French bulldog - 120 photos, description of the breed from A to Z, tips for choosing a dog, everything you need to know about the bulldog

Review author: “ZooVita”

Dogs that look so cute that they leave no one indifferent. The description of the French bulldog also states that pets have the peculiarity of snoring, and not only during sleep. These are very good-natured and intelligent dogs; keeping them in the house is a pleasure. The breed belongs to a number of decorative breeds, and therefore requires care and attention. More details about everything in this article.

Features and history of French bulldogs

From a photo of a French bulldog it is worth appreciating the nobility and beauty of the pets of this breed. With proper training, a dog can be trained to protect its owner. Therefore, a seemingly decorative animal can become a full-fledged guard.

As for the history of the breed, it is not the French breeders who can boast of its breeding, but the British. The prim inhabitants of Foggy Albion who lived back in the 19th century wanted to be the owners of small dogs with a good disposition, obedient and very unusual. In addition, so that they can be kept exclusively in the house.

The modern breed is descended from the smallest English bulldogs crossed with pugs and terriers. It is thanks to the latter that the French bulldog differs significantly from the English one.

The breed has taken root well among working people. By the end of the 19th century, many Englishmen began to move to France to find work. Most of them took their pets with them.

By the way, even in those days, French bulldogs were excellent at catching mice, which saved farms from losing large amounts of crops. Of course, the French also fell in love with these cute pets and began breeding them.

These four-legged friends came to the territory of our country at the beginning of the last century. Puppies at that time cost prohibitively large sums, so only the rich got dogs.

Extinct Bulldog Species

In addition to the listed bulldog breeds, there are dogs belonging to extinct species. The ban on bullying and the lack of attempts to gain official recognition led to their disappearance.

Old English

The purebred Old English Bulldog is a fairly large dog, very different from modern representatives. All original individuals have long since died out, so to create the most similar animals, breeders used the following similar breeds:

  • ambuli;
  • pit bulls;
  • English bulldogs;
  • Bullmastiffs.

The FCI refused to recognize the new version of the Old English boules. Even the benefits received did not influence the decision. Among the most important are the absence of unmotivated aggression and a longer muzzle, which makes breathing easier.

Despite their easy-going nature, these four-legged dogs need an experienced and confident owner. Otherwise, the animals will never recognize his authority.

Appearance of French Bulldogs

The description of the French bulldog breed states that it has a massive, strong build, a small tail, a large head, and large ears. The dog is quite compact, weighing no more than 15 kg. Bitches – up to 10 kg. The height at the withers of adult individuals reaches 30-35 cm.

The French Bulldog's legs are strong and very muscular. The forelimbs are slightly shorter than the hind limbs. The head is wide, almost square. There are quite a few wrinkles on the forehead. The nose is not flattened, but gentle. The forehead is slightly convex. The eyes are big. In some individuals they are slightly outstretched.

The coat is beautiful, shiny, short. The coat is thin, without undercoat, so the pet can hardly tolerate extreme cold. Another feature is difficulty breathing with wheezing and snoring.

Many people call French bulldogs “grunts.” It is considered normal if a pet begins to sniffle when significantly excited. Let's say night snoring. If the snoring is strong and constant, it is advisable to show the dog to a veterinarian to rule out respiratory tract pathologies.

How did the bulldog breed appear?

England is recognized as the birthplace of the breed. Before the ban on cruel sports, bulldogs fought other dogs, bulls, lions and bears. Only the strongest and most ferocious four-legged animals were allowed into the fighting ring, so for a long time when breeding them, emphasis was placed only on these qualities. It was unwise to keep such dangerous animals as pets.

Thanks to animal rights activists, a total ban on dog fighting was adopted in 1859. Aggressive dogs turned out to be unclaimed, and breeders decided to modernize them by “infusion of blood” from more good-natured pets. Thanks to this, modern bulldogs are very different from their ancestors.

French bulldog color

The coat tones of these dogs are quite varied. There are monochromatic individuals, often born fawn, brindle, or simply with scattered spots. The most fashionable color now is the blue French bulldog. This is a very noble gray tone with a bluish undertone. Beige, white, cream, and black French bulldogs are also held in high esteem.

How much does an English bulldog cost?

An English bulldog can be bought in Russia with or without documents.
If you have chosen a puppy without documents, then the purchase will not be too burdensome for the family budget: you will pay between 2500-5000 rubles. But in this case, you should be prepared for the fact that you are buying a “pig in a poke.” In the sense that no one guarantees you the purity of the breed. When buying a registered puppy from a breeder, be prepared to spend a lot of money. An English bulldog with an “identity card” costs about 23,000 - 35,000 rubles.

A descendant of titled parents and a future champion of various exhibitions will cost about 40,000 - 70,000 rubles.

What is the temperament of a French bulldog?

The character of the French Bulldog is quite docile. In addition, he gets along well with children. This breed is quite well-mannered and perfectly trainable if you handle your pet correctly.

French bulldog puppies are very active creatures, they can rush back and forth every now and then, they love to play and frolic. At this age, “children” love walks.

Even as puppies, French bulldogs demonstrate a fairly sharp mind and quick wit. Pets are friendly to all members of the family, no matter how large it is.

Adult Frenchies love to play and cuddle. Therefore, if the owners are constantly away, or are overly busy at work, it is not worth getting this animal. Many experts also say that a French bulldog will not get along with a cat, these pets must be raised from childhood, then the “cat and dog” effect can be avoided.

However, in practice this is often not the case. Frenchies become excellent friends with other pets and quickly find a common language with them. The main thing is not to leave bulldogs alone for a long time.

Training and education

It is difficult to classify the English Bulldog as a breed whose representatives can lay claim to the title of beauty champions. However, they also need training, even minimal.

The English Bulldog is a true gentleman

A strong-willed person with a strong and patient character must teach a dog “rules of decency” and train it. Only having such qualities can you cope with this breed, since it can show disobedience and basic laziness.

You should start training by teaching your English Bulldog to use a leash. It shouldn't be too long or too short. Many people think that if the leash is short, it will help hold the dog more securely. However, this is a misconception, since in this case the dog, on the contrary, will begin to break free.

Having put a collar with a leash of optimal length (2-2.5 m) on the bulldog, start moving forward, giving the dog the command “Near!” At the same time, make sure that she walks next to the left side, without running ahead or falling behind. When you are sure that your pet has learned to walk well in a straight line, start learning turns in different directions, as well as a full turn.

It is important to teach your English Bulldog to sit when you stop. To do this, command him to “Sit!” The command should be accompanied by the following action: place your left hand on his croup and press lightly. A few lessons will be enough for the dog to understand: every time the owner stops, he must sit down, even if he does not say the command. And even more so, she must learn that she needs to sit down every time the command “Sit!” pronounced.

Walking with English Bulldogs

Caring for a French Bulldog

This dog cannot be kept outside in a kennel. This breed is decorative and ideal for an apartment or house. The French bulldog does not tolerate heat and cold well, which should be taken into account when keeping animals. The pet does not take up much space in the apartment; it needs its own furnished corner in the form of a small bed or miniature sofa.

The dog should be kept in shape, so it is important to monitor your French Bulldog's diet and walk your pet regularly. The French simply love to eat a lot. But fatty meats and sausage are contraindicated for them.

To prevent the animal from suffering from obesity, it is advisable to adhere to the dosages indicated on the food bags and not feed food from the table. Occasionally you can pamper yourself with steamed meatballs.

It is advisable to regularly wipe your pet's eyes and clean his ears. These measures will prevent infection and eliminate a number of diseases. A rusty discharge is sometimes observed from the eyes of bulldogs with light fur. They definitely need to be removed.

It is also important to keep your bulldog vaccinated on time. You don't have to bathe your Frenchie very often. Veterinarians advise carrying out this procedure at least 3-4 times a year. You can use a hairdryer. The main thing is to thoroughly dry your pet's skin.

The rest of the time, it is enough to wipe the coat with a damp towel and wash the paws after walks. In addition, the French Bulldog should be brushed with a soft brush to massage and remove dead hair.

Many breeders recommend that French bulldogs brush their teeth with specialized products. This is done no more than once a week. But the procedure can be replaced with bones to remove tartar. And yet, it is important to trim the nails about once every 3-4 weeks.

History of the breed

Although the dogs are called French bulldogs, they originated in the county of Nottingham, England. Local seamstresses who made wicker tablecloths and napkins bred a mini bulldog to crush rats in the sewing workshops.

Over time, hard times began in England, and at the end of the 19th century, Nottingham seamstresses moved to France for a better life, taking their dogs with them.

It was then that in France these small dogs began to gain their popularity. Many French people fell in love with them and began to have small bulldogs in their homes as cute pets. After all, in addition to catching rats, they also had a wonderful character and good nature.

It is believed that small bulldogs came to Paris itself at the expense of aristocrats, but at first they were the favorites of French courtesans, and photo cards that depict naked or half-naked women with mini bulldogs prove this. These courtesans belonged to the elite class, and were visited by wealthy aristocrats.

This is how bulldogs found their way into high society, after which a real boom in bulldog mania began in 1880: dogs became part of French fashion.

As far as we know, Paris was the flagship of world fashion, which the whole world followed, so French bulldogs came to America already in 1890, where they gained even greater popularity, since seven years later a club for bulldog lovers opened in America. Afterwards, the popularity of dogs spreads throughout the world.

Photos of French bulldogs


A small breed bred in the USA . Currently not recognized by major dog breeding associations. The dogs are a cross between a Louisiana Catahoula leopard dog and an American bulldog (in the first generation the blood is 50:50, in subsequent generations it is 75:25).

The first representatives of the breed appeared, according to assumptions, as a result of crossing the Beauceron, the red wolf and local Indian dogs. They were used for hunting, but were unable to hold large prey. To enhance power and fighting skills, the blood of American bulldogs was mixed into the Catahoulas, resulting in a more squat and massive animal.

The height of dogs at the withers is 55-66 cm , body weight is 34-45 kg . The dog's body is massive, but not overloaded, muscular, with fairly high, straight legs. head is powerful with a wide skull. The muzzle is shortened, with a voluminous jaw. A typical scissor bite is characteristic. The skin is thick, with folds on the muzzle.

The ears are drooping and can be cropped. Eyes are brown, blue, amber or multi-colored. coat is short, smooth, and often has no undercoat. The color is inherited from the Catahoula leopard dog and can be merle gray, white, black or brown with brindle, tan, spots, and also a merle variant.

These are very hardy dogs, active, agile, with a pronounced hunting instinct. They are balanced, attached to their owner, distrustful of strangers, and protect their territory.

Buying a puppy is very difficult; the price is negotiated individually with the breeder.

Owner reviews

We have collected both positive and negative reviews for you to make it easier for you to make your choice.

Irina S. We bought a female French bulldog for our daughter. Charming little girl - smart, kind, playful. Think about what your dog will do when you are not home. She was bored and started chasing cats and getting it from them. A very active breed, not for lazy people. I had to increase the walking time so that the dog would get tired.

Oleg R. If you think that an English bulldog is such a lump that will sit on the sofa and sleep all the time, you are mistaken. The puppy will need to be trained from day one, otherwise he will sit on his head. We slightly missed the point of education. The dog did not listen to any commands and bullied all the dogs in the area. Their character is iron, just donkey stubbornness.

Olga Z. And I want to say that the breed should be chosen to suit your lifestyle. We live in a private house - we bought an American bulldog. They wanted both a guard and a companion. We got everything as we wanted. Only more bonuses. First, he snores. Strong and always. As you age, the sound of snoring increases. The second thing is drool. Third, it’s difficult for him in the summer. The car must have air conditioning and a cooling mat on the river.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • in the group you can find a breed that is suitable for keeping both in an apartment and a large house;
  • peaceful disposition;
  • developed intelligence;
  • high security qualities;
  • communication skills;
  • sense of territory;
  • love children.
  • stubbornness;
  • tendency to dominate;
  • laziness and apathy during the training process;
  • the need to select a special diet;
  • poor health;
  • impossibility of transporting a dog on an airplane.
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