American Staffordshire Terrier kennels in Moscow

  • American Staffordshire Terrier

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a muscular and stocky dog ​​with a very balanced psyche. In the past, they were used in dog fighting and animal baiting in the United States. They are currently companion dogs without being overly aggressive. However, in some countries, breeding of this breed is controlled and considered dangerous.

  1. Country of Origin : USA
  2. Height at withers : male: 46-48 cm female: 43-46 cm
  3. Weight : male: 25-30 cm female: 22-25 cm
  4. Lifespan : 10-12 years
  5. Use : Companion Dog, Guard
  6. Other names : amstaff, AST

Purchasing an American Staffordshire Terrier puppy is a responsible and important act that you need to think carefully about before you do it. This is especially true for those people who are going to become truly responsible dog breeders. The question of choice should be approached carefully and without haste, comparing your own habits, daily routine and the nature of the chosen breed. When the future owner has decided on the breed, a new dilemma arises: how to find a bona fide breeder? Here you need to be extremely careful not to become a prematurely disappointed dog owner.

Buying an American Staffordshire Terrier puppy is a very exciting event, because you can say that a new family member will appear. To ensure that the event does not overshadow anything, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a breeder. There are no bad dog breeds; you can simply run into an unscrupulous breeder for whom money comes first. The future owner is at great risk of buying an animal that has a lot of health problems. It is for this reason that you need, first of all, to get to know the breeder well, read reviews about him and the like.

Before adopting a dog from the kennel

Any pet with character and emotions. Call a friend who already has an animal if you have not interacted with animals. Relatives may have a negative attitude towards the decision to adopt a dog - convince them and get their consent. Walk the dog yourself, or arrange with relatives. Remember, the dog is usually walked 3 times a day. If you have children, they should be able to get along with animals. Teach them not to hurt your pet. The child should not touch the pet when she is eating or sleeping. You cannot scare or shout at the animal.

Kennel of American Staffordshire Terriers Tsenny Priz (certificate FCI 9250), Russian Federation, Moscow region.

Amstaffs Valuable Prize... and anyway, who are these amstaffs...?

Amstaffs Valuable PrizeDogs have always been in our family, since 1976. Therefore, since childhood, for me, the absence of a dog in the house is unthinkable, and I cannot imagine my home, my family, without dogs.

There were different breeds, and they were always strong, serious comrades - Moscow Watchdog, St. Bernard, KO, SAO, ... we lived then not only in the Moscow region, but also in the Far North, and on the BAM, and these breeds organically fit into the life of the family .

Tcenniy Prize kennel

But at some point the question arose about purchasing a dog of a different type - more compact, more convenient for apartment living. With a minimum of care (all working, busy people, everything is like everyone else!), medium size, sociable, quick-witted, pleasant to talk to, and the family sat down “at the round table” - everyone wrote for themselves on a piece of paper what characteristics they would like to see in “ to your dog." At that time I already had the idea to take an Amstaff, because... This is the optimal balance of all the characteristics of a universal companion, but I had not yet imagined how much this idea could turn my life around. For the first time I saw an Amstaff on the street, around 1996 - it was a self-walking female of bright brindle color, which flew into my hands at full speed, licked it, and ran on about its business. Then it frankly amazed me, so powerful, beautiful, independent (damn these irresponsible owners!), and absolutely not aggressive. After that, I met her and other dogs several times; there were no aggressors among them.

In 2000, I was offered to look at an Amstaff puppy. By that time, I had already seen various Amstaffs, including ill-mannered ones, and there was also an openly aggressive specimen. And to my doubts I was given the answer “you haven’t seen the Amstaffs”... They brought a mother and her 4-month-old daughter to the “bride.” Mom, Rus Mafi-Ya Dangri, was sitting in the car, and she was ordered by the owners not to get out, so she showed all the joy from meeting strangers from a distance: a powerful fawn carcass pounded the seat with its tail, the high-cheeked head smiled with the breed’s signature “do” smile ears,” and her whole appearance said, “Well, let me kiss you!” The puppy was also fawn, round-faced and round-bottomed, with brightly lined eyes... and he went to our home right away, it was simply love at first sight.

This is how Amstaff appeared in our lives. Our love for this fantastic breed began with Lamasco Dolce Vita (04/30/2000-08/05/2014, Lamasco Falcon + Rus Mafi-Ya Dangri).

American Staffordshire Terriers are definitely not dogs for everyone. All the horror stories that ordinary people love to retell are a topic that hurts true lovers and connoisseurs of the breed. If we are talking about the American Staffordshire Terrier, he is a cheeky clown-intellectual for friends, a gentle, devoted “tail” for his family members, who, despite belonging to the terrier group, will tenderly lick and nurture both a domestic cat and a bird, and a ferret, and anyone else. whatever. For the American Staffordshire Terrier’s family is the most precious thing in his life.

amstaffs Valuable Prize - Valuable Prize Floret Scarlet (Vanilla) And this is the main problem of this breed - they grow up the way their owners make them. Of course, the work of the breeder and the further strategy, action or inaction of the owner is approximately 50/50, but in the absence of proper upbringing, no “cool pedigree” will keep the young “energizer” from putting his strength where it is easier, and this is not always the case benefits both the individual dog and the image of the breed.

Amstaffs Valuable Prize. Of course, after considerable experience with different breeds of strong dogs, I was conquered by the American Stafforshire Terrier.

For me, this is the ideal family dog. Medium height, compact, powerful, active, short-haired dog, from which even in puppyhood emanates incredible strength and energy, some kind of solar energy, those clear mischievous eyes, that incredible smile and the desire to catch your gaze and immediately read - what are we going to do today? do ? Play? Indulge? I'm up for everything in advance

agree !!!

Amstaff's view is a separate issue. You can drown in his eyes. There is an opinion that you can’t look other people’s dogs in the eyes; they perceive it as a challenge. But this is not about Amstaff. He always looks into your eyes, reading your thoughts, getting to the most hidden corners of your soul - and he looks into the eyes of strangers with the question “who are you?” as cool a pepper as I am? Shall we play?

A dog that doesn’t need to be told a hundred times that this is white and that is black - the Amstaff grasps everything on the fly... but in order for him to accept your rules and begin to obey with pleasure, you must comply with him, proving that you are the cool one , a smart and creative friend who can do anything and is incredibly interesting to be with. As a matter of fact, once you receive a gift from fate in the form of an Amstaff, you will never part with it, in any case, it remains in your heart forever... The idea of ​​​​breeding was not born by chance, at some point you realize that one day your dog will grow old and will you find something better? If you want to do it well, do it for yourself... The first litter of Amstaffs was born in my house in 2002. This would be a complete outcross, after analyzing the results of which, I began to collect in my head a picture of my preferences for the future, and unexpectedly became ripe... for a second amstaff. There was already basic knowledge about lines, blood breeding, and an understanding that high-profile titles and show ring regalia do not equal the quality of the dog. In 2004, the second litter was born, which was planned to give birth to the dog of my dreams. The dog that would become the basis of my breeding had to be a bright, temperamental, charismatic, strong female with remarkable intelligence, strength, power and all the characteristics of a true Amstaff. Thus the Valuable Prize Zest (Kodiak -Lekkou Snoopy Amusing Chap + Lamasko Dolche Vita) appeared to the World. She was born on December 31, 2003 at 2:20 p.m. Not yet seeing the gender of the new puppy, just holding her in my hands, I already exclaimed - here she is, I’m keeping HER for myself!

Valuable Prize Zest

This is Amstaff. A dog that combines all the best that the breed gives us. The zest was born from a combination with the strengthening of Sindelar's blood, which also has in its pedigree representatives X-Pert, Benmar's, Finwar's, Gallant - which gave impetus to the development of many nurseries around the world. The highlight of the inbreeding is Sindelar's Misty Mudd, American Champion, recognized as Top Producer in 1991, 1992,1993, 1995. She gave the name to our breeding, and in 2008 we registered the nursery with the FCI - Valuable Prize. Valuable Prize Zest At one time, I was very impressed and touched by the opinion of the famous Moscow trainer, Tatyana Shamanova, who, as a professional, wrote about her

» Raisin dog, with a capital D: DOG... what I value very highly is an exceptional temperament, a balanced psyche, excellent ability to think, able to suggest something, able to think, very rational and very constructive. and, I think, this is appreciated by everyone who knows what a sanguine dog is. Well, and the fact that she is very sincere and knows how to express everything she thinks, making cute faces at us - this, of course, looks charming, because you just want to say to her: “Madam, may I invite you for a walk?” maybe tea? coffee? ))))” It is possible that my many years of work in medicine, where the basic principle of “do no harm”, plays a role in my approach to breeding. Each mating is not just a combination of “pistils and stamens” in color or the presence of titles, it is my answer to my own questions as a breeder working with the breed, and who wants, first of all, not to harm it. Over 19 years, we have had only 24 litters, 108 graduates. Those of them whose owners decided to try themselves in the exterior rings were and are being successfully exhibited. I always welcome active owners who want to realize the breed potential of their pet - be it training or the show ring, and I am, of course, very interested in watching the speed of learning and reactions, the behavior and development of their graduates.

amstaffs Valuable Prize, and K In my house until the summer of 2022, 4 of my personal females lived, these are 3 generations of my breeding, aged from 3 to 14 years. Some of them were the heroes of television stories and programs - in 2006, the Valuable Prize Zest was invited to 2 programs “Dialogues about Animals”, in 2008 she represented a costume competition as a winner on the Noginsk Television channel, in 2011 Lamasco Dolce Vita, Valuable Prize A highlight, and a small one then

The Valuable Prize of Ninimush were the heroes of a report by the RT channel, there were also shootings from TV channels, and you always heard the surprised exclamations of uninitiated people - “it turns out that they are some kind of amstaff!” It’s nice that having received the club’s offer to go to an orphanage, I could calmly take one of my dogs, who had no experience interacting with children, and the meeting brought enormous pleasure to the children and pleasant fatigue to Igrusha and me - I saw those innate reactions - the willingness to cooperate, to work , bring joy, so characteristic of this breed. amstaffs Valuable Prize - A toy with children from an orphanage. The desire to always be a joy to the owner - in any field, just explain the task - is a distinctive feature of true representatives of this breed. So, one of my dogs, Valuable Prize Creatore Di Amore, at 7 months old. won the “Water Pitch” competition in her height category, where we were debutants - but I had to please my mother, and the baby swam great. My dogs, as the main producers of the kennel, have health tests and always a socialization test, which is sometimes called a mentality test - T1. Currently, T1 is present in six generations of dogs. All our dogs are free from hereditary cerebellar ataxia, manufacturers have tests with excellent results for hip and elbow dysplasia, patella testing, cardiac ultrasound, eye testing. Although these health checks are not part of the official breeding requirements for our breed, they are an additional source of information for me as a breeder and the minimum health check requirements that I impose on my sires. In breeding, I try to use dogs of the so-called “moderate” type - described in the breed standard as desirable, the “golden mean”. Nature does not tolerate extremes in anything. Therefore, I try to avoid overly heavy, overly rough, raw dogs when selecting a pair.

The vast majority of graduates are full-toothed, of average height, of a desirable type. The work is carried out with priority use of blood from American nurseries that have gone down in the history of the breed - Gallant, Sindelar's, X-Pert, and the choice of a pair is never connected with the presence or absence of show titles.

Tcenniy Prize kennel I am quite calm about exhibitions and the fuss around the exhibition, although many of our graduates are titled and my personal dogs, of course, including. Nevertheless, I believe that exhibitions are a great opportunity to broaden a dog’s horizons, socialize it, and provide emotional stimulation. Therefore, I explain to those owners who come to us that I always support and welcome any kind of joint activity with the fast-growing prodigy Amstaff, and I will help in any way I can. I don’t divide puppies into “show” and “not show”, and in principle I consider it unprofessional to give inflated estimates in advance to an organism that has not yet formed. However, I always warn owners whose dogs may be interested in breeding that I will be glad if after 6 months. It will be possible to examine the puppy and determine its ability to participate in exhibitions and possible breeding use in the nursery in the future. All our puppies are born into my hands and raised next to us, in love and affection, which is called “on the pillow”. We try to give them as much information as possible, according to their age, for their further development as individuals - smart, thinking, willing to interact and able to concentrate and solve any problems that the owner sets.

Our puppies are not kept in cages or enclosures; they are always with us. We do not keep many dogs, so each puppy is given enough attention and care, love and affection, which is so important for the delicate child’s psyche.

We do not strive for our pets to be only champions, we want them to make people better: their owners and those who simply have the good fortune to communicate with the Amstaff, and you, those who come to us to receive your Valuable Prize!

All questions related to our graduates, about upcoming matings, litters, about the possibility of getting a puppy from our kennel, or using our sires in your breeding, will always be answered by the owner of the kennel, Ilona Zakharova.

You can contact us by email [email protected]
or phone +79162808662 (WhatsApp)

The first thing to do

Plan when you will take your dog for vaccinations. Bring toys for him to play with. Prepare a place and train your pet to this place. Necessary things:

  • Dry food,
  • clothes,
  • Shampoo,
  • Oral hygiene product,
  • Brush (comb),
  • Claw clipper.

If you want to add your organization, fill out the form below: Indicate the name of the nursery, its description and provide contact information. We will be glad to add you to our directory.

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