Affenpinscher dog. Description, features, care and price of the Affenpinscher

UsageHunting; companion
ColorBlack; black with gray or tan
DimensionsHeight 25 – 30 cm; weight 3 – 4.5 kg
Lifespan11 – 13 years old

The Affenpinscher is a small dog with a fearless disposition. The cute monkey face will not leave anyone indifferent. The character of a fearless defender and a dexterous hunter will captivate you forever.

Breed standard

Detailed description of the Affenpinscher breed:

  • General form. Not a large, strong, proportionally built dog, with thick, tousled hair. Dimensions. Height at the withers for males is 27–30 cm, for females 25–27 cm.
  • Head. Round, long hair on the head makes it visually larger. The occipital protuberance is faintly noticeable, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly pronounced. The eyes are round, large, symmetrically located, dark brown in color. The ears are large, semi-erect, directed straight forward parallel to each other. Fully standing ears are also allowed by the standard, provided that other proportions are observed.
  • Muzzle. Narrow, short, black nose, large, with well-opened nostrils. The lips are tight-fitting, black, the lower one is large, expressive, and it gives the muzzle a monkey-like appearance. Normally, there is an overshot, the teeth are tightly clenched, the full set is 42 teeth.
  • Neck. Dry, without dewlap, but wide with pronounced muscles.
  • Frame. Compact, strong, free from dampness. The stomach is slightly tucked in, the back is straight, the loin is moderately rounded and short. The ribs protrude slightly, the chest is wide, not reaching the elbows.
  • Limbs. Straight, strong, rounded pasterns, fingers closed. The thighs are strong, muscular, but without dampness. There are virtually no articulation angles.
  • Tail. Long, set high, sickle-shaped. The length of the tail is ideally higher than the hock joint. Coat and color. Two-layer, very thick. The undercoat is light, but dense and abundant. The guard coat is moderately long and harsh. On the tail and chest, the withers are longer than along the body.
  • The color is preferably black, for example red tan or “gray hair”, pepper and salt, brown, reddish red, gray. An Affenpinscher puppy is characterized by a poorer coat than an adult.
  • Sexual dimorphism. Pronounced, females are much more compact and “feminine” than males.

Owner reviews

On the forums of cynologists who love dogs, you can find many reviews from fans of Affenpinschers:

  • “When I saw the first affen, my impression was that I was drowned in brown, almond-shaped, human eyes, in which a perspicacious mind was read. Eyelashes with a beautiful curve, going into bangs...! And the face changes thanks to good facial expressions. Many judges write “face” in the description. About health, I already have two pensioners, the teeth are all in place, the coat is good. For 8 years, not a single dog got sick. I haven’t identified any weak points yet.”
  • “We became Chip’s fourth owners at the age of one and a half years. We adopted a dog for foster care. At first, he was a very mischievous, but smart and cheerful dog. Only with time did he discover all the charms of the breed. This is a devoted dog to his owners, loving all surrounding animals (in the family), smart, brave, cheerful. True, very cunning. But if he is wrong, then he is fully aware of his guilt.”
  • “The Affenpinscher is a very smart, brave and beautiful little dog. My true friend for life!”
  • “The breed is amazing! These little brownies get along well with any living creature in the house!”
  • “Always ready to help you! But what sets them apart from other small breeds is that Affens never fuss! These are the guys!”


Reviews from owners say that an Affenpinscher puppy is no different from an adult dog. Until old age, dogs remain cheerful and playful - “eternal puppies.” Before making such a friend, you need to consider: the Affenpinscher is not a couch potato, not a couch dog, but a real working dog that needs activity.

The Monkey Pinscher is a breed of dog with extraordinary intelligence, self-confidence, and stubbornness. Despite its small dimensions, it is not suitable for novice dog owners and lazy people. In the absence of proper education and physical activity, he often displays destructive behavior. It has excellent sociability with other breeds of dogs and cats. But it will not tolerate proximity to rodents (guinea pigs, hamsters). In relation to other people he is reserved, even rather cold or distrustful. The Affenpinscher loves his family members, but remains unobtrusive.

History of the origin of the species

Affenpinschers are considered one of the oldest European breeds. Their story begins in the 17th century in southern Germany. It is believed that back then the dogs were slightly larger (up to 35 cm at the withers) with a more varied color (yellowish, red, brown, gray, black with white spots).

These small, agile dogs appeared, most likely, thanks to the successful crossing of the Terrier and the Brussels Griffon . They were bred as helpers in the fight against the bad weather of those centuries - rodents that ravaged shops and houses, and were also the main carriers of infection. Then Affenpinschers also began to be used as stable guards because of their bold disposition and loud bark. They remained the favorites of cab drivers for a long time.

As the breed diminished, noble ladies began to consider representatives of this breed as companion dogs.

The first written mention of this breed dates back to 1879. The first standard was developed in 1902, but German breeders continued to work on the breed to unify it. The breed standard was approved after 11 years of fruitful work to eliminate deficiencies in litters. It was only in 1936 that the Affenpinscher was finally accepted by the Kennel Union of America.

During World War II, these dogs were almost exterminated; by 1950, very few of them remained. In the second half of the 20th century, cynologists were actively involved in restoring the livestock, but even today the breed is still considered quite rare.

These dogs got their name because of their monkey-like muzzle. "Affe" is translated from German as monkey. Literally, Affenpinscher is a monkey pinscher.

How to choose a puppy

The main condition when buying a family friend is that the Affenpinscher puppy must be healthy. The absence of genetic diseases is confirmed by various tests that the puppy’s parents must undergo before breeding. It is imperative to study photos of the parents and the entire litter before going to pick up the puppy; obvious defects (hunchback, splayed pasterns, etc.) are noticeable even in the photographs.

How to choose an Affenpinscher puppy:

  • The ideal age for moving to a new home is from 10 weeks;
  • The breeder has all the necessary documents in his hands (puppy card or pedigree, veterinary passport with notes on deworming and vaccinations);
  • Puppies must be strong and healthy.
  • Discharge from the eyes and ears is unacceptable; "dandruff"; the presence of fleas and other parasites; Deviations in the psyche of dogs (including parents) are not acceptable.
  • Animals should not be intimidated, too timid or, on the contrary, aggressive.

Important! You cannot buy a dog that is barely a month old. The puppy must go through the first stage of socialization with its littermates and mother.

Key points in training

Thanks to their high intelligence, these kids are amenable to training. However, this process can be complicated due to the stubbornness and harmfulness of the pet. In addition, curiosity about the world around him will always make him distracted from the activities and demands of the owner.

  1. It is better to start learning commands from an early age.
  2. To create maximum motivation for training, it is recommended to take a lot of goodies with you and do not skimp on praise.
  3. You should not delay classes, otherwise your baby will quickly lose interest in them.
  4. For a successful result, the learning process must remain exciting for him and resemble a game.
  5. Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

When raising an Affenpinscher, you need to show maximum firmness and make it clear who is boss in the house. In this case, there will be no problems with further training and living with the affen.

Features of maintenance and care

Like any breed, there is a bad side and a good side to owning an Affenpinscher. On the one hand, this is a small dog that does not require a spacious garden or any special living conditions. On the other hand, he is an active dog, which, despite its size, needs activity.

You can keep a monkey pinscher in an apartment or a private house. Not suitable for enclosure keeping - will freeze in winter.


In addition to standard brushing, the Affenpinscher requires more complex grooming. There are significant differences in caring for the coat of a pet and a show exhibitor. Like all “designer” breeds, they require a visit to the groomer’s salon every six months. Grooming an Affenpinscher is not a mandatory procedure. But if the owner wishes, the groomer can use a haircut to give any shape to the head or body. For hygiene purposes, for aesthetic reasons, the owners of Affens - short haircuts began to gain popularity among this breed. Grooming of show dogs is exclusively “hygienic” - they trim the belly line and give the paws a rounded shape. The eyes and bridge of the nose are framed on the muzzle to emphasize the monkey-like expression of the muzzle. The rest of the coat on the body is trimmed before each exhibition.

To properly care for the hair of a monkey pinscher you need:

  • Comb 1 – 2 times a week to avoid the formation of tangles;
  • Trim at least 2 times a year;
  • Visit a grooming salon once every 3-4 months for hygienic haircuts.


Exhibitors are bathed 24 hours before each exhibition. Domestic dogs - as their fur gets dirty. Without visible dirt, it is not recommended to wash your Affenpinscher more than once a month.

After hygiene procedures, be sure to completely dry and comb the dog.


Affens are active dogs due to their hunting background. For the full development of bones and muscles, they need physical activity. The dog will be grateful for a long walk in the park and a fun run after the ball. It should be remembered that this is not a hound or a greyhound, despite its strong constitution - an Affenpinscher will not run 10 kilometers behind a bicycle.

Physical activity for puppies up to one year old should be divided into short periods of 10-15 minutes with a break for rest. After 2 - 3 hours you can go for a walk again. Thus, the baby will not be overloaded, but will also be busy enough so as not to “test” everything that is in the house.


Experienced breeders recommend feeding Affens with ready-made industrial food. This will save the owner from purchasing additional vitamin and mineral supplements, gastrointestinal upset, and will negate the risk of developing food allergies. You can't skimp when choosing food. The dog's health depends on the quality of its diet. We recommend food from reputable brands of at least premium class.


The Affenpinscher has a voracious appetite. In addition to what is in his bowl, he can eat half of the owner’s portion if the owner follows the dog’s lead and feeds it from his table.

This is done with the best intentions, but it is very harmful to the dog. Firstly, her boundaries between where her food is and where it’s someone else’s are blurred. Secondly, the dog may gain excess weight. It negatively affects health.

Therefore, the first rule of the breeder is to ensure that the diet is balanced. It is also important to avoid overfeeding. Both commandments are easy to implement when it comes to factory-made nutrition. Any package of dry food indicates the number of grams for a particular breed and age of the dog.

The main thing is to select high quality products. It’s not too cheap, but natural nutrition isn’t cheap either. In addition, natural food requires additional vitamins and minerals. An Affenpinscher puppy can eat up to 6 times a day, and with age the number of feedings decreases.

As a result, by 11-12 months the dog eats three times a day. The basis of the diet is proteins. These are lean meats and fish. Sometimes you can feed your dog the yolk of an egg, but the white is poorly digested. In addition, porridges are recommended - buckwheat and rice. Millet-type cereals are best avoided.

By the way, dry food and natural food can be combined. In this case, breeders talk about mixed feeding. But no matter what option the owner chooses, he should not forget about the list of prohibited foods:

  • chocolate and other sweets;
  • baked goods;
  • fatty food;
  • spicy and salty dishes;
  • seasonings and spices;
  • tubular bones;
  • potato;
  • legumes

It is also important to remember that drinking water should always be nearby. The bowl of water should be refreshed daily.


Thanks to the painstaking work of conscientious breeders and breeders, Affenpinschers are moving towards the title of “healthy breed”. Sick individuals prone to genetic diseases are not allowed for breeding. Offspring bred from exclusively healthy sires pleases owners for 11-14 years.


Despite the efforts of breeders to breed healthy offspring, a tendency towards certain diseases in Affenpinschers is observed:

  • Snacking can lead to dental problems;
  • Inflammatory processes of the eyes (most often conjunctivitis);
  • If there is insufficient physical activity, there may be problems with joints and ligaments;
  • Hormonal imbalances due to improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.


The vaccination schedule is the same for all breeds. The age and strains of viruses can be changed by a veterinarian depending on individual characteristics and geography of residence. At the age of 8 to 12 weeks, primary immunization is carried out; the standard set of strains includes:

  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • carnivore plague;
  • infectious hepatitis.

After 21 days, revaccination of these infections is carried out. At the same time as the re-vaccination, the Affenpinscher is ready for vaccination against rabies. Based on the characteristics of the situation and the virus situation in the area of ​​residence, the veterinarian may recommend immunizing the puppy against rabies after changing a full set of teeth. The last vaccination is given at one year of age, then repeated annually in combination with rabies. Before each immunization, it is necessary to carry out preventive deworming, 10 - 14 days before visiting the doctor. Before the first vaccination, prophylaxis is carried out twice with an interval of 2 weeks.

Possible diseases

The Affenpinscher is a dog of good health, so if there are visits to the veterinary office, it will be more likely for preventive purposes. It is not worth going to the doctor more than once every 6 months. To prevent diseases, vaccinations should be carried out according to schedule, and also ensure that the dog’s diet includes all useful minerals and substances.

Among the most common diseases of the breed are various problems with the musculoskeletal system. Since the dog is very mobile, dislocations and fractures may occur. Some dislocations, such as those of the kneecap, can lead to arthritis. Therefore, they need to be eliminated in a timely manner. Another disease is Legg-Perthes disease.

It can lead to necrosis of the femur. Usually the disease can be diagnosed by six months. With proper treatment, a favorable outcome is possible. Heart disease includes increased noise of this organ. But they have virtually no effect on health. If a dog is properly cared for, it can live 13-15 years.


Individuals who are completely healthy, without disqualifying defects, and have reached the age of 18 months are allowed for mating. Males are ready for insemination all year round. Bitches go into heat twice a year (in some individuals, 1 heat per year is acceptable).

Mating is prescribed on days 9–14 of estrus, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Veterinary clinics offer a service to determine the day of ovulation; for a more accurate date, you can seek help from doctors. Dogs must be completely healthy; it is recommended that potential parents carry out worm prevention before mating. You can also take a course of vitamins, especially for females. Immunization, if the time is right, is best done in advance (21 days before the planned mating).


Choosing a name for a future family member is not an easy task. It should be simple and sonorous, suit the animal’s unusual appearance and characterize its personal qualities.

  • For girls you can use the following nicknames: Goldie, Roxy, Poly, Lilu, Manon, Nymph, Orlet, Prelest, Rosie, Sophie, Cherry, Alma, Olivia, Ophelia, Lisa.
  • The following names may be suitable for boys: Oscar, Chester, Brix, Tarsis, Sparks, Rocky, Bob, Max, Kent, Martin, Jack, Veron, Harry, David, Cox.

How much do puppies cost?

It is difficult to say definitively how much an Affenpinscher puppy costs. The price depends on the number of titles of the parents and the prestige of the nursery as a whole. The breed is rare, you can’t hope for a symbolic amount.

High-breed puppies cost from 60,000 rubles. Under the terms of co-ownership with a kennel, or a puppy without exhibition prospects will cost less - about 40,000 rubles.


To purchase puppies of this breed, it is important to choose a trusted breeder or kennel. The supplier is obliged to provide pedigree and necessary documents. The puppy should not be younger than one and a half months. If the dog behaves lethargically and fearfully, it may have some kind of abnormality.

Important! When purchasing an animal, it is recommended to observe its behavior a little. A healthy Affenpinscher is always cheerful and curious.

In Russia there are several reliable nurseries engaged in breeding Affenpinschers:

  • From the Kunets house - this nursery is located in St. Petersburg. He specializes in breeding Affenpinschers and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. Here are dogs with high champion titles in various categories.
  • Fast Rush - nursery is located in the city of Saratov. In addition to Affenpinschers, Norfolk Terriers, ASTs, and Brussels Griffons live there.
  • Novgorod kennel of JSC "Volkhov Estate" - Central Asian Shepherd Dogs and Affenpinschers are raised here. The parents of the offspring are champions of Russia and Belarus.


  • Like many toy breeds, the Affenpinscher can be difficult to train.
  • Although their coat is coarse and is often considered hypoallergenic, it is a misconception that they do not shed. All dogs shed.
  • Being hereditary rat catchers, Affenpinschers do not get along well with hamsters, mice, ferrets, etc. However, they can live with dogs and cats, especially if they grew up together.
  • They are not recommended for families with small children, but they get along well with adults and older children.
  • This is a rare breed, be prepared that buying an Affenpinscher will not be so easy.


The Affenpinscher is a very active dog that needs regular walks. As a rule, the animal is walked in the morning and evening.

Important! During walks, your pet must be kept on a leash using a harness , as it can attack another animal.

During walks, you need to stage active games with elements of training for your pet.

Affenpinschers have an unbridled passion for high-altitude obstacles: they happily climb trees and fences, so the owner needs to be especially careful while walking.

For such dogs it is recommended to use agility. This article will tell you what it is and how to use it.

Let's sum it up

So you have met a cheerful, cheerful little devil who can take a place in your home. Carefully weigh the pros and cons and only then make a decision.

Remember what Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, “we are responsible for those we have tamed.”


To prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases, as well as rabies and leptospirosis, the animal is vaccinated . The procedure is prescribed subcutaneously, starting at six weeks of age.

Before vaccination, the pet must be absolutely healthy, free from helminths, fleas and other parasites.

On the eve of vaccinations, the animal is not washed or subjected to physical stress. The event is carried out on an empty stomach.

After vaccination, it is advisable to refrain for 1.5-2 weeks from visiting places with a concentration of animals.


Brownie Kuzka

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