Pomeranian Spitz: breed description and care (60 photos)

Pomeranian Spitz: breed standard

Pomeranians are very small - up to 3-3.5 kg according to the breed standard. The average height at the withers for an adult dog is from 16 to 22 cm. They are characterized by a slightly upturned fox-like muzzle with a narrow jaw, a round black nose and dark almond-shaped eyes.

Spitz dogs have small and high erect ears, a fluffy collar and a slightly rounded silhouette. The tail is high and rounded towards the back, very densely covered with hair. The legs are strong and well developed, and the chest is wide relative to the size of the Pomeranian.

In addition to smooth, long hair, Spitz dogs always have a dense, thick undercoat, which is why they resemble balls. Contrary to stereotypes, Pomeranians are not only red, but also black, brown, cream, blue and multi-colored. There are eleven approved colors in total.

Photo: zen.yandex.ru

The smartest dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)


The predecessors and related breeds of Spitz are sled dogs and German Spitz. Dwarf Spitz dogs are descendants of the wild dog, which was called “peat” (since the Stone Age). The first name is “Pile Spitz”. The breed began to be actively bred in Pomerania, a settlement on the territory of modern Germany, on the shores of the Baltic Sea. The main colors were white, cream and black, the initial weight was 14 kg. At the end of the 19th century, Spitz dogs were first discovered in England. Queen Victoria, whose height was only 152 cm, introduced a fashion for everything miniature, so the dogs were perfect for the court. English breeders continued to breed the breed, and the result of their work was babies weighing 3 kg. This indicator became the standard for choosing pets - if the weight was more than 3 kg, they were considered a “defect” and did not take part in exhibitions.

Character of the Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranians are charming and charming, in the blink of an eye they become the life of the party and constantly delight the owner. But, like everyone else, they have their advantages and disadvantages!

Traits and Temperament

Pomeranians are cheerful, cheerful and very playful, they love any activity and are always ready for adventure. It seems that the Spitz is constantly smiling and is glad to everyone who is ready to pay attention to him. The other side of the coin is that this breed does not tolerate loneliness very well and is not suitable for those who are constantly away from home.

Photo: look.com.ua

Attitude towards the owner

The Spitz is ready to faithfully and devotedly defend its territory and owner. But for this you need to build a trusting relationship with the dog, otherwise it will try to dominate. Don't let your pet become impudent or capricious, and try to keep him busy more often.

Photo: starpom.ru

Attitude towards children

Cranky Pomeranians do not get along well with small children, so you should not have such a dog in a home with a newborn. If the child is 7-10 years old, you can already try, but the older, the better. It is important to teach your child to handle the dog carefully, otherwise it will be nervous and timid.

Photo: en.spitz.su

Relationships with other animals

The Pomeranian Spitz will easily get along with other animals if he is brought into the home with them from an early age. But making friends between an adult pet and its competitors is already extremely problematic - Spitz dogs want to dominate too much.

Photo: spitz.su

How to choose a puppy

The choice of a Pomeranian Spitz puppy should be taken responsibly . It is better to buy a puppy from a kennel, so you will be sure of its good pedigree.

Puppy cost

The cost of a Pomeranian Spitz reaches 60,000 rubles and depends on the class and gender of the dog and pedigree. A pet without documents can be purchased for less than 15,000 rubles .

What to look for when choosing a puppy

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the state of health , if necessary, consult a veterinarian. When buying a baby with documents, also ask for documents for the parents .

If you don’t know what to name your Pomeranian puppy , read the article with a huge number of nicknames.

These incredibly beautiful, charming, smart and devoted dogs will become favorites of your entire family and will certainly not leave anyone indifferent. It’s not for nothing that they are so loved by tens of thousands of people around the world, including world celebrities.

Video “Pomeranian Spitz - everything about the breed”

Pomeranian Spitz care

Although caring for a Pomeranian takes quite a lot of time, in essence it is very simple. A big part of the regular routine is brushing the luxurious coat.

Conditions of detention

Despite the fact that Pomeranians are very active, they feel great even in a small apartment. But be sure to make sure your dog has enough toys and activities. Give your orange a separate place to sleep and rest, otherwise fur will be everywhere. And be sure to keep in mind that the noisy and emotional breed loves to bark loudly and loudly.

Photo: pom.by


It is recommended to comb your Pomeranian Spitz every day for at least half an hour and from the first months. During molting, you have to repeat the procedure several times a day. It is better to use a special shampoo for bathing.

Once a week, Pomeranians need to brush their teeth with a special toothpaste. Trim your nails regularly every week and a half to prevent them from growing back. The ears need to be examined periodically, and puppies need to have their eyes dripped to prevent them from leaking.

Pomeranian Spitz puppies are not completely clipped - only certain areas for hygiene reasons. An adult dog needs to have the hair on its paws, ears, and belly trimmed regularly. Trimming a shaggy orange tree neatly is not easy, so leave it to the professionals.

Photo: pom.by


The Pomeranian Spitz is a decorative breed, so it can be trained to a tray or diaper. But an active and emotional dog definitely needs to be walked twice a day for at least an hour. The puppy is taught gradually - 10-15 minutes only in good weather.

Photo: board.theuk.one

Education and training

Although the Pomeranian Spitz is a small decorative breed, it definitely needs to be trained. Overly spoiled pets become capricious and almost uncontrollable. And given that the tiny Pomeranian considers himself a big and formidable dog, this is fraught with problems.

Photo: en.spitz.su

Small dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)


It is necessary to raise a White Pomeranian Spitz from the very first days. Be sure to provide your baby with care and attention so that he trusts you and feels safe. Start training immediately. Show that you are in charge . After all, white Spitz love to take the position of leader. Conduct training every day. Keep them entertaining and short.

After each correctly completed task, praise your pet and treat it with a tasty treat. Thanks to your patience and the efforts of your Spitz, you will be able to raise him. You can contact a professional trainer and teach your child not only tasks, but also acrobatic tricks.

What to feed your Pomeranian

Normally, Pomeranians have a fast metabolism and excellent appetite, so they should not be allowed to eat uncontrollably. With such dimensions, even half a kilo can become critically overweight. Choose specialized food for Spitz or miniature breeds and follow the manufacturer’s dosages.

On a natural diet, proteins are especially important - fish 2 times a week, boiled lean meat, eggs, dairy products. About 15% of the diet should consist of porridge cooked in water. You can add some vegetables, fruits and berries to them. You should not give your dog pork, sweets, milk, bones, potatoes, legumes, baked goods or millet.

Small puppies are fed 5-6 times a day in tiny portions, Spitz dogs from six months old need 2-3 times a day, and adult dogs can be fed 1-2 times. Regularly give your pet vitamins during active growth, stress, illness, molting, changing teeth, during pregnancy and in old age.

Photo: krasivosti.pro


18 months , are allowed to breed . In females, they focus on the third estrus.

Before mating, both dogs are recommended to undergo helminth prevention and receive vaccinations in advance (if necessary).

A direct “meeting with a gentleman” is scheduled for 10 – 14 heats, plus or minus 2 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the bitch’s body.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Health and disease of the breed

Periodontal disease is most common in Pomeranians, which can be avoided by brushing their teeth regularly. Dislocations and subluxations common in small, active dog breeds can be prevented by controlling diet and weight. Hypothyroidism is a hormonal problem and a metabolic disorder, so you need to get your blood tested periodically.

Photo: spitz.su

The most obedient dog breeds: names and photos

Pomeranian Spitz - photo

Although photographs are not able to convey all the charm of Pomeranians, they also look simply magical. Just look!

Photo: bestcattery.pro

Photo: funart.pro

Photo: smallivingworld.ru

Photo: funart.pro

Photo: pesiq.ru

Photo: klkfavorit.ru

Photo: krasivosti.pro

Photo: zen.yandex.ru

Photo: nn.ru

Photo: handler-ulyanova.ru

Photo: k9-forum.ru

Photo: funart.pro

Photo: artfile.ru

Photo: iprofiles.ru

Photo: funart.pro

Photo: belocoon.ru

Photo: spitz-sobaka.ru

Photo: en.spitz.su

Photo: blackmamont.ru

Photo: kot-pes.com

Photo: wallbox.ru

Photo: krasivosti.pro

Photo: mirowo.ru

Photo: en.spitz.su

Photo: otzyvru.com

Photo: krasivosti.pro

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