Dog breed American Bulldog: review, photo, size, color, habits and character, appearance, size, content

Review author: “ZooVita”

The American Bulldog or Bulldog, like other types of bulldogs, is distinguished by a strong, muscular physique and a fighting disposition. Dogs of this breed have a wayward character and can become a devoted friend of their owner, as well as an excellent guard.

Raising an ambulant must be done from the first days of life in order to prevent the emergence of stubbornness and harsh character traits. In the photo of the American Bulldog you can see the officially approved appearance features characteristic of this species.

Origin of the American Bulldog dog breed

Ambul is a descendant of English bulldogs, which were bred from the Molossian breed of bulldogs. American Bulldogs were used for dog fighting, which was banned in the 19th century, after which the breed's demand declined sharply.

The hardy and fierce breed was not distinguished by its beautiful appearance and docile nature, which is why bulldogs eventually began to be considered unsuitable for breeding.

Dog breeders began to pay attention to the Ambul breed only with the popularization of exhibitions. Geneticists have worked on the species for many years, crossing a bulldog with a pug, as a result of which the breed has the correct proportions and a softer character.

Over time, the bulldog's toughness and death grip, as well as the protective instinct, grew into intelligence, courage and loyalty - invaluable qualities for a man's friend.

In Russia, bulldogs have become popular since the end of the 20th century.

How to choose a puppy

Choosing an American Bulldog puppy requires a lot of attention. It is from this stage that acquaintance with representatives of the noble breed begins. One of them is destined to become your best friend, so be careful when purchasing an ambulette responsibly.

Ambule puppy with mom

Purebred American Bulldogs can only be found in trusted kennels. The breeder must provide upon request a certificate of veterinary examination of each puppy from the litter. The absence of one is a reason to think about whether you are going to take a healthy baby into your home? When examining puppies, the bitch must remain calm. If the dog is taken to another room or does not want to be shown to a potential buyer at all, this indirectly indicates its mental instability, which can be passed on to the puppies.

The ideal age of the baby is from one and a half to three months. The most sociable, cheerful and active toddler, by definition, is distinguished by good health. Shiny fur, a wet nose and perky little eyes are further evidence of this. If the bully cowardly tucks his tail or growls at an outstretched hand, refuse to purchase such a puppy: you will not be able to become friends for many years.

Classification of the American Bulldog breed

After breeders began to actively study this breed, many new types of dogs appeared, which were classified according to certain characteristics.

The following types of American Bulldogs are distinguished:

Johnson type or classic

This type differs from others in their pronounced guard instinct, which allows them to be used as a companion. Specific external characteristics are a short muzzle and a strong build.

Scott type or standard

This species is suitable for hunting because it repels large wild animals well. This type of bulldog has an elongated muzzle, short stature, and an athletic build.

Hybrid or mixed type

Work is underway to obtain this type. Geneticists, wanting to create a new type of dog, cross two types of American bulldogs. According to the breeders, the result will be a new type, which will be characterized by the qualities of the gene pool of both existing species at the same time.

The distinguishing features will be a more powerful physique, physical strength and increased endurance.

Content Rules

Ambuli feel great both in a private house and in a spacious apartment. But in the second case, it is important to follow the following rule: since the American Bulldog is a working dog, he needs to spend a lot of time on the move. This is why it is so important to provide your pet with intense, long walks. Moreover, it will not be enough to go out and sit on a bench for an hour, leaving the ambulant to his own devices. It is important to walk several kilometers with your pet and play with it on the playground. So that the dog can run and realize its instincts.

It is important to provide your pet with intense, long walks.

American Bulldogs feel happy when they can help their owner. But it is important that the dog is able to do the work and that the dog does not overwork. For a dog to feel good, it needs to be actively moving for at least an hour a day.

As for external care, it is not at all tiring. It is necessary to bathe your dog no more than once a month. Also sometimes comb the fur with a brush.

You should bathe your dog no more than once a month.

It is also necessary to carefully clean the ears of dirt and wipe the eyes as needed. It is also worth considering the fact that ambulees have increased salivation. To keep a pet in the house you will need to purchase:

  • bedding;
  • bowls for feeding and drinking on a stand;
  • collar with leash;
  • muzzle;
  • hygiene products - shampoo for bathing and a brush for combing hair;
  • food and treats for training;
  • toys.

The puppy will definitely need a bed

Appearance of American Bulldog breed dogs

The description of the American Bulldog must begin with external specific features:

  1. The body is square-shaped, strong. The chest is especially developed. The body is muscular, distinguished by broad shoulders. The body narrows towards the pelvis, giving grace to the appearance.
  2. The head is wide and large, flat at the top. There is a groove along the frontal area of ​​the skull. The cheeks are muscular, the nose, eyelids and lips are black (brown pigmentation is also found). The raised nose gives the dog the opportunity to breathe when prey is in its teeth.

The coat is short, with a predominant white tint. The American Bulldog may have large spots of different shades throughout the body and in the muzzle area. At shows, a dog with black fur will be disqualified.

The eyes are located almost at the ears. They can be round or oval in shape, dark or walnut in color.

The bite is generally incorrect, however, this is characteristic of the breed and is not considered a fault. For the classic type, correct bite is considered a sign by which a dog can be disqualified at a show. The breed's teeth are healthy and strong.

The weight of an American Bulldog reaches 32-54 kg (male) or 27-45 kg (female). The height at the withers is 55-77 cm and 52-65 cm in males and females, respectively.

Puppies do not have pronounced external features and appear with age. You can buy a purebred dog only from trusted and certified nurseries. The optimal age of the baby is up to three months.

Historical reference

Most of the Bulldogs that fell into “caring” human hands changed beyond recognition. Few people suspect that the “old” Bulldogs are relatives of the Mastiffs, strong and active working dogs. The English and French lines of the breed were literally turned into decorative dogs that would die without human care. The American Bulldog dog breed is the only line in the development of which people practically did not interfere.

This is interesting! It is believed that the first written mention of the Bulldogs dates back to 1632. The source of information is a surviving letter with a request to “find and send two good bulldogs” sent from America to London. It is unclear which dogs were discussed in the letter, however, the content of the message proves that the name of the breed already existed.

Described in 1775, the dogs called Bulldogs are more similar to modern Mastiffs. Historical sources indicate that farmers sought to preserve the working qualities of dogs, but to make them faster and more agile. To improve the breed, Bulldogs began to be bred with greyhounds. Already fast, but long-faced dogs were crossed with Pugs, which led to a shortening of the skull and the formation of a bulldog bite.

Bulldogs brought to America and living in the “cowboy West” were used strictly for their intended purpose - they brightened up the owner’s everyday life and protected farms. The Western population of the newly discovered America was puzzled by survival and development; there was no time to think about cynology, breeding new breeds or exhibitions; the breed was even nicknamed “in its own way” - the Old Country Bulldog. To be fair, we note that among the “brutal cowboys” and practical farmers there were still dog breeders; they selected the best representatives of the Bulldogs and bred them according to plan. Entire villages were involved in the activity, often isolated from each other.

This is interesting! The primary purpose of Bulldogs in Europe is to perform in fights. Dog baiting became commonplace and fight organizers came up with new reasons to increase the popularity of their business, and this is how fights with bears and monkeys arose. Catherine I herself was not averse to admiring the slaughter between a dog and a bull.

At the beginning of the 19th century, bloody entertainment reached America. The organizers of the massacres earned huge amounts of money from onlookers and owners of fighting dogs. In the process of searching for new representatives of the ring, the American Bulldog was noticed. An owner who had a good and experienced fighting dog could get rich by selling his pupil to connoisseurs of bloody sports. It should be noted that despite the cruelty of the method, dog fighting has significantly improved the American Bulldog, making it one of the bravest breeds with a balanced psyche.

Breeders had no idea about the origin of large and promising dogs, however, the tradition of crossing American Bulldogs with phenotypes remained. Due to the obvious differences between dogs from different regions, experts of the time put forward hypotheses about the origin of the breed; full versions and partial extracts are considered valid to this day. One of the options, the origin of American Bulldogs from the crossing of Mastiffs, Bullmastiffs and old-format English Bulldogs, was actively promoted and no less quickly refuted.

John D. Johnson and his fellow hobbyist Alan Scott became the authors of the primary breed standard. By the way, the Johnson family has been improving and breeding American Bulldogs for four generations. Breeding records and speculation about the breed's origins have been preserved and were made public in the late 1970s.

Respected and proven experts “on their fingers” explained how illogical the version about the participation of the Bullmastiff, and especially the English Bulldog, in the formation of the American Bulldog breed is. John D. Johnson admitted that the admixture of blood occurs as a fact of poor quality matings, but in no way a fundamental or intentional step in the improvement of the breed.

Note! The version about the origin of the American Bulldog from the English is absurd a priori. English bulldogs are decorative, problem dogs and far from working dogs. Even if we assume that such a mixture of blood took place, it would worsen the breed.

John D. Johnson, like modern experts, was of the opinion that the American Bulldog breed was the result of prolonged crossing of old-type working dogs imported from England. It should be noted that the character and basic working skills of dogs differed depending on the region of breeding. American bulldogs were used for protecting territory and livestock, hunting, bull baiting less often, and for fighting with relatives. In fact, the breed is able to adapt to any type of activity that requires the use of physical strength, endurance and a grip of steel.

This is interesting! The name Bulldog literally means Bull Dog. An adult representative of the breed alone fought an angry bull in the ring and quite often won. After the ban on bull baiting in 1835, the number of purebred American Bulldogs rapidly declined due to the lack of demand for the dog.

Most of the American Bulldogs were degenerated through mixing of blood; only a small number of dogs were preserved thanks to settlers who left England in search of a better life. John D. Johnson and Alan Scott, mentioned above, collected and restored the breed bit by bit. The American Bulldog is a rare dog even today; nurseries in the USA, Denmark, Russia and Hungary are actively working to increase the number of animals.

Character of the American Bulldog breed

There is an opinion that the character of the American Bulldog is cruel and vicious, and that these dogs are not capable of friendship with other animals and children. When buying ambul dogs, it is important to consider that they require special training. What the pet will ultimately become depends on the owner.

Ambules can be cruel and uncontrollable if the owner does not train them. Representatives of this breed are willful, do not tolerate the presence of strangers, but are devoted to the owner and family members.

Bulldogs are vindictive, but at the same time grateful. When training, it is necessary to exclude the use of physical force and aggression so that the dog develops a good attitude towards the owner and people.

The American Bulldog does not tolerate competition and the presence of other dogs in the home. He will conflict with them, in most cases emerging victorious from the battle and causing serious injury to his opponent. Small children should not be left with this breed of dog, as the child’s actions can cause an aggressive reaction from the animal.

The advantages of the Ambul breed include high intelligence and intelligence, the ability to build battle tactics. This breed of dog has excellent hearing and sense of smell, and is an excellent guard who can be trusted to protect the home and family members.

Bulldogs are characterized by a demonstrative demonstration of their strength, the purpose of which is to demonstrate power and readiness to serve the owner.

Only those pets that have been well raised and received the love and attention of their owners can be affectionate and sensitive. A distinctive feature of the wrestling dog breed is its endurance and unique physical strength.

Key facts

The characteristics of the American Bull Terrier breed say that the ambul (short name) can become a faithful friend and assistant to a person who has a strong character and a fairly high level of self-confidence. From the first days of life, the American Bulldog shows its tough character, and if training is neglected, then an aggressive and unceremonious animal will grow out of a beautiful puppy. But a well-trained ambul, despite its stubborn nature, will be the most faithful and loving creature.

The description of the American Bulldog breed is replete with positive reviews: excellent watchdog qualities, observation, ideal physique, high intelligence - all this makes this dog unique.

Ambuli are quite jealous, they are unlikely to be able to get along with other pets. The only exceptions are those pets with whom the dog grew up, but this is only possible with the right educational regime.

American bulldogs are very active: if you do not want to find your yard or house in a dilapidated state upon returning from work, then you need to give the bulldog physical activity as often as possible. By doing this, you will help your pet release endless energy.

Ambulances have negative aspects, for example, their appearance - it is not conducive to close acquaintance. Also, this breed is not suitable for beginners in the field of dog breeding.

The health and life expectancy of the American Bulldog are average: the dog lives up to 12 years.

Training the American Bulldog breed

It is important to remember that bulldogs need physical activity, without which they can become aggressive and unpredictable. The ambulant is taken out for walks twice a day. This is both a walk and at the same time a lesson on how a dog should behave on the street.

It is recommended to take your dog's toys for a walk so that the outing is identified with a pleasant pastime. To streamline the regime, you should create a training schedule. You need to be patient because it takes months to develop habits.

The main principle of education: the pet must obey the owner and not violate his requests and commands. A similar result can be achieved by establishing rules, the violation of which must be punished, excluding physical methods and cruelty.

The animal must understand that it is loved and that mutual love and a desire to meet are expected from it.

The owner should not allow the puppy to pull on the leash and drag it, as such a habit can create problems in adulthood. The bulldog must walk on a leash, next to the owner.

When seeing strangers, this fighting breed of dog may show aggression or jump on the stranger with its front paws. The dog should be strictly prohibited from such actions, as it can become a habit.

An adult dog jumping on a person can knock him down or cause serious injury. For such a strong and formidable dog, socialization is important. He must know that attacking a stranger without reason is not welcomed by the owner and will be punished.


By default, bulldogs do not view other animals as equals, and therefore from an early age you need to start teaching the dog how to behave correctly in society.

If you do not teach a bulldog to calmly react to strangers and dogs, he can turn into an animal that is extremely aggressive towards everyone except his family.

Caring for an American Bulldog

The American Bulldog is an unpretentious breed, however, it is important to follow certain rules of care and maintenance so that the animal is healthy and grows normally.

The dog needs to be constantly walked and trained, and toys must be bought for him to have fun and develop his teeth. The ambulant's diet should be balanced. It is recommended to add vitamin complexes to the menu, be sure to normalize the dose of vitamins A and D, as well as calcium.

It is enough to bathe your dog twice every 12 months; it is also important to monitor the cleanliness of the teeth and the condition of the jaw. Nails need to be cut once every 10 days.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

Almost all ambuli are prone to allergies. They experience adverse reactions, firstly, due to the consumption of certain foods (spices, honey, chocolate, etc.), and secondly, due to frequent bathing (the components contained in shampoos are powerful allergens for animals).

The best way to prevent allergies in a bulldog is to feed them a ready-made diet and rarely bathe them.

Unfortunately, many representatives of the breed suffer from joint diseases. It is not possible to completely get rid of them, but the veterinarian can prescribe a strong pain reliever to relieve the animal from suffering. And some ambuli also suffer from entropion of the eyelids. Their position can only be corrected through surgery.

American Bulldog dog food

Puppies are transferred to complementary foods when they reach 6 weeks of age. The daily allowance of meat for children is 150 g. The frequency and diet are standardized in accordance with age.

The dog must be fed strictly according to the prescribed regimen. Overfeeding is strictly prohibited, since obesity leads to problems with the skeletal system and joints. In addition to meat products, the diet should include offal, fish, dried fruits, vegetables, dairy products and eggs.

It is forbidden to give your pet tidbits from your food. This will be a big disadvantage in raising a pet. Sweets are not recommended at any age.

Reproduction of dogs of the American Bulldog breed

In a female dog, the first heat is recorded before the age of one year and occurs with regularity for six months. The duration of the period is one month. During this period, the dog needs to be washed twice a day, and special underwear should be put on it.

During the first heat, mating is prohibited. A pregnant dog should be checked regularly by a veterinarian. Childbirth is often difficult, requiring a caesarean section.

How long does an American Bulldog live?

American Bulldogs are hardy and have a good immune system. Breed-specific diseases can develop if the rules for caring for your pet are violated. The average lifespan of an Ambulus is 12 years, but many representatives of the breed live up to 17.

Animals are vaccinated to prevent diseases. Before the puppy gets comfortable in the house, it is necessary to receive an anti-worming vaccination. At the age of 2 months, the dog should receive the Nobivak vaccination, which protects against plague, adenoviral hepatitis and rabies.

Vaccination is carried out in a special veterinary clinic, according to a pre-drawn schedule. After vaccination, the dog is not allowed to walk outside for 14 days.


Experienced breeders do not recommend early mating, since the body of American bulldogs has been in a teenage, unformed state for a long time.

  • Ideal age: 2-3 years . In theory, it is possible from 18 months , but this can simply injure the animal’s body.
  • Estrus in female ampules occurs approximately once every 6 months and lasts about 3 weeks.

Selecting a mating partner is an important and complex process. The owner must choose a dog that matches his own and observe its behavior live. And even if a partner is found, it is not a fact that the mating will be successful. It is necessary to introduce the dogs in advance and observe their interaction with each other.

Health of the American Bulldog breed

For this breed of dog, risks to life and health include difficult childbirth in bitches, heart disease and eye cataracts. Ambulus may also suffer from epilepsy, strabismus and hearing impairment.

Proper care and regular visits to the veterinarian will help prevent the occurrence of pathologies. It is advised to buy a puppy from a professional breeder, who must present all the necessary documents and certificates that eliminate the risk of purchasing a sick animal or a dog with hereditary diseases.

Before purchasing an American Bulldog, you need to understand whether it is possible to provide him with all the necessary conditions. You should show patience and love for the animal. Only care and good upbringing can turn a dog with a difficult character into a friend and protector of the family.

Unacceptable defects in the exterior of ambulees

Representatives of this breed are characterized by courage and bravery. Therefore, one of the biggest disadvantages unacceptable for ambullies is excessive cowardice and timidity. In addition, these bulldogs should not show aggression towards humans and animals. A narrow head and muzzle also indicate deviation and are a serious fault. A serious defect in the Ambule breed is the presence of strabismus, any asymmetry of the organs of vision, as well as overly bulging eyes.

The dog must look straight. Any abnormalities in the visual organs are considered a defect in the breed

Since, according to the standard, the back of these animals should be straight, then stoop, sunken or hunchbacked lower back, narrow pelvis and flat chest, weak muscles and narrow hips are also defects. The movements of these dogs must be coordinated, powerful and springy. Deviation from this norm and any “confusion in gait” are not allowed. Kinks in the tail and low weight are also unacceptable: for males - less than 35 kilograms, and for females - less than 27.

Photos of dogs of the American Bulldog breed

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