Affenpinscher (70 photos): good and bad sides of the breed + history of the dog, care, appearance, interesting facts

Small dogs with an exotic appearance, which literally translated from German are called “monkey pinscher”, at first sight evoke delight and tenderness among others. They were bred to hunt rodents; over time, Affenpinschers turned into companion dogs, but the qualities genetically inherent in them - loyalty, devotion to the owner - are still preserved.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Activityin the house3
on the street3
Dominationin family2
over dogs2.5
Defending your territoryfrom people2
from dogs2.5
Sociabilityin family5
with strangers4
with dogs2.5
Concentrationin family1
in front of strangers2
with dogs2
Aggressivenessin family1
to strangers2
to the dogs2
to cats2
Family behaviorcalmness4
demand for affection4
excessive barking3
behavioral breakdowns1.5
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.5
over 4 years old3
Institutional usewatchman4

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Brussels Griffon, Border Terrier, Lesser Vendeen Basset Griffon, Bearded Collie, Shih Tzu.

The photo shows what an Affenpinscher looks like:


Affen's diet should be balanced, taking into account food allergies (if any) and eliminating their sources from the diet.

It is possible to feed both natural products and ready-made high-quality factory feed.

  • Affenpinscher puppies grow very quickly, during this period he should be provided with good nutrition as much as possible.
  • Dogs are prohibited from sweets, salty foods, smoked foods, any boiled bones, raw tubular bones

General characteristics of Affenpinschers

The Affenpinscher is a dwarf representative of the pinscher breed with an unusual appearance. In German, the word affe means "monkey". Therefore, the full name of the breed can be translated as “monkey pinscher.” Indeed, the face of this dog resembles that of a monkey.

Now Affenpinschers are used as companions and decorative lap dogs. But they have not lost their hunting qualities, so they can rid the house of mice and rats. They are also wary of strangers and tend to defend their territory. Despite their small size, they can be guards - they fearlessly rush at the intruder and bark loudly.

breed nameAffenpinscher (German: Affenpinscher), affen
a countryGermany
group of breeds according to the ICF classificationpinschers and schnauzers
applicationdecorative dog, companion, hunter, guard
life expectancy12-13 years old
height25-30 cm
weight4-6 kg
character traitscheerful, devoted, inquisitive, affectionate, brave
appearance featureshard, shaggy black fur, protruding mustache, eyebrows, beard
activityhigh, requires walking at least 1-2 hours a day
trainingstandard intelligence, smart, but difficult to train
attitude towards a personbecome attached to one owner, are wary of strangers, do not like small children
careunpretentious, but difficult to care for the coat: grooming and cutting required


These miniature dogs get along well in a city apartment. They are unpretentious and do not require complex or expensive care. They become very attached to their owner, ready to follow him everywhere, and can be taken on trips. Affenpinschers have several more advantages:

  • unusual exotic appearance;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • cheerful playful character;
  • smart, quick-witted, easily remember commands and various tricks;
  • have good health;
  • almost do not shed, suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • They have pronounced guarding and hunting qualities.


Affenpinschers are dogs that are not for everyone. They require a lot of attention and physical activity is required. They become too attached to their owner, can even be annoying, and require special education. They are not suitable for families with small children, as they can start to fight for championship. Its representatives have several more disadvantages:

  • very jealous, jealous of the owner even towards children;
  • do not get along with cats and other pets;
  • cannot stand loneliness, chew things out of boredom, and can become nervous;
  • hyperactive, like to misbehave;
  • may come into conflict with other dogs while walking;
  • noisy, bark in a thin but loud voice;
  • They can be stubborn, willful, and difficult to train.

Interesting facts about the Affenpinscher breed

Although information about the breed has been known since the Middle Ages, Affenpinschers are still considered rare. There are several interesting facts about these dogs.

  • The Affena is similar to the monkey not only in its external similarity of face. These dogs can easily climb a tree or climb over a fence.
  • The French call these dogs diablotin moustachu - whiskered little devil. This is due not only to their appearance, but also to their hyperactive, hooligan character.
  • During World War II, these dogs almost became extinct. And even now the breed is one of the rarest.

Photos complement the characteristics of these dogs:

Basic moments

  • From German, the name of the breed is translated as “monkey pinscher” - the miniature faces of the dogs really resemble the features of small primates.
  • Despite their compact size, the territorial instinct of Affenpinschers is no worse developed than that of guard breeds, so they always promptly report the arrival of both invited and uninvited guests.
  • The main phobia of Affenpinschers is loneliness, so it is undesirable for busy people and single people to have a dog.
  • Once you acquire an affen, you will have to give up your dream of setting up a mini-zoo at home. Representatives of this family do not favor any four-legged creatures and fight them by pouncing, growling and biting.
  • The breed is considered rare, so if you are looking for a pet with an original image, with which you can stand out from the crowd of familiar dog lovers, the Affenpinscher will fulfill your cherished desire.
  • With a lively temperament, dogs are undemanding to space, so they feel comfortable even in small apartments.
  • It will not be possible to not complicate your life with training and educational moments with an Affenpinscher. A dog that has not timely learned the basic norms of behavior in human society causes a lot of problems.
  • In their homeland, Germany, Affens continue to be considered an exclusive breed, and the number of purebred puppies born annually from registered sires does not exceed thirty.

History of the origin of the Affenpinscher breed

Affenpinschers are an ancient breed of dog. They were bred in southern Germany as rat catchers. They rid stables, barns and houses of rodents. The first images of dogs similar to Affenpinschers can be found in paintings by artists of the 15th century. Unlike modern ones, they were larger, more muscular and hardy. The difference is also in color, it was more varied. Gradually, these dwarf dogs became decorative.

There is no reliable version about the ancestors of the Affens. It is believed that the breed was created by crossing pinschers with terriers and pugs. These dogs were used to breed other breeds: Belgian Griffon, Miniature Schnauzer.

At the beginning of the 20th century, German Affenpinschers became popular not only in their homeland. American breeders especially liked this little dog. The breed appeared in Russia during the time of Catherine II, but never became popular. Interest in it increased at the end of the 20th century; these dogs were exotic. Until now, the breed is rarely found in our country.

Price: how much does it cost?

Buying an Affenpinscher puppy is not so easy. This is a rather rare breed in Russia and throughout the world. In nurseries there are usually queues for unborn puppies. This is one of the reasons for the high cost of this breed. Also, the high price is due to the exotic appearance of the dog and its difficult character.

The price for puppies with a good pedigree and the presence of all necessary documents starts from 80 thousand rubles . You can find offers on the Internet that are much cheaper, but there will be no guarantee of the purity of the breed.

Affenpinscher breed standard

Affenpinschers are small funny dogs. They attract attention with their shaggy face and intelligent eyes. Despite his small height - no more than 30 cm, the dog carries himself with dignity and importance. The average weight of an Affenpinscher is 4 kg, but in males it can reach 6 kg.


The skull is rounded, dome-shaped. The forehead is convex, the stop is well defined. The muzzle is short, the lower jaw is slightly pushed forward. The bite resembles that of a bulldog. But when the mouth is closed, the teeth are not visible. Lips are black, dry, well fitting, the lower ones are thicker. The bridge of the nose is shortened and straight. The nostrils are wide, the lobes are rounded, black.

The eyes are round, large, wide-set, dark in color. The eyelids are lined with coarse hair. The ears are set high and wide, turned forward. They are small, triangular, rounded tips, hanging down.


The neck is short, strong, without folds. The case is almost square in format, dense. The back is straight, muscular, the loin is short, the croup is rounded. The chest is deep, flattened laterally. The belly is moderately tucked. The tail continues the line of the back, has a sickle shape, and is well covered with hair. Previously it was docked, but now it is prohibited.


The forelimbs are level, widely set, parallel. The shoulder blades are flat, long, elbows point back. The hind limbs are slightly inclined. The joints are well defined, the thighs are muscular. The paws are compact, the toes are curved. Movements are smooth and free.

Coat and color

The Affenpinscher's coat is quite hard, wiry, and needs trimming. It is dense and thick, of medium length. Longer at the withers and muzzle, where it forms shaggy eyebrows, mustache and goatee. The undercoat is small, soft, but dense.

The Affenpinscher's color should be black. Silver or reddish tan and small white spots are allowed. But according to the FCI standard, the presence of other colors is undesirable.

The pictures will complement the description of the Affenpinscher's appearance:

Differences from Griffon

It is believed that Affenpinschers became the basis for breeding the Griffon. These breeds are very similar in appearance; only a specialist can distinguish them. The main difference is in coat color and height. Griffins can be red or fawn. At the withers they are 5-6 cm lower than the affens, but stocky and strong. Griffons also have shorter hair, an upturned muzzle and pointed ears.

These dogs differ in character and behavior. Griffons, unlike affens, are less aggressive, not as active and noisy. They are not suitable as a watchman and can be cowardly

Differences from the griffin

It is believed that Affenpinschers became the base breed for breeding the griffin. The two breeds are similar in many ways, but they also have significant differences.

Griffins, for example, tend to be less aggressive and have a calmer temperament. They are less noisy and more calm. These dogs are not at all suitable as watchdogs and have less fearlessness in the face of dangerous opponents than Affenpinschers. Although their active disposition and love for long walks is similar to the Affens.

Purely outwardly, they can be distinguished by color: the affen is always black, and the griffons are either red or fawn.


Pay attention to the constantly “indignant” expression on the griffon’s face

Affenpinscher character

These dogs have a complex character. They are affectionate and loving with their owner, ready to follow him everywhere and participate in all matters. They cannot stand loneliness and love to be the center of attention. They are distinguished by a good-natured, playful disposition, inquisitive, intelligent and emotional. They are loyal, fearlessly rushing to defense, regardless of their size.

But at the same time, they are stubborn and jealous, and do not tolerate the presence of small pets in the house. They may be jealous of small children. They love to play and frolic with teenagers, but they do not tolerate disrespectful treatment. They are wary of strangers and it is difficult to gain their trust. They react to any noise by barking.

These dogs have the following character traits:

  • devotion;
  • optimism;
  • curiosity;
  • good nature;
  • playfulness;
  • intelligence;
  • stubbornness;
  • jealousy;
  • self-confidence;
  • courage.

Features of education and training

Despite the fact that Affenpinschers are decorative indoor pets, they must be raised and trained. This is a stubborn, disorganized and very active dog. If you don't educate him, he can create serious problems.

Therefore, from the first day the puppy appears in the house, you need to accustom him to the daily routine, place, teach the rules of behavior and basic commands. The dog should not grab people by the legs, chew things, or jump on the owner. Immediately you need to accustom him to a collar and leash. It is important to gain authority from your pet. Affens are smart, remember commands well, learn tricks easily, and show excellent results in agility. But they obey only the owner, who will become their leader.

This is a small but serious dog. You also need to take her upbringing seriously. Dog handlers recommend this behavior:

  • You cannot use violence or shout at the dog;
  • for misconduct you need to scold in a stern voice, you can be deprived of communication for a while;
  • It is recommended to use treats, praise and affection for encouragement;
  • You need to communicate with the dog calmly and friendly, but give orders in a firm voice;
  • be sure to enforce the order;
  • training needs to be varied, carried out in the form of a game, it should not be long, otherwise the dog will become bored.

Photos illustrate the features of these dogs:

Russian greyhound

The heir to the Circassian hunting dogs, the Russian greyhound looks majestic and graceful, but still a little ridiculous, not to mention the fact that the poor thing just wants to be fed.

At their core, they are ordinary long-haired hunting dogs, but the one who saw this miracle of nature would not dare to call them ordinary. This breed is used for baiting - hunting without guns or other firearms. Russian greyhounds are very intelligent, calm and active. They hardly bark and do not tolerate useless activities. If you are planning to teach your greyhound to sing or dance, don't even think about it, this is not for him.

With copper-brown veining and other fashionable shades of chestnut coloring

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Maintenance and care

You can keep an Affenpinscher in an apartment or private house. The breed is not suitable for street keeping. The dog needs little space in the house. It is important to immediately buy him enough toys so that he does not have the desire to chew on the owner’s things. For a puppy, it is also recommended to purchase an indoor enclosure or a cage and a tray, where the baby should be immediately taught to go to the toilet.

This is not a lap dog, it requires obligatory walking 1-2 hours a day. Not suitable for homebodies and inactive owners. Affens love to travel and will happily accompany their owner in a car or in the basket of a bicycle. In the city it is better to walk your dog on a leash. Representatives of this breed are very cocky and can enter into conflicts with other dogs, and also hunt small animals.

It is not recommended to leave the Affenpinscher unattended in the yard of a private house. These dogs can climb trees and climb over fences. And in hot weather they suffer greatly from overheating.

Caring for Affens is not difficult. Hygiene procedures are required the same as for other pets. Difficulties can arise only in caring for the coat. You will need to purchase special tools: a furminator, different types of scissors, stripping. Show dogs need professional grooming.

It is recommended to examine the eyes daily; due to the large amount of hair around them, inflammation often develops. Ears and teeth should be examined and cleaned every week. Trim nails as necessary. After each meal, you need to wipe your face, and wash your paws after a walk.


The Affen's hard and coarse coat requires trimming. Every month it is recommended to pluck hairs manually or using a special stripping knife. Affenpinschers also need a haircut. It is especially often done for pets who do not attend exhibitions. Although this is not allowed according to the standard. Dogs that show signs of trimming or clipping are penalized in the ring. For such pets, it is better to contact a specialist for grooming.

If the dog is not being shown, it is recommended to have a hygienic haircut. This will help keep it clean. The wool will become softer and more manageable, and tangles will not form. Some owners give their pets decorative haircuts. With their help, the head and body are given different shapes. It is not recommended to cut the Affen's hair short; it should be shaggy - this is a breed characteristic.

To carry out grooming yourself you need:

  • First, carefully comb the entire coat, remove dead hairs;
  • shorten the hair on the face using scissors and a fine-toothed comb; it is recommended to shape the head into a ball;
  • use small scissors to trim the inside of the ear;
  • remove hair under the tail and in the groin area;
  • shorten the hair on the paws, trim the areas around the toes.

You need to brush your dog 2-3 times a week. First, go through the coat with a fine-toothed comb, then with a brush. You can’t bathe often, once every 3 months is enough. Use shampoo and conditioner designed for wire-haired breeds.

The pictures show the fur features of these dogs:


These dogs are unpretentious in food, they have a good appetite and do not have digestive problems. In nurseries, Affenpinschers are fed prepared food. They must be at least super-premium class, intended for active small breed dogs. When feeding natural food, it is necessary to add multivitamins and mineral complexes.

The diet of these dogs should consist of lean meat and vegetables. It is useful to give sea fish and fermented milk products. Porridge - rice or buckwheat - is cooked in meat broth. Once a week you can give eggs, kelp, and add vegetable oil to food.

It is forbidden to feed your pet food from your table, fatty, salty and fried foods. You should not give smoked meats, confectionery, sweets, legumes, or potatoes. With a high content of carbohydrates in the diet, affens are prone to weight gain; it is not recommended to overfeed them. Adult dogs need 2 meals a day. It is important to ensure that your pet always has clean water.


Affenpinschers have fairly good health. On average they live 12-13 years, but if properly cared for they can live up to 15 years. Diseases mainly develop due to non-compliance with the necessary conditions of detention. These dogs are prone to the formation of tartar and dental pathologies; they also have a fragile skeleton and, due to increased activity, injuries often occur. Sometimes the following diseases develop:

  • joint dysplasia;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • cataract;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • genitourinary infections.

To keep your pet healthy until old age, you need to visit the veterinarian on time and get vaccinations. They give anthelmintic drugs 3-4 times a year, and in the summer it is necessary to treat the fur from external parasites.


The average lifespan of an Affenpinscher is 12-14 years. Although it is worth noting that there are not very many long-livers among representatives of this breed. The Affen is naturally in good health, but its condition largely depends on its owner.

It is important to carry out routine vaccination, deworming, and treatment for skin parasites. You can avoid or start treatment on time for many diseases if you visit a veterinary clinic with your pet 1-2 times a year for tests and preventive examinations.

Most often, Affenpinschers have the following health problems:

  • Cataracts – can lead to vision loss.
  • Hernias.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Hypothyroidism is a problem of the thyroid gland.
  • Dysplasia – accompanied by severe pain. Without treatment it leads to immobility.
  • Von Willebrand-Diana disease is a blood disease that is inherited. Accompanied by spontaneous bleeding.
  • Oligodontia – incomplete teeth.
  • Slipped patella syndrome.
  • Sebaceous cysts are caused by oncogenic viruses. Viruses are transmitted through contact of healthy animals with sick ones and through insect bites.

How to buy an Affenpinscher puppy

This breed is quite rare; to buy a puppy, it is better to contact a nursery or a responsible breeder. You can learn about them at exhibitions, in reviews and comments on various websites about dogs. Prices depend on class. Show-class puppies in Moscow cost 80,000-90,000 rubles. The price of the descendants of champions can reach 120-150 thousand.

Pet-class dogs that will not participate in breeding can be bought for 25-30 thousand. But it is also recommended to contact a kennel, this is a guarantee that the dog will be purebred and without hereditary diseases.

We sell puppies aged 1.5-2 months. When choosing, you need to study the documents of the parents, veterinary certificates, and the living conditions of the animals. It is recommended to choose a child who is not cowardly, but curious. A healthy Affenpinscher puppy is active and cheerful. He has thick fur without bald spots or dandruff, a confident gait, and a soft tummy. There should be no discharge from the eyes, ears, or unpleasant odor.

The pictures show what Affenpinscher puppies look like:

The video will complement the description of the breed representatives:

Video: Affenpinscher: description of the breed, reviews from owners

Video: Affenpinscher dog breed

Video: Affenpinscher. Breed characteristics, care

Affenpinschers are funny and unusual dogs. Their unusual appearance and mischievous, inquisitive character will not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, the breed has many fans. But getting an affen is not recommended for everyone. You need to remember the disadvantages of keeping it and prepare for the fact that this dog will have to pay a lot of attention. But with proper upbringing, she will become a devoted and affectionate companion. And with his mischievous face and harmless pranks he will bring a lot of joy.

Breed characteristics

Of course, this is the design of a dog's face. In a special way, the fur on the face gives it an exotic resemblance to a monkey.

Traditionally, Affens had their ears and tails docked. This comes from the breed's working past to reduce dog injuries in brutal rodent fights. Now the issue of docking is decided only by the owner or kennel of the puppy.

Cirneco del Etna

Also called the Sicilian Greyhound, this breed traces its roots back to ancient Egypt and the dogs of the pharaohs. And indeed, all that is missing is pschent (the crown of the pharaohs) - and simply Nefertiti in the flesh! In fact, just as the Affenpinscher resembles a monkey, the Sicilian Greyhound resembles Egyptian frescoes in its appearance.

Despite the aristocratic origin and appearance, the main feature of Cirneco del Etna is endurance. They can run off-road without food or water all day. You can't tell by looking!

Pharaoh Hound

Perhaps this is the oldest dog in the entire history of mankind. On an ancient disk that dates back to the 4th century. BC, depicts two pharaoh dogs chasing prey. Researchers believe that these dogs were present when the Phoenicians settled Malta and Gozo. The Pharaoh Hound has not changed in five thousand years. This is largely due to Malta, where the breed existed for more than two thousand years.

This breed is very beautiful, elegant and graceful. This large, fast dog is excellent for hunting. Distinctive features of the breed also include kindness, playfulness, affection for children and a sharp mind. Due to the highly developed hunting instinct, it is not recommended to let your dog off leash near highways and dangerous open spaces. Having taken the trail of its intended prey, this pet will not stop even when called by its owner.

Enclosures for pharaoh dogs must be made high, not lower than 1.6 m, since the animal jumps well. Due to its short coat and low fat layer, this breed is not recommended to be kept outside during cold weather. At sub-zero temperatures, you need to take care of a warm blanket. But despite its physiological characteristics, the Pharaoh Hound prefers active games in the snow, controlling its heat exchange by actively jumping and running.

The Pharaoh Hound is of medium height (up to 60 cm), weighs about 30 kg. The color is reddish or reddish-brown, with white markings on the chest and tip of the tail. The cost of the third most expensive dog in the world ranges from 50 to 120 thousand rubles.

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