting behavioral problems. It will help you cope with ugly behavior during a walk - attacking dogs and other pets, pulling hard on the leash, picking up food from the ground. Another way to use it is in defense training, to enhance natural anger.

The collar consists of interconnected metal or plastic links with spikes directed towards the dog's skin. When pulled, the teeth compress the neck, causing severe pain.

Types of parfors for shepherds

For shepherd dogs, especially long-haired ones, plastic parfors are useless - thick hair prevents the thorns from reaching the skin.

Parfors is used only for punishment; you cannot take your dog out for a walk on it every day. Therefore, in addition to a strict one, the dog should also have a simple collar to which a leash is attached.

An inexperienced dog breeder can cause quite serious injuries to a dog with parforce:

  • psychological (up to a nervous breakdown and outburst of aggression);
  • physical (thorns leave puncture wounds that take a long time to heal due to the inconvenient location).

Therefore, training with the planer should be supervised by a dog handler.


An electric collar that sends vibration signals or mild electric shocks when unwanted behavior occurs. Needed to remotely influence the dog.

Shock collar

The specialist will select an effective correction method depending on the age and temperament of the shepherd. Please note: many dog ​​handlers and dog breeders consider parforce and EShO to be overly traumatic.

How to train an adult dog

To train an adult dog, the same method is used. The only thing you need to consider is that the size of the collar must match the size of the animal. And then a walk in the fresh air will bring pleasure to both the shepherd dog and the owner.

In conclusion, we would like to add that you need to choose a collar and leash for your pet based on personal preferences, purpose and financial capabilities. A more experienced dog breeder will have several types of accessories that have different purposes.

Operating principle

Parfors for dogs consists of metal plates with spikes, which are assembled into a chain. The spikes are rounded, they do not injure the dog or cause serious damage to the skin - they are softened by the fur. The collar combines a ring, and a leash is attached to a second identical ring. If the dog is in a calm state - sitting, lying down, walking next to the owner on a leash - the handler lies on the neck, like a regular collar. If the animal tries to jerk the leash sharply, the collar becomes tense and the spikes cause pain. As soon as the dog takes a calm position again, the discomfort stops.

Typically, a planer is an accessory for large dogs that do not want to obey the owner, are ill-mannered or pose a threat. Similar products in small sizes for puppies and small breeds are simply not produced. The opinions of dog handlers on the need for a planer vary - some experts argue that it is a necessary tool for correcting behavior, others that it is a last resort. In any case, you should only wear it during training sessions and take it off in all other situations.

Spikes don't hurt your dog

Choosing a Collar

Before purchasing ammunition, be sure to measure your dog's neck. For a parfors, measurements are taken under the throat; for a noose, the widest part of the head is measured; for a regular collar, the middle of the neck is measured.

When choosing and trying on an accessory for walking, the owner should pay attention to the following points:


There should be a distance of 1.5-2 cm between the collar and the neck, but no more. If the shepherd manages to wriggle out of a collar that is too large for it, the skill will be firmly established, even if the trick is successful only a few times. The dog will repeatedly make attempts to get rid of the interfering accessory. Correcting this behavior takes a long time, so try to find the right size right away. When the head is tilted, the collar or choke should not fly off the dog.

Product quality

Cheap ammunition breaks, cracks, gets wet from moisture, and the threads begin to rot.

Material of manufacture

It is better to opt for ammunition made from modern fabric materials rather than low-quality leather. They are more durable and have increased wear resistance. Most well-known companies that produce high-quality ammunition (Hunter, EzyDog, Ferplast, Kinologprofi, ROGZ) use textiles.


Whole leather leash 2-2.5 m long

This is a show version of the leash. Comfortable, functional, classic. Suitable not only for exhibition, but also for walking, for constant use in everyday life. It is preferable to have such a leash in your household, although this pleasure is not cheap.

Leash made of tarpaulin, nylon tape

Very convenient in everyday life. Suitable for literally everything: for training, training, leash. The length of the leash is selected depending on the purpose of use: to practice the skill of working on a scent, you will need a leash 10-15 meters long, for the skill of following commands at a distance - 3-5 meters, to prepare for an exhibition - 2-2.5 meters, for a walk - 3 meters , 1.5 meters is enough to move around the city. A must have.


This is, in fact, a handle with a carabiner. Low functionality. Used for training and for very manageable dogs, which need to be kept close to you only a short distance, and then can be released from the leash. Its presence is not required.


Convenient and functional, but not very reliable due to its design. Can be made of leather, canvas or nylon braid. Typically, these leashes are made 2.5-5 meters long. This is a regular long leash with carabiners on both ends and rings on the leash itself. One carabiner is fastened to the collar, the second one adjusts the length of the leash by fastening the carabiner to one or another ring. You can (but do not have to) have such a leash if it is convenient for you.

Rules of conduct for the owner during training

The success of training depends primarily on how the owner behaves during training. To achieve good results, you need to follow certain rules.

  1. Ensure that your instructions are followed - this will show your pet that you are a leader.
  2. Don't raise your voice. Commands must be given clearly and calmly.
  3. Train every day, but at different times.
  4. Do not hit your dog for disobedience: this approach will cause negative associations in the puppy. You can demonstrate disapproval by using a stern tone.
  5. Praise your puppy generously for following commands correctly.

The more patience and understanding you show, the faster your dog will learn new skills.

At what age should I start?

You can teach a dog to walk “correctly” at any age, however, the younger the dog, the easier it is to train. Dog trainers advise puppies to be accustomed to a leash from 3 months, and to a collar no later than 8 weeks.

When the puppies are 7–10 days old, breeders, in order to distinguish the babies, mark them with multi-colored ribbons: this is how the dog gets used to new sensations on the neck from childhood. By two months, the bandage can be changed to a light collar.

You can take your pet outside only after vaccination, which is carried out at 2.5-3 months. They begin to fasten the leash from the second or third walk: the puppy needs time to get used to the new environment, smells and external stimuli, so the first walk is for the purpose of getting to know each other, not training.

Basic mistakes

If your puppy is constantly playing around, getting distracted, and not listening to you, then you may have made the following mistakes.

  1. They were allowed to play with a leash. Now the dog treats him like a toy and doesn’t take him seriously. In this case, it is better to buy a new accessory.
  2. They hit or waved the leash. This makes the puppy afraid or hostile towards him. In this situation, the leash also needs to be changed.
  3. They pulled the leash when the pet walked in the other direction. Over time, the dog got used to the pressure on his neck and for him it became a normal sensation.
  4. They shouted and scolded the animal during training. The dog began to perceive walks and training with fear. Smoothly change tactics, making it clear to the puppy that you will not offend him.
  5. They were loyal to pampering. The puppy sensed your weakness and is now trying to take on the role of leader. To change the situation, start stopping any disobedience.
  6. The training dragged on for several hours. Monotonous exercise tires dogs. Reduce your workout time to 20 minutes.
  7. We used a roulette leash. The dog is used to the feeling of tension. Replace with a regular leash.
  8. They chose the wrong collar size or tightened it too tightly, so the dog was constantly experiencing discomfort. Loosen or replace the accessory.

Most errors can be easily corrected. Work through them, and your pet will happily start walking on a leash, unconditionally following all your commands.

Rules for using the planer

A strict collar is a temporary part of a dog’s equipment. You can wear it for no more than an hour. This will save the dog from injuries and skin irritation and increase the educational effect. If the parfors is used for a walk, it is worn as an additional collar. For example, on the way to the dog playground, the leash is attached to the leash to stop aggression, and on the playground it is removed so that the pet can calmly play with other animals.

The second rule is that the collar is designed for quick correction, and not for strict control. In order for the dog to receive the correct signal, jerks on the leash should be short and sharp. You cannot constantly pull on the leash.

At what age should you wear it?

You can wear a regular collar from the age when the puppy begins to be taken outside. This usually happens after vaccination quarantine, that is, at 3 months. Although training to use a collar should begin from the moment the puppy arrives in the house.

Using parfors to train a puppy under one year old is unacceptable.

When choosing equipment for your puppy, make sure that the collar is soft and can be adjusted in length. In the first months, puppies actively increase in size, and buying a new one every time is quite expensive.

A collar is not only a means of controlling a dog. To do this, you can successfully use a harness or halter. It also performs an aesthetic function - German Shepherds look especially impressive in multi-row metal chains.

No matter how convenient the equipment is, the dog should not be in it all the time. At home, it needs to be removed so that the fur does not roll and the skin does not rot. In addition, constant wear reduces the time you use the accessory.

Rules for first acquaintance

New items should not have any foreign odors. Take them out of the packaging and leave them in the apartment for several days. Experienced breeders advise rubbing the accessories with the puppy's brushed hair so that the dog can catch a familiar smell.

Before putting the collar on, let your puppy smell it. Fasten the accessory and give your dog a treat.

Accustoming should be gradual, so in the first days the collar is put on for 15–20 minutes. Once the dog gets comfortable, you can attach the leash. The puppy should run around the house with it and not pay attention to it. If your baby starts playing with the equipment, distract him with other toys.

The role of tasty rewards

During training, the dog must be praised for correct actions: it will quickly understand what they are trying to achieve from it. Verbal approval should be reinforced with treats, as tasty food greatly motivates animals. When using delicacies as rewards, follow these tips:

  • the treat should be small and low in calories;
  • It is desirable that the reward is not only tasty, but also healthy - you can take vegetables or special dog treats;
  • the treat should only be given if the dog has followed the command perfectly;
  • choose products not from “household” food: this way the dog will consider such a reward special;
  • "tasty rewards" are especially effective when the puppy is a little hungry.

Don't forget to alternate delicacies so that your pet doesn't get tired of the monotony. It is enough to find 2-3 favorite treats and change them periodically.

Getting the puppy used to new clothes

Accustoming a breeding German puppy to a collar is not a difficult task. Before actually putting it on your pet, call your dog by name and immediately give him some kind of treat, along with words of praise, such as “Good” or “Well done.” Decide exactly how you will wear the collar.

It is put on in two ways:

  • over the head;
  • in the form of a belt.

For the first option, stick your hand inside the collar with something tasty, while the puppy eats with pleasure, carefully place the accessory around its neck. In the second case, while the baby is enjoying the treat, calmly bring the collar in the form of a belt and fasten it. The most important thing is not to tighten it so much that it does not compress the pet’s cervical vertebrae.

Ideally, the collar should be placed in such a way that there is enough space between it and the skin so that it does not cause discomfort to the dog, but at the same time the puppy cannot pull it over the ears. But do not forget that babies grow very quickly, so from time to time you need to check whether the accessory has begun to put pressure on him and loosen it if necessary. During all these manipulations, do not forget to talk to the puppy for a second, constantly praising him for his compliance.

Why is it important

During walks, the owner must fully control his pet: the dog may run out onto the roadway, encounter aggressive animals, or be frightened by loud sounds and run away. In addition, representatives of large breeds can cause inconvenience to the people around them; walking them without a muzzle and a leash will result in a fine.

An untrained dog may react aggressively to new accessories: the collar will cause discomfort on the neck at first, and the leash will make it impossible to go wherever it wants, so you need to gradually accustom dogs to a leash.

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