Babin dog food - your pet grows healthy and cheerful

Feed manufacturer Bab'in

Super Premium dry food Bab'in (Babin) is produced in France. Codico has been doing this for over 20 years. All these years, the production process has been constantly improved, new equipment was purchased, new lines of feed were created, and production volume increased.

The company has implemented a quality control system:

  • Physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of products is systematically carried out;
  • the presence of pesticides, toxins, and other harmful substances is checked;
  • the properties of the finished feed are studied;
  • the origin of raw materials is tracked.

Babin feed classification

The Codico company produces 5 series of Bab'in dog food.

  1. Bab'inAgiPlus series . Super Premium class food is developed for 11 categories of dogs of various breeds and ages: puppies and juniors, small breeds and super giants, with sensitive digestion and overweight, for adult and elderly dogs. Food for puppies is sold at 4 kg, for adult dogs at 15 kg.
  2. The Bab'inAgiPro series (8 types) is represented by food for dogs with a high level of physical activity. Hypoallergenic food in this series is intended for puppies from 1 month and female puppies. The weight of one bag is 15 kg.
  3. Bab'inClassic food (1 type/20 kg) is suitable for all medium and large breed dogs. In the classic recipe, all ingredients are balanced, which will allow the dog to be active and healthy for many years.
  4. Bab'inEquilibre series (3 types) for puppies and adult dogs with high and moderate physical activity. The feed is packaged in 15 kg bags.
  5. Bab'inPlus series (4 types) food with chicken and lamb for adult dogs of all breeds. Premium food. Packaged in 12.5 kg packs.

Price and where to buy

This food can be purchased at online pet stores:

  1. "Yandex Market" ():
      Dry food Babin Signature 4 kg - from 1686 rubles;
  2. Dry food Babin Agi Plus 15 kg - from 4659 rubles;
  3. Dry food Babin Classic Croc 3 kg - from 1200 rubles;
  4. Dry food Babin Plus Poulet 3 kg - from RUB 1,715.

Prices shown are current as of early June 2022 and may change over time. For the exact current cost, see the pet store websites using the links above.

Composition of Bab'in dry food

The uniqueness of Bab'in dry food lies in its composition: duck meat, natural grains, animal protein - they slow down the aging process of animals, promote good health and physical endurance.

The composition of Babin dry food is indicated on the food packaging.

Duck meat is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A is responsible for visual acuity and cleanliness of the skin; there is twice as much of it in duck meat as in any other meat. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) helps eliminate metabolism, retinol and amino acids have a positive effect on reproductive function, betaine and choline are involved in the construction of cell membranes and stimulate the functioning of the nervous system.

Duck fat is chemically very similar to olive oil. It contains large quantities of vitamins E and B4. Of particular value are polyunsaturated fats Omega 3, Omega 6 and unique enzymes that improve metabolism in animals.

Cereals contain fiber, which cleanses the intestinal walls of waste and toxins. They contain the right carbohydrates, vegetable protein, vitamins B and E, and minerals - manganese, iron, magnesium, zinc.

Rice is a “cleaning sponge”: it cleanses the intestines, absorbs harmful substances, and helps remove toxins from the body.

Babin food - Super Premium class

, corn contains the largest amount of amino acids, substances that protect cells from aging. Vegetable fats strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Beets protect against iron deficiency anemia, stabilize the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and improve metabolism. Beets are rich in iodine, iron, zinc.

Grape extract . A unique complex of elements has been found in the leaves of red grapes, which improves blood circulation and reduces pain and fatigue in the legs. By acting on the walls of veins, it increases their density and elasticity.

Egg powder contains a diverse vitamin and mineral complex: vitamins PP and A, B vitamins, potassium, fluorine, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, iodine, zinc.

Dehydrated salmon (salmon) is a dried, dehydrated natural fresh product that has not been subjected to heat treatment. Salmon is a valuable, easily digestible source of protein, Omega-3 fatty acids necessary for healthy skin and coat, normal metabolism, growth, and development of puppies and adult dogs.

L-carnitine improves energy metabolism.

Chondroitin and glucosamine are natural components of cartilage. Easily integrated into the joint, increasing the elasticity and resistance of cartilage tissue. Reduce the risk of joint and ligament damage.

The benefits and harms of Babin dry food

Disputes about the benefits of dry food and their harmful effects on animals have been going on since the first day these products appeared on the domestic market. Your dog will benefit from high quality food made from natural products. This is what food from France is considered to be.

Benefits of using Bab'in dog food

  1. 20 types of dog food allow you to choose a diet specifically for your dog.
  2. Natural meat (duck, pork) and fish (salmon, salmon) make up at least 33% - 45% of the total mass of the product.
  3. Bab'in is quickly absorbed. Due to its high energy and nutritional properties, daily consumption is reduced compared to feed from other manufacturers.
  4. The food is balanced: it contains all the necessary vitamins, micro-macroelements for the full development and growth of the dog.
  5. The product is packaged in airtight packaging, which maintains the freshness of the food during the expiration date.

Babin food, like many other foods, has its pros and cons.

Cons of Babin food

There are not very many negative reviews about the use of food, but they still exist.

  1. If there is an individual intolerance to one of the ingredients, dogs may develop an allergy : the eyes “run”, the hair becomes dull and falls out, and ulcerative rashes appear on the skin, especially in the abdominal area. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.
  2. The quality of the same food in different packages may differ. Dogs happily eat food packaged in small bags and promotional packaging, but refuse products packaged in 20 kg bags.

Attention! All dogs are individual. Each dog needs to choose its own diet.

Analysis of Babin food for dogs and cats from a veterinarian

Reviews of Babin food.

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Opinion of the author of the article, veterinarian V.V. Besedina

The pet food market is constantly becoming saturated with new brands. Quite recently, the Korean food Nature core was making noise on the Internet in all media, the aggressive advertising of which has now lost momentum; Now the French food Babin is actively trying to break through to the inexperienced Russian consumer.

How did Babin attract animal owners?

Targeted advertising on VKontakte. They promised a free bag of food or something like that, I don’t remember exactly, and here I may involuntarily distort the information. In any case, the Russian people are greedy for freebies, and the VKontakte group dedicated to the mentioned brand was flooded with reviews with gift bags. Here I would like to note the generosity of the supplier, and the excellent work of the general director, who personally communicates with clients. Basically, all the reviews have the same content: people did not expect large-package food (3 kg), and after receiving the bag they express hopes that their pet will love the food, because the owners appreciated the favorable price for themselves.

Those whose pets did not appreciate the high quality of the French ingredients and refused to eat the food, or became allergic, the supplier returned the money and took the food back. The service, it should be noted, is excellent, well done.

In addition, in the same VKontakte group, everyone was actively invited to become a representative of “Babin” in their city. And here I cannot help but note the environmental friendliness of this method of brand promotion, because becoming a representative of a brand means a thorough study of the product, and the distribution of a high-quality product to the masses by a company that has the moral and professional right to do this work. Example: you want to buy a car, an Audi sports class. You come to a car dealership, and an employee who owns a Lada Granta advises you on your car, and besides, the consultant has been working at the dealership for a month. Will you trust this specialist? It's the same with food. Why is it considered that the pet supply niche can be entered into by any person who does not have the proper education and experience (having one’s own cat or dog is not a thorough experience).

I'll go back to the French brand.

We read and analyze the composition of Babin food.

For example, let’s break down dog food with salmon:

“food for dogs of medium and large breeds with salmon and rice, this food is ideal for dogs with problem skin, your pet will always be in shape, in a good mood (!!!), while maintaining healthy skin and shiny coat” - taken from the official website for Russia. Who is this description for? A dog eating this food will always be in a good mood, joke, laugh at your jokes, will have a nice conversation with your relatives, but at the same time its fur will shine a kilometer away, illuminating your path even late at night. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Composition of food with salmon: dehydrated salmon (20%), rice (20%), the beginning seems to be good, but 20% protein, which should be the main one in terms of quantity and % ratio, is somehow not enough.

Then it’s more traditional: corn, which is a cheap filler that fills the dog’s stomach and gives an imaginary feeling of fullness; Corn gluten: what is it for? The abundance of grains makes you think about the true amount of meat and grains in the feed. In addition, when you add 20+20, you get 40% (Eureka!), which turns out to be 40% - the total proportion of the main ingredients that ideally should consist of dry food. But where did the other 60% go? What components? Since the manufacturer decided not to reveal the whole secret, I can assume that the remaining 60% came from corn, and this does not add either usefulness to the feed or added value per kilogram.

Next in composition is duck fat. Yes, this is a cool thing that the Babin brand took as a competitive advantage, because every croquette of food, topped with duck fat, is a serious claim to success, thanks to which animals happily rush to dry food. As a veterinary dermatologist, a member of the European Society of Veterinary Dermatologists, I want to add my 5 cents: when a food allergy to any protein is suspected, we want to see in the food only one declared ingredient for protein and carbohydrate. Ideally, for an elimination diet or for regular feeding of a dog with an allergy to chicken protein, for example, there will be food with salmon and rice. No additives, no corn, no duck in any form, since chicken and duck proteins are similar in molecular structure, and a dog with a chicken allergy should not eat food containing duck.

Next come the “goodies”: beet pulp, it helps digestion. Ok, not bad.

Yeast - what is it for? For the beauty of the coat? And it is not indicated what kind of yeast: brewer's or baker's yeast.

Hydrolyzed animal protein - where does it come from? Why is it not indicated which protein: fish or poultry? This is important, damn it!

Next in the composition: minerals, salt. Why is there salt in food? We veterinarians tell owners about the dangers of salt for their pets, but the French pet food manufacturer simply adds salt to their food. For what?!

And for the price: for 12.5 kg of feed on the official website the supplier asks 5910 rubles. Almost 6,000 rubles for food with 20% salmon content, and 60% of what is unclear, probably corn in all its wonderful forms. It will be a bit expensive. Especially in comparison with world famous brands that have been around longer than Babin, founded in 1995.

Let's also look at cat food. For example, food for adult cats, “Rich in Duck”.

The Russian version of the Babin website states: 28% meat (of which 60% duck meat), i.e. a beautiful and incomprehensible phrase for most, which in fact means that the diet does not contain 60% of duck, but only the mentioned 28%, and not duck protein, but isolated protein from duck meat. The manufacturer did not indicate what the remaining 40% is. The original version of the Codico manufacturer's website provides information in the following form: Dehydrated animal proteins 28% (with duck 60%), i.e. dehydrated animal proteins 28% (of which duck 60%) is a more honest description in my opinion.

Whether this inconsistency is a translator’s mistake or whether the description is deliberately distorted, I cannot know.

Point 2 in the composition is traditionally corn, next is duck fat, and then wheat and corn gluten follow in step.

For what? Why is there so much grain in a food that claims to be "Rich in Duck"? To reduce the cost of feed, economists shout at us. But with this composition, the feed should not cost 1,650 rubles for 2 kg of feed on the official website. Or maybe corn is now more expensive than duck?

And the traditional “goodies”: beet pulp, hydrolyzed poultry meat, salt (!!!!), sepiolite (a rare additive, which is a silicate of sedimentary rocks, obviously does not benefit the cat’s body).

Summary : given the vague composition of the food, the abundance of cereals and salt, we cannot designate the French Babin food as super-premium or premium. The food is not worth the money they ask for it.

Reviews from dog breeders and veterinarians about Babin food

Most dog breeders noted that this food improved the coat of their pets.
Irina Fedorovna. Hello, dog lovers! I hasten to brag. Finally, all our problems were solved. The eyes do not fester, the coat is smooth and shiny, there is no dandruff. Charlie (French bulldog) is active and happy. I’m very glad that I listened to the advice and bought Babin food. There were serious problems with stool. Now everything is all right. We are finishing a 4 kg bag, we ordered 15 kg.

Tatiana Alekseeva. My dogs are very picky eaters. At first we fed our poodles natural food. Now we have switched to Babin dry food. The dogs are active, cheerful and their appearance suits me. When we switched from natural food to dry food, there were stomach upsets: either diarrhea or constipation. A week later everything got better.

Alexander. I bought 15 kg of food, the dog ate it. I ordered more. They brought a 20 kg bag. There were no problems for 5 days, but on the sixth day the dog refused to eat. Didn't even go near the plate. Switched to porridge. A week later they gave Babin again, the result was the same - he doesn’t eat. I called the supplier, they could not answer anything. We arrived, took the food and offered to take a 15 kg bag. I tried to give it to the dog - she happily began to eat it. I've been feeding my dog ​​Babin for over a year now and everything is fine. I still don’t know what the problem was.

What veterinarians say about the food and what reviews they leave

Igor Aleksandrovich, veterinarian with 30 years of experience. Very good food is now appearing on the market. Babin’s food is new, I don’t have much experience observing it yet. But the reviews are good. I like that the food contains meat and not unknown offal. Corn is confusing, rice is better. And also the soapwort plant, why is it there?

Dmitry, veterinarian. French food Babin is similar to Royal Canin. Pieces of food, tightly compressed and the right size. Dogs have to chew it well. This is very useful for them. According to observations, Babin’s dogs like it and feel good. But sometimes let's chew on a bone.

There is now a huge selection of dog food on the market and it is quite difficult to immediately figure out which one is better, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with such dog food as Savara, Probalance premium food and super premium food Go, they are all quite high quality.

Bab'in Dog Food Review

If you look through the entire line of Bab'in food, you cannot help but notice that in some versions the composition is more attractive than in others. This is because there are super-premium lines, and there are cheaper lines of premium dog food. But more about this in the next paragraph. This food is produced in France.

Reviews of other brands:

  • Dry food Monge - customer reviews, composition, price;
  • Royal Canin dog food review - composition, reviews, price;
  • Belcando dog food - reviews, composition overview and price.

Composition of Babin feed

Let's look at the composition of Bab'in food using the example of the Agi Pplus Senior option (for older dogs with duck meat). The first ingredient is “corn”; it is, of course, healthy, but as an additional component, and not as the basis of the food. In second place is “dehydrated protein of animal origin 23%”, since it is written “protein” and not “meat”, then the main part of the protein in the analysis (which is 24%) must be of animal origin.

It is worth noting that in different versions it is different: in some there is “dehydrated meat”, in others it is simply “meat”, in others it is like here. Looking further at the composition, we will see “cereals” (it is not specified which ones - this is bad), beet pulp, duck fat, corn gluten, etc. In general, nothing unusual, everything is like in most dog foods. Note that the list of excipients simply says “preservatives”, but in the original description in English they are listed (citric acid, sorbic acid).

Even Bab'in's premium food lines use meat rather than offal. However, in general the composition is slightly poorer than in the super-premium lines. Also, the percentage of meat can differ significantly and range from 16 to 42%, depending on the option.

Pros and cons of Bab'in food

The advantages include:

  • only meat is used, and not obscure offal;
  • very wide range;
  • low cost (although some options are, on the contrary, expensive);

The disadvantages include:

  • not all options have the same large percentage of meat;
  • in some variants the feed base is corn.

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