Gelabon for dogs – healthy bones, happy pet


1. Release format 2. Storage conditions 3. Composition of the dietary supplement 4. Positive aspects of using the drug 5. When Gelabon is prescribed 6. Calculation of dosage 7. Advantages and disadvantages 8. Analogues 9. Reviews

For dogs, mobile and active animals, more than anyone else, it is the correct development of the skeleton, the formation of each bone, that is important. During life, it happens when a pet, through negligence, as a result of injury, breaks individual bones. The speed and quality of bone tissue restoration is a fundamental factor in a quick and reliable recovery.

For the correct, timely and sound development of the animal's skeleton, a little help from the owner is required. The Gelabon complex of vitamins and minerals is perfect for these purposes. This drug appeared on our market quite recently. It is produced in the UK under the Polydex brand. It is this company that is the main and only supplier of this vitamin and mineral complex to our country, as well as to any other.


The company's products for small and large dogs have a number of advantages:

  1. Low price. Although Polidex preparations are of premium quality, supplements and vitamin complexes are relatively low in cost. This was made possible thanks to the close location of the factory and the optimized manufacturing process. All of the company’s products are produced in Russia, which allows them to reduce costs for their transportation.
  2. A large assortment. The manufacturer offers products to solve a variety of health problems in animals. Among the existing lines, Polydex Gelabon Plus vitamins are in particular demand for the prevention of pathologies of cartilage and bone tissue, as well as for the treatment of joints. They contain a lot of calcium, phosphorus, trace elements and other useful substances for the formation of collagen in the body of pets. In addition, additives include formulations for puppies and kittens, vitamins for improving coat and skin, etc.
  3. Premium quality. Polidex products are manufactured to high European standards and are suitable for customers even with the most stringent requirements.

Release format

Since we are actually talking about a dietary supplement, it is quite natural that it is produced in the format of tablets, which are additionally packaged for protection in polymer boxes. In one package there can be two options (by number) of tablets:

  • In jars of 150 or 500 pieces. Such products are aimed at puppies, as well as representatives of small breeds. One tablet is designed for 5 kilograms of dog weight.
  • 300 pieces each - for larger pets.

The tablets are fully adapted to animals, including due to the absence of odor and taste signals. The tablet is easily added to the animal’s food, and it eats it without problems.

About the manufacturer

The British pharmaceutical company TEC Pharmacephtic has extensive experience in developing medicines for animals. Especially for her, she created recipes for biological additives for pets. Since the beginning of the 2000s, drugs for dogs began to be manufactured in Russia.

For many years, vitamin complexes have conquered the domestic market and today are widely used by veterinarians, animal owners and breeders. In 2009, at the St. Petersburg ZooSphere exhibition, new products were presented - Polidex products for cats, which also quickly won the trust of buyers.

Polydex additives are used in the canine kennels of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Tver, Rostov and Moscow regions, as well as the canine service of Gazprom. It is worth noting that many private nurseries in different regions of the country and ordinary pet owners also trust this brand.

Feed additives have undergone clinical trials in Moscow veterinary hospitals and have shown good results. In addition, the manufacturer often sponsors animal exhibitions and takes part in charity events to support shelters for homeless animals.

The brand produces effective, inexpensive supplements and vitamins for animals in a factory equipped with modern equipment. And only high-quality components are used as raw materials. Polidex products help solve many problems with the appearance and health of pets.

The manufacturer guarantees that the products contain only natural ingredients, without flavors, dyes, synthetic substances and GMOs. Thanks to this, Polidex products are suitable for pets of all ages and do not cause digestive problems or allergic reactions.

Storage conditions

There are no complex, impossible or rigid storage requirements. It is important to follow two basic rules:

  1. Store in a dry and dark place.
  2. Do not allow the temperature to rise above 25 degrees for a long time, or drop to 0 degrees. When frozen, even for a short period, the beneficial properties are lost almost completely.

The shelf life of the drug, if all requirements are met, is set at 2 years from the date of production (date indicated on the package).

Pharmacological properties

"Polydex Gelabon Plus" has a positive effect on important processes in the body:

  • provides elasticity and strength to the walls of blood vessels, connecting tissues and cartilage (collagen hydrolyzate);
  • regulates the normal absorption of collagen (MSM and vitamin C);
  • normalizes phosphorus-calcium metabolism;
  • Vitamin A improves the general condition of tissues.

It should not contain synthetic substances, dyes or fragrances.

Positive aspects of using the drug

  1. Strengthening bones, both in young puppies and active breeds, and in older animals. By the way, it is at older ages that this kind of biological supplements are extremely important and necessary. With age, bones weaken and lose their strength characteristics.
  2. If there is separation of the front paws, this drug can help level out the problem. It is also often used as a prophylactic for this pathology.
  3. After injuries and a course of intensive therapy, this supplement will help quickly restore cartilage tissue, connective fibers, and tendons. The most important thing is that new formations form and develop normally, which makes it possible to eliminate lameness in the future.
  4. Excellent prevention, reducing the risk of injury.


There are many chondoprotective drugs that can be used if for some reason therapy with Gelabon is not possible.

  • "Artroglycan". A drug from the group of chondoprotectors. Restores cartilage tissue, joint mobility, strengthens bones, and makes ligaments more elastic. Has an analgesic effect, which is important if the animal experiences

    painful sensations that arise against the background of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Replenishes insufficient tocopherol intake from food.

  • "Calcide" . Contains phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D to strengthen bone tissue, proper formation of bones and teeth. Made from milk powder. Recommended for lactating and pregnant bitches.
  • "Stride" . A drug for dogs of a new generation. Contains glucosamine and chondroitin, which are necessary to restore joint mobility, normalize the production of joint fluid and eliminate pain resulting from degenerative processes. The product provides ease of movement and returns full range of motion in the joints.

When is Gelabon prescribed?

The most relevant use of the drug seems to be in the following cases:

  • congenital pathologies of joints and bones;
  • joint dysplasia;
  • aging of the body, age-related weakening of bones;
  • rehabilitation after injuries;
  • degradation of the muscle corset;
  • pregnancy and feeding;
  • sport competitions. Exhibitions, other physical activities.

I would like to draw the attention of potential buyers to the fact that we are talking only about a dietary supplement, which in no case can replace the medicine prescribed by a doctor for serious and complex diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

"Gelabon Plus": composition

The vitamin complex includes the following important substances:

  • 125 IU vitamin A;
  • 15 IU vitamin D;
  • 0.5 milligrams of vitamin E;
  • 3 milligrams of vitamin C;
  • 30 milligrams of calcium;
  • 25 milligrams of phosphorus;
  • 1.5 milligrams of magnesium;
  • 0.15 milligrams manganese;
  • 250 milligrams of collagen hydrolyzate;
  • 15 milligrams of MSM.

MSM (methylsulfanitemethane) is a form of bioavailable sulfur. It is necessary for the formation of keratin and collagen, which are very important for the health of hair, skin and nails. Collagen maintains mobility and elasticity of joints and is part of bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and skin. Collagen obtained from food, including in the form of gelatin, is almost not absorbed, so it is presented in the vitamin complex in the form of a hydrolyzate.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of this drug include the following:

  • no allergic symptoms;
  • can be easily accepted by dogs because it does not have an unpleasant odor or bitter taste;
  • can be added to absolutely any dog ​​food;
  • accordingly, there are no additional flavor enhancers, which are extremely harmful;
  • There are no restrictions on breeds, age, physical condition.

It is generally accepted that the vitamins and microelements present in Gelabon do not cause any side effects and have no contraindications. It is important to understand that any organism is always unique. And the same remedy, even a completely harmless and seemingly harmless one, can cause some complications. True, this happens within the limits of statistical error.

This suggests a conclusion: during the first complementary feedings, it is imperative to carefully monitor the well-being and condition of the dog, its stool, appetite, and sleep. If no deviations are found, you can safely continue to give the dietary supplement.

Instructions for use of Gelabon

The drug must be administered orally or mixed into food.

The dosage of Gelabon per day is 1 tablet for every 5 kg of dog weight . It is recommended to use in puppies until their bones are fully developed.

The duration of taking Gelabon is 2-3 months. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to carry out the course three times a year.

The drug is used in pregnant and lactating females in a standard dose. Gelabon reduces the risk of congenital pathologies and defects.

Contraindications and side effects

  • Polidex Gelabon should not be used by dogs with allergies to the components of the vitamin complex.
  • Dogs with chronic pathologies and diseases of internal organs should use the product in consultation with a doctor.

The drug has no side effects.

What is it needed for

The drug has the following effects on the dog’s body:

  • prevention of cartilage diseases;
  • strengthening joints and ligaments;
  • especially necessary for puppies during growth;
  • has a positive effect on dogs exposed to heavy stress;
  • helps eliminate the size of the forelimbs;
  • serves as a preventative against joint dysplasia;
  • helps in correct positioning of the ears;
  • accelerates recovery from injuries;
  • reduces bone demineralization in adult and aging pets.
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