Pomeranian Spitz dog. Description, features, types, care and price of the breed

The dream of almost all representatives of the fair sex, the star of the world wide web and in particular YouTube, one of the most popular breeds of our time is a dog belonging to the Pomeranian Spitz breed.

It is worth noting that this type of dog has always been highly valued and in demand.

Nowadays, dwarf Pomeranians are at the peak of their popularity. These are beautiful, cheerful and funny dogs.

Description and specifics

The Baltic is the birthplace of this wonderful animal. There is an area there, Pomerania, where this type of Spitz was first selected. Hence its name. However, there are no historically accurate records that the dog was bred there. However, researchers believe that the Spitz originated from the Baltic.

Initially, such dogs were bred by commoners. Pets delighted and amused people; this could not escape the attention of rich aristocrats. By the end of the 18th century, Spitz dogs lived in almost every wealthy European family.

As a hunter or bodyguard, this dog is completely useless, but as a “toy for the soul” - on the contrary. The animal radiates positive energy with its entire appearance, gives love to others, makes you smile and admire.

Unfortunately, by the end of the 19th century there were practically no representatives of this breed left in Europe. They were eclipsed by the Pekingese. But, in those years, there lived an outstanding personality who contributed to the emergence of dog breeding clubs that revived the glory of these cute decorative dogs.

It was Queen Victoria. It was thanks to her that institutions began to appear in most European countries where they were breeding Pomeranian Spitz dogs . Even then, there was a tendency for it to decrease. That is, it was believed that the smaller the lap dog, the more valuable it is.


18 months , are allowed to breed . In females, they focus on the third estrus.

Before mating, both dogs are recommended to undergo helminth prevention and receive vaccinations in advance (if necessary).

A direct “meeting with a gentleman” is scheduled for 10 – 14 heats, plus or minus 2 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the bitch’s body.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Breed standard

In the 19th century, representatives of this breed were an order of magnitude larger than modern ones. But they were in no way inferior to them in terms of attractiveness and cuteness. The Pomeranian in the photo looks like a little fox. The visual specificity of the breed is its very lush coat. The dog's fur is dense and very warm, so it is not afraid of frosts, even severe ones.

The dog's fur fits tightly to each other, folding into a fur coat. They are slightly shorter on the muzzle. The longest fur is on the sternum and tail. By the way, the Spitz's tail lies on his lower back, twisted into a ring. The dog really looks like a toy.

It has compact flexible paws. They are quite short, but this does not prevent the animal from moving quickly. The physique is harmonious, slightly lean. The neck practically does not stand out. It is not visible behind the lush fur.

The dog's head is medium in size. The muzzle is slightly flattened, like a Pekingese. The eyes are large, black, and protrude slightly. The nose is small and dark. His ears are located close to each other and have a high landing. The transition from the muzzle to the frontal line is well defined.

According to the standard, the height at the withers of the animal should not exceed 19-22 cm, and the weight should not exceed 1.5-2 kg. According to another opinion, the permissible weight mark for an adult representative of this breed is 3 kg. Behind the thick fur it is difficult to discern the physique of such a dog.

In any case, if she is overweight, she is disqualified and does not participate in the competition. A dog is considered low-breed if it has multiple deviations from the internationally accepted standard.

Pomeranian Spitz - photo

Although photographs are not able to convey all the charm of Pomeranians, they also look simply magical. Just look!

Photo: bestcattery.pro

Photo: funart.pro Photo: smallivingworld.ru

Photo: funart.pro

Photo: pesiq.ru Photo: klkfavorit.ru

Photo: krasivosti.pro

Photo: zen.yandex.ru

Photo: nn.ru

Photo: handler-ulyanova.ru

Photo: k9-forum.ru

Photo: funart.pro

Photo: artfile.ru

Photo: iprofiles.ru

Photo: funart.pro

Photo: belocoon.ru Photo: spitz-sobaka.ru

Photo: en.spitz.su

Photo: blackmamont.ru

Photo: kot-pes.com

Photo: wallbox.ru

Photo: krasivosti.pro

Photo: mirowo.ru

Photo: en.spitz.su Photo: otzyvru.com

Photo: krasivosti.pro

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Thick coat is the main parameter of the attractiveness of the Pomeranian Spitz breed . According to the standard, many variations of its color are allowed. But, most often, these decorative dogs are born red or sandy.

Important ! Only by 6 months of life can you accurately determine what the fur color of a Pomeranian Spitz will be.

Acceptable dog color options:

  • Pure white.
  • Ginger.
  • Reddish.
  • Sand.
  • Creamy beige.
  • Sable.
  • Orange.
  • Pure brown.
  • Pure black.
  • Blue with brindle.

Eurasier (Oirazier)

Asian Spitz, bred in the 60-70s of the 20th century . Wolspitz and Chow Chow of red and black colors were taken as the basis. Later, during the selection process, the blood of the Samoyed husky was mixed. The breeders wanted to get an ideal, loyal dog with good working qualities, but good-natured towards both familiar people and strangers.

The breed was developed in Germany, but is classified as Japanese due to the large admixture of Chow Chow appearance and genes.

The dog is medium in size, grows up to 60 cm, and easily lives in a city apartment. The body format is square, stocky and muscular. The limbs are moderately long, the muzzle is of medium length, straight, tapered towards the nose. The coat is straight, hard and long. Allowed colors: black, red, red, gray; Colors are variable, tans are allowed.

The breed is intended exclusively for family life as a companion. She is too friendly to be a security guard, but has good physical attributes. Therefore, Eurasiers often participate in dog sports. Animals are calm, loyal, affectionate, non-aggressive, quiet. Gets along well with children and pets. The average cost is 50-70 thousand rubles.


Spitz are very nimble and energetic dogs. It is difficult for them to sit still when there is so much interesting things in the world! The dog's attention will be attracted by a guest, a ringing phone, the owner's call, and absolutely any little thing.

Calmness is completely out of character for her. Some representatives of the breed strive to perform security functions. But this is rare. Males are more likely to bark at unfamiliar guests than females.

Sociability is another character trait characteristic of the Pomeranian. He will begin to communicate with great joy with a person, an animal, and even an inanimate object. A lot of things attract his attention: from loud human laughter to the rustling of grass on the street.

A joyful and active dog will happily frolic, run and briskly chase after the owner who is playing catch-up with him. By the way, it is rare to find fat Spitz dogs. The dog's mobility and energy allow it to maintain a good metabolism in the body. Therefore, she rarely gains weight.

Excessive curiosity and agility make the Spitz greet every living creature that comes his way.

These dogs tolerate loneliness relatively easily. Yes, they are upset when the owner leaves for a long time. But during the period of separation, they will probably find something to occupy themselves with. Such an animal can easily be left with friends or relatives if you are going to leave for a long time. It tends to be trusting and obedient.

You should not think that the Pomeranian will be offended and begin to play dirty tricks on your friends with whom you leave him. No, a smart dog will understand that you will soon take him away and will try not to be sad at the time of separation.

He will begin to listen to strangers who will soon become “friends” for him. An adult is an authority figure for such a dog. But she treats children with less respect.

In a pack of dogs, the Spitz will strive to prove itself as a leader. It is important for him to earn the respect of other four-legged animals, no matter that some of them are significantly larger than him. But, even being an authority for others, such a dog will not behave immorally. That is, he will not humiliate or in any way offend other animals.

Important ! This dog can't stand cats. Making them friends is almost impossible. At the sight of a cat, the Pomeranian Spitz goes into a rage.

The psychological state of such a pet depends on the emotional climate in the family. If household members treat him kindly, the dog will be cheerful and gentle, and if he is rude, he will be irritable. Such an animal needs careful and tolerant treatment.

It is sensitive and very vulnerable. Any rudeness said to a decorative dog deeply hurts it. Therefore, in order for your four-legged pet to always remain happy, do not stop showing him your reverent feelings.

Difficulties in choosing

It is recommended to purchase a puppy at the age of two months. But if the choice fell on a white Spitz, choose dogs after six months. The color of puppies can change up to a year. Fawn babies sometimes turn white. Light red and smoky dogs can also change colors. White puppies often turn cream or gray after molting.

By the color of the fur behind the baby's ears, you can guess what color the Spitz will be. Japanese and American breeds were bred for their white coat; the color of these dogs will not change after molting. You shouldn’t take risks with other types of Spitz; it’s better to let the baby change his coat and leave it with the breeder for up to six months.

The cost of a white puppy does not differ from the price of representatives of other colors. Because after molting, no one can guarantee a snow-white coat without light spots and a uniform light undercoat.

The undercoat may change color after shedding

Spitz nurseries in major cities:

  • "Mini Gum" (Moscow);
  • "Bon Chanterelle" (St. Petersburg);
  • “The Andreev Estate” (Eagle);
  • Funny Honey (Kharkov);
  • "Solar Joy" (Minsk).

Oh, these are such cool doggies! My friend has 2 puppies like this. Very tiny, just the size of a palm. They run and roll like teddy bears, like little bells. And how smart they are! Dan and Cherry. Everyone responds to their own name. When we walk with them, they do not leave each other. So wonderful. I want to constantly squeeze and caress them. And you can’t tell that these are dogs! Like toys! They get along well with cats. Very playful. And in their eyes you can always see loyalty and devotion!

Valeria, 12/01/2017

Maintenance and care

With good quality care, a pet dog becomes a loyal companion to a person. It requires constant attention, care and careful treatment. One of the main grooming requirements is regular cleaning of the dog’s ears. In sulfur that is not removed in time, microorganisms settle and multiply, causing an inflammatory process. You should get rid of them in time.

How can you tell if your dog's ears are clean? Just look at their inside. They should be bright pink. Brown stains on the surface are sulfur and dust, which can be easily removed with a cotton pad or swab. This procedure should be carried out weekly.

Note! Does your dog constantly scratch his ears and secrete a suspicious secretion? He probably caught an infection. Take him to the vet immediately.

The second necessary care procedure is removing plaque. It forms in the dog's mouth all the time, even when he is not eating. Plaque destroys tooth enamel and therefore must be removed.

The animal also requires regular bathing. Show Spitz dogs are washed with professional shampoo every month. Also, their owner must have combs for dogs: with iron and massage teeth.

Pomeranian Spitz is a frequent “guest” in zoological beauty salons. There are a large number of options for cutting it. Usually, a dog’s thick fur is almost completely cut off for the summer, but this cannot be done for the winter.

Every day the dog's body, regardless of its haircut, is massaged with a brush. This procedure improves not only the animal’s health, but also its mood. In addition, brushing a small dog that sits in a person’s arms is an important act of bringing them together. The dog associates pleasant sensations arising in different parts of the body with the person who is nearby. This strengthens their psychological relationship.

Despite the lush fur, the dog can freeze in winter. Therefore, caring owners came up with the idea of ​​dressing her in down clothes, for example, overalls for decorative dogs. They can be purchased or ordered individually. There is no need for summer insulation of the Pomeranian Spitz.

The animal's claws are trimmed with scissors or nippers. After this, it is recommended to saw them with a soft-abrasive file. Well, the last point - if you notice dirt on the pads of your pet’s feet, it is better to remove it immediately.

Coarsened dirt is removed with a damp sponge. It's better to do this in the bathroom. By the way, so that a lap dog is not afraid to swim, it should be placed in water when it is a puppy. At the same time, it is important to speak kindly so as not to increase her fears.

Key points in training

Despite some stubbornness of primitive Spitz dogs, these dogs can and should be trained. With good contact with the owner, the pet will try his best to please in order to earn praise or a favorite treat.

Pomeranians, with the right motivation, can be trained quickly and easily. But due to their natural cunning and stubbornness, they can sometimes ignore commands. In such a situation, the main thing is not to lose self-control, not to switch to harsh methods of education; Spitz-types do not tolerate such an attitude towards themselves.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

A frightened Spitz becomes nervous and aggressive. You will have to re-establish contact and win the dog’s trust again.


A Pomeranian puppy should not eat dry food immediately after leaving its mother. It requires a lot of protein, fats and amino acids. These substances are found in raw meat, cottage cheese and cow's milk.

These 3 products are given to the dog daily for 4-6 months. Then he is transferred to an artificial diet. Food for decorative breeds of dogs contains all the substances that their body needs for a normal life. How can you tell if your dog is eating properly and is healthy? There are several signs:

  1. Shiny wool.
  2. Energy.
  3. Interest in life.
  4. Loud barking.
  5. Smooth skin.

A dog that is undernourished or overeats is less active, slow and apathetic. An adult indoor Spitz should be fed no more than 2 times a day.


The review would not be complete without saying a few words about nurseries. Those wishing to get themselves a charming Spitz are invited to visit the websites of official kennels:

  • In Moscow – https://pitomnikshpitzev.ru/?yclid=853845104023047155
  • In St. Petersburg – https://pitomniki-spb.ru/pomeranskiy-shpits-kupit'-v-spb.htm
  • In Minsk – https://solarjoy.by/pomeranskie-shpitsyi/
  • List of breeders registered in Russia and abroad - https://www.spitz-club.ru/pit/list.php

VIDEO: Information about the breed

All about the Spitz breed

All about the Spitz breed (where to buy, price, breed characteristics, care)

Reproduction and lifespan

Breeders of decorative dogs know that they can breed only those individuals that belong to the same breed species. That is, if the bitch is brown, then she should choose an appropriate partner.

However, mating dogs of different colors often results in the birth of puppies with an interesting shade of fur. But it is worth keeping in mind that they are unlikely to meet the standard and take part in exhibitions.

It is advisable to breed a male dog with a female Spitz, counting a couple of days from the beginning of her heat. Why? On the 3rd or 4th day after this, there is a high probability that she will become pregnant. Small indoor dogs live longer than large and service dogs, from 14 to 17 years.

Are boys different from girls?

There are no significant differences in the exterior of Pomeranian females and males - both must be compact in size, have a thick coat and generally comply with the official breed standard.

However, it is believed that the judges' preference at the show will be given to male dogs, since they have a more impressive appearance, look larger and have a longer and more voluminous coat.


There are many private advertisements on the Internet for the sale of cute pet dogs. The price of a Pomeranian without pedigree, health documents and veterinary passport is 10-15 thousand rubles. You should not assume that buying such a pet is an investment. He is unlikely to be selected for any animal event.

If you really plan to make money on your four-legged friend, then plan to buy him from a nursery. The cost of a purebred representative of the breed with a passport and all documents is from 35 to 50 thousand rubles. Show class puppies cost even more, starting from 60 thousand rubles.

What do the puppies look like?

During 1 year of life, the appearance of Pomeranian Spitz undergoes significant changes, which every owner of such a dog should be aware of.

Up to 1 month

Puppies are born weighing 55-125 g, they have no hearing or vision, they are absolutely defenseless and very vulnerable. The body of such babies is disproportionate: the head is large and compressed, the body is elongated, the stomach is voluminous, and the legs are short. The body is covered with faint down, through which the skin is visible; its color indicates what shade the dog's coat will be.

Blueness is a sign of the presence of any pathologies.

About 2 weeks after birth, puppies' eyes open, and at 17-21 days, their ear canals open. At the beginning of the 3rd week, babies can empty their bowels on their own, and at the end of 1 month they stand well on their paws and move actively.

Up to 2 months

At 3 weeks after birth, puppies begin teething, causing their gums to become swollen and itchy. Little Pomeranians behave restlessly.

The period from 4 to 8 weeks after birth is associated with laying the foundations of the dog’s behavior and character; at the end of 2 months they are ready to move to a new home.

3 month

The so-called baby or puppy hair begins to be replaced by an adult one. You can already determine the color of the dog.

4-5 month

At this age, puppies do not look very attractive - new hair grows gradually, which is why they seem to be not fully dressed. At the same time, the replacement of milk teeth with molars occurs.

The body of Pomeranians acquires the proportions characteristic of the breed.

6-9 month

Shedding is still ongoing, the change of teeth ends by the 7th month. In some individuals, the molars grow next to the lost milk teeth, which in such a situation must be removed at the veterinary clinic.

At 8 months, Pomeranians can already participate in their first show.

1 year

In bitches, at 9-12 months, puberty begins and the first heat begins. Another molt is taking place. The Pomeranian coat acquires its final appearance by the age of 3 years.


You cannot breed a dog during its first heat. This will negatively affect her health.

Education and socialization

Not only people, but also animals, including dogs, undergo the process of socialization. To make it as smooth and problem-free as possible for your young pet, surround him with warmth and attention. Show the dog that he is not alone in this world. Be there for him as he learns, grows, and meets other living beings.

If the socialization of a service dog implies giving it the right to cope with stress independently, then the opposite is true for a decorative dog. Remember, the Pomeranian is not a watchman, a bodyguard, or even a security guard. He is a sweet and friendly dog, ready to share his charm with anyone who smiles at him.

It is useless to teach him complex circus tricks. Such a dog will only be able to jump over a ring that is placed in front of it. You can teach her commands such as “freeze” or “down,” but this will take a long time.

Advice ! If you decide to train a Pomeranian, such as a German Shepherd, prepare treats for him, such as cheese or sausage. A lap dog will follow commands only for a reward.

Never ignore chewed furniture in the house or barking for no reason. If you show weakness even once, your pet will take advantage of the situation and conclude for itself that bad behavior is the norm in your home.


Feed your Pomeranian the best food you can get. Make up a natural diet of foods that are easily digestible and beneficial for the dog (lean meat, poultry and sea fish, vegetables (except potatoes), cereals, dairy products, add multivitamins.

Pay special attention to the completeness of the puppies’ diet until they are six months old, when they grow most intensively. Do not change the food often and do not make the menu too varied - this is an extra burden on the young body.

Ready-made industrial diets (wet or dry), appropriate for age and breed, buy super premium and holistic classes. They cannot be supplemented with vitamin complexes. Transfer your dog from one food to another and from natural food to dry food (and vice versa) gradually over 2 weeks.

A balanced diet is very important for a Spitz, because it needs energy no less than large dogs. We described a complete analysis of the diet in a separate article. From it you will learn how and what to properly feed Spitz dogs of all ages, and what is better not to give them, how to please a pregnant bitch, and how to support a sick animal with nutrition.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

Some careless owners of Pomeranians think that if they have small ears, then they don’t need to be cleaned. This is mistake. The ears are their most vulnerable part of the body.

Wax should be cleaned regularly. Without this care, the animal's ears hurt, itch and become inflamed. The most alarming symptom indicating infection is the discharge of a gray-green liquid.

Also, these cute creatures often suffer from gastritis. The disease occurs due to improper feeding. The best prevention of stomach diseases in dogs includes:

  1. Eliminating sweets from the diet, especially baked goods.
  2. Stool control.
  3. Timely correction of the animal’s poor health due to overeating.

Never ignore your pet's unwellness caused by food. Yes, one of the household members, due to inexperience or ignorance, may give him some “wrong” food.

In this case, we advise you to immediately give the animal a sorbent, for example, Enterosgel. This will help quickly remove toxins from his stomach. Caring for your Pomeranian should also include vaccination.

Nicknames for dogs

It is better to choose a short name for the Spitz so that the puppy remembers it quickly. Nicknames for boys:

  • Henry;
  • Duke;
  • Bart;
  • Casper.

Popular names for girls:

  • Amelia;
  • Snowball;
  • Bella;
  • Thea.

When choosing a nickname, you can focus on the ancient origin of Spitz, personal preferences or the special advantages of the pet.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Pomeranian Spitz is a miniature breed of decorative dogs with excellent health.
  2. The luxurious fur coat consists of a thick undercoat and guard hair - the main feature of the orange.
  3. They are active, playful, devoted dogs, and when properly trained, are non-aggressive and obedient.
  4. Pomeranians are prone to dominance and need strict but fair upbringing.
  5. Attentiveness, sensitivity and distrust make the Spitz a good guard.

Tell us in the comments what difficulties you encountered in raising your Pomeranian?

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Owner reviews

Irina T.:

“The dog is 2.5 years old, she has been living with us for 2 years - she is a fairly independent girl. But I got used to her for about six months, tried to immediately put myself in charge of her, raised her like a big dog, without concessions. So she got used to it: she doesn’t spoil things, she doesn’t beg, she doesn’t pester her with games. But she loves me more than anyone in the family, even though I’m strict with her.”

Ekaterina A.:

“I got the dog when she was six months old. I think this is the optimal age to buy a puppy, because its advantages and disadvantages and health problems are already visible. Almost immediately I realized how much money is needed to provide normal care for even a young Pomeranian. A lot of. The story of puddles all over the house continued for a year. At first Timka was afraid, but then he got used to it and followed me everywhere. Many different toys saved the furniture from puppy teeth. His voice emerged very quickly and turned out to be loud and ringing. He himself is sensitive, affectionate, restless.”

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