Pit bull (American pit bull terrier): description of the breed, character and care

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed of dog with excellent fighting qualities. He has a strong-willed character, a very passionate and strong-willed dog. Translated from English, pit bull terrier is a fighting bull terrier (from the English word pit - a pit for fighting) or a bulldog terrier. People call this dog for short pit bull or affectionate bull.

Are these animals so dangerous, because they have many positive qualities and can become a wonderful friend for their owner. Let's take a closer look at what features the pit bull terrier breed has and whether you should be afraid of it.

Description of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed

Popularity 198th place among 263 dog breeds


13-15 years old

Breed group:



males: 46-53 cm, females: 43-51 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

15-20 thousand rubles


males: 16-27 kg, females: 14-23 kg
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Key facts

The American Pit Bull Terrier (Pitbull) is a breed of dog of medium height with well-developed muscles. The height at the withers is 45-60 cm, and the weight of the American Pit Bull Terrier ranges from 13 to 27 kg (the male weighs 15-27 kg, and the female weighs 13-22 kg).

The country of origin, paradoxically, is Britain, but many sources indicate the USA. And all because breeders from the New World began to breed this breed, which arrived on the continent, and put a lot of effort into its development.

Before official recognition in 1898 by the British Kennel Club (UKC), and 5 years later by the American Kennel Club (AKC), the description of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed included all sorts of names: pittdog, pitterrier, bull terrier, half and half.

We usually use the abbreviated name for this breed “pit bull”, which is essentially erroneous. From English “pit” is translated as “pit”, where dog fights were held. This means that a pit bull terrier is a “fighting bull terrier,” but a pit bull is a “fighting bull.”

No dog in history has suffered at the hands of “black PR” as much as the American Pit Bull Terrier. The characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed as a killer dog haunt the dog to this day. Always faithfully serving her master, she took part in bloody games at his whim: she tore apart rivals and brought in considerable income, and sometimes died from many wounds, but never betrayed her human friend. Her strength caused her to be bullied by people.

Today the dog comes to the aid of the police, specializes in finding drugs, serves the disabled, she is an invaluable therapy dog ​​and supernanny for children, a warrior, a security guard, a defender, and an athlete. The media is not very fond of covering such an unusual image in the newspapers. Therefore, clubs and societies are being created to protect dogs of this breed from sinister propaganda.

Interesting fact:

In Spain, Germany, Portugal, Poland, Switzerland, France, as well as in the homeland of dogs - in the UK - there is a ban or restriction on owning a pit bull.

It is convenient to keep pit bulls both in a private house and in a city apartment. Dogs of medium height do not make a lot of noise, do not shed or drool - these dogs are always looking for communication with a person and are happy to become part of the family.

Pit bulls are very smart and have good self-control and are able to make their own decisions. Aggression towards people is not typical for them and is considered a breed defect. A pit bull terrier easily gets along in the same apartment with a cat, but will still chase other people's cats.

The life expectancy of an American Pit Bull Terrier is on average 12-15 years; with decent maintenance and care, the pet’s “retirement” can be extended.

Buying a pit bull puppy in Russia is not at all difficult. The price depends on several factors (presence of pedigree, color, reputation of breeders, etc.) and can vary from 200 to 1000 dollars.


After purchasing a pit bull, it is important to immediately familiarize yourself with the feeding habits of your pet. If the breeder has already accustomed the animal to industrial ready-made food varieties, then there is no need to switch the pit bull terrier to natural food. Also, a mixed diet is not recommended for your pet.

Pitbull puppies are fed on average five times a day, maintaining a certain time. Use the same dishes for the pit bull terrier, which are washed thoroughly. Constantly pour fresh water into a separate container for the animal.

When giving preference to a natural diet, you need to take into account that it should be as balanced as possible. The main share comes from raw lean meat - veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit. Includes sea fish and offal. They should not be boiled, just pour boiling water over them and cool. Cut into pieces convenient for chewing.

Every day the American pet is given fresh chopped fruits and vegetables, lactic acid products, herbs, and boiled eggs twice a week. Add a small amount of vegetable oil to the animal portions. A vitamin complex is given to a pit bull terrier after consultation with a veterinarian.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is dangerous to practice active games and training with your pet on a full stomach, so as not to provoke intestinal volvulus in the pit bull terrier. Therefore, an adult animal is given food after a walk - in the morning and in the evening.

Serving sizes for a pit bull terrier are selected by observing the pet’s appetite. If the pit bull quickly and greedily ate everything in two or three minutes and licks the plate, then you need to increase the volume. In a situation where a significant portion of the food remains and the pet is in excellent shape, the amount of food for the animal should be reduced.

It is prohibited to include baked goods and sausages in the pit bull’s menu. Sweets, smoked meats, fatty and spicy dishes, river fish, meat of wild birds and animals are excluded for animals. Does not include mushrooms, legumes, potatoes, semolina, rolled oats, bones.

History of the origin of the pit bull terrier

The breed was first developed in England at the beginning of the 19th century by crossing an Old English Terrier and an Old English Bulldog. Bull or bear baiting, popular in those days, brought considerable income. The Bulldogs, although angry and fearless, lost all the time. The reason was their clumsiness. Having inherited the agility and mobility of the terrier, the bull terrier became the most popular fighting dog until animal rights activists sounded the alarm.

Already in 1835, the law prohibited such events, considering them too cruel to four-legged animals. Such a short time was enough for the newly introduced breed to gain fame as a fearless fighter. Pit bulls still participate in (now illegal) fights today.

The breed has existed for more than 300 years. In 1898, the United Kennels Club (UKC) was created; breeders who wanted to preserve the purity of the breed joined it. The club continues to operate successfully today. Only one breed is available for registration here – the American Pit Bull Terrier.

The American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA) began its work in 1909. American Staffordshire Terriers from all over the world also received registration here (their representatives do not participate in battles, but attend various exhibitions).

In which countries is it prohibited?

American pit bulls have gained fame as such dangerous dogs that all types and types of this breed have been banned from being kept in the following countries:

  • almost all European countries;
  • Canada (provinces of Ontario and Manitoba);
  • USA.

Pit bulls are not officially prohibited in Russia, but at the legislative level they are recognized as a dangerous breed. In 2014, draft Federal Law No. 633848-6 “On keeping dogs in the Russian Federation” was created, which states that in order to keep and breed dogs recognized as a dangerous breed, citizens are required to obtain a license.

To do this, you will need to document your adequacy, training skills, knowledge in the field of care and maintenance of dogs of the declared breed, and the consent of the citizens around him.

List of documents for obtaining a license:

  • statement;
  • the applicant's identity card (passport);
  • a certificate from a psychiatrist about mental health;
  • written consent of neighbors (certified by their signatures);
  • written permission of the self-government body.

But this bill is under consideration in the State Duma. And while there is no current law, no one can prohibit keeping a pit bull.

Important! The genes of the pit bull terrier contain killer aggression towards the enemy. Therefore, it is very important that their owners are aware of the risk they are taking. After all, without the necessary knowledge and skills, without knowing how to use them in practice, no one will be able to properly socialize and raise such a dog.

As Russian health statistics show, in 2022, out of 569 cases of attacks by domestic dogs, in 217 cases these were pit bulls. And in half of them the victims were children. A disappointing indicator of human irresponsibility...

Appearance of a pit bull terrier

Looking at the photo of the American Pit Bull Terrier, that is, such a powerful dog, you can be scared by its brutal appearance. The appearance of the pit bull is truly impressive.


Large, with wide cheekbones and a powerful jaw.
Kind and affectionate eyes stand out: they are deep-set, small, almond-shaped, and come in different colors, with the exception of blue. The ears are normal - drooping or cropped, standing far apart.


Strong, short, with a massive muscular collar.


Strong, length exceeds body height. The pit bull's belly should not be very sunken, but excess weight is not allowed.


They are set obliquely and have a short length. The toes are collected and neatly rounded, the claws do not protrude too obviously.

Hind limbs

The thighs are elongated in shape, strong and muscular. The hock joint is well defined and slightly lowered.


Medium length, thin at the end, biting and mobile. In an excited state, the dog lifts it and aligns it with its back.


Evenly short, without undercoat, lying close to the body. Pleasant to the touch, smooth and shiny, does not cause any trouble during maintenance.


There are no strict restrictions on the colors of the American Pit Bull Terrier, except for one thing - the standards do not recognize marble-colored Pit Bull Terriers. It's not just a matter of rejection of new things, but also bad genetics.


An adult male dog reaches 50 cm at the withers and weighs 30 kg, while girls are 4-5 kg ​​lighter. The height of a female American Pit Bull Terrier reaches a maximum of 43 cm. Considering the size of the American Pit Bull Terrier, it is necessary to place it comfortably at home. A fairly spacious apartment or country house is suitable for maintenance.

Is a pit bull dangerous?

Opinions about the dangers of pit bulls are controversial. Many people believe that their jaws have a death grip, and that if a pit bull bites anything larger than the size of its mouth, it can even dislocate its jaw. But a study from the University of Georgia refutes these rumors.

Scientists say that pit bulls' jaws do not have any features that allow them to bite with a death grip.

The National Geography Society conducted research on the strength of the bites of different animal species. Dogs have been found to have a jaw clenching force of 320 psi. Shepherd, Rottweiler and pit bull dogs were used for the study. The bite of the latter exerted the least pressure.

Some measure bite force in atmospheres. The bite force of a pit bull in atmospheres is 55.5. But this interpretation is not entirely correct because atmosphere is a unit of pressure divided by area.

That is, 1 atmosphere = 1 kgf (1 kilogram-force) applied per 1 cm2. In fact, the bite force is measured in newtons (N), which for convenience can be converted to kgf, 1 kgf = approximately 10N.

The bite force of a pit bull is 135 0N (135 kgf). This is less than many large dogs. But this does not mean that pit bull bites can cause less injury than the bite of a Rottweiler, Doberman, shepherd and other breeds.

The danger of a dog is determined not only by the strength of its grip, but also by how long the dog can hold its jaw at the moment of the bite in the most tense state, what “fighting tactics” it has and how much control it remains under the owner at the moment of peak aggression.

Pit bulls have a relatively low bite force, but at the same time they are genetically instilled with the “killer” instinct. At the moment of aggression, they do not just defend themselves, they seek to kill the enemy. This makes the pit bull practically the most dangerous dog.

Character of the American Pit Bull Terrier

Before us is a representative of a multifaceted nature. The character of the American Pit Bull Terrier is capable of combining childish playfulness and adult wisdom. Dexterity and courage border on fearlessness. These dogs are always loyal to their owners, giving their last drop of blood for their safety. They can fight for several hours, enduring pain and serious injuries. He will not betray and will not retreat - this is not in his rules.

At home next to the owner, he will show the most tender feelings. A small dog hides a huge kind heart. This is a big fan of hugs with everyone in the household. Pitas take the youngest members of the family under their wing, playing the role of “nanny.” And they are masters at this!

Their natural intelligence gives them the ability to think independently, without waiting for the owner’s command. The pit bull is strong, knows and feels it, but will not look for an opportunity to demonstrate its superiority. He will not pay attention to small dogs barking tirelessly: he will be able to keep his feelings under control and remain cool-blooded.


Modern American Pit Bull Terriers are not bred to become bloodthirsty killers. The main task is the possibility of using these strong mobile pets as a human assistant and comrade-in-arms.

These are excellent hunting dogs. The pit bull terrier's fearlessness does not allow him to retreat even at the sight of a large animal. Thanks to its strong, compact body with short, pressed hair, the pit bull easily makes its way through thickets. The animal swims well, bringing back shot game.

American Pit Bull Terriers are vigilant, reliable guards and bodyguards. Animals often serve in the police, and in the United States this is the most common breed in law enforcement. The fast-moving pet easily overtakes the fleeing criminal. Thanks to its keen sense of smell, the pit bull terrier quickly picks up the scent, the animal helps to search for narcotic, explosive and other prohibited substances.

Education and training

If a dog bites a person, there is a good reason for it. This is a sign of a defective individual or the result of improper upbringing.

There have been cases of pit bulls attacking people - but only when the owner himself gave such a command. Boundlessly devoted, capable of rushing to the defense of his master without hesitation, he does not know the moral laws of this world. Therefore, people, not dogs, should be blamed for a one-time display of aggression.

The owner of a dog must certainly be a person who is self-confident, self-sufficient, and with a strong moral foundation. Any dog ​​must respect its place in the family hierarchy. This is achieved by a calm and confident tone of conversation, the slightest cruelty is excluded, otherwise a boomerang effect will arise. It is better for inexperienced and novice dog breeders to seek the help of a training instructor.

Pit bulls need to exercise a lot and have sufficient exercise. Unspent energy will result in hooliganism in the house. Any activity will become a game for Pete - dragging a rope, hanging on a ring, catching a stick, climbing trees - his joy will know no bounds.

Raising and training the American Pit Bull Terrier should begin from an early age. Inexperienced dog owners should definitely take a dog training course under the guidance of an instructor.

Pit Bull Terrier Health and Diseases

Possible diseases

These dogs are genetically endowed with good health.
A small nuisance is that pit bulls are sensitive to drafts and cold, and their paws can freeze. You should strictly follow the vaccination schedule for your pet (the veterinary clinic will inform you in detail). The first vaccination is indicated as early as 3 months - then you will have no need to worry about possible diseases.

Obesity or rapid weight loss indicate a malfunction of the thyroid gland. As you age, joint problems may arise. Many irritants contribute to the appearance of allergies. In this case, reconsider the diet and living conditions of your pet.

Reproductive health

The first estrus in a female dog begins 6-9 months after birth and lasts 20-23 days.
A healthy pregnancy lasts 8–9 weeks. Labor may begin a little earlier or a week later. Consulting with your doctor will help determine whether there will be complications during or after the birth process. After the birth of puppies, especially the first ones, the “young mother” will protect her offspring. Please be understanding about this. If you are not ready to be responsible for the lives of new family members, it is better to sterilize the animal.

Features of feeding and diet

As a rule, owners bring home a new family member at two months of age. The puppy receives balanced nutrition partly from dry food (only premium class, it should be soaked with water before feeding), and partly from natural products (boiled liver and beef, cottage cheese, kefir, porridge, grated carrots or apples, cheese, yolk once a week ). Porridge (rice, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal) is cooked in milk in a volume of 600 g, gradually it is recommended to reduce the portion to 400 g.

Meal frequency:

  • at the age of 6-8 weeks - from 6 times a day;
  • at the age of 10-12 weeks – 5 times a day;
  • at 4-6 months – 4 times a day;
  • at 6-8 months – 3 times a day.

From 8 months, the puppy receives food, like an adult dog, 2 times a day. As you grow older, the presence of four-legged protein in the diet is mandatory (100 grams of meat per day, offal once a week - liver, heart, kidneys). It is forbidden to feed your pet table scraps! There are allergenic foods for pit bulls: potatoes, broccoli, grapes, sweets, and baked goods. They need to be excluded.

Water should be available at all times and should be changed twice a day. The transition to dry food is carried out gradually, offering it in small portions and observing possible manifestations of allergies. If the animal reacts poorly, the food should be replaced with another.

At first, the puppy will be at home, so place a tray with litter so that the dog does not crap all over the apartment.

Weekly menu


  • Breakfast - kefir.
  • Lunch – fresh veal with zucchini or carrots.
  • Dinner – oatmeal with baked beets.


  • Breakfast – sour milk or yogurt.
  • Lunch – buckwheat porridge with boiled or raw lamb.
  • Dinner – baked pumpkin.


  • Breakfast – cottage cheese or kefir.
  • Lunch – boiled lung.
  • Dinner – stewed cabbage and egg.


  • Breakfast – low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch - fresh beef with stewed beets.
  • Uzhen – oatmeal with scalded liver.


  • Breakfast – cottage cheese or kefir.
  • Lunch – rice porridge with veal heart.
  • Dinner – stewed zucchini with egg.


  • Breakfast – kefir or yogurt.
  • Lunch – a piece of beef.
  • Dinner – stewed cabbage with scalded liver.


  • Breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch – fresh veal with carrots.
  • Dinner – baked beets.


The Pit Bull Terrier is a dog breed prone to allergies, so each new product should be introduced with caution.

Care and maintenance

There are no excessive requirements for the care and maintenance of American pit bull terriers.

Pit cats have short fur and are brushed twice a year during seasonal shedding. The rest of the year, they simply tidy up by lightly combing and removing dirt.

The claws wear down on their own during long walks. If they are long and interfere with walking, trim them with a nail clipper. Ears are treated as they become dirty.

Oral care will help maintain white teeth and eliminate unpleasant odor in the mouth. It is easier to teach a dog to brush its teeth (with toothpaste, as it should be!) from an early age.

Bathing is enough 2 times a year. The dog tolerates this procedure very calmly. Place a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub to prevent your dog from slipping and scratching the bathtub. You can add a little water so that it barely covers your paws. Now we water the four-legged animal, avoiding getting its head and ears wet. Lather the shampoo into foam and apply to the coat (do not pour shampoo on the dog!), stroke the dog with this foam, and then rinse. You can dry the wool with a hairdryer with a warm jet or wipe it with a towel. Leave your pet at home for 2-3 hours after bathing and let him dry completely. It is not recommended to bathe pregnant, old, or sick dogs. If you bathe frequently, your skin may begin to crack due to dryness. So don't overdo it!

In summer, pitas willingly swim in ponds. Choose places where there are no people (observe hygiene rules!). If the dog does not dare to go into the water, set an example for it - take a swim first and call it to you. Don't forget to take off your collar! After each walk, the paws are washed in a basin and the belly is wiped with a damp cloth.

How to choose your future pet?

Under no circumstances should you purchase a puppy on the market or meet with a breeder on neutral territory - this could lead to you purchasing a crossbreed or a sick puppy. This should only be done in a kennel, paying attention to the conditions in which the dogs live, as well as the condition of the pets themselves.

In addition, be sure to ask the breeder to show the babies’ parents and their documents.


When purchasing, be sure to evaluate the health and mental state of the animal.

Signs of a healthy puppy:

  • He is cheerful, playful and inquisitive.
  • It does not emit an unpleasant odor.
  • The eyes and ears of such a baby are clean, and the coat is shiny and glossy.

Tips for choosing a puppy

If you want to have a little friend and a faithful companion at home, having well calculated your strengths, capabilities and means, you can begin to search for a suitable breeder. Having recommendations from other owners makes the task much easier and reduces the risk of falling into the trap of an unscrupulous seller.

Are you planning to participate in exhibitions? You need a show class puppy. Will you be breeding the breed? Take a breed-class puppy. The price for both will be higher. Pet-class American Pit Bull Terrier puppies (pets) will be cheaper, but this will not affect their character in any way. But he will delight you every day with his love of life and kindness. They are allowed to be taken from the breeder as early as 2 months, when habits have not yet been formed and training can be started “from scratch.”

For those who plan to conquer exhibitions with their pet, it is better to choose from eight-month-old puppies. At this age, the makings of a champion are more or less visible. Calm, balanced, cooperative, moderately active puppies are easy to train and do not cause trouble with their behavior. But you shouldn’t choose timid, fearful, and modest people. You may encounter difficulties in parenting.

Price range

The price of pit bull terrier puppies varies depending on the class to which they belong, and on average is 4-15 thousand rubles. Adults who have won prizes at exhibitions and puppies with a pedigree and registration in international associations are valued more highly.

This breed is not recognized by the RKF, so the puppies cannot have Russian ancestry.

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