Kennels for dogs of the Black Russian Terrier breed in Moscow

Dog kennel Tourmaline Black. Labrador Retriever Yorkshire Terrier Black Russian Terrier

Description:We work with wonderful breeds that have earned love, respect and popularity in the world: Labrador Retriever, Yorkshire Terrier, Black Russian Terrier. The Labrador Retriever is a gun dog, a small waterfowl dog, but the versatility of these dogs has made them popular as a rescue dog, a guide dog, a nanny dog, and a companion dog. Labradors from the Tourmaline Black nursery have hunters in their blood, highly rated by experts for their working qualities; Our Labradors are highly appreciated by experts in terms of exterior characteristics and are prize-winners and winners of exhibitions, evidence of which are diplomas and titles, cups and rosettes. The Yorkshire Terrier from the original larger-sized hunter has become the current one - micro, mini, small standard and standard - small, funny dogs that delight owners and passers-by. The Yorkshire Terrier is a dog that brings joy, cheerfulness and fun into people’s homes, and it’s not for nothing that this breed has become so popular, they are made to delight with their charm and beauty. In the family of our dogs there are many titled and eminent ancestors of Russian and French champions, famous kennels in Russia and other countries. The RUSSIAN black terrier is the pearl of Russian cynology, originally bred as a guard dog. “Stalin’s dog” can often be heard when mentioning the RCT and this is true, by his order, after the Great Patriotic War, an order was given to breed a universal dog with excellent working qualities , carrying security functions and ideally adapting to any climatic conditions. This breed has become more in demand as a companion, but for a self-respecting Black Russian Terrier, the peace of its owners is a matter of honor. Graceful black dogs. Stately black dogs. And all this beauty obeys its owner. The blackies of the "Tourmaline Black" kennel are guards, they are show dogs, they are companions. We love dogs and that's why we love our work.
Contacts:St. Veresaeva +7 917 565 1996

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RKF/FCI certificate No. 18194

RUSSIA, Altai region, Barnaul city

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We are pleased to welcome you to the website of the Tsvet Rusi nursery.

Why is the kennel called “Color of Rus'”: I have kept the Black Russian Terrier breed since 1993, the breed is truly Russian and the name of the kennel “Color of Rus'” was given by this breed, most beautiful in all respects, RUSSIAN BLACK TERRIER

The site is dedicated to the breeding of several dog breeds - Russian Black Terrier, Tibetan Mastiff, Bichon Frize.

I, Tamara Sartakova, head of the kennel, have been surrounded by dogs for as long as I can remember, and have 29 years of experience in keeping large breeds of dogs.

The main criterion for me when choosing a breed was: the dog must have absolute loyalty, a stable psyche, without unnecessary aggression, smart, be well trained, the dog must have no odor, the wool is not an allergen, so the choice was made in favor of the following breeds:

The Russian Black Terrier is a universal breed in terms of keeping, it can be kept both in the house and in an enclosure, it has a luxurious coat with a curl, a beard and bangs that cover the eyes as decoration, the coat must be combed and cut according to a certain format, the coat does not shed and not allergenic to humans, dogs of this breed: loyal to the owner, distrustful of strangers, not the official name “Stalin’s Dog”.

Tibetan Mastiff - the breed is kept exclusively on the street, has a rich fur coat and a mane like a lion's as a decoration, the coat is non-allergenic and easy to care for, despite the length and volume of the coat, there is no specific dog smell from the coat. The Tibetan Mastiff is an excellent watchman and an excellent bodyguard outside the home, the breed is distinguished by its intellectual thinking and is monogamous by nature with absolute devotion to all family members

Bichon Frize is a French curly lapdog, does not shed, there is no smell from the coat, a haircut is required according to a specific breed format, a companion dog, intelligent, chooses one owner for itself and is devoted to him all his life, will truly brighten the life of the owner, this is the sweetest creature for its restlessness and positivity is called an anti-depressant dog. and of course a wonderful, faithful friend for a child.

On our website you can look at our favorites and our work with each of the presented breeds, read useful information about the characteristics of each dog breed, see the pedigree of each of our pets, and kennel news. View photos of manufacturers, the birth of puppies, make an application for a puppy , and also consult on any questions you are interested in regarding any chosen breed of dog from our kennel and of course, we will be happy to help you, first of all, choose a devoted friend!

Each nursery graduate receives a personalized veterinary passport. With conducted veterinarians. events.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! concerns future purchasers of a puppy or dog in our kennel,

1. "According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 1998 No. 55, Chapter No. 4, clause 13: animals are included in the list of goods that cannot be exchanged or returned"

2. Article 245. “Criminal Code of the Russian Federation”, (came into force on April 12, 2020) Cruelty to animals is punishable: a fine or imprisonment for a term of three to five years

Dog kennel Bereginya. Black Russian Terrier

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Description:Bereginya kennel offers puppies, adult dogs of the black terrier breed, black terrier haircuts, mating of a black terrier, male for mating, dog hotel, dog boarding.

Results of the Top Dog 2022 competition

Bear Pack Aurora Heiress of Catherine (19)Daniyar Ataman Son of the Rusichi (30)Evsey from Black Rati (10)
Vedagor inflorescence (16)Best Guard Volya Free (18)Faiz inflorescence (5)
Kremlin Physics (12)Milady Diana from the Golden City (17)Adam Racy Style Berenice (3)

Competition results for all years and points calculation table

Franco Valada's dog kennel. Black Russian Terrier Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

Description:The kennel "Franco Valada's" is engaged in professional breeding of dogs of the Russian Black Terrier and the Irish Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier. We have been in dog breeding since 1993. High-breed puppies from multi-champions, producers, haircuts, consultations - you will find all this with us. We guarantee assistance in growing, caring, training, preparation for exhibitions - haircut, exhibition training, handling.

Black Russian Terrier

Elderberry Black from Peredelkino

Boy for sale, 4 months old. large, vaccinated with a good level of psyche. socialized, walks

01/31/09 in Israel, in Giv'at Xaim, an exhibition was held

Arina from Peredelkino (m. Black Elderberry from Peredelkino, father Alexander the First from the Russian Dynasty), in open class, exc., CAC, completed the title of Champion of Israel.

1.02.09 A Specialty Show was held in Moscow.

Black agate from Peredelkino (m. Black Elderberry from Peredelkino, Father Alexander the First from the Russian Dynasty), in class. winners-exc., 2nd place, СС.

Amulet from Peredelkino (m. Black elderberry from Peredelkino, Father Alexander the First from the Russian Dynasty), in working class excellent, 2nd place, SS.

Congratulations to the owners and pets on their victory!

Mitrofan from Peredelkino (m. Businka-Zhemchuzhinka, O. Chris) The IABCA exhibition was held in Chino, California on March 28-29. Mitrofan won all 4 shows (BEST OF BREED) and completed the UCI International Champion title. Also on the first day I took 2nd place, and on the second I already took 1st place in the working group.

On March 7, a Specialty Show was held in Moscow. Amulet from Peredelkino (m. Black elderberry from Peredelkino, Father Alexander the First from the Russian Dynasty) excellent, Winner in the working class. In comparison to the best male CCC. Congratulations to Natalya and Amulet!!! March 7-8 In Belarus, in Minsk, 2 exhibitions of the CACIB rank were held. Black agate from Peredelkino (m. Black Elder from Peredelkino, father Alexander the First from the Russian Dynasty) - best male, CACIB. Agat Became CHAMPION and GRAND CHAMPION OF BELOSUS! Congratulations to Agat, Alla and Alexander on another VICTORY!!!.

Worthyly continues the domestic canine traditions in the development of the RUSSIAN BLACK TERRIER and has its own distinct face, its own dogs: A combination of large, powerful bones, a large, beautifully shaped head, proportionality and harmony of the exterior with excellent working qualities. Breeding work requires enormous responsibility. The breed is young. There is something to work on. Therefore, the approach to mating must be very responsible. I am convinced that “clan” ambitions cause great damage to the development of our beloved Breed. We will be left without a future if we do not see, recognize and appreciate the merits of other dogs, regardless of their affiliation with any kennel or club. The belief that “my dogs are the best” is bad for business and, to say the least, unprofessional. Dog owners should not hide the shortcomings their dogs have. This does not mean that the dog is not suitable for breeding. In addition to any shortcomings, a dog can have a lot of advantages, which must be secured by the correct selection of mating. And we will always be proud of the Russian breed RUSSIAN BLACK TERRIER because we truly go to our stars through thorns. The kennel of Russian black terriers IZ PREDELKINO works in all directions: We provide advice to dog owners, provide assistance in raising puppies and monitor the development and exhibition career of our dogs. We are always happy to welcome all breed lovers. A new page written in the history of world and domestic cynology: abroad he is called the “black pearl”. As soon as he entered the register of the International Cynological Federation, he immediately became “Prima” at all international exhibitions. He inherited his cheerful disposition and sharp teeth from the Airedale Terrier, the inquisitive mind and courage were inherited from the Giant Schnauzer, the Rottweilers gave their offspring stamina and courage, and the Newfoundland dogs endowed their descendants with heroic strength and height. All these qualities are harmoniously combined in one dog - the black terrier. This unique dog can master all canine “professions”.

Black Russian Terrier breed was created in the Krasnaya Zvezda Kennel at the Central School of Military Dog Breeding under the guidance of specialist scientist G.P. Medvedev. The black terrier is hardy, unpretentious, and amenable to training. Used for guard duty. The type of constitution is strong. Height at withers for males - 68-74 cm, for females - 64-70. Color black, black with gray hair. The coat is coarse, hard, thick, and broken. Decorating hair is well developed. There are long “eyebrows” above the eyes, a “mustache” on the upper lip, and a “beard” on the lower lip. The skin is dense, without folds or sagging, the teeth are white, large, scissor bite. The chest is wide and deep. The withers are high, well defined above the line of the back. The back is straight, wide, muscular. The wrists are wide and strong. Pasterns are massive, short, erect. The hock joints are dry. The feet are oval, arched, with tightly closed toes. The tail is set high and docked. Movements are free, smooth, easy.

S. Tyurkina

Mitrofan from Peredelkino - 9 months (m. Businka Zhemchuzhinka, O. Chris)

Before adopting a dog from the kennel

Any pet with character and emotions. Call a friend who already has an animal if you have not interacted with animals. Relatives may have a negative attitude towards the decision to adopt a dog - convince them and get their consent. Walk the dog yourself, or arrange with relatives. Remember, the dog is usually walked 3 times a day. If you have children, they should be able to get along with animals. Teach them not to hurt your pet. The child should not touch the pet when she is eating or sleeping. You cannot scare or shout at the animal.

The first thing to do

Plan when you will take your dog for vaccinations. Bring toys for him to play with. Prepare a place and train your pet to this place. Necessary things:

  • Dry food,
  • clothes,
  • Shampoo,
  • Oral hygiene product,
  • Brush (comb),
  • Claw clipper.

If you want to add your organization, fill out the form below: Indicate the name of the nursery, its description and provide contact information. We will be glad to add you to our directory.

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