Maltipoo dog - description, features and character of the breed

Poodles are one of the smartest dogs in the world, but essentially they are primarily a toy breed.

Due to their ability to be easily trained, poodles are very popular in the circus arts.

Their appearance attracts the attention of women, and their ability to get along with children makes them excellent family dogs.

The breed will also become an excellent companion and companion in all human affairs.

In addition, there are several varieties of poodles, varying in size, so everyone can choose a pet that is right for them.

History of the breed

A wonderful pet for the whole family
It’s worth saying right away that the Maltipoo is a breed of dog resulting from crossing. In the eighties of the last century, Australian dog breeder Vali Conron set out to create a hypoallergenic guide dog. The task is not easy! He took two miniature breeds as his base - the Maltese and the toy poodle (so, this is not at all a cross between a lapdog and a Spitz, as some fanciers believe). The result was a rather interesting breed, which adopted the hypoallergenicity of the poodle and the intelligence of the lapdog. It was from them that she got her name - Maltese and Poodle.

History of the origin of the Maltipoo

English breeders were the first to cross a toy poodle with a Maltese twenty-five years ago. The goal is to produce miniature dogs with the charm of a lapdog and the intelligence and curiosity of a poodle, which, moreover, would be suitable for allergy sufferers.

By early 2000, Maltipoodles had become popular among American breeders. Due to the high cost of puppies, only Hollywood stars and famous politicians who wanted to emphasize their high status with an exclusive pet could afford them.

After photos of American celebrities' Maltipoodles began to be published in the media, the excitement around the decorative breed reached its peak. Miniature dogs have gained a lot of fans all over the world; in America they have their own canine organization (“Hybrid Dog Club”) and several fan clubs.

In Russia, the Maltipoo breed gained popularity in 2011. Many Russian pop stars have adopted dogs, among them Sergei Zhukov, a member of the mega-popular group “Hands Up”. He tried to organize a business to import Pu-Malti puppies to the Russian Federation, but this was not possible, because due to the rapidly growing demand for the miniature breed, experienced breeders took over the business, and the singer could not stand the competition.

To this day, the designer breed is not recognized as an independent breed by any cynological organization in the world. Charming, sweet creatures do not have a generally accepted standard for appearance and, most likely, will not find one in the next decades.

Russian breeding specialists also speak unflatteringly about the dogs, believing that they do not represent much practical value, and their cost is too high. Breeders of the breed do not agree with this assessment and present their own arguments in defense of their pets, the most significant of which remains the anti-allergenic nature of animal fur.

Description of the breed. Maltipoo F1 and F2: what is the difference

It is immediately worth noting that there are two types of hybrids: F1 and F2.

The smallest variety

The F1 Maltipoo is a mix between a poodle and a lapdog.
They are more appreciated and considered cuter. Indeed, such dogs resemble small bear cubs and it is very difficult to resist cuddling the tiny pet. Interesting! The average cost of F1 puppies ranges from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.
* But their F2 category relatives can be purchased for 20-30 thousand. The second generation hybrids are called F2, that is, Maltese poodles crossed with toy poodles. They are already more like poodles and therefore are valued less. So they can be purchased at a more affordable price.

Reviews about the breed

“We welcomed a gorgeous boy 4 weeks ago. And he is the best puppy in the world. If you are looking for a kind, affectionate and obedient companion dog, I would not recommend anyone else."

“This breed is simply amazing! From the very first contact it was clear that she was the right fit for us. After speaking with the breeder on the phone, we were invited to meet the beautiful four week old puppy. He was charming and his mother looked absolutely wonderful. Now this is an adult dog and our family has not for a second regretted the decision to get this particular breed.”

These and many other positive reviews appear on the Internet. Families with grown-up children are most delighted with these puppies. The dogs get along well with both adults and children and become a friend to every family member.

Color variations and appearance

But many breeders who like the Maltipoo breed are also interested in color and coat type. This is worth talking about at least briefly.

There are generally three types of wool:

  • Smooth, silky. The most expensive and popular type. This wool is easy to care for and beautiful.
  • Curly wool. Inherited from a poodle. It causes quite a lot of trouble and, if not taken care of, quickly falls into tangles.
  • Coarse wavy coat. The rarest, but not too beautiful, so these puppies are sold at the lowest price.

In general, among mestizos, color is always a lottery. Even the best breeder cannot say for sure what the newborn Maltipoo puppies will be like. The colors commonly found are silver, blue, red, brown, peach and cream. Black and white maltipoos are quite common. But it is also possible that they have a combination of several colors.

Appearance of Maltipoo

The lack of an official standard is largely due to the fact that the breed does not have a specific external type. Each puppy is born individual, to one degree or another similar to one of the parents. But maltipus, of course, have some common features. These include:

  • short, but not flattened muzzle;
  • black, gray or spotted nose;
  • wide-set round eyes of dark color;
  • non-shedding, curly or wavy coat of medium length;
  • drooping ears approximately half the length of the head;
  • paws of medium length, approximately equal to the height from the elbow to the withers;
  • general impression - they look like funny Teddy bears;
  • compact dimensions - about 3–7 kg weight and 12–35 cm height.

Maltipoo - owners of interesting appearance

There is also a variety of Mini Maltipoo - these are small Maltipoos descended from the Poodle and the Mini Maltese.

Particularly striking are the representatives of the first generation F1 - the children of the poodle and the Maltese. Generations F2 and beyond, born from maltipoo matings, have less pronounced breed characteristics, often becoming even more similar to one of their ancestors - a poodle or lapdog.

Maltipoo colors inherit from both parents:

  • white;
  • peach;
  • silver;
  • chocolate;
  • beige;
  • black;
  • cream;
  • all colors with white spots.

Photo gallery: Maltipoo colors

Black color is rare in both poodles and maltipoos

Peach color is rich and bright Silver color and colors with white are uncommon

Beige color is slightly darker than white

White maltipoos resemble a fluffy cloud

Features of character and behavior

Of course, it is important for every breeder who likes a Maltipoo dog to know the description and characteristics of this breed.

The puppies are surprisingly miniature

You can’t call them particularly smart, but the multi-poo dog breed doesn’t pretend to be that way. Their main purpose is to please the eyes of their owners. And they cope with this function perfectly.

Attention! In addition, these micro dogs have a very soft, pleasant character.

The owner and his loved ones can cuddle them for hours, carry them in their arms, scratch them and play - the more attention they receive, the better for them. Not at all like many dogs who get tired of playing together and would prefer to relax in a cozy basket.

Training and education

Maltipoos are smart and easy to train, but they tend to be stubborn. From the first months of life, the baby is explained who is boss in the house. Otherwise, the dog will begin to manipulate the household and quickly sit on the neck.

You cannot use brute force on a Maltipoo: the dog will become withdrawn and will not be able to concentrate on the activity. Training should be based on a reward system and be regular. Do not overload the puppy beyond what is required. The first lessons should last about 20 minutes so that the child does not lose concentration.

Education begins from the first months of life. The Maltipoo is trained to a place, a diet, walks and a toilet. It is very important that the prohibitions are permanent and observed by every family member. If a dog is not allowed to get food from the table, it should not be given a single piece. Once you give in, your education will go down the drain.

Advantages and disadvantages

In general, when getting a dog, it is very important to know about the advantages and disadvantages of the breed to which it belongs. What can we say about this dwarf mestizo?

The undoubted advantages are:

  • hypoallergenic,
  • no shedding,
  • calm, peaceful character,
  • lack of desire for dominance,
  • chic appearance.

The dog has no obvious flaws. Except that it is relatively difficult to care for and the inability to use the pet as a guard or watchman - after all, this is an exclusively decorative dog.

Key facts

Maltipoo (maltipoodle, pu-malti) are miniature pets that resemble charming “teddy bears” in appearance. Due to the lack of seasonal shedding, they are suitable for people suffering from allergic diseases.

Active and cheerful dogs are often used in the treatment of stress, depression and mental disorders, and they become ideal companions for elderly and lonely people. Through psycho-emotional contact there is a positive impact on a person.

The description of the Maltipoo breed combines:

  • developed intelligence;
  • curiosity;
  • beauty;
  • miniature;
  • energy and playfulness;
  • friendly and peaceful disposition;
  • devotion to the breeder's family;
  • good learning ability;
  • fear of loneliness.

Maltipoodles are an ideal choice for inactive people, but they are definitely not suitable for careerists. Animals do not tolerate long separations from their owners well; they are prone to depression and require constant communication.

Dogs love long and frequent walks in the fresh air. Sparsely populated places are best suited for this, because tiny creatures are completely defenseless and can suffer from the aggression of larger four-legged pets.

The characteristics of the Maltipoo breed, despite the purebred dogs, have not yet been summarized by the standard, since maltipoodles are not recognized as a separate decorative breed by any cynological organization in the world. What can definitely be emphasized is a developed mind, curiosity, playfulness and agreeableness. They get along well with other pets: even rodents and cats can become true friends for them.

With proper care and proper nutrition, the life expectancy of a Maltipoo is about 14 years. If the puppy does not have congenital diseases, his health will be good for many years.

Breeders of coarse-haired Pu-Malties will need to learn grooming. Maltipoodles need to be trimmed periodically, choosing a classic or original hairstyle. It is recommended to entrust the haircut to a professional, especially if the pet constantly participates in exhibitions.

Attitude towards children and pets

Of course, when getting a pet for the whole family, a thoughtful and far-sighted person will definitely study such an important feature of the breed as relationships with children. Well, here the maltipoo shows itself in all its glory. Yes, yes, she is ready to endure squeezing, caresses, kisses, being dragged in her arms and other games for hours. At the same time, it can become a great companion for teenagers and can run and have fun with them in the park or in nature.

Healthy! The Maltipoo is an excellent choice for city dwellers, as it does not need long walks and does not wake you up in the middle of the night with loud barking for no reason or reason.

However, it is worth considering that the dog is not one of the hardy ones. Quite often she needs to rest and just enjoy the peace. In addition, she does not have a strong skeleton, so it is much easier to injure her than it might seem at first glance. So the dog needs quite careful treatment. This needs to be explained to young children right away so that they do not perceive the pet as a cute living toy - this may well end badly for both parties. A hug that is too tight can harm a dog, and when driven to despair, it can use its small but very sharp teeth.

They love to sleep

They also get along just fine with other animals, without causing them unnecessary problems. And jealousy is completely alien to the Maltipoo. Moreover, this applies equally to other dogs, as well as cats, guinea pigs and other living creatures.

Diseases and life expectancy

Maltipoos are considered a healthy breed. Hybrids are often hardier than purebred dogs, but they are not immune to disease. Maltipoo most often suffer from:

  • epilepsy;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • seizures;
  • dislocation of the kneecap.

Maltipoos are not prone to food allergies. However, poor diet can cause diarrhea. If your stool does not return to normal during the day, you should immediately consult a doctor. Diarrhea is a symptom of many dangerous diseases. Additionally, small dogs are especially susceptible to dehydration.

On average, maltipoos live 15 years.

Maltipoo and Maltese: who is better?

Before buying a puppy, it would be a good idea to look for information about similar breeds. To make an informed decision, you need to consider all the advantages and disadvantages. The temperaments of the owner and the animal must match: only then will a harmonious union be achieved.

Most often, the Maltipoo is compared to the Maltese or Maltese. The latter are a full-fledged breed, therefore they have more supporters. Maltipoo cannot reproduce without human intervention: two Maltipoo will give birth to an unknown mixed breed. The species does not reproduce itself, so it is subject to criticism. Maltipoo's are often called "dear mutts". In their case, it is impossible to predict what the puppies will be like, so breeding is associated with certain risks.

The Maltese is an ancient breed and has fans all over the world. These dogs have shown themselves to be excellent companions and have taken root well in urban environments. Their exterior and affectionate disposition inspired breeders to create the Maltipoo.

Choosing from these breeds can be difficult. The decision is often made based on the cost of the dogs. Maltipoo, as a designer breed, will cost more. In general, these animals are not much different from each other. They adore the family they live with and are known for their cheerful disposition. Despite the fact that maltipoos have not received recognition, they are no worse than full-fledged breeds.

Care and maintenance

As already mentioned, the Maltipoo is an adult dog that has only one purpose - to bring beauty to the masses. Of course, in order for her to remain attractive, you need to properly care for her. Therefore, this issue is worth studying in more detail.

Care and hygiene

The regularity of combing and grooming depends on the type of coat. For example, straight-coated smooth coats are the least problematic. It is enough to comb them 2-3 times a week and the dog will delight others with its beauty. If the coat is curly, then there are more problems - to prevent tangles from appearing, you will have to comb them out daily.

Maltipoo haircut is also a fairly popular service. Usually the hairdresser is visited before exhibitions.

It is advisable to bathe every month - this will not only maintain cleanliness, but also wash out accumulated dead hair.

On a note! It is important to consult an expert to choose the right shampoo for your specific coat.

Don't forget about the ears and eyes. The first ones need to be cleaned once a week, and the second ones need to be inspected every day. If there is suppuration, the eyes must be wiped. A cotton pad dipped in tea infusion is suitable for this.

Nails should be trimmed as needed - about once every month or two.


A serious plus for homebodies - this little dog doesn't like to go for walks. A couple of times a day, just for 30-40 minutes, leaving the house is enough for her. In the summer, the dog is happy to run after the ball and frolic, and in the winter, he will finish all his chores and run home.

Training and education

Training should be short and intense.

Note! The dog quickly picks up commands, but should not be bored with monotonous training.

But education is very important. The dog must understand what is possible and what is not. Moreover, the owner must be consistent. Otherwise, he risks becoming a real domestic tyrant.

American Eskimo dog

At the beginning of the 20th century, German Spitz dogs were brought to the United States. Because of the World War, mentioning anything German was discouraged. Therefore, the animals were renamed American Eskimo dogs. Now it is an independent breed, although it is close to the German Spitz.

American Eskimos come in three sizes. Initially, a standard type was developed up to 48 cm at the withers. Later, two more were added for apartment living: mini - up to 39 cm, toy - up to 30 cm. Two colors are recognized for them: white and with biscuit undertones.

Eskimo Spitz dogs were originally bred as companions and are suitable as a first dog for first-time owners. In the USA, circus performers love smart, artistic dogs. “Eskimos” study enthusiastically, are famous for their good memory, and remember commands and tricks on the spot.

Selection of small breeds by coat type: fluffy, long-haired, smooth-haired

Nutritional Features

Finding suitable natural food for mixed breeds is always difficult. Many people experience intolerance to the most common foods: liver, heart, cereals and vegetables.

Healthy! If you give your dog a clove of crushed garlic a week along with food, the risk of helminth infection is sharply reduced.

Therefore, many breeders prefer dry food. The main thing is to buy really high-quality, and not cheap “drying”, which uses soy instead of meat. Fortunately, the maltipoo eats little, and a kilogram is enough for several days.


The best offspring are 1st generation puppies. It is obtained by mating a lap dog or a poodle. By pairing a Maltese with a similar representative of the breed, the quality of the heirs deteriorates. With each new litter, babies lose more and more features inherent in their ancestors.

When choosing a partner for your pet, you need to familiarize yourself with the candidate’s pedigree, analyze the health and external characteristics of the dog. Deviations cannot be ignored. The presence of marriage can affect the offspring. It is necessary to introduce dogs in the apartment where the male lives. This way the dog will concentrate faster and will not run away from his friend.

The meeting should be organized 18-20 days after the girl starts estrus. The couple must be in a good mood. Nervousness will reduce your chances of success. Animals cannot be forced to mate. The process should happen naturally.

After the first contact, you need to pause and prevent future parents from meeting for 3 days after mating. Later, dog communication can be organized again. If the girl drives her partner away from her, it means fertilization has occurred.

How to choose a puppy

Every lover who likes maltipoo should visit nurseries with them only after learning how to choose the right pet.

They are amazingly friendly

To begin with, the puppy should be calm and friendly. Cowardly or aggressive dogs will definitely cause a lot of problems.

You also need to study your appearance. The coat is ideally even and smooth.

Attention! Of course, it is better to buy puppies that are already grown up - at least 3-4 months old.

Yes, it's more expensive. But you can immediately understand what type of fur your pet will have.

Tips for choosing a puppy

The choice of a puppy should be approached responsibly and seriously. Before doing this, you should weigh the pros and cons, deciding whether you and your family members have enough time to walk your dog often and regularly care for its coat.

In addition, you need to be prepared for frequent visits to the veterinary clinic - at least for preventive purposes. Going to the groomer is no less important. The Maltipoo breed is definitely not suitable for busy people.

You should only purchase a Maltipoo puppy from official nurseries. It is recommended:

  1. Get to know the puppy's pedigree and its parents - the Maltese and the poodle must be purebred.
  2. Check with the breeder which hybrids were used in the mating. It has been proven that 1st generation Poodle and Maltese puppies are more beautiful than 2nd generation Maltipoo puppies. In addition, in the second case, dogs shed profusely, and hypoallergenicity is out of the question.
  3. When choosing a puppy from two maltipoos, be sure to check the age of the mother bitch. So, if the woman giving birth is less than 2 years old, there is a high risk of buying a pet with some genetic disease or defect. Contact nurseries that conduct DNA tests to identify this problem at an early age.
  4. The Maltipoo puppy does not receive a pedigree, but it must have a veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations and parental participation in certain competitions and exhibitions.

Professional dog handlers advise buyers to warn the seller that in the future it is planned to show the Maltipoo at competitions. In this case, a puppy with the best characteristics will be selected, the price of which will be significantly higher.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the baby’s behavior - he should be playful, cheerful, and easy to make contact with. Otherwise, there is a possibility of some illness.

How much does it cost to own a dog?

Any responsible person who decides to own a Maltipoo is probably interested in how much money will have to be spent on its maintenance.

Of course, it is impossible to give a definite answer here. It all depends on several factors:

  • Diet. Home cooking is significantly cheaper than premium food.
  • Regularity of exhibitions. The more often the owners take their pet to the exhibition, the more often they will have to visit the beauty salon, where the Maltipoo will be brought into perfect order. Of course, it doesn't come cheap.
  • Willingness to care for animals. If the owner combs it out, washes it, and takes care of hygiene, rather than turning to specialists, this will save a lot of money.

As a result, the cost of maintenance may well vary from several hundred rubles to several tens of thousands per month.

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