You can safely leave them at home: dog breeds that tolerate loneliness well

If you are thinking about what kind of dog you can get in an apartment, pay attention to the list of breeds adapted to living in a small area. The four-legged animals included in it are united not only by modest dimensions, but also by certain character traits, as well as conditions of care. Some large and giant breeds can do without a holiday home - so don't rush to choose the first puppy you come across without looking at all the possible options.

Akita Inu

Such animals are considered one of the most independent dog breeds. And this quality can be called both positive and negative. Although Akita Inus tend to be aloof, they get along well with other dogs. These pets are attached to their owners. And they don’t trust strangers too much. After all, Akita Inu are guard dogs by nature.

These are strong, majestic animals. Akita Inus have a self-confident and calm disposition. However, the owner may have problems training the pet. And the fluffy and thick hair of dogs needs regular grooming.


Franckreporter/Getty Images/iStockphoto/iStock

Collies are known to love the companionship and cuddles of their human friends. These loyal and intelligent dogs will shower you with love all day long.

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Chow chow

These are brave and independent animals.

Chow Chows are known for their fluffy, thick fur and dark tongue. This is one of the ancient breeds that was bred in China. Chow chows were used as guard dogs. Representatives of the breed feel quite comfortable alone. Chow chows have a stubborn character. It is quite difficult to train such pets. It is better to do this at an early age, when the animal’s character has not yet formed. Chow Chows do not require special attention from their owners. However, they form a close emotional connection with their owners.

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Jack Russell Terrier

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their independent disposition. But sometimes they show excessive intrusiveness. The character traits of pets depend on socialization, the presence or absence of training at an early age, as well as individual characteristics. If the dog is not very sociable, it feels comfortable alone and even in the company of strangers. The Jack Russell Terrier can be stubborn. However, representatives of the breed are distinguished by their loyal, friendly disposition. Another advantage of such dogs is that their coat does not require frequent grooming.

What kind of dog is better to have in an apartment?

There are many breeds of dogs that are suitable for an apartment - small, medium, large. The top includes the most unpretentious, intelligent animals capable of living in city high-rise buildings. Below you will find a list of breeds with photographs, names, and main characteristics.

Small breed dogs

Small breeds of dogs for an apartment are the best option , since they do not require a lot of space or food, and some pets can go to the litter box.

Yorkshire Terrier

Many pet owners claim that Yorkshire Terriers are the best dogs for apartments. They tolerate cramped conditions, moving and traveling , and these animals can also be carried in a bag and dressed up. They get along well with children , but care must be taken to ensure that the child does not accidentally injure the dog. The disadvantage is that the Yorkie's coat requires careful care , and their character can be difficult, so you should not keep it with other pets.

Pomeranian Spitz

The best breed for families with children and people with allergies - cheerful, active, with thick hair that does not cause unwanted reactions. Pomeranians live in small apartments without problems, do not need additional stress , and eat little. Problems with hair falling out can be solved with haircuts, but there are other nuances. These small dogs love to bark and have a hard time withstanding the heat. In addition, they may be aggressive towards other animals on the street or at home.

Shih Tzu

Cheerful, loyal, Shih Tzus make ideal companions for children, teenagers or those who lack companionship. They love to play, but can lie on the sofa next to their owner. For allergy sufferers, it is better to choose dogs for an apartment with other characteristics, since the Shih Tzu has a thick undercoat, but without the characteristic “dog” smell. When buying such a pet for your apartment, do not forget that the coat requires care , and if there is no upbringing, the puppy will grow up disobedient.

Jack Russell Terrier

The breed with a playful, cheerful disposition became especially popular after the release of the film “The Mask”. Its representatives love to spend time with children . The Jack Russell Terrier is unpretentious , does not require constant care, but needs a lot of attention from the owner . A good watchman - they treat strangers with caution, without aggression. The downside is that it requires a long walk , and it will be difficult to keep track of an active, inquisitive pet.


The breed is suitable for those who need a dog for a small apartment - according to the Guinness Book of Records, it has the smallest size . Chihuahuas come in either long-haired or smooth-haired varieties, so choosing the right variety is easy. They are smart, loyal, active, love children, and get along with other animals . They are more likely to be leaders by nature, which can cause conflicts, and they are also often jealous of their owners towards members of the household or strangers.


Short-haired dogs, which are considered the oldest representatives of decorative breeds. You can have them in an apartment of any size - the pets quickly get used to the tray , are obedient, balanced, and get along well with household members. Pugs are not prone to an active lifestyle , which can be called both a plus and a minus. They are among the calmest dog breeds for apartments, but are prone to obesity , so the owner will have to control their appetite.


An ideal friend for children and the elderly with a cheerful, playful character. The attitude towards others is loyal, but on condition that his leadership is recognized. Dachshunds live in cramped conditions, are easy to care for , and prefer short, active walks. Disadvantages include a love of digging holes (they can do this even in an apartment), loud barking , which often disturbs neighbors, a tendency to be overweight and have spinal diseases.

Russian toy terrier

Despite their slight build, these babies can be wayward , so it is better for adults to have them. They love walks, but in bad weather they can stay at home , using the tray for their needs. Russian Toy Terriers need to be watched, especially on the street. They have an active, curious character and fragile physique - this can cause injuries that take a long time to heal and require professional, sometimes expensive, treatment.

Italian Greyhound

Small Italian Greyhounds, or Italian Greyhounds, are the tiniest of the group of hunting greyhounds. They have a calm, accommodating character , so the animal will fit into a large family. Walks are required in moderation , and in cold weather Italian greyhounds need to be insulated. From the first days, the pet must be taught the rules of good behavior, since it is difficult to cope with an adult, ill-mannered dog.

miniature pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is a miniature Doberman with an energetic, fearless disposition, designed exclusively for indoor use. This is a great friend for all family members , who loves to communicate with his owners, but is difficult to train. Miniature pinschers do not tolerate loneliness well , and require regular walks and physical activity .

French Bulldog

Friendly, intelligent, active animals, capable of making friends with everyone around them . They are suitable for keeping in a family, but do not like to be left alone - they chew things, bark, and whine. French bulldogs love to go for walks, but only in comfortable weather - they need to be insulated in winter and protected from the heat in summer. The health of such pets is fragile - due to the characteristics of the breed, they suffer from eye diseases, problems with the nasopharynx, dermatitis and allergies.


Pekingese feel great in a small apartment; they love to be around people , but if necessary they remain alone . They are difficult to train due to their stubborn, capricious nature, but they are very loyal to their owners. The thick coat of the Pekingese requires regular, careful grooming; shedding occurs almost constantly.

Chinese Crested

He has a friendly, accommodating character, is strongly attached to his owner , and does not tolerate loneliness well. The Chinese Crested is not aggressive towards younger members of the family , but it is better to choose it as a companion for children over three years old. Representatives of the breed will have to be insulated during the cold season for walks.

Dog breeds for a medium-sized apartment

Dogs for a medium-sized apartment also do not require much space and do not cause serious trouble.


A reliable, affectionate companion belonging to the smooth-haired dog breeds. Beagles feel great in an apartment, but require active walking and quickly make friends with children or other pets. It is advisable to walk your pets on a leash - they are insatiably curious and can run away. The dog is easy to care for , but is prone to gluttony.

Basset Hound

These apartment dogs have a calm, melancholic disposition - it is almost impossible to get them angry. Bassets do not require special care , are good with children , and love calm, leisurely walks. There are usually no problems with young individuals, except for their independent nature - they do not obey commands well. Older pets require more attention, as they are prone to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


Labradoodles are great for keeping in a large family. Their character is playful, but unobtrusive - the animal can play on its own when the owner is in sight. They love children, are absolutely non-aggressive , do not require too much care, but are not suitable for older people due to hyperactivity. A Labradoodle won't work as a guard either - representatives of the breed are friendly towards strangers and other animals.


Unusual smooth-haired dogs that do not cause allergies, do not smell, and what is most amazing, do not bark - when the Basenji does not like something, it makes gurgling sounds. Due to these features, they are often called ideal pets . They are energetic, independent and very smart, so they are easy to train and understand the owner, and also require long-term walking.


Despite their cute appearance, poodles are very intelligent and easy to train . These are excellent dogs for keeping in an apartment - they are clean, do not cause allergies and practically do not leave hair on surfaces. The color of a poodle can vary from black to peach, so you can choose the dog according to your taste. To keep your pet in order, you need to comb it at least 2-3 times a week and trim it regularly - otherwise caring for a poodle will not be difficult.

English cocker spaniel

Funny, smart and quick-witted dogs for those who prefer an active lifestyle . They are easy to train, non-aggressive and get along well with household members , but they can be jealous of others. The coat has 30 color options and requires good care - combing and bathing, which these dogs love very much. You can keep cocker spaniels in an apartment only if you walk them for a long time , otherwise the dog will get bored, make noise and misbehave.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Friendly, affectionate and very loyal smooth-haired dogs. They have a playful disposition and excellent guarding abilities . The Staffordshire Bull Terrier does not require serious coat care, but it will have to be trained constantly . The pet requires adaptation, is difficult to train, and during walks it needs increased stress , as it has a tendency to obesity.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Favorite breed of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. Animals are great for one-room apartments and feel great even in a limited space. He loves to work in a team , but will only obey his master. Welsh Corgis should be protected from jumping from heights , because... spinal injuries are possible due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure.

English bulldog

Courageous, strong and balanced, the English Bulldog will be a good companion for older people and those who prefer a quiet lifestyle . They are slightly melancholic, do not show aggression without a reason and will happily spend time on the sofa . He does not need a long walk, especially in bad weather - bulldogs are in rather poor health. Pets also snore and require careful care.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Good-natured, intelligent and loyal animals, who do not like to be left alone , howl and become aggressive. King Charles Spaniels are easy to train , but can sometimes be stubborn and willful. They need to be bathed no more than 3 times a year, but their long hair will need to be combed regularly . They love to hunt birds, and during a walk they can go chasing a bird or a butterfly.

Border Collie

Active and intelligent herding dogs with a playful, restless character. They are easy to train and willingly carry out complex commands . Suitable for keeping in an apartment, provided that the owners pay attention to it , otherwise the Border Collie cannot do without spoiled things and other troubles.

Large dogs for apartments

A large dog for apartment living is not an easy option . Before you get her, consider whether you can provide her with proper care and nutrition.


Energetic and cheerful pets with a bright appearance. These are dogs suitable for apartments only if you train them regularly and are patient . Otherwise, there is no hassle with the breed - Dalmatians can be used as guards or companions , they are clean and rarely get sick.


Representatives of the breed will make excellent friends and companions, but they require the attention of the owner - they get very bored alone. Labradors have a good-natured and cheerful character, they are trainable and love children . They are quite clumsy , so they destroy everything in their path, are prone to molting, love to chew things even in adulthood, and during walks they pick up food.


Loyal dogs that understand commands well and are non-aggressive towards others , but if their owner is threatened, they are able to defend him. Collies are friends with children, take care of them and show patience with other animals. The main difficulty is caring for your pet's long hair - it needs to be constantly combed and washed, otherwise it will get tangled.


A powerful, large animal, it is distinguished by a high level of trainability, pronounced protective qualities , and an easy-going character. Dobermans are patient with other animals, love to play with children, love to walk a lot , and require regular training and sufficient physical activity.

Giant Schnauzer

The main characteristics are calmness, balance, intelligence. Animals have excellent protective qualities, are wary of strangers and love to spend time with people of any age . The coat of Giant Schnauzers is hard and quite long, so it requires constant care . Regular walks and exercise are necessary, otherwise the dog will show inappropriate activity in the apartment.


Keeping Newfoundlands in an apartment is comfortable due to their amazing calmness . They are very smart, friendly, able to share territory with other animals, and love children . Newfoundlands are highly trainable, require moderate physical activity , and love to swim. The coat needs to be constantly looked after, and in the summer it needs to be protected from the scorching sun.

German Shepherd

“Germans” are obedient, intelligent, loyal animals. jealously guard the apartment and their owners, love active games, and are highly trainable . The character of German Shepherds is slightly phlegmatic, but for apartment living this is an advantage, since they do not require a lot of space to live . If you do not raise a puppy from childhood, he will grow up wayward and aggressive.

German dog

Very beautiful, friendly, adequate dogs that show aggression only when there is a threat to the owner. Great Danes get along well with pets and children, they are unpretentious, but require long walks, physical activity , and proper nutrition. The main disadvantages are increased salivation, excessive shedding, intractability in the absence of education.

Saint Bernard

Good-natured, phlegmatic dogs that rarely give in to provocations. They adore children, are affectionate, devoted, but are not suitable for small apartments , as they are gigantic in size. Saint Bernards need regular physical activity and a balanced diet - without exercise, joint diseases are possible.

Neapolitan Mastiff

The breed is classified as short-haired and has many color options. Mastiffs have a calm, non-conflict character, but require constant communication - the dogs are very bored without their owners, experiencing stress that can worsen their health. Representatives of the breed do not differ in cleanliness - they have increased salivation.


Boxers rarely show unmotivated aggression , despite their reputation as dangerous animals, although they have an antipathy towards cats and rodents . They love children , are jealous of their owners, and perform excellent security functions. Boxers require constant walking - thanks to their powerful muscles, they are able to walk long distances.

Golden retriever

Friendly, affectionate golden retrievers are the most popular pets among apartment dwellers. They are smart, active, love to play, maintaining this behavior until old age . These animals love children, but require long daily walks and grooming. Retrievers are not suitable for home protection as they are friendly towards strangers.

If you are still thinking about which dogs are best to keep in an apartment, look at the photo. Perhaps one of them will touch your heart, and you will want to get such a four-legged friend.



Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their affectionate nature and show affection for their owners. Such dogs feel good alone, provided that they have been accustomed from childhood to the long absence of their owners. The Bullmastiff is a rather talkative pet. And it grows to large sizes.

This dog is more suitable for living in a private house than in a city apartment. Representatives of the breed are not very active. And therefore, they will easily spend several hours within four walls.

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Like Jack Russell Terriers, these dogs can be both independent and overly affectionate. If a representative of the breed is not very sociable, he can be left alone for a long time. Chihuahuas need to be taught order at an early age. Otherwise, pets grow up stubborn. They do not obey their owners, do not get along well with others and animals, and are aggressive. When training such dogs, you need to use positive reinforcement. Then the Chihuahua will easily learn the necessary skills.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Daniloandjus/Getty Images/iStock

These little dogs are sweet, gentle and always ready for a cuddle. Their big eyes and floppy ears will easily melt your heart. If you ever wonder how your beau feels about you, just watch how quickly he wags his tail whenever you walk through the door.

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Basset Hound

It’s impossible not to fall in love with these charming and funny animals with long ears and a measured gait.

The Basset Hound is a breed that was bred for hunting. Therefore, in the absence of training, it can demonstrate aggression. But with proper upbringing, such puppies grow into affectionate, calm dogs with a gentle character. They are great for living in city apartments. And they feel comfortable alone. The Basset Hound is a dog that values ​​its owners very much. And at the same time he gets along well with strangers.

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Old English Sheepdogs

Radarreklama / Getty Images/iStockphoto / iStock

Old English Sheepdogs can have a scary bark, but don't let that scare you off. This breed is known for its kindness and playfulness, and it is also great for children of all ages.

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French Bulldog

These are good-natured, calm dogs that tolerate loneliness well. French Bulldogs are highly trainable. Miniature animals are suitable for living in small apartments.

Representatives of the breed love to spend time with their owners if people offer them interesting games. However, French bulldogs are quite talkative dogs. In addition, pets are prone to rapid weight gain. It is important for owners to control their diet.

Boston Terrier

These dogs have a good-natured character.

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They get along well with children and other animals. The short coat of Boston Terriers requires virtually no maintenance. These dogs have a rather expressive voice, which they often demonstrate. But, thanks to their good-natured disposition, Boston Terriers bark during play, and not at all to show aggression.

English Foxhound

These dogs tolerate loneliness well. However, they need regular physical activity, long walks, and games. Otherwise, English Foxhounds will become aggressive. In addition, these animals can bark and howl a lot if they are stressed. In general, representatives of the breed have a friendly disposition.

They are suitable for those who work from morning to evening. But only if there is another dog in the house with which the English Foxhound can communicate while the owners are away.

What to look for when choosing

Before you get a dog, you need to evaluate the conditions in which it will be kept. Don't forget that an improperly kept pet is much more distressing. Which dogs are best to keep in an apartment, and what feature is considered the most important?


There is an opinion that with small-sized pets and medium-sized dog breeds there is less hassle, but the size of the animal does not have an initial meaning . Decorative animals sometimes require tireless care, while a large pet does not cause problems. True, having a dog like a Great Dane or Shepherd in a small apartment would be irresponsible - the dog should have its own place where it and the household members will not disturb each other.


Calm dogs are preferable for apartments, as they do not cause trouble for neighbors. The character of an animal largely depends on upbringing , but some breeds require a lot of space to play. In addition, for living in the city, it is better to choose pets that can easily tolerate loneliness, otherwise they will bother the neighbors with constant barking and howling.


Most pet owners have to get used to a certain amount of fur in their home. The only exception is “naked” pets. Short-haired dogs lose hair in the same way as long-haired dogs, and the hair can be prickly and get stuck in clothes, causing a lot of discomfort.

The “woolen” selection criterion is important when there are allergy sufferers among the household. The situation will be saved by hypoallergenic dogs for apartments - animals from this category do not have a thick undercoat, so they are less likely to cause unwanted reactions. With proper care of the animal, intense hair loss will disappear in the off-season, and with regular combing, the discomfort is minimal.

Features of the body

If we talk about which dogs are suitable for an apartment, it is worth remembering that many animals have anatomical features that should be taken into account before getting a dog in an apartment. Some dogs have increased salivation , so drool will be everywhere, which will cause special difficulties in a small apartment. Others have a special structure of the nasopharynx, so they often snore in their sleep - this can cause serious inconvenience for those who are used to sleeping in complete silence.

For apartment owners who work a lot and are rarely at home, unpretentious dogs - they only need to be bathed, fed and walked from time to time. Many small animals are difficult to place in this category. Pets with long hair need to be brushed often and make sure that hair does not get into the eyes, and “naked” pets require a lot of clothing, and before each walk the dog will have to be dressed in overalls or a coat.


If the owner of the animal is going to take part in exhibitions , he will have to buy an expensive purebred puppy, and do not forget that funds will also be needed to maintain such a pet. In other cases, you can find inexpensive breeds, and sometimes get a puppy for a nominal price .


Representatives of the breed have a calm character. They show affection to their owners. But they feel great alone. Whippet is a dog that is suitable for a city apartment. However, representatives of the breed need enough space to play. If you do not provide the animal with normal physical activity, it will develop bad habits.

Those who work from morning to evening should not worry about representatives of these breeds (if the owner provides the dog with everything necessary before leaving). The animal should not be left at home for more than 8 hours. Puppies and older pets require special care. They should not be left alone for more than 6 hours. If necessary, the owner can purchase a special tray for the dog, which it will use during his absence.

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