Mini Chihuahua - description of the breed, what dwarf Chihuahuas look like, maintenance and care

There are different types of Chihuahuas. These mini dogs may differ in body type, coat length, color variety, and temperament characteristics. From this article you will find out whether this small breed can have a difference in height, how long Chihuahuas with different body weights live, whether the standard specifies the features of mini and super mini dogs, why they are nicknamed “baby-face” and much more.

The origin story of the miniature chihuahua

There are many versions of how the breed appeared. According to one of them, it has been going on for about ten centuries. Cave paintings of small dogs were discovered in the territory of the Mayan and Aztec tribes, and their elegant figurines were found in ancient Mexican temples. The version was confirmed by the results of excavations - animal skeletons were found that were similar in appearance to the structure of today's Chihuahuas. They were buried next to the leaders. It is logical to conclude that mini-dogs at one time enjoyed love, fame and respect.

The Mexicans called them Techichi, and the Europeans, who first saw such dwarf animals, gave the name Chihuahua from the state where they first discovered them. At first the dogs had long hair, then, after crossing with the Chinese Crested, they developed a short-haired look. Over the years, the name changed somewhat and the breed began to be called Chihuahua.

Behavior and skills

The pet is distinguished by its devotion to its owner and always wants to be near. It is not uncommon for a dog to experience jealousy. If he sees that a loved one is in danger, without hesitation, he rushes to help, even a large animal. The Chihuahua is energetic and affectionate.

If a baby Chihuahua feels a lack of attention, he begins to behave aggressively: he chews furniture, spoils things.

Little ones do not like to have their voices raised at them and are often stubborn. Dogs behave like children, but they are serious and intelligent. Such individuals are born watchmen and protectors. When they see a stranger, Chihuahuas bark loudly.

Interesting article: How many years do Chihuahuas live: secrets of longevity

When training, you should immediately show the animal that there is only one owner in the house, and indicate all the prohibitions and restrictions.

Curious facts about pocket Chihuahuas

Mini Chihuahuas have become incredibly popular recently, so it is not surprising that many interesting and curious facts are associated with their name:

  1. The ancestors of miniks were much larger than modern pocket dogs.
  2. The breed is a long-livers, some representatives lived up to 20 years.
  3. The owners of the smallest Chihuahuas were Hollywood actresses Paris Hilton, Marilyn Monroe and others.
  4. Christopher Columbus brought dogs to Europe.
  5. A little Chihuahua named Gidget starred in Legally Blonde and became a famous movie dog.
  6. The pocket dog has the largest brain in relation to body size, but this does not mean that it is smarter than everyone else.
  7. Most puppies are born with an open fontanel.
  8. Mini Chihuahuas have excellent hearing.
  9. The first celebrity owner of the miniature breed was the Italian opera diva Adelina Patti, who received the dog as a gift from the Mexican President.

Education and training

It is recommended to start training a Chihuahua from the moment the puppy first arrives at home. First, you need the dog to get used to his name, place and routine (food, toilet).

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The baby does not understand that he needs to defecate outside twice a day, so you should prepare diapers in advance.

If a dog goes to the wrong place to relieve itself, the owner needs to react quickly. It is enough to threaten in a loud voice, express dissatisfaction, “be offended” and leave. If the pet goes where it’s supposed to go next time, the reaction should be just as strong, but positive.

The main commands that the dog should follow are “Come to me”, “Fu”, “Stop”. From a very early age, a Chihuahua puppy is weaned off bad habits: barking for no reason, damaging furniture.

Types of mini Chihuahuas

Mini Chihuahuas are divided into two types depending on the type of coat - long-haired and short-haired. It is impossible to determine the type immediately after birth. The final formation of the structure and type of coat occurs only by the age of three.


Their coat fits tightly to the body, while it is thick and smooth. The spine is soft, the undercoat is very small or completely absent. The longest hairs are located in the neck and tail. Despite their short hair, dogs shed more than long-haired dogs; they need to be brushed weekly with a massage brush or rubber glove.

It is believed that smooth-haired mini-chihuas are more active, temperamental, and less easy-going than long-haired ones.


Mini Chihuahuas belonging to this species have thin, long, silky and sometimes wavy hair. Despite the attractiveness of curliness, it is considered a breed defect. In long-haired dwarf Chihuahuas, the undercoat can be thick and fluffy, while in some individuals it is completely absent. Hairs of maximum length are located on the back of the legs, on the stomach, tail, ears, and fringes are visible in the collar area. Once every two days, the Chihuahua is combed with a brush and slicker brush. Model haircuts are performed for participation in competitions, hygienic haircuts are performed to maintain the cleanliness and beauty of the coat.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

The eyes are the most vulnerable place on a Chihuahua's body. It is prone to souring and tearing. If you do not wash them regularly, an infection may appear that settles on the mucous membrane. The result is eye pathologies, such as cataracts. In this case, drops can help. Only a veterinarian can prescribe them.

Also, a representative of the breed may have digestive problems, especially if he has eaten something missing or of poor quality. In this case, he will suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and weakness. Sorbent medications will help him. They will absorb toxins that enter his body with food and introduce them naturally. Alternatively, you can give your dog Atoxil. The dosage will be calculated by a specialist.

Features of the mini-Chihuahua breed

Mini Chihuahuas are very small and attractive dogs, their weight does not exceed 1.7 kg. In character and behavior they are not much different from representatives of the “standard” category, whose weight is from 1.5 to 3 kg. Minis are just as brave, proud and proud, devoted to their owner, have a lively mind and intelligence, but sometimes they become stubborn and stop obeying.

The dwarf size of the dog allows you to take it with you everywhere - on a visit, to a restaurant, on trips. Sometimes a small value is associated with underdevelopment and weakness of representatives of the standard species due to diseases and congenital pathologies. To avoid choosing such a puppy, you should consult a veterinarian and rely on the opinion of a specialist.

Why you shouldn’t bet on a false type Chihuahua

So, we found out that the “correct” Chihuahua can only be of the Dir or Cobby type. In extreme cases, it is permissible for an animal to be an individual with characteristics of both species. But why are types of Chihuahuas such as, say, classic or Pekingese undesirable? Let's try to figure it out:

  1. Dogs whose exterior conforms to the Breed Standard are allowed for breeding. If the owner’s plans include selling puppies, then it is better to refuse to buy an unusual type of Chihuahua;
  2. Unscrupulous sellers, under the guise of purebred Chihuahuas, may offer to buy a mixed breed (for example, from the union of a Chihuahua and a Pekingese, a toy terrier, a Yorkshire terrier, etc.). Moreover, they often ask for a fairly substantial sum for a half-breed;
  3. Dogs with a short muzzle often experience problems with nosebleeds and breathing. It is better to avoid purchasing extreme and exotic Chihuahuas;
  4. Those Chihuahuas whose eyes seem to be ready to pop out of their sockets often have vision problems. Cataracts, glaucoma, eversion of the eyelids, keratitis are just some of the problems that are inherent in “eye-catchers” of an extreme or exotic type;
  5. The Chihuahua is a small dog; its body should be moderately fit, but not too slender. Stocky and heavy or excessively skinny dogs are a deviation from the norm;
  6. Many of the atypical Chihuahuas (exotic, extreme) are too small, their weight is below normal (sometimes no more than 1-1.5 kg). Accordingly, problems with bones and joints cannot be avoided. Hip dysplasia, dislocations, osteoarthritis, arthrosis are just some of the ailments that threaten these babies;
  7. Some of the dogs that are not Cobby or Deer types have a peculiar and not very attractive exterior. Let's say that not everyone likes short-legged and dense English-type Chihuahuas.

Description and characteristics of the mini-Chihuahua breed

In the RKF standard there is no mention of the category of mini-dogs in the Chihuahua breed. It doesn't exist officially. However, this classification is used by breeders when selling dogs. The situation is similar in the USA and European countries. Tiny babies are in unprecedented demand among potential buyers; they are willing to pay several times more for them than for standard-sized individuals. Super-mini Chihuahuas, whose weight does not exceed 1 kg, are even more in demand.

At the birth stage, it is difficult to determine which category the adult dog will belong to, but breeders rely on the size of the parents - the smaller they are, the higher the likelihood of getting a mini-Chihuahua. It is impossible to predict everything; there are often surprises.

Breed standards

The characteristics of the mini category in terms of basic parameters coincide with the standard of the largest representatives of the breed. The main difference between mini Chihua dogs is the size of the individuals (height at the withers - 14-16 cm, weight 0.5-1.7 kg). General characteristics, according to the standard, are as follows:

  1. The body is compact, in bitches it is more elongated, the body proportions are close to square.
  2. The head is apple-shaped, the muzzle is short and wedge-shaped.
  3. The nose is small, slightly upturned.
  4. Lips are light, there is no drooling.
  5. Presence of teeth – 42 (22 lower and 20 upper), straight or scissor bite.
  6. The eyes are brown, less often light, large.
  7. The ears are erect and large.
  8. The back is strong, straight, the lower back is covered with muscles.
  9. The chest is voluminous, barrel-shaped.
  10. The tail is set high, in the shape of a crescent.
  11. The coat is short or long, the color is varied.

What does an adult mini Chihuahua look like?

Most dogs of different breeds look touching when they are puppies, but after they grow up, there is nothing left of naivety and “childishness”. Their owners still adore them, but the former enthusiasm for seeing their pet is no longer there. This fact does not apply to mini Chihuahuas that have a “baby face” or “baby face” type. Its distinctive features are huge round eyes, an apple-shaped head, and an upturned nose. This combination creates a perpetually surprised expression on the little face.

Meanwhile, “baby-face” is a clear sign of dwarf degeneration, therefore, with further reproduction of individuals belonging to the mini category, the breed may simply disappear completely.

The presence of a “baby face” type can be determined by taking some measurements:

  1. Find the distance from the base of the nose to its tip.
  2. From the base of the nose to the back of the head.
  3. If the ratio of the first value to the second is 1/3, the dog has a “baby face” type.

Mini Chihuahua size and weight

The birth of small offspring from mini mothers and fathers is not always guaranteed. More likely, they will appear in the litter of ordinary standard Chihuahuas. A huge mistake is to limit the food puppies eat so that they do not grow and remain within the category. Lack of food can lead to the development of pathologies and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

At birth, a mini-Chihuahua weighs from 90 to 120 g. In a month, the weight triples, reaching 1100-1400 g in six months. An adult dog weighs 1100-1700 g, its height at the withers is 14-16 cm.

Dog's coat and color

According to their coat type, mini Chihuahuas come in short-haired and long-haired varieties. The first type is much more common. The hair of this dog is soft and shiny. In some areas of the body their lengthening is noticeable. The undercoat is fluffy or absent. Long-haired mini-Chihuahuas have even more delicate, silky fur. The range of its colors is varied. Among the most common colors:

  • black;
  • white;
  • black and white;
  • ginger;
  • brown;
  • black and tan.

It is problematic to breed silver-gray or blue puppies, since even in the standard this is a defect associated with breed diseases.

Character and behavior

Despite their dwarf size, the character of the mini-Chihuahua is quite capricious. The dog may be stubborn, capricious, and not respond to the owner’s commands. While walking, she can run away, get into fights with other animals, and start barking at strangers. This behavior is explained not only by bad character, but also by mistakes in upbringing. A friendly, adequate and balanced pet can be raised only with regular training, persistent upbringing and training.

Minis are able to run, play, frolic endlessly until they run out of strength. You should measure physical activity, stop games in time, give your Chihuahua something to drink and rest.

The pet is tolerant of all family members, but becomes attached, adores, protects and is jealous of one owner. At the slightest danger, he rushes to defense, without thinking about himself and the fact that the intended enemy is much larger and stronger. He does not tolerate loneliness well; he may even shake from a stressful situation.

It is not difficult to provoke a minik into aggression - if a child accidentally presses and causes pain, he may bite the baby. Therefore, you can only get Chihuahuas when children grow up, at the age of 10-12 years.

Divisions by height

The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in existence. This is confirmed by a super mini dog named Boo Boo, which has been included in the Guinness Book of Records for several years because of its small stature: ten centimeters in height and sixteen centimeters in length with a weight of six hundred and seventy-five grams.

But be that as it may, there is simply no such thing as “mini” and “super mini” in the standard of this small breed. And at exhibitions there are no names of such varieties. This is what this breed is called as a whole because of its miniature size.

In fact, micro dogs are nothing more than a disease of dwarfism or the consequences of premature birth. Unscrupulous breeders are happy to sell these very small dogs and confidently call them new trends in the breed. How much such a dog will cost depends only on the greed of the seller.

When buying a micro dog, you are unlikely to be able to breed them in the future, and they will not pass the basic standards. This means they will not be able to participate in exhibitions. They live much shorter compared to purebred Chihuahuas, up to a maximum of ten years. At the same time, it is even difficult to imagine how much effort will have to be made for such a dog to live to such an age. Standard dogs live an average of twelve years.

Super micro dogs often have the following disadvantages:

  • fragile body structure;
  • incomplete set of teeth;
  • undershot;
  • too large fontanelle;
  • weakened immunity.

Dwarfism is quite normal for this breed, but in moderation. Chihuahuas that are too underweight usually do not live longer than ten years. If you decide to take such a brave step as buying a super micro Chihuahua puppy, then first of all think about how much effort you will have to put in to constantly care for and monitor your tiny pet. Here are the basic rules that must be followed:

  • Do not drop the mini dog;
  • always look under your feet so as not to accidentally step on an animal, especially if it lives in an apartment;
  • children should not play with it - the slightest injury can cost the pet its life;
  • do not take your super mini baby on the bed with you so that he does not fall from there;
  • Such dogs should not play with other animals to avoid injury;
  • For such puppies, veterinarians provide a special feeding regimen, for example, they cannot eat pearl barley or drink milk, as this can lead to serious digestive problems.

At first, food for a dwarf dog will have to be chewed by the owner and given only in this form. These super mini dogs don't live long, especially if you miss a couple of feedings. In this case, the pet may experience hypoglycemia, as a result of which the dog’s movement coordination is impaired, followed by convulsions, which sometimes leads to the death of the animal. This condition can cause any kind of anxiety.

Regardless of any characteristics and differences of your dog, you must always properly care for it, groom and cherish it. Each Chihuahua is individual, but she will always respond to your love with devotion, adoration and obedience.

What body type and color does your Chihuahua have? Does your dog fit the standard?

How old do small dogs grow?

The childhood of dwarf Chihuahuas lasts from birth to three months. In the next two they grow intensively, and after five, physical development slows down and even stops. The puppy is in adolescence, looks rather awkward and angular - small head, narrow chest, long legs.

At six months, the teeth begin to change to permanent ones and the first shedding begins, due to which bald patches and bald spots appear on the mini’s body. Your pet's body may not have enough calcium, causing its ears to fall off. During this period, you need to introduce special mineral and vitamin supplements into your diet.

Puberty occurs at nine months - bitches have their first heat at this time. Males are ready for breeding at one year. Chihuahuas become adults, their growth stops, but they are finally formed at the age of one and a half years.

Breed standard

There are no strict requirements for such parameters as height at the withers and body weight for the representative of the breed in question. At exhibitions there are both large and muscular individuals and small ones with a lean physique. But, there are concepts of maximum and minimum. So the lowest weight mark of this dog is 500 grams, and the highest is 3100. The height of an adult varies from 18 to 25 cm.

High-breed Chihuahua dogs should have a square and proportional build. The body of the beast is slightly elongated forward, medium in thickness. Weakly defined chest. The lower back is visible, the back of the back is slightly lowered down. The legs are medium in length, thin, and the hind thighs are well formed. The dog runs quickly and smartly. The pads of the feet are well formed and there are no dewclaws. The claws are sharp and long.

The dog has a fairly large head. Everyone pays attention to this part of the body primarily because of its expressive features. The ears are small, tapering at the tips. It is important that they stand and not lie down. This is one of the main standardized parameters for such animals. The forehead is wide, slightly protruding. The skull has a rounded shape.

The Chihuahua in the photo is depicted differently each time. Now he is happy and cheerful, and after a couple of minutes he is cunning and suspicious. It's all about well-developed facial expressions. The eyes of the animal are located at a great distance from each other, they are medium in diameter, often black or brown.

The nose is larger than the eye, well pigmented. The dog's face has whiskers and eyelashes, but no skin folds. The cheeks are thick, fitting tightly to the jaw. The tongue does not fall out, there is no oral drooling.

The coat is smooth and shiny. Colors:

  • Ginger.
  • Pure black.
  • Black and white.
  • Light brown with tan marks.
  • Melted chocolate.
  • Sable.
  • Brindle.

Care and maintenance of a dwarf chihuahua

To ensure quality care for your Chihuahua, you need to prepare the necessary equipment and consumables:

  • mattress, bed or special house;
  • toilet tray, filler, disposable diapers;
  • soft bristle combs and steel combs;
  • metal or ceramic bowls;
  • shampoo, lotion, toothpaste and brush for dogs;
  • nail clipper

Caring for a Chihuahua is not difficult; you need to monitor the condition of its fur, ears, eyes, claws, vaccinate it on time, and, if necessary, treat it.

Feeding rules

The frequency of feedings and the diet of a Chihuahua depend on age, activity, metabolism and individual characteristics. Up to three weeks, the puppies are fed by the mother, then they are given complementary foods six times a day, from three months to six months - four times a day, from six months to a year - three times, from the age of one year they are transferred to the adult regimen - twice a day. Mini Chihuahuas are given food in the morning and evening, with an interval of 12 hours. It is acceptable to give treats between breakfast and dinner in the form of pieces of fruit, sour cream and boiled eggs.

When feeding dry food, follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer according to the age of the dog. Natural food must meet the required calorie content (40 kcal per kg of weight).

The diet of an adult pet should include:

  • lean boiled meat (rabbit, turkey, veal, beef);
  • sea ​​fish without bones after heat treatment;
  • chopped vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, zucchini);
  • fruits and berries (apple, melon, raspberries, currants, blueberries);
  • porridge (buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, rice);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, unleavened cheese).

Training and education

Minik owners do not always understand how to train and what to teach a pocket dog. However, this is an animal with its own character, so in the process of education it is necessary to achieve specific results:

  1. Obedience, unquestioning submission.
  2. Performing the commands “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Voice”, “No”.
  3. Collar and leash training, toilet training.
  4. Do not damage furniture or other items.
  5. Socialize with the outside world.

They begin raising and training from two to three months, they do it regularly, persistently, without giving the puppy any concessions, but also without being rude to him.

Frequent illnesses and life expectancy

The life of Chihuahuas depends on the conditions of detention, quality of food, complete care and hereditary factors. They are classified as long-lived - 15-20 years is quite a long time for dogs. The average duration of the mini category is less than that of the standard category and is 9-12 years.

They are in good health, but genetically they are predisposed to a number of diseases: hypoglycemia, obesity, heart disease, hydrocephalus, tracheal collapse. Taking care of your pet helps minimize health problems and prevent complications.

Chihuahuas are sensitive to low air temperatures and may suffer from ARVI. To protect the mini, in cold weather they put on waterproof overalls and boots, and the walking time is reduced to 20-30 minutes.

Caring for small dogs

For Chihuahuas, it is necessary to create living conditions in the apartment - remove dangerous objects, determine a place where it is convenient to hide and rest, and prepare everything necessary for the animal’s hygiene.

Ears are cleaned as they become dirty from accumulations of wax and dust using cotton swabs and lotion, eyes are wiped daily with boiled water, teeth are cleaned of plaque using a special brush. Nails are inspected and trimmed twice a month using a nail clipper. You can bathe your dog with shampoo no more than four times a year. The rest of the time, the paws are washed with clean, warm water after a walk.

Useful and prohibited foods

The basis of food for a Chihuahua should be: animal protein, carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, fats and vitamins (phosphorus, calcium).

Useful article: What to feed a Chihuahua: food rating for Chihuahua puppies and proper nutrition at home

Products that are healthy for dogs:

  • meat (poultry, beef, lamb, horse meat, veal);
  • eggs (once a week in the form of an omelet or chopped boiled);
  • sour milk;
  • porridge (buckwheat, rolled oats, corn);
  • steamed and raw vegetables (the healthiest is carrots).

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

You can give your pet fruits as treats: bananas and apples.

Products prohibited for Chihuahuas:

  • raw meat and pork;
  • all sweets;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • milk (acts as a laxative);
  • River fish;
  • spicy and salty dishes.

Pros and cons of a small chihuahua

Mini Chihuahuas have become very popular. This is explained by their advantages:

  • loyalty and devotion to the owner;
  • compactness;
  • ease of walking;
  • food efficiency;
  • good health;
  • neatness and cleanliness;
  • mental stability;
  • ease of adaptation to new conditions;
  • high intelligence.

There are also disadvantages:

  • increased susceptibility to injury;
  • difficulties of reproduction;
  • difficulties in training and education;
  • jealousy and obsession;
  • Not suitable for communicating with small children.

Photo and video review

The Chihua is an excellent companion: affectionate, friendly, loyal dog. The small size allows you to take your pet everywhere and dress it up. Such a baby in the house will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to choose a mini Chihuahua puppy?

When choosing a dwarf Chihuahua, you should pay attention to its appearance. The characteristics must meet the standard, the ears must be clean, the nose must be wet, and the eyes must not be watery. A healthy coat shines, the skin does not have any rashes or redness. The optimal weight of minis is from 0.5 kg to 1.7 kg. The bite is correct if the upper jaw covers the lower jaw. A healthy puppy is active, friendly, playful, while a sick puppy is apathetic and aggressive.

Sometimes future owners cannot choose the gender of their dwarf Chihuahua puppy - whether to buy a male or a female. Both options are good, but we must take into account that the girl will go into heat twice a year, pregnancy and difficult childbirth are possible. But these problems can really be solved, especially since bitches have better character, they are calm and clean.

Little Chihuahua boys are more cocky, can get into fights, are playful, and are more difficult to train.

Reproduction and lifespan

Chihuahuas are long-lived dogs. If you feed your dog properly and always take care of him, he will serve you faithfully for at least 16 years. There were representatives of the breed who lived up to 18 years! Not every domestic dog, even a very healthy one, can boast such a long life.

Bitches reach sexual maturity at approximately 9 months of age. But you shouldn’t think that at this age they can be paired with male dogs. Of course, a young female has every chance of becoming pregnant, however, she definitely will not give birth to full-fledged puppies. We recommend breeding representatives of the breed after they are 2-3 years old.

Also, older individuals, older than 9-10 years, are not suitable for reproduction. Dogs are bred after 3 days have passed since the start of menstruation for the bitch. The male hears the smell of heat and the corresponding instinct is triggered. Experts advise knitting them on its territory.

Due to the absence of genetic defects, childbirth in a female Chihuahua usually occurs without complications. They can be taken at home, but if you have not previously had such experience, it is better to invite a veterinarian. He will take appropriate action if complications arise.

Where to buy, how much it costs

You should not buy a dog at a pet store or market, since the chance of acquiring a healthy and purebred one is extremely small. You should choose a specialized nursery with a good reputation:

  1. Pearl of dreams (Kuntsevo).
  2. Flower of Elves (Moscow).
  3. Astra Vitus (Moscow).
  4. Krokha-Dog (Moscow).
  5. Chintamani (Novouralsk).
  6. Lucky Beggar (Naberezhnye Chelny) and others.

The price for a mini-Chihuahua puppy starts from 20,000 rubles from private breeders and reaches 170,000 rubles in a nursery.

Rules for choosing a puppy

When buying a Chihuahua puppy, the main attention is paid to the behavior and appearance of the dog. First, examine the baby’s jaw. At one and a half months, the dog has already formed a bite (straight or scissor).

The shorter the Chihuahua's muzzle, the worse the quality of the teeth.

Indicators for determining a healthy Chihuahua puppy are:

  1. The head is apple-shaped, with a pronounced forehead (this breed does not have a flat skull).
  2. The ears are clean, without foreign discharge or wounds.
  3. The nose is wet and does not run.
  4. The eyes are large and moist.
  5. The dog's short coat is shiny and smooth. Curly hair is not acceptable.
  6. No rash, dandruff or irritation on the dog’s skin.
  7. A healthy Chihuahua puppy weighs at least 500 grams. and no more than 2.7 kg.

To make sure that your baby has no dislocations, you should feel his paws.

A healthy baby Chihuahua behaves actively: it runs non-stop around the enclosure, sniffs everything around and plays with other brothers. A lethargic puppy that just lies in one place or hides behind its mother is cowardly or sick.

This is interesting: Rules for choosing a nickname for a Chihuahua

You can also see from the breeder whether the pet goes to the toilet where it needs to. The puppy should look well-fed.

Names of species depending on size

Residents of foreign countries were the first to divide representatives of this breed into separate species based on the size of the individuals. Subsequently, this criterion for dividing Chihuahuas into several intra-breed species became widespread. So, in Russia, the classification, which takes into account not so much the size as the weight of these dogs, provides several options:

  • standard;
  • mini;
  • super - mini or micro.

The weight of mini and micro Chihuahuas is not officially standardized, so breeders determine whether dogs belong to one of these species independently, based on their knowledge.


The body weight of standard Chihuahuas in adulthood is 1.5 - 3 kg. It is this weight that is determined by canine associations as the most optimal for representatives of this breed. Such dogs are compact enough to feel comfortable living in small city apartments and accompanying their owner on trips.

At the same time, they do not show signs of dwarfism, since when breeding them, breeders were not faced with the task of reducing the size of individuals. Standard Chihuahuas, in comparison with smaller representatives of the breed, have the best health and the longest life expectancy.


Mini Chihuahuas have virtually no exterior differences from standard representatives of the breed, however, some individuals may have signs of dwarfism. Such dogs weigh on average 1-1.5 kg. In general, these dogs are in fairly good health, but are more susceptible to injury and fractures.


Micro Chihuahuas are dogs whose body weight varies from 500 g to 1 kg. Due to their extremely miniature size, they are prone to developing many different pathologies characteristic of dwarf breeds, in particular hydrocephalus. In addition, this variety has an accelerated metabolism, which causes sensitivity to temperature changes and poor tolerance of both cold and heat.

Only standard bitches can participate in breeding, since pregnancy, childbirth and lactation place too much stress on the dog’s body.

Varieties according to body shape

The varieties of Chihuahua that are bred on the basis of this breed are not recognized by any cynological organization in the world. The names of additional types of chia are not indicated in official documentation, but are used by amateurs and professional breeders.

Marketers argue that the distribution of additional species can only affect the final cost of the puppies.

Any deviation from the norm indicates the presence of congenital or acquired pathologies, genetic diseases, incorrect crossing, or closely related matings in babies. Sometimes unscrupulous breeders forget what Chihuahuas are like, because, trying to get the maximum benefit, they cross them with other dwarf dogs.


This word translated from English means “strong, stocky.” Representatives of this species are characterized by distinctive features that can significantly affect their content:

  • the body section is strong;
  • the chest is wide;
  • enlarged skull located on a small neck;
  • ears are small but wide at the bottom;
  • large round eyes, without signs of bulging;
  • small muzzle;
  • toned stomach;
  • muscular paws;
  • thick coat with thick undercoat;
  • sickle-shaped thick tail.

The dogs are characterized by a confident gait with energetic kicks and a calm temperament without the slightest signs of aggression. Cobbies with long and short hair have many fans and are a valuable type because they attract attention with their classic appearance.


This body type is called a “deer”; representatives of the Dir are characterized by sophistication and sophistication. They have a small but narrow head and high-set ears. The dog has practically no wide parts, it is not powerful and far from muscular.

The limbs of this type are thin, elongated and less muscular than those of its previous brother. The animal is distinguished by a thin tail that does not touch its body. The baby runs easily, smoothly, there is no force in his movements.

Basic colors

These small dogs are characterized by a wide palette of colors. You need to pay attention to the fact that a purebred dog’s eyes and nose should match the color of its coat. If the chia's fur is fawn or cream, then a dark spot in the form of a mask may form on its face. A continuous mask may be absent or located in different places on the muzzle. It can be black and occupy a place at the tip of the nose or reach the forehead.

The most popular dogs for many years have been those painted in the following colors:

  • white;
  • chocolate;
  • sable;
  • black;
  • wolfish;
  • ginger.

Puppies look luxurious if their fur combines two or even three shades. Breed connoisseurs choose the rare chia with blue hairs because his eyes look like rubies.

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