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Pomeranian fox spitz: description of how it differs from the bear type
German Spitz are charming dogs, ideal for people who love active recreation and attention.
the scariest dog
Hairless dog breeds. Description, features, names, types and photos of hairless dog breeds
Puli Puli is a dog that has received the funny nickname “mop”. These pets do not require special care,
All major diseases and injuries of the tail in dogs, their causes and methods of treatment
Various traumatic injuries to the animal’s body are a common occurrence in the practice of dog breeders. Most often affected
2320 most original nicknames for Basenji boys and girls
The Basenji is a dog breed descended from Asian wolves through mutation. Its first representatives
East Siberian Laika - character and temperament, growth rate and diet, as well as experience in keeping this breed in the article!
The East Siberian Laika is the largest hunting dog breed among Laikas, bred in Russia.
Ginger British cat
Red British: description of the cat's color with photo and its character
Plush cats attract people with their cute round shapes and naively wide eyes. Red solid color
Poodle haircuts
Types of haircuts for a poodle: a step-by-step guide to haircuts at home
The Poodle is a decorative French dog bred for hunting on water. In the 21st century, workers
How to distinguish a Shiba Inu from an Akita Inu: what are the similarities between the breeds
It is impossible to say exactly how many dog ​​breeds there are on earth; in general, there are about 400 of them.
Bichon Frize: description of the breed
Bichon Frize - description of the breed, advantages and disadvantages, how to choose the right puppy?
Bichon Frizes win the hearts of people with their gentle, lively, inquisitive nature and funny appearance. These
How to Care for Chinese Crested Dog Puppies
The Chinese Crested Dog is a decorative hairless breed, their height does not exceed 30 cm,
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