Links Your Guide to the World of Dalmatians and Dogs

  • Dalmatian

Dalmatians are active and freedom-loving dogs with an athletic build. They are very energetic and active. Dogs are ideal for active and athletic people.

  1. Country of origin : Croatia
  2. Height at withers : male: 56-62 cm; female: 54-50 cm
  3. Weight : male: 40-45 kg; female: 32-35 kg
  4. Lifespan : 10-13 years
  5. Use : Companion Dog

Buying a Dalmatian puppy is a responsible and important action that you need to think carefully about before doing. This is especially true for those people who are going to become truly responsible dog breeders. The question of choice should be approached carefully and without haste, comparing your own habits, daily routine and the nature of the chosen breed. When the future owner has decided on the breed, a new dilemma arises: how to find a bona fide breeder? Here you need to be extremely careful not to become a prematurely disappointed dog owner.

Buying a Dalmatian puppy is a very exciting event, because you can say that a new family member will appear. To ensure that the event does not overshadow anything, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a breeder. There are no bad dog breeds; you can simply run into an unscrupulous breeder for whom money comes first. The future owner is at great risk of buying an animal that has a lot of health problems. It is for this reason that you need, first of all, to get to know the breeder well, read reviews about him and the like.

Dog kennel BEST. Dalmatian Mastino Napoletano

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Description:BEST kennel was registered on 06/19/00, is part of the International Kennel Union, and is engaged in breeding Dalmatians
Contacts:Moscow, metro station Domodedovskaya, Kashirskoye shosse, 90 (495)3439274

Description of the Dalmatian breed

The Dalmatian is a wonderful dog with an unusual color. It was this breed that inspired the British writer Dodie Smith to write the story “101 Dalmatians”; later, based on the book, the Walt Disney Pictures corporation released an animated film in 1961, which immediately became very popular. Also based on the book, a film of the same name directed by Stephen Herek appeared on the screen in 1996. The book, cartoon and film undoubtedly added to the popularity of this animal, but a dog of such an amazing color would hardly have gone unnoticed by dog ​​breeders.

History of the origin of the breed

Dalmatians are a very ancient breed of dog, its name comes from the ancient Yugoslav province of Dalmatia. There are many ambiguities in the history of this breed, because some dog experts argue that spotted dogs first appeared in Egypt, because it was there that the oldest fresco was found, which depicts a spotted racing dog next to a chariot. Another legend says that Dalmatians descended from the spotted dogs of Florence, because it is there, in the temple of Santa Maria Novella, that frescoes from 1360 depicting a Dalmatian are located.

Dalmatian photo.

England is considered the second homeland of the Dalmatian; its forefathers settled there more than four hundred years ago. The ancient Dalmatians were brought to English territory by traders and nomads, and soon gained popularity among the aristocratic nobility. Dalmatians have become not only beloved pets, but also indispensable companions for rich crews; Sometimes this breed is also called carriage dogs. The British selected 4-5 month old puppies and taught them various tricks so that they could accompany the crew. The puppies were tied together with adult dogs near the front axle of the carriage and set off on the road. This test allowed us to see the hardiest Dalmatians.

Dalmatians confirmed not only the influence and wealth of the owner, but also could protect them from attackers or wild animals. Also, dogs of this breed are excellent fire fighters; in ancient England, one could see a flock of loudly barking Dalmatians racing on the street, running in front of fire trucks. Thanks to his unusual appearance and cheerful character, the Dalmatian became a circus star and one of the most popular dogs in the world.

Dalmatian breed standard

  • Head: comparatively long and moderately wide; the skull is flat and quite wide between the ears, the temples have good expression; the skin is pressed tightly to the skull. The muzzle is elongated, but not narrow. The nose is large with wide nostrils; in black-spotted dogs it is black, in brown-spotted dogs it is brown. Teeth white, scissor-like taste; jaws are strong.
  • Eyes: medium size, round. Black-spotted dogs are dark brown, while brown-spotted dogs are tan to amber in color.
  • Ears: hanging ears of medium length and size; set high; the ends of the ears are rounded.
  • Body. The neck is long and beautiful, tapering towards the head, without dewlap. The body is proportional with a strong and level back, as well as a muscular and slightly rounded lower back; the croup has a slight slope; The dog's chest is moderately wide, but strong and voluminous; The ribs are proportional and long, the rib bone is slightly rounded, but not flat.
  • Forelegs: straight with rounded and strong bones; The dog's shoulders are moderately sloping and muscular; elbows tightly pressed to the body; pasterns are level, but with a slight slope.
  • Hindquarters: Round and muscular. When viewed from the side, they are straight and parallel to each other. The hocks have a good slope; The hock joint is strong and well sloping. The paw is cat-like, round and compact; The pads are round and elastic. The claws are black or brown depending on the color of the Dalmatian.
  • Tail: Well set, reaching to the hock joint. Powerful at the base and gradually thin towards the end; The length is moderate, the volume is not large.
  • Coat: short coat, slightly rough to the touch, thick and shiny.

Standard Dalmatian photo (dog from Guardian Angel T kennel).

Dalmatian breed color

The color of the Dalmatian is spotted. Black or brown spots measuring 2-3 cm in diameter appear on a white base; spots are round, do not merge with each other, have a pronounced contour; the spots on the head and paws are much smaller than on the body.

Dalmatian sizes

  • Male: height - 56-61 cm; weight - 27-32 kg.
  • Female: height - 54-59 cm; 24-29 kg.

Dalmatian character

Dalmatians are considered capable and intelligent dogs that, with the right training, can achieve great results. In ancient times and in our time, Dalmatians were used to hunt small and large animals. But some owners consider this breed to be not entirely capable, and that’s because they are inexperienced in dog training. The Dalmatian is great for experienced owners with a large family and lots of space.

Dalmatian video about the breed

Dogs of this breed are very cheerful and playful, it should be mentioned that they are capable of becoming very attached to their owner. They don't like being alone and either start to feel sad or rant about everything around them. In truth, Dalmatians have a proud character, they are a little vindictive and will not forget someone who hurt them. But at the same time, Dalmatians are gentle household members and devoted guards, always ready to protect and protect. Even in ancient England, as a fireman, the Dalmatian saved more than one human life.

Training this dog requires a lot of strength and effort. In the first days of killing a Dalmatian under your roof, you need to show him who’s boss. Persistence, patience, and a little love will help teach this dog everything his heart desires. Dalmatians need to be trained frequently and persistently; they have a good memory, thanks to which they become actors, circus dogs, hunters, guards and even guide dogs.

Before adopting a dog from the kennel

Any pet with character and emotions. Call a friend who already has an animal if you have not interacted with animals. Relatives may have a negative attitude towards the decision to adopt a dog - convince them and get their consent. Walk the dog yourself, or arrange with relatives. Remember, the dog is usually walked 3 times a day. If you have children, they should be able to get along with animals. Teach them not to hurt your pet. The child should not touch the pet when she is eating or sleeping. You cannot scare or shout at the animal.

Symphony of Stars

This would seem to be a very simple question. I called (or wrote in the messenger), asked the price, came, chose and bought. However, no, everything is much more complicated. But let's take things in order.

I rarely have puppies. No more than once a year. But nevertheless, the rest of the time I still have to communicate with those who want to buy a Dalmatian puppy. Often you have to communicate with them after... After they bought a puppy, but somewhere else. And often such communication is very unhappy. Everything is awry, there are a lot of problems, and there is no advice from the breeder on what to do. Or it disappeared altogether after the sale. So what to do, how to choose the right puppy?

Now in Russia there are a sufficient number of Dalmatian nurseries and simply competent breeders involved in this breed. Those who love her. Giving themselves to her without reserve. Start your choice not with a puppy. Yes exactly. Start your choice with a breeder. After all, this is the person who will be your support and support throughout the life of your Dalmatian, and often becomes your friend for life. A person who won’t leave you alone with a problem if trouble suddenly happens. Who won’t tell you “I don’t know, it’s all your fault,” or “My dogs don’t have such problems, I don’t know anything.” And he will look for a solution to the issue together with you. This is a person who will share his experience and knowledge with you. And if suddenly there are not enough of them, he will definitely advise you to contact one of the specialized specialists.

Don't be shy about talking to the breeder BEFORE purchasing your puppy. Ask him questions. And listen carefully to the answers. Optimistic “Yes, yes, yes! Everything is exactly as you need it, as you want it! Everything is great!” should alert you. Because no self-respecting or respected breeder will hide the nuances and shortcomings of the breed. And of course they exist. There are no breeds without flaws. He will honestly tell you everything about the breed, all its pros and cons. He will ask you about yourself, about your family, about your lifestyle, and perhaps recommend a puppy of the opposite sex, or to wait, or to pay attention to another breed. For such a person, selling a puppy is not an end in itself. His goal is to find each spotted baby a family in which everyone will be happy. Both the Dalmatian and his owners.

Listen to the breeder. And most importantly, ask yourself the question “Is this person on the same wavelength as me or not? Do we have mutual understanding? I like this breeder as a person? " And if you honestly answer “Yes!” answer all three questions, then go see the puppies. This will be the right choice. You have taken the first right step on a long and very exciting path - being the owner of a Dalmatian.

The first thing to do

Plan when you will take your dog for vaccinations. Bring toys for him to play with. Prepare a place and train your pet to this place. Necessary things:

  • Dry food,
  • clothes,
  • Shampoo,
  • Oral hygiene product,
  • Brush (comb),
  • Claw clipper.

If you want to add your organization, fill out the form below: Indicate the name of the nursery, its description and provide contact information. We will be glad to add you to our directory.

Photos of Dalmatians

Dalmatian puppy photo 1 month.

Dalmatian puppies photo.

Dalmatian puppies 2 months photo.

Photos of Dalmatian puppies 1 month old.

Photo of a Dalmatian dog.

Dalmatian dogs photo.

Dalmatian dog photo

Dalmatian photo.

Dalmatian photo

Dalmatian 2 months photo.

You can see the photos of Dalmatians posted above thanks to the Guardian Angel nursery, whose owners took them. The address of the nursery's website can be found below, in the section where to buy a Dalmatian puppy.

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