Affenpinscher dog. Description, features, care and price of the Affenpinscher

Miniature, but very brave and quick-witted, Affenpinschers have millions of fans all over the world. The Affen's muzzles are similar to those of monkeys, which makes them very funny and sets them apart from other breeds. But the little cuties have their own characteristics, good and bad sides.

To participate in exhibitions and win prizes, the owner will need a description of the breed standard, and most importantly, advice on choosing a puppy and caring for it.

Description of the Affenpinscher breed

Popularity 142nd among 263 dog breeds


12-14 years old

Breed group:



25-30 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

30-40 thousand rubles


4-6 kg
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Let's sum it up

So you have met a cheerful, cheerful little devil who can take a place in your home. Carefully weigh the pros and cons and only then make a decision.

Remember what Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, “we are responsible for those we have tamed.”

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Pros:
  • boundless love for the owner;
  • good guard qualities;
  • compact size;
  • possibility of living in small apartments;
  • hypoallergenic.
  • Minuses:
  • poor getting along with other pets;
  • aggressiveness towards strange dogs and cats while walking;
  • loud barking at any stimuli;
  • excessive demands for attention from the owner;
  • dislike for children.

Price: how much does it cost?

Buying an Affenpinscher puppy is not so easy. This is a rather rare breed in Russia and throughout the world. In nurseries there are usually queues for unborn puppies. This is one of the reasons for the high cost of this breed. Also, the high price is due to the exotic appearance of the dog and its difficult character.

The price for puppies with a good pedigree and the presence of all necessary documents starts from 80 thousand rubles . You can find offers on the Internet that are much cheaper, but there will be no guarantee of the purity of the breed.

Key facts

The description of the Affenpinscher breed classifies it as a representative of the dwarf breeds, and due to its appearance, the miniature dog received other names: monkey pinscher, monkey terrier.

These animals were originally bred to hunt rats, but due to their small size they became popular as pouch dogs or lap dogs. Their funny face with a monkey expression will not leave anyone indifferent.

These pets appeared in Germany and successfully performed the role of a rat-catcher dog. Then the fame of individuals with such an unusual appearance spread beyond the country of origin. In Western Europe, they became favorites of aristocrats, turning into companion and guard dogs.

Keeping is possible both in apartments and country houses due to the small height and weight of Affenpinschers. Dogs do not take up much space and thus do not create inconvenience for their owners.

Representatives of both sexes reach a height at the withers of only 25-30 cm, and males and females weigh up to 4-6 kg. The average lifespan of Affenpinschers is 12-14 years, but long-livers are found.

Monkey pinschers are very active and mobile, so they need a long walk. Walking should be done at least twice a day, spending 1 to 3 hours a day on them. When walking on the street, you need to keep your dog on a leash, but outside the city, where there are few people and foreign animals, you should organize active games and jogging for it.


Choosing a name for a future family member is not an easy task. It should be simple and sonorous, suit the animal’s unusual appearance and characterize its personal qualities.

  • For girls you can use the following nicknames: Goldie, Roxy, Poly, Lilu, Manon, Nymph, Orlet, Prelest, Rosie, Sophie, Cherry, Alma, Olivia, Ophelia, Lisa.
  • The following names may be suitable for boys: Oscar, Chester, Brix, Tarsis, Sparks, Rocky, Bob, Max, Kent, Martin, Jack, Veron, Harry, David, Cox.

History of the origin of the Affenpinscher

The date of origin of the breed is said to be the 17th century, and the place of origin is considered to be the south of Germany. Initially, the ancestors of the monkey terrier were slightly larger than modern animals and reached a height of 35 cm. The color was also varied, there were four-legged animals of yellow, red, brown and gray shades; black color with white spots is mentioned.

The Affenpinschers were created by crossing the Brussels Griffon and the Terrier. The development of a new breed was associated with the need to exterminate rats. At that time, rodents were a terrible punishment. They spread a deadly infection, plundered cellars and shops, and attacked people.

Little pinschers successfully coped with their role as rat catchers, and then they began to be housed in stables as guards. No one was embarrassed by the miniature size of the pets, because their distinguishing feature was their bold disposition and loud bark. For many years they were considered the favorite breed of cab drivers.

Over time, Affenpinschers became more and more compact. As their numbers diminished, dogs began to be used as companions by noble ladies, and not only in Germany. Portraits of respectable women with affens in their hands were quite common in the 19th century.

The date of the first official mention of the breed is 1879. In 1902, the first standards were developed, but the work of breeders did not stop there. After eliminating the shortcomings, the final breed standards were approved in 1913.

Interesting fact: during the Second World War, the number of Affenpinschers almost completely decreased. Because of this, in the second half of the 20th century, work on their breeding and popularization began again. However, at present the breed can safely be classified as rare.

The dogs' name comes from their monkey-like face. The first part of the name affen is translated as monkey, so it can be literally translated from German as monkey pinscher.

Differences from the griffin

It is believed that Affenpinschers became the base breed for breeding the griffin. The two breeds are similar in many ways, but they also have significant differences.

Griffins, for example, tend to be less aggressive and have a calmer temperament. They are less noisy and more calm. These dogs are not at all suitable as watchdogs and have less fearlessness in the face of dangerous opponents than Affenpinschers. Although their active disposition and love for long walks is similar to the Affens.

Purely outwardly, they can be distinguished by color: the affen is always black, and the griffons are either red or fawn.


Pay attention to the constantly “indignant” expression on the griffon’s face

Appearance of the Affenpinscher

General impression

The miniature size of the dog should not be misleading. He has a strong, muscular build with almost square proportions. It is clearly noticeable that the length of his body approximately corresponds to the height at the withers.

The breed has thick, coarse fur and a touching face. But at the same time, there are quite strict standards associated with the exterior of the monkey pinscher.


The round skull of the dog has a pronounced frontal part, which turns into a short bridge of the nose. The correct triangle shape is clearly visible between the eyes and the nose.

The nose of the four-legged friend is wide with a rounded black lobe, which begins to narrow closer to the bridge of the nose.

On the dog's muzzle there is a small beard made of long, coarse hair. The lower jaw protrudes slightly forward. The Affenpinscher's bite is similar to the dense bite of a bulldog. Small, sharp teeth are not visible when the mouth is closed.

The triangular-shaped ears are small in size, positioned symmetrically and protrude slightly forward.


The pet's neck is straight, quite short, but at the same time very mobile. There are no skin folds on it. Thick, coarse hair covers all parts of the neck equally.


The compact body of the quadruped has dry, strong muscles. The Pinscher's back is flat, with a slight rounding in the croup area. The chest is wide and dense. The bottom line looks even. The abdominal muscles are well toned.


The dog's front paws are parallel to each other. They are quite smooth, covered with thick short hair. Thanks to its strong muscles, the pet can cover long distances without difficulty.

Hind limbs

Lean muscles and strong bones form the pinscher's hind legs. They end with tightly pressed fingers and elastic pads.


It has the shape of a sickle or saber, covered with thick hair. In many European countries and America, tail docking is prohibited, but the Russian breed standard allows tail trimming. As a result, a tail is left from 3 cm to 5 cm long, raised at the base.


The small paws of Affenpinschers do not require sweeping movements. They move in small leaps, while developing quite a high speed for such miniature animals.


The hair of a German is hard. The hair on the head is longer, it grows in different directions, which creates a similarity between a dog and a monkey.


The color of the coat and undercoat should be black. This is the main breed standard in Europe. In America, other pet colors are allowed: brown, red and tan.


The height of the pinscher at the withers is 25-30 cm, and females and males hardly differ from each other in size. The weight of adult individuals reaches 4-6 kg.


To prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases, as well as rabies and leptospirosis, the animal is vaccinated . The procedure is prescribed subcutaneously, starting at six weeks of age.

Before vaccination, the pet must be absolutely healthy, free from helminths, fleas and other parasites.

On the eve of vaccinations, the animal is not washed or subjected to physical stress. The event is carried out on an empty stomach.

After vaccination, it is advisable to refrain for 1.5-2 weeks from visiting places with a concentration of animals.

Character of Affenpinschers

Monkey terriers differ from some representatives of pouch breeds in that they are universal for keeping at home and are also easy to train.

Affens love to take an active part in the life of the family, literally following on the heels of the owner. They are also suitable for those who are used to traveling and making long trips. Dogs can easily endure travel and changes in environment – ​​as long as their adored owner is nearby. Pets do not accept strangers, so they become excellent, loyal guards. They are always ready to rush to the defense of those whom they consider important in their lives. Therefore, their small size should not be misleading.

The breed will be suitable for people who are allergic to animal fur. Pinschers are hypoallergenic and practically do not shed.

Among the shortcomings in the character of Affenpinschers, first of all, jealousy should be included. They do not get along well with other animals, no matter what species they are. Also, you should not get a specimen of this breed if you have small children at home. The dog may think that the baby wants to encroach on its territory and will actively begin to protect it. The dog is unlikely to like hugs or games from a child.

The active, restless Affen loves to walk on the street, but due to his desperate courage he can easily rush at a fellow passing by, no matter how big he is.

German Pinschers are difficult to classify as quiet breeds. According to the owners, keeping them in cramped apartments would be the wrong decision. Any irritant from the outside will be met with a loud and shrill bark, which is unlikely to please the neighbors.

Pets really do not like loneliness and for quite a long time remain puppies in mentality. Therefore, they require undivided attention, games and a large number of toys, otherwise they begin to play pranks and chew furniture or shoes.


To purchase puppies of this breed, it is important to choose a trusted breeder or kennel. The supplier is obliged to provide pedigree and necessary documents. The puppy should not be younger than one and a half months. If the dog behaves lethargically and fearfully, it may have some kind of abnormality.

Important! When purchasing an animal, it is recommended to observe its behavior a little. A healthy Affenpinscher is always cheerful and curious.

In Russia there are several reliable nurseries engaged in breeding Affenpinschers:

  • From the Kunets house - this nursery is located in St. Petersburg. He specializes in breeding Affenpinschers and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. Here are dogs with high champion titles in various categories.
  • Fast Rush - nursery is located in the city of Saratov. In addition to Affenpinschers, Norfolk Terriers, ASTs, and Brussels Griffons live there.
  • Novgorod kennel of JSC "Volkhov Estate" - Central Asian Shepherd Dogs and Affenpinschers are raised here. The parents of the offspring are champions of Russia and Belarus.

Education and training

Affenpinschers are smart and intellectually developed dogs, so they learn lessons well from training. The only obstacle to training a pet is its stubbornness and harmfulness. The baby is often distracted during training by what is happening around him, forgetting about following the command or the owner’s requirements. Therefore, there is no need to delay the exercise, but rather turn the whole process into an exciting game. Then the Affenpinscher will be interested, and problems with training will be minimized.

You should start the process of raising and training an Affenpinscher with the simplest:

  • teach hygiene and toilet rules;
  • make you respond to a nickname;
  • teach walking using a leash;
  • teach the most basic commands: “Place!”, “Sit!”, “No!”.

It is better for the owner to stock up on patience, calmness and treats to encourage the pet’s achievements and at the same time do not skimp on praise and affection.

For the training process to be successful, it must begin from the moment the animal appears in the house. Already from the age of two months, puppies correctly respond to the owner’s demands and remember his intonation.

To wean your child from bad habits, you need to show maximum firmness, showing who is in charge in the house. If this is not done, then he will feel the person’s weakness, and in the future it will be difficult to achieve anything from him.

Owner reviews

On the forums of cynologists who love dogs, you can find many reviews from fans of Affenpinschers:

  • “When I saw the first affen, my impression was that I was drowned in brown, almond-shaped, human eyes, in which a perspicacious mind was read. Eyelashes with a beautiful curve, going into bangs...! And the face changes thanks to good facial expressions. Many judges write “face” in the description. About health, I already have two pensioners, the teeth are all in place, the coat is good. For 8 years, not a single dog got sick. I haven’t identified any weak points yet.”
  • “We became Chip’s fourth owners at the age of one and a half years. We adopted a dog for foster care. At first, he was a very mischievous, but smart and cheerful dog. Only with time did he discover all the charms of the breed. This is a devoted dog to his owners, loving all surrounding animals (in the family), smart, brave, cheerful. True, very cunning. But if he is wrong, then he is fully aware of his guilt.”
  • “The Affenpinscher is a very smart, brave and beautiful little dog. My true friend for life!”
  • “The breed is amazing! These little brownies get along well with any living creature in the house!”
  • “Always ready to help you! But what sets them apart from other small breeds is that Affens never fuss! These are the guys!”

Affenpinscher health and illness

Possible diseases

Representatives of the German breed have excellent health, which the owner should maintain with the help of preventive and routine vaccinations. Vaccinations protect against diseases such as distemper, leptospirosis, hepatitis, enteritis, adenovirus, and parainfluenza. Visits to the veterinary clinic for examination should also be regular.

There are a number of diseases inherent in individuals of this breed:

  • eyes without proper care are susceptible to inflammation due to dirt accumulated on the eyeballs;
  • due to its increased activity, the pet’s paws are prone to frequent dislocations, sprains or fractures;
  • the special bite of affens requires regular dental care and cleaning - neglecting this leads to the formation of plaque, and in the future – to caries;
  • in adulthood, four-legged animals experience heart problems caused by overheating in hot weather.

At the slightest suspicion of any health problems with your pet, you should seek treatment from a specialist. Only then will the pinscher’s life be long and fulfilling.

One should not neglect the regular use of drugs against intestinal parasites and ticks, whose bites lead to irreversible consequences in the pet’s health or to its possible death.

Reproductive health

Female Affenpinschers are fully sexually mature at 18 months. Then you can carry out the first mating. It is correct to do this on the 10-15th day of estrus in the male dog’s territory.

It is advisable to let the bitch in no more than once a year so that she has time to recuperate. After 7 years, mating is prohibited; there will be no healthy offspring from animals that have reached this age.

The time for bearing puppies is 2 months. Usually no more than 3 babies are born, but in rare cases there are litters with a large number.

Sterilization of females must be carried out after a year of life or the second estrus.


Individuals who are completely healthy, without disqualifying defects, and have reached the age of 18 months are allowed for mating. Males are ready for insemination all year round. Bitches go into heat twice a year (in some individuals, 1 heat per year is acceptable).

Mating is prescribed on days 9–14 of estrus, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Veterinary clinics offer a service to determine the day of ovulation; for a more accurate date, you can seek help from doctors. Dogs must be completely healthy; it is recommended that potential parents carry out worm prevention before mating. You can also take a course of vitamins, especially for females. Immunization, if the time is right, is best done in advance (21 days before the planned mating).

Features of feeding and diet

Affenpinschers are not prone to obesity due to their increased activity. At the same time, they have an excellent appetite. Typically, four-legged animals do not suffer from problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, breeders consider premium dry food and higher to be the best choice. It contains all the vitamins and minerals the animal needs, ensuring a high standard of living for the pet.

The owner decides for himself what to feed his pet. It is important to remember here that when preparing food yourself, you need to balance your dog’s diet. The menu should include healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins. You should also enrich your food with vitamins and important microelements. It should be noted that vitamin complexes are indicated for dogs from one month of age for better growth and development.

From the month of life, the diet of Affenpinschers should include low-fat fermented milk products, cottage cheese, and egg yolk. It is useful to add fresh or boiled vegetables and fruits to your food. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat will help ensure good bowel function for your dog.

The feeding norm is six meals a day until the age of 4 months, then the gaps in food intake increase. An adult should eat 2 times a day. A prerequisite is the constant availability of fresh water.

Meat products should not be fatty or contain bones, which could cause injury to the baby's jaw or teeth.

You do not need to give your pet the following foods:

  • pork;
  • potatoes;
  • bony fish;
  • legumes;
  • smoked and salted products;
  • sweets and chocolate.

With proper nutrition, Affenpinschers do not have problems with excess weight. But if you over-treat your cunning pet with flour or sweets, such problems are very real.


Brownie Kuzka

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