Pit bull - history, appearance, character, care + 74 photos

The Pitbull Mastiff, or American Bandog, is a large fighting dog breed that is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. The big dog has a ferocious temperament, not everyone can cope with him. But a trained and educated bandog can turn into an ideal guard and faithful companion. Let's look at what a pit bull mastiff looks like, talk about its features, as well as the pros and cons of the breed.

Description and appearance

Translated, the name sounds like a fighting bull terrier, which reflects the character of the animals. Analyzing the history of the breed, it can be noted that the Pitbull was obtained as a result of crossing terriers, known for their lightning-fast reaction, and bulldogs, with tenacity and strength. These qualities made it possible to use Pit bull terriers for dog fighting.

When describing the appearance of these animals, marbled, solid, brindle color and a variety of shades are allowed: black, fawn, white, brown, red, brown.

Pit bull terriers have chocolate and gray coats. The exception is merle with different saturations of the same tone on any part of the body.

The Pit Bull Terrier looks like a strong and muscular animal. There are several types of pit bulls:

  • terriers;
  • bulldog type;
  • mixed.

Since the English bulldog has become the source breed for the production of many types of individuals, when comparing one can find many common features in animals - activity, devotion, intelligence, but there are also differences.

The main difference between a pit bull and a bull terrier is that according to the standard, the latter type cannot be red-nosed. The iris should have a dark brown tone, but individuals with yellow eyes are allowed.

It should be noted that the French bulldog and the British bull terrier, who have common ancestors, are also very similar in character and appearance, but the first type is calmer and more homely.

In 1990, a dwarf pit bull terrier was bred, no less energetic than its ancestors - the Patterdale Terrier and the American Pit Bull. This miniature species is more suitable for home keeping. But you need to keep in mind that the mini breed also requires serious training to get a friendly and obedient pet.

Origin story. Marriage or breed?

Pit bull terriers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States, which have become the unofficial symbol of this country . Moreover, a country where at the beginning of the 19th century. The ancestors of these dogs were bred - Staffordshire Terriers - in Great Britain.

It was there that dog fighting flourished, creating a need for fierce and fearless dogs, stubbornly pursuing victory. After the ban on such bloody entertainment, representatives of this breed began to be used as simple guard dogs.

After some pit bull terriers arrived in the United States with immigrants, American breeders and breeders began improving the breed, paying maximum attention to the psyche of its representatives, trying to make them softer and kinder.

The next, even more daring, step of the breeders was the creation of a variety of pit bull terriers, distinguished not only by their gentle disposition, but also by their more compact size..

Painstaking work on crossing pit bulls with Patterdale terriers was crowned with success in 1990 - it was then that mini pit bulls were bred, which became lighter and shorter in stature, but retained strength, endurance and energy.

These dogs have not received official recognition from the FCI..


The Fédération Cynologique Internationale has not officially recognized the breed. The American Pit Bull Terrier Standard is proposed by the UKC organization:

HeightThe height of the body slightly exceeds the length of the body
Pit bull weightFor males, this figure varies from 20 to 27 kg. The female weighs on average 14-22 kg
HeadRectangular with a wide skull between the ears, convex cheeks, square muzzle, powerful jaws with a scissor bite
FrameSolid with a deep chest, broad strong back, muscular neck, slightly arched loin and slightly retracted belly
EyesAlmond-shaped with a low rise. Any color of the iris is allowed, excluding blue shades of different saturation. Pit bulls over 2 years of age with blue eyes are considered not to fit the breed standard.
EarsHighly placed. Sometimes they are docked
NoseThe lobe comes in different colors. An important characteristic is wide open nostrils.
LimbsMuscular, very strong with flexible compact pasterns, powerful thighs
TailShort, rising to the croup while running
WoolHarsh, short, tightly lying on the skin, shiny. There is no undercoat. It's not on the stomach


Modern American Pit Bull Terriers are not bred to become bloodthirsty killers. The main task is the possibility of using these strong mobile pets as a human assistant and comrade-in-arms.

These are excellent hunting dogs. The pit bull terrier's fearlessness does not allow him to retreat even at the sight of a large animal. Thanks to its strong, compact body with short, pressed hair, the pit bull easily makes its way through thickets. The animal swims well, bringing back shot game.

American Pit Bull Terriers are vigilant, reliable guards and bodyguards. Animals often serve in the police, and in the United States this is the most common breed in law enforcement. The fast-moving pet easily overtakes the fleeing criminal. Thanks to its keen sense of smell, the pit bull terrier quickly picks up the scent, the animal helps to search for narcotic, explosive and other prohibited substances.

Pit bull terrier character

Even a well-trained pit bull terrier remains a passionate, strong-willed pet.

These fighting guards easily adapt to the apartment, provided that the animals are provided with daily active walks with elements of sports exercises. Pit bull terriers have a hard time withstanding prolonged loneliness. Pets should not be left with small children without adult supervision.

Analyzing the description and character of a pit bull, one can also note the animal’s leadership qualities, high intelligence, independence, and patience of the pet. This is a devoted friend, protector and companion with a stable nervous system.

It is necessary to take into account the pronounced fighting spirit and pugnacity genetically inherent in the American Pit Bull Terrier breed. Such qualities of a pit bull require constant monitoring by the owner during walks until the pet unquestioningly obeys commands and passes by oncoming animals without trying to rush at them.


Bullypit Half of the photos in the article are amtsaffs and bullies, not pitas. The author says that poods have never seen Pete live

    Adam Well, so what, staffs or pit bulls are the same type of breed, essentially the same thing, even experts confuse staff or pit bull because... one breed. The staff breed became only in the 1970s, lovers of the Pitbull breed did not have standards and did not take dogs to exhibitions because of this, because the dog was a fighting dog and it didn’t matter height, weight, etc., then they established standards and then appeared Staff. I wrote this in a nutshell, but what’s more, I didn’t see a good article, I don’t see the truth here, just as others wrote here. (pit bull breeder 13 years old)

Luba Such nonsense has been written, a lot of lies. It’s immediately obvious that a person who has absolutely no knowledge of the breed wrote this article.


Taking into account the peculiarities of the behavior and character of the American Pit Bull Terrier, classes with the pet are carried out regularly from an early age of the animal, taking into account the following rules:

  • when communicating with a pit bull terrier, you need to be assertive and confident so that the animal perceives the owner as the leader of the pack;
  • You cannot show your pet your own fear;
  • physical punishment of a pit bull, which can generate anger and aggression in the animal, is excluded;
  • commands to the pit bull terrier should be given in a calm, confident tone, without breaking into a scream;
  • in the process of raising a pet, each correctly executed command should be rewarded with a treat or affection;
  • if the pit bull terrier makes a mistake, it is necessary to immediately correct the pet’s actions so as not to reinforce the wrong skills in the animal;
  • prohibit the animal from jumping on the table or bed at home.

Tips for Pit Bull Owners

  1. Without proper socialization, any animal, including the Albanian pit bull, will become aggressive.
  2. Pit bulls may not be the best choice for people who don't have enough time to spend with their dog.
  3. A dog of this breed should be socialized as early as possible. This will prevent stubbornness and aggression from developing in later life.
  4. When going on a trip, you need to find out that dogs of this breed can be imported into the country, even if it is a mini pit bull.
  5. When walking, the dog must be kept on a leash at all times. Otherwise, the dog may start fighting with other dogs.
  6. Pitbulls love to chew something all the time, so you need to buy them enough chew toys.

Care and maintenance

The active and strong-willed pit bull terrier is a rather unpretentious pet.

To keep your pet in good shape, you need to follow standard procedures. The main condition is their regularity.

  1. It is important to take care of your pet's ears to keep them healthy and undamaged. Once a week, the pit bull's ears are cleaned of dirt using cotton swabs and disks soaked in warm boiled water.
  2. The pit bull terrier's claws are trimmed every month using special devices, for example, a nail clipper - a guillotine.
  3. Bathe your pet once every six months. Of course, you need to wash the animal if the pit bull gets very dirty while walking through a muddy area after rain.
  4. The pet's smooth, short fur does not need to be combed. During the pit bull terrier's molting period, loose hairs are removed daily by stroking the animal's skin using a mitten with soft rubber teeth.
  5. One of the important components of keeping and caring for pit bulls is walking. These animals are taken out at least twice a day. Be sure to include games with the pet, running, and various exercises.
  6. In order to provide the pit bull with its own safe space in an apartment, a secluded corner is allocated where a compact cage is installed for the animal to sleep and rest.
  7. The pit bull terrier's eyes need to be washed with chamomile infusion if dust or dirt gets into them during a walk. For severe lesions, contact a veterinarian.
  8. The animal's teeth are brushed with a special paste and a soft brush twice a week.
  9. To prevent the pet from getting lost, a tag indicating information about the owner is attached to the pit bull terrier's collar. Some turn to specialists to implant a microchip in an animal.


After purchasing a pit bull, it is important to immediately familiarize yourself with the feeding habits of your pet. If the breeder has already accustomed the animal to industrial ready-made food varieties, then there is no need to switch the pit bull terrier to natural food. Also, a mixed diet is not recommended for your pet.

Pitbull puppies are fed on average five times a day, maintaining a certain time. Use the same dishes for the pit bull terrier, which are washed thoroughly. Constantly pour fresh water into a separate container for the animal.

When giving preference to a natural diet, you need to take into account that it should be as balanced as possible. The main share comes from raw lean meat - veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit. Includes sea fish and offal. They should not be boiled, just pour boiling water over them and cool. Cut into pieces convenient for chewing.

Every day the American pet is given fresh chopped fruits and vegetables, lactic acid products, herbs, and boiled eggs twice a week. Add a small amount of vegetable oil to the animal portions. A vitamin complex is given to a pit bull terrier after consultation with a veterinarian.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is dangerous to practice active games and training with your pet on a full stomach, so as not to provoke intestinal volvulus in the pit bull terrier. Therefore, an adult animal is given food after a walk - in the morning and in the evening.

Serving sizes for a pit bull terrier are selected by observing the pet’s appetite. If the pit bull quickly and greedily ate everything in two or three minutes and licks the plate, then you need to increase the volume. In a situation where a significant portion of the food remains and the pet is in excellent shape, the amount of food for the animal should be reduced.

It is prohibited to include baked goods and sausages in the pit bull’s menu. Sweets, smoked meats, fatty and spicy dishes, river fish, meat of wild birds and animals are excluded for animals. Does not include mushrooms, legumes, potatoes, semolina, rolled oats, bones.

Games after six months

After six months, endurance training should be longer and more regular. The pet can be asked to run next to its owner. Every year, a dog can accompany you on a bike ride.

Puppies love to play catch. A rope and bait on it are tied to a long stick. These could be pieces of fur, old toys, etc. To play, you must choose a flat area with a non-slip surface (sand, grass or earth). Up to six months of age, you need to be careful with pit bulls so that they do not damage the ligaments. Therefore, it is proposed to introduce more active games gradually and carefully.

Training and danger level

In order for your pit bull terrier to quickly socialize and acquire competent skills and habits, it is recommended to contact a specialist. This is important, since the pet must learn the basics of obedience, for which a general course of animal training is offered.

The next stage is training the pet in commands from the field of protective guard service, for which the pit bull has the necessary abilities: intelligence, discipline, excellent hearing and scent, hunting inclinations.

As a result, the pit bull terrier will be able to restrain aggression, which significantly reduces the level of danger inherent in this breed. It is mandatory to train your pit bull to immediately carry out all commands. This will allow the owner to keep the pet under control in any environment.

One of the rules of training a pit bull terrier, which should be followed strictly and at home in communication, is the prevention of bites. A small pit bull puppy often confuses his hands with toys, eager to try his teeth on them. Experts recommend immediately stopping such attempts by switching the pet’s attention.

Instilling communication skills in a pit bull while the pet is still small reduces the degree of possible manifestations of anger towards people or other animals. They do this gradually, encouraging friendly expressions and taking the pit bull terrier puppy aside when negative moments arise. As the pet grows older, it becomes less dangerous, since the animal acquires the necessary skills to visit public places.

Historical reference

Back in the 19th century, dog lovers in England, Ireland and Scotland began experimenting with crossbreeding bulldogs and terriers, looking for a dog that would combine the agility of a terrier with the strength and athleticism of a bulldog. The result was a dog that embodied all the virtues attributed to great warriors: strength, indomitable courage and gentleness with loved ones.

Immigrants brought them to the United States. The talents of the American Pit Bull Terrier did not go unnoticed by farmers and ranchers, who used their Pit Bulls to round semi-feral cattle and hogs, for hunting, to run livestock, and as family companions.

Pit bull terrier (from the English pit - fighting pit) means fighting bull terrier. Initially it was called “pitdog” (fighting dog), “half and half” (50 to 50), “bullend terrier” (bulldog and terrier), “American bull terrier”, “Yankee terrier”.

Over time, the final name was formed, which became the official one - “pit bull terrier”, which was popularly shortened to “pit bull”, which is considered an incorrect name, since translated it means “fighting bull”.

The breed was recognized in 1898 by the British Kennel Club (UKC), and in 1930 by the American Kennel Club (AKC), however, it did not receive international recognition at the FCI level.

Health and disease treatment

The strong and cheerful pit bull terrier is characterized by strong health. But you need to know that this breed has a predisposition to certain diseases:

  1. Allergic reaction to certain types of food, including professional food. Having discovered signs of individual intolerance to a particular product in an animal, it is excluded from the pet’s diet.
  2. Thyroid dysfunction leading to the accumulation of fatty deposits. The consequence is the development of cardiovascular and liver pathologies in the pet. Treatment for the animal is prescribed by a veterinarian.
  3. Pelvic dysplasia, caused by heredity, unbalanced nutrition, excessive stress. The pit bull experiences pain that limits movement. If eliminating the provoking factors does not bring relief, the pet requires surgery.
  4. Aortic stenosis, the main symptom of which is shortness of breath in the animal, fatigue, and rapid heartbeat. According to indications, surgical intervention is usually prescribed.

To prevent enteritis, distemper, rabies, leptospirosis, and hepatitis, pit bulls are vaccinated in accordance with the schedule approved by the veterinary clinic.

John Colby's contribution to the development of the breed

It is worth noting that the greatest contribution to the development of this breed was made by John Colby, a resident of Ireland. He was a breeder of American pit bulls of the old family, but at the same time he believed that they should become the main link in breeding work with other lines. However, this opinion is still subject to criticism. Many modern breeders completely disagree with this policy. They believe that it was necessary to breed only the Red Nose line of American Pitbull dogs.

However, Colby's policy was correct. In 1900, he brought to America several of the best representatives of the named breed. And later he raised many legendary dog ​​fighting participants.

In those days, it was quite difficult to create a reliable description of the American pit bull breed. The reason for this was the impossibility of controlling the number of dogs brought into the country, as well as the variety of their colors. In addition, the main thing was not the appearance of the animal, but its predisposition to participate in battles. However, there are documents confirming the development of the breed after 1900.

It is worth noting that the policy introduced by Colby was quite actively used by breeders who began actively breeding American pit bulls. By the way, this is why the term “American” appeared in the name of the breed.


Subject to timely detection of the disease, vaccination, and compliance with the rules of care, American pit bull terriers remain active until old age. Keeping animals in favorable home conditions has a positive effect on the health of pets.

The average lifespan of an American pit bull ranges from 13 to 15 years. If previously animals were injured or died in bloody battles, in modern conditions such an outcome is excluded. Most often, pit bulls live in apartments or houses and receive good nutrition, so the age of pets can exceed the average by two to three years.


Pit bulls are recommended to be fed a diet of 2 to 2.5 bowls of quality dry food per day, divided into two meals. However, the right amount of food for your dog depends on many factors, including age, metabolism, build and activity level.

To prevent obesity, measure the amount of food your dog eats and feed him at a set time each day. A Pitbull should have a defined waist when you look down at it, and you should feel its ribs underneath the layer of muscle, but not see them. If the ribs are under a noticeable layer of fat, then he needs a diet.

How to choose a puppy

The desire to bring an American Pit Bull Terrier into your home must be conscious. Abroad, preference is given to already trained animals, purchasing pets at 6 months and older.

However, it is necessary to realize that such puppies have already mastered certain behavioral skills and it will be almost impossible to change the animals to different conditions.

It is recommended to pay attention to newborn pit bulls, who are already ready to master the necessary commands at 2 months. The breeder must provide all information about the animals. Before choosing a puppy, the pit bull is examined. Good health in a pet is indicated by activity, shiny coat, mobility, and absence of flaws in posture.


Mating takes place on the territory of the male dog to give him confidence in his abilities. You will need a muzzle, a cup of water and Vaseline. On this day, you need to treat the bitch as kindly as possible so that she doesn’t get nervous.

Before mating, dogs are walked and fed 3-4 hours before the start of the process. The female genitals are treated with a solution of rivanol.

Mating is always carried out in the presence of the owners, who, if anything happens, must come to the aid of their pets. The first mating takes place in the presence of a veterinarian.

The male is ready for mating all year round, the female comes into heat from 1 to 3 times a year. As a rule, mating is carried out no earlier than the 11th day of estrus. This process is complex and can last from 5-10 minutes to an hour.

Pit bull terrier cost

When contacting a nursery to purchase American Pit Bull Terrier puppies, you need to clearly understand the consequences after purchasing the animal. This is important because the price of this popular breed varies depending on various criteria.

  1. If you need to raise a friend who can become a participant in various sports competitions, then choose pit bulls of the “pet” class. This includes individuals with minor external defects - malocclusion, blue eyes, non-standard color. The average cost of such pit bull terriers in Russia in rubles is approximately 10 thousand.
  2. Breed-class pit bull puppies have stellar parents. Pets are purchased for the purpose of further breeding and for the active participation of pit bull terriers in competitions. Such a pet can cost from 20 thousand rubles. and more.
  3. Show-class pit bulls with a long pedigree are considered the most expensive. Pets are raised for competitive activities, since such animals are capable of winning prestigious high awards. If you manage to find such a pit bull terrier puppy, you will have to pay at least 50 thousand rubles for the pet.
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