Maltipoo dog. Description, features, care and price of the Maltipoo breed

History of the breed

In another way, Maltipus are also called “designer dogs.” This phenomenon arose in the 50s of the last century in Great Britain, where a cross between a corgi and a dachshund, called a dorgi, was obtained. Then breeders began working with other breeds, as a result of which more and more new representatives of pets began to appear.

The Maltipoo's homeland is in the United States. The breeders wanted to get hypoallergenic companion dogs, and their efforts were almost 100% successful. Most people who have an allergic reaction to dog hair forget about their sores when interacting with representatives of this breed.

Helpful advice. If you have health problems, you should visit an allergist before purchasing such a dog.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the first representatives of the breed were brought to Russia. In their homeland, maltipus have long become incredibly popular. Small dogs are participants in various rehabilitation programs: thanks to communication with plush four-legged dogs, a person is able to overcome nervous disorder and stress.

Breed characteristics and character

For the first time, breeders began to use the term “designer breed” at the end of the 11th century, trying to cross the poodle with other purebred breeds. They pursued the goal of developing a hypoallergenic breed that would combine the best qualities of its parents.

The Maltipoo dog was bred in a similar way , the name of which was literally given to it by its ancestors - its mother and father are considered to be the Maltese (malti-) and the toy poodle (-poo).

Maltipoo age 4 months

It came to Russia in the early tenths of the 21st century from America, where it has the status of the most popular “designer” breed.” However, some breeders do not risk loudly declaring that this dog is a purebred dog. Some of them believe that this is just a design decision.

In addition, the Maltipoo breed is not recognized by any of the cynological associations. Therefore it has no standards. However, her fan circle created a dog registry and the North American Club. In a word, this animal is now at the peak of popularity among bright pocket dogs both in the States and in Russia.

As for character, the pet has a cheerful, sociable disposition. The dog is affectionate towards his owner and is an excellent family dog ​​and good companion. Unlike many other breeds, including large ones, these dogs will fit perfectly into a city apartment. Moreover, one of its main advantages is the absence of shedding. And the wool is fluffy and hypoallergenic.

Black and white maltipoo puppy

The dog can get along well with a wide variety of animals, loves children and plays with them. And in general, four-legged animals are characterized by a comprehensive love for people and always strive to bring joy.

Besides, she's smart. The Maltipoo also well-mannered and at a social event it can pretend to be a teddy bear or a soft toy, quietly peeking out from under an armpit or from a clutch.

But if left alone, the dog may fall into a depressed state - it cannot stand loneliness. Therefore, if a person goes on frequent and long business trips or is away from home for a long time, then it is better for him to opt for some other animal.

Being naturally mobile and active, the maltipoo is incredibly happy when its owner walks it. But it is important to keep the dog on a leash, since this nimble dog will physically not be able to respond to aggression with aggression.

It is recommended to walk with your four-legged friend for at least 20 minutes a day. If time allows, you can spend longer time outside with your dog. On walks, entertainment can be combined with training.

Maltipoo age 2 years

It is important to know that although the Maltipoo is considered an intelligent dog, it is also willful and very stubborn. Therefore, the main principles of working with animals are endurance, firmness, consistency and fairness. But forcing the dog by shouting at it will definitely not work.

Description of the breed, characteristics with photos

Quadrupeds are most similar to living toys due to their external characteristics; they were inherited by hybrids from lapdogs, but poodles endowed their descendants with soft, curly fur.

Designer dogs can be described as follows:

  • Maltipoo grow up to 12 - 35 cm, and gain weight 1.5 - 3.5 kg. Adult representatives of the breed can weigh differently, it all depends on the variety. Mini-maltipoos should not weigh more than 2.5 kg; anything above this value is already considered a variety - standard;
  • dogs have a squat but harmonious build;
  • the ears are quite long, drooping and covered with a lot of hair;
  • the nose is dark in color;
  • the eyes are round in shape, the iris is dark (the pupil is almost invisible).

Maltipoos can have one of three coat types:

  1. Straight. The hair has a soft silky texture. This is exactly the type of wool that Maltese dogs can boast of.
  2. Curly. The coat grows densely and is soft to the touch. If a dog with such a “fur coat” is not properly cared for, the fur will form tangles.
  3. Tough. The hair is hard and rough. This type of coat is considered rare and undesirable.

A description of the appearance would be incomplete without mentioning the colors of which the Maltipoo has a large number. The main suits are as follows:

  • apricot;
  • white;
  • brown;
  • cream;
  • gray;
  • black.

Breed standard

As already mentioned, dog handlers do not recognize this dog as a purebred dog, and therefore it does not have any special standards. However, there are features that make it possible to distinguish this dog from similar breeds.

About the Maltipoo we can say that the dog is a cheerful, sociable and carefree puppy until old age. The size of the maltipoo relative to other decorative canines is not too large. With a height at the withers of 12 to 35 cm, they weigh from one and a half to four kilograms, depending on whether we are talking about a male or a female.

The dog has a proportional build with floppy ears and round brown eyes. Wool color has a rich palette, up to definitive black and neutral white. But the most common maltipoos are light colors - coffee, the color of baked milk, apricot and delicate cream.

Red maltipoo

The fur of these dogs is soft and fluffy, so often in the photo the Maltipoo looks like a plush toy like a soft teddy bear. In addition, it can be long, straight and wavy or even flowing.

Advantages and disadvantages of Maltipoo

Each breed has its pros and cons, and these pets have them too. You can see them in the following table.

Vivid external dataThere is no official breed standard
Good ability to train. Maltipoo quickly remember simple commands, and the owner will not have to ask his dog twice to fulfill the necessary requirement Unrecognized by canine associations
Hypoallergenic coat

Maintenance, care

Before getting such an interesting pet, you should become more familiar with what conditions need to be provided for a small dog to live comfortably.

Representatives of the breed are indoor dogs, which means the street is absolutely not a suitable place for them. By the time the puppy is transported to his new home, it is necessary to prepare a corner for the dog. In the apartment, choose a secluded corner as far as possible from door and window openings, because... drafts can cause colds.

On a note. Instead of bedding for Maltipoo, it is recommended to purchase baskets with a low entrance.

In addition, do not forget about toys, a leash with a collar or harness, diapers for the toilet, tray, containers for food and water. Representatives of the breed have a coat that must be taken care of. If the dog has straight hair, the dog is combed 2-3 times every 7 days, and the Maltipoo with a curly “fur coat” is brushed daily.

In addition to grooming, it is necessary to keep the ears, eyes and teeth clean. When carrying out procedures at home, you should make sure in advance that you have the necessary items on hand:

  • ophthalmic solution, can be replaced with chamomile decoction or tea leaves;
  • cloth napkins;
  • Toothbrush;
  • special paste for dogs.

All manipulations with a pet must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to harm the animal. If you are unsure of your own abilities, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Worth knowing. Your pet may not like brushing his teeth, which is why he is taught this procedure from puppyhood.


Here you need to pay attention to the age category of the dog. Puppies are fed at least 6 times a day, and very often, until the age of 90 days, babies feed exclusively on mother's milk. From 3 months you can start complementary feeding with adult food. Each component is introduced with 4 parts of the daily norm, gradually bringing it to the required amount.

Important point. It is recommended to introduce new foods into the diet one by one, so that if the puppy’s well-being worsens (disorder of the digestive system), we can understand why exactly this happened.

Adult animals are fed 2 times a day. Here the owner himself must decide which type of feeding to choose: using factory-made pellets or natural products. Each option has pros and cons. In the first case, you need to opt for granules that belong to the holistic or super-premium class. As for natural products, their list will be presented in the following table.

Maltipoo food

You can giveCan't give
Boiled meat products (poultry, rabbit, beefFried products
Raw liver (scalded with boiling water)Smoked meats
Fermented milk products: low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat kefir Pickles
Vegetables and greens: carrots, cucumbers, bell peppersChocolate
Baking in any form
Fruits: apples, pears, melons (every 3 days) in small quantitiesMilk
Porridge made from rice, buckwheat or oatmealPotatoes, representatives of the legume family

Note to the owner. Representatives of the breed simply love to beg for tidbits, but you should not spoil your pet, otherwise he will face obesity and health problems.

When choosing a natural feeding method, you must not forget about the mandatory addition of vitamins and mineral components so that the dog receives all the necessary microelements from its diet.

No matter what food option the owner chooses for the maltipoo, it is necessary to leave a bowl of clean water in a place accessible to the pet; it should always be available.


They begin training the puppy as soon as it moves to a new home. A dog is not a toy; this must always be remembered. Most owners are faced with the problem of training a puppy to wear a diaper, because... A small animal is not always able to climb into a tray that acts as a toilet.

The diaper is placed at a sufficient distance from the place where the dog eats, as well as from the place where it sleeps. After the puppy eats or sleeps, he will look for a place to relieve his natural needs. At this time, the pet needs to be put on a diaper and see what it will do.

If it doesn’t work out the first time, don’t despair, much less punish the puppy very strictly. The procedure with the diaper is repeated until the dog understands what is required of it. After successfully completing all tasks, the pet must be rewarded with a treat.

From the age of 60 days you can begin training; if you postpone the educational process until later, you will have to spend more effort, because Maltipu has a rather capricious character.

An important point in training is the presence of permanent prohibitions. If the dog is prohibited from receiving handouts from the table, then none of the family members should feed the pet, otherwise the whole process will have to start all over again.

Parenting mistakes

Raising a pet is not as simple as it seems, and therefore people often make some mistakes, and not only in relation to the Maltipoo. We need to look in more detail at what not to do:

  1. You cannot punish a dog when it approaches its owner. For an animal, one punishment is enough for it to then refuse to approach its owner, even if he offers goodies.
  2. Very often, inexperienced dog breeders poke their four-legged dog into puddles or piles left in the wrong place. For a pet, such a command “sounds” completely opposite.
  3. The dog takes out his bad mood. The owner must be able to keep his emotional state under control.
  4. No punishment. It is always used for training purposes, and not just for the sake of hitting the animal.
  5. Too many demands. The puppy will not be able to learn all the commands at once. The important thing here is to be patient and be consistent.
  6. Family members use different parenting methods. For example, some household members may feed the dog, while others may prohibit begging from the table. This shouldn't happen. All education occurs according to clearly established identical patterns.


Maltipoo puppies should eat at least six times a day, and adults, as in most other breeds, twice a day. By the way, breeders do not recommend separating the baby from mom and dad until he is three months old. A baby fed with parental milk is healthier and has stronger immunity.

The process of transferring from mother's milk to adult food should occur gradually. Accustoming begins with a quarter of a serving per day, gradually increasing the amount of food to one serving. All products are introduced this way.

Maltipoo puppies

Considering that one of the main physical advantages of the Maltipoo is their silky plush coat, to maintain it, it is necessary to include mineral supplements and vitamins in the dog’s diet. It’s not worth talking about a balanced diet, since this is an obvious thing.

It will be optimal if the menu includes dietary products with average calorie content, such as boiled chicken, sea fish, beef or rabbit. Sometimes it is allowed to feed your pet raw beef.

In addition to protein, which should form the basis of the diet, the maltipoo needs fermented milk products other than milk, as well as vegetables such as sweet peppers and cucumbers. The dog loves fruits and also respects greens.

Cereals deserve special mention. It is important to feed your dog buckwheat and rice porridge, and pamper your dog with walnuts and honey two to three times a week. In this case, there should be a minimum amount of honey.

But the list of prohibited foods is very banal: pickles, smoked foods, and fried foods are not recommended. Sweets such as chocolate and baked goods, and indeed any baked goods, are strictly prohibited.


And now all the information on the breed has been collected, all the nuances have been taken into account, the pros and cons have been weighed, and a decision has been made to purchase a Maltipoo. It is important not only to find a good breeder, but also to be able to choose a dog.

Choosing a puppy

A dog of this breed is an expensive pleasure, because... It is extremely popular among animal lovers. Despite the fact that these four-legged animals have been known for a long time, no one is going to reduce their prices.

Good to know. Finding a puppy is a responsible matter and this is due to the fact that there are very few nurseries on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In order not to make a bad choice, it is recommended to make a purchase in the presence of a specialist, because Today there are too many scammers selling mongrel dogs that vaguely resemble a Maltipoo for a lot of money.


Pricing policy consists of many components:

  • parents' pedigrees;
  • suit;
  • age group;
  • external data;
  • coat type, etc.

You can buy dogs from 50,000 (pet) to 120,000 rubles and above (elite representatives of the breed).

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