Hairless dog breeds. Description, features, names, types and photos of hairless dog breeds


Puli is a dog that has received the funny nickname “mop”. These pets do not require special care, they are quite friendly and playful. They adore children and happily babysit them. Bullets have an excellent memory and easily remember new tricks and commands. Their appearance is very unusual: the animal’s fur is matted into large dreadlocks, creating the effect of sloppiness.

Italian Greyhound

Not long ago, this breed was classified as an ornamental breed. Previously, the Italian greyhound was a hunter of small animals and birds. The greyhound's miniature relative looks awkward: with thin long legs, an elongated muzzle, a hunched back, a skinny build coupled with short hair.

And yet, the Italian Greyhound is present in the paintings of many artists of the 18th and 19th centuries. The meaning of life for an Italian Greyhound is to selflessly serve its owner. Dogs of this breed are considered one of the most submissive and have a hard time being separated from their owner. The delicate and vulnerable nature of the Italian Greyhound cannot tolerate physical punishment; such episodes will leave an indelible mark on the animal’s psyche.

Bull Terrier

The Bull Terrier is a fairly well-known breed. The unusual appearance of these dogs, especially the egg-shaped head with small slanted eyes, causes many people to have negative associations with rats. Bull Terriers are often called “killer dogs”, attributing to them excessive bloodthirstiness. In fact, these animals can be quite cute companion pets and personal bodyguards. However, Bull Terriers need to be raised and trained to suppress the fighting skills of the past. It is not recommended to keep these dogs with small pets.

Attention! The scariest dog breeds are a rather subjective concept. Some of the animals presented in the top seem very funny to many people.

What is important when choosing a puppy

How to choose a puppy.
Even if the future owner does not intend to participate with the pet in dog shows, it makes sense to take a puppy from trusted breeders. This gives you the opportunity to see the parents of a new family member and learn about the peculiarities of keeping the breed. The price will not necessarily be exorbitant. It depends on the baby’s intended exhibition career. The health of a 2-3 month old puppy, ready to move to a new family, is always excellent in the nursery, because this is monitored. A responsible breeder usually sells animals after the second vaccination . For those who are adopting a dog for love, it is enough to make sure that the puppy has:

  • high-quality wool with bright colors;
  • eyes and ears without streaks or crusts;
  • clean, moist mouth, same tongue, straight teeth;
  • elastic, not bloated belly;
  • large head with a small muzzle.

A healthy baby is cheerful, playful, and moves well.

Depending on their exhibition prospects, puppies are divided into levels:

  • Pet class. Due to their physical characteristics, they do not participate in exhibitions. The reason may be an incorrect color that goes against the standard, excessively large or small dimensions, a malocclusion, or health problems. But this does not deprive them of the opportunity to become favorites of the whole family, especially children. The cost of such a puppy is from 12,000 rubles to 20,000.
  • Breeding class. They participate in low-level exhibitions and have offspring. But you should not expect that such a puppy will win international competitions. And yet the price for it starts from 20,000 rubles.
  • Champions are expensive.
    Show class. Designed for victories in international dog shows. They have an excellent pedigree and no visible deviations from the standard. But there are noticeable traits of a champion’s character at such a young age. Parents' titles also play a role. The offspring of international champions are worth more than the offspring of national competition winners. The price of such a canine aristocrat starts at 40,000 rubles, and it is impossible to name the upper limit. It is advisable to buy such a puppy after a complete change of teeth, that is, when the opportunity to win canine beauty contests becomes more certain.

Whatever the motives behind the desire to have a Belgian griffin in the house, the future owner should know that he will receive a cheerful and devoted friend, the joy of the whole family. The owner will need to pick up the dog more often and talk to it . The breed is equally suitable for temperamental and balanced people. But if it is not possible to be with your dog often, it is better to choose another animal. Loneliness is contraindicated for representatives of this wonderful breed!

Peruvian hairless dog

The Peruvian Hairless Dog is sometimes romantically called the Inca orchid, veringo or calato. This ancient breed was originally developed in Peru. Veringos have a very repulsive and at the same time originally attractive appearance. The dog's dark body is almost completely hairless: only the calato's head and tail have funny white mohawks. These pets are afraid of bright sunny colors, for which they are compared to delicate flowers. There are few nurseries breeding this breed. They are mainly located in the USA.

Cane Corso

This breed is a descendant of ancient gladiator fighting dogs. Cane Corso dogs can also hardly be called cute: the skin on the face hangs down, which pulls the lower eyelid down, the muzzle itself is upturned, powerful muscles, and in general the dog looks somewhat stretched out.

Still, you cannot judge a book by its cover, or a dog by its exterior, because the Cane Corso has excellently developed important qualities. An excellent responsible guard, a balanced member of the family, he can attack only at the command of the owner or in response to aggressive actions. Corsos also have a highly developed “parental instinct”; such a dog treats children very carefully.


Katalburun is a dog that came straight from Turkey. This breed is highly valued for its excellent mountain hunting skills. The catalburun has an unusual head shape and large eyes, but its main oddity is its forked nose (in some representatives the two halves literally exist separately from each other). Because of this detail of appearance, some people award these doggies the title of “most terrible dogs.” Photos of catalburun can be found quite rarely on the Internet. There are only a few nurseries engaged in breeding mountain hunters.

Features of care

For a hairless dog, you need to select the following care products:

  • A set of effective sunscreens that help avoid burns.
  • Cosmetics for the care of the eyes, as well as the shells of the ears and fingertips.
  • Lotions and creams for too delicate skin.

To comb your dog, you need to use gentle brushes so as not to damage the sparse hairs and delicate skin.

To exclude various diseases, a mandatory visit to an experienced veterinarian is required. Bald animals, unfortunately, are more likely than others to develop diseases of the respiratory tract and kidneys.

Note! An animal can easily develop allergies due to large amounts of household chemicals.

When going for a walk, it is recommended to take special antiseptics with you for quick treatment of abrasions and wounds.

Hairless dogs still originated from hunters. Therefore, raising them is quite difficult. And it is advisable to entrust the socialization of the dog to a specialist if you do not have the skill of a dog handler.

At home, you must definitely check that there are no drafts. A hairless dog freezes quickly at low temperatures, so in bad weather walking with him is minimal.

When exposed to the sun for a long time, she sweats and burns. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically pour cold water on the animal from a drinking bottle.

Note! Bald creatures require special nutrition that prevents cuts in the mouth.

Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terriers are quite famous among breeders, but this breed is not particularly popular. The point is the very unusual appearance of these animals. The curved body and uneven growth of fur in different areas give the dog the strange appearance of a cross between a sheep and a dog. Don't underestimate the Bedlington Terrier! In fact, this is a very fast and surprisingly strong dog.


These fluffies are included in this list because of their unusual muzzle. She looks very sad, and besides, she has a huge shaggy “mustache” hanging from her. The look turns out to be so stern that the dog can be compared to some professor.

True, the Schnauzer’s character is far from gloomy. True, they are distrustful, but at the same time they are kind and obedient. There are three subspecies of schnauzers, but in appearance they are not very different - only in size.

These dogs present almost no problems when kept and suffer minimal illness. That is why the Schnauzer is often an excellent choice for both beginners in dog breeding and professionals.

German dog

Great Danes are famous record holders for height among all dogs. Giants simply frighten people with their size and corresponding weight. This breed was bred in Germany specifically for hunting large prey (deer or wild boar). That is why this pet (whose height record at the withers is 1.1 meters) can easily knock down a person.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Successful selection makes it possible to achieve almost bald skin due to the following important factors:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Society's demands.
  • Mutational changes.
  • Fashion for a specific breed.

If we talk about the advantages of such creatures, we can highlight the following:

  • The absence of fur as a strong allergen for humans, which allows almost anyone to have such a creature.
  • They tolerate the hot season without problems.
  • Minimal care.
  • There is no unpleasant smell, which pleases many.
  • There are almost no costs for combing and cutting in special salons.

It is also impossible not to note the disadvantages of these creatures:

  • Greater susceptibility to various skin diseases.
  • In some situations, special education is required to develop a character “to suit the master.”
  • The need to comply with conditions for walking in too cold seasons.

Brussels griffin

Try to imagine a strange cross between a fluffy pug and a Shih Tzu. What comes to mind is the approximate appearance of a rare breed of dog, the Brussels Griffon. These animals have a rather caricatured appearance: large bulging eyes, a flattened face, an incorrect bite, sharpening thick hair, stocky short legs and a very wide sternum. Griffins are quite loving and affectionate, despite their formidable name.

American Staghound

In appearance, this dog can be compared to a hyena, only it is much longer-legged. Another name for the breed is the deer dog. It is not entirely clear what this is due to - exceptionally long thin legs or good hunting qualities.

Initially, the breed was generally bred to participate in dog racing, but then it was discovered to be effective in fighting coyotes. By the way, the American Staghound is still not officially recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale.

In terms of health, the weakest point of the breed is, of course, the legs. Despite the fact that running is vital for such dogs, it is necessary to wisely limit the load. Otherwise, physical activity will lead to joint problems.

Neapolitan Mastiff

A real giant among domestic dogs, the Neapolitan Mastiff, reaching 70 centimeters at the withers and weighing more than 60 kilograms, can quite frighten an unprepared person. The menacing image is complemented by a depressive and rather frightening appearance. However, behind the external formidability lies a kind and loving creature who will faithfully protect his human family.


The Mexican Hairless Dog not only holds the title of one of the oldest breeds in the world, but is also recognized by many people as the most feared dog. Her official name is Xoloitzcuintli or Sholoitzcuintle, which is difficult to even pronounce the first time. Xolo appeared in Mexico and was revered by the ancient Aztecs as a guide to the world of the gods. These hairless dogs have a very unassuming appearance: wrinkled dark skin (sometimes with light spots), a thin body of small size, and a short crest on the head.

Moscow dragon

This is a small dog with rather stiff and erect hair, which makes it look like an aggressive dragon. In fact, the breed is very cheerful and intelligent, which all owners unanimously admit.

As the name implies, the Moscow dragon was bred in Moscow or the Moscow region. The dog has good health, as a result of which representatives of the breed often take part in sporting competitions.

In general, the breed is considered decorative, but is distinguished by its stable psyche, unlike many of its brothers. It is easy to train the Moscow dragon; he literally grasps everything on the fly. But you also need to pay enough attention to education.


For many people meeting an Affenpinscher for the first time, this little cheerful dog will seem scary. The good nature of the dog is combined with capriciousness and slight nervousness. The pet's image is complemented by its unusual appearance: small size, fluffy black fur sticking out carelessly in all directions, small button eyes, a flattened muzzle and short legs - all this makes the dog look like a harmful little devil.

Chinese Crested

Chinese Cresteds are the most feared dogs in the world. Photos of these animals clearly demonstrate how one creature can combine elegance and sophistication on the verge of ugliness. These strange animals, of course, are not without a certain amount of attractiveness: the completely naked body is decorated with a mane on the head and tail, and fringe on thin legs. Unfortunately, this breed has an extremely high risk of developing genetic disorders.

Attention! Every year in the USA there is a competition for the scariest dog. Pets with various disabilities from all over the world take part in such competitions.

Whatever your pet's appearance, you need to treat him tenderly. Remember, the main beauty of an animal is its character and love for you.


Hybrid of a wolf and a dog. This four-legged friend looks terrifying, since there is a strong resemblance to a wolf, and some individuals reach, without exaggeration, gigantic sizes. The life expectancy of this breed is 40 years.

Read Dogs for hunting - top 20 breeds

In nature, the crossing of two animals (a wolf and a dog) occurs without human intervention. The wolfdog has a wayward character, does not become attached to its owner, and its predatory instinct is much more pronounced than in other dog breeds. It is not recommended to have a wolf-dog for families with children, since he only obeys those whom he considers to be of higher rank.

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