TOP 15 dog breeds with white fur – names, photos and brief descriptions

Which dogs are the most beautiful? Red, black, spotted? Big or small? Fluffy or smooth-haired? The answer is simple - everything! Do we choose our favorite by the color of its fur? Aren't affection and playfulness more important than color? Or the look of devoted eyes?

All dogs are beautiful in their own way. And white dog breeds stand out for their elegance, aristocracy, and visibility. Yes, you will have to take care of them especially diligently, because literally everything is noticeable on white wool! They will have to be scratched, and many of them will have to be bathed, and quite often. And this still doesn’t say anything about the fact that white wool has the amazing property of covering all surfaces in the house, even those where the dog seems to have never been. Most of those discussed in this article shed twice a year, so a comb will be the owner’s best friend if he doesn’t want to regularly buzz with a vacuum cleaner, cleaning out fur from everywhere.

American Eskimo Spitz

This breed was developed in America from German Spitz dogs. There are three types:

  • The Toy Spitz is the smallest, up to 30 cm high, weighs only 4.5 kg;
  • Miniature - a little larger, up to 40 cm high, and weighing as much as 9 kg!
  • Standard - reaches half a meter in height, and can weigh a whole pound.

Outwardly, it is very reminiscent of a Spitz - the same characteristic “fox” muzzle, charming ears, beautiful fur - thick and with thick undercoat, a “ring” tail with increased fluffiness.

The breed is non-aggressive, intelligent, neat and clean. They love to play with their owners. They consider themselves an integral part of the family, so they feel sad and nervous when alone. They need society. They love children and do not hurt them.


This group includes the descendants of ancient fighting dogs with common external characteristics:

  • powerful physique;
  • massive head;
  • wide muzzle;
  • strong jaws.

Molossians accompanied warriors on campaigns. In peacetime, they fought with bulls, bears, and lions for the amusement of the public.

English bulldog

National breed of the English.
During selection, bulldogs lost their fighting qualities and were retrained from aggressive baiting dogs into balanced domestic dogs.

The height of English bulldogs is 50 – 55 cm. Colors are fawn, brindle, red-brown, plain or in combination with white.

English bulldogs gave rise to new popular breeds: the American and French bulldogs.

Bulldog skateboarder.

American Bulldog

Ambuli are medium-large sized dogs. Height at the withers is from 52 to 68 cm. Within the breed, there are 2 types of dogs, named after the first breeders:

Johnson or classic - massive, heavy dogs with a short muzzle. Good guards and companions.

Scott or standard - with lightweight bones, elongated limbs, elongated muzzle. Helpers for hunters and farmers.

Over the last decade, the popularity of hybrid ambulas obtained by crossing the classic and standard types has been growing. Due to the diversity of dogs, the FCI refuses to register the breed.

German boxer

The first boxers appeared in 1850 in Munich.

The breed was developed from the English Bulldog and the lost Bullenbeiser. The height of German boxers is 53 – 63 cm. Colors are red, brindle solid or with light inclusions or pure white.

Boxers learn quickly and easily master the course of protective guard duty. They work as police officers, security guards, and bodyguards. Domestic Boxers become attached to family members, love children and are considered the most playful among guard dogs.

Boston Terrier

Smart, smooth-haired dogs from the group of small mollosoids. The breed was developed in the USA based on the Bull and Terrier, an Old English White Bulldog.

Boston Terriers have become the symbol of Massachusetts.

The international standard divides Boston Terriers into 3 classes:

  • light – up to 6.8 kg;
  • medium - from 6.8 to 9 kg;
  • heavy - from 9 to 11.3 kg.

Colors – brindle, black, dark brown with mandatory white inclusions.

Dogo Argentino (Argentine Mastiff)

Both breed names are correct. A large, short-haired, very intelligent dog, an excellent companion in hunting game. Requires proper upbringing. Very hardy, powerful and energetic. Care is simple - you need to scratch it once or twice a week, and wash it once every two months.


This is an excellent companion who understands everything without words. Samoyeds often show deep affection towards their family members. These are very smart dogs that pick up everything on the fly. They remain alert and active until old age.

The Samoyed is an incredibly smart breed, so if you spend enough time with it and train it, there will be no problems. They listen well to the owner, and he does not have to resort to rough methods of education. Many breeders advise teaching your dog the “ Quiet ” command, since Samoyeds can be very vocal.


This sissy, who needs more than careful care, is very energetic. If the Maltese is healthy, then when running it seems that its paws do not touch the ground. She has a sharp mind, is cunning and knows how to attract the attention of the owner if it seems to her that he is distracted from her.

She knows very well how good she is and takes advantage of this circumstance. He becomes very attached to his owners, is sad when separated, and can get sick. You need to take good care of your long white coat – combing and washing it regularly.

Small long-haired dog breeds

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers were originally bred to catch rats. A few centuries later they became small lap dogs

Now they are popular among millions of people, they have the talent to like, to win the attention and love of others

Miniature dogs boast straight, long, soft and shiny hair. This means that special care is required: frequent visits to the groomer, regular combing, weekly water treatments. They love long walks, active games, and are constantly looking for adventure.

Dogs do not require much space, can be calm with other pets, and adore their owners. They are excellent at learning commands and have a perky, playful character. They loudly announce the presence of strangers. Terriers are suitable for active, calm families or single people. They do not shed and are perfect for allergy sufferers.

Pomeranian Spitz

The breed originated from large, hardy northern dogs, so the ancestors of modern Spitz were much larger. At the end of the 19th century, it gained popularity and spread throughout America, where breeders were able to breed small representatives of the breed.

They have long outer coat and thick undercoat on the neck, shoulders and paws, the rest of the body is covered with short hair. The Spitz's tail looks like a lush bush of thick wool. There are a variety of colors, the most common: black, white, red, cream, spotted. Coat care requires special attention: combing, cutting, water treatments with special shampoos and conditioners.


The oldest Chinese representatives of the long-haired dog were considered imperial dogs for a long time, this influenced their character

They love to attract attention, are not afraid of the cold, and become attached to their owners, although they look independent. They are wary of other animals and strangers, so barking is guaranteed when strangers appear

However, regular training and good upbringing can create obedient and kind dogs.

The Pekingese can be proud of its thick, long and fluffy fur, but the care of such a lion cub must be appropriate, especially during the molting period. Demanding for long walks and games. Ideal for families without children, lovers of luxurious dog hair and people in need of a sonorous dog.


Quite a popular miniature dog. Ideal option for living in an apartment. Although she is small, she is distinguished by her individuality and perseverance.

Loves affection and attention from the owner. Despite its tiny size, it is capable of becoming an excellent guard, due to its loud bark

It is also a good helper for people with poor hearing.

Education is considered an integral part of Chihuahua life. This helps to raise a kind, well-mannered, socialized dog. She is a fragile representative of the long-haired breed, so she needs gentle treatment and care.

The Chihuahua will be a good companion for:

  • single or family people;
  • families with a growing child;
  • those who want to acquire a small security guard.


The owner of a stunning fur coat is also called the Maltese Bichon or Maltese. One of the oldest breeds of miniature dogs in Europe. Previously used to catch rats and cats, now they act as pets, welcome guests at exhibitions and any other events.

The Maltese is an intelligent and kind dog, gets along well with children and becomes attached to its owners. It is necessary from a young age to teach them to stay alone at home, to be independent from their owners, so that they can feel free and comfortable.

The lapdog has a chic woolen mantle flowing throughout the body. The coat is white or ivory in color. It needs to be trimmed and combed regularly, bathed, maintained to show standard if desired, or simply taken care of in good appearance. The advantage of this breed is that it does not shed and is suitable for people prone to allergies.

White Swiss Shepherd

A very beautiful and strong breed. The coat is shiny and pure white. Feels great in cold climates. They are very kind to children, but due to their large size, it is better if the child always plays with the dog in front of an adult. They recognize their family immediately, everyone else is strangers to them.

If you do not work with the dog in the direction of socialization, they will attack everyone who comes into the house. If trained correctly, it will distinguish family friends from true strangers.


Kishu is a robust, medium-sized dog. It has a short coat with a thick, soft undercoat that is most often found in white, but other colors can sometimes appear. Kishu is a dog for one person/one family. She is courageous and brave, like a hunter, and will be loyal to her owners. The breed has strong hunting instincts, so the Kishu will hunt small animals. Some of these dogs are known to get along well with cats if raised together. When properly socialized, they get along well with other dogs, but will defend their leadership.

They are quite stubborn and intelligent, so training is necessary, but they are also devoted to the family and get along well with children if raised correctly. Kishu like to keep an eye on what is going on and sometimes occupy the highest places in the house to have a good view. They may be shy around strangers.

English bulldog

The white coat color of this breed is one of the acceptable ones and is quite common. Despite their frightening appearance, representatives of this breed are very kind, calm and non-conflict. Lives well in an apartment. He can often get “lazy” and will have to be persuaded to go for a walk, but if he decides that someone or something is threatening his beloved owner, he will show remarkable courage and protect him.

He is very devoted to the family in which he lives. Caring for him is quite simple; it is enough to comb his short hair in a timely manner and wash him once every month or two.

Features of caring for four-legged white pets

White Swiss Shepherd: description of the breed

It should be remembered that white fur is susceptible to contamination, so dogs with light colors will have to be bathed frequently.

There are hundreds of dog washes available in pet stores, but many of them can have a negative effect on your pet's skin and hair. Therefore, before taking this or that remedy, you should find out whether the dog is susceptible to allergies. You should also carefully read the ingredients list.

The Samoyed Laika is one of the oldest breeds of white dogs.

For your pet to feel good and healthy, and for its coat to look beautiful and well-groomed, it needs a balanced diet. In this regard, it is better to consult a veterinarian; he will be able to create a nutrition plan for the dog and a suitable diet.

Samoyed dog

An absolutely charming breed with white coat, very popular, especially in cold regions. It tolerates cold well, as its coat becomes much thicker in winter. In the warm season, all the excess accumulated over the winter begins to “peel off”, and the Samoyed sheds intensively. During this period, it must be properly combed.

You don’t need to get a Samoyed if you don’t like to communicate; this breed is surprisingly “talkative.” Every emotion she experiences needs to be shared with her owners, whom she adores. She needs to constantly be in their company.

The breed is very energetic and needs to be kept active. Otherwise, seething energy will flow along a destructive channel. If she meets a squirrel, a rabbit or a cat, the hunter in her awakens.


If you are sure that there are dogs in the world that are unable to shed, then you are deeply mistaken. Absolutely all dogs periodically get rid of unnecessary hair. But the scale of this phenomenon varies among different breeds. There are pets whose hair falls out in very small quantities, completely unnoticeably and does not have an unpleasant odor. This is happiness for the owners.

Dogs considered non-shedding are divided into several groups:

  • Wire-haired animals have a soft and delicate undercoat, coarse and hard outer coat, which practically does not fall off;
  • Curly-haired friends of man also do not litter everything around them with their hair, but their attractive fur coat requires careful care: pets get dirty and collect garbage on their fur during walks;
  • representatives of hairless and almost hairless breeds are exotic animals; they do not part with fur, since it is absent, and may have a smell characteristic of bare-haired animals, which is not similar to the smell of a dog.


The dog, a large breed, comes from Turkey. Part of the group of Turkish herding dogs. Intended for protection, has great strength and power, not suitable for novice dog breeders. There is not enough space for him in the apartment, and if he lives on the territory of a country house, you should not put him on a chain. In this case, the Akbash will be angry and aggressive.

Dogs of this breed have very developed bodyguard instincts; they protect their owner perfectly. Akbash can deal with a wolf single-handedly; humans are no rival to him at all.

It is not difficult to care for them; brush their coat once or twice a week, and more often during shedding. Akbash does not smell at all, he is very careful about his cleanliness.

Character and temperament

Samoyeds are a very loyal breed. They have warmed their owners in tents since ancient times. Because of this, these dogs have developed a peculiar habit: if you hug your pet and fall asleep with him, he will not move until the person wakes up.

He easily accepts the rules that prevail in the family. Requires the owner's attention; lack of communication with a person can lead to the dog becoming withdrawn or aggressive. This pet very sensitively senses the mood of family members, knows when a person is happy and when he is sad. In this case, he tries to somehow console his owner.

This is a "talkative" breed and can bark and whine to express its feelings. It can also attract attention by turning its nose into the owner’s palm, this is how Samoyeds ask for something. Samoyeds can seek the attention of their owner at any cost. If they have been deprived of human communication for some time, they will provoke the owner by any means to contact them.

Samoyeds, like every breed, have their bad habits. If they don’t have anything to do, they destroy the house, left alone. love to dig holes .

Gets along well with other animals , both dogs and cats. But if he feels aggression directed in his direction, he can fiercely defend himself. Since they are primarily sled dogs, they will benefit from having other animals in the house. Samoyeds are friendly towards children , considering them part of their pack, always looking after them and willingly playing.

Bichon Frize

This French dog originally lived in royal families. Only aristocrats were allowed to own such a beauty. Later, of course, Bichon Frize began to be adopted by ordinary families. These are dogs that love human company and get along well with children. The appearance of a Bichon Frize in a family brings a good mood to all its members.

Easy to care for, the snow-white coat needs brushing two to three times a week. It is necessary to bathe frequently; before taking a bath, the coat should be combed so that it does not become matted. Once every month and a half, the dog needs to be cut by a groomer. Ear treatment is carried out only with the composition prescribed by the veterinarian.


The Papillon or “butterfly dog” is a type of continental toy spaniel. This is a companion dog, very friendly, cheerful and active. The Papillon is distinguished by its energy and speed. At the same time, he can calmly sit in his arms if necessary, this is a very intelligent dog. The Papillon is also very touchy.

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The disadvantages of the Papillon include shedding and special coat care. You need to bathe him once every 2 weeks, and you also need to regularly brush and moisturize the coat to avoid it drying out and forming tangles.

The breed has different colors: tricolor, white and sable, white and black, lemon, white and red, etc. Papillon weight is 1.5-5 kg, height is 20-28 cm. Life expectancy is 15-17 years.

West Highland White Terrier

This dog is good for beginners. It is better if he is the only animal in the house since Westies are very jealous. Since he is a terrier, he is vocal, quick and loves to dig holes. It’s not suitable for a family with small children, but it’s a pleasure to play with older children – about ten years old. You need to take long walks with them.

These terriers are not easy to care for. Their fur is combed two to three times a week, and cut twice a year. You should also regularly remove hair around the eyes and ears. The hair growing under the belly needs to be trimmed for hygiene reasons. You need to wash it once a month. If your pet does not go to shows, trimming is not necessary. Long walks and physical activity are required.

Rating of breeds with white coat


Decorative dogs, which, despite stereotypes, are one of the smartest breeds. Due to their intelligence and trainability, these dogs are often used in circuses, although the original purpose of this breed is to hunt game. Cynologists consider France to be the birthplace of this breed. In Russia, two hundred years ago, poodles were even used in military affairs: they coped with the search for the wounded. This breed received the name “royal poodle” not because of its height or appearance, but because poodles were often kept at court.

The height of a standard poodle reaches 40-60 cm at the withers, the coat is usually curly, and requires constant professional care. In addition to white, the most common colors are black and brown. Well adapted to living in a house, gets along with children, but cannot cope with the role of a watchdog.

Usually friendly and easy to train. Whatever the poodle does, it approaches any activity with great passion and dexterity. Particular attention to the poodle's diet: the dog must receive all the necessary vitamins and nutrients - meat, fish, plant foods.

Pomeranian Spitz

A miniature breed, the height of which usually reaches 25 cm and weight up to 3.5 kg. They are characterized by a small, short muzzle, often called a "fox face", a fluffy forehead and a thick, large coat, which is why this breed sheds frequently.

Germany is considered the homeland of these small dogs, although they became most widespread in Britain during the reign of Queen Victoria. The queen herself fell in love with her Spitz so much that she did not part with him for a minute.

In addition to white, there are other colors, about 10 varieties in total.

The character is ambiguous. Despite their small size, Spitz dogs are playful and fearless, able to stand up for themselves, and are not afraid of other dogs. Spitz will never sit still and can play all day long. They are quite stubborn, so they need to be trained from an early age. They are inclined to dominate even over a person, but at the same time they are devoted to him and try in every possible way to please him. He is neat and friendly with children, loves to play with them, and often shows aggression.

With proper care and diet there will be no health problems; they live on average from 14 to 16 years.

Bull Terrier

A dog with an easily recognizable face, bred in the mid-19th century in England from a mixture of an English bulldog and a terrier. Height at the withers reaches half a meter, weight – up to 30 kg.

Despite his formidable appearance, with proper upbringing and regular training he is friendly, easily makes contact with his owner, is loyal and obedient to him. He is friendly with children and loves outdoor games. Adapted to living in an apartment with a family. The coat requires minimal care, even after a walk in rainy, dirty weather. Doesn't like to be left alone and misses its owner very much.

The main indicator of health is a clean and shiny coat. Lives on average from 10 to 13 years.


Despite the fact that the birthplace of this breed is France, in Russia such dogs are often called the French lapdog. These are miniature dogs up to 30 cm tall and weighing up to 4 kg. A special feature of this breed is its black eyes, lips and nose. The coat is thick and silky, usually white. One of the features is the dog’s graceful gait, which gives it additional charm.

The character is ambiguous. They are very friendly and devoted to their owners. However, do not be surprised if they are distrustful and aggressive towards strangers.

Life expectancy is on average from 11 to 14 years. The breed's coat also requires special care; it must be trimmed with scissors, and the eyes and body must be shaped.

Bichon Frize

The dog comes from France. Its peculiarity is its exclusively white coat color. Interspersed with other colors, including beige or red, are found only in puppies and are absent in adult dogs.

The dogs themselves are quite small; their height reaches 30 cm and their weight is 5 kg. The coat is quite long, can reach 10 cm, and can be curly and soft silky.

The character of this breed is similar to poodles: by nature they are playful and cheerful, but not aggressive. Well adapted to living in an apartment with other people. They are litter box trained, but still need regular walks, as this is necessary for their good mental state. It easily makes friends with its owners and is easy to train.

English bulldog

The breed comes from England and is considered their national symbol. The British themselves say that the bulldog has all the signs of a true gentleman. Initially, the breed became a fighting breed, but has now lost its original purpose. Because of this, keeping bulldogs requires a lot of responsibility.

Refers to medium-sized dogs: adults reach a size of up to 55 cm and weigh up to 23 kg. One of the best breeds in terms of keeping in an apartment or house. They get along well with other pets, and due to their calm nature, they will not constantly pester the owner and will not pose a danger to children. In addition, it does not require long walks and, moreover, heavy physical activity is contraindicated for them.

Keeping bulldogs requires a lot of responsibility; due to the special structure of their body, they cannot even scratch themselves. Therefore, they need regular massage. Dog handlers often compare keeping a bulldog to keeping a child.


A small decorative dog originally from Malta. Its distinguishing feature is its long white fur. Height reaches 25 cm, and weight 4 kg.

Very friendly and affectionate, easy to train, very intelligent and easy to learn commands. Usually not aggressive, but may bite accidentally during play. When keeping such a dog in an apartment, keep in mind that it needs regular walks and outdoor games that involve running and jumping.

This breed is most susceptible to visual impairment, damage to teeth and gums. The lap dog's diet must include dry food.


The hunting dog comes from Japan. Medium-sized breeds: height reaches 50 cm, weighs up to 30 kg. Life period from 10 to 15 years. Adapted to almost any weather conditions, their thick coat helps them withstand even severe frosts.

By nature they are friendly, obedient and courageous. He gets along well with children, however, due to his hunting instincts, he can attack small animals if he is not weaned from this in childhood. They treat people well, but can be aggressive towards strangers.

This breed needs regular exercise, daily walks and active games. In the absence of this, they may exhibit destructive behavior: chewing things, breaking furniture, digging in the ground.

From a health point of view, almost ideal. This breed is not characterized by chronic diseases, with the exception of some forms of allergies in rare cases.

West Highland White Terrier

Small decorative dogs come from Scotland. The original purpose was hunting small game.

They are small in appearance, but strong. Height can reach 28-30 cm, and weight up to 9 kg. They live on average from 13 to 15 years.

Since this is a hunting dog breed, pets need regular exercise. She can live quite comfortably in an apartment, but she needs regular outdoor games.

They are friendly and cheerful by nature and will never sit still. If you don't pay attention to her, this dog will do everything to make it stop. They get along well with children. Despite their small size, they have a very courageous character and can defend their owner in any situation.

There are no special health problems, however, like all terriers, they need regular exercise and training. Since this dog breed does not shed, dead hairs must be regularly removed by hand, about once every six months.

Dogo Argentino

The only dog ​​breed in the world bred in Argentina. Large breed: height at the withers can reach 70 cm, and weight reaches 43 kg. They live from 10 to 15 years. The original purpose is hunting large game. More than 10 breeds were taken to breed the breed.

They perform well as guards. They develop a close emotional connection with their owner. Because of this, they react with lightning speed to danger and begin to protect the owner and his property.

Because of its menacing appearance, the dog often causes fear among strangers, but according to the owners of the Dogo Argentino, this is far from the case. They are friendly towards the owner and his immediate environment. They always try to be close to their owner and miss his absence.

According to dog experts: people who have encountered aggression from a Dogo Argentino probably made mistakes in raising him.

She is friendly towards children, but will not tolerate violation of personal boundaries. Therefore, it is worth explaining to the child that when the dog is resting or sleeping, he should not be touched.

Unlike other breeds, such a dog should not be kept in the house. The best place to keep a Dogo Argentino will be the home area behind the fence.


Hunting and herding dogs are native to Italy. This breed was used by pastoralists for driving and guarding livestock.

In appearance they are strong and hardy, their height reaches 73 cm and their weight reaches 40 kg. The color is white, but there are also lemon, light red and pale beige shades.

Due to the structural features of the muzzle and ears, it looks like a small bear, and the main advantage is its thick white fur, which protects in cold weather. Requires special care.

Like other hunting breeds, this one makes contact with people, gets along with children and rarely shows aggression. They live from 9 to 14 years.

White Swiss Shepherd

The shepherd comes from Switzerland. Loves children and has protective qualities.

The Swiss Shepherd is one of the best guard dogs. Despite this, it behaves quite reservedly towards strangers and is not the first to show aggression, but if the guest comes with bad intentions, the dog will do everything to protect the owner and his property.

They respond well to training and are devoted to their owners, trying to please. Not aggressive, gets along with all family members and even pets. They love kids, are playful and friendly with them.

The breed is unpretentious in maintenance; the main condition is to maintain the coat in good condition. The large breed reaches a height of 66 cm and a weight of 35. Lives up to 14 years.

Samoyed dog

One of the oldest dog breeds comes from Russia. The first representatives of this breed lived with ancient tribes in the northern part of modern Russia. Medium size: height reaches 60 cm, weight 25 kg. Average life expectancy is up to 15 years.

Those who want to get themselves such a dog will have to prepare for constant barking, as they are “talkative”. The dog comes from the northern regions and is characterized by large and thick white fur. But it does not require special care: you just need to brush it regularly. Also, wool does not have an unpleasant odor.

What these dogs don't care about is their friendliness. She will become a reliable companion for all family members and other pets. Gets along well with children, playful and friendly with them.


Turkish guard breed. With proper upbringing and training, he will become a reliable friend to the whole family. But despite this, it is better not to keep it in an apartment, but to choose a personal plot for its maintenance.

Despite the fact that the dog has practically no smell, it still needs regular hygiene as recommended by dog ​​handlers at least once a month. At the same time, the animal is unpretentious, it can be fed with any food and this will not affect its fur or health.

Thanks to her innate instincts, she is always devoted to her owner and will not leave him in trouble. He also behaves normally with other pets, but this requires that the animals grow up together. They are friendly with children, but you should not leave the dog alone with children under 2 years old.

Also, these Turkish dogs are good watchdogs. They are wary of strangers and may become aggressive if they sense danger.

South Russian Shepherd

The herding dog breed comes from the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine. A fairly large breed: height no less than 65 cm, and weight more than 35 kg. The coat color is most often white, but can have yellow or gray shades.

Recognizable due to its thick coat. Often its length is 10 cm or more. Because of this, the dog requires careful care. By nature, dogs are quite smart and self-confident. They love to be on the move, which means they need constant active games and walks.

It is worth getting such a dog when it is still small. This way the dog can get used to the owner. Despite the coldness and slight malice in their character, these shepherds are ready to do anything to protect their owner and his home. It is worth keeping in mind that this breed is distrustful of strangers, so contact with other people should be limited.

It lends itself well to training if a professional takes care of it. Aggression is often present from birth, so training should begin at a very young age.

They adapt well to any climatic conditions, but you should not keep such a dog in an apartment; it is better to choose a country house for it. Under good conditions it can live up to 15 years.

Hungarian Shepherd

One of the largest dog breeds in the world: height at the withers reaches 80 cm. Thick and long hair gives additional volume. The weight of an adult dog reaches 60 kg.

Despite its large size, the dog is calm and friendly. Always obeys the owner and quickly learns new things. The most difficult thing about caring for a Hungarian Shepherd is grooming its coat. It does not require combing, but as it grows, it is necessary to separate the strands so that they intertwine.

This breed needs active games and long walks more than others. If the owner cannot give this, he will receive a negative reaction from the dog. Given the size of this breed, the dog begins to behave destructively: breaking furniture, chewing shoes, etc.

Despite the fact that the dog is quite large, it easily adapts to life in the city and can be kept in an apartment. He becomes very attached to his owner and his environment and is very sad when alone. With good care, it will live from 13 to 15 years.

Clumber Spaniel

The breed originates from Great Britain and is the largest of its brothers. Medium-sized dogs: reaches half a meter in height and 35 kg in weight.

A characteristic feature of this breed is its white coat. There are orange patches near the eyes, on the muzzle and on the front legs, but not often. Pure white color is quite rare.

Unlike other spaniels, it is not distinguished by its agility and speed. Despite this, it was used by hunters, as it overtook prey through persistence and waiting. Needs regular physical activity.

The dog has a soft, intelligent character towards its owner. There is some wariness towards strangers. Gets along well with children and other pets.

With proper care, diseases are not typical for this species. They usually live from 11 to 13 years.

Slovak dude

A herding dog breed developed in the former Czechoslovakia. The Second World War virtually exterminated this breed, but dog handlers managed to preserve it.

A fairly large dog, whose height reaches 70 cm and weight 45 kg. The dog's character is calm: it does not show aggression unless necessary. An excellent watchman, ready to protect the owner and his property from ill-wishers by all means. Gets along well with children, other family members and pets. Playful, resourceful.

Does well in apartments and urban environments, but needs regular walks and physical play. Recognizable by their thick white coat, which requires regular brushing.

With proper care and maintenance, it will live up to 13 years.

Pyrenean Mastiff

Herding hunting dogs are native to Spain. It is quite large in size and can reach 77 cm at the withers and 80 kg in weight.

A large, muscular and well-built dog with a rectangular body. A dog of this species is characterized by a large head, but small eyes, most often dark in color. The coat color is predominantly white, but there may be patches of black and brown on the face.

Representatives of this breed, despite their size, are very kind and reliable. The dog will make friends with other animals, dogs and children. Doesn't show aggression. But despite this, it can react sharply to strangers, which is why this breed is most often used as watchdogs or bodyguards.

When grooming, long walks with physical activity and constant brushing of the coat are important. Not quite suitable for an apartment, so it is recommended to start this breed outside the city.

Among the health problems, conjunctivitis is the most common. There are also problems with the hip joint, so it is necessary to check with a veterinarian once a year.

Volpino Italiano

Decorative dogs come from Italy, relatives of the Spitz. A rare species: there are only a few hundred of these dogs in the world.

The sizes are quite miniature, usually height no more than 30 cm, and weight no more than 4 kg. The coat is long and raised. The dog's character is calm: smart and cheerful, cheerful, playful. They become attached to their family, others and other pets. Trainable.

They get along with children and are ready to play with them all day long. They also show themselves as guard dogs, despite their size. Of course, it won’t protect you from danger, but it will warn you by barking. They are distrustful of strangers.

There are no health problems, since they are not typical for this breed. The coat requires regular cleaning, for example with a brush, but the dog does not need to be washed frequently. They take root in apartments.

Hungarian Kuvasz

A guard and herding dog originally from Hungary. One of the largest dogs reaches 75 cm at the withers, and the weight of males reaches 62 kg.

It is better not to keep a dog in an apartment. Despite this, they are unpretentious in care. For this breed, a small suburban area and a place to sleep, protected from wind and rain, will be enough. Physical activity is not required, but it is important not to leave the dog in confined spaces for a long time; space is important for them.

The character of the dog is calm: friendly, affable, loyal to the owner. Make friends with all family members. Safe for children, ready to play with them. For this breed, close emotional contact with the owner is important, without whom the dogs yearn.

American Eskimo Spitz

The Spitz, bred in the United States, is a relative of the German Spitz. This breed is characterized by thick, long hair, often white, but sometimes cream-colored. They usually live 15 years or more with proper care and timely treatment. Wool needs regular brushing, best done twice a week with a brush.

The dog is medium-sized: height can reach half a meter and weight 16 kg. Well suited for keeping in an apartment. The dog has good watchdog qualities, as well as a sense of smell, and is even used by police to search for drugs.

They are extremely devoted to their owners, treating them with tenderness and love. If a dog is healthy, then it is almost always cheerful, playful, and can have fun with children. It is easy to train and always strives to please its owner.

Because of their instincts, dogs are somewhat mistrustful of strangers. But if the owner introduces the pet to this person, the dog will stop showing aggression.

They respond well to training and need it from a very early age. Otherwise, they grow up hyperactive.

The main problem with this breed is fleas. Therefore, it is worth getting checked regularly.


Hunting dogs come from Japan. They are distinguished by predominantly white fur and a fairly large and dense build. Thanks to these qualities, kishu were often used for hunting large animals, including wild boar. Since the thirties of the last century, this breed has become a national treasure of Japan.

A medium-sized dog: the height of males can reach 55 cm. Weight is 30 kg.

The nature of this dog is calm and balanced, they are usually calm and ready for work or play. They have well-developed hunting instincts, they are courageous in hunting and know how to make their own decisions. They are well trained and become attached to the territory, which is why they are used as guard and guard dogs.

Like other hunting breeds, this dog is extremely kind and obedient to its owner, but treats strangers with some coldness.

They are absolutely unpretentious in care, can eat anything, and easily tolerate temperature changes, including extreme cold. Well adapted to life in rocky areas.

Seliham Terrier

The dog breed originates from Wales in the UK. Small dogs up to 21 cm tall and weighing from 8 to 9 kg. The body is strongly built. The color is usually white, but with brown or yellowish spots.

The character is a cheerful, friendly, balanced dog. She is devoted to her owner and treats children with great love. He is somewhat distrustful of strangers, but does not show aggression. We are well trained, but the training process requires persistence, so it is better to entrust this to professionals.

There are no health problems, but since the dog is not so active, it is necessary to monitor the food, otherwise there will be problems with excess weight. The coat requires constant care.

American Pit Bull Terrier

A breed with a complicated history. Initially, these beauties were used to participate in dog fights, but now they are increasingly kept in apartments as pets. There are legends about the cruelty of pit bulls, but none of them are true. Aggression towards humans is not typical for this breed. They love children and enjoy playing with them. Aggressive pit bulls are more likely to have a history of abuse, dog experts say. They become very attached to people and feel sad when alone.

The character of these massive dogs is truly strong-willed: they protect the owner and family members, sometimes they show aggression towards other animals, so from an early age they need experienced training.

They grow up to half a meter in height and weigh up to 25 kg. Suitable for keeping in an apartment, but require regular physical activity. They have an excellent sense of smell, which is why they serve in the police in many countries.

Maremma Abruzzese Sheepdog or Maremma

This huge, chic beauty descends from Tibetan wolfhounds. The breed originated in Italy. A very strong and, despite its impressive size, a graceful dog. She can easily climb hills and mountains without getting tired. It reaches a height of 0.73 m. The coat is thick and hard, and in moments of aggression it becomes “lush”; waviness is acceptable, but curliness is not. White color is the main color according to the breed standard.

Dirt doesn't stick to them well. They are quite independent in nature, prone to making independent decisions. She cannot live in an apartment - there is not enough space for her. It is better to place her in a large courtyard of a country house, where she can move freely and for a long time. You can't keep it on a chain.

Self-cleaning wool is a big plus in care. However, you will still have to scratch the maremma often. And it is enough to wash before the exhibition.

How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

When choosing a puppy, it is important not only to choose an active and playful baby with clean ears and nose. It is important to warm up to him and find contact with him. If after communication, the puppy tries to screw its nose into the hand of the new owner, then the choice was made correctly.

Puppy price: 20,000 – 50,000 rubles .

Interesting fact: Americans are very fond of this fluffy breed for its characteristic facial expression. Even the expression “Sammi's smile” has become entrenched in the English language. This is even mentioned in the official breed standard.

Slovak dude

To raise a dude to be a devoted friend and protector, you need to know two things about him. First, he doesn’t trust anyone except his owners. Therefore, the puppy needs to be socialized from a very early age. And secondly, by nature he is a born leader, so the fact that he understood your command does not mean at all that he will rush to carry it out. Training this breed requires a lot of effort and time. But if the dog is raised correctly, there is no one more devoted to his family than him.

Once a week, the dude’s coat needs to be combed, and he should be bathed as needed. He sheds quite intensively, during this period he needs to be scratched every other day. It doesn't get wet in the rain and doesn't freeze in the wind. There is not enough space for the dude in the apartment. He feels better outside the city.

Russian toy terrier

The breed of decorative dogs is popular due to its cute face and miniature dimensions.
The terrier's weight ranges from 1.4-3 kg, height - 20-28 cm. There are smooth-haired and long-haired breeds.

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The toy terrier is an excellent companion and watchdog, although it does not have aggression, but at the slightest rustle, it will demonstrate its loud bark, which is not so easy to calm down. He is also playful and restless, great for trips out of town and any activity in general. He has a good memory, he is intelligent and cunning, he notices the weaknesses of the owner.

Its lifespan is on average 10-12 years.

Polish Podgalian Sheepdog (Tatran Sheepdog)

This breed is called differently depending on the area. Presumably, it originated from Tibetan Molossians and Eastern European wolves. It was recognized worldwide only in 1973.

The dog is very active, hardy and efficient. The coat is white, with a hard undercoat. They are very calm animals by nature, confidently controlling the environment around them even in their sleep. They often work in the police and security, and have also successfully proven themselves in working with special children, since the stable psyche of dogs has a positive effect on such children.

There is no need to train a shepherd for protection; this skill is genetically embedded in it. But she really needs the owner’s attention and care. She gets along with other pets, but leaving her alone with guests, especially at a lively party, is extremely undesirable.

After every walk, you need to wash your dog's paws. You will need a special brush for long hair; it must be used once every 4 days. During the shedding period, you need to scratch every day. Eyes and ears should be cleaned as they become dirty.

Breed characteristics

Standards of the American Canine Association: height at the withers for males is 53-60 cm, for females - 49-53 cm.

British Canine Association standards: height for males - 51-56 cm, females - 46-51 cm.

Color: coat is snow white, white with cream flecks or biscuit shade. All other colors are grounds for disqualification, as are blue eyes.

Additional characteristics: Eyes must be extremely dark. The Samoyed has a double coat: a warm, dense undercoat and longer guard hairs.

South Russian Shepherd

This dog looks a bit like a cartoon character. But appearances in this case are deceptive - this is not a giant lapdog, this is a brave and independent dog.

Her fur is very long and her paws resemble felt boots. The head is completely hidden under the fur. It is not easy to raise him, because the breed is quite vicious. If you immediately place the authorities correctly, showing where the dog’s place is in the family hierarchy, then he will obey. It is almost impossible to subdue an adult dog. If the owner does not have a huge reserve of patience, then it is better for him to get another breed.

Grooming is quite difficult - cutting bangs, combing hair. March is the month when the fluff needs to be completely combed out. He can live calmly on the street without freezing.


The Komondor may look like a mop with four legs, but underneath that long coat is a big dog with a huge personality. He is smart, independent and a great defender. His favorite pastime is watching his family. This creates some problems. First, it can be annoying to have a dog sit and stare at you all day long. On the other hand, the Komondor's protective instincts and suspicious nature can lead to trouble (and lawsuits) if your dog attacks someone it perceives as a threat.

Obviously, this dog needs to be properly socialized and raised. The Komondor is capable of being aggressive towards other dogs, but can have excellent relationships with cats and livestock.

Japanese Spitz

This Spitz is the closest relative of Samoyed dogs. Representatives of the breed are very healthy, have thick double coat and compact size. Their fur is practically odorless.

The breed is very active and needs proper nutrition. Japanese Spitz are highly socialized, loyal, reliable and unpretentious.

Major diseases

Average lifespan of a dog: 10-14 years , although it has been noted that Samoyeds have been living much longer in the last 20 years.

Diseases to which representatives of the breed are susceptible:

  • Joint dysplasia. Causes the dog pain and discomfort. Complete cure is possible only after surgery.
  • Retinal atrophy. This disease affects the eye's sensitivity to light. Diagnosed at a veterinarian's appointment.
  • Samoyeds may be allergic to food components.
  • The breed is also susceptible to skin diseases, so it is especially important to care for the coat and check the dog for insects on the skin.

Coton de Tulear

A small decorative dog, charming and cheerful. If she is in the family, she is definitely everyone's favorite. She is very devoted to her owners and follows them everywhere. The breed is ancient, its roots go back to Madagascar. Recognized by the world canine community only in 1978.

Despite dwarfism, she is very active, loves physical activity, and swims well. Obedient and smart dogs, they easily learn different commands and love to play with their owner. They are absolutely conflict-free, peaceful, and love to accompany their owners on trips and walks. At home they prefer to sit high - on the back of a sofa, armchair, or table.

Care includes proper feeding (there are many foods that this breed absolutely cannot eat), regular frequent washing, blow-drying after bathing, and constant brushing of the coat. Ears should be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in olive oil.

What other breeds of dogs with white fur do you know?


Chihuahuas are also called pocket dogs for 2 reasons: firstly, they are the smallest of all dog breeds, and secondly, they love to be carried in the arms.

There are breeds with both long and short hair. There are different colors: black, red, white, chocolate, merle, brindle, etc.

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The Chihuahua's height is 15-23 cm, weight from 0.5 to 3 kg.

The Chihuahua breed is active, playful, has pronounced guard traits, and feels quite confident next to an adult shepherd dog. She becomes very attached to her owner and remains devoted to him, does not tolerate long separation and loneliness. Chihuahuas are characterized by touchiness and jealousy.

It is not difficult to care for this breed; they are very simple in maintenance.

The lifespan of this breed is 11-14 years.

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