A story about a dog in English - examples of texts

There are a lot of people in the world who simply adore dogs and are ready to talk about them at every opportunity. Therefore, it is so important to know how to support such a conversation, what the word dog sounds like in English, what breeds there are and their characteristics. We'll tell you more about everything below.

Popular breeds

The dog breeds that can be kept in private houses and apartments differ. Where you have your own plot and yard, it is better to get a large animal that can protect the owner and his family members. Dog breeds in English with translation will be useful for your essay :

  • German shepherd - German shepherd;
  • doberman - Doberman;
  • husky - husky;
  • mastiff - mastiff, mastiff;
  • rottweiler - rottweiler.

Representatives of such breeds grow large. They need space to walk and exercise. They are rarely kept in apartments, as there is not enough space for them. It is better to take a puppy home to raise him to be a true friend and guard.

It is unusual to see large dogs in cities. But you can get a small pet that is fun to play with. Such animals will not harm children and other pets. Common ornamental breeds:

  • Pekingese - pekingese;
  • pug - pug;
  • chihuahua - chihuahua;
  • Yorkshire terrier - Yorkshire terrier;
  • spitz - spitz.

A small beloved pet does not require special care. This dog is easy to walk, it eats little, and most of the time it is active, so you won’t get bored with it. Young children enjoy playing with toy breeds and teaching them tricks.

English cocker spaniel

The English Cocker Spaniel is a true hunting dog with an excellent sense of smell and eyesight. It is difficult to get through dense thickets with his hair and especially his ears, but this born hunter is an excellent swimmer. The feet are large and even slightly webbed, ideal for paddling in water or wading through rickety swamps. The English Spaniel dog breed was bred specifically for hunting in the early 19th century. It is excellent at handing waterfowl after a shot. He runs quickly and tirelessly accompanies a person on hikes over rough terrain. Developed muscles require serious exercise. Therefore, it is worth getting a puppy if the owner really hunts or regularly runs in the mornings and evenings.

English cocker spaniel

Previously, there were strict standards for appearance. Recently, the requirements have changed; it has become easier to get a show dog from a litter of several puppies from standard parents.

Characteristic exterior features:

  • height of adults is about 40 cm;
  • weight 13-15 kg with the right physique;
  • Common colors are red, black, black and blue or tan;
  • slightly curly, soft and silky coat;
  • low set ears with long hair.

By nature, the English Cocker Spaniel dog breed is active, devoted to its owner, but distrustful of strangers.

Caution: Many spaniels have hysteria, with a hereditary tendency to this disease. When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the behavior of the ancestors, if such information is available. It is advisable to have a pet with a good pedigree, which also helps to obtain high-quality offspring based on external characteristics.

Description of appearance

It’s better to start your text about a dog in English with how exactly the animal appeared in the house. Then you need to talk a little about the breed and describe the appearance of the pet. All dogs have the same body parts - four paws, sharp long teeth, a wet cold nose and whiskers. Otherwise, different breeds may differ.

The main difference is the color and structure of the coat:

  • short - short;
  • long - long;
  • smooth, straight - straight;
  • curly - curly;
  • white - white;
  • black - black;
  • gray - gray;
  • red - red;
  • brown or brown - brown.

Typically large breeds have smooth coats that can be long or short. In decorative plants it is often curly. Almost all dogs have the same eyes, only their color differs - blue, brown, yellow, almost black. The body structure is also similar: wide chests in males, more graceful torsos in females.

Dachshunds are elongated and have short legs. Shepherds are tall because they have long legs. Bulldogs and Boxers have a dense body with short, powerful legs. And most decorative breeds are miniature - they have a tiny body with thin legs. In some dogs, the body is completely hidden under thick and long hair. Because of this, they appear huge, even thick. But if you bathe them, the fur will stick to the skin, then you can see the structure of the body.

Ears may differ:

  • long - long;
  • standing - standing;
  • hanging - hanging;
  • docked - cropped;
  • shaggy - shaggy.

The tail can also be long or docked, smooth or shaggy. The muzzle of dogs is also different. It can be flattened, flat, elongated, square - flattened, flat, elongated, square.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is an indoor decorative dog that is currently popular. The little ones, originally from England, evoke affection at first sight. They first appeared in the north of the country, on peasant farms, where they repelled rodents and accompanied peasants on business trips. Then the common people were forbidden to keep large pets capable of hunting on the landowners' lands.

Indoor decorative dog

This is one of the smallest English dog breeds - the photo conveys the diminutiveness of the Yorkshire Terrier, which is hiding headlong in the tall grass. According to the standard, body weight should not exceed 3100 g, any height. The coat is long, thin and shiny, without clipping it falls evenly and straight down the sides to the floor. There is no undercoat, only a coat, like a human's. Therefore, hair practically does not fall out, except when damaged or intensively combed. The absence of shedding benefits family members prone to allergic reactions. Furniture and carpets remain clean.

The color is silver-blue or golden-red-brown, in various combinations. Standardization is difficult, although experts have tried to describe in detail the main exterior options. Light Yorkshire Terriers are the result of crossing with lap dogs; such hybrids have the silkiest fur. Dark dogs have wavy hair, slightly curly in contrast to the straight hair of lapdogs.

Important: Yorkshire Terrier puppies are born almost black. This is not a deviation from the norm; with age, the fur becomes lighter, starting from the head.

Only uncut pets participate in exhibitions. In everyday life, floor-length hair gets in the way, so it is collected in curlers. For walks, wear overalls on the body and special socks on the paws. At the top of the head, the bangs are twisted into a ponytail or top knot. It is not necessary to dock the tail according to the new standards; this issue is left to the discretion of the owners.

Yorkshire Terriers are in great need of their owner's attention. Ready to constantly follow a person, at least in their arms or in a carrying bag. A hunting instinct has been developed, which is why pets, on occasion, eat insects that have fallen from the nest of chicks and rodents abandoned by predators. You need to monitor this and select unwanted prey in a timely manner. It is better to protect puppies from children, since a child can accidentally injure a tiny baby.

Pet character

Dogs differ in their character, lifestyle and behavior. It depends on what type the breed belongs to. The International Canine Federation distinguishes only ten classes:

  • shepherds - shepherds;
  • mountain - mountain;
  • terriers - terriers;
  • dachshund - dachshund;
  • primitive and spitz - primitive and spitz;
  • hounds - hounds;
  • cops - pointing;
  • aquatic - water;
  • decorative - decorative;
  • greyhounds.

Herding dogs are loyal and obedient. They are easy to train, get along well with small children and can protect their owner in case of danger. You can go hiking with mountain climbers. They easily cover long distances and climb to heights. These are patient and hardy dogs. Terriers are very energetic, they sleep and rest little. The breeds are adventurous, not afraid of danger, and often play the role of protectors.

Dachshunds are good bloodhounds. They have a developed sense of smell, so they are often taken hunting. Spitz and primitive breeds are very cute, but at the same time loyal to their owner. They are active and mischievous, easily learning commands and tricks. Hounds are indispensable during hunting. They are considered desperate dogs, capable of taking on enemies much larger than themselves.

Cops are also called gun cops. They are also taken with them on hunting trips. They bring the shot game to their owner. Water rocks help you learn to swim. These are calm and hardy dogs that will pull their owner out of the water in case of danger. Toy breeds are bred for play and entertainment, although they are easy to teach tricks. Greyhounds are used during hunting to bait prey. These are smart, gentle and loyal animals.

Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is a burrow hunter from the British Isles. If you compare the English dog breeds in the photo, you will immediately notice its adaptability to chasing an animal in a hole. Short muscular legs, large head with powerful jaws, rough short fur. Exterior features allow dogs to move deftly in confined spaces and effectively grab fairly strong prey. Most often they are used to catch foxes and badgers in branched underground corridors. Also for reconnaissance before a hunt, to determine by smell whether wild animals are hiding in holes. On the farm, pets destroy a lot of rats and rabbits that destroy granaries and straw warehouses.

Burrow hunter from the British Isles

The breeding of Jack Russell Terriers continued throughout most of the 19th century. The Jack Russell breeder, an avid fox hunter, took fox terriers as a basis. When crossing with various terriers, he selected among the offspring those most adapted to climbing burrows. He also welcomed physical strength and courage, the tendency to chase prey long and hard. Prick ears were undesirable, although they are still seen occasionally.

The breeder did not attach much importance to the color of the coat, but white with brown spots on the head and in the back of the back is considered classic. More rarely, reddish spots are combined with black ones; such animals probably had bulldogs among their ancestors. The white spotted helper cannot be confused with the red fox, which is similar in size. The height of an adult Jack Russell Terrier is between 25-30 cm, weight 5-6 kg.

Important: There are a huge number of outwardly similar crossbreeds - with bulldogs, bull terriers, Lakeland terriers, Sealyham terriers. Not all such dogs are capable of hunting effectively. Some are bred specifically for dog fighting, now banned in the UK.

Dog training

Any dog ​​needs to be trained and trained. This applies to all breeds, even decorative and primitive ones. Classes should begin as early as two months; it is at this age that puppies go to their owners.

First you need to toilet train your pet so that he doesn’t pee on the carpet or bed. Diapers are used for this. They cover a fenced area and place the puppy there after every meal and sleep. Then these diapers are taken out for a walk and the dog is taught to go to the toilet outside.

Training begins at about three months. By the age of one year, the animal must obey its owner and fulfill his demands without hesitation. Basic dog commands in English with translation:

  • sit - sit;
  • lie down - couch;
  • paw - give me a paw;
  • walk - walk;
  • you can’t - no, stop;
  • nearby - nearby;
  • place - a place;
  • to me - come to me;
  • forward - forward;
  • alien - enemy.

There are other commands, but they are not considered mandatory. At five to six months the dog must undergo a training course. She is taken to a dog handler, who helps the owner train her correctly. After this, the dog can go up and down open stairs, overcome barriers, attack the enemy and defend the owner.

Don't forget about rest. The dog should walk 2-3 times a day, play with balls and other objects that it loves, and receive treats for following commands. You definitely need to communicate with your pet, encourage him with words and patting him on the head. Animals understand voice intonation, so you need to watch your pronunciation. Some dogs react to their owner's emotions. When he is sad, they try to calm him down. And in joyful moments they have fun with him.

golden retriever

The Golden Retriever is one of the most beautiful English dog breeds. Created by crossing many others, including the Flat-Coated Retriever, Setter and Newfoundland. Officially recognized by the dog breeding community in 1913. Subsequently, goldens were crossed with bloodhounds in order to improve their sense of smell and increase their body size.

One of the most beautiful English dog breeds

The sizes are relatively large, gender differences are pronounced: males reach a height of 56-61 cm and a weight of 26-41 kg, females reach a height of 51-61 cm and weigh 25-37 kg. The physique is powerful, muscular, wide head and chest, long strong neck, strong paws, straight tail. The ears are hanging, set approximately at eye level. The color is golden or cream, small white spots are allowed. Fur that is too light is considered an anomaly, and such individuals are not allowed to breed.

Golden Retrievers were originally created for hunting. Then other activities were found for sensitive animals with a good memory: participation in rescue operations, searching for drugs and explosives at customs. They have a good character and no tendency to dominate. These are ideal companions for children, people with visual impairments and mobility impairments. Four-legged friends patiently accompany fellow travelers and help them navigate difficult situations. They are commonly used as companion dogs and therapy dogs. Many films have been made about the gentle and artistic Golden Retrievers.

Note: Golden Retrievers rarely bark. Therefore, they are not suitable as watchdogs. In addition, being kept on a chain can traumatize the friendly psyche of the animal.

Host Responsibilities

A dog is not a living toy, but an animal with its own requirements and character. And the owner must fulfill some responsibilities related to raising and training the pet. First of all, you need to provide the animal with its own place. For large breeds, a warm blanket is suitable; for small breeds, you can buy special soft beds in pet stores.

Two bowls are placed near the dog's bed - for food and water. It is better to place them on a stand so that the pet does not bend over while eating, otherwise his spine will be bent. It is important to monitor your diet - it must be balanced. You can give your animal ready-made food or include only natural products in the diet: milk and cottage cheese, raw meat, vegetables and fruits, herbs. But you need to add vitamins, fish oil and microelements.

Any dog ​​must be walked, otherwise it will not get out of the habit of going to the toilet at home. The puppy should be outside 5-6 times a day for 15 minutes. Until he is five months old, he should not be allowed to walk on the stairs; he must be carried out in his arms. Then the number of walks is reduced to three, and an adult dog can be allowed outside only twice a day.

The owner's responsibilities include raising the dog. You need to teach him to calmly react to passers-by and other animals, and to behave quietly in crowded places. It is imperative that you complete a training course so that your pet can follow all commands flawlessly.

But don’t forget about simple communication. You can conduct a normal dialogue with a dog: a person speaks, and she reacts by tilting her head or using her voice. It is not permissible to pamper your pet too much. He must understand who is in charge in the house and obey the owner.

It is enough for an obedient dog to say “no!” for him to stop playing around. Raising an animal is a complex but interesting process. You need to love the animal, then it will reciprocate.

Relationships with others

Every day on the street the dog sees people and other animals. She may react to them differently. Sometimes a dog can show unexpected aggression or, on the contrary, communicate affectionately with strangers.

Possible reactions:

  • barking - barking;
  • growl - growl;
  • wagging tail - wagging tail;
  • attack and bite;
  • indifference - indifference;
  • chase - chase.

The dog growls and barks when it warns of its aggression. She often reacts this way to drunk or angry people and other dangers. If someone attacks the owner, she can jump on the enemy and bite him. A similar reaction occurs in animals that show aggression.

When a dog sees the person he loves, he begins to wag his tail. The animal may whine and squeal, rush towards you, and jump on your shoulders. The dog chases cats and birds, loves to scare and tease them.

During walks, the animal should calmly react to passers-by who do not pose any danger. Indifference is the usual state of a pet on the street and in crowded places.

Many parents are afraid to get a dog because they are worried about its relationship with their children. In fact, these animals get along with babies, often even protecting and rescuing them. You can safely buy a puppy and raise it with your child. They will become true comrades and help each other develop faster. Children will learn independence and responsibility, and animals will become more patient and restrained.

English setter

The English Setter is a pointing hunting dog. He perfectly catches the smell in the air with his upper sense. Having discovered prey, it quietly takes a characteristic stance in anticipation of the shot.

The ancestors of setters were ancient English dog breeds - the photo confirms the similarity with images in ancient paintings. Representatives of the feudal nobility loved to order portraits surrounded by their pets. With the spread of firearms, they decided to make hunting assistants faster, more dexterous and more beautiful. After much inbreeding and selection, a new standard emerged in the 19th century.

The English Setter is a pointing hunting dog.

The height of males is 65-68 cm, females - 61-65 cm. Weight is 20-25 kg. Tall, graceful and elegant setters attract with their noble appearance. The joints of the paws are located in one line, strong muscles powerfully push the graceful body forward. The hair is long, slightly wavy, but not curly. The color is speckled, two-color or three-color. Usually, black, brown, yellow or orange spots are scattered throughout the body on a white background. Less commonly, the base tone is dark, with light spotting.

The Setter's character combines energy and good nature. The dog is ready to gallop for a long time in nature, enjoying freedom and the excitement of the hunt. He is friendly towards people and does not show aggression. Security and guard properties have been reduced.

Important: Setters require a lot of exercise. Frequent and thorough grooming is also necessary. It is recommended to buy a puppy if the owners have enough time to care for it, or it is possible to entrust the care of the pet to professionals.

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