Features of German Shepherd puppies: photos, growth by month, vaccinations, maintenance and feeding + approximate cost

The German Shepherd is popular among breeders due to the impressive list of positive qualities of representatives of this breed, including the ability to learn and train, a high level of intelligence, excellent working qualities, etc.

Buying a puppy is a responsible step. It is necessary to decide in advance about the purpose of its purchase and the desired gender, as well as prepare and find out what kind of care it needs.

The purpose of this article is to give future owners of German Shepherds and those who have only recently acquired a puppy of this breed, comprehensive information about the characteristics of these babies and the rules for their maintenance, so that many difficulties can be avoided.

Photos of puppies up to a month old

Newborn puppies cannot see or hear. Among the sense organs, the sense of smell is developed - it is by smell that they find the mother. Also, babies do not have teeth; they appear only after the 20th day of life.

During 1 month of life, they all look alike, have a pointed muzzle, a large black nose and short shiny fur.

German Shepherd puppies are born weighing 350-550 g. Moreover, the more puppies in the litter, the less the weight of each of them.


The presence of sexual dimorphism is clearly visible - females are smaller than males.

As a result of active growth and good nutrition, each baby in the litter gains 100 g per day, and month-old puppies can already weigh about 3-4 kg.

How does a German Shepherd puppy's weight change by month?

So, you need to track how much a German Shepherd weighs regularly and from a very early age of the puppy. But the standard indicates the parameters of adult dogs, then how can you understand that the pet is growing in accordance with the norm? To do this, you need to use reference material and get a complete picture of how the German Shepherd develops month by month. This section of the article is entirely devoted to this information.

Conception and intrauterine period

Many external characteristics and features of the nervous system are laid down in puppies at the genetic level. The German Shepherd inherits height, weight, intellectual abilities, memory, and temperament from its parents. Moreover, these qualities are borrowed equally from both father and mother. Therefore, choosing a partner for mating should be approached extremely responsibly. Otherwise, the psychotype, exterior and size of the shepherd dogs in the offspring may turn out to be non-standard.

It goes without saying that a bitch needs proper care during pregnancy. Then the offspring will be healthy and physically strong. The weight of German Shepherd puppies depends on the gender of the puppy and the number of puppies in the litter. If there are 6-8 babies in a litter, then newborn males weigh 500 grams, and girls - 350 grams. With numerous offspring, the average weight of individuals decreases to 350-450 grams. And when a bitch has only 3-4 puppies, their weight, regardless of gender, is 450-500 grams.

Newborn puppies

Cubs are born with a height of 18-21 cm and a weight of up to 500 grams. But within 1 month, the weight of a German Shepherd puppy will increase significantly.

The first period in the life of babies is called suckling, since during this time the mother actively feeds her cubs with milk. For 1-2 months, puppies cannot be separated from the bitch, since only mother’s milk provides the dog’s body with sufficiently strong, healthy health. In general, in the first month from birth, puppies are practically helpless. But their development is in full swing:

  • Week #1. A few days after birth, the kittens are already able to crawl.
  • Week #2. On the 10th day, the puppies' eyes open and their hearing develops. A little later, milk teeth erupt. In addition, babies begin to relieve themselves on their own.
  • Week #3. A small German Shepherd dog learns to walk and run experimentally. The activity of the cubs increases significantly.
  • Week #4. The puppies received a mouthful of baby teeth and are now happily “gnawing” with their littermates. The cubs also show interest in petting and playing with humans.

At the end of the first month, the dogs' growth will not change, but there will be a significant increase in the weight of the German Shepherd puppy. By the end of the fourth week, each individual weighs from 3 to 4.2 kg.

Related article:

Names for German Shepherd boys' dogs are popular, interesting, fashionable. If you bought yourself a German Shepherd puppy, then it might be interesting to read about how you can name a boy’s and a girl’s shepherd. How to choose the right name, name meanings, and so on.

The first conscious months of life (2-3 months)

Around the fifth week from birth, the rapid formation of the German Shepherd as a typical representative of the breed begins. During the second month, puppies actively explore the world around them, learn to imitate adults and experience their first emotions (fear, delight, fun). Big changes also occur in the appearance of dogs: the tail grows, the paws lengthen. If we talk about how much a German Shepherd puppy should weigh by the end of 2 months, then depending on the gender, the weight ranges from 7.5 to 9 kg. Moreover, by two months the shepherd’s height is already 32-38 cm.

As they grow older, the processes of socialization and adaptation continue. In the third month, home education and initial training are added to them. By this time, the physical development of dogs is already at the proper level: they are well oriented in space, move confidently and quickly.

Around the 12th week, the ears of the kittens go up. But the rate of increase in the size of a German Shepherd puppy gradually slows down over the months. Dogs are still gaining physical strength, but the development is not as rapid as in the first weeks after birth. At 3 months, the weight of a German puppy is from 12 to 14 kg. At the same time, girls grow to 40-44 cm, and boys stretch to 44-48 cm.

Animal development up to six months (4-6 months)

Puppies are becoming more and more like adult dogs. The dimensions gradually increase, the joints become more powerful. The baby teeth, which are fully erupted in the German Shepherd at 2 months, fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth. Changing the dentition directly affects the position of the ears, so temporarily the ears may become droopy again. But before the age of six months, they should return to normal.

At 4 months, a German Shepherd puppy weighs 16-20 kg, and has a height at the withers from 47 to 56 cm. It is already noticeable that weight and height growth is slowing down. But the pace of dog socialization is increasing. From completely home education, owners are beginning to move on to professional pet training.

At 5 months, the shepherd’s weight increases to 20-23 kg, and the height at the withers changes by only a couple of units (51-58 cm). By six months, girls enter puberty, associated with their first heat. At this point, you need to make an important decision about the need for sterilization or refusal of this procedure. But breeding dogs at an early age is still highly discouraged: the experience of mating will slow down the physical and mental development of the young.

As for the dimensions, from 5 months the weight of an individual will change by a maximum of 3 kg. In other words, at six months a German shepherd should weigh no less than 22.5 and no more than 26 kg. At the same time, changes in height are again insignificant: the norm is 52-60 cm.

Dog adolescence (period before 1 year of age)

The second half of the year from the birth of puppies is associated with the final physical formation. At 6-7 months, a German Shepherd weighs approximately 8 times more than a newborn. Due to the strengthening of the bone skeleton and muscle gain, the mass continues to increase in the following months, and growth practically stops. Before the onset of a year, a male German Shepherd can grow another 4 cm, and a female will stretch no more than 2 cm.

In the period from 6 to 10 months, male puppies complete puberty. The testicles descend into the preputial sac, after which the German Shepherd dog is suitable for fertilizing the bitch. But it is better not to untie the male until he is a year old, because... early matings negatively affect the harmonious development of the individual. And the genetics of the offspring will clearly not be at the highest level.

From 9 months, the German Shepherd begins to rapidly “grow” in breadth. The previously gradually increasing weight now increases at an increased rate. Every month the individual gains a couple of kg, and as a result, at 1 year the weight of the German Shepherd is already from 30 to 34 kg.


It is believed that a German Shepherd puppy meets its first birthday fully physically developed. However, this is still a fairly average figure. A shepherd dog can gain physical strength up to 2 years, and the establishment of the correct functioning of the central nervous system is completed only in the third or fourth year of life.

Between 1 and 3 years of age, an adult dog's weight may continue to increase. There are cases when German shepherds weigh 40 or even 50 kg, but one must understand that excess weight negatively affects the working qualities of the individual. Therefore, it is highly advisable to keep the animal’s weight at a normal level throughout the pet’s life.

Development by day in the first month

For 4-5 days after birth, small puppies react only to pain, cold and hunger. Experiencing these feelings, they actively move and squeak.

By about 2 weeks, their eyes and ear canals open, and their sense organs begin to form. The kids begin to stand on their paws and yawn - they are laying the foundations for the behavior of adult dogs.

AgeMale weightBitch weight
10 days1 kgUp to 800 g
18 days2 kgUp to 1.8 kg
25 daysUp to 3 kg2.5 kg
30 days3.5-4 kg3-3.3 kg

Feeding rules

A German Shepherd's diet should be appropriate for its age, weight, and level of physical activity. To ensure that food is well absorbed, experienced dog handlers advise following some recommendations.

  1. Feed your dog at the same time every day. The body gets used to receiving food at certain hours, which has a positive effect on digestion. An adult German Shepherd should be fed twice a day.
  2. Food should be at room temperature – neither cold nor hot.
  3. Feeding duration is about 20 minutes. After this time, the bowl is removed, even if the pet has not licked it clean.
  4. Do not feed the animal if it has to move a lot, to avoid intestinal or stomach volvulus.
  5. Fresh water should always be freely available.

Using this calculator, you can find out the daily food intake depending on the condition, activity level and weight of your pet. Read more.

It is better to feed your German Shepherd on a stand. Then the bowl will not “crawl” into the corner, and it will be more convenient for the animal to eat.

Important. If you feed an adult dog incorrectly, it can cause gastrointestinal upset and the development of various diseases.

Growth from 1 to 12 months

The table below shows how approximately the parameters of German Shepherd puppies should change during the first year by month:

AgeHeight at withersMale weightBitch weightChest circumference
1 month19-21 cm3.5-4 kg3-3.3 kg28-31 cm
2 months32-38 cm8.5-9 kg7.5-8 kg46-49 cm
3 months40-48 cm14-14.2 kg12-12.3 kg56-59 cm
4 months47-56 cm19-20 kg16-16.4 kg60-64 cm
5 months51-58 cm22-22.9 kg20-21.7 kg65-70 cm
6 months52-60 cm24-26 kg22.5-23 kg68-72 cm
7 months53-61 cm28-28.4 kg23-24.7 kg70-72 cm
8 months53-61 cm29-30 kg25-25.2 kg72-74 cm
9 months53-61 cm30.5-32 kg27-27.5 kg74-75 cm
10 months54-62 cm32.3-32.9 kg28-29 kg75-76 cm
11 months54-62 cm33-33.5 kg28-29 kg75-76 cm
12 months55-63 cm33-34 kg30-32 kg75-76 cm

It is important to understand that the data given in the table are averaged, and the growth and development of the pet may not coincide with them, since first of all it depends on factors such as:

  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • content;
  • feeding and so on.

However, if the deviations are too great and there are doubts about the sequence of development of the puppy, you should consult a veterinarian.

The height of an adult German Shepherd should be approximately equal to the length of its body, excluding the tail, which is why the dog looks almost “square”, and the chest circumference should be 5-7 cm greater than the length of the body.

The active growth phase of German Shepherds ends when they reach one year of age. But the dog’s development does not stop there, and the pet is fully formed only by 2 years. At this time, muscle mass increases, chest volume increases, and bone formation occurs.

Standard sizes of a German Shepherd

Which nation loves precision, accuracy, and perfection most? Of course, the Germans. Therefore, the parameters of a German Shepherd must be ideal. At one time, breeders worked hard to create a new type of shepherd dog with a harmonious physique, developed intelligence and a stable psyche. The result of the work was a gene pool brought to the ideal. And so that subsequent generations do not disturb the found balance, a special breed standard was developed.

According to this document, a dog can become a purebred dog only if it fully complies with the specified points. Basically, the requirements relate to the exterior of the individual, but along with the appearance characteristics, the standard establishes the permissible height and weight of the shepherd dog. For greater accuracy, the dimensions of the dogs were calculated taking into account their gender. Therefore, the weight of a girl and a boy German Shepherd varies.

For females, the upper height limit is set at 60 cm, and the lower limit is considered to be 55 cm. The weight of a German Shepherd bitch can vary from 22 to 32 kg. The optimal body weight of a dog depends on the genetic predispositions and individual characteristics of the animal. There are cases when healthy bitches weigh in the range of 32-35 kg.

A German Shepherd boy's height can range from 60 to 65 cm. The weight of a male German Shepherd according to the standard should be within 30-40 kg. It is also worth noting here that weight is determined by many factors, so some representatives of the breed may be heavier and reach 50 kg. But still, on average, a male German Shepherd weighs from 30 to 40 kg, and without good reason it is better not to allow the dog’s weight to go beyond the normal limits.

An important note should be added. The height of a German Shepherd at the withers cannot deviate by even 1 cm from the parameters specified in the standard! Any deviation from the prescribed height limits is considered a disqualifying fault.

How to care?

Regular hygiene procedures are necessary to maintain good health of your pet. He should be accustomed to all manipulations as early as possible.

Ear cleaning

Every 2 weeks you need to clean your dog's ears. To do this, apply a special lotion to a cotton pad and carefully clean the inside of the ear.

Normal discharge is thick and yellow in color. If they are dark or purulent and have an unpleasant odor, you should consult a veterinarian.

Wool and combing

Coat care includes quarterly bathing of the pet and combing 2 times a week at normal times and daily during the molting period. To do this, it is best to use a furminator or a metal comb.

Eye care

Representatives of this breed are not prone to ophthalmological diseases and excessive discharge from the eyes, so there is no need to wipe them often.

The appearance of increased lacrimation and thick, purulent discharge, redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids is a reason to immediately show the shepherd dog to a specialist.

Nail trimming

Starting from 2 months, you should begin to accustom your pet to trimming its nails. To do this, the dog needs to be laid on its side or sat down, fixed in this position and with a special nail cutter shorten each claw by 2-3 mm so that the blood vessels are not affected.

If more of the nail is cut off than necessary and the shepherd starts bleeding, you need to pour peroxide on the tip of the nail and dip it in manganese powder.


Also, puppy care includes timely vaccination, deworming and treatment for external parasites.

Raising a fighter

You should start training your dog as early as possible. Although puppies may seem like touching bear cubs, they can easily force you to obey. After the first vaccinations, they are accustomed to the street and a leash. At two months they are only introduced to the street and taken out only once or twice for 5-10 minutes. A one-year-old dog should spend half an hour in the fresh air twice a day.

On walks, it is better to take playing equipment with you; it is better if the dog carries it himself: in his teeth or in a special backpack on his back.

You need to train your dog strictly and confidently: punishments must be timely, and indulgences must not be allowed. One method of punishment is to lightly press the dog's muzzle to the floor and gaze intently into the eyes. If, in a fit of play, an animal hurts, you need to shout out loudly, and then leave the animal, do not talk or approach it for a while.

Channel member Irina Bezuglaya will talk about dog training in her video, which we recommend watching.

Pets of this breed are very smart and capable of serving as a guard, but even without special training, the dog will definitely stand up for the owner. If you understand that you are not ready to devote enough time to training, it is better to give the animal for training to an experienced dog handler.

For those who do not know how to care for such a pet, you just need to know that in this regard, the breed does not require any specific knowledge. The pet's fur should be combed, nails trimmed as they grow, the dog should be regularly checked after a walk for ticks, and treated for all parasites. The dog must be accustomed to these procedures from childhood and endure them unquestioningly - and then caring for the puppy will be a joy for both you and him.

What to feed for the first 3 months?

For 3 weeks after birth, puppies eat only mother's milk, then they need to be introduced to complementary foods, gradually transferring them to the diet that adults will have.

The following can be used as complementary foods:

  • ready-made dry food, but previously soaked in water, as well as pate or canned food (they must be marked Starter or Puppy);
  • pre-frozen scraped or grated lean meat (beef, rabbit or turkey);
  • fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt).

You cannot use cow's milk, baby formula or food from the common table for complementary feeding.

By 1.5 months, the menu for German Shepherd puppies should include:

  • raw and boiled beef, cut into small pieces;
  • milk;
  • rice and oatmeal porridge;
  • cottage cheese, kefir, raw egg.

Upon reaching 2-3 months, the puppies’ body can already digest fiber of plant origin, which means that boiled carrots and 1 tsp can be added to the diet. vegetable oil (for porridge).

An additional source of vitamins and minerals needed by a puppy’s growing body are vegetables and fruits (apples, bell peppers, watermelons) in the summer; vitamin D in oil and raw carrots should be given in winter.

Boiled or raw marrow bones are good for puppies as a treat and to promote jaw development.

Conditions of detention

Before getting a German Shepherd, you need to decide where the pet will live - indoors or outdoors. Based on this, you should prepare a place for it. An adult shepherd dog is large in size, so it feels freer in an enclosure. It should be equipped with a roof and a wooden floor, as well as a booth. Under these conditions, the animal is quite comfortable down to a temperature of -10 C.

The puppy cannot be left alone in the enclosure right away. He needs to grow up and gain strength. In the house, choose a place for it that is protected from outside interference, away from drafts and heating devices. It is rational to use a thick rug or mattress as bedding, and to help the baby quickly get used to the new owner, you can put one of the old things. To maintain cleanliness, put a removable pillowcase on the mattress and change it periodically.

How to feed a grown puppy correctly?

For a German Shepherd, the principle of so-called “free” feeding is absolutely unacceptable; it is important to accustom your pet to a feeding regime.

The number of feedings per day depends on age:

  • up to 1.5 months – 6 times;
  • 1.5-3 months – 5 times;
  • 3-6 months – 3 times;
  • from 6 months and older – 2 times.

In the first 2 weeks after buying a puppy, you need to feed him the same thing that he ate from the breeder, then the feeding pattern can be changed.

The diet of a German Shepherd can consist of natural products and ready-made industrial food, the main thing is that it is balanced. Otherwise, the puppy may not have erect ears and may develop gastritis or rickets.

Proper nutrition for a dog should consist of 60% of the daily food intake from raw or boiled lean meat.

The dog must also be given:

  • offal (due to lower nutritional value, they are required 1.5-2 times more than meat);
  • vegetables and herbs (15%);
  • fermented milk products (15%);
  • cereals – rice, buckwheat, rolled oats (10%);
  • egg.

Several times a week, meat should be completely replaced with fish.

All food should be cut into small pieces and have a temperature of 30-35 °C.

Due to the tendency of representatives of this breed to allergies, their diet should not contain:

  • chicken and chicken by-products;
  • pork and other fatty meats;
  • pearl barley, corn, wheat;
  • sugar and sweets;
  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • legumes and potatoes;
  • pasta;
  • salt, spices, herbs.


It is forbidden to give tubular bones - their use can lead to stomach injuries.

Industrial feeds are divided into several classes:

  • economy (Chappi, Darling, “Meal”, Pedigree) - prepared using the cheapest possible raw materials, contain little animal protein and many plant components;
  • premium (ProBalance, Dow Chow, Happy Dog, ProPlan) - they contain a little more components of animal origin, but also a lot of plant proteins;
  • super-premium (Arden Grange, 1st Choice, Josera, Belcando) – high-quality raw materials are used for production, they contain a lot of animal protein, and plant components are highly digestible cereals;
  • holistic (Almo Nature, Barking Heads, NOW, GO!, Acana) - they contain 70-80% animal proteins obtained from high-quality meat, and no grains.

Food for a German Shepherd should be at least premium.

The daily value depends on the class of food and the manufacturer and is indicated on the packaging.

Another good solution would be to give the puppy specialized vitamins, which can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy. This is especially true in autumn and spring, when the chance of developing vitamin deficiency is greatest. However, before purchasing, it is better to consult a veterinarian - he will help you choose the most suitable ones.

Feeding frequency and portion size

There are no universal advice on caloric intake.
Each dog has an individual metabolism. In addition, pets receive different loads: some spend almost no energy, while others actively consume calories.

They adhere only to general recommendations regarding the volume of dishes. They can be slightly reduced or increased.

The approximate feeding scheme for “German” puppies is as follows:

Age in monthsHow many times to feed per dayVolume of one serving
1-26200 ml
2-35300 ml
3-64500 ml
6-1030.75-1 l
from 1221-1.5 l

It is worth considering that puppies have a faster metabolism and a small stomach. Therefore, they are fed fractionally: often and in small doses. Pieces of food should be small and the consistency should be mushy.

Vaccination schedule

The table below shows the vaccination schedule for puppies by age, which veterinarians recommend following:

AgeGraftRevaccinationUsing the example of the drug used
8-10 weeksfrom enteritis, from plague, from parainfluenza, from infectious hepatitis, from adeno- and parvovirosis, from leptospirosisafter 21-28 days
  • “Kaningen” – DHA2PPi + L;
  • Nobivak – DHPPi + Lepto
12-13 weeksfrom rabiesnot being done
  • “Kaningen” – DHA2PPi + LR;
  • “Nobivak” – DHPPi + Lepto + Rabies or DHPPi + LR

When vaccinating, you should adhere to the following basic rules:

  • 10-14 days before the procedure it is necessary to carry out deworming;
  • You cannot vaccinate a puppy under 2 months old, a pregnant or lactating female;
  • it is important to use the same drug for vaccination and revaccination;
  • the puppy must be absolutely healthy.

All vaccinations must be repeated annually.

Slight lethargy and decreased activity of the puppy after vaccination is a normal reaction of the body.

Also, the first vaccination should not be given to the puppy before 8 weeks - not only is such vaccination considered “zero” among veterinarians (the puppy’s body simply will not develop immunity from diseases), but it can also significantly undermine the baby’s health.

Which is better – natural or dry food?

Despite the wide variety of ready-made food, the number of fans of natural nutrition has not decreased.

However, preparing acceptable food requires a lot of time and effort, although puppies are not picky about food and do not need a variety of dishes, but the pet’s body does..

Therefore, if the owner is not ready to sacrifice time, then it is better to start looking closely at dry food manufacturers.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Regarding dry food for puppies, I have a negative opinion, because there is a real excess of fats, proteins and microelements, which have a bad effect on the development of puppies and, as a result, they grow up fat and “raw”, not to mention problems with ligaments. If you buy dry food, then buy food for adult dogs. In the case of natural nutrition, it becomes difficult to create an individual diet. During the period of intensive growth (up to 7-8 months), protein products should predominate: fish, meat products, poultry and fermented milk products, and leave borscht and porridge for yourself.

How to bathe properly?

It is worth accustoming a puppy to water procedures in a playful way and not earlier than he is 3 months old and has received all the necessary vaccinations. If the coat is heavily soiled before this, it should be wiped with a damp cloth or napkin.

When washing, you must use a special shampoo appropriate for the type of coat, and the water should be 36-40 °C. After bathing, the pet should be dried with a soft towel and not allowed to lie on its side until completely dry, otherwise the fur will become very tangled.


You should bathe your German Shepherd no more than once a quarter, since frequent use of detergents helps wash off the protective layer covering the hairs.

Separate food

A prerequisite is separate feeding. There is no need to create a vinaigrette by trying to feed meat, eggs, and soaked food in a small portion at the same time.

Cottage cheese and porridge must be present in the puppy's complementary foods

The stomach of a small puppy is not capable of producing many digestive enzymes, and each type of food requires its own composition of gastric juice.

The imperfection of the stomach of a one-month-old shepherd dog does not allow it to tune in to produce the necessary enzyme if the food has a multi-species composition. Such food lies in a lump at the bottom of the stomach and lingers there for a long time.

The result is vomiting or diarrhea, when the lump nevertheless pushes into the intestines. There will be no benefit from such complementary foods, but indigestion or persistent refusal to eat is easy.

This does not happen when different types of food are taken separately, because the ventricle is able to cope separately with porridge, separately with meat, separately with cottage cheese.

Changing and brushing teeth

German Shepherd puppies have 28 teeth and, starting from 3 months of age, they begin to change to molars, which should be 42 - 22 on the lower jaw and 20 on the upper. A change in your pet's teeth may be accompanied by a fever or simply general malaise.

First of all, the incisors are changed, and when the puppy reaches the age of 4 months, the canines.

To speed up loosening, you should let your shepherd chew on a rubber ball, bone, or some hard treat.

Natural cleaning is facilitated by the dog eating crackers, suitable bones, apples, raw carrots and tomatoes. You also need to brush her teeth weekly with a special paste and brush.

If, during the examination, stones or plaque are found on the teeth, you should consult a specialist.

Provided proper care and the absence of genetic problems with teeth, changing them will not cause problems and will be completely over by 10-12 months.

Artificial and fed puppies

Do not confuse babies who started complementary feeding early with artificial puppies who received very little or no mother’s milk. At the age of 2 months, they will always look smaller than their two-month-old peers, and have a slightly lower weight. As a rule, with proper care and proper selection of diet, by 4-6 months the artificial ones successfully catch up with their brothers.

Shepherd dogs raised on proper complementary feeding, if they reach a minimum weight of 8 kg (boys) and 7 kg (girls), can be given to new owners from 8 weeks, that is, at 2 months.

By this time, the patronized shepherd dog should look dense and strong: the back should not be sagging and the belly should not be swollen.

When is weaning from the mother?

The most suitable time for weaning puppies from the bitch is 1.5-2 months of age. During this period, the psyche and character of the kids are formed, they are gradually socialized and master the main rules of behavior within the pack.

If the bitch does not have enough milk or has other problems with lactation, the puppies can be weaned earlier.

Dog character

At the age of five months, character formation begins, in which the owner plays an important role.

The future of the dog largely depends on the owner's approach to the pet . Never tease a puppy, this will have a bad effect on the pet’s future behavior and attitude towards others.

The puppy will become aggressive, and this is not so easy to fix.

At 5 months, puppies are active and playful . Pets at this age are full of energy and spend a long time outside. If in the first month and a half, 15-20 minutes are more than enough for babies, then at the age of five months, puppies walk for all of two hours.

How to distinguish a boy from a girl?

At birth, puppies already have distinctive sexual characteristics, but the difference between males and females becomes clearly visible closer to a month and an inexperienced owner may have difficulty determining the sex of the newborn.

If you need to find out the puppy’s gender as early as possible, you should carefully examine the underbelly. If only the nipples and navel are visible, this is a bitch, whose genital organ is not so pronounced and is located almost between the hind legs, and if the genital organ is located just below the navel, it is a male.

There are also indirect signs that allow you to determine the gender of the puppy. Thus, it is believed that males are larger and more active than females. However, here everything depends on the character and characteristics of a particular individual - it often happens that it is the girls who are highly active in the litter.



Price range

The cost of a puppy depends on the region and place where it is purchased, color, age, compliance with the breed standard, health and class.

In Russia, the cost of a show-class dog starts from 63 thousand rubles, a breed-class puppy can be bought for 25-63 thousand rubles, and a pet-class pet will cost 3-5 thousand rubles.

Prohibited Products

Not all products are healthy and safe for a small pet, so avoid consuming:

  1. Bean
    . They are poorly digested, causing heaviness, bloating and flatulence.
  2. Spices and smoked meats
    . Only a small amount of salt is allowed, which is responsible for normalizing the water-salt balance.
  3. Citrus fruits
    , which are fraught with allergies, grapes and raisins, which can lead to kidney failure.
  4. Bones
    . After replacing milk teeth with molars, the puppy is able to gnaw on a previously unyielding bone and injure the esophagus.
  5. Pork
    . Fatty meat can lead to excess weight. Pigs also often carry plague and parasites.
  6. Semolina porridge
    . May cause allergies.
  7. Sorrel
    . Causes an acute form of gastritis.

How to choose your future pet?

It is best to adopt a puppy from a specialized nursery, where breeders take a responsible approach to the issue of dog health. It is also necessary to find out the number of puppies in the litter - the bitch is able to feed a maximum of 10 healthy babies.

A healthy puppy that meets the breed standard:

  • smooth, shiny coat;
  • no fringes near the ears;
  • there are no red spots or rashes on the skin;
  • strong bones, straight back line;
  • the paws are even and strong, the pads are thick, the claws are dark;
  • tail straight;
  • the stomach is not bloated;
  • almond-shaped eyes, without increased lacrimation and purulent discharge;
  • mucous membranes are pink, clean;
  • bite – “scissors”, gap no more than 2 mm;
  • the coat is clean, there is no dandruff;
  • ears without unpleasant odor or discharge.

Ears that are not fully erect are not a sign of abnormality. Their formation occurs between 5 weeks and 4 months.


In addition, a healthy puppy behaves actively, shows curiosity, and its veterinary passport contains all the necessary notes on vaccination and deworming.

And a little about products for dogs

In order for your pet to be healthy, beautiful and feel great, you need to balance its diet so that the growing body receives everything it needs. It's no secret that a dog is a predator, although to a lesser extent than a cat. Therefore, for a dog, the main source of energy and everything else is proteins. And only then come fats, carbohydrates, minerals, fiber and vitamins.

Proteins for a puppy

The main source is animal products, that is, meat. It can be given either raw or boiled. Still, give preference to raw, as it provides everything your puppy needs.

The baby will happily scratch his gums on the sugar bone, but at an older age the bones are already dangerous - they can injure the intestines and stomach.

As for fish, in principle you can treat your dog to it a couple of times a week, but only sea fish - raw or boiled, without bones. Fish products wash out vitamin B, resulting in intestinal upset, growth retardation, dandruff, and weakening of the name system. Finally, fish tend to accumulate heavy metals, which will cause banal poisoning.

Cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein, but raw eggs are poorly digestible. Moreover, raw protein can cause dermatitis. Therefore, if there are eggs, then boiled or in the form of an omelet. Milk, kefir, yogurt, etc. you can and should give. They are offered either raw or cooked as milk porridge.

Fats for dogs

This is also an important element. Moreover, the German Shepherd needs both animal and vegetable and milk fats. A sign that the animal has enough of everything is smooth, shiny fur.

A baby needs 2.6 grams of fat per 1 kg of weight per day. Add animal fats to soups and cereals. Sometimes it can be replaced with butter. The dose for a puppy up to 3 months will be 10-15 g, for a six-month-old puppy - 20-25 g per day.

And vegetable fats contain valuable unsaturated acids. They increase the puppy’s resistance to various diseases, stimulate rapid growth, normalize metabolism and have a positive effect on the circulatory system.


This is an important component that provides energy and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. These are starch, sugar, fiber, and simply - cereals, fruits and vegetables. And if for some reason there is not enough fat in the dog’s diet, then the amount of carbohydrates is increased proportionally. Semolina is given under supervision, because it makes the puppy gain weight very quickly and become loose. And overfeeding rolled oats can cause inflammation of the anal glands.

It is not advisable to give fresh bread to any dog. In the stomach it will form a sticky lump, which will slow down the digestion process. Instead, treat your dog with crackers, but in moderate doses, and starting from 2 months.

Sprouted grains are a very healthy product, and giving your dog one tablespoon of them a day will be very helpful. If necessary, you can also make vitamin flour: sprout the grains, dry them, and grind them.

But it’s better to forget about all legumes, as they are very poorly and take a long time to digest. This is heavy food for a dog.

Dogs eat almost all vegetables and fruits well . But there are small exceptions:

  • Potatoes - only raw and as a delicacy
  • Cherry - weakens
  • Zucchini, cabbage - puchat
  • Sorrel is dangerous for dogs, causing gastritis and even death.

Water for dogs

The water quality requirements for dogs are the same as for humans. The only thing is not to constantly feed your puppy boiled water, as it can have a negative effect on the teeth. And teach your shepherd not to drink from puddles and various bodies of water - he can easily pick up some kind of infection.

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