Pet for busy people: 7 dog breeds suitable for those who work a lot

Life on the run, a minimum of informal communication, a lack of time for family, wildlife - the delights of urbanization have forced us to change our usual way of life, leaving a person with a hundredth of the previous opportunities to avoid loneliness. A companion dog has become an excellent alternative for people who need to take care of someone, feel needed, useful, and know that their best friend is waiting for you at home.

Companion dog

What means?

When choosing a companion dog, you need to clearly understand that there are some criteria that do not depend on the breed of dog. You must take into account the living conditions where you will bring a new family member, be it a spacious or cramped apartment, or maybe a private house. Based on this, you need to decide on the size of the dog. You also need to decide how much free time you will have for your dog, because it requires constant care and activities. Let's look at the sizes of dogs:

  1. Small dogs are those that weigh up to 10 kg . Surprisingly, small dogs are perhaps our greatest friends. Their appearance can vary from a fluffy little lump the size of your palm to a strong, muscular specimen. But in any case, you can take them with you anywhere.
  2. Medium - these are breeds from 10 to 20 kg . Medium-sized dogs are the most popular. Of course, they don’t capture the imagination of the public as much as small glamorous dogs, or like large ones that scare passers-by with their appearance, but they fit into the life of a family more well.
  3. Those who weigh 20-40 kg large . This size of dogs is more numerous. Today, most large dogs are companion dogs.



With their curly coat and big, shy eyes, Pumi are the cutest dog breed you've never heard of. These agile and fast small-sized herding dogs, distinguished by high intelligence, were created by crossing the Hungarian Puli Shepherd Dogs and small terrier-shaped dogs that came to Hungary from Germany and France. The weight of an adult dog ranges from 8 to 13 kg with a height at the withers of 33-44 cm. These pets have excellent hearing and an excellent sense of smell; when suspicious sounds or smells appear, they begin to bark. Dogs have a ringing, loud voice. Pumi are devoted to their owner and are ready to constantly serve him, while at the same time constantly trying to maintain a sense of independence. These animals love freedom and space.

List of the best with photos and names

Yorkshire Terrier

Most common among small breeds. Size: 23-24 cm, weight 2.5-3.5 kg. Grooming: labor intensive. Color: black and tan. This dog is a fearless perpetual motion machine. In his small body lies a real personality, persistent and stubborn.

This breed is characterized by nervousness, which can be easily eliminated if it is accustomed to life in society from an early age. Unaware of his small stature, the Yorkie is a fierce guard and a family favorite.


The most common name is Dwarf Spitz, a miniature copy of the German Spitz. Size: 22-28 cm, weight 2-2.5 kg. Grooming: labor intensive . Color: orange, white, cream, sable, gray, blue, red-orange, brown, black.

This dog is an active companion that can live in a family or in a city apartment. They easily adapt to life with children. Pomeranians are easy to train for obedience at an early age.


Size: 55-62 cm, weight 25-36 kg. Grooming: average. Color: black, yellow, chocolate. Labradors are adored by the whole world; they are a very cheerful, active, playful dog.

They love food and water and are considered excellent swimmers. Labrador is a suitable dog for people leading an active lifestyle .

Choose the best name: nicknames for Labrador boy and girl

Saint Bernard

The Saint Bernard is a huge dog with an equally huge, kind heart, endless love for his family and owner , who is ready to defend his leader, despite his moderately stubborn character.

The Saint Bernard is often depicted with a keg of rum around its neck. In fact, these dogs never delivered alcoholic beverages to their owners. This is simply the work of the famous artist Edwin Landseer, who depicted a St. Bernard in this image during a visit to Switzerland in 1819.

People liked the idea and the image of a dog with a beer keg became firmly attached to the St. Bernard. The monks of St. Bernard's Orphanage used these dogs to search and rescue missing tourists. It is from Saint Bernard that the name of the breed came from (literally the name of the breed in English is translated as “Saint Bernard”).

Today, this breed, first of all, is an excellent companion and friend, and has a fairly patient character . The only thing you need to pay attention to is copious salivation and sensitivity to temperature changes. Bathing is quite easy, the dog does not kick or resist, and shakes himself off carefully.

Golden retriever

Size: 51-61 cm, weight 27-36 kg. Grooming: average. Color: from dark golden to cream. This dog has a golden character, her eyes certainly don’t sparkle like Labradors, but this dog has a very huge generosity of spirit. Water is the native element for retrievers. They are ready to splash around in the water for hours.

This dog loves to run, so he will be very happy to run after the ball, which, as a rule, children like to throw to dogs. They are very patient and rarely bite , which is very important for families with children. The loving temperament makes the retriever an ideal companion for any family.

Devoted friends Golden Retriever and Labrador: 5 differences

German Shepherd

Size: 55-66 cm, weight 28-44 kg. Grooming: medium/labor-intensive. Color: black and tan, white, black, sable. This dog is strongly attached to its family; the shepherd will gladly participate in any joint activities.

The Shepherd is a faithful companion for anyone who wants to make a friend. The German Shepherd is very friendly towards its family, but alert and distrustful of strangers. A very good security guard .

Briefly about the main thing

  1. A dog for company should be chosen taking into account the living conditions of the future owner;
  2. It is better to choose small or medium-sized animals for your apartment;
  3. Energetic and non-aggressive breeds that love long walks are suitable for children;
  4. Elderly people need affectionate, non-aggressive dogs as companions;
  5. Medium or large-sized dogs are chosen as guards, seriously training the pet;
  6. There is a list of the best companion dogs. But he is conditional and any dog ​​can become a companion for life.

Guardian Defenders


Size: 58-69 cm, weight 41-50 kg. Grooming: easy. Color: black and tan. Rottweilers are very smart dogs, excellent family friends, and reliable guards.

But this breed is not recommended to be chained , so if you want a chained dog, then this breed is not suitable for you.


Size: 60-70 cm, weight 30-40 kg. Grooming: minimal. Color: blue, fawn, brown, black, with red spots, and sometimes with rare white markings. This is a good family companion, a very intelligent and easy to train dog.

But in order for you to be sure of safe behavior in society, you need to go to special training classes with them . The Doberman is devoted to one family member, and he will only obey him. But he will love every family member unconditionally.

Cane Corso

Size: 60-68 cm, weight 40-50 kg. Grooming: average. Color: varied. The Corso is a very calm but strong dog. He gets along well with children. He will protect and watch over them constantly. An excellent defender.

This dog barks a little , if uninvited guests start to get into the house or apartment, you don’t have to worry, he himself will calmly deal with them, without even bothering you.

Large breeds

Large dogs have always been admired and performed specific tasks. They were and are used for hunting, protection, security, removal of sleighs and carts. Once upon a time they were more valued for strength, courage, and survival in harsh climatic conditions.

Today, large dogs are companions, and they play a more serious role, for example as guides for the blind. These dogs require special breeding and maintenance conditions. They need meat food and plenty of space to run. In the list of large companion dogs, the first places are occupied by:

  • Golden retriever;
  • Labrador;
  • collie;
  • Akita Inu;
  • German Shepherd.

Golden retriever

The Golden Retriever has become one of the most popular breeds due to its intelligence, energy and balanced temperament. A tough working dog used in mountain rescue, tracking and as a guide dog for people with disabilities. Satisfying the needs of a hunting dog and having sufficient physical activity, it will be a devoted friend for a person.

Harmoniously built, proportional and active, has a soft wavy coat, shining in all shades of golden or cream, a thick undercoat, protects from moisture. Proportional, noble skull, wide neck. The muzzle is strong, wide and deep. Height from 56 to 61 cm, weight 24-40 kg.


Labradors are gentle, friendly, funny, enthusiastic and wise. A charming and intelligent dog can fulfill various roles - from a family “interlocutor”, a hunter to a guide dog that helps sick people. Can adapt to any situation and is enthusiastic about the tasks assigned to him.

A strong and tough dog. The head is proportional to the body, clearly defined, wide, without protruding cheeks. The eyes are medium in size, with a friendly and wise expression. The ears are not too large, located back and hanging close to the head. The chest is wide, with well sprung ribs. Height 54-56 cm, weight 35-40 kg.


  • Photo from Wikipedia website

The breed was originally used as a guard dog for Scottish shepherds. A very intelligent and versatile dog, often used as a guide for the blind. Probably the most famous representative of this breed is the hero of the book and film “The Return of Lassie”. A gentle and friendly dog, ideal for the whole family. Calm, smart, loves to play. A dog of this breed is a guardian, not a hunter.

The head is wedge-shaped, the upper lines of the skull and muzzle are parallel, the foot is not very well defined, but visible. The eyes have a gentle expression, slanted, dark brown, with the exception of individuals with marbled coats, which may have one or two blue eyes. The ears are small, about two-thirds erect, and one-third dropped forward. Height 56-61 cm, weight 20-28 kg.

Akita Inu

Originally from Japan, one of the most original dog breeds in the world. This fluffy bear with a strong physique is extremely brave and has a strong territorial instinct, thanks to which he performs excellent guard duties. Initially used for dog fighting, later for hunting. Today it serves as a guard dog and companion dog.

A big, strong, harmonious dog. Serious, with self-esteem. The head is raised proudly, the ears are small, the eyes are dark. They look beautiful with thick, plush fur that can be tan, sesame, brindle or white. Adult dogs measure 64-70 cm, weight varies from 34 to 50 kg.

German Shepherd

Loyal, intelligent, hardworking, caring, friendly, cheerful and easy to train dog. German Shepherds are fearless trackers, have a unique sense of smell, and are the best police dogs. They work well as guides for the elderly, lonely, sick or blind. Their innate intelligence and empathy aid learning.

Harmonious appearance and strong physique. Reaches a height at the withers of up to 65 cm and weighs more than 30 kg. The typical color of a German Shepherd is black with splashes of brown or gray. Regardless of color, all Germans have a black nose. The withers are well defined, the loin is wide and muscular, its top line running very smoothly from the thick and strong neck, across the back to the wide and strong croup. The shepherd has 42 teeth.

For apartment

In order to have a dog in an apartment, you need to evaluate yourself as a person. This will determine how active, melancholy, calm or lively the puppy is for you.

For example, retrievers are ideal for cheerful people, and a French bulldog or pug is ideal for measured and pedantic people. You also need to decide how much time you can devote to caring for or raising a dog. This will help determine the length of the coat. It will help you decide on the breed; if time is short, then it is better to choose an easy-to-train dog or, if you have time, you can get a dog that is more difficult to train.

Here is a list of the best dog breeds for apartment companions:

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

A wonderful dog for an apartment. He is sociable and gets along well with children; clean; gets along easily with other pets; hardy. Difficulties: you should carefully monitor your health; needs to be brushed daily.


Requires minimal care, cheerful, playful dog. A good dog for both home and apartment. The only problem is that you need to monitor his diet. Prone to obesity.

An important advantage of this dog is that the fearless heart of a protector beats in his chest, and he will always be ready to save his beloved owner!


A cheerful, small dog that looks aristocratic. Has a convenient size; gets along with children; devoted to the owner. Difficulties: can overheat and become overtired, you need to monitor proper nutrition, prone to obesity.

French Bulldog

Calm, devoted, everyone's favorite, he has a very well-developed sense of humor, loves to be in company; has good health unlike other types of bulldogs.

Boston Terrier

A very active, smart dog, always ready to play and take a walk. Attached to its owner; gets along well with children; obedient; playful by nature; convenient in size.

Difficulties: you need to carefully monitor the eyes and protect from drafts, a difficult dog for breeding and exhibitions.


The clown dog is very cheerful, playful, loves children, has a charming appearance, and retains the character of a puppy all his life.

Good watchman; devoted; brave Difficulties: he likes to fight, but he tries less to offend his opponents than himself.


A cheerful, loyal, intelligent dog. He has an even character; devoted; children can be trusted; easy to train; It’s not difficult to prepare for an exhibition.

Difficulties: requires long walks; sheds.

American Staffordshire Terrier

A very active, kind, cheerful, playful dog. Despite the bad stereotypes, it is increasingly winning the hearts of people. An American fighting dog, which was bred for security purposes, as well as for military security forces. It was created better by US biologists, and such a thing as a smell could give away the location of a dog or an entire squad during special operations.

Despite his military background and aggressive facial features, he only treats his surroundings strictly and respects his owner. Unlike some breeds, he listens to only one leader, so you need to clearly identify the “commander” from the whole family. By training him from an early age, you can eliminate aggression towards other dogs and cats. He perceives children as equals, as members of a pack, brothers. Does not initiate gaming activities, but can support the idea.

Excellent security guard; fearless; gets along with children. Difficulties: requires education from a very early age; self-willed and stubborn.

Bull Terrier

Despite his rather ferocious appearance, the Bull Terrier is a very affectionate, playful, and very active dog. A wonderful nanny for children; good watchman; unpretentious.

Difficulties: early education required; requires a lot of physical activity; very strong, you can’t hold a leash to a weak person.

German dog

A wonderful friend and companion, a dog for the whole family. It is very difficult to piss him off. Despite his size, he easily gets along in an apartment, provided that he gets plenty of walks.

Gets along easily with other pets. Difficulties: due to its size, it does not have longevity.

IMPORTANT : do not choose a dog just based on the fact that you like this breed. Be sure to weigh all the pros and cons

33 top dog breeds for keeping in an apartment



According to the American Kennel Club, these small, smooth-coated dogs can reach speeds of 56 km/h and up to 70 km/h in a straight line, making them the fastest animal of their size. The Whippet is an English breed of greyhound occupying a middle position between the Greyhound and Italian Greyhound, which is distinguished not only by its incredible running speed, but also by its graceful physique. Height at the withers ranges from 44 to 51 cm with a weight of 10-13 kg. A friendly, affectionate Whippet will become a family favorite who cannot live without you. Leave your pet alone at home for an hour and the dog will suffer. The graceful Whippet is a rare guest in Russia; if you choose him as a companion, you will not be able to avoid the close attention of passers-by on the streets if such a noble breed follows you nearby.

For the elderly

Elderly people often feel lonely in an apartment, and a dog is a very useful gift for them. They will have someone to educate, pamper, and while away their days with. But you need to choose a dog for retirees that is calmer and does not require much physical exertion.


They are very smart, unpretentious, and require less attention to their health; they easily adapt to both country conditions and apartments. The only difficulty is that you cannot predict what size the dog will be as it grows.


Selfish, loves to behave like a king. Perfect for those who want to be pampered and treated like their own child. It does not require long walks.

The difficulty is that you need to carefully monitor your health.


He happily takes a swim after a walk in slushy weather, is obedient, understanding, and can either play or lie on the couch watching TV.

The difficulty is that they are very vulnerable and sensitive; don't like children; They bark in vain if they are not weaned from childhood.

English toy terrier

Charming, small, perky dog. Gives his heart to only one owner. It does not require special care. The difficulty is that he is distrustful and does not like strangers.

7 Best Dog Breeds for Inactive Owners



Basenji is a very ancient African dog breed that has survived to this day without undergoing any changes. In Africa, these dogs were used as hunting dogs and were highly valued for their intelligence and independence. In addition to their hunting abilities, they are sensitive and loyal friends. One of the main distinguishing features of the Basenji is that dogs of this breed practically do not bark, except that they can make strange sounds similar to wheezing instead of the typical dog “woof”. Surprisingly, the “basya” not only does not bark, but also does not smell. But for all their cleanliness, these dogs do not like water. The standard height at the withers of dogs of this wonderful breed is 40-43 cm with a weight of 9.5-11 kg.

The list continues in the second part of the article

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For a child

For children, the best dogs are (first, second and third) patient ones who can endure a lot of games and affection. Very small dogs should not be bought for very young children, as children sometimes do not understand that they are hurting and cannot control their strength. And small dogs don't know how to restrain themselves.

Sheltie (Scottish Sheepdog)

This is a miniature version of a collie. She is an ideal dog for a child, even if the child tortures the dog greatly, she will never allow herself to bite him.

She is a playful, active, cheerful dog. Difficulties: Sheltie is distrustful of strangers; The coat needs to be groomed regularly.


An ideal dog for children. She can play with them for hours and not be offended by their pranks.

The difficulty is that the beagle requires long walks; An adult, experienced family member should take on the upbringing.

Cocker Spaniel

A great friend for children. He knows as much about friendship as no other person knows. And he can teach the child friendship. He enjoys fetching.


Patient and very funny friend for children, although behind the sweet appearance hides a persistent character. She does not require frequent care, but long walks are needed so that she does not waste her energy on the child’s sofas and toys.

Just look at this grandfather and his faithful, patient friend:

Border Collie

Hardy, patient, energetic dog. Great for kids. They are smart and quick-witted. Gets along with children. IMPORTANT! Not particularly suitable for living in an urban environment.

Four-legged friend: 34 dog breeds for children

For security

Often a companion dog is left at home alone and is required to perform a guard function. In this case, it would be better to choose a large or medium breed dog. Such an animal should be family-oriented or one-owner, wary, but without causeless aggression, and treat strangers.

Most often, service dogs are adopted as guard dogs. When choosing an animal for protection, the owner must understand what he expects from the dog: a warning about danger or full-fledged security actions.

Bottom line

We hope that this article will help you in choosing a companion dog for yourself. Don't forget that a dog is a man's friend. Think a hundred times before adopting a dog. So that later, due to lack of time, or an unsuitable lifestyle, you do not have to give it away.

Dogs understand everything and feel the same as we do, but they can’t say it.

Do you already have a four-legged friend? Or are you just planning to get a dog? If we missed something in the article, you can add it in the comments. We are interested in your opinion. You can post photos of your pets and talk about their antics.

What are companion dogs?

Dogs are incomparable friends of man, for whom the owner is the center of the universe. Regardless of appearance, regardless of daily problems, a person can be sure that there is someone who loves him unselfishly and selflessly.

Meetings with friends often have the main purpose of relaxing and relieving stress. A four-legged friend helps do the same. Talking with a pet (who always listens and does not interrupt), stroking, hugging are the best possible relaxation techniques. Scientific research shows that simply being in the company of animals helps slow your heart rate and lower your blood pressure, which in turn equals effective rest.

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